
Kaspar looked at the other man with a little surprise, swallowing hard. "Really?" he whispered, getting even more turned on. "I mean, I can... this time. If you want." He rolled over on to the other man, spreading his legs wide. He got up on his knees and poured some of the oil on to his hand, then spread it along Tohr's opening. "I'm going to... uh... get you ready, okay?" He was nervous, not because this was his girl stunt of gay sex, but because he actually cared about Tohr, unlike all of his other partners... Sliding a finger into the other man's ass, he looked up into his eyes. "How's that?" he whispered, moving it around before adding another finger. His other hand stroked Tohr's cock.

"I could care less about seeing you naked," Bronte snapped, following him inside. She led him to her room to put her things in there, shoving the money in a safe under her bed (all of the rooms had them) and grabbed all her medical equipment. "Are you ready?" she asked, brushing past him on the way into her office. She began to get everything set up, ignoring the fact that it was dangerous to be doing this. She was really taking a risk, but she was willing to do it. Maybe because her will to live was not any stronger than his. "Strip down and cover up with the sheet," she said, nodding to the hospital bed. "I... I'm not sure how all of this is going to play out, so I need you to be patient, okay? I'll work as fast as the machines allow.
"Y-yes."Tohr muttered flushing a little as as he looked at the other man."I do."He muttered shivering a little as the other touched him, looking up at him amused. For once, their roles were reversed. It was usually him in charge, the one who knew everything. Wincing a little as the finger slid into him, he shifted slightly, "It's...odd. Different."He said looking uncomfortable but not moving away as he enoyed the feel of the kaspar stroking his cock."Different. Not bad...just...different."He panted slightly smiling a little.

"Hmm, that's what everyone says. I know they're just lying to themselves."Rehv said, well, at least the drug dealer had the ego to go along with his sarcasm. "I'm always ready to get naked."He said giving her a small smile, the tips of his fangs showing over his lip as he started to undress. Glancing up at her he sighed as he pulled the sheet up, laying back onto the bed with a sigh. "I'll be patient. I might even be kind and not talk to you."He said snickering as he thought about that love thing people were always qouting at weddings about love being patient and kind. He was always findng the oddest things ausing. Laying back onto the bed he sighed closing his eyes."Just work, I'll lay here counting numbers or something."
Moving his fingers in and out of the man's opening, stroking his cock with the same rhythm. He was easy with the other man, not wanting to give him a bad experience. "Good," he purred, "I promise. It will feel great." He kissed Tohr passionately before pulling back to douse his cock with the lube, not wanting to hurt him, and lined himself up with the other's opening. Moaning, he slowly entered him, still stroking his cock. "You okay?" he said, his voice tense. He was trying not to fuck the other man for all he was worth, wanting him to be pleasured.

Bronte rolled her eyes. "You keeping your mouth shut? Oh, please," she murmured, sliding a large needle into the man's arm. She turned on the machine, slowly pumping the blood out of the vampire's body. "Let me know if you feel discomfort, okay?" With that, she turned away to reach for the donated blood she had collected from various donors. As she worked, she had a serious expression on her face. But it seemed that when Bronte was not aware of someone watching her, when she did not have a guard up... that was when she was the most beautiful.
Tohr sighed softly, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling."hmm...you do always deliver on promises."He muttered kissing the other, whining quietly as the other's fingers disappeared, wincing as he felt the other's cock pressing against him. Looking nervous as he looked up at him, shifting slightly, wincing again."I'm okay."He muttered shuddering. It was...odd. Not bad, odd, and he knew he was going to be sore in the morning, but right now he wanted more."You can move."he muttered leaning up to kiss him slowly, shivering as the other stroked his cock, starting to relax as pain just faded to muted pleasure.

"I can shut up.Once in awhile."Rehv said eyeing the needle, before closing his eyes not to watch. Despite his shooting up habit, he wasn't fond of needles. If he could avoid them, and still able to drug himself as much as he needed, he'd do it. "I will.Now shush, I'm napping over here."He said watching her through half closed eyes, looking thoughtful, and he was indeed starting to fall asleep as the blood left his body. The vampire going into a semi-comatose state as his body realized that he was being drained.

But what he hadn't counted on, was that the very drugs he used to keep himself under control were in his blood, that once they were out of his system, he'd revert to a Hellren's basic needs, and hellrens believed in one rule before anything else: Survival. And the basic part of his mind registered the transfusion as a attack, a injury that needed fixed. And he needed to feed to do that. Snarling quietly he pushed up off the bed before his mind could unscramble enough to know what he was doing, running on instinct as he grabbed her, grabbing the woman he pinned her to the bed under him, pushing her legs apart as he rubbed against her, burying his face as in her neck as he went to work on manipulating her emotions into getting what he needed, lust and need being the best quick feeding. Which explained why the man owned a club, constant lust and need going through BloodRain.
Kaspar nodded quickly, letting out a sigh of relief. Immediately, he began to thrust in and out of the other man, keeping time by stroking Tohr's cock. "Fuck," he cursed, for the other man's virgin opening was beyond tight. So tight, it almost hurt, and he loved it. He began to go a little faster when he noticed that Tohr was okay, leaning down to kiss him with a bruising force. Surprisingly, it did not take long for the man to cum within the other's opening. He let out a growl-like groan, pulling out and immediately kneeling down to take Tohr's cock into his mouth, sucking as eagerly as Mary had been earlier. He got his release, and now he wanted to see Tohr let go.

Bronte let out a yelp, looking up at him with fear in her eyes. Her heart was going ninety-to-nothing as she tried to push him off. It was no use. He was in control both physically and emotionally. She didn't stand a chance, and if she was being honest with herself, she knew it was her fault. She should have known it was going to happen.

However, fear was soon replace with lust. It was the oddest feeling, for she knew she was not the one who was in control of her emotions. She knew it was the hellren inside of him that was forcing her to want this, and there was nothing she could do about it. Panting like a bitch in heat, she began to reach down and tug her clothes off, as if all she lived for was his sex and seed. "Fuck me," she groaned, "Fuck me. Right now, Rehv."
Tohr's eyes widened as the other fucked him, shivering in pleasure. Not in pain, but he was really enjoying it. Whimpering quietly in pleasure as the other came, his nails digging into the other's shoulders as he arched a little, pressing up into the other's mouth. Gasping as he wrapped his fingers in the other's hair, growling as he came. "Ohh..."he groaned slumping back into the pillows with a contented sigh, before starting to laugh breathlessly."Rehv's going to kill us."he muttered closing his eyes as he relaxed, looking amused and content as he absently strked Kaspar's hair.

REhv growled as he pressed against her as she shoved at his shoulder, bearing his fangs as he stared down at her, his eyes fluttering a little, enjoying the emotional feeding he was getting as he pressed against her. Growling as he moved enough to let her get undressed he growled as he gripped her hips, thrusting into her hard, careless with her body, the basic need to have sex, to get a true complete feeding overruling his usual rules about sex. "So needy."He growled low in his throat, the words slightly slurred as he spoke around his fangs as he buried his face in her shoulder, biting down. Feeding both on blood and emotion as he fucked her hard and fast. Driving her towards a orgasm because he usually refused to feed on sex, so his feedings were usually missing a complete satisfaction. To really come back, he needed both their orgasms to steady himself.
"Maybe he will," Kaspar murmured, his eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of the other playing with his hair. "But... it will have been worth it." He smirked and tilted his head up to kiss the other man - a very soft and gentle kiss. After a few moments, he was snuggled against him and starting to fall asleep. His arm was laying across the other man's torso, and his face was pressed against the other's neck. This may not be able to continue after tonight, but he was willing to enjoy it for now.

Bronte was in a swirl of emotions, her body taking over and allowing her mind to shut off. By no means did she think this was right, but damn, it felt good. "Oh, Fuck!" she cried, her body quaking with desire and her incoming orgasm. She clawed at his back and hair, her hips bucking up into his. It was all primal, it seemed, and she could do nothing about it. With him drinking her blood and feeding off her lust, she was gone to the world. And when her orgasm hit (which left her screaming at the top of her lungs), she came down feeling light headed and about to pass out.
Tohr smiled a little,"So it will."He muttered turning his head a little to rest his cheek against the man's hair,closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. In the morning he stirred, groaning as Trez snickered, shaking his head."Rehv's going to be pissed. And burning his bed. And demanding a replacement."He pointed out as he looked at the two, teasing them because he could,but he knew his riend. Knew rehv didn't have sex in this bed for some reasons, and that the moment he walked in the room, he was going to know what happened."You two have to get to training."he said tossing them their clothes. While he wouldn't tell rehv, because like rehv,even if he argued with them, he did like the two men and wanted them happy, but he kne wthis was going to go badly. Espcially once the aristocrats figured it out.

Reh snarled as he pinned her, shivering in pleasure. To far gone to realize that even as he fed, he was still bleeding. That she was indeed doing what she'd wanted,and draining the bad blood out of him,replacing it with her own. Collapsing to his side as he came, he pinned her under him,licking her neck to make sure the blood stopped bleeding before passing out, laying half on her, so overwhelmed at a full feeding instead of the half feedings he'd been restricting himself to, that his body was telling him it was to much,and he passed out at the overwhelming feelings.But even unconcious, he held the girl against him, curled up on his side, protecting her,even if the person she needed protected from was him.
Kaspar blushed a little, reaching up to rub his eyes with the heels of his hands. "Yea, yea," he grumbled, sliding on a pair of jeans. "Apparently we didn't get any hellrens last night." He ran a hand through his hair as he looked out the two-way mirror, then let out a sigh. He moved to get full dressed, trying to not think to hard about what they had done the night before. He loved it, but he knew it was going to come with a lot of backlash.

After Bronte had come to her senses, she gently pushed away from Rehv and got dressed. She was definitely a sigh to behold, with dried blood running down her neck and large, hand print-shaped bruises on her hips and wrists. Rehv's strength was too much for her frail, human skin... Turning, she hooked him up to an IV, giving him some fluids, then covered him up with the blanket on the bed. Before she left the room, she stroked his hair out of his face. Just like the night before, he looked very peaceful.

Tears began to form in her eyes, because the high from the orgasm and the feeding was wearing off. She was sensitive toward Rehv, but he scared her, and as much as she enjoyed the sex (because of his control over her emotions), but it was still... rape. In a sense of the word. That made her feel uncomfortable, because she let him do it... Going to her room, she took a shower and laid in her bed. She had a book in her hands, but she was not paying attention to the words. For some reason, she felt so emotional about what just happened.
"No you didn't. But they dont always show up."Trez said rolling his eyes a little."We better go."Tohr said blushing a little as he got dressed, leaning over to steal a kiss before heading for the door. He just needed to focus on what was coming next, what they needed to do.

When they got back he paused at the entrance way of the gym, before stepping back to consider the men standing at the entrance of the locker room. "Is there a reason none of you are working out?"He said sounding annoyed that he was gone for a day, and they were already slacking off. Lash snorted nodding as he jerked his head towards the gym, "Yea. The man in there."Lash said looking annoyed as he went back to his shower. Tohr frowned looking slightly worried as he stepped into the gym, eyes widening slightly at the sight before him.

Rehv had come off his high, and had hit the gym immediately. Despite knowing he shouldn't, and there was obvious signs that he'd checked himself out of the medical lab, though he'd stopped bleeding, the IV needle mark was still raw and ugly looking, he still looked pale, and way to unsteady on his feet. Yet, despite still feeling sick, the hellren was beating the living shit out of the equipment. Already, two treadmills had suffered under his running, having run them into the ground and the punching bag he was working on showed spots of blood from his bare hands, having gone to work on the bag without bothering to get gloves. It was obvious he was punishing himself, beating a body that had betrayed him, had left him trapped by his own instincts.

And what was worse, he'd been at the mercy of the instincts he'd inherited from his father, and destroyed Bronte the same way his mother had been hurt. Was it really any wonder he was punishing himself for raping bronte, when he had always punished himself for his own birth, which he had no part of? A man who'd said he didn't regret anything, but he was obviously feeling this girl, bronte had managed to get under his skin.

"Get him out of here kaspar."Tohr growled looking at his second, his feelings and emotions from the night before shelved in favor of taking care of one of his warriors
Kaspar looked a little shaken up at the sight of the gym. He barked at the others to get to work on the available equipment, then moved over to tear Revh away from the gym. It wasn't hard, because he had apparently wore himself out. It didn't take much effort to drag Rehv to his room, shutting the door behind them. "What the fuck is going on?" he snapped, then his face paled. Oh, fuck. "Where is Bronte? Rehv, when did you two get back?" He ran his hand through his hair nervously. Suddenly, he was regretting the fact that him and Tohr had trusted Rehv with the human girl while they were gone.

Maybe it was not such a good idea.... Maybe it was a really shitty idea.

"You look sick. What the hell happened to you?"
Rehv snarled as he was pulled away from the bag he was beating on, but he'd really had worn himself out. He wasn't able to stop the other from pulling him out of the gym,even if he wanted to go back to beating on him."She's sleeping. Or reading. Or doing something far away from me."He growled looking annoyed, but giving the other a thoughtful look. Wondering if he could push Kaspar's buttons, maybe start a fight. Totally on board with the sucidial track now, he was so going to get this over with. "We got back last night."He shrugged, before wrinkling his nose a little, his emotions so all over the place he picked up something."You smell different."He whined looking annoyed as he collapsed back onto the bed tiredly.

Tohr growled looking worried before walking out of the room, going in search of bronte, knocking lightly on her door."Bronte?"He said starting to get worried as he realized that there was only a few things that could truly drive Rehv over the edge, and having called Catalina on his way to Bronte's room, it left only one female in rehv's life that he was upset over. The only thing that truly made him this twisted up,was if he'd failed to protect someone. "Bronte?Are you awake?"He asked pushing open the door.
Kaspar narrowed his eyes at the other man, deciding not to say something back to his comment. He was not willing to start a fight with the man, especially if it was about Tohr. He was just not in the mood... "Is that not how you wanted it?" he asked, "I thought you didn't care about the girl." He shrugged and walked over to the bar in the corner of the room, making a stiff drink to start the day with. He already had a damn headache. "I mean, I figured the idea of her being far away from you would be something that you want."

Bronte looked up from her book and quickly wiped her eyes. "Hey," she mumbled, setting the book aside and sitting up against the headboard. "Is everything okay? I was hoping you'd let me take the afternoon off. I... I'm not feeling that great." She swallowed hard and looked up at the older vampire, hoping that he wouldn't realize what had happened. Deep down, she did not want Rehv to get in trouble. This was not his fault, and she knew that. It was the hellren inside of him, and she should have been more careful.
Rehv frowned as he realized the other wouldn't be goaded into a fight before sighing quietly."That's true. I don't. And she's better off far away from me."He grumbled rolling on his stomach stretching out his aching body."I'm fine. You don't hae to babysit me."he said glaring absently towards kaspar, but lacking his usual distain for the other man. It wasn't that he didn't like kaspar, they were just to alike, and kaspar was to observant for rehv to be comfortable with him.

"It's fine.And you can.But..."He frowned studying her. "What happened?Rehv's downstairs beating the shit out of my gym, and youre up here. What did he do?"He said frowning harder."I've only seen him like this once, and that was when he couldn't save his father. Now. What happened?"He said looking annoyed.Becuse he knew she would just brush whateer it was off, no matter what rehv thought of the incident whatever it was
"I'm not here to babysit you," Kaspar snapped, "I'm here to make sure you don't ruin the damn gym." He rolled his eyes and headed for the door. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to have to go put in an order for a few new pieces of equipment. Stay away from the gym in the mean time, okay?" He headed out the door and moved to the main office to get some things done. Last night was great, but it was back to reality.

Bronte rubbed a hand over her face. Tohr was hard to lie to, and she needed someone to confide in, but she had to do it in a way that didn't reveal Rehv's secret. "We just had an... unexpected intimate moment," she grumbled, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable. Her cheeks went bright red, and she pulled her knees up to her chest. "Don't... Don't tell him I'm upset, okay? It wasn't his fault. It was mine. I was trying to figure out a way to get the infection out of his system, and I drained too much blood..." She swallowed hard, glad that she was under a blanket and that her bruises were hidden.
Rehv glared after the man before sighing."Fine."Rehv said glaring after him before slowly pushing himself up off the bed and moving to lay in the tub, running a bath for himself as he settled in to relax tight muscles, wincing as his phone went off. Leaning out of the tub he answered it, talking quietly with the man on the other line. So.Not even in his grief and pain could he be left alone. He'd forgotten that someone always was aware. Pushing up out of the tub he washed off before starting to make his way slowly downstairs. He needed to get out of here, soon.There was something that needed taken care of, and he was going to do it, even if it killed him.

Tohr frowned at him before blushing a little himself, looking her over. Relaxing when he realized that she wasn't to hurt, and he was sure Rehv's sucidial streak would have been acting up if something seriously wrong had happened. The man probably'd just needed to feed again. "He thought you were killing him....I hadn't thought to warn you about that.Im sorry bronte. I should have considered it."he said a sigh escaping as he ran his fingers through his hair,even without knowing Rehv was hellren, it was a natural reaction to attack if one thinks they were being attacked. "I don't have to worry about telling him anything.Kaspar's giving him a lecture on breaking treadmills. He'll be annoyed with that and not wondering about you, until you decide to talk to him again."
Bronte looked up at him and nodded. "Well, that's good," she said passively, wondering if Rehv would really be able to get it off his mind. She didn't know him incredibly well, but she knew that he wouldn't take all of this lightly. "I'll be back in the office tomorrow morning. It will give me enough time to check up on all of the other guys." She ran a hand through her hair and tilted her head to the side. "Can I get some dinner and a drink brought to my room? I'm not really in the mood to eat with all the other guys tonight. And I need to go through some things." She nodded to the boxes that came from her old house.
Tohr smiled slightly."It is."he said, though he knew it wouldn't be that easy for Rehv to set aside, but he didn't want to make her worry about the man until he knew what exactly happened. But questioning her now, wouldn't do anything."I'll have dinner set up.And I'll be in the gym if you need anything.Just rest"He said walking out.

That next evening Tohr frowned as he made his way out of the far suite of rooms, heading for kaspar's. Pausing only long enough to knock on the door before walking in."Have you seen rehv?I mean since last night?"he asked concern showing in his face. No matter how prickly or sarcastic the drug lord could be, he wanted to take care of the younger vampire, and since Rehv's father had died he had tried to look after him as much as Rehv would let him.
Kaspar opened the door, looking tired and disheveled. He didn't get much sleep the night before, and it looked like he wasn't going to get anymore tonight. "No," he said, looking confused, "Not since I talked to him the night before... He wasn't putting up a stubborn fight like he usually does. Should have known he would go AWOL..." He sighed and moved to pull a t-shirt over his head. "Have you asked Bronte?"

Bronte had just got done with a busy day in the nurse's office, doing check-ups on all of the men. It didn't escape her attention that Rehv never came by, and that worried her a bit. He really needed to have his infection inspected.
"Not yet. I was hoping he was being his usually annoying self and bothering you."Tohr sighed making a face, concern for kaspar darkening his features."You're looking even worse. Dont make me drag you down and play nurse with Bronte."He muttered looking amused as he headed downstairs with the other, knocking on the nurse's door before sticking his head in,"Hae you seen rehv?"He asked glancing around the room, looking for the man in question as if the man would be lurking in the corner somewhere unseen
Kaspar chuckled a bit and rolled his eyes. "Not this time," he said, sliding his boots on. He followed him downstairs, hoping that this wasn't going to blow up into something dramatic. After all, he needed some sleep eventually. Oh, and he hadn't fed in days.

Bronte looked up from her papers and frowned. "No," she sighed, "I was hoping you had... He didn't even come in for his checkup, and he really needed to." She tucked her hair behind her ear and stood up, taking her lab coat off. "This can't be a good thing."

Kaspar whined. "Dammit. I was really planning on a relaxing evening."
"well-"Tohr stopped frowning slightly as his phone went off. Of everyone who could be calling, the two people most likely to actually call him where already in the room with him. Frowning as he held out the phone he looked at the unidentifiable number, before flipping it to speakphone."Hello?"

"Tohr, son of Wrath. I have something that belongs to you.Do you want him back?"The smooth cultured voice sounded amused and relaxed.

"Who are you?"Tohr frowned, searching his mind for who it could be, wondering who in the world could know rehv would be missing, and manage to contain him when he went insane."My name is Thorne, but that is not the important thing. The important thing is I have a sick vampire here with me, that your own men turned over to me. Come and get him."

Tohr frowned trying to figure out the trap before sighing quietly."Where?" "The hunter's home. I see it burned down yesterday, and I have been enjoying the flames.If you don't hurry, I might consider tossing this pathetic excuse of a vampire on it, and lightening it up again."Thorne said before hanging up, before turning his attention back to the man glaring a hole in the back of his skull, even handcuffed and sulking, he wasn't about to leave Rehv alone.

Meanwhile tohr looked at bronte, his eyes dark."You burned the house?"He said anxious and worried. He didn't know this thorne, but he knew that if one of his men handed Rehv over and he got killed, he was going to gut them and feed them their hearts.
Bronte looked a little startled at the question. "I had every right to do whatever the hell I wanted with it," she snapped, already on the defense. "It was left to me in my parents will." She swallowed hard and pulled her hair down from the pony tail, for she could already feel a headache coming down. "That house brought more nightmares than it did fond memories." She shivered at the thought then glanced up at Tohr. "Was that Rehv?"

Kaspar looked shocked. "Shit, the vampire hunters are going to go insane..." he murmured, because that house was the official gathering place.
Tohr sighed rubbing a hand over his face."I don't care what you did to the house. I'm just worried that the others will come for you now."He said rubbing a hand over his face before sighing quietly shaking his head."No, that wasn't Rehv. Though it did similar."He said frowning a little, thinking over the other's voice. There had been similiarities between the two's voices, but Thorne had lacked Rehv's hard edged jaded words. "We better get going. Once the hunters realize that someone's at the house, they'll go there. Espicially now that its burned down."he said glancing at kaspar and bronte."Are you two coming?"He asked swallowing hard.Because he really didn't want to put kaspar in danger, nor bronte, but he knew that if he tried to order them to stay he'd have to put up with them sulking for days.
It seemed Bronte had under estimated what would happen when she burned down the house. "They won't come after me, will they?" she whispered, looking a little fearful. She was trying not to be scared, but she knew he was right. Now the vampires would hate her for being the daughter of a vampire hunter, and the vampire hunters would hate her for turning on them. "I'll go," she said, standing up and slipping on her shoes. "Maybe I can help if they do decide to come. I grew up with those people after all." She took a deep breath a followed the other two out to the car, getting in the back seat. Her stomach was full of butterflies, because she hated to think her reaction to the night before was what led him to be so reckless. After this was all said and done (and if they came out alive), she needed to have a talk with him.

Kaspar was sulking in the front seat. "That bastard is always getting in trouble, and we are always having to get him out of it," he grumbled. He liked Rehv (even if he would never admit it), but he wished the man would keep a lower profile sometimes.
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