
Rehv stirred sighing softly as he ran his fingers through his hair starting to wake up, stretching slowly. "Hm, you look to awake. We should go back to bed."He whined but got up himself, starting to get ready for the day. As much as he wanted to just stay with his daughter and explore having another hellren that felt like he did, now that thorne was gone was feeling cut off, but his honor wouldn't stand for him to not helping kaspar. it would break him to not help,even if kaspar would understand that he was still recovering from his months long punishment and decline after bronte'd left.

Tohr yawned sighing quietly as he pressed a kiss to the other's head. Quiet and withdrawn, not because he was having second thoughts, but because he thought kaspar was."I did. How about you?"He muttered nuzzling the other a little, absently running his fingers through his hair, looking down at the other man."You going to make rehv help in the gym today?"He said looking thoughtful
Bronte laughed a bit, cleaning the baby up before pulling her shirt up. "We have a baby now," she said, "We are going to be awake all of the time now." Gently, she stood up (still a little sore) and cradled Leia. The baby looked calm and happy, her eyes wandering around the room until they landed on Rehv. She looked at him with curiosity, probably realizing that he was like her. It was sweet to see her already bonding with him in that way. "She's happy to see you," Bronte said, handing him the baby when he finished getting dressed. "Are you going to train today?"

"I wasn't going to force him," Kaspar said, smirking, "I'm not a tyrant. But, yea, I'm going down there today. We need to keep the men in tip-top shape and ready for potential threats." He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lover playing with his hair. "I slept well... But I can't help but notice how off you seem." He opened his eyes and frowned. "Are you upset with me?"
"Hm, think we could get kaspar to get up all the time?He'd be good at it."He said sounding thoughtful as he considered that before shrugging. He knew he would be up with leia, no matter what the once drug lord said, he had no intention of ever letting anyone less take care of leia more then he did."I was going to. Well. At least see what I have to work on again."He aid smiling as he cooed at leia, looking amused as he let his daughter read his emotions, doing the same to her.

"Hm, I'm sure Rehv thinks differently. You remember he compared you to stalin and hitler as a teenager right?"He muttered snickering as he pressed a kiss to kaspar's head, sighing ever so softly. Nearly squirming, which for tohr said he was upset about something. He was hardly ever uncomfortable about things. "..you want a child.A little one."He muttered sighing quietly, sadly.
Bronte smirked a bit, watching father and daughter. "You could take her down there, let them all see her. They need to know she exists, and with you holding her, they won't try anything. I don't think they really ever would." She leaned down to kiss her daughter's head before moving to take a shower herself. As she started to peel off her clothes, her scar from the C-section came in to view. It was still very sore, but she needed to get up and moving and start working down stairs.

Kaspar looked a Tohr with a confused expression. "Well... yea," he said, "Eventually. Of course, it's not exactly the time to do something like that. We can't even come out to anyone right now." He sat up and looked down at his lover, brushing his hair out of his face. "I mean, I figured there are probably a lot of orphaned vampire infants because of the war. It's nice to think that, you know, we might be able to adopt one someday... You know, if you wanted to, of course." He looked a little embarrassed, rubbing a hand over his face.
Rehv cooed a little looking amused before laughing quietly."I'm sure the only thing they'd ever try to do, is to hold her."He said looking thoughtful before shrugging a little as he glanced over at her."But i guess I can let her meet them."He said looking bemused as he settled on the bed to wait for bronte to finish getting ready, having every intention of walking down with her.

Tohr looked up at him startled at the other's words, a small relieved smile curling his lips. Glad to hear that so relieved that Kaspar hadn't even considered leaving him. Sighing quietly he leaned over to kiss the other, tugging him closer."i would. That would be nice."He said blushing and not about to explain just what he had been thinking, becacuse he knew the othr would probably be upset that he hadn't had more faith in him
Bronte returned a few moments later, her hair dry and her face painted with a little make up. She miraculously slipped into a pair of jeans that she wore before she was pregnant. It was clear that her large stomach was all baby. "She might as well get used to seeing all the men training and whatnot. This war isn't going to end any time soon," she said, kneeling down to kiss her lover. The baby cooed up at them when they kissed, as if she was happy to feel the emotions her parents had for each other. "Give her to me real quick." She took the baby and quickly changed her in to a light purple onesie that Tohr and Kaspar had gotten the night before, then put a headband on her head that had a big pink flower on it. It made Bronte giggle to see that big flower on the child's head, but damn, it was adorable. "There we go, Sweetheart." With that, she handed her back to her father.

Kaspar smiled and moved to wrap his arms around his lover. "It would be nice," he said, "But of course, you know, we have to let Rehv's kid get past a certain age. No sense in having to infants in the house. One infant is dangerous enough." He leaned down to kiss his lover gently on the lips, then stood up and shimmied into a pair of pants. "I have to get down to the training floor," he said, "I need to make sure I get down there before Rehv, or he won't let me hear the end of it."
Rehv grinned at her looking amused."Hm you look good."He purred cuddling her a little before laughing softly, leaning back to look down at the baby in his arms."True, but I don't want to share."He pouted before handing her over, looking amused as Leia cooed aat them. Wrinkling his nose a little as he took Leia back but didn't protest the bow on her head. "You want to dress me to, make sure I'm ready for the day?"He teased grinning as they headed downstairs.

"Yes, definately no more then one infant in the house. Leia's going to be bad enough if she's anything like her father."Tohr snickered as he got up starting to get dressed himself."I'll walk down with you."He smirked as he headed for the door."If we do get there after REhv I want to hear about it."He snorted knowing it was true, rehv would never shut up about it if he managed to drag himself away from leia before the two of them had gotten up
Bronte laughed at him, rolling his eyes. "I think you can manage your usual wardrobe," she said, walking with him down the stairs. When the little family made it to the training floor, all the men turned to stare. It was an odd sight to see, because not only was Bronte back (something they were still not aware of), but the usually brutal Rehv was holding a small infant in his arms. They all looked incredibly confused, even as Kaspar and Tohr came down not far behind them.

Leia began to whine a little, sounding as if she was about to cry. The amount of emotions in the room was too much for her at such a young age. With time, she'd had the unique gift of controlling the emotions around her, but for now, it only made the infant fussy.
Rehv laughed as they walked downstairs, smirking a little as he shifted the baby, cuddling her." You all know Bronte. Leia is mine. Not yours. Not sharing."Rehv said staring back at the men using his own ablities to soften the emotions in the room so it wasn't so overwhelming for leia. While she would still be able to feel it, it was numb, far away behind rehv's overpowering emotions. No wonder the man was so intense, it was a protection for imself.

Tohr snickered a little."Rehv you hav eto share."He said smirking at kaspar, nudging him a little."Look he beat you down here."He said nudging his lover looking way to amused.
Bronte shot a looked up at Rehv. "Please try to be pleasant," she said with a huff. Leia, after her father calmed everyone down, stopped fussing and looked around the room at all the men. Gently, Bronte took the baby from Rehv and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I'll take the baby for the day, okay? She can be with me in the office. You need to go train and help out Kaspar. We will see you at dinner." She gave him a smile, because poor guy, she knew it would be hard for him to be away from Leia.

Kaspar rolled his eyes. "That's because he's got Bronte ordering him around now," he said, "Before she came into his life, we'd be lucky if he wasn't high right now." He crossed his arms at his chest and looked out at the men. With a booming voice, he ordered, "Get back to work!"
Rehv sulked making a face."I'm always pleasant."He whined watching her go sulking as he realized that he wasn't going to get to keep leia with him. Sulking as he headed for the tread mill, ignoring the looks the men were still watching him. "Hm, that's true."Tohr said leaning down to steal a kiss, "I'll see you at work."He said smiling as he headed for the office to let the others work.

That evening rehv sighed softly as he settled into the chair, looking around."Oh, calm down. They'll be here soon."Lash said rolling his eyes as he watched Rehv as he started to eat. IT amused all the men since Rehv had spent the day,after months of not talking, filling them all in on the amazingness of his daughter aas he worked out.
Bronte, after a day of paper work and tending to the baby, came down the stairs and entered the dining room. Settling in the chair beside Rehv and smiled. "Have you been nice today?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. Leia was sleeping soundly in her arms, and to ease his mind, Bronte shifted the sleeping child into his arms.

The men in the room snickered a bit.

Kaspar walked in not long after Bronte and looked around. "Tohr's not down yet?" he asked, looking confused. Usually, Tohr beat him to dinner... Looking down, he smiled at the steak sitting in front of him and began to dig in.
Rehv made a face as he sipped the glass of blood he'd gotten, starting to eat teh plaateful of mashed patatos as he shifted his hold on leia so he could eat at the same time."I'm always nice."he sid before looking around the table. "No laughing, whats so amusing?"he sulked a little.

Tohr smiled slightly as he stepped into the room, his eyes dark and worried as he slid into his seat next to kaspar."Was just finishing what I was working on. Don't look so confused."he teased rolling his eyes a little as he started to eat, trying not to worry to much. Things were going to hell without either rehv or thorne controlling things, but he had no idea how to approach rehv about it, or try to get thorne back without destroying the peace with nikolas. What he really needed, was a chance to talk to nikolas, not that he was sure it was a good idea.
Bronte smirked and began to eat her salad, watching as Rehv held their daughter so gently. It was so sweet to see the man who had originally been completely hostile and suicide be so gentle with the baby. "She was good all day," Bronte said, "Not much fussing. Only when hungry." After a few moments, Leia's eyes opened and looked up at her father. She seemed happy to wake up to him, their bond growing stronger by the second. It wasn't going to surprise anyone if she grew up to be a daddy's girl.

Kaspar reached under the table to gently squeeze his lover's knee. "I just like to know you are okay at all times. Remember, I am your guard," he said, noticing that something was off with Tohr. He was very sensitive to his emotions these days. It was easy to tell when Tohr was conflicted.
Rehv smiled slightly shifting the baby in his arms, leaning down to kiss her head."ohh, such a good girl for mommy."He muttered looking down at leia, looking amused as he let his emotions go to her, letting her know she was loved."How are you feeling?"Rehv muttered looking up at bronte with a slight worried look, wondering if she was as really okay as she seemed.

Tohr smiled slightly nodding."Hm, well I'm fine."he said brushing off the worry knowing that kaspar would beat it out of him later, but he had no intention of bringing it up at the table, espcially since he knew it would just make the others worry all the more.
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