
When Tohr got to the doctor, he quickly ran along side him to Bronte and Rehv's room. With his help, the got her out of the tub (which was now red with her blood), and pulled her up on to the bed. Grabbing his back, he quickly gave her a strong pain medication. "Sweetheart, you are going to feel sleepy, okay? You can close your eyes if you want," he said. Bronte nodded, tears in her eyes. She was scared to death, and she wanted Rehv. However, she knew better than to ask for him. He simply could not be in the room for this.

The doctor pulled a sheet over her top and bottom half, leaving her stomach exposed. As he began a C-section, he turned to Tohr. "Get some clean towels. Lots of them. When I hand you the baby, you need to clean her up and take her down to her father." He sounded very calm, because to him, this was expected. Catalina had a similar situation with Rehv. It was very typical for the baby to start threatening the mother's life, especially when the mother was very much human.

Five minutes later, the doctor had the baby out of Bronte's stomach, cutting the cord and handing her over to Tohr. Bronte was completely passed out because of the medicine, mainly because the doctor intentionally gave her a strong dose. The baby, of course, was still very small - a little under four pounds. She could easily fit in the palms of her father's hands. "She's fine," the doctor said, nodding to the crying baby, "Get her cleaned up, and I'll get Bronte taken care of. When I come back down, I'll take the child in for tests to make sure everything is working properly," he said, cleaning Bronte up. The baby was still small, but she looked healthy, just very fragile. Already, she looked a lot like her mother, with the same nose and lips. However, she had her father's big, serious eyes in the same shade of blue... She had a few wisps of dark hair and a small birth mark on her right shoulder.

As everything was going on, Kaspar stood in front of the door so that Rehv couldn't get passed him. "Everything's fine," he said, even if he didn't feel that way. "Bronte needs you up here so that she can be taken care of by the doctor. You are in the best place to be right now, and Tohr is going to come down as soon as everything is over, okay? Don't get angry. I'd hate to tell Bronte I had to hurt you over this," he said, looking very serious.
Tohr nodded looking worried as he watched Bronte, "I have Kas with Rehv sweetheart."he muttered wanting her to know that Rehv was being taken care of, that Kaspar would sooner put him on the ground then let him anywhere near this room. "I can do that."He said watching looking worried beause he knew this was different. Hadn't expected anything like this, though having been around for REhv's birth, maybe he should have. taking the small baby he cleaned her up gently,"okay. We'll wait for you."he sadi moving towards the door,looking vaguely amused as he saw the girl's eyes. "Oh, your father's going to be in trouble, such a serious baby."he cooed at her, holding her ever so gently as he moved downstairs.

"No its not!You have to let me through."Rehv demanded but didn't try to get past him, because he knew just like Tohr did that Kaspar would have no problem putting him on his ass, espcially since he was still reeling on the emotional overload."its done. rehv. Sit."Tohr demanded as he watched the two man, snickering slightly at the man as he didn't even bother going to get a chair, just settled on the floor, looking vaguely worried as tohr settled the baby into his huge hands. Father and daughter studied each other, both with those oh so serious eyes, both hellrens feeling each other, forging a bond that was unique as it was going to be odd.
Kaspar's eyes went wide when he saw Tohr with the baby. He had not been expecting that... Crouching down, he grinned. "She's a tiny thing," he said, grinning at the serious look on the baby's face. "I'm not sure how Rehv helped make something so cute. She's a beauty." He smiled, watching the man hold the baby in the palms of his large hands. The baby was as calm as she could be, if not a little sleepy looking. Her small hand grabbed at one of his fingers, her grip fairly strong for an infant her size.

"How's Bronte?" Kaspar asked, standing up to look at his lover. Before he could even get the question out of his mouth, the doctor was walking down the stairs. He had a smile on his face, thankfully. "She's going to be out for a few hours, and she's going to be incredibly sore. I didn't get to prep her near as much as I would have for a planned C-section." He looked down at Rehv with the child. "From the looks of it, she is pretty healthy. I won't bother trying to take her away from him right now, but she needs to be watched carefully all night until we check her out in the morning. Of course, she'd going to want to nurse from her mother. If Bronte isn't awake yet, feed her a bottle of blood from a donor. No more than two ounces, though."

Kaspar looked back down at Rehv, smirking a bit. "Did you hear any of that, or were you too mesmerized?" he said, then sighed, "You need to name her, you know. If you'd like to name her after me, I certainly don't mind. She'd cute enough to hold my name, I think."
"I'm very cute. I don't know what you're talking about."Rehv said in a vague way that said he really wasn't paying attention. Paying more attention to the child in his hands, he looked vaguely awkward, but still calm. The idea of being a father not really hitting him yet as he smiled as she grabbed his finger.

"Bronte-"Tohr stopped smiling when the doctor answered for him, looking amused. "We'll see to it. If you want to get some sleep while you can. I have a feeling when he snaps out of it, rehv's going to be demanding a in depth medical report."Tohr snorted looking amused before nodding."I think he'd kill someone if they tried."he said amused because he knew that at the moment, Rehv's mental state wasn't steady enough to part with his daughter, and would indeed spill blood. "we'll get a bottle while they're mesmerized together."

"You're not cute enough to share a name with my daughter."Rehv answered looking up at him smiling slightly before looking down at the child, running through the emotions that he was getting, amazed as his daughter seemed to recognize him as father."I think I will name her Leia...if her mother approves of course..."
Kaspar smirked and rolled his eyes, walking to go get a bottle from the kitchen and having Nelly fill it with blood from a young female donor. Luckily, they still had bottles from when Rehv was young. Returning with the bottle, he handed it over to Rehv. "Better give it to her while it's still warm," he said, then moved back to sit on the couch with Tohr. The baby was looking up at Rehv with absolutely awe. It was clear that, like any other hellren, she could sense his emotions and feelings, and she liked them. She knew this man was her father, and she knew he loved her and was going to protect her. Hellren children were incredibly odd creatures compared to human babies.

The doctor smiled. "I like that name. It suits her," he said, then nodded to Tohr. "Let me know if you need anything. I'll be in the bedroom behind the office." He left without another word, leaving the baby with her father.

Leia could smell the blood that was in the bottle Rehv was hold, and she immediately started to fuss. It was clear that she was hungry, and with her mother not there, she needed to feed from the blood Kaspar got.

Kaspar sighed. "I guess we need to go shopping sooner than we though," he said, nudging Tohr, "And we need to fix up the fourth floor like I was talking about."
Rehv smiled down at the baby in his hold, keeping a tight rein of the agressive vicious side that came with being a adult vampire male, who's instincts had been honed to a razors edge of violence, eager to not scare her. Shifting to lean against the wall as he took the bottle he smiled."thanks kas."he said shifting leia around so he could feed her, he cooed a little not wanting her to fuss. It was going to be a interesting experience for bront and the others, ho'd only dealt with human babies, or rehv himself. Rehv could never be taken for the standard of what was normal.

Tohr nodded as he kissed kaspar s he got up off the chair he'd been sitting in."come on. We'll go ell Cat to come down and sit with him, we'll go out nd get what they need. At least enough things to cover us until we get a chance to reqlly shop."
As soon as the bottle was in Leia's mouth, she eagerly started to feed. Her eyes stayed on Rehv's the entire time... Anyone could see the strong bond between the two of them, even if they had just met. The bond was strong because Leia loved her mother the entire time she was in the womb, and she knew this man loved her mother just as much. Oddly enough, she could feel his emotions ever since Bronte was brought back home. Not to mention, they shared the same blood. She was born with a blood bond with Rehv.

Kaspar smiled at Rehv and nodded. "Yes, let's go pick up a few things," he murmured, "Diapers and what not. Baby things, whatever those are." He stood up and kissed his lover back, and when they were in the hall, he sighed. "She's adorable. Makes you kind of want one, eh? Anything that can keep a man like Rehv on his knees with awe is worth having around." He snickered and moved to knock on Catalina's door, eager to let her know the baby was born.
Rehv smiled slightly as he shifted to get up, carerul to hold leia steady as he made his way back to the sitting room, settling into the couch with his daughter, content to be in her company though he worrid about her mother.but it was a distant worry, since he knew he would have felt it if something had happened.

"hm, if you want one, you should learn what those baby things are."tohr teased before snickering."well,anything that makes him shut up is worth having. Maybe we should let the men see her. They'd be so in awe they'd probably do what we say without bitching."he mused smiling as catalina answered the door, looking worried."don't worry. We just came to twll you your grandd-"tohr said not even making it through the rest of the sentence before catalina pushed past him and hustled towards rehv's rooms."well. I guess that tells us how important we are."he mused

Thorne sighed softly as he closed his eyes, resting his head against the window. Not bothering to turn around at the sound of the door opening."you have a niece. A little awe inspiring girl." thorne said glancing at nikolas in the reflextion of the window. Even across toen, the father and daughter bond that rehv had created had been strong rnough to knock him off his feet. So he was curious what nikolas' reaction would be[/align]
Kaspar scoffed. "Like Rehv would let any of them near her..." he said, walking with Tohr down to the car garage. He offered to drive, going down town to the mall and heading over to a baby store. He looked around at all the little outfits, the bottles, the bibs, the blankets. It had him a little smitten with the idea of having a kid one day. "What all should we get?" he asked, starting to grab a few things.

A few hours later, Bronte woke up to the doctor removing an IV. She woke up in complete panic, afraid her baby had not made it among all the chaos. She was so scared, because she was already so much in love with the baby that had lived inside of her for eight and a half months. That baby was what kept her going when she thought she'd never see Rehv again... "Calm down, Sweetheart," the doctor murmured, "I'll get Rehv to bring the little one up."

Immediately, she sighed with the relief and the doctor came down stairs. "Rehv?" he called, smiling at the sight of him. "Bronte is awake, and I think she really wants to see her daughter..."
Tohr smiled a little as he started to pick out the onsies, making sure to get the punk rocker ones-knowing the club owner in rehv would approve- and also some soft pink ones. "Well, we'll get a little bit of everything."He said starting to gather just that, before looking at the other, nudging him a little."You look smitten love."He muttered stealing a kiss, a slight worried frown tuggin gat his lips.

Rehv sulked baring his fangs at the idea of sharing, having not even let his mother get ahold of the girl yet. Oh yea, Rehv was a possesive bastard. Frowning at the doctor a little he sighed standing as he headed upstairs, walking in, not really paying attention to anything but the small girl hlding onto his shirt."Hey bronte."He muttered sitting down on the edge of the bed, looking up finally."Are you okay?"
Kaspar sighed and shrugged, grabbing a package of bottles. "Maybe I am," he said, shrugging a bit. "I was an only child, and I guess it always made me want to be around kids." He frowned and looked up at his lover, kissing him lovingly. "I know I'm not experienced with them, but that doesn't mean I don't like them or want them." Picking up a teddy bear, he showed it to Tohr. "How about we give little Leia her first stuffed animal? Kids love that stuff, right?"

Bronte was in tears, giggling at him. "I think I've been replaced in your heart," she said, then leaned her head on his shoulder to look at the tiny baby girl. "Oh, God," Bronte whispered, sniffing a bit. "She's beautiful... So pretty." She looked up at Rehv and narrowed her eyes, showing that a mother was just as dangerous as a hellren if they wanted to be. "Give me the baby, Rehv. You've had your turn," she said, raising her eyebrows. Gently, she started to take the little girl into her arms, holding her close to her chest. "Have you thought of a name?"
"Yea kids like stuffed animals."togr said after a moment smiling slightly as he went about policking out diapers, trying not to gt upset. He couldn't have a kid. Couldn't give kaspar that, so it was eating him alive to see kaspar so smitten with the idea. He wanted kaspar to have everything he wanted, but a baby just wasn't something tohr could do.

"No. She hs her own spot."rehv aaid smiling at his lover,his face soft and kind,so different from the man he usually was. "She is beautiful. To beautiful to be named after kaspar,no matter what he says."rehv smiled shifting the girl into her mothers arms,not about to get beaten up because he refused to share with bronte."leia. I was thinking leia..."
Kaspar smiled, not thinking about how his eagerness might upset his lover. It's not that he expected Tohr to give him a child, but if the opportunity came along for them to raise a kid together, why not? There were lots of vampire children that were left orphaned after their parents became casualties in the war... He sighed and looked up at him. "What's wrong?" he asked, stuffing the bear under his arm. Leaning down, he also grabbed a bundle of soft blankets, then headed for the cash register. It was kind of exciting to shop for a baby, especially since it's been so long since they had been around one.

Bronte grinned, leaning back into his arms as she cradled the baby. "You are supposed to say she's beautiful like her mother," she said, then glanced up at him with an amused smirk. "It's okay. You're still getting used to the whole emotional thing... And getting used to me being back after all this time." She shrugged and looked down at the baby, who looked very content to be seeing her mother for the first time. Her big, dark blue eyes were taking her in, and she even gave a little smile. "Leia... I love it," Bronte murmured, "Leia Elizabeth." Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to the baby's head. It felt weird to be a mother, but it was a good weird.
Tohr shrugged a little as he smiled slightly at the sight of kaspar holding the baby stuff. "Nothing. just thinking to hard."He said leaning down to steal a kiss,brushing off kaspar's question. Not about to get in a fight over what he'd been thinking about, not wanting kaspar to leave him all that much sooner. Oh yea, despite knowing the man loved him, Tohr still expected something to happen, something to make the other pull away from him.And he so tried to not to upset him if he could help it.

"Hm, she is that.Beautiful like you you know, but she's not kaspar's.he doesn't get any say."He said sulking a little, flushing a little at her words, swallowing hard at what he thought was a scolding. Looking amused at mother and daughter he shifted to lay down next to her, looking tired as he cuddled both his girls."You should get some sleep....we all could use some sleep.."
Once everything was paid for, Kaspar drove them back home. Along with Tohr, he carried the bags of things up to the fourth floor. "We should fix this up for them," he said, nodding around to the dusty fourth floor. "Get them a crib. Paint the walls.... It will give us a nice project to do, and it can take our minds of things." He smiled and grabbed the diapers, a soft pink blanket, and the stuffed pair. "If you want to get one last look at the baby, you could take this stuff to them and I'll go downstairs and get Nelly to bring down some wine for us when you're done."

Bronte grinned at him. "I'm not mad. Just teasing," she said, leaning over to kiss his forehead. After a moment, she examined her daughter (who was starting to fall asleep). "You go ahead and rest. I just woke up and want to spend time just looking at her," she admitted, "She doesn't seem hungry though. Did you give her some formula or something?" She looked a little confused.
Tohr was quiet for most of the ride home amiling slightly when he heard kaspar's suggestion."I like it. Ill be right back. I want to make sure they don't need anyfhing."tohr said smiling a littls as he headed downstairs.

"Bottle. She'll be hungry in awhile though."rehv said sleepily. "What he forgot to mention is that it was a bottle of blood. The donors already know what to do if you call down to get one."tohr said looking amused as he walked in,"how ars you?do you need anything?"
Bronte watched as the little girl fell asleep, looking as peaceful as ever. So sweet... "Oh, Tohr," she said, just now noticing he had walked in. She bit her lip a little, feeling so... weird about her little baby girl drinking blood. "Okay," she said, "But I can nurse her too, right?" Sitting up against the head board, she shifted the baby in her arms so that Tohr could hold her. She knew that it was probably the reason why he came to their room. "Do you have a onsie I can put her in? Just something to keep her warm." She looked around the room and made a face. "We need a crib too. Do you have one around? Maybe the one Rehv slept in?"

Nikolas looked at Thorn with furrowed eyebrows. "She's not my niece," he said with a regretful tone, "My sister turned on me. She's no longer family." He swallowed hard and tried his best to keep his usually stoic appearance. "I came up here to tell you that if you try to do what you did earlier, I will have you much more... uncomfortable that you are now." He looked down at the naked maid who was sleeping behind him. "Farrah! Get out. You are supposed to be helping with dinner." The maid scampered out of the bed, grabbed her clothes, and rushed out of the room.

"Don't let that one full you," he said, looking out the window and shoving his hands in his pockets. "That girl looks innocent, but she's a whore. Will do anything and everything..." With that, he smirked.
"yea,but since you were asleep and seh was fussing we fed her. She's like the rest of us.She'll need both."he reassured smiling a little as he sat down on the edge of the bed taking the small baby as he studied her. Glancing up at bronte he nodded. "We've already gone shopping. We're setting up the room upstairs for you."He stood holding leia lose and walked to the phone to call kaspar to get hm to bring down a onsie.

Thorne tilted his head al iittle."Family is family, no matter what.I thought you of all people, would unerstand that."He said thoughtfully before returning to looking out the window before grinning slightly."Ah, but you're the one who sent her here. Is it my fault that feeding got out of control?"He said looking amused before sighing softly."I had no doubts that she was. I just wanted to see how much the rest of the house was whores. How many did I get having sex?"He asked sounding amused
Kaspar was down stairs a few moments later, carrying a small crib into the room. "This will do until we get everything set up for you," he said, smiling as he sat it on the other side of the bed. He leaned over to look at the baby in his lover's arms. She was sleeping peacefully, obviously content with the people who surrounded her and the emotions they carried.

Bronte leaned into Rehv, letting him hold her upright since she was still so sore from the C-section. "Good," she said, nodding to Tohr. Her head was resting on Rehv's shoulder, more sleepy than she was willing to admit. There was no way she was going to not spend some time with her daughter before going to bed, even if they child was asleep. "Has your mother and sister been able to see her?" she asked, glancing up at her lover.

Nikolas frowned. "Let's get something straight - you are to never to that again," he growled, not answering his questions. He would not amuse him. "And yes, I sent her. I told you that as long as you behave, you will live comfortable. Besides, she's the best we have. Very talented and attentive." He turned from the window and leaned against it, his arms crossed. "How do you even know that the child was born, let alone a girl?"
Tohr smiled a little looking up at kaspar."You want to hold her?"He muttered looking at kaspar in amusement. REhv sighed softly shifting mostly asleep but aware of the men around him. Having woken up just enough to be aware and deadly if needed to defend his family.Granted he trusted kaspar and tohr, but still."They were. They came down while you were out."He muttered yawning.

"Okay then.Though I must say, that was behaving for most hellrens"He mused watching the city before smirking, not paying attention to the man leaning against the glass next to him, ignoring how very close he was."Hm, your sister's happy. And Rehv's happy.And a very powerful empath when the mood strikes him. The fact that he's this excited and giddy....yea even across town I can feel it.. I saw Bronte remember?Baby had feelings already."
Kaspar looked down at the infant, appearing unsure. After a moment, he slowly nodded. "Yea, I would," he said, looking a little transfixed by the little girl. She was a beauty, and the hellren part of her made it hard to not feel calm and serene around her. She apparently already knew how to manipulate the other's around her, even if she wasn't aware... Gently, he shifted the baby into his arm and immediately began to coo.

Bronte smirked at her sleepy lover and turned toward Tohr. "Do you think she's okay?" she asked, glancing up at Leia, "I mean, would people take her birth lightly? She's not normal in either one of our worlds... I'm scared she will not be accepted."
Tohr snickered a little shifting the baby into kaspar's arms, looking at him as he gently eased kaspar to sitting down next to him."See, you're already good at it....and I have a feeling your never going to have to worry about Leia not telling you when she's upset about something." "I never had that problem."Rehv said making tohr snicker."No, you were always willing to tell everyone that you had a problem."

"I think her unique mix of three races will allow her to pass even easier then Rehv does. And I hadn't known what was different about rehv until recently. He's a aristocrat, which gurantees Leia a spot among them. Catalina's loved, even if her son scares almost everyone,and Leia is her granddaughter."Tohr snorted giving rehv a look as the man gave a sound of protest. "And more then that, the men in this house, knows Rehv will kill to protect them-" "I don't do it for them." "Okay, would kill to defend the people he likes, which makes the people he loves even more protected. I think you'r girl's going to be fine."
Kaspar gently cradled the baby and bounced her a little. Oddly enough, he seemed to be very good with her. He knew exactly how to hold her and how to coo at her to keep her calm, even when she went in and out of sleep. "Yea, but she's much sweeter than Rehv," he teased, "Rehv was screaming at the top of his lungs half the time, even if he was just as cute." Leia started to make content noises up at Kaspar, making him smile. "And Rehv was a much bigger baby. How much did he weigh, Tohr? Ten pounds at birth?"

Bronte nodded, feeling a little better about it all. Maybe the men and aristocrats would see her birth as hope for the future. "Well, we know Rehv won't let her out of his sight for years," she said, smirking, "But I just don't want the warriors or any of the other men to turn on him because of Leia and I."

When Leia started to fuss, Kaspar gently shifted her into Bronte's arms so that she could feed her, then turned to Tohr. "Come on," he said, gently, nudging his lover, "Let's leave them alone and go to bed. They aren't going anywhere."
Tohr snickered nodding a little."definately sweeter then rehc."he smiled as he looked down at the two, his heart shredding at the sight of kasper and leia. He just knew that kaspar would eventually leave him for aomeone who could have a baby, but he could enjoy the time that they had. Snickering at the sight of rehv snoring slightly he bent to kiss bronte's forehead."don't borrow more problems then you have. Juat got day by day."he stood leaving the small family aone as he left with kaspar.
In the morning, Bronte was sitting in the chair across from the bed, nursing Leia while Rehv still slept. She had a hard time making him wake up, especially since he was so tired these days, but the last thing Tohr needed was for them to not do their part anymore. Rehv needed to help Kaspar with the men, and she still needed to help out with the medical aspect of things. Luckily, they had Cataline and Talia to help with the baby too, even if she was heart sick at the idea of leaving Leia for any length of time. Even if it was just work.

Kaspar rolled over, still tangled in the sheets with Tohr. He knew all of this was the calm before the storm, and he hated that Tohr seemed... off for the past couple days. He was hoping that his lover was not having second thoughts... "Tohr?" he murmured, shifting over to cuddle against Tohr's sleeping form. He buried his face in the others neck. "Sleep well?"
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