
Rehv smiled a little as he looked down at her, for one looking just as sleepy as she did. "Yes.Come on."He muttered following her up to his own room, inviting her into his private place,even if it wasn't the club where he really felt was home, it was his space, something he usually allowed no one in. Stripping down he collapsed down onto the bed, sighing softly.He just knew that things tomorrow waa going to be ugly."Come here. Sleep."He muttered reaching out for her, sighing softly, not wanting to talk, just wanting to sleep.

tohr smiled a little."Hm, since when do I ever make you leave?"He muttered starting to strip himself, bruises and a healing wound himself, but he was fine. Smiling slightly at the man's embarassment ghe laid down on the bed, shifting to snuggle against him, for once being ust as cuddly as he wanted to be, resting his head on kaspar's chest."Hm, poor baby.So easily embarassed."He teased sleepily, alerady starting to fall asleep.
Bronte grinned and followed him up stairs. Maybe he really did want her around... She stripped down to her bra and panties, then crawled into bed beside him. "You're so bossy sometimes," she grumbled, cuddling into him and resting her head on his chest. She tilted her head up to look at him, tracing his face with her index finger. She wasn't going to ask him any questions - not tonight. Instead, she just watched him for a few moments, smiling when their eyes came into contact, then leaned up to kiss his cheek. She fell asleep among his large limbs, cuddled up against him like a kitten. Oh, this was no good. She was falling for him...

"I wasn't embarrassed," Kaspar whined, "Nelly didn't knock. She never knocks." He wrapped his arms around Tohr and buried his face into his neck. "I can't stay long," he yawned, "I have to go check on Talia like a promised, then make sure all of our men or healing properly." He kissed Tohr's neck, then fell asleep. It felt nice to be in his arm after a battle...
Rehv sihed softly turning his head a little towards her when she kissed his cheek before yawning."goodnight."he muttered falling asleep. In the morning he stirrred frowning sligjtly when he realized she was still wrapped around him, wondering how to get up without waking her up.

Tohr smiled sleepily."okay"he muttered content. In the morning the man stirred rubbing a hand over his face as he sat up on his elbows, looking down at the man laying next to him"come on kas. Time to get up."he muttered already reaching for his clothes,knowing it was going to be a busy night
Bronte yawned and stirred a bit, her eyes opening up to look at him. "What are you doing up so early?" she whined, not realizing that they went to bed incredibly late, and in turn, slept a little late. She sat up and ran a hand through her messy hair. A groan left her lips when she moved to stand up from the bed. When she stood up, she immediately heard some commotion going on down stairs. "Is someone here?" she whispered, looking nervously up at Rehv.


Kaspar nodded, grabbing his clothes and pulling them on. He attempted to smooth out his hair, then leaned down to kiss Tohr. However, just like Bronte, he jumped when he heard something going on downstairs. Quickly, he slipped his boots on and jogged down stairs. When he got to the entrance of the mansion, his eyes went wide as saucers. Standing there among all of the guards (but not touched by any of them) was Bronte's old brother, Nikolas. He looked a little more rugged than Kaspar remembered, with a scar going across the left side of his face.


"I want to see my sister," Nikolas growled, "Now."

Kaspar looked taken back for once, and so did all the guards. They didn't know if they should taken him down to the dungeons or step aside for him. He, like Bronte, was a former enemy. However, Tohr tried to save him before he thought he had died in that fire. However, that was far from what actually happened.

"I think it would be more appropriate if we all sat down with Tohr," Kaspar said, waiting for Tohr to come down stairs and see what awaited him.


"Well, I want to go check on Talia. And see how everyone else is."he muttered leaning over to kiss him softly, pressing a kiss to her lips before frowning as he heard the sounds downstais."Come on."He said urging her to her feet, making sure she was apporiately dressed before walking into the hallway, heading the stairs just as Tohr appeared out of his bedroom to.

"Nikolas?"Tohr said his jaw falling open a little, tilting his head a little before glancing at bronte, a small frown on his face as he realized that rehv looked regretful as he let bronte pull away from him. Like the man had already accepted that he was going to lose her now that her brother was back.

"Kas, will you see that we get a small breakfast taken to my office?Nikolas, will you sit down with us?"Tohr said looking equally torn between llocking the man up till he knew what he wanted, and talking to him.
Bronte looked absolutely shaken, her hand dropping from Rehv's at the sight of her brother. "Nikolas?" she said, glancing up at him. Nikolas' face did not soften at all. However, he opening his arms to her and allowed her to throw herself into them. He hugged her close, rubbing her back and telling her everything was okay. He held her close. "Don't worry," he murmured gently, "I am here and I will get you out of her - away from these monsters."

Bronte pulled away, looking at her brother with confusion. "Nik, they saved me," she whispered, "Tohr has been nothing but good to me."

Nikolas rolled his eyes. "They've brain-washed you," he snapped, pulling away from her. He glanced at Tohr, hesitating for a moment, then nodded. "Fine. I will sit and chat, but don't be mistaken by my motives. I am here for my sister."

Bronte shrunk back, and they way she looked, it was clear that she had endured a lot of verbal abuse in her life time. In front of Rehv, she was usually stubborn and independent, but her sudden shift in moods was very revealing. However, she was not usually treated this way by her brother. He was usually the level-headed one of their family. This attitude he had now? This was not the real Nikolas, and it made her wonder what he had been through during the past month.

Kaspar quickly called Nelly to get breakfast ready, then turned to Tohr. "How about the parlor? There will be more room for all of us." He glanced at Rehv, and for the first time, he looked as if he was on his side. He knew that Rehv was out for Bronte's interest, and he knew that he could not be the only one who had a bad feeling about all of this.
Tohr swallowed hard, resisting the urge to snarl at the man-only to hear the sound escaping. But not from his own throat, tossing a look over his shoulder he looked at the vampire who was on the edge of lashing out. Fucking hell, if he could forbid Rehv from getting anywhere near Nikolas eh would, but he kne wthe moment he tried, Rehv would go for his throat. Growling he grinded his teeth to keep from screaming before nodding."The parlor then."He said leading the way into the other room.

Rehv ground his teeth, his eyelids fluttering a little as he walked with the others, the hellren in him bashing at the cage walls in a effort to feed on the emotions swirling through the room.But he had to much control for that, he wouldn't do that. Swallowing as he slumped into the seat on the couch he looked up at bronte, refusing to reach out and pull her against him, but equally unwilling to let her brother hold onto her."Talk, hunter."He growled hungry and tired, and not to mention worried, he was worried about what was going to happen now.
Bronte sat next to Rehv on the couch, for she suddenly felt unsafe. Because of the blood bond between her and Rehv, she could literally feel him tense up and want to hurt her brother. She, on the other hand, felt completely torn. On one side, she was falling for Rehv, and on the other side... Well, she loved her brother. He had always taken care of her and protected her from not only the world, but their own parents. "Nikolas, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" she murmured, looking at her usually gentle brother.

Nikolas' jaw clenched. "What's wrong? Bronte! Get real! They kidnapped you. They tied you up and threw you in the back of a car, and now you are acting like everything is okay? Bronte, you don't belong here. You belong with me and our kind."

Bronte flinched at that, her stomach turning a bit out of nervousness. She reached for Rehv's hand, and when Nikolas saw her do it, he practically snarled at Rehv. "Are you fucking my sister?" he snapped, and Bronte's eyes went wide.

"Nik, that is none of your business!"

"Like Hell it's not!" Nikolas growled, then turned to Tohr, "I don't know what you have been allowing to happen to my sister, but it's over. I am taking her home."

When Nikolas turned to Tohr, Kaspar took a protective stance.

"Nikolas, the house is gone!" Bronte said, her eyes tearing up. Her hands were shaking. What was wrong with her brother?

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" he asked, arching his eyebrow, "We have a new home."

Bronte looked at Tohr, confusion and fear in her eyes. She was scared for her brother, and she had know idea what to say or do. She was just hoping Tohr knew what to do...
Rehv barely realized he was curling his fingers around her, his features softening as the hellren looke at her. Some days, the vampire side of him ruled, but as Bronte was giving him a safe way to let off the pressure of his dual nature, he was acting more like a hellren, who despite their natures, mated for life. And a threat to their mates...were quickly and deadily taken care of.

"Yes."Rehv answered, his eyes taking that bright blue sheen that said he was a moment away from going for Nikolas' throat, just because he was upsetting Bronte.

"Now-"Tohr started wincing as he sprang ot his feet, crashing into rehv just as the man went for Nikolas. Pinning the half vampire to the floor he perched on his back, much like Rehv had done just a week before to lash, though he was careful to not break bones as he held the younger down.

"Now.Stay down."Tohr growled as he wrapped his hand in rehv's hair, pressing him down against the floor before looking up at nikolas, well on his way to being pissed off. "Now. As I was saying, I will let him up off this floor if you try to take her out of this house without her agreeing."he shifted wincing as rehv coughed slightly, looking up at nikolas even as Rehv kept trying to push up. "You have enemies boy, and they're not us."
Bronte had tears rolling down her face, and Kaspar had to hold her back from pouncing on Tohr in order to make him get off of Rehv. "Tohr! You're hurting him," she cried, even if it wasn't necessarily true. In her emotional state, it seemed that way. And of course, her brother looked furious. He grabbed Bronte from Kaspar, making the other vampire let out a vicious growl. Bronte seemed to be in the middle of a potentially fatal brawl.

"Bronte!" Nikolas snapped, grabbing her by the shoulders, "Have you lost your mind? He's no good for you, Sis. He's a monster. He'll kill you when he's done with you, and he'll lead you on until he has grown bored with your blood." He looked down at his sister with gentle eyes, and for a moment, she could see the brother that she knew and loved. "Bronte, come with me. I'll take you back to the place that I acquired, and we will live the life we always wanted to when we were kids, remember? Our parents aren't around to control us. You're safe now."

Bronte sniffed and wiped her eyes. "Nik, I... I don't know... I just..."

Nikolas threw her to the floor, making her let out a yelp. "I see you've made your decision! They'd brain washed you, and you are apparently too far gone to be brought back into reality." He huffed, straightening out his jacket, then looked at Tohr. "I will be going, but that doesn't mean I won't return. There are things that need to be settled."

And with that, Nikolas stormed out of the mansion, jumping on the motorcycle he had entered in, and sped off. Bronte was on the floor in shock. There was something wrong with her brother... And she had a feeling she knew what it was about.
Tohr growled looking up at Bronte."I'd rather hurt him, then have him snap out of it and realize he killed nikolas."He snarled looking annoyed with bronte and most particularly the vampire under him. Looking up at the two he sighed softly, letting go as she fell, catching her easily,yelping himself as he was shoved aside so Rehv could fuss over the girl.

Looking up at Kaspar he sighed as he stood,"I want a guard posted. And give the order he's to be restrained if he returns, but not hurt, and definately not killed."He said his dark eyes looking down at Rehv as the man fussed over bronte. Decidely unlike himself, but the hellren was worried about his mate. "And in no circumstances, is Rehv to be the one to see him if he does return."

Rehv stood cradling bronte before moving towards the door."I'm going to put her back in bed. Then I'll be free to talk about whatever you want."He said the underlying anger still in his voice, but choked back to his normal calm, remembering what else they had to deal with as he headed for the stairs.
Kaspar jumped up. "Of course," he said, just as he would if Tohr had not been his lover. Aside from their relationship, Kaspar was still a very professional guard and he took his job seriously. He immediately ran out of the room, getting some of his best men posted at each entrance, then a separate guard to stay outside of Bronte's room and office. Of course, he had a feeling it was not needed - Rehv probably would not let anything near her. After he got everything settled, he moved up to the guest room and knocked on Talia's door. "Talia? It's Kaspar."

Bronte wrapped her arms around Rehv's neck and closed her eyes, letting his protective feelings calm her. "Rehv, don't hurt my brother," she said, then glanced up at him, "Promise me you won't hurt him." When they got to her room, she slid on to the bed and looked up at him. His protectiveness surprised her, because he usually kept his emotions to himself. "Something is wrong," she murmured, "He's not usually like that..." She rubbed her arms, feeling bruises form where her brother had grabbed her.
Talia opened the door, her eyes wide, "I-Is everything okay?I heard yelling."She said looking at him, struggling for calm. Her brother so rarely actually raised his voice about anything, so to hear him snarling over something worried her. But at the sight of the man in front of ehr,she calmed, trusting him."Thank you for coming for me last night. I never did thank you."she said almost shyly.

Rehv sighed quietly grinding his teeth as he sat her down, "Good, because he might not survive if he was normally like that."he growled lookin her over before walking to the bathroom to get some aspirin, holding it out to her."It'll help with the bruises."He said before running his fingers through his hair, looking at a loss. Now that he was out of the room with nikolas, his anger was starting to fade, at least to the point he could think again. And it was making him feel awkward for his reaction.
Kaspar sighed and stepped into the room, moving to make a drink at the wet bar. "Nikolas Cassadine showed up - alive. He was acting strange, and when he started to threaten Bronte, all hell broke loose. He's gone, but security is tight. You will probably have to stay a while longer, just to be safe." He took a sip of the whiskey and smiled. "You don't have to thank me, Talia," he murmured, "I am glad they did not have a chance to hurt you." Tilting his head to the side, he looked her over. "Are you sure they didn't hurt you in any way?"

Bronte took the asprin and sighed. "Are you okay?" she asked, concerned if Tohr had hurt him while trying to restrain him. She stood up and looked at the much taller man, her hands resting on his chest. "I'm not leaving. Not willingly, anyway," she whispered, reaching up to caress his cheek. She suddenly felt like their relationship took a turn, and there was no going back from that turn. She may not be a hellren, but she could feel their bond. Getting up on her tip toes, she pulled his head down enough to kiss him on the lips, a longer kiss than they usually indulged themselves with.
Talia frowned a little shaking her head as she made a drink for herself before sitting down."Oh. Okay. Well, seeing as my mother and brother are here, I have no real reason to be leaving."She muttered before nodding."I'm sure. Hit around a little bit, but she seemed more interested in making sure I wasn't to damaged when Rehv came for me...seemed to think killing me unharmed in front of him would be the worst..."She muttered shrugging a lttle.

Rehv nodded a little rolling his shoulders."Fine. I'll be a little bruised but considering I did that to lash...it could have been worse."He said looking thoughtful looking down at her, leaning his head into her hand. Closing his eyes he relaxed, reassured she wasn't going anywhere."Good."He muttered kissing her slowly before raising his head, his eyes clouded with lust but..."I have to go..."He muttered swallowing hard."Kaspar wanted to talk to me, and I have no doubt that he wouldn't feel in the least bit bad hauling me out of bed to have his talk."
Kaspar sat down in a chair beside her bed, relaxing a bit. "Our world is becoming very fucked up, Talia," he admitted. He hated using such language around women, but there was no other way to say it. "There is more to it, I know, and with Nikolas showing up a month after we were sure he was dead?" He shook his head and looked over at the beautiful girl. "How did you sleep last night? Can I do anything to help you be more comfortable during your stay?" He looked at her charmingly, like he always did with women.

Bronte frowned, obviously disappointed at him pulling back. "Rehv, I'm pretty sure Kaspar and Tohr are distracted by my brother's sudden rise from the dead." She wrapped her arms around him neck and smiled up at him. "Just stay with me for a little while. Please? I'm just... shaken up. I don't want to be alone." Leaning up, she kissed him again, but a little more passionately. It may be odd for some people to see her mood shift so suddenly, but that was how Bronte worked. When something upset her, she liked to try to forget... Gently, Bronte slid down to her knees and unbuckled Rehv's jeans, slowly letting the zipper go down. "Have you ever had sex just because you liked the person you were with? Not to... feed?" She tilted her head at him curiously, then began to slowly pull down his pants.
Talia's eyes widened a little before nodding."It has. And I'm sure its not the only change."She muttered looking worried before smiling a little at him, blushing ever so softly."I slept fine. It was like being at home.Just...louder. At home its ust me and mother."She said before smiling a little wider. "I would like to learn how to fight. To defend myself. Rehv refuses to teach me."

Rehv sighed quietly watching her."Hm, but things go even more complicated with your brother coming back."He muttered but made no move to pull away, leaning down to kiss her forehead softly. Feeling her moods he groaned a little as she sank to her knees, sliding his fingers through her hair."No.."He muttere shuddering a little. Because he'd starved himself ot the point of recklessness, and with his cousin breathing down his neck by blackmailing him, he just had no desire to have sex,because he knew there was every chance he'd end up killing whoever he was with.
Kaspar smirked a bit, tilting his head to the side. "I see no reason to not teach you a few defensive moves," he said, shrugging, "You could come down during the training hours, and I can work with your while the guys are working out? Rehv's mind is on lots of other things. I'm sure that keeping you from learning how to fight is the last of them." He smiled and took a big gulp of his whiskey, then leaned back into his chair. He was hoping that Nikolas was bluffing, because if he wasn't, then shit was about to go down. The last thing they needed was for the hunters to come after them during their war with the hellrens.

Bronte leaned her head into his hand. "Do you care about me, Rehv?" she whispered, letting his pants fall to the floor. It was clear now that she was using sex as a confirmation that he wanted to be with her, and that someone - anyone - cared about her. Because with her brother going crazy downstairs, with her family gone... She was holding on to the small amount of hope that Rehv cared about her despite the danger that she came with.... Her hands slid up his legs, and she leaned in to kiss his hip bone. "Have you ever just... made love?" she asked, "Because I haven't. Never."
Talia smiled at her."I'll do that. I'm going to eat breakfast with mother, but I'll be down after that."She said perking up at the idea of learning how to fight. Worried about her brother to, biting her lip a little."You'll take care of him right?And yourself to."she said looking at him to. Worried that there was more going on then he was saying."Kas?"Tohr said knocking on the door, pushing it over with a small smile."Good morning, talia. Did you sleep well?" "Very."Talia smiled at the older man.

"I do."Rehv muttered flushing as he looked down at her, swallowing hard as he gently stroked her hair. Studying her he shuddered as she kissed his hip, closing his eeys for a moment. "No...dangerous.Couldn't like someone enough...risk addicting them..."He said worry in his eyes as he studied her. So, he did care enough about her, to worry about getting her addicted to being fed on.
Kaspar smiled when Tohr walked in, nodding at him, then moving to stand up. "I just came to check on her, what with all the commotion going on," Kaspar said, "I didn't want her to be worried." He smiled at Talia, then Tohr. "I assume Rehv is going to be with Bronte until lunch, at least, so I figured we could have him in your chambers to talk at dinner." He moved toward the door, bowing a little to Talia. "Tohr, I am heading to the training floor if you'd like to come along. I think you'd be the best person to explain what happened this morning to all of them. I'm sure they are wondering."

A smile spread across Bronte's face when he said he cared about her, and she leaned in to give his member a long lick. He tasted so good... Was this the addiction he was talking about? Was she so attached to him, that even his skin tasted good to her? She began to suck at him and caress his balls until he became erect, then stood back up. She got on her tip-toes and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Lay back on the bed... Please." Pulling back, smiled and waited until he was on his back before standing up in front of them. Slowly, she began to peel off her clothes before him. Unlike the last two times (when they were rushed), she took her time and let him see every last inch of her. It was the first time she did not feel insecure about letting someone see her scars from the battle the night her parents died. "I am already addicted to you, but for reasons that are far from what you are thinking."
Tohr smiled a little,"Probably not."He said looking thoughtul really wanting to bug Rehv but he knew better then to push the younger around, no matter how much he might be in charge, Rehv was to unpredictable to push around. "Thank you for telling me."Talia said standing before following the two men out of the room, before heading downstairs to eat breakfast with Catalina as they continued on for the training room."I just know this is going to be messy."He grumbled looking at kaspar, feeling tired and older then he was.

Rehv smiled a little, moaning as she licked him, fighting the urge to tighten his hand and pull her to him. Shuddering as she whispered in his ear he stepped back laying down as he watched her undress. Worry filling his eyes at her words before frowning slightly. The slight look of confusion on his face saying that he'd never really had a lover who wanted him. Well, not in the truest sense. Mara wanted him for a hellren baby of his bloodline, human women wanted him because he could be addicting, and vampires wanted him because he was a aristocrat. He'd long given up on finding what she was offering."Come here."he growled holding out a hand towards her.
Kaspar stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I don't care what that prick said, he was not just hear for his sister," Kaspar murmured quietly, only for Tohr to hear, "He may have been here to take her home, but he was too careless in his approach. It's almost as if Bronte has something that he needs." He clenched his jaw a bit, trying to think of what it could be. "When she said she burned the house down, he didn't seem fazed, so it's not something that was there..." He reached up and scratched his chin. "We might have to see if she told anything to Rehv. They seem close here lately. Maybe she confided in him."

Bronte grinned and crawled into up his body, straddling him and leaning down to kiss him passionately. Her hands slid up his toned, scarred sides, tracing his tattoos. "Don't look at me like that," she breathed, "Don't be so surprised that someone could fall for you - what with your mysterious, handsome looks." She smirked a bit, leaning down to kiss his neck. Her hips rotated a little, teasing him by letting his cock gently brush against her smooth opening. There was something about this man... All she wanted to do was make him happy, and she knew that it was going to be a nearly impossible task. However, she was willing to try.... Her mouth went up to his ear. "I care about you too, Rehv."
"No, not just for her. Maybe we should lock him and rehv in a room together. They both seem to be willing to throw temper tantrums."he muttered rolling his eyes a little and wanting to know what had caused nikolas to come here after so long. "I'll talk to him. After we talk to him about last night."Tohr said sighing softly because he knew just how hard it would be to convince Rehv to tell them, if bronte really did tell him something. He was extremely loyal, to the point of psychosis, so he wouldn't talk if he didn't have to.

Rehv moaned softly kissing him back, closing his eyes for a moment, shivering as she traced his scars."Don't do that...please."He muttered catching her hands and moving them away from the scars that decorated his sides. He didn't care about his chest or back, but the deep ones along his sides were to sensitive to touch. Laughing softly at her words."Hmm mysterious huh?"He muttered whinning quickly as she teased him, resting his hands on her hips. "Well, who wouldn't?I'm amazing."he muttered his usual cocky grin in place, but the look in his eyes didn't match his expression, the soft pleased look in his eyes saying that he was glad she did.
Kaspar rolled his eyes a bit. "That's if we get him to talk at all," he said, shaking his head. "I'm going to go run a couple miles on the treadmill. Let me know if you need anything, okay? Talia is coming down in a little bit, and I was going to help her with some fighting techniques. She asked me, so I figured, 'what the hell?'" He shrugged and gave Tohr a smirk before heading over to the treadmill, kicking it up as fast as possible. He really needed to get some frustration out, and since it would be too suspicious for him and Tohr to have sex at the moment, he'd settle for running.

Bronte bit her lip, looking worried when he moved her hands away from his sides. She immediately blushed, feeling bad for hurting him. "I'm sorry," she whispered, then leaned down and kissed him again. She kept her hands on his chest as she nibbled on his bottom lip. "I am pretty amazing too." She arched her eyebrow at him and sat up, lining herself up with his cock before sliding down on to it. Throwing her head back in pleasure, her body quaked around his. "Oh, Rehv," she groaned.
It'll do her good."Tohr said looking amused as he went about explaining what had happened to the men before smling when talia appeared. Heading to his office to get some work down he watch the girl for a moment before shutting the door. "Kas?"Talia called moving around to the front of the treadmill to get his attention knowing better then to touch him and risk startling him enough to make him fall.

Rehv smiled a littls,"Its okay.You didnt know."he muttered kissing her back before nuzzling him a little."Fuuucckk."He cursed softly shivering hard as he trust up into him, shivering as he watched her move over his, closing his eyes for a moment before going tense, holding her against him as he came.Eyes widening as he looked up at her with a smile.
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