
Tohr sighed quietly, shivering as the other kissed his neck tilting his head back."Hmm they were. I'm just so amazing, they're disappointed."He snickered a little running his fingers through kaspar's hair, before snickering slightly."Let them be supicious. If that's the only thing they figure out, I'll consider myself lucky."He muttered kissing the other hard looking amused as he drew back, looking him over, his eyes soft and pleased to have him there.

"It can be. You're just so small."he said grinning a little sighing softly as she pressed against him, wrapping his arms around her, "Hm, well that's good. Cause I can't really shrink any."He said smirking as he nuzzled her a lttle laughing at her noticing that he was starting to heal. and not only heal better, but where he'd always be lean and muscled, the man was starting to fill out, look healthy again as he took care of himself. "Well, you see, I have this annoying little nurse who wont let me do anything else."he teased smirking a little as he bent to kiss her softly.
When Tohr drew back, Kaspar tilted his head to the side with a smirk. "What?" he asked, resting his head on his hand. His other hand moved to caress the other man's side, letting his fingers run over each smooth muscle. Like Tohr, he was just happy to be with the other man. With everything falling down around them, it was nice to have his lover at his side. "You are willing to risk everything? Because Tohr, the aristocrats will go insane if they find out about us. You know that." He frowned a little, feeling guilty for roping his lover into their relationship like this.

Bronte laughed and shook her head. "I'm not annoying," she said with a pout, "You love it when I fuss over you. Admit it." She grinned and grabbed a bottle of soap, pouring some in to her hand before stepping back and lathering it in on her body. She made eye contact with him the whole time she rubbed her breasts, stomach, and thighs with the soap. "Are you going to help me, or just stand there?" She raised her eyebrows at him. It was nice that they were acting like a normal couple at the moment, but she knew it wouldn't last long. They lived in too dangerous of a world to be normal.
Tohr sighed shivering as Kaspar stroked over his side, closing his eyes for a moment before looking up at him. "Hm I know. But so much of our lives have gotten to be lies...I don't want to have to lie about us."He muttered tugging the other close for a kiss, because he hated this. Hated the lies. For the most part, the man was a extremely blunt, honest man, so the lies that made him uncomforable and depressed.

Rehv laughed as she pouted, stealing a kiss."Hmm, almost as much as I love being silvered."He teased watching her for a moment before leaning down to kiss her slowly. "just kidding. Being fussed over is better then that."he muttered running his fingers through her hair, drawing her closer to him, picking her up and settling her legs around his waist easily. "Hm, I'm goign to be very active in helping."
Kaspar swallowed hard, leaning in and kissed the man back just as passionately. He held him close. "I know," he whispered, "Neither do I." He buried his face into the other's neck and closed his eyes, just enjoying the feeling of the other man holding him. He loved this man, and it was so nice to know that he loved him back. It was further proof that Tohr's late wife would have wanted this. She would have wanted Tohr to be happy, and Kaspar was going to do everything he could to make that possible.

Bronte wrapped her legs around his waist and looked into his eyes, her hand moving up to brush the damp hair away from his forehead. She looked serious all of the sudden, but not upset. "I have a question, and I'm not asking you to get all emotional. I know you don't like that stuff," she said with a sigh. She leaned in and kissed him. "Do you love me?" she asked, her lips brushing against his. Her eyes were closed, almost as if she was too nervous about his answer to look at him. She needed to know though, because this war was about to get ugly, and she wanted to before something tragic happened.
Tohr sighed softly holding him,closing his eyes as he pressed a kiss to the other's hair."Hm, you know, I had wanted to screw you,but I have no desire to do anything but hold you right now."he muttered nuzzling him a little, snuggling down into him as starting to fall asleep.

Rehv siled looing down at her, shifting slightly at her serious look. Frowning slightly the part vampire practically squirmed, leaning her back gainst the wall, leaning down and pressing his fae against her neck."You know,for a woman who said didn't want me all emotional, you just asked me a emotional question."he muttered looking her over before sighing quietly. "I do."He said kissing her neck softly before straightening. "We should finish our shower, and get some sleep.I nee to see your brother tomorrow."He sighed quietly.
Kaspar yawned, resting his head on the other's chest. Smirking, he nodded. "Maybe tomorrow night," he whispered, then started to fall asleep himself. It was going to be a short night, and the morning was going to come before they knew it.

Bronte smiled softly, gently grabbing his prickly chin and turning it toward her. She looked him in the eyes, wanting him to know that she was being truthful. "I love you too," she said, "Unconditionally. I think I knew I was going to love you even when you were being a complete asshole to me." She smirked, then squirmed down from his arms. Washing her hair, she took her time under the hot water. She did not even want to think about seeing her brother tomorrow... Nor did she want to think about what he would do to Rehv if he got the chance.

Later, Bronte dried off and pulled on a pair of panties and a large t-shirt. She crawled into the bed beside him, turning on to her side to look at him. "Don't do anything reckless tomorrow, Rehv," she warned, arching her eyebrow at him.
Rehv smiled slightly looking at her, flushing ever so slightly. "I'm still a complete asshole."e muttered looking amused as he washed up. Not wanting to talk anymore and respecting that she iddn't want to talk. When they were done he smiled as he dried off, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and slipping into bed next to her. "Definately not a reckless person."He said smiling quietly."I'd never be reckless"he muttered falling asleep.

In the morning Rehv smiled as he strted getting ready, running his fingers through his hair as he handed her his cell phone."call. Please. I dont want to have to kill him,but if he comes after us with the others, we might not have a chance."he muttered kissing her slowly before raising his head,gently stroking her hair as he finished getting ready. Wanting nothing more then to get the siblings together and somewhere safe so they couldn't be used against each other.
Bronte looked up at him nervously, leaning into his hand as he stroked her hair. "Rehv, I don't know," she whispered, but dialed the phone any way. She held it up to her ear, waiting for someone to answer, but was greeted with a female voice she had never heard before.

"Is Nikolas Cassadine there?" Bronte asked, looking confused.

The other woman giggled, "You mean my husband?"

Bronte looked puzzled. Her brother had gotten married? Since when?! Who was this woman? She gritted her teeth together and nodded.

"This is his sister, Bronte," she said, "I need to speak with him. It's important."

The other woman grew serious on the other line, and it took a moment for her to even reply. For a second, Bronte thought she had hung up on her, but instead, she seemed to be speechless.

"Bronte, your brother does not want to speak to you," the woman said, her voice very stern, "He said that he was finished with you the moment that you refused to return home with him." All of the sudden, the woman sounded very angry. "How dare you turn your back on your family?! How could you pick a fucking monster over your brother!"

Bronte flinched, shaking her head and handing up the phone. Both fear and guilt was clear in her eyes. "He won't speak to me, and his new wife is a bitch," she said, swallowing hard. She looked up at Rehv and shook her head. "I don't think this is going to work. I don't think he will ever meet with you in a civil way." She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. "Maybe... Maybe I should go see him. Alone. They wouldn't hurt me, even if they were angry with me."
Rehv tilted his head a little listening as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head as he pulled her close. 'IT sounds like it."he muttered stroking her hair, trying to calm her,but grinding his teeth."You're not going anywhere close to them without a full escort. I will lock you in my closet before I let that happen."He muttered before stealing the phone and redialing, waiting until someone answered.

"You are going to listen to me, and I'm going to speak in small words so you an understand. Put Nikolas Cassadine on the phone, before I burn the folder that holds the plans he wants. And considering it has a way to kill me in it...I'm very tempted. Now. Put him on the phone."He growled annoye with teh woman for so upsetting Bronte, but he had every intention of making nikolas talk to him no matter what the man wanted.
Bronte watched him nervously, tears in her eyes. It was not because Nikolas' wife had hurt her feelings, but because she was scared for Rehv. She knew he was a strong man, but he was underestimating how skilled of a hunter Nikolas was. He was raised by the most deadly hunter in the world, and he had to go through ten times the training that Bronte ever did. "Rehv, be careful..." she said, her heart hurting. No part of her wanted to believe that Rehv or her brother would get hurt when all of this was said and done.

Nikolas came to the phone, sounding much calmer than he was really feeling. Of course, he was not scared. He'd spent a good portion of his life executing vampires. This would be no different.

"You have my papers," Nikolas murmured, not bothering to give him a better greeting, "I'm not an idiot. I know you have my papers. Bronte is an intelligent girl, despite her idiotic behavior, and she wouldn't let them burn with the house. Not when anyone and their dog could find them among the ashes." His jaw tightened and he moved to stand out on the balcony of his new house that he and his wife had just bought. It was not far from his childhood home, but much more modern than the dreary castle. His wife was a woman whom his uncle had set him up with. She was the daughter of a respectable hunter, and he didn't have much choice on the matter. Did he love her? No. However, she made things convenient.

"I have no interest in any kind of plea bargain," he said, leaning against the railing, "I could have my men in that castle before you could find a match to light the papers with. You underestimate my power." He smirked. "All I can say, is that you are being watched very closely."
"I do.And I'd be the idiot if I thought you didn't know I have them."Rehv mused leaning into Bronte a little, closing his eyes a little, willing himself to be calm, and not lose himself in the feelings of what bronte was feeling. "I wasn't offering a plea bargain. I'm only interested in keeping bronte happy. Which means not warring with each other. Granted, I enjoy a good blood bath, but it would be so upsetting for your sister to watch me bleed."He mused outloud before shrugging.

"I don't want to bargain with you. I want to buy you off. I'll hand you the aristocrats and the hellrens."He said looking amused because he knew what he was doing, he ws playing with the man's emotions, and hopefully learn something. He needed some leverage, otherwise he had no idea how to save the man he was taling to. And he had no idea why he was even trying, besides that it would upset bronte if he had to kill nikolas. And he knew Thorne, the man was going to serve his own people up on a platter, because if they ever found out their king was part vampire, they'd kill him even faster then they were already trying to.So this was going to work for everyone. Hopefully.
Nikolas did not sound amused. He clenched the railing so hard, you would think he could break it with his bare hands. "The only reason my sister would care if you lived or died is because you have her brainwashed," he snapped, "You are no good for my sister - you never will me. She liked to fix people, you know? It's her hobby. She's always been drawn to the tainted and to the lost, because she enjoys helping them and fixing them in to 'good people'. She simply does not realize that your kind can never, ever be fixed."

He let out a huff of air. "I will take your offer into consideration," he said, wanting the other man to worry. "I will give you a call about my answer in the morning after I have talked to my men. Until then, I'd take great caution in not getting attached to my sister."

With that, he hung up.

Bronte looked up at Rehv nervously, her heart beating so hard it felt as if it was going to bust straight through her chest. "What did he say?" she asked, looking up at her lover.
Rehv flinched at the other's words, closing his eyes as he swallowed hard. He felt beaten, hurt. As if Nikolas had gutted him,even without fighting. The man wasn't telling him he hadn't alredy known, he was a monster, and lost. "Fine. I will talk to you tomorrow."He said hanging up, absently smiling at bronte."he's going to think about it."He sighed quietly.

"There are very few that I want to save, of either race. Tohr, akspar...lash, the others. My mother and sister."He mused because he'd always found it weird that he only forme attatchments to people, he didn't understand for the greater good. So he didn't feel overly bad for turning them over. At least they'd understand the world him and tohr, kaspar and the other fighters had tried to survive in. "We'll see. And I wont kill him. I wont let him get killed for his vendetta against the vampires either."He said a small frown of worry on his face. Was it....was it that rehv was finally learning to connect with people?
Bronte crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around him, because she could see the look on his face. Nikolas' words had effected him, whatever he said. Reaching up, she ran her fingers through his hair. "Do not forget to save yourself too," she murmured, looking worried for him. Leaning over, she kissed his on the lips, then pulled back to start getting dressed for the day. She slipped on a pair of jeans and a V-neck sweater, then pulled her hair into a messy bun. "I need to get down to the office. There's paper work to be done, and I need to look at some wounds on a few men from the battle at Thorne's place," she said, "You probably have some things you need to talk to Tohr and Kaspar about."

She gave him a smile. "Don't worry about me, okay? Nothing's going to happen in the middle of the day, and the guys will be training right across the hall from me."
Rehv sighed quietly leaning into her more, the fact that he was leting her hold him showed he was disturbed at what nikolas had said."Hm, I'll do that to."he muttered but he knew the truth. His own life meant less to him then the others. Swallowing hard as he watched her dress he nodded getting up."Yea, I do. and its nothing they're going to lie."he grumbled as he dressed to before nodding, though he still looked a little worried."I'll try not to."He muttered kissing her lightly before walking downstairs with her. Looking bemuse as he looked at the others before walking into tohr's office making a face at the two. "If you two are going to avoid working out, to make out, lock the door."he whined.

Tohr laughed as he drew back from the kiss, resting his head against the back of his chair, looking amused and smirking."What do you want Rehv."He said it was phrased like a question ,but it wasn't one. "I know what Nikolas wants."
Kaspar chuckled and pulled back, standing beside the chair that Tohr was sitting in. "Why don't you learn how to knock? I don't go barging into Bronte's room at night, and you and I both know that you've been spending your nights there." He moved to make them all a drink at the wet bar, then turned to Rehv with an eyebrow raised. "You do? You talked to him?" he asked, sounding interested, if not a little worried. He handed the other men their drinks, then took a large gulp of his own.

Meanwhile, Nikolas pulled his cell phone out of pocket and dialed his head guard, a powerful man who had been staked out a mile away from Tohr's mansion.

"Rex?" Nikolas said, his tone both serious and firm. "Has the vamp left my sister alone yet?"

"Yes, sir," the guard said, looking through the windows of the mansion with a pair of binoculars. "It looks that way."

Nikolas ground his teeth together. "Good," he said, "Get inside, take her, and bring her to me."

"What about the files, sir?"

"Leave them," Nikolas said, a smirk on his lips, "We are going to play a game, and it will make getting those papers even easier."

With that, Rex hung up and got the process going. It was as easy as pie. He moved through the ventilation system and went straight to the room that they had figured out was Bronte's office. He knocked her over the head with gun before she even knew what was going on, taking her back through the ventilation system, back toward the house he was staying at, and into the car in order to drive her to Nikolas' house.

Once she was there, she was locked in the basement, her hands handcuffed to a pipe.

"Fantastic, Rex," Nikolas murmured, nodding with a grin on his face, "Perfect. Now we wait until they realize she's gone, and our plan will be in motion."
"thos is a office! No one shouls be making out in-"rehv howled sulking as much as a ten year old who'd caught mommy and daddy having sex. But just as he was about to whine more the hellrwn stopped, his head turning even as his feet moved. Out of the door before he could even process what he was doing he dove into bronte's office, with lash and tohr nipping at his heels. They sidnt know what he had sensed, and lash even without knowing what rehv was, trusted the man's instincts enough to follow him.

Snarling at the empty room rehv walked around the desk to phone phone and punched out the number even as he shot off a text to thorne."cassadine, I'm going to speak in small words so you can understand me. Return her now. And I might consider letting you live through the encounter."he said his voice devoid of all emotion,sounding if anyrhing distracted, as he was also texting thorne at the same time. Nikolas might have started the game, but surely he hadn't counted on having two half vampure half hellrens, plus tohr and the other vampires working against him. Surely he hadn't counted on them realizing she was gone within minutes, surely he hadnt guessed at a hellren's bond to his mate. She might not have been there long, but all the men crowded into the small room with him, had come to care for the small nurse, and they'd see that she came back.
Nikolas had the nerve to laugh at the other end, sitting at his desk and leaning back in his chair. He looked relaxed, and definitely not worried. "Go ahead. Come and try to get her," he said, "But I will assure you that she won't be alive when you get to her. I will make sure of that. See, she may be my sister, but she is a traitor now. She started all of this the moment she refused to come home with me; the moment she chose a group of blood-sucking monsters over her family."

He glanced at his wedding ring, glaring at the shiny metal. "I will not lay a hand on her," he said, "That's if you give me the papers and leave my sister in my care. You will never see her again - Not if you want her to stay alive." He smirked. "If you do that, then she will live a very comfortable life with a man of my liking."
Rehv ground his teeth together shredding the inside of his mouth in the process as he stared down at his phone. Looking at horne's unhelpful answer to his demand for help, that not even he could force things to go his way, and thorne was thinking clear headed enough to kow whatever rehv did now, was likely going to get him killed. So...as his king, thorne instead of giving him help, had tricked him inot a promise to stand aside till they figured this out."fine.I'll mail them to you.where do you want them?"

Tohr frowned at the man's sudden agreement, stealing the phone he hid a snicker at thorne's message. Rehv having been foolish enough to demand help tracking bronte, had foolishly made a promise to thorne to help him take care of someone. Probably thinking he meant killing his cousin for him. Instead thorne had demanded he take care of himself, and in turn let the others take care of bronte. In the end, a brilliant endgame from a man eho knew his brother would be sucidially foolish in going after nikolas.
Seven months later, Bronte was still with her brother. She was in good hands, and ever since Rehv turned her over, Nikolas had been nothing but nice and generous. At first, he paired Bronte up on date with his wife's brother, Prescott Greene, but that didn't last long. See Prescott wanted to get married and have children, and Bronte couldn't manage to get out of her severe depression. The bond that she had with Rehv was tearing her apart from the inside out, and she missed him so much. Nikolas assured that she would get over it, but he was wrong. It was worse every damn day. And every day, she had to hide how upset she was. It was not use to show Nikolas, because he only reprimanded her for acting foolish. She had to pretend to be somewhat happy.

However, it was really hard. Especially since she was only a couple weeks away from giving birth. Yea, that was another reason Prescott did not want much to do with Bronte. No hunter wanted to marry a woman who was pregnant with a vampire's child.

At first, Nikolas demanded she get an abortion. Bronte wouldn't have it. She said that she would take her own life if he forced her to get rid of the baby, and considering that Nikolas really did love his sister, he could not let that happen. He was allowing her to carry until full term, and then he was going to force her to give the child up. He would not hurt the baby, but he sure as hell was not going to let Bronte raise it under his roof. As far as he was concerned, the baby was going to be left on Tohr's front porch the moment after it was born.

The thought had Bronte dying inside.


Kaspar was sitting across from Tohr, eating their breakfast. He raised his eyebrows at the other man. Things had not been looking up since Bronte was gone and the papers had been mailed to Nikolas. The man had done nothing with them yet, but that didn't mean they weren't ready for a full on battle. It was going to happen eventually.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, looking concerned, "I can see it all over your face. You're thinking about something."
"I'm thinking that Rehv's been to quiet and that Thorne has something planned that he's not told anyone."Tohr sighed rubbing a hand over his face looking annoyed. "Just because Rehv's been forced to not do anything, didn't mean Thorne's been minding his own business."He said anxious because he just knew that nothing would go well. Nearly jumping out o his skin as the man they were talking about walked in the door.

Thorne, looking...different. His once short cropped hair nearly brushed his shoulders and there was...something off. Then Tohr put his fingers on it. He looked and felt human. Even though he knew better, there was something human about him."How do I look?"He preened looking pleased. "I have a meeting tonight, and seeing as I'm meeting with a hunter, I thought it was best to appear human."

"Why...how..."Tohr stopped trying to figure out what he wanted to know. "Because, Rehv's dying, and I can't let him die. I wont. So tricking Nikolas into talking to me, is just something I needed to do."He said not about to tell the vampires what he'd used to bargain for the meeting, because he knew they'd-not to mention rehv- wouldn't let him out of the door if they knew he'd bartered his life for a chance for the meeting. Not to mention he had every intention of following through on the promise. His life, for bronte's. He loved his brother, and he'd never loved anyone with the same passion, so it was a easy choice for a man who'd never had anyone else but rehv.
Kaspar looked at the man like he had lost his fucking mind. "What are you thinking? Nikolas made things very clear. He'd rather have Bronte dead than with Rehv." He ground his teeth together, looking at Tohr. Hopefully he had something to say to Thorne that might talk him out of this craziness, but he had a feeling he didn't. Tohr was just as worried about Rehv as Thorne.

He stood up and wiped his mouth, grabbing his cup of coffee. He hated the idea of Rehv dying. It hurt him greatly... However, he knew that if they chanced anything, and Bronte died in the process, Rehv would be even worse off. He was pretty sure (not totally sure, considering the man never talked) that the only thing Rehv was hold on to was the fact that Bronte was alive and well.
Thorne swallowed hard, looking at the other man."I know. But I can't not do anything." "You're going to get yourself killed Thorne. YOu wont be able to help anyone like this."Tohr said trying to rationalize with the man. "I know. But I can give him something he'll want more then Bronte away from Rehv."Thorne shrugging ignoring the look he was getting from his friend. Not about to admit to what he was going to do. Because he knew the moment Rehv figured out what he was going to do, he knew it was the end. "TAke care of him for me."He stood running his fingers through his hair."I have to go."he said before walking out not about to let the others talk him out of this.

Tohr cursed shaking his head."We have to go talk to rehv."Tohr said getting up, looking pissed knowing there was only one way to get thorne out of whatever he had planned.


When he arrived Thorne looked around the club, looking vaguely amused as he stepped into BloodRain, smirking slightly as he made his way to the table the hunter was waiting for him at."You know, if you wanted to avoid the vampires and hellren, you shouldn't be in this club."He said amused because Nikolas had been the one to pick the club, though the fact that it wasn't neutral ground amused him."I have something you want. I want your sister back."He said slumping into his chair with a sigh, for all the world looking like a human
Kaspar raised his eyebrows, taking a sip of his coffee. "Seriously? You think talking to Rehv about this will make it better? He's been a damn zombie for seven months! He would have killed himself by no if it weren't for living here with us, and you know it," he said, looking sad at the thought. "Whatever Thorne is doing, I'm sure he had put some thought into it. More thought than anything Rehv would do if he thought Thorne was putting himself into any sort of danger." He sighed and walked over to his lover, caressing his cheek. "Do what he said - take care of Rehv. That's what Thorne would want, and that's what you should do." Leaning over, he kissed his lover gently.

Nikolas looked relaxed, sipping a dirty martini. "I chose this place to prove to you exactly how confident I am in myself and my men," he said, "I have no fear, and I want you to know this. If you thought my father was a cruel man, then you have no seen me when I'm angry." He arched his eyebrow at the other man, looking interested in his offer. "You want me sister? Well, I'd be willing to hear what you could ever offer me that would inspire me to hand her over."
"I do...dammit Kas."He growled looking annoyed because he knew just how bad rehv was. Knew that they had no other option but to follow Thorne's request to take care of rehv. Leaning into the touch he sighed softly, because he just knew that Rehv would lose his mind at the idea of what Thorne was doing. "We'll take care of him."he muttered wincing as Rehv walked into the room, looking pale and hallowed out, so much worse then his passive sucide of 8 months before. He looked...dead.

Thorne snorted looking amused as he looked around the club. "Overconfidence wll get you killed sometime,boy."he muttered like rehv, he was older then he looked. Sipping the whiskey he ordered he snorted a little. "You sound like a bad b rated movie. The next thing your going to do is turn into the hulk."his smirk widened a little before smiling slightly, looking over the crod before nodding. "Her for me."He said letting the glamour fade, shuddering a little as his features sharpened, looking more like a vampire and hellren then he had. No longer was there any mistaking what he was. "I am the only one of my kind, Cassadine. Vampire AND hellren, you can torture me to your heart's content on ways to kill either, because I have the weaknesses of both, but they're not deadly. At least not anything short of staking me or cutting out my heart."He mused. "Her for a hellren vampire."
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