
Bronte glanced up at him, concern in her eyes. She tucked her hair behind her ear and tilted her head to the side. "Do I need to pack a bag?" she asked. It seemed her "pissed off" act was not going to last long, because sadly, she was developing feelings for the troubled, complicated man. Standing up, she flipped the side on the window of the nurse's office, signally she was out, and pulled her hair down from her messy work bun. Her hair tumbled down in soft, dark waves. "I'd ask Kaspar for permission, but he will say no, and then I'd be breaking the rules like Tohr told me not to."

Kaspar nodded, giving his lover an encouraging smile. "Always," he said, then moved to open the door for the man who was very much his master in public. Like a proper second in command, he stayed one step behind him and kept his hands clasped behind his back and head bowed.
Rehv frowned slightly thinking it over."Unless you want to be stuck wearing my clothes, you better pack something."He said rubbing a hand over his face before smirking slightly as he walked her towards her rooms. Oh yea, definately a bad idea this was. "They're not here anymore. Tohr had to go out tonight."He said pausing outside her room and leaning against the wall. "Just pack for the night, we'll be back in the morning."He said softly, his voice so carefully blank as to not show how he was really feeling about things.

Tohr smiled nodding a little as he looked at the other before stepping inside, following the servant into the sitting room he frowned slightly at the sight of just Catalina and the leader of the vampire families, Haven. "Tohr, it is good to see you."despite the slightly cold words, there was genunine gladness to see him, which made Tohr's stomach tighten into knots. "What's up?"He said swallowing slowly. "My daughter's missing. And I recieved this tonight, here while I was visiting with haven.He sent for you as soon as we realized what it meant."Catalina said, for once, Rehv's mother looked shaken. Tohr frowned harder at the note, trying to sort it out. "There is always a price. And your daughter will pay the price for his arrogance. Tohr frowned as he read, knowing Rehv had to be the he mentioned, but who could hate him enough to strike out at his sister?And why?
"I don't think you are my size," Bronte quipped, moving over to her dresser and packing a small duffle back of clothes and necessities. Once packed, she slid the bag on her shoulder and sighed. "We are going to have to run through a Starbucks, because I'm beat... And I'm assuming you aren't going to tell me exactly where we are going or what we are doing." Slipping on her shoes, she turned the light off and followed him out to the car garage. Why was she doing this? She was being reckless... But she was just so drawn to him.

Kaspar looked concerned and leaned over Tohr's shoulder to read the note. "Rehv," he murmured, shaking his head. He swallowed hard and moved away, not wanting the other's to think that he and Tohr were cozier than appropriate. "Catalina, I assure you, we will get to the bottom of this," he said respectively, bowing his head. He glanced at Tohr, waiting to see what he was going to say. This was not going to be good.
Rehv nodded watching her, struggling to focus. Even as the dopamine started to clear his system, his world came back into sharp focus, but the problem with being undrugged he was seeing it through a haze of emotions, and not his sight."I can take you to starbucks."He said biting his lip a little as he climbed into the car quiet as they drove."I have a...meeting with a friend, and she's fairly bad for my health. So I'm listening to Trez and bringing my own doctor."He said trying to avoid having to explain about ariana, but he knew eventually she was going to figure it out.She wasn't stupid, and she was going to be in the same house as them. Such a bad idea.

Tohr nodded a little turning his head slightly, responding to Kaspar benig close to him before oing over,kneeling down in front of the shaken woman, taking her hands in his, meeting her eyes."I will return Talia to you, Cat. I wont let her pay the price for whatever Rehv's gotten himself into."He muttered trying to keep her calm, looking worried about her. Glancing up at kaspar, "Think we should take her with us?If they took Talia from home, they might try for Catalina."he said looking concerned as he looked at his second in command. "What are you going to do?"Haven demanded, pretty much making a nuisance of himself to the warrior. Tohr frowned as he stood, "I am going to get Talia back, then deal with Rehv."Tohr said his voice going hard, not because he was angry,but because he was afraid. for both the two young vampires he'd adopted as his own after their father'd died.Much like Kaspar's own adopting into his family, Tohr had a soft heart despite being a warrior, and was always looking after the lost ones.
Bronte looked a little confused. "A friend? Usually friends aren't bad for your health," she said, leaning back in the passenger seat. She put her feet up on the dash board and glanced over at him, analyzing his profile as he drove. When they arrived at the Starbucks drive-thru, she leaned all the way over him (pretty much in his lap), and ordered her non-fat, sugar free vanilla latte. As an after thought, she turned to look at him. Her eyebrow was arched, and her face was just a few inches from his. "Want anything?" she asked.

Kaspar looked tense, but nodded. "Absolutely," he said, "We should have her in safety." He glanced at Haven, fangs bared, giving him a warning look. "Back off, Haven," he said in a low growl. It was just a warning, for he knew better than to get out of control, but he was protective of Tohr. Hell, he'd been his guard and second in command for years. "We will get it all taken care of," he said nodded to Catalina.
"Mine tend to be.It comes with the business."He said looking amused, though his 'friend' was more family then business related. Sighing quietly as she leaned across him, he rested his head back on the headrest, smirking a little as he shifted in his seat."Hmmm,you sucking me off. Make this drive interesting."he muttered before turning his head to order a chocolate latte, seemingly to easily pass from crude to pleasant. Pulling up to the window he paid before handing her her drink."Settle in. It'll be a hour's drive."he said looking uncomfortable because the only time he went 'home'-the house he'd grown up in- was f0r these visits, and after 20 years of doing it, it held more bad memories then good.

Tohr nodded swallowing his laughter at the startled look on haver's face."Good.Call if you hear anything else."He growled at Haven before picking catalina up,holding the slowly falling apart mother, feeling her shoulderst shake as she started to cry. Pressing a kiss to her hair he climbed into the car, with the woman settled into his lap."Take the long way home. There's no reason for the other's to realize something's wrong yet."He muttered to kaspar, absently petting Catalina's hair as he turned over the problem of how he was going to explain this to Rehv without having the man go on a sucidial mission to get Talia back.
Bronte let out a burst of laughter, taking her latte and reclining back in her seat. "Yea," she said, "In your dreams." Humor was sparkling within her large green-blue eyes before she settled in her seat. She was sitting side-ways with her knees to her chest and her coffee between both hands. She looked up at him and sighed. "Why did you ignore me all week?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "Am I not good enough for you or something?" She glanced out the window and rolled her eyes, trying not to look offended. She was.

Kaspar nodded and drove the long way home, playing music from the radio in the background. He stayed quiet for the most part, not wanting to upset Catalina even more. When they got back to the palace, he helped Tohr get her through the back entrance and into one of the nicer guest rooms -fully furnished for the times that members of the council came to visit. "Is there anything I can get you Catalina? Have you fed?"
"Hm, so I do dream."Reh said a smile dimpling his cheek a little as he sipped his latte, sighing quietly as he drove. Glancing over at her for a moment before shaking his head and going back to driving."No. I just realized that I was going to hurt you more by allowing you to develope feelings for me. And I couldn't allow that."he said looking annoyed, because he was trapped in a car with her, by his own invitation so it wasn't like he could not talk to her.

Tohr smiled a llittle as they walked into the house, pushing open the door to let Catalina into the room, looking her over worriedly. "I-I would like to feed."Catalina said nodding a little as she looked at kaspar, tilting her head a little."And see my son. I need to know he's okay." Tohr frowned slightly shaking his head. "He had to go out tonight Cat, but I'll have him come back as soon as I can get him to answer the phone."Tohr said his voice slightly concerned, because he had no idea how this was going to go, and since it was Rehv, he knew the man would probably be out of touch for awhile.
Bronte rolled her eyes and looked out at the approaching sunset. "You don't get to manage my feelings for me, Rehv," she grumbled, a blush spreading across her cheeks. While she looked pissed, all she was thinking about was if her feelings were mutual. She was starting to become more and more attracted to the complicated man beside her... Did he feel the same magnetic pull that she did? "And ignoring me is not going to fix anything. All I did... Well, hell, all I did was worry about you." She turned and narrowed her eyes at me. "So give me a fucking break on the whole 'I was saving your feelings' act." With that, she turned to look out the window with her coffee pressed to her lips. Oh, God. She did it this time.

Kaspar nodded. "Of course, Catalina, I will go get a donor right now." He bowed before leaving the room, grabbing one of the more tame and sensitive female donors, and brought her back. He figured that the last thing she wanted to worry about was some horny male donor putting the moves on her while she tried to feed. However, on his way back, he noticed that Bronte was not in her room. Well, fuck.

Returning to Catalina with the donor, Kaspar turned to Tohr with frustration in his eyes. "Wherever Rehv went, he took Bronte," he said, "Why am I not surprised?"
Rehv sighed quietly."I get to manage my life, and if I don't want to hurt you, that is my choice to manage how you feel about me."He said his hand tightening on the wheel, his jaw clenching a little, so hard in fact that it was amazing that he wasn't grinding his teeth into dust. "well, you shouldn't have. I can take care of myself."he said reaching up and rubbing a hand over his face before going quiet. "Don't you get it bronte?Both sides of my family are going to kill me eventually. I don't want you tangled up in that."

"Thank you kaspar."Catalina said smiling a little as he walked inside, settling onto the bed with a quiet sigh. Looking tired and worried. Tohr pressed a kiss to her head as kaspar returned,"Yell if you need anything."He muttered leaving her to feed before looking at kaspar, scowling. "Bloody hell. He's been avoiding her. Surely that could have kept them apart."he scowled seriously annoye with the other vampire as he dialed Rehv's number but wasn't surprised when it kicked straight to voice mail.After leaving a message he looked at kaspar."So, do we wait for him to come back and have some input on where Talia was taken, or go search for him?"He said his voice angry, but not with kaspar. He was so pissed that Rehv couldn't keep to his promises, and that he couldn't tell the man what happened, and that talia was missing
Bronte looked over at him an narrowed her eyes. "What do I have to lose, Rehv? I have no family, no friends, and I'm only living with Tohr because he feels sorry for me and because he needed a nurse," she grumbled, looking a little hurt at his words. She looked down at her coffee, trying not to crush the card board cup between her hands in frustration. He confused her like no other man was able to do, and it infuriated her. "And obviously, you can't take care of yourself. Not all of the time. Remember, you are looking at the person who removed several feet of silver mesh from your skin." She grinded her teeth a bit, her jaw tense.

Kaspar shook his head. "Go after him? We'd have to track him down by Bronte's scent," he said, "And I'm not sure it's worth it. Wherever he is going, it is for a reason, and the last thing we need is for Rehv to come back (already pissed off) to see his mother in shambles and his sister missing." He ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the door as the donor stepped out of the room. She didn't look too wobbly on her feet, which made Kaspar believe that Catalina didn't feed too much. "Let's wait until morning," he said, "The one benefit of Bronte being with him, is the fact that he will eventually return with her. He knows better than to think that he can disappear with her for long periods of time. He knows you'd have his neck for it."

He put his hand on the other's arm. He couldn't show too much affection in the hall way, but he wanted to calm the other man down. "It will be okay," he murmured, "We will set out for Talia in the morning. Nothing will get done tonight - not with out a game plan. I'll put together by best men to bring with us."
"Your life. Your sanity. I've seen woman commit suicide because a hellren refused to feed again. I have no desire to witness it from someone I like."He said through grinding teeth, swallowing hard. Turning his head a little to look at her before sighing."I had to ]let someone do that Bronte, that wasn't because I failed to protect myself."He ground out between his teeth as he pulled into the house's driveway, getting out and walking around the car. Opening the door to help her out he sighed softly."You will wait up in my room while I meet with her. And please, don't come in.I'll be across the hall in my study, but...no matter what you hear, don't come in. That is my rule if you want to be able to doctor me afterwards."

"Fucking vampire.He's a pain in my ass."He grumbled because he knew kaspar was right, that there was no use dragging Rehv back here when he'd left for a reason, only to dump this in his lap. Glancing at the donor he smiled a little before nodding, tilting his head. "True. He knows better then that."He muttered glad at the idea because he knew both rehv and the kidnapper's thoughts. Rehv would eventually bring Bronte back, if only to keep Tohr from hunting him down. The kidnapper, well, they'd sent the first message, and it was supposed to shock and terrify them. They'd have a little while to get things in action before Talia was in true danger. At least, he hoped.

Sighing quietly at the touch he nodded, moving away a little as to not show to much emotion, because he still wanted to lean into him. Swallowing hard he smiled quietly "Put the list together, I'm going to call Trez and see if he has any ideas."He said before heading up to his office with the other, they both had their own projects, their own things to be done, but there was no reason they couldn't work together.
Bronte looked up at him, irritation and frustration in her eyes. She ground her teeth together and nodded. "Fine," she snapped, "As long as you cooperate." Standing up, she let him shut the door of the car before following him up to the dark, morbid looking mansion. She stayed close to him, even if she was pissed as hell. She hated how he wanted to 'protect' her. She didn't want to be protected... However, at that moment, she realized this may be a serious situation. He was a strong man on top of being a hellren/vampire. If someone could hurt him, they could do some serious damage to her. "And you promise you aren't going to abandon me in your room?" she asked upon approaching the door.

Kaspar nodded. "Of course," he said, before moving down stairs to the training rooms. He quickly put together a group of ten men - his most promising warriors - and gathered them up in a meeting room. He gave them a run down on how they were supposed to act, and that they were about to be on a mission. However, he did not tell them exactly what was going on. He was going to leave that to Tohr, just to be safe. Then he called up several female donors, allowing the men to get both hunger and lust out of their systems. Each donor that he picked were woman who were very much addicted to vampire sex. They loved to serve, which was convenient, because he didn't believe in forcing woman into servitude.
Rehv nodded a little."I always cooperate."e said looking slightly amused as he walked inside with her, before swallowing hard before looking at her. "I wont. I promise as soon as I can walk, I'll come and get you."He muttered before steering her into the bedroom before gently shutting the door."Stay. please. It'll be worse if she realizes I brought someone."He muttered before shuting her in and heading for his study. Barely settled into his seat as the female hellren swept into the room. She was tall and blond, everything Rehv wasn't in terms of poise and grace. "Cousin, it is always so pleasant to see you."Fari muttered as she gently stroked Rehv's cheek looking over the handsome man.

"Don't you mean unpleasant?"Rehv muttered as he tossed the bag of blood red rubies to the floor."There's your money for the month."he said wincing as her mouth settled against his, trying to forget that Bronte was in the next room as he gave into what his cousin was blackmailing him for. And to protect his life, he would keep paying her, even if it was literally killing him to hide it from his beloved sister, and the rest of the world.Trying to forget that Bronte was listening to his cousin's version of sex, though it was obvious after while that Rehv wasn't enjoying himself nearly as much as Fari was, though he was easily being the more dominte of the two, he wasn't actually enjoying the sex.

Tohr smiled slightly as he listened to Kaspar explain, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he watched the men look at him worriedly. "Jus be prepared. We're leaving in the morning when me and kaspar get the plans ready. Go take care of your feeding."He said waving them out, forstalling Kaspar's question, answering it before he had a chance to ask."Telling them wont help Talia, and Rehv at least deserves enough of our respect to be the first to know what happened."
As soon as the grunts and moans of sex could be heard through the walls, Bronte's mood nose dived into heart ache. She wasn't exactly sure why, but the idea of him fucking some woman (who was supposed to be family) in the other room made her feel incredible jealous and sad. So jealous, that her stomach hurt at the thought. While in his room, she sat on the edge of his bed and cursed herself for leaving with him. She was an idiot... Anyone could see that she was walking into a world of heart break and disappointment, yet something about that vampire had her acting like a fool.

Kaspar nodded and shut the door. The click of the lock rang through the room, and within seconds, he had his arms wrapped around the other man. "I know," he said, "That's why I didn't tell them a head of time. Now..." He pulled back and kissed Tohr softly. "Let's get a drink and get some rest, okay?" He wanted to keep the other man calm and collected, because he knew that once everything blew up, it was going to be hard on Tohr.
After awhile the sounds disappeared and the sound of the door shutting rang through the house even though Rehv didn't appear at the door right away. IT nearly took another half an hour for Rehv to get up off the floor, walking across the hall. "Bronte?open the door,please?"Rehv growled in pain as he leaned against the frame, having at least pulled on a pair of jeans, though there was no silver mesh inbeded in his skin, where he was bleeding across his shoulders the blood was coming out silver laced. His cousin never hurt him the same way twice, but she always made sure he was to posioned to fight back.

Tohr smiled a little laughing as the other hugged him right away, kissing him slowly. "Okay."he muttered standing up with Kaspar in his arms, holding him gently as grabbed the bottle of alcohol, before moving to the bed. Laying down with the other he sipped the scotch before hnding the bottle over, cuddling up against Kaspar with a small smile. "I don't like sleeping alone anymore...you've ruined me."e muttered, pouting.
Bronte immediately heard the distress in his voice. She bit her lip and slid off the bed, opening the door for him. "What the hell happened?" she asked, shock and suspicion in her tone. She was worried for him, yes, but the sounds of sex were not easily forgotten. Reaching up, she grabbed the large man's arm and pulled him into the room. "Lay down," she said, then shut the door and grabbed her medical bag. Immediately, she went to work on cleaning out the wounds on his shoulders.

Kaspar chucked and wrapped his arms around him, his face pressed into the other's neck. "Good. That was my intent - to ruin you for future lovers," he purred, kissing Tohr's neck. He leaned up long enough to take a big gulp of scotch, then kissed Tohr on the lips with the Scotch still in his mouth. When he pulled back, he had a playful smirk on his face. "I hate it when you get so tense, you know," he murmured, running his fingers through the other's hair. "It worries me."
Rehv chuckled a little,wincing painfully before letting her steer him to the bed."a sadist's version of sex."he said blunt because he hadn't really thouht about it,but he knew there was no way she hadn't heard what was going on. Gasping a little he screwed his eyes shut in a effort to forget what happened."clean them out,but let them bleed. It'll get the silver out...but I would have to feed so if you want to bandage me up,we can go back to the mansion zo I can have a donor."he muttered rambling a bit in the wake of having the silver trying to kill him inside out. It was a good thing that as half vampite,he was more tolerant of silver then most hellrens,but it still hurt like hell.

Tohr lauhed relaxing even more at the teasing."well,considering you're my first lover in decades,I think I was well on my way to being ruined for others."he pointed out but looked pleased at the idea of just being with kaspar forever. Rubbing a hand over his face as he ended the kiss he sighed."well,if I could ever make a dent in the hellrens fighting force,it'd be a lot less tense...thouh granted,they're not nearly as violent as they had been a few decades ago,it still is ugly."he muttered not realizing that everythi.g had changed,when 2 brothwrs had forced the system to work for them,instead of just goi.g with the game. Rehv and thorne had done some good,even if they themselves couldn't see it
Bronte pressed her lips together, her eyebrows furrowed. "I thought you were going to see family," she said with a tad bit of disgust in her eyes. "Most family members don't fuck upon the first greeting." She quickly cleaned up his wounds, but allowed them to bleed on to the pure white sheets of the bed. "We can't get you to the mansion tonight. You're in no position to drive, and I don't know how to. I'm not willing to learn under the circumstances," she said, shaking her head, "You can feed from me. What's it going to hurt? You've already done it twice before." She knew their bond would strengthen, but the thing was, she was past worrying about such things. She just wanted to save him. Holding out her arm, she pressed the delicate skin of her forearm to his lips. "Hurry up, or you are going to run out of time."

"Just focus on one thing at a time, Tohr," Kaspar said softly, stroking his hair, "We need to concentrate on finding Talia and making sure that Rehv doesn't going insane on us." He kissed him gently on the cheek and continued to stroke his hair. He knew the danger that they were in, but he felt it was his responsibility to keep Tohr calm and focused. And then, of course, fight to the death for him. He promised he'd lay down his life for Tohr the night that he had saved him, and he never looked back.
Rehv's eyes grew dark with anger and self disgust."she is family. Though more percisely she's Thorne's cousin. She thinks havin g a child will give her enough leverage to oust thorns from his throne. Stupid woman. Like we wouldn't be prepared for that."he sighed quietly already tired of this conversation. There were reasons he did what he did,and none of them were pleasant.nor any of her businesz.raising his head he smiled slightly as he bit her slowly,taking his time to make sure it was pleasant before slumping back against the pillows."you ahouls get some rest to."he said after a moment.

Tohr snorted laughing."you were always able to stay more focused then me."he zaid tiredly snuggling into the other vampire. He knew they were playing a dangerousness game,but at the moment he didn't care. He didn't realize he was falling hard for the other.
Bronte swallowed hard. The thought of him having a baby with this woman in order to keep some peace was insane. It gave him a more selfless light than she had originally thought. He was almost... heroic. Well, in a dark sort of way. "Are you going to give her a baby?" she asked, looking a little... hurt? She must be losing it. All her life, she said she wasn't having children. She wouldn't bring a child into this horrible world... And yet, the idea of him having a child with another woman made her feel jealous. "I will," she said, pulling the bloody sheets off the bed and replacing them with clean ones. Afterward, she put her pajamas on ( a tank top and boxer shorts) and climbed into the bed beside him. He didn't invite her to sleep in the bed with him, but with her supposed to be hidden, it was implied. Rolling on to her side (inches away), Bronte looked down at him. "You said you liked me earlier," she murmured, arching her eyebrow.

Kaspar smiled, putting the bottle on the night stand. "That's what I'm here for," he murmured, then pressed his face in the other's neck. His arms circled around his waist, feeling so content and warm in the other's presence. He had been in love once, like Tohr, to a girl many decades ago, Melody. She had died in the barn fire that Tohr had saved Kaspar from... They were supposed to be married, and he was crushed. He went from a 21-year-old farmer's son to a vampire in one night. Tohr had treated him like one of his own ever since, which was probably what helped Kaspar get over things quicker than normal. He still had dreams about Melody sometimes, but things were different. He was falling for Tohr in a very different way than he ever loved sweet little Melody. "Why is it that you felt inclined to save me that night?" Kaspar muttered against the other's skin. It was random, but it was on his mind.
"Hell no. I have no intention of being the reason Thorne gets his ass killed and a baby would be that."He said tiredly looking up at her before frowning. Wondering at the feelings, looking thoughtful as he looked her over before closing his eyes as she settled into the bed with him, not protesting that she was with him, which for the normally so cold rehv, was paramount to asking her to stay. "So I did."He said looking at her in slight confusion.Wondering where she was going with it. Closing his eyes as he relaxed back into the bed, he sighed quietly. "You should sleep."He said after a moment, despite opening up earlier, he was still a guy, and didn't like the emotional crap despite his hellren nature, well maybe he hated it even more because of it.

Tohr laughed smiling a little as kaspar pressed into him, closing his eyes as he pressed a kiss to his forehead. going quiet at the other's question before smiling slightly. "Because sometimes fate puts events in your way,, that you just can't walk away from. Ara and I had been discussing children, and we both at the time were still young enough to have them naturally, and REhv had just been born, and Ara had baby fever...and then there you were, hurt, dying...and young enough that we could raise you.It was what we needed."He muttered not about to admit that he'd been scared shitless to try for a vmpire blooded child, because of REhv, who even at 2 had showed every sign of being deadly, quicker, nastier then any woman would be capable of. si ut had scared him to try for a child. Kaspar had been the perfect answer, a child not of their blood, but a young vampire they could raise.
Bronte huffed. He was so frustration sometimes. Such a typical man. "I'll sleep when I feel like it," she said stubbornly. She slipped down into the blankets, her hair spilling across the pillow, and watching. Just like the other night, he looked so peaceful with his eyes closed and his face relaxed. It still amazed her that he seemed to trust her enough to sleep around her... Suddenly, something came over her. She slid to his side of the bed and rest her head on his bicep while her hand slid up his chest. She rest her palm on a particularly awful, tattoo-covered scar. "It's okay to like me, you know," she whispered, glancing up at him. "You won't hurt me any worse than any other man who came in contact with me."

Kaspar felt touched, and it reminded him how easily it was to become comfortable in Tohr's home. He was always so good to him, and Ara was just as wonderful. They had done everything in their power to give him a nice life after Tohr had saved him. "There is no other person that I would have wanted to be saved by," he murmured, "I would have soon rather burned in that barn with Melody." He frowned a little, snuggling down into Tohr's side. "You gave me another chance." Closing his eyes, he felt himself getting sleepier... Never had he felt so comfortable in another's arms.
Rehv sighed softly, yawning a little as he shifted to get comfortable,but didn't move away from her as she got closer. Turning his head a little he rested his cheek against her head,shuddering a little at her words."Hm,definately going to hurt you more then kaspar or tohr would."He muttered sounding a little amused,and a lot sleepy. The posion was still making its way through his system.Despite bleeding it out, and feeding, the silver was still there.In the morning Rehv looked pale and shocky, posioned still to the point that there was still a slight highlighting of silver under his skin, as his body circulated the liquid silver. despite her goals, his cousin just might have screwed up this time, and managed to kill him.

Tohr smiled little turning his head to press a kiss to her hair, sighing quietly as he held him tightly."Good.Cause I'm glad it was me to."He muttered sighing quietly, snuggling into the other and falling asleep.In the morning Tohr yawned, awake but not wanting to move. Not wanting ot wake up the sleeping vampire in his arms. They had to much to do to just lay here, but he didn't want to move.
The next morning, Bronte was snuggled up against the larger man, her hair across his chest. When she woke up, she immediately began to panic. "Rehv? Revh, I need you to wake up," she said, grabbing both sides of his face. He looked awful - clammy and weak. She brushed back his hair, then turned to grab her medical kits. She quickly opened it up and pulled out a syringe of dopamine. It was a long shot, but she thought it might get him feeling better and in more control so that she could do a blood transfusion without him attacking her again. "We have to get this shit out of you," she said, looking nervous. "Does she keep donors here?"

Kaspar stirred a bit, his head on his lover's chest. "Morning already?" he grumbled, opening his big blue eyes. Those eyes of his kept him looking rather innocent, not like a typical brooding vampire. Leaning over, he kissed Tohr on the lips. "Want some coffee and breakfast?" he asked, "I can get something sent up."
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