
Kaspar glanced up at Rehv, giving him a soft smile. He felt so bad for the other man, it hurt. He'd never seen him like this, even before Bronte was around. "Good morning, Rehv," he said, nodding to him, "Want some coffee? I just had Nelly go get a fresh pot. Thought it would do us all some good, even if I'm sure all of us would prefer liquor." He tried to let out a chuckle, but it didn't come out quite right. It was just hard to pretend to be happy around a man who was so sad.

Nikolas looked taken back at the reveal. He put down his drink, and his eyes went... dark. "Well," he said, smirking a bit, "It's nice to see you, Thorne." He went silent for a moment, tilting his head to the side. He called over one of his guards, whispering something in his ear, then sending him away. "Fine," he said, nodding, "I'll let Bronte go in return for having you in my custody." Then a deadly smirk spread across his face. Leaning across the table, he tilting his head to the side. "But what are you going to give me for the child?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for the man's reaction.
Rehv looked up a little as he sat down, nodding quietly. Not even questions could get him to answer with more then a yes or no nod, to the point that his silence and saddness was getting to the others. Not only because it hurt ot watch, but because his talents for manipulating emotions were getting to them. Tohr swallowed hard nodding quietly. "Liqior would be good."he mused before smiling as nelly walked in with the coffee."Thanks nelly."

Thorne smirked a little looking amused at the man's look."Hm, I didn't tae you for a sadist Nikolas."He muttered raising a eyebrow, and looked up at him at the mention of a child. Scrambling, he tried to figure out what to say even though the only sign that he had reacted to the news was he raised a eyebrow."Well, I would offer my people, my kingdom, but how about you name your price, and I shall tell you if I'm willing to pay it for the child."he mused, because he would do anything to get the child back to his father, but he wouldn't appear to be desperate, though he knew Nikolas knew he'd thrown him a curve ball. He just couldn't tell if Nikolas thought he had been bronte's lover or knew he wasn't. After all, he looked like rehv, alot, to the point that the vampires they saw alot confused them, so nikolas brief look at rehv could have made him think thorne was the man.
Kaspar sighed, moving over to get the coffee pot from Nelly. Helped her pour them all a cup of coffee then sat down with the other two men. "I was thinking," he said, "Wouldn't it be nice to have lunch with your mother and sister today?" He smiled, trying to cheer he man up. He knew better - it was no use. However, he'd try. "I called them. They are coming in an hour." He took a sip of his coffee and glanced up at Rehv, then Tohr.

Nikolas looked amused. Thorne seemed intent on having his sister and the child. Interesting. "I want the hellrens," he said after a moment of consideration, "I want them under my reign. You will work for me as well. You for my sister, your people for the child." He raised his eyebrows at him, seeing if he would actually consider it. With that kind of power, Nikolas would be unstoppable against the mere vampires. However, Bronte and the baby would be with Rehv and out of his hands... "I won't keep the offer on the table forever."
Rehv looked up at the mention of the women, frowning ever so slightly and shaking his head."you cant avoid them forever rehv. Theyre going to be here soon, and you're going to see them."tohr said his voice going hard as he considered rhe mute man. Angry with him, and pissed enough at thorne to be lashing out, even if he knew better.

Thorne tiled his head at the man's words, a vague smirk playing over his lips. It seemed nikolas had no idea what he was asking. He was getting a good reading on his emotions, and thorne knew that no matter how much his people hated vampires, they hated humans more.they'd never work for nikolas, at least not for longer then it suited them. In the short time he'd gotten to know the other vampires rehv called family, he'd learned that some things were thicker then blood, and hr'd see his kingdom destroyed and the world burn before he let nikolas harm any of them."you are a fool for wanting them, but I will do this. My kingdom and life for your sister and the child."he said inwardly laughing his ass off. Enough like rehv to enjoy the thought of the world going up in flames, but he was amused, and if that made him insane, so be it. He just wanted his brother to be himself again, no matter what the cost was.though, he was curious."do you have so little care for your sister, that you can do this?"he asked after a moment as he stood."her life, for power? Is that all that matters to you?"
Kaspar nodded in agreement. "They are your family," he said, reaching over to put a hand on the man's back. "Having them here will help. You'll see." He gave Rehv a small smile, then went back to sipping his coffee. When one of the guards stepped in, he stood up.

"Lady Catalina and Lady Talia have arrived," he said, and Kaspar nodded. "Come on. Let's go greet them." He gave Tohr and Rehv and encouraging smile before heading down the stairs to meet the two women. When he saw them, he politely bowed. "So glad you could make it, ladies. Would you like some tea? Coffee?"

Nikolas looked at Thorne with dark eyes. "This has nothing to do with my sister. I love Bronte more than any one else in the world, but this is a war, and I had no choice but to comply or die like anyone else." He gritted his teeth together, and for a moment, he looked quite sad. "She chose her side, you see, and I have no real choice on what side I'd like to be on. It makes more sense to fight hard." He gave a signal to his guards, and they left the room. He gave Thorne one final look. "Call Tohr. Tell him to come pick her up since you are otherwise occupied. No one - and I mean no one- but Tohr is allowed to step foot in this room and retrieve her. I have no problem going back on my word."

A few moments later, the guards were leading a heavily pregnant Bronte into the room. She looked healthy, but not happy. Her hand stayed on her plump stomach, and it was a little hard for her to walk at this point. She was such a small girl, someone who was not built to give birth to a vampire. "Thorne? What are you doing here?" she asked, looking absolutely shocked. Her heart started to race, and her hand stroked her stomach nervously. Her unborn child was the only reason she had been taken care of herself, especially since she had been told time and time again how she would never see Rehv again.
Rehv frowned at Kaspar before nodding a little. Following the other into the room he smiled as he leaned into kiss their cheeks. Catalina scowled slightly as she leaned back to look at her son,gently stroking his hair before nodding at kaspar."I would."Catalina smiled even as she directed them into the sitting room, listening to talia fuss over rehv. Tohr smiled slightly at the family frowning as his phone went off. With a few muttered words he looked at kaspar."I need to go out. Stay here with them?"he sid leaning down to meet kaspar's yes, his eyes dark with worry.

"This has everything to do with your sister. You're just to chickenshit to admit that you'd rather win a war, then take care of your family, no matter what her choices are."Thorne growled shrugging even as he felt the sucker punch of the man's emotions. Well, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. he knew eventually the lack of feeding would get to him, but if he could manipulate nikolas into reacting, maybe he'd have one less person gunning for his brother. And, well he knew Bronte loved nikolas.Maybe he could keep him alive for her. Dialing tohr's number he sighed softly, absently telling him what to do before looking at Nikolas again.

Looking at bronte he smiled slightly looking down at her, "Making a deal of my lifetime."He muttered moving over to her, looking at nikolas for a moment before bending to kiss her softly. "take care of both of them wont you?"He muttered sadly stepping back, eyes sad. Because he wondered what a human/hellren/vampire child would be like, but he would do this, because he could. His brother had more people who needed him then Thorne did.
Kaspar glanced up at his lover, confusion in his eyes. He knew better than to question Tohr's actions, and he definitely knew better than to question them in front of a group of people. He nodded. "Of course. We will be right here," he said, sitting down across from the family. He smiled at Talia, looking at her charmingly. "Lady Talia, how have you been? It's been odd to not have the two of you around the past few months, though I knew you have your own things and home to take care of."

Bronte looked nervous and confused. She leaned in to Thorne's kiss, the pulled back right as a shiver ran up her back. "I... I don't understand," she whispered.

Nikolas refused to look at her, but he answered her burning question. "Tohr is on his way to come get you," he snapped, then left the room. He couldn't say goodbye - it hurt too much. His guards came in to take Thorne, escorting him to the car that would be taking them home. Bronte was left alone in Bloodrain with one guard, just to make sure she was not picked up by anyone else.

"I promise," Bronte said, watching as Thorne was taken away, "I will take care of them."
Talia smiled a little looking up at him as she looked at her mother coaxing rehv to eat. "I have been as well as I can.Worried."she said before laughing, nodding quietly. "Well, after he told us to leave, we really couldn't stay."She said smiling quietly looking at rehv."How is he?Really."she said her eyes sad and worried.

Thorne shrugged looking at her."You don't have to."He muttered turnng his head a little to look at her as he looked at the guards, wincing as he walked out. Looking at nikolas as they walked out he looked thoughtful."So what's first?Silver?Sunlight?Pins and needles?"He said wondering if he could provoke the other into killing him. He really had never understood rehv's perverse desire to piss everyone off, but now faced with a man he considered a coward, who should be defending his family instead of doing this, well...he totally understood now.

"Bronte?"Tohr said as he stepped into the room, glaring at the guard before moving towards her, his eyes widening at the sight of her stmach, but not saying anything. "Are you ready to go home?"He said reaching out and hugging her tightly, curling his taller body around hers, as gentle with her as any father would be with a missing daughter. If anything, at least the guard was seeing that vampires could be as human as they were.
Kaspar sighed and shook his head. "I'm not going to lie to you, Sweetheart," he whispered, "We've had to watch him carefully... He's not happy. Not at all." He looked sad at that, reaching over to pat her knee. "Don't worry. We've been with him all the time." He moved to stand up, offering his hand to her. "Why don't we leave Rehv with your mother and check on Nelly? She's fixing up a nice lunch."

Bronte reached out and hugged Tohr has tight as her belly would allow. She leaned in to him like she would a father, holding on to him for comfort. It had been so long... Yet, she still felt as bonded to him as always. "More than ready," she croaked, leaning up to kiss his cheek. She was practically crying, because she was in such shock. She was going to get to see Rehv; she was going to be able to keep this baby... When they got into Tohr's car, she leaned back and rest her hands on her stomach. "I know what you're thinking," she murmured, "And no, I had no idea. Not until a month after I was home with my brother... He wanted me to get an abortion, but I put a quick stop to that."
Talia frowned her eyes filling with tears, even though she had expected the answer. Slipping her hand into his he nodded standing as he followed kaspar into the kitchen. "Okay."she smiled a little.

Tohr smiled hugging her back before laughing as she kissed his cheek. Looking amused as he settled into the seat he glanced over at her, shaking his head a little."Well. At least you can shock each other."He said looking vaguely amused,even if the strain of the last few months was showing around his eyes. The centuries starting to show in the strain of the last few months of dealing with a boy he'd watched grow into a strong man, and shattered by her absence. "Rehv's....rehv's a mess bronte."He said as he pulled in the driveway, running around the car to help her out.

By the time they got to the mansion, thorne looked vaguely amused as he stood, glancing at the man he had to follow."So, what am I calling you?And do I get my own room, or a cell?"He asked because he just wanted to annoy the man. And maybe, just maybe the other would slip up and kill him before he could torture him to much.
Bronte grabbed his hand and let him help her out. At his words, she looked devastated. It hurt to think that he was giving up while she was gone, but it made sense. She was the one who got him to start taking care of himself in the first place. "I just want to see him," she whined, walking with the help of Tohr up the stairs to the front door. After so much walking, she felt a some discomfort. "I need to sit down," she murmured, moving to the sitting room at the entrance of the house and sitting down on the couch. She was panting a little. "I'm fine. I promise," she murmured, "Just get Rehv." She offered him a smile. In reality, she was okay. She was a nurse and she knew that this was common at the end of pregnancy, especially when a woman is not used to carrying around much weight.

Nikolas looked at him with irritation. "I will decide that in the morning. As for now, you will stay in the guest room. It will be guarded, so don't try anything funny," he growled, then disappeared in his bedroom. He looked conflicted and irritated, but also sad...
Tohr nodded a little as he helped her into a chair, smiling quietly as he leaned down to kiss her forhead."And he'll want to see you."He muttered before walking out of the room to go get the man in question, not bothering to tell him what was going on. leading the silent man into the sitting room he choked back laughter at the bewildered look on rehv's face as he looked around him, looking so very confused at the sight of the pregnant woman. But even then, seeing her, he couldnt get his voice to work. Quietly stepping back as rehv crossed the room, sinking to his knees, pressing his bony weary face into her lap.

"We should probably stay in here."He said as he stepped back into the kitchen, smiling slightly at kaspar as he sat down, his eyes filled with grief."Thorne actually did it. Got her home, for the price of his own life."He muttered grieving, because the brothers had shown him, over the months, that blood didn't mean everything. That the fierce desire to be good, could override even a hellren's nature.

Thorne smirked a little at the man's irritation, watching him go. "Oh, I'm always doing something funny."He muse raising a eyebrow as he watched the man disappear, shuddering quietly as he got a feel for his emotions. That conflict, that swirl of sadness was like the strongest of wines. He'd been raised hellren, unlike rehv he hadn't learned until later in life how to be good, so he was more a addict to strong emotions then Rehv was. And nikolas seemed to be the most heady of meals. Well.He'd just see how things went in the morning.Sighing he settled down to sleep, the king of hellrens settled into his new life with a sigh as he went to sleep
Bronte immediately burst into tears. "Rehv, you haven't been caring for yourself," she whimpered, reaching down to stroke his hair. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at her lover, both happy to be in his presence and sad that he looked so bad. She grabbed his hand, urging him to sit on the couch with her so she could get her arms around him, pulling him in to her much smaller bodying and holding him. "I'm here," she whispered, stroking his hair, "And I'm so mad to see how awful you look. You know better." She moved his hand to her stomach, letting him feel the baby bump. "It's your's... [I[our's[/I]."

Kaspar raised his eyebrows. "Bronte? She's home?" he asked, looking completely taken off guard. "Oh... Wow, is she okay? Was she well taken care of?" He looked confused, but excited. Rehv was going to get better, finally.

All of the sudden, he frowned. "Thorne really did it this time... Damn fool." He swallowed hard, shaking his head with grief.
Rehv fussed looking up at her, looking bewildered at the tears, and upset that he'd upset her. Whining quietly as he climbed up on the couch next to her, he curled that tall lanky body around hers, worn down to just bone and skin, looking wary as he rested his head on her shoulder, absently rubbing her stomach."Ours."he muttered, his voice cracking, after 7 months of silence, he was so tired, so very unused to talking. Cuddling against her as he closed his eyes, having not slept well in months,but even moments in her company was lulling him into a peaceful sleep.

"She is. And pregnant.Heavily."Tohr said running his fingers through his hair, sighing ever so quietly before nodding."Well taken care of.Better then expected really."He muttered ignoring the women's excited mutterings at the news, because he knew that this wasn't going to go well. Nodding slightly at Kaspar's words he snickered quietly, thinking about the hellren king. "He is, but he really did manage to pull off the bargain of the century. He should get a award, for stupidity if nothing else."he muttered.
Bronte looked heartbroken at the sight of how awful he looked, but happy to be with him. She pressed a kiss to her hair, knowing that the only way she was going to get a reaction out of him was to get him to rest. Struggling a little, she managed to stand up, then turned to him. "Come on," she murmured, taking his hands. "Let's get some rest. I will stay with you while you sleep." Once they were upstairs in his bedroom, she gently made him lay down, the laid down beside him. Her back was sore, so she rested against several pillowed. "I don't know what's the gender," she said, blushing a bit, "I didn't check because until an hour ago, I was told I was going to have to give it up." She shrugged a bit, rubbing her stomach gently.

Kaspar's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "Pregnant? Holy shit... How the hell are we going to raise a baby in this place, let alone during a way?" He immediately looked stressed, mainly because he had never been around a pregnant woman, nor a small infant. It was a little unnerving. Then, all of the sudden, he started to laugh. "Rehv a father. Holy hell."
Rehv sighed happily to be with her pressing closer even as she pulled away from him to get up. Whining quietly as she did, but looking relieved when she pulled him to his feet. "good."He muttered as he followed after her, fussing as she settled onto the bed. Despite looking ready to fall over himself, he made sure she was comfortable before curling his body around hers, his head resting against her stomach,"you....stay?Now?"he said slowly, wincing as his voice cracked over the words. Hating that he sounded like a stupid child, but he couldn't voice the abused voice to work any better yet.

Tohr laughed snickering as both catalina and talia choked on their drinks."pregnant, and very big."He confirmed. "The say way women have been raising babies for centuries, kas."Catalina reassured the man, patting him on the arm. Looking startled at his laughter the older woman laughed at his words, and soon all four of them were laughing like fools. "Oh gods. That poor child."Tohr said snickering when he could talk again
Bronte wiped her tears away and nodded, reaching down to stroke his hair. "I'm staying," she assured, "I promise." Reaching over, she turned out the lamp so the light in the room was dimmed enough for sleep. She held him close. "Sleep, Rehv. We will talk more in the morning." She smiled and leaned her head back, content to be in bed with him once again, even if things were going to be difficult in the morning...

Kaspar sighed, still smirking. "Well, at least it will be well cared for," he said, "Maybe obsessively so."

The next morning, Bronte stirred underneath Rehv, feeling a little uncomfortable like she always did in the morning. Her eyes had not quite opened yet, but she smiled at the simple feeling of him being next to her.
Rehv sighed in contentment, snuggling into her tighter, glad that she wasn't going anywhere.

"Oh yea,definately obsessively."Tohr said snickering as he smirked.

In the morning Rehv yawned as he sat up, for once glad he was part hellren as he looked her over, feeling her discomfort."okay?"He asked stroking her hair out of her face, despite the gaunt and quiet desperation to keep her with him, he needed to take care of her. She was just going to have to deal with a mate who'd been going insane for months with worry.

Thorne smirked as he dressed raising a eyebrow at the man stepping into the guest room."Delivering my breakfast personally?or are YOU breakfast?"He said studying nikolas, a sarcastic smirk curling his lips as he did up his jeans, stretching slowly.
Bronte looked up at him and smiled, just happy to see him there. She leaned her head into his hand and nodded. "I'm fine," she said, "Just hungry. Can you call for some breakfast or something?" Struggling a bit, she sat up and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face into his neck. "You have no idea how happy I am to wake up to you." She swallowed hard and pulled back to look him in the eyes. "It scared me to death to be going through this without you even knowing you were going to have a child, and then the idea I wouldn't get to keep it..." She shook her head and sighed. "What about you? Are you okay?" Looking up at him, she seemed nervous. It worried her to think about what he thought about having a child so suddenly. It was not like it was planned. Not at all. And it was dangerous.

Nikolas raised his eyebrows. "Your food will be up shortly," he said, his arms crossed over his chest. "I just thought we should get a few things straight. You will not be dying, not at my hands. Well, unless you refuse to cooperate and I decide that there is not use for you." He shrugged, then leaned against the dresser. "My wife? She's a prude, a bitch, and an annoyance all in one. I don't care about her, but there was nothing I could do about it. It was a marriage of convenience on both of our parts, and I'm completely aware that she's fucking members of a staff, both female and male alike. They are her release, I suppose." He clenched his jaw a bit. "My point is - you will be my release."
"I can."Rehv said slowly smiling softly, yelping as she suddenly grabbed him. Smiling quietly as he dipped his head, resting his cheek against her hair before sighing softly, "I'm...okay."He muttered pulling back, looking frustrated because after months of not wanting to talk to anyone, he wanted to now, and he couldn't. "Scared.Hellren baby."He said looking at her, hoping she would get what he meant before perking up."I'll ask Thorne."He said perking up at the idea of telling his brother...oh, oh someone was going to break his heart telling him.Then piss him off so badly.

Thorne smirked loking amused before nodding."I have no desire to not cooperate. You sent your sister back to Rehv.I'll be useful.After all, there's no one else like me."He said lying easily, looking amused before laughing at his description of his wife."Now she sounds like she'd fit in with my family."He said looking amused before running his fingers through his hair, perking up even more. "Oh?So you really are going to be food. That is, if your talking about release the way I think you are."He said closing his eyes for a moment, closing his eyes as he thought. letting the emotions of the house wash over him. Oh yea, this was like a hellren's paradise of emotions.
Bronte smiled and brushed his hair away from his face. "I'm scared too," she whispered, leaning up to kiss him gently on the lips. When he mentioned Thorne, she tensed, and tears started to form in her eyes. She shook her head and bit her lip. "Tohr... Tohr didn't tell you?" she croaked, looking at him in disbelief. "He... He gave himself over in order to send me back to you. It was the only way Nikolas would let you have both me and the baby. I'm... I'm so sorry." She swallowed hard and moved out of his lap, answering the door when a maid knocked with breakfast. Oh, God. None of this was going to be good.

Nikolas clenched his jaw. "That's exactly what kind of release I'm talking about," he said, taking a step forward. "If you are willing to comply with that, and you are willing to keep your mouth shut, then your life here will not be quite the prisoner's life. I'll keep you comfortable." He tilted his head to the side, and the look on his face showed that he was not the monster he appeared to be. The month he was missing was a... Well, it was a hard month.
Rehv sighed quietly as he kissed her back before looking down at her, eyes wide for a moment before icing over. Oh yea, he was pissed. Glaring at the maid until she moved so he could walk out he headed down the hall, not even bothering to pause long enough to knock before slapping open the door to tohr's rooms and walking in."How. Could. You?"He growled, the words bitten off into short little sentences, not because he couldn't talk, but because of the death grip he was keeping on his temper. "Kas. Go deal with him."Tohr growled as he buried his head in the pillow, he knew what Rehv wanted, and he so didn't want to talk about it. Because he knew rehv would want to go after him, and they couldn't do that.

"Ahhh..."Thorne sighed quietly watching the other before smirking wider, sinking to his knees."Hmmm,but I don't think you want me to keep my mouth shut."He smirked as he reached up and wrapped his hand around the other's waistband and jerked him closer. Jerking his belt open he smirked at the other man before lowering his head to the other's cock, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, letting go of all his control as he worked his cock. Raised hellren, he didn't have Rehv's hangups about feeding on humans, espcially when Nikolas knew exactly what he was, and what he'd be doing.
Bronte went after him as fast as she could, coming up behind him and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Rehv, they didn't know. Tohr was just required to pick me up." She swallowed hard, feeling so guilty about all of this. If it wasn't for her, he'd still have his brother... All of this felt like it was her fault. "I'm sorry. I never would have asked for this," she said, "You know I wouldn't have."

Kaspar groaned and walked over to the angry man. "We tried to stop him!" he said, "He didn't even tell else that it was what he was trying to do. He said he had a meeting with Nikolas and that he was going to try to fix things, but he didn't say he was using himself for bait!" He clenched his jaw a bit and shook his head. "He did this because he loved you, and he wanted you to have a chance to have the family you deserved. You were dying while she was gone... He couldn't stand it any longer."

At that (with all the added hormones), Bronte was already in tears again, leaning against the door way. Part of it was guilt, and part of it was the idea of him dying... It hurt more than she would ever imagine.
"I'm going to get him back."rehv growled pissed because it was his own fault that thorne had seen him so unhappy, that turning his life over to nikolas seemed better then watching rehv die. Tohr sighed as he sat up running his fingers through his hair as he looked at the two,atcjed rehv respond to something, even angry the part hellren was trying to comfort bronte as he arapped his arms arouns her. If for nothing else, the fact that he responded to anyone, was worth thorne's sacrifice."you can't. Nikolas will claim her again, and we'll be back where we started."tohr smieked a little."who knows?with as big a pain in the ass as he is, maybe he'll get through to nik."

"Ahhh..."Thorne sighed quietly watching the other before smirking wider, sinking to his knees."Hmmm,but I don't think you want me to keep my mouth shut."He smirked as he reached up and wrapped his hand around the other's waistband and jerked him closer. Jerking his belt open he smirked at the other man before lowering his head to the other's cock, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, letting go of all his control as he worked his cock. Raised hellren, he didn't have Rehv's hangups about feeding on humans, espcially when Nikolas knew exactly what he was, and what he'd be doing.
Bronte leaned into Rehv, but still looked very guilty and sad. She sniffed and nodded to what Tohr said. Maybe Thorne would talk some sense into Nikolas. She'd love to have her brother back. Her child needed to have both of its uncles. "That would be nice," she said, looking up at Rehv with watery eyes. "I'm sorry... You know I wouldn't have wanted it this way." It was obvious she was pregnant. In no other instance would Bronte be so emotional. Not like this, anyway.

Kaspar sighed and glanced at Tohr. "Who's a good doctor to bring in for her? She's about to pop, and I don't know how to deliver babies," he said, his voice dry. Bronte rolled her eyes and glared at him. "I am a nurse, don't you think I know a little bit about this?"

"Are you planning on delivering your own child?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. She just pouted and wiped her eyes.

Nikolas swallowed hard, groaning as he felt the other's mouth on his cock. His stomach tightened, and he ran his hands through the other man's hair. "Fuck..." he growled. It had been a long time. A very long time. His mouth was pull of talent, that was for sure, and he felt drunk with lust... Soon, Nikolas was moving his hips back and forth, letting out desperate moans. "Ah... Oh, fuck," he growled, cumming in the other's mouth. It was quick, which was surprising, but it had been a long time since he had allowed himself to come.
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