
"No, she has a knack for getting on your last nerve. It seems Rehv likes her company."He said snickering before getting out of the car to. Walking in his eyes widened slightly as he watched the crowd. It was...a treat to the eyes. It had been a really long time since he'd been anywere near BloodRain, actually since Rehv had opened the doors. Shifting slightly he nodded, "Yea...business seems good."he swallowed trying really hard to look away from the fucking couple in the corner, nearly jumping out of his skin as Trez spoke up from behind him. "Are you two indulging tonight, or hunting?"Rehv's second in command look amused as he watched them."I haven't seen any hellrens tonight, but it is still fairly early."

Rehv nodded jerkily, swallowing hard."Good. Well, you were drinking you know. It causes Fuzziness."He said shuddering a little. Carefully making his way to the chair by the window he settled his numb body(both drugs and cold helped that) into the chair, tugging the blanket up around him. Looking for all the world like a child trying to hide from the monsters that he knew existed under his bed. "No.Definately not normal."He muttered resting his head against the blanket, shivering hard enough that even across the room she could tell he was indeed shivering, he probably should be worried about hypothermia, but he truly was beyond worrying at the moment.

"...I...Well. It's a long story."he swallowed hard."My mother was a vampire lord's lover, as a human. It drew...some bad attention to her because of it. She was kidnapped and raped. The vampire lord eventually found her, but by then...it was to late, she was dying. To save her, the man changed her right away into a vampire."he shuddered huddling back into the chair. "Vampires are capable of natural reproducing for about two years after they're changed, she gave birth within a few months of changing."he glanced over at her before looking down.

"My mother was kidnapped and raped by hellrens. I'm part hellren."he whispered, tense and angry, though not with her, but with the man who'd hurt his mother,even though he had been dead for years now. staring hard at the floor, it was obvious the man had hidden this truth for centuries, and in that time, had closed himself off to the point of expecting to be rejected, to be hurt if anyone ever found out. He'd known he wouldn't be able to hide it now that he was fighting, but he hadn't thought this would be how it came out.
Kaspar nodded, tearing his eyes away from the naked bodies to look at Trez. "Good," he said, "Maybe we can do a bit of participating before they show up?" He smirked and nodded toward the bar. "I could use a stiff drink, and maybe a girl on my lap. Who's your sexiest girl you have working tonight? Preferably one who is not hooked on that shit that Rehv sells." He raised his eyebrows at Trez, because he was definitely interested on trying to get his mind off the feelings that Tohr was giving him. After Tohr made it clear that they could never happen, he figured it would be best to distract himself.

Bronte swallowed hard, listening to him with fear in her eyes. Holy shit. Not wonder he was hiding things... Not wonder he was so addicted to drugs - He was trying to numb the emotions he received from others. "Wow," she whispered, biting her lip. For once, he had managed to render Bronte speechless. She didn't know what to say or what to do, because she knew this was dangerous. No good would come out of it. And yet, she understood him. Like her, he was born into his curse. He didn't choose to be half-hellren, and she didn't choose to be the daughter of a maniac.

"I won't tell," she whispered, shaking her head, "Because if I do, they'd kill you." She looked at him through serious blue eyes, studying him from across the room. "I've helped my father - against my will - kill tons of vampires. That stopped the day he died." She stood up, the nurse in her coming out at the sight of his shivering. She put her hand on his forehead and frowned. "Come on," she murmured, "Get in the bed. You need to get warm." She took his hand (he soft, warm hand in his large, cold one) and urged him to stand up. "Does feeding warm you up? Blood, I mean..."
Trez raised a eyebrow but studied his leader before looking at kaspar."Mary there, the black haired one."He said nodding towards the tall leggy woman making her way through the crowd. One of the few women that were as tall as Rehv was, she was slender and beautiful, and from the healing bite mark on her shoulder, a regular feeding for a vampire. Tohr swallowed hard as he looked around him,feeling lost and annoyed. He so didn't want to think about what Kaspar would be doing."I need a drink."He muttered moving away from the other two, weaving his way through the crowd to get to the bar.

Rehv winced as he realized he'd frightened her. Of course he'd frightened her. He was being stupid, thinking that someone could hear he was part hellren, without freaking out. It was a good thing she didn't realize just how fucked he was with his hellren relatives and life, otherwise she'd be running screaming away from him. Snickering slightly when he realized she was speachless he shivered a little. "Now you know why I'm committing suicide."He pointed out rubbing his arms a little, trying to warm up despite the good it was doing him in numbing him out.

"Well, my problems didn't stop the day my father died. They actually got worse."he muttered wincing as he pulled his head away from her hand, wincing again as she got him to fer feed. He nodded then shrugged."It does.Some.But I can't tell I'm cold. I keep myself drugged enough that everything's numb. If I wasn't shivering I wouldn't know that hypothermia was setting in."He muttered even though through the numbness he turned his head towards her, letting her get him into the bed, feeling a echo of her emotions in his. For once, to tired and numb to care about anything,but not resisting her taking care of him

Snuggling down into the bed he sighed tiredly, closing his eyes."You should have just let me end it....you wouldn't be in this position if you'd just let me keep making myself sick..."he muttered closing his eyes. To tired and cold to fight her. While being part hellren explained some things, like why he was injuring himself, it still left the question of who was wrapping him up in silver like a pretty present. Rehv was just full of secrets, and so many of them were deadly.
Kaspar looked Mary up and down. She would do, at least for tonight. Good enough to keep his mind off of Tohr for a little while... "Ah, Mary," he murmured, taking her hand and pulling her close. He took a nice sniff, letting her sweet scent fill his nose. "I'm Kaspar. Care to keep me company?" He nodded to one of the waitresses, ordering them both a drink, then led he over to one of the couches in a darkened corner. He tried not to watch Tohr walk away, but it didn't matter. He could already feel his absence.

Bronte was a little taken back by his mention of suicide. He said it so casually, and for some reason, that bothered her. Shit. Was she becoming attached to him? No good would come of that...

"Well, good thing my position in life before you came a long wasn't anything to brag about," she said, "I won't know the difference." She held her wrist up to him, raising her eyebrows. "Go ahead. You need it, and it's not like it's going to make a difference before me. You've already had a bite out of me, anyway. What's another going to hurt?" She tilted her head to the side, sitting beside him on the bed. He looked a little ridiculous in her brother's old bed, for her brother was no much taller than her, and Rehv... Well, he was almost unnaturally tall.

"I'm not going to allow you to kill yourself," she snapped, "And if you don't cooperate, I'm going to tell Tohr. He won't kill you, but I'm positive that he won't ever leave you alone again. You can say goodbye to that club and your drugs and everything else that you've been using to avoid your issues." She glared down at him, trying to make a point. "And when we get back, you are going to allow me to do the blood transfusion."
mary smiled slowly as she looked at the man,"I would love to keep you company."she muttered looking amused as she sat down on the couch next to kaspar, glancing towards the other vampire as she ran her fingers through his hair."If you want one of the males Rehv has, there are a few that work here."She muttered.

Rehv scowled a little before sighing quietly.Frowning up at her because he had little control at the moment. Even numb and cold, and knowing he shouldn't, the man had little control. He was hungry, and being cold was making him hungrier."Another can make all the difference in the world. The blood bond for normal vampires is worse for me. Easier to feed on your emotions with it."He pointed out even through he shifted to sit up, cradling her wrist in his cold hands before biting down, to hungry to resist what she was offering so freely. And well...it was slightly intoxicating to think about her knowing, and still offering. He'd never had someone who knew before.

Glaring at her as he fed he growled before lifting his head, licking the wound closed before laying back on the bed. Closing his eyes, starting to warm even as he relaxed slowly. "Tohr would kill me. He couldn't afford not to."He muttered sounding pained, because tohr was among the few people he counted as friends, so he'd tried so very hard to not put the man in the position of choosing.

"The club lets me feed without being dangerous to one person, the drugs aren't recrerational, its dopamine, and I'm not avoiding it, I've been making myself safe to be around."He growled looking annoyed at being accused of being a coward and not facing things. He wasn't avoiding it, he was truly scared, terrified of what his mother and sister would think if they knew. He knew his mother suspected he was more hellren then vampire, but he couldn't let them know. It would kill him to have them afraid of him."Fine. if thats what it takes for you not to tell anyone."He growled sounding annoyed. But there were to many people he wanted to protect, to chance her opening her mouth.
Kaspar looked back at Mary, swallowing hard and shaking his head. "I specifically asked for you," he purred, leaning into her as she stroked his hair. His hand rested on her thigh, stroking the soft, warm flesh. Human women were a weakness for him, for he was hardly attracted to vampire woman. They lacked something, and he wasn't exactly sure what. Leaning in, pulled her into his lap so that she was straddling him. His hands moved up her thighs, settling on her hip bones. "Trez was right. You are a beauty... Tell me, how much is it to keep you for a few hours?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

Bronte looked a little dazed after he fed from her, sliding down beside him with out thinking. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to regain her composure. When he fed from her, it was almost as good as sex... Almost. "Good," she sighed, rolling her side to look at him. Her hair spilled across the pillow, and the only light in the room was coming from a lone lamp. After all, it was still in the middle of the night. "You are in luck," she murmured, smirking a bit. She had a glow about her after allowing him to feed, as if she had just had an incredible orgasm. "I apparently have a taste for dangerous men who are no good for me. Obviously."

And that was true - she was attracted to him, despite how much she hated it and how badly she knew it was going to end up. However, she also felt obligated to help him, because she wanted to prove she was not as soulless as her father.
Mary smiled looking amused as she watched him, leaning her head into his hand."Hmm 400 dollars, for a few hours, or a 1000 for the night."she muttered shifting a little, pressing against him,sighing softly. she wasn't addict to drugs, but she was addicted to vampire sex.After all, the near immortals grew good at sex after so many years of it.

Rehv sighed softly as he looked her over, making sure she was okay before closing his eyes as he laid back against hte pillows, careul not to touch her more. He was having enough problems not feeding on her, he didn't need the temptation that came with touching her."Obviously, you haven't gotten over your need to help te people you father hated. Don't worry, staying around me will cure you of that."he muttered closing his eyes, despite feeding, feeling exhausted. He knew how badly this was going to be, but the lonely vampire, the lost man he was, clung to the idea that someone wanted to help him.That someone knew what he was, and still thought he deserved to live."We should sleep..."He muttered already drifting off, to exhausted and emotionally worn out to stay up.
Kaspar licked his lips, looking her barely clothed body up and down. "How about I give you 400 now, and you try to convince me that you deserved 600 more," he murmured, tightening his hold on her hips. Leaning up, he kissed her lips, the nodded to the floor. "Why don't you help me out?" he whispered, reaching down to unbutton his pants.

Bronte nodded, watching him fall asleep... She couldn't take her eyes off of him, because with him being asleep, she could see how handsome he was. There was also something incredibly exhilarating about see a man who was potentially the most dangerous thing on earth looking so vulnerable. Reaching out, she tucked some his hair behind his ear, sitting up on her elbow so she could look down at him.

Hours later, she finally fell asleep. The sun beamed through the crack between the pulled curtains, shining down on her mess of limbs and sheets.
Mary smirked a little turning her head slightly to look around the club, looking for the man she knew was watching htem in the mirror, and indeed Tohr was. Smirking as she nodded, 'Okay."She smirked wider as she slipped out of his lap and to the floor, lowering her hed, undoing the zipper of his pants with her teeth before attacking his cock with her mouth with a eagerness that said despite being paid, she truly did enjoy what she did. Rehv alwaus had made sure he had the most eager whores in the business.

Rehv hissed as the sunlight hit his skin, rolling awy and up out of the bed, cursing himself mentally for being so foolish as to not check before falling asleep. Stumbling he got up, looking at the woman laying in the tangle of bedsheets he sighed quietly, shaking his head, starting to shake a little. The truth that he'd actually told her hitting him like a fist, feeling out of sorts as he headed downstairs to get them food. Returning in a few minutes he sat on the bed, clearing his throat a little."Bronte?Come on. Bronte. Get up."He said slightly anxious because now that he wasback to his fully in control, normal, sarcastic self, the idea that she knew about him scared him as much as it thrilled him.
Kaspar groaned, leaning his head back against the couch. His hands played with her hair as he enjoyed her ministrations. Oh, and he was enjoying it. Only problem was he was picturing Tohr, not Mary, when his eyes were closed. Soon, he was long and hard in her mouth, moaning at the feeling of her wet tongue. His eyes opened, and the met Tohr's. At the sight of the other man, he licked his lips... He wanted him, and he wanted him badly. "Mary," he murmured, tapping her shoulder, "I'll pay you double if you go and see if Tohr would like to join us. I'm sure he could use the stress reliever."

Bronte sleepily looked up at him, running a hand through her hair. "Hey," she said, sitting up in the bed. He was just as handsome as he was when she fell asleep looking at him... and just as dangerous. And like him, she was thinking about the night before. He told her something that could potentially get them both in trouble. However, she was going to stand her ground. She had not intention of telling anyone, and she had not intention of letting him commit a slow suicide. As rude, blunt, and stubborn as she could be... She still had a heart.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep in here," she lied, "I just got a little whoozy from the blood loss."
Tohr raised his eyebrows in the mirror, turning his head to look at the man watching him watch them. Mary raised her head looking up at him before nodding, getting up and making her way through the club she looked amused as she leaned over to talk to tohr as she leaned against his back. Moving away from tohr she walked back to kaspar, reaching down for his hand."Come. It seems we're going to be in private, in stead of out here."She said glancing around the club before leading him back to Rehv's rooms. Tohr raised his eyebrows as he laid back on the couch in front of the one way mirror, turning his head to look up at kaspar, his fangs showing over his lip as he smiled."I have every intention of enjoying the sight of you get a blow job, and don't enjoy a audience."He said looking amused.

Rehv smiled a little as he set the tray of food down on her legs before moving to sit in the chair by the window, glad that the rough treatment he'd given himself in the shower had healed away. At least she couldn't be pissed about that when she didn't know it had happened. "Well,considering it was my fault,sharing the bed was the least I could do."he said looking at a loss, not sure what to think of her knowing his secret, and knowing that he no longer had the option of suicide. Even after the brief time knowing her, he knew she'd never let him do it, at least not fighting him every step. "Now eat so we can head home and do your blood transfusion thing."He said making a face at the idea, he wasn't happy about it, but he was willing to let her try.
Kaspar raised his eyebrows a little, a goofy smile on his face. He nodded and stripped down, then moved to sit on the couch beside Tohr. "Come," he murmured to Mary, motioning for her to get back on her knees. He felt chills going up his spine at the idea of Tohr watching him and the things they could potentially do afterward. When Mary went back to work, Kaspar groaned and reached over to put his hand on Tohr's thigh, feeling his member through his jeans.

Bronte looked down at the breakfast with a smirk. "I had no idea you could be so domestic," she murmured, taking a bit of the toast on her plate. "And don't rush me. I want to get a shower and pack up a few things before we go, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm never coming back. Ever." She chewed on her toast and looked around the room, seeing pictures of their family. There was one picture that actually didn't make her feel ill, and it was because it was a picture of just her and her brother. They looked happy, because they were. Well, when her parents weren't around. She was close to her brother, because they shared a mutual fear of their father. "And it wasn't your fault. I offered, remember?" she looked back at him, wondering what he mean last night about their bond becoming stronger.
Tohr smirked,laughing at the man's words as he watched mary."Hmm i intend to."he muttered stretching out on the couch, a arm resting along the back of the couch,absently playing with blond hair as he groaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut before looking over at him, "Well, if she's sucking you off, does this mean I can convince you to go down on me again?"He muttered shivering a little at teh idea, looking amused and trying not to think about what they could do after.

Rehv made a face,"My mother's a bad influence sometimes. Don't spread it around. I do have a reputation to keep as a drug lord you know."he said rolling his eyes a little as he stared out the window, looking all the world like one of those vampire lords who did nothing all day except paywork.But even still, there was a caged violence there, a quiet attentiveness that said he was a warrior. The vampire sighed quietly, because despite the drugs, their bond had become strong enough to the point that her emotions had become background noise, a constant hum, made stronger by his hellren half that demanded he use the food available to him. But he was old enough, and experienced enough, that he wasn't giving in to indiscrimate feedings. He could control himself, he was nearly 200 years old, a age few hellren reached because they hadn't learned to control their desire to feed on destructive emotions. She'd been right in assuming he was one of the more dangerous men alive.

"True, but if I hadn't lost control..."he trailed off, shaking his head.."Do you want me to pack anything while you shower?"He asked.
Kaspar groaned. The feeling of Mary sucking him off and Tohr playing with his hair was sending him into overdrive. He leaned into the man's hand and nodded. "You could convince me to jump off a cliff, Tohr," he said, sincerity in his eyes. Reaching out, he grabbed the collar of the man's shirt and pulled him close, kissing him passionately. There was no denying he fact that the prostitute was the third wheel, and that the men were only using her as a decoy. With her in the room, people were less likes to question he two men. It would just appear as if they were sharing the woman.... "I'm pretty sure I'd do more than suck you off," he murmured against the man's lips.

"I would never expose your endearing qualities," Bronte said with a hint of sarcasm, taking her time eating the breakfast he made. After all, it was pretty good. It seemed he continued to surprise her all of the time. Who knew he could cook so well? Standing up, she padded across the floor toward the bathroom, running her fingers through her messy hair. She was wearing nothing but her tank top and panties, for she had a habit of shedding her pants when she got hot in the middle of the night. "No," she said, "Just calm down, okay? I have everything handled. It won't take me longer than an hour to get things sorted and get back on the rode." She rolled her eyes and turned on the shower, then bathroom door still open.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were ready to get back and see Tohr and Kaspar," she said, smirking a bit before shutting the door.
"Hmmm, I might test that someday. Send you over a cliff with Rehv."He snickered a little flushing a little at the look in the other's eyes as he leaned over to kiss him, sighing quietly in pleasure."Hmmm,well what do you want to do?"He said looking so adorably innocent.Despite being old, he'd been celibate for so long, and he'd only ever had women before, so it was cute to see him trying.

"Good."He said looking amused,because evne if she told someone, no one would believe her.Watching her reflexion in the window he smiled slightly at the sight of her barely dressed, looking annoyed at being told to calm down."No,definately not the reason."He grumbled looking annoyed. it wasn't that he didn't want to see the others, itwas more he was anxious to get away from the feelings that were trapped inside this house. Her father must have been a piece of work, that even after all this time, the terror he'd inflicted on his family was still here. Sighing quietly he closed his eyes settling down in the chair to nap while he waited for her to get ready to go.For once, trusting someone enough to go fully asleep with them wandering around him, trusting her enough to hope that she wouldn't kill him while he was out.
After a moment, Kaspar realized Tohr was nervous. It was sort of odd for him to see, because this was the man that had saved him years and years ago - a man who was several decades older than him. However, he was not about to make the man feel bad about his nerves. He knew why he had remained celibate all of these years. "I want to pleasure you," he said simply. Reaching down, he unbuttoned the other man's jeans and nodded to Mary. "We'll pay you double," he murmured, nodding for her to take turns between their cocks. "Just relax," he whispered to Tohr, "We've got all night."

Bronte came out of the shower, her hair wrapped up in a towel and her body covered by a knee-length robe. She smirked and sat on the arm of the couch, one finger delicately tracing down his muscular arm. When it reached his hand, she squeezed. "Come on," she murmured, standing up, "I'll show you what I need put in the car." She waited for his eyes to open before nodded to the hallway. Leading him back through the house, she reached her father's office (still littered with the broken wine bottle) and moved to the desk. She pulled the chair away from it and nodded toward a safe that was embedded in the floor. "My father thought he was really clever, but when it came to money, he was not," she said, bending down to type the code of the safe in. "I mean, we had money, obviously, he just didn't trust banks." Flipping the safe open, there was bags and bags of cash, documents, bonds, and gold. "The money needs to come with us, but the documents are the biggies."
Tohr smiled a little relaxing at the others words."simple. To to the point. I like it."he said looking amused as he shifted to watch mary as she went for his cock,groaning as he felt her mouth sliding down over him,shivering as he absently played with kaspars hair,trying to stay calm."come here."he growled gently tugging the other over for a kiss.

Rehv jolted awake as soon as he was touched following her he looked thoughtful. Smirking a little as he nodded."you wouldn't believe how many vampires are the same...I guess after living so long before banks it makes sense."he shrugged before starting to gaher everything in the safe raising a eyebrow."whats in them?"he asked curious as he started carrying the duffel bag he'd packed full of stuff, having gotten one from tohrs before they'd left the night befofe.
"Gladly," Kaspar moaned, leaning forward to kissing Tohr back passionately. His hands moved to work on his shirt, pulling it off the other man so that they were both nude. He was so turned on, it was ridiculous. He wanted this man more than anything. "Shall we take this to the bed," he purred, not even paying any mind to Mary. As far as he was concerned, she could take the money as a bribe to keep her mouth shut about what was going on. All he was concerned about was being with Tohr.

Bronte glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "You aren't the only one with secrets," she said, then stood up and nodded to the bedroom. "I'm going to get dressed and pack a few personal things. Not a lot. I'll be down stairs in a few minutes." She headed for the door, then turned around as an afterthought. "And no shooting up while I'm gone," she snapped, her eyes narrowed.

A little while later, Bronte came down stairs in a pair of cut off denim shorts and a V-neck t-shirt. The thing about Bronte, was that she was very much a young woman. She was not in to the high-society thing that a lot of people in their world (especially vampires) had become accustomed to. She was very "girl-next-door", aside from her bad language and sarcasm.

"Ready?" she said, holding a box of clothes, pictures, and a few other personal items. It was clear that something was on her mind.
Ohr groaned laughing as he was undressed,looking amused."eager?"he muttered looking bemused about way the man wanted him so much even ad he ztood,heading for the bed. Jumping a little at the aound of the door closing behind mary as she left. Looking even more nervous to be on his own. He was so not good at stuff like this.

Rehv rolled his eyes at the command."yes mother."he grumbled thugh he looked curious about what she could be hiding. But he'd already invaded her privacy enouh for the day by feeding he wasn't going to mke her tell him. Nodding as he climbed into the car he tilted his head."do you want to do the honots of burning it down or shall I?"
"Very eager," Kaspar murmured, watching as Mary left. He walked over and locked the door before heading to the bed, laying back against the pillows. Reaching down, her began to stroke his hard erection while looking up at Tohr. He licked his lips. "I see you had a change of heart," he purred, "Or at least for the night." He sat up, his hands settling on Tohr's hips. The other man's cock was at eye level with him. "One night stands aren't too bad once in a while, right?"

Bronte swallowed hard, glancing over her shoulder at the house. She shook her head and walked out to the pool house, grabbing a tank of gasoline. She handed it to him. "Get to pouring," she said, then grabbed another tank of gasoline for herself. Once the outside of the house was soaked in the flammable liquid, she took a lighter out of her pocket. She grabbed an old shirt that she brought from the house and tied it in a knot, then lit the fabric and threw it at the front porch. Within minutes, the place was blazing. "We better go," she said in a quiet voice, "My father's men will see this and kill me."
Tohr smiled a little tilting his head as he looked down at the man,looking vaguely u.comfortable."yea. One night stands are okay..especially here,where its guaranteed that rehv won't allow anyone to spy on him."he said looking uncomfortable because he wanted kaspar, but it also put him in the difficult position of explaining it when the vapire aristocratz out found. The fihting men,might forgive him for having a life,but the aristocrats wouldnt."you look good there,eyeing my cock like a piece of candy."he teased gently brushing kaspars hair out of his face as he ldaned down for a kiss.

Rehv smirked a little as he started pouring the gas,watching it burn before he slid into the drivers seat. Annoyed because he coulsnt stay, because he liked the idea of fighting her fthers men,but he didn't want to put her in danger just so he could feed."so do you have a idea how this transfusion thing will work?"he asked looking nervous as he thouht about it. Wanting to distract her from the life shed just burned. For once,dojng the nice thing and being a distraction just because he could instead of having a ulterior motive...the blood bond was starting to affect him,in wanting to make him make her happy.
Kaspar chuckled a bit, kissing him back and pulling the man on top of him. As he laid back against the pillows, his hands roamed over the other's body. "Let's just enjoy it while we can," he whispered, moving his lips down the other's neck. Reaching down between them, he began to stroke Tohr's cock with slow and gentle ministrations. "Because tomorrow, it's back to the way things are supposed to be..." he murmured, licking the other man's neck and shoulder.

Bronte put her bare feet up on the dashboard, leaning back and looking out the window. Her eyes looked a little lost. "Oh," she said, snapping out of her thought. "Um, well..." She sat up and ran a hand through her hair, trying to not let herself feel guilty about the house. It needed to be done. "First, I have to drain you," she said, "A little unorthodox, but vampires can live a couple hours without having blood circulating through their bodies. So, basically, I'll drain you, then pump fresh blood into your system. If it works how I plan, it will flush the infection out and allow me to treat it at a smaller scale." She pointed a diner right off the road. "Can we stop and grab some lunch real quick?" she asked, giving him a hopeful look. "I'd like some normal, greasy food before we go back."
Tohr groaned as he was pulled on top of the other lowering his head to nip at the others skin looking pleased at the blood beading on his skin as he licked it away."good idea."he said shifting his hips experimentally eyes widening with pleasure as he gasped as his cock brushed up against the other vampire's.

Rehv looked thoughtful tilting his head."it disturbs me thT we can. There's something...unnatural about being able to do that."he said looking vaguely uncomfortable as he nodded heading for town instead of tohr's estate. It amused him that the two enemies lived so close together without knowing it. Really,only a few miles seperated the places if you went through the woods instead of the hour long drive."where do you want to eat?"he said cause he didn't eat out a lot so he had no idea what she would want
Kaspar spread his legs a little, allowing the other man to settle between his thighs. He groaned when his cock brushed up against the other's abdomen. Reaching into the night stand, he grabbed a bottle of lube. He glanced up at Tohr with lust in his eyes. "Do you want me to suck you off first?" he purred, "Or do you want to go ahead and go in for the kill?" His stomach was swimming with butterflies, and his cock was as hard as even. Never had he really been a submissive man with women, but with Tohr? He's let the man top him if that's what he wanted. That's how much he craved the other man...

Bronte pressed her lips together. "I want to get back before it's too late, so why don't we go through a drive-thru and grab a burger?" she said, reaching into her purse and grabbing a $20 out of her wallet. "Here," she said, then nodded to the fast food place that were coming up to. "I want a cheese burger and a chocolate malt." She grinned and flipped the mirror down so that she could fix her hair into a pony tail.
Tohr smiled a litle shivering slightly, a slight pucker between his eyebrows as he watched the other. While he understood male on male sex in theory, he was worried about hurting kaspar. He didn't want to do that. Studying the man under him he bit his lip, looking adorably nervous. "Well....how about you top?I don't want to hurt you."he muttered nuzzling the other's neck gently, nibbling against his skin before shifting to lay on his side, resting a hand on the other's chest, absently looking amused, and nervous.

Rehv nodded taking the money as he pulled into the drive in, ordering the food he handed it over to her before heading back to the highway as she ate. Looking vaugely annoyed but it was masking the nerves. He just didn't want to consider what it would be like to watch the blood drain out of his body. "You're just eager to see me naked again. I assure you, I'll look alot more pale bloodless."he said his usual sarcasm back, though he did already lok slightly sickly under his tan. Pulling into the mansion he smiled as he headed inside, helping her get her things inside, and putting off his own medical issue for the moment. He wanted to die, so it wasn't like he actually wanted to get it fixed, he just didn't want to listen to her bitch about it while he did his damnedest to die
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