All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

She giggled and kissed him back. "Perhaps it is best that we move away from each other to bathe this time. And I need to finish washing our clothes out."
He laughed and smiled as he kissed her gently, breathing out hard. "Perhaps...." He pulled away from her then, wincing slightly as he did. He really wanted her, but they weren't safe here.
Kallie bathed quickly, washing all remenants of their heated coupling from between her legs. She climbed out, choosing to let the sun dry her off while she washed out their clothes, wringing them dry.
He bathed a bit slower, wanting to savor the lake. He had no idea how long they'd have it. When he finally got out, Kallie was almost finished up with their clothes as he looked around frowning. "This place is nice...but I feel like we're missing something." He kept looking around before he stared at the waterfall. "I'm gonna...go check something out." He pulled on the same clothes from earlier then, starting across the lake and pausing to look back at Kallie. "If you need me shoot okay?"
She looked up from the shirt she was scrubbing. "Alright. Same to you." She pulled him down for a quick kiss. "Be careful John."
"I will...I always will." He turned away then, heading towards the water fall. If he got outnumbered, he'd only fire one shot. To make it so they couldn't use his memories to get to her.
Kallie watched as he left, a sense of unease covering her. She got dressed and packed away their things before climbing into a shallow outcropping that faced the waterfall. She kept her gun right beside her, hand on it while she waited for him to come back.
A little while before he came out of the waterfall literally walking right out of it, the water pounding down on his head as he started to smile at her, and then the smile faded just as suddenly as moved back behind it, hidden form sight. There was a helicopter approaching their clearing, doing one of their forward sweeps. The sound of the water fall had drowned out the wine of the chopper itself. Kallie would be hidden from sight in that cove, and John would be safe behind the waterfall. Assuming nothing was there to attract them....they'd pass by and wouldn't even stop to check the area on foot.
Kallie gasped as she heard the beat of the coptors propellers. Her heart stopped when she saw John walk out, smiling before ducking back inside. A small sigh o relief escaped her until she heard the crunch of shoes in the forest floor. She held her breath, blood frozen in her veins as she pressed herself back against the rocky wall.
A seeker, a single one walked out of the forest, looking the opposite direction of Kallie, facing the water fall and the way South. He leaned down and touched their foot prints, before saying something she couldn't hear until a phone. It was odd....the seekers searched in pairs...where was the other one....and then she saw her. She was standing to the side of the water fall, touching John's foot prints, gauging how fresh they were. She said something into her phone and almost immediately the other seeker started to walk around the lake, moving to join her.
"Oh no!" Kallie whispered, her heart clenching. She thought quickly of a way to help him, scared for him. Her hand landed on a large stone. She picked it up, looking at it before making her decision. She krept out of her hiding spot, moving as quietly and quickly as she could before moving behind the male and bashing him over the head. He twitched after he collapsed then lay still. That was one. Hopefully John could handle the other.
The female seeker had looked away from the falls when her partners phone had fallen to the ground and when she saw him on the ground, her eyes widened as she started to dial a new number, even as John stepped out and punched her in the face. She stumbled backwards surprised, scrambling away from him as she pulled out peace and pressed down on it....and in her confusion she sprayed herself, smiling softly before she collapsed.
Kallie quickly took the Seeker's phone and smashed it before grabbing their things and the bag the Soul was carrying. She ran over to John and pressed the female's neck, finding two poits that would render her unconcious. Once she was out, Kallie jumped into John's arms. "I was so afraid, John. For you."
He held her tight against him, kissing her gently. "I was so afraid that I'd never see you again..." He looked down at the seekers then, silently before looking back at her. "Either we have to kill them...or get those parasites out of them....we can't let them leave. Our best chance of survival are to be ghosts."
She nodded, looking down at the woman. Suddenly, blood spurted from the Seeker's nose. "What the fuck?!" She hurried over, checking the woman's pulse. "Sh-she's...dead." She whispered.
"What?" He leaned down to look at her, feeling the pulse for himself. "Why the fuck...." He turned his attention to the other seeker then, and sure enough it was the same, blood pooling out around the head.
Kallie grabbed a flashlight from her pack and forced the Seeker's eyes open. Nothing shined back at her. "I-I think the parasite...killed itself and her." She felt sick as she looked at the thick, dark blood.
He looked at them disgusted. "We should leave...but we can't. I'm hungry and I'm damned tired of eating cold food. If we go inside the cave I can start a fire and it won't be least in there we won't be able to see them."
"We should hide the bodies though. Then we may can stay longer." She replied softly, looking away from the bodies. "Why were you smiling when you came out?"
She nodded and helped him drag the bodies away. But not before she smashed the Seeker's phone and any other electronic device in case they were being tracked.
Her eyes were distant and blank as she sat across from him, almost as if she was in shock. Images of the Seekers flashed through her mind, until finally she clenched her eyes shut and scrubbed at them.
When the fire was made, he cooked up food for them, the first hot meal they'd had in weeks. He sat beside her as he handed her her share with a sigh. "Ignore the need our strength."
She looked at the food and felt her stomach roil. "I'm not hungry." She replied softly, pushing the plate away gently. She pulled the Seeker's bags over, rummaging through them. She found several bottles of water, protien bars, something labeled Hydrate and Nourish, as well as Heal, Seal, Cool, Peace, Refresh and Sleep. She held up the silver canisters. "These may come in handy."
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