
Rehv growled looking very annoyed having been so very outsmarted by the brother he just wanted to save ,but he knew Tohr ws right, that thorne would have set it up that he couldn't come back without Nikolas taking bronte away. Sighing softly as he rested his forehead against her head he sighed quietly."I know. But it seems thorne knows what he's doing.Even if he's being a idiot."he muttered before glancing up at the others amusement showing in his face at the arguing words.

"Ah, well.Damn.I hadn't thought of that."Tohr said frowning a little because he hadn't thought of that, and it was obvious bronte was about ready to have the kid. "We'll ask Cat. She's had kids before. She'll know who to call."Tohr said perking up after moment grinning a little at his solution.

Thorne growled softly as the other played with his hair, sighing softly as he worked. Growling as he swallowed the other's come he smirked as he leaned back, his eyes glowing ever so softly, as he looked up at the other, slightly drunk on the feelings. "Oh, yes. I think I'm goign to enjoy this."he said getting to his feet looking down at the slightly shorter man in amusement.
Bronte sighed, feeling a little better at the idea of asking Catalina about a possible doctor. She didn't just trust any body, because they lived in a dangerous world. All Bronte wanted was to have her child, and to not have its life threatened. Not to mention, she didn't want the baby taken away from her like her brother had wanted.

Kaspar sighed. "Would you sit down? You're making me nervous," he said, pulling out a chair for Bronte. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. It seemed that Kaspar was no very good with pregnant woman. Especially pregnant women who he didn't normal get alone with... Oh, and the father was Rehv. That was nerve-wracking enough.

Bronte sat down, and a few minutes later, Nelly put a large plate of breakfast in front of her, which she immediately dove in to.

Nikolas panted and looked up at the other man. "Good," he huffed, "Then we have a deal." He smirked a bit, obvious a little drunk off the long-awaited orgasm. After a moment, he ran a hand through his hair and turned for the door. "I'll have breakfast sent up in a moment, and I will get some clothes and things for you today." With that, he left.
Rehv fussed a little as she sat down before pulling up a seat for himself, grinning as he started eating the food nelly had brought him to, for once just ignoring the other to, and aspar ordering bronte around. Tohr snorted laughing shaking his head a little in amusement as he looked at his lover,"You know you should just relax. she's no different then she was before."he teased a little resisting the urge to kiss him as he started eating.

Thorne grinned."Definately."he said looking amused as he watched the other leave, and dressing when clothes came up. Settling onto the bed as he waited to see just what the other would have him doing for the day. Despite the peaceful look he was sporting, the hellren king wasn't nearly as calm or relaxed. He was nervous about what nikolas was going to do with him.But he had to remind himself, that the pain was going to be worth knowing rehv and bronte were together.
Kaspar looked flustered. "No, she's not," he insisted, "She's caring that guy's baby, and she can't be trusted." He pointed to Rehv with exasperation. "Do you remembered what he was like as a toddler? You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was always getting himself into something. A lot of the time, it was my very expensive cigar collection. He'd 'build' things with them." With that, Kaspar sighed and moved to eat a piece of toast.

Bronte laughed and shook her head. "Poor Kaspar," she said, rolling her eyes, "I can't even imagine you as a baby sitter." She cut into her pancakes that Nelly made especially for her, enjoying them thoroughly. Luckily, she had never (literally never) experienced morning sickness with her pregnancy. In fact, she had a sneaking suspicion that the baby in side of her had its father's gift for sensing her emotions and feelings - as if it did not want to hurt or harm her. "However, you two are going to have to choose who is going to be in the room with me when I am in labor," she said, "Glancing at Tohr and Kaspar. Rehv can't be in there. I'll be in pain, and the hellren inside of him will kill the damn doctor. I can't risk that." She looked at Rehv with amusement. "Sorry."

A maid came in a few minutes later with a large tray of breakfast food. She was a young little thing, probably barely eighteen, and was wearing a short skirt that Nikolas chose for her. "Good morning," she said, sweetly, "Master Nikolas has chosen me to be your personal staff. If you need anything, and I mean anything, he's told me to keep you happy. You will be spending quite a bit of time by yourself in this room, but he wants you comfortable."
"Hey! I wasn't that bad. I was a perfect child,ask my mother. I was trying to help! Those 'logs' made the perfect hellren fort to break into."rehv sulked making a face as he smirked eating his breakfast. Tohr lughed shaking his head."I know kas, but the child's not going to be as bad as rehv. Cause no one can be that horrible." "I was a perfect child!"rehv protested eating. "No you weren't. And you know it."tohr said rolling his eyes before growing serious seeing rehv about to protest her words."rehv,don't even try. You know you'll kill the doctor and that won't help amyone. I vote we make kaspar go in with her."

Thorne smiled a lkttle as he looked at the girl before sighing quietly. So his prison sentence was going to be as boring as he'd feared."thank you for this foos, but all I could use is something to read right now sweetheart."he said with that traffic stopping beautiful smile
Bronte and Kaspar both scoffed in unison, then looked at each other with offended glares. Kaspar shook his head. "Tohr, you know I can't handle things like that. I'd pass out or something. You're better with the sympathizing and comforting. It's the truth." He looked over at his lover and raised his eyebrows. As excited as he was about Rehv having a kid, he was not about to admit it, and that meant he wanted no where near Bronte when she popped it out.

Bronte sighed and nodded. "He's right. Tohr, please? You know you are the only person who I'd be comfortable with and who Rehv would not kill over it all," she murmured, shrugging a bit. She casually popped a grape into her mouth, then looked at Rehv. "I really do probably need to talk to your mother after breakfast. I don't want any accidents or anything. The last thing I want is for Kaspar to have to deliver the baby. With his degree in psychology, he's the only one even close to qualified aside from myself."

Kaspar made a face. "Look, the psychology thing was just for fun. It gave me something to do during the first few years at the mansion. Last time I check, psychologists don't deliver babies."

Bronte rolled her eyes. "Thank, God."

The little maid blushed at his charming smile. "Of course," she said, setting his food down in front of him. "I will go down to the library and bring a variety of things, if you'd like." She smiled and turned for the door, her short skirt revealing a lacy pair of panties. It was hard to tell if Nikolas had picked her revealing outfit out, or his wife. After all, his wife had a thing for both women and men, just like him. "My name is Farah, by the way," she told him, then curtsied and left the room.
Tohr snickered before nodding."I know, but the look on your face was worth saying it."Tohr said lauging harder at the sight of the look on Rehv's fae. Rehv shrugged a little before nodding,"You're a ass." "I know. But it was amusing."Tohr said smiling slightly before looking at his lover."I thought you said you got it so you could understand the drama queen over there."

"I am not a drama queen. Bronte!tell them to stop."Rehv demanded suling as he glared at the other two men, the reappearance of the old rehv as good as it was painful to consider thorne stuck. Looking over at her he nodded a little,"I'll call mother now.She'll be delighted."He said before walking out to get his mother, glad that she'd deided to stay the night.

"Thorne."Thorne said smiling a litle as he looked at the woman, watching her go as he settled down on the bed with a small smile. This was going to be interesting. When she returned he smirked a little, raising a eyebrow."Farah did he tell you I had to stay in this room, or am I allowed leaving?"He asked curious
Bronte laughed a little and shook her head. "I would tell them to stop, but after dealing with you during your childhood, they may just be entitled to a little teasing." She smiled and watched him leave before standing up from the chair with the help of Kaspar. He led her over to the couch, then had Nelly come in and get their breakfast plates. When Rehv returned with Catalina, Bronte gave the woman a sweet smile. It was nice to be around the woman again, especially since she had one more thing in common with her. She was a human having to give birth to a hellren/vampire. "It's nice to see you," she said, scooting over on the couch to allow Rehv to sit beside her. She had to admit, she liked having him close after spending so many months without him...

Farah frowned a bit, walking in with an arm full of books. She sat them on the bed beside Thorn and sighed. "Actually, he has told me that you will confined to the room for a few days," she said, then took a seat on the edge of the bed, "It's just how he does things." She shrugged. "That's why you have me, and I have no issues with doing anything to keep you comfortable and occupies while you are kept in here." She smiled, her hand gently resting on his thigh. "I'm human, yes, but I've been well-trained by the mistress of the house."
Tohr snorted looking amused."we're definately entitled to some teasing. I can still remember James' face when he realized his son had drunk his collection of bloodwine. At aged 7. Poor kid was so drunk he couldn't stand up."Tohr said smiling a little as he looked up at catalina, watching amused as the woman realized that she was going to be a grandmother."You haven't been sick have you?Or suffering through any of the regular pregnancy things right?"she said looking amused at Rehv's slightly annoyed look as he settled on the couch next to bronte. But finally having osmeone to discuss the hellren/vampire pregnancy with was great.

Thorne sulked a little before smiling a little."Well, thats okay. I was ust wanting to meet the lady of the house actually. But I guess I can entertain mysel with you."He said smiling a little as he raised her hand pressing a kiss to her palm,letting his fangs scrape over her skin teasingly.
Bronte looked up at the other woman and blushed. "No, not at all," she said, her hand resting on her stomach. She leaned in to Rehv and smiled. "It's actually been a dream pregnancy, oddly enough. No morning sickness, no cravings, and the baby never kicks to hard or against my bladder. Nothing like I've always heard in medical school." She shrugged. "I'm just a little uncomfortable sometimes, but that has to with the weight gain. I'm not used to carrying around so much." In general, Bronte looked glowing and happy. She had not even met the child, but she already loved it unconditionally. She now knew how easy it was for Catalina to keep Rehv despite the odds. "I'm not far from my due date, and I'm getting a bit worried about hiring a doctor..."

Farah shivered and closed her eyes. "Oh, sir, I've never been with a vampire before," she admitted, a smirk on her face. "I've heard it's absolutely amazing." She gently stood up from the bed and began to unbutton the front of her little maid's out fit. It slid easily from her body, revealing a pair of large breasts with no bra. Her panties were barely there, and she had a pair of garters that the mistress of the house had ordered from France. "You see, sir, sex is the number one hobby at this mansion... We all are very, very practiced."
"Ah, I was the same. I think it's the hellren blood in them.The child is to sensitive to his mother's problems, and strives to fix it."Catalina said thoughtfully. "Oh, so that explains why Rehv's the way he is.Annoying pain in the ass fussing over everything."Tohr said snickering a little as rehv glared at him but didnt' protest, just shifting to lean against bronte more, cuddling her. "Well, I shall see that my personal doctor comes this evening.She has taken care of me since I was young... and is the one who took care of rehv's...different problems with being hellren."Catalina said looking pleased with her thoughts.

"Oh good, you're going to get a good job with this."He smirked his eyes going dark, the hellren looking out those dark eyes as he straightened watching her, the hellren delighting in the new found past time, and wondered absently if Nikolas realized just how much power he was handing the hellren king in return for all this sex. "This is going to be fun."he smirked as he shoved the feelings into her, unlike rehv's clumsy feedings and forcing her emotions, thorne knew exactly what to do to make her climb the walls with lut, and he had every intention of using it to his own ends.
Bronte looked relieved at both the idea of Catalina having a similar experience and the idea of having a doctor she could trust. Smiling as Rehv cuddled her, she rest her head on his shoulder. Gently, she took his hand and placed it on her stomach just as the baby began to gently shift into a new position. It was just so nice to have him there to experience all of these things... "I guess we need to get a room ready," she said, "Tohr, is there a section of the castle that would be big enough for a bedroom for the two of us and a nursery? I mean, assuming that you didn't mind if we stayed here with you." She blushed a little at that, wondering how the man would feel about having their small family in his mansion.

All of the sudden, Farah was practically clawing at her panties, ripping them away from her freshly shaved pussy. She moaned, feeling as if the beginning of an orgasm was forcing itself on her without him even touching her. "Oh! Oh, God, how is this even possible?" he beautiful young woman whined. Something was taking over her body, and she was already getting wet from lust. Before she even knew what she was doing, the girl threw herself down on to the bed, wantonly spread her legs, and arched her back out in pleasure. Her hand came down to rub furiously at her clit. "Oh! Oh, fuck me! Do it! Please... Oh..." She looked up at him, panting and rolling over on to her stomach so he could take her from behind. It was as if he was bringing out the more primal, animalistic side of the girl.
Rehv smiled a little as he turned his head, pressing a kiss to her head as he closed his eyes. Content to rest now that he was sure that his lover was taken care of, still emotionally exhausted from the seperation and physically unwell. Falling asleep there. Tohr snorted laughing a little at the sight of the man sleeping before nodding, looking amused at her worry. "Well, considering I watched that one grow up, it seems only right that I get to raise the next one."Tohr said thoughtfully nudging kaspar a little."You might have to hide the cigars."

Thorne laughed grinning fiercely as he watched her, looking amused with himself. Oh yea, he had none of rehv's hangups about using his powers. And he definately enjoyed the sight of her panting and playing with herself. Tilting his head a little as he watched her he turned his head a little, mentally shifting through the rest of the people in the house, letting the lust he was siphoning off Farah feed his own power, and thrust it out into the rest of the house. Amusing himself, and because he wanted to see if Nikolas had considered the problems of keeping a bored hellren prisoner. Smirking as he moved to the bed, sliding on top of her and thrusting into her hard, losing himself in the girl.
Bronte smiled at his words and nodded. "It will be nice to have everyone around," she said quietly, her hand moving to stroke Rehv's hair. Kaspar pouted and little and rolled his eyes. Despite everything, he was happy for Rehv. It was almost surreal to see him cuddled up against a small human female in such a way.

Gently, Bronte nudged Rehv awake and moved to stand up. "Come," she said, grabbing his hand, "Let's get you back to bed. We can nap until the doctor comes." She smiled at him, leading him back to his bedroom and crawling inside the bed. She laid back against a heap of pillows, rubbing her stomach as she began to close her eyes. "Lay down with me," she said, pouting, "I've went many of nights having to sleep alone... Just me and this little one."

Farah screamed out in pleasure, staying on her hands and knees and he fucked her like an animal. She was nothing like the sweet, timid maid he had first met. She was acting like a wanton whore, bucking her hips against his and rubbing her breasts with the hand that was not holding her up. "Oh, yea," she moaned, "That's right. Fuck me hard. Oh! Harder!" He bit her lip, squealing in her high-pitched voice. "You can even fuck me in the ass, if you want. Or my mouth. Mistress has trained me well," she panted, wanting him to know that he could use her in every way possible.
Catalina smiled a little nodding."It will. And I'll feel better having everyone here."she said studying her son laughing softly as the boy protested being woken. "He was always a grouchy person to wae up."Tohr said smiling a little as they left before his smile went sad, barely noticing as catalina left him alone with kaspar, wrapping his arms around the other."You worried?"He said studying his lover.

Rehv yawned whining as he was pulled back to the room."Didn't have to move...was comfortable..."he whined but did what she said, laying down with her and cuddling up against her."Well,never alone again.Me you and the little one."He muttered nuzzling her a little so very sleepy.

Thorne laughed looking amused that she was acting so unlike the maid he'd met, and for a moment felt a twinge of guilt. He shouldn't do this...swallowing hard as he fucked her he stopped himself from feeling guilty, lowering his head to feed on her, biting down on her neck as he fed, satisfying both his blood lust and lust as he came with a groan.
Kaspar leaned into his lover and rest his forehead against his shoulder. "Oh, you know," he murmured, "just... nervous. You know, the kid deserves a happy life. He deserves to have a family, and I'm happy for him. I just hope it's all it's cracked up to be. You know that if something was wrong with that baby, Rehv would never recover. Hell, I didn't think he was going to make it another month without Bronte." He frowned and turned to fix he and Tohr a drink. "You know, you could give them the fourth floor? It's never used. You know, it has two large joined rooms with the living room and everything. It could work for them." He handed Tohr his drink, not about to admit that he seriously didn't want Rehv and Bronte to move. It would not only make him miss them, but he would be worried sick about them. Where would they live? Bloodrain?

A few hours later, Bronte woke Rehv up. "Rehv, we really need to go down to my office. The doctor is probably setting up down there," she said, leaning down to kiss him on the lips. Struggling for a moment, she managed to get to her feet and put some shoes on. "I just want to get down there, let him tell us everything is fine, then possibly take a bath because now I have someone here that I'm willing to let pull me out of the tub naked when I'm done." With that, she smirked.

Farah groaned as blood droplets ran down her chest. "Oh, it's amazing," he moaned. When she came, she thrashed and bucked like a animal in heat, then passed out on to the bed. The poor girl was out like a light, sweat making her skin lightly glisten.
Tohr smiled a little wrapping his arms around him,"Hm, if the kid's anything like him, rehv's going to be climbing the walls within a month but he'll know how to handle a hellren child.And I know, and its the only reason I'm letting Thorne do this, because we all know Rehv wont survive it if they were apart"he sighed quietly looking amused as he took the drin Kaspar poured him looking thoughtful."Tat's true. And maybe Catalina and Talia will move in to. Baabysitters and all since the rest of the guys here, are about as good with babies as you are."

Rehv whined quietly stirring as he blinked up at her."Dont wanna."he muttered snuggling into the bed before sighing softly."okay. I can live with that."He said perking up at the idea o a bath after everything before frowning slightly."nikolas didn't help you take a bath?"He muttered as disturbed as it made him to consider her with nikolas, he couldn't stand the thought of her brother mistreating her.

Thorne smired laughing as he settled down on the bed, clsing his eyes as he thought over what he'd done, feeling better then he had since before he'd walked into this. WEll, at least parts of his captivity were going to be interesting. And he was wondering just how much of the rest of the house he'd gotten fucking like animals. But he figured nikolas would be around soon enough to yell at him for his activities.
Kaspar smirked and rolled his eyes, leaning in to kiss his lover. He loved kissing Tohr after he had been drinking his favorite drink... "I'm good with kids!" he said, "In fact, once upon a time, I wanted them." He shrugged and moved back to take a gulp of his own drink. "However, it's just not ideal. I mean, with everything going on... It's not safe to have a kid around, even with all the guards and all the help." He frowned and moved to sit down on the couch, leaning back and sighing.

Bronte looked at Rehv with amusement. "He had maids to help me with things like that," she said, waiting for him to get dressed before walking with him down to the new doctor's office. The slightly older man (though handsome, and obviously a vampire) opened the door and smiled. "Ah! Well, look at this. I have experienced a pregnancy like this since Catalina came in with you, Rehv," he said, helping Bronte up on to the table. He put a sheet over her bottom half and allowed her to just raise the dress she up. He turned on the sonogram machine and started to get everything ready. "So, are we wanting to know the gender?" he asked. Bronte looked up at Rehv, raising her eyebrows. "It's up to you. Would you like to know?"
Tohr laughed looking amused as he stole another kiss."Wanting to have them,doesn't mean you're good at them. I can't remember how many times you lost it when you saw what Rehv had done to 'help' you out. Remember the one time he tried to help you do the laundry?"He snickered thinking about the absolute bubbly mess that had happened when Kaspar had been staying at catalina's after rehv's adopted father had died, and hoped to distract him by making him do the laundry. It had been so messy. "It's not safe, but do you want to tell they have to leave?They'll be even more vulnerable out there, without us."

Rehv smiled a little relaxing."oh. Well that's good."he said thoughtfully before walking into the other man, swallowing hard."Hey han.Thanks for coming."He said tilting his head a little before settling down next to the bed, looking nervous and trying not to get to worried about han poking around his lover's body. He trusted him, he really did. Glancing up when he was asked a question he looked thoughtful before nodding."I better. Hellrens have different temperments for genders...as you saw with my cousin."he said shrugging a little, trusting the doctor, because besides his mother nd dopted father, han had been the only one who had known wht he was. And had not only not turned on him, but helped him hide.
Kaspar rolled his eyes. "I never hurt the kid, did I? And when I had been babysitting him, he always came out alive. Leaning in to his lover, his head on the other's shoulder. "You're right. This is the best thing we can do for him, but it doesn't mean it's completely safe." He frowned and took another gulp of liquor, trying to relax.

The doctor smiled a bit, pulling the sheet to where it exposed Bronte's round stomach. He coated it with gel, then began the sonogram. The screen lit up, showing the baby and the heart beat. "Ah," he said, "A little girl. And when I say little, I mean it." He looked over at the two parents. "Right now, she'd projected at weight four pounds at birth. I'd like to see her gain a couple of pounds. It doesn't mean she'd under developed, but it means that it's a possibility." Bronte frowned, looking up at the tiny baby girl on the screen. The doctor quickly went to comfort her. "Now, now. It was nothing you did. However, I want you to up your calorie intake, okay? It seems as if you've gained a lot of weight, but this is mainly because you are built rather small yourself."

"Is she going to be okay?" Bronte asked quickly.

The doctor slid his chair back and began to take notes. "As far as I can see, yes. But I want to keep a close eye on everything."
"No, though I think telling him that you were going to hang him out the window was a overdrmatic bully. He wouldn't come near you for days."He snickered beofre sighing, relaxing, "Hm, I know I'm right. Always am.And that child is going to be the safest person in this whole damned house. If you think Rehv's rabid now, have you ever seen a hellren when they're defending their young?Yea, we're going to be okay."He teased relaxing himself.

Rehv frowne studying the screen, his face going soft as he watched his daughter before frowning."Could it because she's part vampire and hellren?Vampire children gain something when their mothers feed."He said slowly looking concerned at the idea, wondering if his daughter was already siphoning off some of the emotions from around her beore smiling a little."Thanks, doc."He muttered running his fingers through his hair. "You should get some rest Bronte."
Kaspar smirked, taking in the memory, then nodded. "Want to go for a swim?" he asked, turning his head to kiss his lover, "It's warm enough to use the outdoor pool after dark, if you want. And it's beautiful." He stood up and raised his eyebrows, about to head over to the closet and grab a few swim trunks. It may still be on the down low that Kaspar was sleeping with Tohr, but that didn't keep them from practically moving in together over the past few months. Most of Kaspar's stuff was in Tohr's room now, just the way he liked it.

Bronte frowned, looking at Rehv and trying to read his thoughts. The doctor left the room, allowing her to get dressed, then walk with Rehv toward their room. When she got there, she went straight for the bath tub and started to run some water. "So," she said, turning and sitting on the edge of the tub. "What do you think about having a daughter? You know, pink things and stuff." She smiled at him, hoping that he wouldn't start blaming himself for the doctor's concern about the babies weight. With everything going on, Rehv didn't need one more thing to make him upset.
"I would."Tohr said looking amused as he stood, "You just want to watch me get undressed."He said looking amuse as he grabbed his swim trunks and changed, looking amused that despite he hadn't come out and told everyone about them, they were living together. It pleased him to have this, to have a relationship he could trust. "We should get the things they'll need, before they start freaking out."He said thoughtfully.

Rehv smiled a little as he followed her,starting to strip down himself and slipping into the tub after helping her into the tub."I think I'm going to have a interesting time teaching her. I've never dealt with a female hellren before. At least not as a child. They're...different. More aggressive then males sometimes."He sighed biting his lip, to distracted by the thought of a daughter to be worried about what she weighed. Sighing in frustration."This is where I really could use Thorne's advice."
Kaspar laughed and moved to change into his own swim shorts. "You caught me," he said, grinning. "I love to see you naked, and I do anything and everything I can to get you that way." He winked, then nodded. "Yea, I supposed we could do some shopping for them. It will be nice, especially since we don't do birthdays around here... Of course, we have to figure out with the thing is first. A boy or girl, I mean." He tossed his lover a towel, then moved toward the door.

Bronte leaned back into his chest, her eyes closing. "I know you miss him, and I'm so sorry that I can't bring him back to you," she whispered, tilting her head to kiss his cheek. "But this is only the beginning. Nothing is permanent. We might just get him back with time."

All of the sudden, Bronte looked down and noticed that the water was starting to turn pink... Her eyes went wide and she quickly sat up, her hand on her stomach. "Oh, God," she gasped, "Rehv, you need to go get the doctor. Now. And Kaspar." She bit her lip, wondering why she was bleeding like this. The baby was fine just a minute ago? And she wasn't hurting... "Hurry. Please." She knew she'd freak him out, and that's exactly why she asked him to get Kaspar too. He was the only person who would be able to keep Rehv away from the doctor if things went badly. Him killing the doctor would not help anything.
Tohr laughed shaking his head a little."I knew it. Next your going to want to watch me fight naked."He said snickering a little as they walked, nodding slightly."We'll ask Rehv next time we see him. Even if Bronte doesn't know, he might be able to see the child."He said nearly running face first into the man he wanted to see.

"I know, and I know he'll be back...its just I wish I could talk to him.Even if not seeing him, Nikolas wouldn't let him near a phone."he said shrugging a little before sighing quietly. Yelping as he looked down at her, panic in his eyes as he ran out of the door. And as seeing as most of the men living in the house were older then him, it wouldn't be the first time they saw him bare ass naked running in the halls. He'd been a clothes hating child. Nearly running into Tohr as the man walked out of the room he babbled quickly what happened, nearly falling as the leader shoved him towards kaspar. to distraught to make out the words. "Stay with him. I'll get the doctor."Tohr growled gently pushing the two men back towards rehv's room as he ran off to get the doctor
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