All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

Melanie sighed when they got back, parking under the rock overhang. John was still out. "I'll go get Ian to help you get him back to his room." She said, jogging off down into the tunnels
Jared nodded before he looked over at John with a sigh. "We're gone for two days, and when we come back we bring her boyfriend out cold.....just great."

Ian and Wanda were having lunch with Kallie.
Mel hurried up, groaning inwardly as she saw Kallie sitting there. "Uh hey guys. Ian Jared needs your help with John." Kallie immediately jumped up. "What happened? Is he okay?" Melanie held out her hands. "Wait, just calm down. He got a small dose of Peace is all. He's sleeping." Kallie still wouldn't hear it. "Where is he? I want to see him."
Kallie took a few deep breaths. She knew Ian was right. Wanda came over and patted her back. "Come on. Let's go get your room ready. Peace doesn't last long." She assured, leading the girl from the dining hall ans Melanie led Ian to where John and Jared were.
Melanie laughed. "Well it was better than expected."

Wanda led the worried Kallie back to her room to help get it ready. She helped pull the covers down and sat with Kallie. "I promise you he will be okay. Our medicines aren't made to hurt."
She nodded. "Yeah sure. Go ahead. I'll get some of the others to help."
Jared and Ian took him to Doc and placed him on one of the beds. Doc examined him before he simply said that there was nothing he could do, they would just have to wait for him to wake up. Burns agreed. The two boys returned to Melanie as Burns was sent to tell Kallie where John was.
Kallie looked up as Burns entered the open door. "He's in the infirmary. He's still asleep." She nodded. "Thank you." He tipped his head and left. Wanda stood up from where she was sitting. "C'mon. Let's head to the infirmary. Maybe you can wake him up."
John was still out cold when they cane to check on him. Doc smiled at the pair. "He'll be fine. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go talk with Jeb about something. Oh and Kallie he should be awake in about six or seven hours tops."
She nodded as he left, moving into a chair beside the bed John was laying on. "Thanks Doc." She took John's hand, squeezing it gently and stroking the back of irlt with her thumb. "C'mon baby. Wake up." She whispered, Wanda completely forgotten as she focused only on him.
She sighed sadly, laying her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "Please wake up."
She looked up, a smile on her face. "Come on. Get up lazy ass. No sleeping on the job." She laughed softly.
She grinned. "There's my baby." She kissed his cheek. "You got a lil dose of Peace and conked out. Scared me shitless."
She shook her head, laughing. "But you got the dose not me." She giggled, leaning up to kiss his lips.
She just rolled her eyes, smiling. "How're you feeling?" She asked, playfullnes becoming concern as she looked down at him.
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