All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

Melanie sort of jumped as his voice shook her out of her stupor. "Huh? Oh! Yeah this is the way." She replied. "So have you and Kallie talked about what you want the baby to be?" She asked, trying to make small talk to kill the time.
She grinned. "A little girl with Kallie's attitude and looks and your temper. Damn we're all in trouble." She laughed.
Back at the caves, Kallie was going crazy with boredom. She had tried helping several people only to be shooed away. Now her and Wanda sat in her room, talking. "What's it like? Being pregnant." The Soul asked curiously. "Well, right now there isn't much to it besides being sick to my stomach all the time." She answered honestly, picking up and tidying up the room. She looked about to see how things could possibly be moved around to make room for a crib and such.
When they finally got there Jared passed out sunglasses as he got out. "The delivery should get here soon. If we do it like normal it's a simple in and then out."
Melanie slid hers on, waiting anxiously on the delivery. She placed her hand in Jared's squeezing tightly as her foot tapped a rhythm on the floorboard.
Soon enough the truck arrived, and the driver got out and went around to the back to open it.

Jared squeezed her hand back before he got out, John doing the same. "Let's go."
Melanie nodded, quickly getting out with little noise and following the guys, eyes watching every little movement.
The pair of them took up opposite sides of the truck, waiting for the man to step out as Jared motioned for Melanie to come forward with Peace.
She nodded, pulling out the canister and holding it in front of it, finger on the sprayer.
John moved to talk to the man. "Hello. I need some help, I'm lost and I don't know where I am." As he said it he took her around the edge with him, right to where Melanie was waiting.
As soon as they turned the corner, she sprayed a cloud right into the man's face. Consequently, John also got a bit of a dose.
The man was out cold in seconds, and John sort of slumped against the truck tiredly as he yawned. "I'm....I'm okay....get everything.....packed up." He found it hard to concentrate.

Jared rounded the corner to join them, frowning slightly. "Oops...."
Melanie sighed. "Dammit. I'm sorry John." She hurriedly helped Jared load the supplies and helped get John in the truck.
By the time they had everything loaded up, he was out cold. Jared slid into the driver's seat as he started the car glancing back at John for a moment. "Wonder how long it'll last."
She looked back, frowning. "Hopefully not too long. Kallie wil have a heart attack if we bring him in unconcious." She answered, reaching back to check.his pulse and breathing as they started back towards the caverns.
She laughed. "I just hope she doesn't stress too much because of the baby." She looked back at the sleeping man. "And I doubt she'd kill us. She would be worrying over him and not even think about it."
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