
Kaspar glanced over at Tohr. "Why's Catalina here? I don't remember her telling us she was coming," he said, sighing quietly. "Well, I'll talk to Rehv about the sky light thing. If he knows something, he needs to spill it, or it will be all of our asses." He shook his head and perked his head up, watching Lash and his gang start to get rowdy in the back corner. He growled, frustration in his eyes. "Hey! Get back to work! You can fuck around on your own time!" He rolled his eyes and looked back at Tohr. "Rehv is upstairs with Bronte doing God knows what... Hopefully not eating her. I'd worry more if I didn't have five thousand other things to worry about at the moment."

Bronte swallowed hard. "It never gets easier," she murmured quietly. Her teeth gritted together in an effort not to crumble in front of him. It seemed that she feared that she was like her father... That a part of him would always be inside of her, and therefor, she was a bad person like him. All she really wanted was to know that she could move on, but with working for Tohr, it seemed easier said than done. All the vampires in the castle reminded her that her father would have slaughtered them all if given the chance. "I don't have time to punch a bag," she said, but her tone was softer. She was giving in to the fact that he might care... just a little. However, she'd never let him know that he made her feel better. "Besides, I have blood work coming in for a few people. Including you." She turned to sit on the bed and put on her tennis shoes, not bothering to change out of the tank top and yoga pants.
"I asked her to talk stop in after she called to see if Rehv showed. I thought he could use the time with her."Tohr said smirking a little because he was one of the few people that knew just how disturbed Rehv could be, how compliant and helpful he could be after talking to his mother. Rehv wasn't the only person who could be manipulative. Growling as he watched the others get rowdy he smirked at Kaspar."maybe I should let you be in charge. You're good at being demanding."He said smirking as he watched lash and the others settle back into weight lifting before laughing."Rehv doesn't do sex with people he knows, so its one less thing to worry about. And we have other things to worry about. Grab him when he gets down here, see if he'll say something about that damned sky light."He said before jogging towards the treadmills, intent on getting his own workout done.

"No it doesn't. But the strongest steel's forged in the fires of hell. It's pounded and struck repeatedly before its plunged back into the fire. The fire gives it power and flexibility, and the blows give it strength. Those two things make the metal pliable and able to withstand every battle its called to fight."He said smiling a little as they headed towards the door, feeling the emotions, and due to his weird and focused mood, even through the drugs he was remembering the words his mother had once to him."I've found that the human soul is much the same. It just hurts worse."He mused before wincing as they headed downstairs, his stomach going tight at the mention of blood work.

At least he knew that nothing weird would show up-besides the infection- but every time he had to give blood, it freaked him out, that there was always a chance that someone would realize what made him so very different from other vampires. "Well, have fun with that. I have to get to the gym."He said leaving her to duties before heading to teh gym, wincing at the sight of everyone looking up to see who was coming in.As much as he valued being unique, he was feeling raw and didn't want to be stared at.
Kaspar grinned. "I'm only good at being demanding because of all those years I wanted to impress you," he said, shrugging, "I mean, the years I was working up in the ranks." He blushed and bit and turned back to his clipboard. "Sure thing." When Rehv appeared down stairs, he walked over to him and raised his eyebrows. It's not that he wanted to deal with his attitude at the moment, but Kaspar would do anything Tohr asked him to do. "Trez said you had a skylight in the club," he murmured quietly, "Almost as if you were fighting a larger battle than you originally told us... My question is if you know something you aren't telling." He raised his eyebrows. "You know, in order to win this war, we need all the information we can get. Don't hold out on us."

Bronte walked over to where Tohr was working out, leaning against the treadmill with a sigh. "Hey," she said, then let out a dramatic sigh when he didn't hear her. "Hey!" She hit the stop button on his treadmill, making it slow to a stop. "Tohr, I need to get tonight off." She put her hands on her hips, hoping that her assertive tone might help get his attention. Sure, he made it clear that it was dangerous for her to leave his side (what with all the vampires who want her dead) but she really needed a night to herself, and she wanted to go get some things from her family's old house. "I'll be back by morning."
Tohr flushed slightly at the other's words before smiling a little."You always impressed me, you know."he muttered starting to run. Nearly falling off when Bronte hit the stop button he caught himself on the arms of the treadmill,glaring at her before scowling. "Why?"He said frowning at her."I'll send Kaspar with you."He said looking concerned about her being on her own. it was bad enough in the house, but if she went out."No. No arguing. IF you leave, you're taking a guard."

REhv glanced at him, but for once didn't give the man the sarcastic answer. Tohr had judged it right, he was cooperative for hours after talking to Catalina. Not saying anything he gestured Kaspar into tohr's office before shutting the door. Turning to look at him."Nothing more then what any one would tell you, if they thought about it logically."He sighed a little, not about to admit to everything he knew, but he could tell some of it, witout sounding to odd. "Hellrens are attracted to emotions you know? The more destructive the emotion, the more they enjoy driving their victims to it."

"Where better to find the desperate, lonely souls then a vampire's club where its not unknown for vampires to hunt. The people who come to BloodRain are desperate to feel alive, or escape life, or find partners, have sex...get high....destructive things. Hellrens feel it, drawn to it. Once I realized that they were coming to the club for it, I put in the sky light so I could lock them in and fry them as soon as the sun came up. it wasn't something that could be replicated in a fight, so I never said anything. I just took care of the ones that came to the club."
Bronte fought the urge to stomp like a child. "Not Kaspar! Please, not Kaspar. He'll drive me insane, and he'll rush me," she whined, crossing her arms over her chest. She shook her head, putting her hand over the buttons on the treadmill, not letting him ignore her. "I'll be fine. I've taken care of myself for years. I can do it one more night, I promise... I need to get things done and find some closure, okay? I need to be alone just this once."

Kaspar sat on the edge of the desk, his lips pressed together as he let the information sink in. For once, he was actually impressed with Rehv, not irritated. It seemed that he was using his club as an advantage against the hellrens. "Well... That was a decent idea, I have to say," he said, looking up at the other man. "That may be the key to drawing them in... Our battle ground could be the club, when the time comes. Or maybe something of that effect." He ran a hand through his hair. "You should have told us about the hellren issue at the club though." Standing up, he opened the door of the office and nodded. "Get your work out in, but keep it light. Bronte will be going over your blood work with you in an hour, then we will do lunch. After the sparing session this evening, I'll send some people to get the club picked up and running again."
Tohr frowned sighing quietly, glancing towards the office door. "Take Rehv then."He said shaking his head."I know you need to be alone, but I wont let you out of this house alone. Either Kaspar or Rehv."He said running his fingers through his hair. "I know you want to be alone, but I wont put your life in danger. You might not care if you live or die, but I do."He said his face hard and his voice deadly serious, saying he wasn't going to let her go anywhere, even if he had to fight her into the ground to make her stay.Glancing up when Rehv walked out he sighed looking at the nurse. "Go over the bloodtests then you can go."

Rehv frowned shrugging a little. "It might.But seriously, they don't hunt together. Not many come at a time. Just enough to be annoying."he said shrugging, staring t the floor. Thinking about it. While it was true, it wasn't the only reason. Swallowing hard, because while he knew what doing this would mean to his life, and complicated was exactly what he didn't need....he was loyal. And most of the time, he lived by his twisted sense of morals as much as he could. Even if it meant fucking the hell out of his life. "I'll think of what to do. if we can use the club, we will."He said his shoulders slouching a little. Oh yea, he was going to work on the hellren problem, and it was going to mess up his life. He just hoped it wouldn't be to bad when it all blew up in his face.

"Why?There wasn't anything to do about it, and you already had more on your plate then you could handle. I could take care of this."He said walking out of the room and heading for the weights without answering.
Kaspar rolled his eyes. "You may be far from my favorite person, but I don't intend to let your business go. I'm sure you don't want to lose the money, and if the club could serve as a way to get to the hellrens, than we can't afford to lose it," he said, watching the man walk off to the weight room. Moving out of the office, he checked up on everyone, then called out the names of the people that needed to see Bronte about blood work. When Tohr passed, he glanced over at him. "What do you want them to fix for lunch today?" he asked, putting his clip board under his arm.

Bronte grunted in frustration, but turned and left Tohr back to his exercise. She figured she wouldn't push him, considering he might not let her go at all... After Rehv got his work out in, Bronte waited for him in her office. She was sitting on the foot of the bed, her legs swinging back and forth. When he entered, she let out a sigh. "I've got your blood test in," she said, "but before that, I have to ask you something... It's really the last thing I wanted to do (because I'm perfectly capable of going to my house for the night [I[alone[/I]), but Tohr insisted I ask you to come with me. Either you are Kaspar, and I'd rather slit my wrists than spend an hour in the car with him." She slid off the bed and looked up at the much taller man. "I just need to get some things. That's it. I figured we could go, spend the night, and come back early tomorrow morning."
Tohr stopped as he finished his workout smiling slightly at his second in command,trying to not think about what the man would look like on his knees in front of him."steaks and fries sound good. And have them make some meals that can be packed up. Rehv's escorting bronte to her house,and I doubt she has food."he said turning away a little to watch the men, trying not to focus on kaspar. Feeling so awkward.

Rehv sighed quietly as he wiped off his face with a towel, wiping off the sweat as he followed after bronte.looking startled before snickering a little."yea,kaspar affects me the same way. I don't want to spend time with him."he made a face before nodding slightly."I would love to be with you overnight."he said his voice holding a edge of sexual purr, more teasing then true intent. He had no intention of dying for a good night of sex. Tilting his head a little he sighed nodding towards the blood results."what does it say?"he said refusing to let the gut wrenching fear show. He knew it wouldn't show anything,but it always scared him
Kaspar nodded. "Sure thing," he said, smiling at his commander before heading up to the kitchen. This morning had been hard, especially after the night before, and he was afraid they were going to be forced to talk about it tonight. After all, with Rehv and Bronte gone, they'd have a much more private night than they had in a while... with no possible interruptions.

Bronte rolled her eyes a little, turning to the file cabinet and grabbing the results of his blood work. "Don't get too excited. The night will involve separate beds," she murmured, then turned back to him. "Nothing I wasn't expecting. The infection is pretty bad, bad enough that I think we need to take action. Medicine isn't really going to help, not in your condition, so I was thinking a blood transfusion. It's a little far-fetched, but I think the infection stays in your body because it's constantly circulating little by little as your feed. I think if we replace all of the infected blood with new blood in one session, we could get it out of your system. And of course, we need to sterilize your arm as much as possible." She leaned against the counter, tilting her head to the side. "Like I said, far-fetched, but I didn't exactly go to medical school for vampires. I have to improvise when I can." She shrugged.
Tohr sighed softly watching him go, and after telling the men to head to the showers and saying a quick goodbye to bronte and rehv he headed upstairs to see about making things a little less weird with kapsar. Well, at least trying to figure out what to do. Settling in his office to brood over it he sighed, knowing nothing good was going to come out of it, because all he could think about was Kaspar on his knees.

"Aww,that's just saddening."Rehv said though he didn't look to upset at the idea. Just amused Frowning slightly he visibly relaxed at her words, the fear fading as he nodded. "We'll do that tomorrow night after we get back. If we do it tonight you wont get to go, and its not going to kill me tonight."He said shifting to stand, pausing as he regained his balance, thining it over. The drugs out be out of his system if they flushed it out, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Oh, who was he kdding?When he crashed it was going to be bad. But..."come on. Lets go.I want to get to your house before it gets to late."he said heading for the door, having every intention of not dwelling on anything.
Kaspar returned an hour later, a tray that consisted of Tohr's and his own lunch. Sitting down at Tohr's private table in his chambers, he smiled. "Thought we could both use the time away from them all." He took a bite out of his take and chewed carefully, thinking about what to say and not to say. Now that things were a little tense, he was trying not to appear awkward. "Rehv seems to be more... compliant today," he said off-handedly, "I guess we can thank Catalina for that. Where is she, anyway? Already gone?"

Bronte nodded in agreement and headed out the office door with him, moving to grab and over night back from her room. She had to admit, she wasn't too keen on the idea of him being with her. She really wanted to be alone, especially considering that her old home was going to bring back quite a few memories... However, Tohr was probably right, and it seemed that he really did care about her, even if it was just to have a nurse around. Besides, Rehv didn't seem interested in her problems, and that's how she liked it. Maybe he would stay out of her way and not pay her any mind.

Once downstairs, she turned to him with her duffle bag in one hand, and her purse in the other. "You have a car we can take, right?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Hm,definately. They're all a little to nerve grating."Tohr said looking tired but amused as he looked up at kaspar as he started to eat. Despite everything, he knew they needed to train the warriors, no matter how much the men complained about it, or how much Tohr wanted to toss their asses out of his house. Nodding a little he smiled."Hm, he usually is when he talks to his mother."His smirk was pleased and amused, having manipulated the master maniuplator into doing something he wanted. "No. She's down swimming.She enjoys the water, and since she hasn't convinced Rehv to put in a pool at the mansion yet, I told her to feel free."He made a face a little."With that big fucking mansion that his father left him, it amazes me that he lives in the club so much."

Rehv smirked as he nodded towards the mustang sitting in the drive way."come my lady, your carriage awaits."He said looking amused as he got in. And for the most of the trip he was quiet and withdrawn, more then willing to let her be alone without being alone. Though every now and then he shivered a little, like he was reacting to something. And he was. Her.

Shaking his head as he pulled into the driveway she directed him to, he got out, running his hands through his hair before reaching into the back of the car to get both their bags, heading for the door. "Come on then."He said slightly gruff, because he was fighting the urge to let the drugs wear out early and really get a feel for what she was feeling .But that would be wrong. And he did alot of things wrong, but in this emotional crap his life had saddled him with, he tried to do the right thing.
Kaspar rolled his eyes a little, and sighed. "Well, he's complicated," he said, taking another bite of his steak. After a few quiet moments, he nervously looked across the table at Tohr. He swallowed hard. "Tohr... About last night," he murmured, his jaw pulsing a little. "I... Were you wanting to ignore that? I will if you want me to. You know I'd never bring it up again. I just want to make sure that's what you want." He looked down at his food with a blush. "I just don't want it to change anything. Working for you is what gives me purpose, and if I don't have this job, I'm not sure what else I'd be good at."

Bronte followed him inside, her emotions running wild as she looked around the large, dark mansion that was once owned by her father. Everything was left exactly how it had been the night before the attack, and the sight of it made her feel sick. "You can stay in my brother's room tonight," she said, clearing her throat. "I will stay in my old room." She bit her lip and picked up the bag that contained the dinner Kaspar had sent with them. It was so... weird to be there, setting up dinner with a vampire. Her father was probably rolling over in his grave, and for reasons unknown to her, that bothered her. It bothered her a lot. As stubborn and blunt as Bronte could be, she was still a child that craved the acceptance of her parents, no matter how cruel and ruthless that were.

While she moved to heat up the steaks in the oven, she nodded to a door that led down to the wine cellar. "There's some wine and little liquor down there," she said, hoping he'd catch the hint. She could really use a drink.
Tohr flushed hard as he looked down at his plate, before he smiled, unable to help the words that spilled across his lips."Oh I don't know about that, you're fairly good at giving blow jobs."He said before wincing. "I uh...well."He stuttered a little before smiling a little."Actually...all I've been doing all day is picturing you on your knees but this can't.. I mean...I have enough problems with getting the vampires to listen to me. I can't..."he stopped looking so very confused and torn. He knew for the most part vampires wouldn't care, but he was one of the last of their leaders left, they needed him to focus on doing his job, not on what he wanted for himself.

Rehv nodded a little, "Oh joys. A dead man's room. Exactly what I wanted."He said his voice holding just enough his usual sarcastic anger to show that he was being pushed to his limits. Nodding as he headed for the stairs. "Liquor is good."He said heading downstairs, hiding long enough to shoot up, nearly doubling his normal dose, but she was to upset and he was fighting to stay in control. He needed to be beyond numb tonight.

Picking out a bottle he headed back upstairs, settling at the table to watch her cook, leaning back in his chair. "Do you want me to clean?I can do it probably half the time it would take you....I can move faster and all..."he said the slight slurring to the words said he was shredding the inside of his lip to try and stay in control. But dammit he hadn't realized just how upset and bad it would be to be here, in this emotional cess pool of a slaughter house, with the only survivor. He'd beene stupid. And he couldn't afford stupid.
Kaspar swallowed hard, trying to hide the disappointment he was feeling. It was nice that Tohr's feelings were mutual, but it was hard to hear the truth - they just didn't have the time to strike up a "thing". It wouldn't look good to the other vampires, especially amongst a war. "You're right," he murmured, "We... We had a lot to drink, and we just have to be more mindful next time." He avoided Tohr's eyes, not wanting the other man to see how put out he was feeling. Damn. He did not realize how much this would hurt, or how much he really cared for Tohr.

When Rehv called her brother a "dead man", she winced, turning away from him and not letting him see her eyes well up with tears. The thing was, her older brother was a good man. He was put in the same position she was, and was raised by the same maniac father. If he had been given a chance and saved by Tohr too, he would have proven himself. That was just another reason why Bronte felt guilty for being alive...

When returning to the table, she set the food down and poured herself a hefty glass of wine. Not a good idea, considering her lack of tolerance for alcohol, but she needed it. "You can do what you want, but it doesn't matter," she said quietly, avoiding his eyes, "Because we are burning the place down when we leave." Taking a sip of her wine, she glanced out the window and toward the backyard. Just looking out there made her nervous, for it was the place her father liked to pour the ashes of all the vampires he killed. Oddly enough, their ashes made the soil perfect for growing roses, which explained the millions of blood-red roses that filled the yard. She remembered being a child and playing amongst the roses, not knowing that she was playing on top of a fucking graveyard.

Deep in her own thoughts, she had yet to look at Rehv close enough to notice he had shot up.
Tohr frowned so hard at his plate it was amazing that the thing didn't crack. Shuddering a little he sighed."Yes. No more drinking that much...or feeding together."He said his voice almost soft with disappointment, it would have been amusing had it not been painful."I can't afford to lose what little hold I have on them. Could you imagine Lash staying away from his wife if I'm indulging myself?Rehv staying away from his drugs? The others?I can't."e sighed quietly staring at his plate.

Rehv sighed quietly as he sipped his wine, "I'm sorry...I'm not good with the whole people thing."He said as he realized he was ust upsetting her more by being his usual sarcastic annoying self. Mentally kicking himself,reminding himself that his mother expected better from him he nodded. "Well, I always did like a fire. I might have to go get s'mores."he said sounding thoughtful as he wtched her before rubbing a hand over his face, and before he thought better of it he leaned over to take her hand, shuddering hard as the connection flaired up for him, like completing a circuit, feeling her emotions like a kiss on the skin.

His hand spasming around hers for a moment before he jerked back, standing. "I'm going to go look around."He said abruptly, his voice rough as he walked out of the room, needing away from her. Figuring she was safe enough on her own as long as he didn't leave the house. And he did indeed stalk the house, searching for some peace of mind. But this place was disturbing to him to, within moments of entering he'd not only sensed her feelings, but her father's sadistic glee in destroying the vampires and scattering them in his yard.
"I understand," Kaspar said, handing his now empty plate to the maid. He stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to go down stairs and keep an eye on the sparing session." With that, he tried to hide his immense amount of disappointment as he left the room. It was just to hard to sit in the room with Tohr. Sure, he was expecting it, but it didn't mean that the rejection still didn't hurt. He wanted Tohr, had for decades, but it was just not possible.

Bronte glanced up at him as she felt his hand on her's, taken back by the contact and the apologize. It felt... nice, but wrong. She swallowed hard and went to say something, but was cut off by him leaving the table. Watching him leave, she leaned back in her chair and downed her glass of wine, then another. Unlike most people, alcohol made her PTSD even worse. Like being fed on (which left you in a state of euphoria), being drunk left you off guard, and it made it harder to sort out reality from a delusion. No good would come out of tonight, that was for sure.

Grabbing the bottle of wine, Bronte staggered down the hall and followed him into her father's old study. "You don't have any business being in here," she snapped, "Get out. I didn't invite you here to wander around my parents house and rub in the fact that they were awful people and deserved what was coming to them. I get it." She leaned against the door way, studying his eyes. After going to nursing school, she could see the signs of someone being high even when she was tipsy.
Tohr frowned watching him for a moment before sighing.Cursing as he realized just how awkward this was going to be. Even if he did nothing, this was going to change everything. Cursing himself for being a idiot he was being. Taking a shower he sighed quietly as he washed up before heading back downstairs, looking carefully in control as he moved to stand next to Kaspar."Are any of them doing well?"He muttered watching him,but for once, not caring how the fighting was going. He wanted to take care of kaspar, more then anything else. Not that he'd admit it,even to himself.

Rehv twisted away from the window he was staring out of, swallowing the blood that was filling his mouth before he bared his teeth in a semblance in a smile at her. "I never said they were awful. They were just people. Good bad indifferent, that's all anyone is."He said, despite being drugged to high heaven, they weren't recreational drugs, and unlike most drugs, his drug of choice was dopamine, a neurotransmitter that dulled everything. While it usually heightened senses, in a vampire, it dulled them to the point of numbness. So while there wasn't the usual signs he was sky high, it was obvious he wasn't feeling things like he normally would either. Though given that he was drugged most of the time, normal couldn't really be termed to him.

Glaring at her a little."Get away from me. I need...you to get away from me.Move out of the door, and I'll leave."He growled his teeth shredding his lip as he spoke, even the drugs in his system wasn't enough to ground him with her this upset. He was hoping the pain would. Thankfully, the superficial wounds wound heal quickly, but the pain was letting him focus.
Kaspar shoved his hands in his pockets in an effort not to touch him... because he wanted to. Badly. "They are doing pretty well. The whole lot of them actually," he murmured quietly, "I only had to separate a few of them, and no broken bones yet. That probably has to do with Rehv's absence." He smirked and moved to sit on a bench, leaning against the back wall. Pretending that he didn't want Tohr was going to kill him. He just knew it. And the fact that it was all out in the open? He had never felt so vulnerable.

Bronte glared at him, keeping her stance in the door way. "Don't tell me what to do," she snarled. Her attitude was covering up her pain, like always. She was never good with feelings, especially sadness.

Her eyes zeroed on his bloody lip, and she started to walk toward him, stupidly bring her hand up to wipe the blood away. Blood smeared across her thumb, and she looked down at it with irritation and confusion. "What the fuck is your problem?" she asked, suddenly. "One second your are being sort of nice and making me feel better, the next second you're a complete dick!" Her eyes were teary and she shoved at his chest, dropping the wine bottle with a crash. "I should have brought Kaspar! He would have just left me the hell alone, and he wouldn't have came into my father's office, and he wouldn't have brought up my dead brother! He would have kept his fucking mouth shut and stayed out of my goddamn way!"
"Good."Tohr said, and like Kaspar, his hands were buried in his jacket pockets watching the men. Smirking slightly as he nodded."Probably. Rehv always was the most violent of them all."he said tilting his head slightly as he glanced at the other vampire, "I...I was going to go over to BloodRain after this. See if any more Hellrens showed up, if you wanted to go.Trez offered me Rehv's room if I wanted to stay overnight."he said he was feeling vulnerable and awkward. Something he wasn't used to feeling.

Rehv growled yanking his head back as she touched his lip, "Don't touch me."He growled, his voice thick as he swallowed the blood in his mouth, shuddering as he pressed back against the glass more. He so didn't need this."Move!"He snarled needing away from her, and for once, sounding desperate as he wrapped his hands around her arms picking her up having every intention of moving her out of the way for him.
Kaspar glanced up at him, his mind wandering to the sexual things they could do in a place like BloodRain... All the women they good feed off of, all the things they could do to each other once those women passed out... "I'll go with you," he said, nodding, "You can't go without a guard, Tohr. You're in a dangerous position right now - a blunt target." He ran his hand through his hair. "We should send the others home after dinner. No need to have them running around in the mansion while we are gone."

When he grabbed her, something in Bronte's mind shifted. It could actually be seen in his eyes. Her emotions switched from depression to panic, and she immediately went to kicking and screaming bloody murder. It was as if Rehv was no longer there, but her father - a man who regularly abused his children when they were not up to par or if they smarted off. She could literally feel her father's hands around her neck, squeezing. She could feel him threatening her life. Kaspar had thought her PTSD was because of the night her parents died, and that was mostly true, but a lot of her issues came with the way her father treated her on a regular basis. It was the night he died that was the last straw of her sanity. "STOP! PLEASE! I'm sorry! Please! Get off me! You're hurting me!" she sobbed, trying to get out of his grasp. Her heart was beating dangerously fast.
Tohr raised a eyebrow a little as he studied the other man, but like kaspar, he to had considered exactly what they could do in BloodRain, that despite the rumors flying about the club, Rehv had managed to create a completely private place for their kind to find what they need. "I'm not the only target, but I get your point."He muttered sounding annoyed at being forced to have a guard, even if he knew why it was before smirking slightly."Yes, I don't trust them in my house with no one here."He glanced at the men."Get them home kaspar, I'll go grab our weapons and get ready to go."

Rehv yelped as he was kicked out at, looking surprised as his hands tightened on her arms to hold her still. Wrapping his arms around her, holding her still as he shifted pinning her to the wall intent on holding her still as he sorted through her emotions, burying his face against her neck as he trembled, before surrendering himself to what he'd been fighting all night. Drawing her emotions into him, he fed, not bothering to be careful. He was to intent on caling her after he'd upset her to be careful to hide what he was doing. Shifting through her emotions as easily as a dealer with a deck of cards he pinned her tighter against the wall, hard and long as he pressed his hips against hers, responding to her, teeth scrapping over her skin, at least pretending to be feeding from a vein instead of what he had done.Not that it would fool her for long. Once she thought about it, she'd realize he'd had way to much control over her emotions to be normal.

As soon as she was calm he jerked back, disgusted with himself, stumbling, his knees hitting the ground for a moment as he got his bearings, before recovering enough to stumble out of the room, and within moments the sound of his door slamming shut resounded through the house, quickly followed by the sound of the shower flipping on.
Kaspar stood up and nodded. "Of course," he said, smiling gently before moving down into the gym. After dinner, Kaspar saw that all of the vampires went home for the night, then headed back up to Tohr's room with a bag in hand. He leaned against the door way and raised his eyebrows. "Ready?" he asked, watching the other man carefully. This night trip was either going to go amazing or awful. Kaspar wasn't sure which one yet. "I've got the car pulled around, and Trez knows we are on the way."

Bronte gasped as she was pressed against the wall, her emotions going from panicked to relaxed within seconds. She grasped his shoulders as she felt his mouth against her neck, holding her breath because she was sure he was going to feed on her... However, it was even more erotic than the first time. It had her body on fire... A moan left her lips when his hips pressed against her own. Was she going crazy? It felt as if someone else other than herself had control over her emotions; It felt like he had control of her emotions. It was simply not natural how she felt like she was scared out of her mind one second, and about to orgasm the next.

When he let her go, she slid down the wall and to the floor. Her head rested against the wall, and she barely winced when the door was slammed. She felt high, much like she did when he fed from her the first time... But this time was different. He was different.

Within seconds, she passed out, slouched against the cool tile floor of her father's old office. The glass of the broken wine bottle sliced into her elbow, and she didn't even have the strength to notice (or care).
Tohr smiled a little as he tugged on his jacket, looking slightly nervous."Yea. Just trying not to think about how rehv's going to freak out when he figures out someone else was in his bed."he said snickering a little as he headed downstairs with kaspar. Letting the other man drive as he settled into the passenger's seat closing his eyes.Nervous because this was either going to be great, or blow up in his face.

When she woke the next morning it was obvious Rehv had come back and taken care of her,despite having running away from her. She was in bed for one thing. And her arm was bandaged up for another. The sound of the shower was going. as Rehv tried to clean up again. He felt disgusted with himself, trying to scrub off the filth inside by scrubbing his skin to the point that it was red and raw, bleeding in some points. The 200 year old vampire huddled in the bottom of the shower, disregarding the water beating at his shoulders, or how cold it was.

Shuddering slightly the vapmire sighed as he straightened, heatsore and battered from his own mental beating he'd given himself, even if he was feeling stronger, more sure of himself from feeling, he figured it was only right that he used that new strength to berate himself over being a fucking idiot. Roughly drying himself off he sighed quietly as he looked into the mirror, blue lips from the cold water, and red skin from scrubbing himself raw clashed badly with blood sweater and jeans he was wearing. Thankfully the long sleeved sweater and jeans covered just how much damage he'd done to himself.

Sighing he stepped back into the bedroom, having put her in his bed, not because he needed her to be there, but he wanted to make sure he hadn't hurt her anymore then he'd met to. Smiling slightly sickly when he realized that she was awake, he tilted his head."How do you feel?"He said slowly, softly, though his face didn't show it, those dark blue eyes showed fear.
Kaspar smiled and looked over at him. "He will," he said, the looking back at the rode. "That's why we won't tell him. Not now, anyway. I'm sure he's already test-y after being sent with Bronte for the night. That girl had a knack for getting on someone's last nerve." He rolled his eyes and pulled into the back parking lot of BloodRain. The place was already thumping with music, and upon walking in, Kaspar got the luxury of seeing a lot of naked vampires and humans, fucking, dancing, shooting up, drinking... You name it, they were doing it. "Well, it looks like last night did not hurt the business," Kaspar murmured, smirking a bit. He may have strong feelings toward Tohr (had for years) but he was a man, and the sight in front of him had him turned on in no time. He liked men (secretly), but he still indulged in women from time to time.

Bronte slowly sat up, rubbing a hand over her face. Her hair had come down from the bun while she was sleeping, flowing down her back in messy waves. "I... yea," she said, swallowing hard, "My head is a little fuzzy." She looked up at him with confusion, wondering exactly what had happened. It was obvious he had taken care of her, but why? He made it clear that he didn't give a shit about her the moment he met her... And then there was the more important question - How did he calm her down so fast? He literally took her from panic to a relaxed euphoria.

"What are you?" she said, suspicion in her voice, "Because whatever happened, that wasn't normal." Her eyes took his appearance in, stopping at his blue-ish lips. Something was obviously very wrong with his man. Of course, she knew from the moment she met him that he was hiding things... but what?
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