
Kaspar panted, turning off the treadmill and jumping off. He grinned at her and wiped his face off. "Hey," he said, standing before her. He was shirtless, showing off all his glory, and flushed from the run. "Ready to get to work?" He walked over to a private gym room, where there was a two way mirror. They could look out at all the guys, but they couldn't see what they were doing. "How was your mother doing this morning? Better now that her children are home?" He smiled at that, standing with his hands on his hips.

Bronte's orgasm washed over her, making her moan and throw her head back. When she settled down, she flopped down on to his chest and curled up on top of him. Her head rested underneath his chin, and her eyes were closed. Oh, God. She was addicted to him, but it was a different kind of addiction. She wanted to be with him until the end (whenever that was), and she didn't care what anyone had to say about it. "I'm not going home," she murmured, sniffing, "Not with me brother. He will never let me see you again, Rehv."
Talia blushed a little as she looked over the man before nodding slightly."I am."she said following him into the other room before nodding."mother is doing well. Shes glad we're all home. Even you and tohr. You know she can't help herself fussing."hshe said swallowing looking nervous about this."what first?"

Rehv smiled a little as he panted absently atroking her hair as he sighed, closing his eyes. He knew he should leave her alone,but he couldn't. Wouldn't willingly walk away from her."good. Cause even if you wanted to go,I don't think I could let you."he muttered blushing a little, feeling better then he had in centuriez
Kaspar tilted his to the side, thinking for a moment. "Well, first off," he started, "You need to learn how to keep a defensive stance." He walked around behind her and gently kicked her feet shoulder-width apart. "Chest out, chin up." He grabbed her hands and moved on up by her ear, the other in front of her chest. "The most important thing about fighting," he murmured in her ear, "Is to not let your guard down. Keep your stance open, and keep one of your hands close to you in order to defend yourself." He smiled and moved back in front of her, taking the same stance that he put her in. "Now, you're best bet is to go in with your knee, okay? That will make your target smaller. If you get them in the groin, they will bend down so that you can efficiently strike them in the head."

Bronte grinned and cuddled up next to him, bring the blanket up and around them both. "You would tie me up and refuse to let me leave?" she teased, tilting her head up to kiss his jaw. She liked the way his facial hair tickled her lips. "Don't worry. You won't have to." She reached up and ran her hair through his thick, dark hair. He was so handsome... So strong and stoic. It amazed her that she was the one he was finally opening up to after all of these years. "Stay with me until I fall back asleep?" she asked. Even though she knew it was the middle of the day, she needed some rest, and she was more fearful of what her brother was going to do than she was willing to admit.
Talia smiled a little as she followed his instructions, raising her chin as she glanced over her shoulder at him, shivering a little as he pulled her hands around. "I see... so not only will bend over when kneed, it makes kneeing them again in the face easier."She said talking because it was how she remembered things, smiling softly as she looked at him."Wont I hurt you?"He said looking slightly concerned as he looked at her.

Rehv smiled closing his eyes, snickering a little."Definately. I'd be that creepy guy that has a sex slave tied up in his closet."He said snickering a little before sighing quietly, running his fingers through her hair, sighing quietly."I will. I have to go see the others, but I'll stay till your asleep."He muttered yawning himself. Tired, but knowing he had things to do today to.
Kaspar laughed a bit. "You won't hurt me," he said, shaking his head. "Besides, we aren't going to spar. I refuse to do that with Rehv in such close proximity." He rolled his eyes. "I'm just showing you some pointers, because in reality, we don't want you doing a lot of fighting. You're royalty, so you are well protected. You have people like me who are willing to do the fighting for you." He shrugged and stood up with his hands on his hips. It was true - he was willing to show her a couple things, but he was not any more willing to let her fight than Rehv was. As second in command and head of the guards, it would be Kaspar's neck if Talia was hurt.

Bronte giggled a little bit. "A sex slave? That's all I am to you?" she teased, closing her eyes as he began to stroke her hair. It felt so nice when he was so gentle, mainly because she knew what a rare thing it was for him. She get her head on his chest and her arm draped over his stomach. "Good," she murmured, kissing one of his scars. "Just don't forget that you need rest too." A few moments later, she was fast asleep in his arms, breathing slowly.
Talia smiled a little looking amused."Oh. Okay.I can do that."She said looking amused because she knew that he was going to be as stubborn as Rehv was when it came to actually fighting. And she knew rehv would cause the man harm if they did indeed fight.

"Hmm, no not really."Rehv said smiling a little as he losed his eyes looking amused as as he watched her go to sleep before gently moving away from her, getting up and heading downstairs. Pausing in the doorway at the sight of Talia and Kaspar shaking his head a little. Sighing quietly before shaking his head at the sight letting tohr direct him towards his office.

"Rehv's up."Tohr said leaning against the doorway, looking amused at the sight of talia and kaspar. If he'd had to choose anyone to teach talia to figt, it was kaspar.
Kaspar glanced up at Tohr, then back at Talia. "If you want, I could always set up a work out for you? It would allow you to be down here more during the day, and it would strengthen your muscles." He shrugged a bit, then smiled. "I better go see your brother. I'll see you later, okay? Let me know if you need anything." He gave her a charming grin, then headed up to Tohr's office. Once there, he slid into a chair and raised his eyebrows. "How's Bronte?" he asked, only if to tease Rehv. It was too amusing to know that the man had finally developed a soft spot for a woman who was not his family...

He looked up at Tohr, his expression growing serious. "Of course, you know why we want to talk," he said, "I personally want to know why the King of the hellrens seemed so comfortable with you." He arched his eyebrows. "What's up with that? That whole battle was confusing as hell, and I was a part of it."
"I would like that."Talia said nodding a little with a smile before watching him go. Tohr smiled slightly,"You do well with her."He praised quietly looking amused at Rehv's vague look of discomfort. "She's fine. Sleeping."Rehv said glaring side long at the man sitting next to him before going quiet, sulking like a toddler as he settled into his chair.

Tohr rolled his eyes, he hadn't seen this act since Rehv had been a child, but he knew the man would talk.Even if they had t beat him out of it. "WEll, you know, lots of things confuse you Kas."Rehv scowled a little squirming, looking uncomfortable. He was so not looking forward to this, even if he knew it had been coming. He had every vision of Tohr killing him, and leaving Bronte on her own.

"Thorne is...weird. Off. He's also part vampire."He scowled a little staring at the floor. "His...subjects...don't know that, but he is."He scowled a little staring hard at the floor. "he's also my brother. Half brother actually..."He scowled not looking at any of them.

Tohr choked on the sip of whiskey he'd been taking, nearly falling out of his seat."What?"He said coughing.
Kaspar glared. "What are you talking about?" he growled, "Half-brother? How so?" He ran a hand through his hair and looked at Tohr, knowing none of this was going to go well. Vampires did not look at hellrens in a positive light, and it's enough that Rehv is one of their aristocrats by birth. If the others found out, they'd revolt. "Are you trying to say your father was a hellren? Because that doesn't make any sense. When he died, he went down just like any other vampire. The hunters would not have brought down a hellren like that." Of course, he was thinking about Rehv's adopted father, not his biological father. It was still a bit of a shock to think about the day he died at the hands of Bronte's father.
Rehv squirmed a little, swallowing hard. Shaking his head,"No, Alexander-"his voice shook as he considered the man who had raised him, had loved him enough to overlook the circumstance of his birth, and protected him from the other vampires as much from himself. "Alexander was a vampire. Before...before he changed my mother, he was her lover. The fact that he was a aristocrat brought the wrong kind of attention to her, and the hellren kidnapped her. She was gone for months and when...when he found her again, she was already pregnant."He shuddered a little.

"Alexander adopted you as his own."Tohr said looking a little wide eyed, staring in shock at the vampire...hellren in front of him. he had no idea what to feel, beyond the confusion.

"He did. And he hid the fact that she had ever been taken...even Talia doesn't know. I only know because I started to show signs of...it...early. I learned to control it."He muttered. The drugs, the sex, the pain, oh yes, Rehv had learned to control his hellren side through sheer force of will, instead of giving in like so many other vampire-hellren children had before. "Thorne was raised in the community, he's never known any other life besides as hellren....at least, until he, like me, started showing signs of his dual heritage. He...he tracked me down.The club made me very visible in the hellren world, and like I told you, the clubs always been a lure for hellren."
Kaspar looked taken back. He let the information soak in before glancing at Tohr. "You know that we can't let the others know. We'd risk a revolt," he said, shaking his head, "As far as... Well, we can't punish him for the circumstances. If he's stayed in control this long, then I think he is safe and on our side." He looked between Tohr and Rehv, surprisingly on the man's side. The news had shocked him, but Kaspar wasn't a monster. He wouldn't encourage his commander to kill a man who had went to incredible lengths to make sure he didn't surrender to the hellren lifestyle. "Does Bronte know?" he suddenly asked, "We know you have fed from her, Rehv, and that's... Well, I'm not sure how safe it is. She seems happy and safe, but Rehv, you don't want anything to happen to her by accident." He frowned, standing up and making himself a drink. As an after thought, he also made a drink for Rehv and handed it to him. This was a big mess. He was sure that if Nicholas found out a hellren took his sister as a mate, he'd send the hunters after them all.
Tohr nodded, wincing."I know. They'd demand a execution."Tohr muttered rubbing his face, because he knew this was going to be a mess. But every time he thought about it, he just saw a five year old Rehv looking up at him and demanding to know why everyone was mean to his mommy when she'd decided to have another child. For the most part, vampires had one child, and that was it. So atalina's desire for more then one, had been viewed as a social issue. And he realized kaspar was right. The man had stayed in control, had gone to amazing lengths to do so.

"She does.She...when she drained the infection from my system I-I attacked her, because I thought she was killing me. She figured out quickly I was manipulating her form that."hE muttered shrugging a little."Besides...I...feel uncomfortable with the idea of hurting her. Even in a blood haze...I had managed to not kill her."He said looking uncomfortable. Because he didn't trust himself, but he was beginning to.Well, at least in bronte's faith in that he wouldn't kill her. Taking the drink he smiled quietly sipping the drink, knowing this was a mess.

Tohr sighed softly, looking like his head was paining him before looking at Rehv. Not about to look at the mess of bronte and his relationship, and focusing on something else. "What was last night?" "well...Thorne's...a manipulative bastard. He knows hellren, better then anyone really, and most of them would kill to be king. We're the last two in our bloodline. so it would be a free for all. But..he knows I don't want to. That I'll kill to not be king. So...he named me his heir."

"They can't kill him without putting me on the throne, and I'd declare it open season on Hellren. So they've been trying to kill me for years. Last night was my cousin's attempt to gain everything in one fell swoop. Kill me, take care of thorne.."

"....damn. And I thought vampire politics were complicated."
Kaspar took a gulp of his drink and nodded. "So your heir to the hellren king... What the fuck." His voice was very monotone and calm, but anyone who knew Kaspar knew that when he was acting overly calm, it was because he was nervous as hell. "This can't get out. You need to make sure Bronte knows that not a soul can know, alright? And you can't go telling anyone else. This doesn't leave this office." He swallowed hard, glancing out the window. Like Tohr, he was imagining Rehv as a little boy who was as innocent as he was destructive. Kaspar, while he never admitted it, was protective of Rehv too. He may be more suspicious with him at times, but he still remembered him as a child. Hell, he thought of Rehv was a brother.

He rubbed a hand over his face, obviously tired and frustrated. "Tohr, I'll go tell the guards we need to double up on security, considering we now have to species against us."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, he has no desire to make me king. It's just to keep himself alive."Rehv shrugged looking at the man, knowing that Kaspar was nervous. And this was why he hadn't said anything for years, he had no desire to put either man in the position of hiding him."I know. I've always known.I figured I'd be staring at a execution warrant by now if it ever go out..."he muttered getting up."I'm tired. and need sleep."he said walking out,feeling that both men needed to talk, and the emotions were just to strong for him to stay.

Tohr nodded a little watching him go before looking at Kaspar."Good. Rehv might be self assured he can take care of himself, but obviously the hellren now know he has family, who's deaths he'd never recover from."he muttered looking tired before pulling the other into his arms, pressing a kiss to his head."Well. At least this explains why the war's been going better in our favor in recent years."he pointed out. While it wasn't a huge change in the war, it had been enough to know something was different, and now he felt better to know that it had been rehv and Thorne's influence on each other...though he was sure neither man saw it that way.
Kaspar leaned into Tohr and rest his head on the other's shoulder. "It explains a lot," he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut, "As much as I can't stand the guy sometimes, he's family. I don't want to see him hurt." He swallowed hard and pulled back long enough to look at his lover. "Can we call it a night? I just want to be with you right now." He swallowed hard, trying not to look like a wimp. However, it was hard to think that they had so many things going against them right now. It was scary, and he didn't want to lose Tohr over all of this.

Bronte stirred and looked up as Rehv entered the bedroom. She immediately saw the looked on his face and sat up, her eyebrows scrunching together. "Hey," she said groggily, "Why the long face? Did your talk with Tohr and Kaspar not go well?" She frowned and stood up, letting the bed sheets slip from her naked form. Reaching over, she grabbed her robe and pulled it on before moving over to him.
"It does. And he is family, though I would like to see them try to kill him. Catalina'd kill them all....maybe we should tell them.,..let her deal with it."He said perking up slightly at the idea of killing the biggest annoyance of his day, the aristocrats. While he liked some of them would protect his people, it was hard when they made things so difficult sometimes. Pressing a kiss to the other's head he smiled,"of course."He muttered pulling away and heading upstairs with him. Stripping down he crawled in the bed, just wanting to hold him.

Bronte smiled slightly as she sat up, before wrapping his arms around her as he leaned into her."It went as well as could be expected."He muttered lowering his head a little and nuzzling her. "Had to tell them about...being part hellren.They handled it well, despite everything."He muttered sighing softly."They're worried more about you now though."
Kaspar stripped down and followed the other man into bed. He was tired and frustrated. It seemed that was a common occurrence these days. "The last thing we need is the aristocrats teaming up on us as well. We'd be pushing our luck," he murmured, laying down and allowing Tohr to hold him. His head rested on the other's chest. "We just need to keep it quiet. Atleast until we get things figured out with Nikolas. The man looked mental this morning... Nothing like how I remembered him, even in battle. I had always heard he was as protective over Bronte as Rehv is over Talia and his mother." He shrugged. "And then there's the fucking hellrens... We just can't win."

Bronte lifted her head to look up at him. "Worried about me?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. She shook her head. "Rehv, you wouldn't hurt me. I know you wouldn't. There's not reason for them to worried for me." She gave him a smile, then led him back to the bed. It was obvious that she was not giving much of a choice on staying with her again tonight. "But... I do have something I need to tell you. It may be the reason my brother was here this morning." She bit her lip. "I mean, he was here for me, but I think he was here for something else. It would have just been easier on him if I would have gave in and came with him." Frowning, she moved off the bed and crouched underneath it, opening the safe in the floor. Pushing the money aside, she grabbed the file folder and handed it to him.

"It was my father's blue-printed idea on how he was going to penetrate Tohr's castle and take over the aristocrats," she admitted, looking at him nervously. This was the same file folder that she refused to tell him about in the beginning, but of course, there was a catch. "It also had a proven theory on how a hunter can kill a hellren. That's what the hunters need... I'm sure after I burned the place down, Nikolas realized I took it. I would have burned it down with the house, but the safe in the house was not flammable, and when I found out about your condition ... Rehv, I could not risk them finding this and hurting you with it." She swallowed hard and glanced up at him. "The hunters are planning something. I'm sure of it, and they have my brother roped up into their actions. I'm sure they threatened his life in order to get him to come get me, and I'm almost positive that's why he was acting the way he was. I don't think he was prepared to find me happy here, and it made everything complicated."
Tohr smiled a little, it was indeed becoming a regular occurance, but he was glad that the other was feeling the same, it made him not feel quite so alone. "We would. Thankfully though, Rehv's one of them, if he's hidden it this long, I trust he can keep running circles around them."He mutteered yawning a little before nodding."There's something wrong with him. We'll just have to figure it out."He muttered tugging the other in for a kiss."And we will win, because like Rehv said, him and Thorne can run corral on the hellren, they'll know the best way to help us beat them."

"Yes, worried about you.Frankly, I am to."Rehv muttered frowning at her smile, not trusting himself enough but smiling a little as she pulled him into bed. IT wasn't often that anyone could boss him around, and here she was just dragging him around like a raag doll. "what?What is it?"Rehv said looking anxious because he knew nothing good could come from this. Frowning at the folder in his hand he swallowed hard, starting to look through it.

"Damn. This is a fairly good idea of the house."He muttered looking up at him. Flushing a little as he realized that she was handing him something she hadn't wanted to show him before, but when he saw the theory on hellrens, he understood. "Damn.And its not even sunlight."He grumbled looking annoyed because it was hard to kill a hellren who didn't have a vampires weakness for crosses, and sunlight could take a while, but silver was deadly. The only reason he'd managed to survive the silver in his system that mara'd given him was that he'd fed quickly, and he was half vampire. "DAmn.Fucking hell. This means he's going t obe back.And not be happy."He growled before sighing."I need a way to get ahold of him. Any ideas?"
Kaspar kissed him back, but did not look as hopeful as Tohr did. He just knew that all of this was not going to end well. "I hope so," he murmured, "Because we don't have enough men to fight all of them off at the same time. They are good warriors, but we need more of them." He frowned and sat up on his elbows to look at the other man, swallowing hard and looking nervous. "I love you," he admitted, "I want you to know that before we walk in to this huge mess. I don't want to tell you how much I love you for the first time when we think we are going to die, because I don't want you to think I'm only saying it because... Well, you know." He blushed a bit. It scared him to think about losing the man beside him, but he knew that these feelings were not just because of that. He'd loved Tohr for as long as he could remember, even if he didn't show it at times.

Bronte frowned and nodded, because he was right. Her brother would be back, and he was not going to be happy at all. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," she murmured, "I didn't want you to think I had been apart of it. This was my father's doing, and I knew one of those bastards he used to work with would turn our house upside down to find these papers. I needed to know it was well hidden." She reached up to stroke his cheek, not wanting him to get to worked up. She was scared, but she felt safe with him... "Get ahold of my brother? What good would that do? Rehv, he may be acting like a lunatic because he's being threatened, but he will never accept our relationship. He was raised to think differently, and unlike me, he was not saved and well-taken care of by vampires. Hell, we don't even know what happened to him during the time that we thought he was dead." A shiver ran up her spine.
"I know we don't."He muttered because he had to be hopeful, otherwise he'd give up now and not bother trying to save any of them. It was just a huge mess, and he had every desire to take kaspar and the others away, and turn his back on the war...even if he knew he'd never do it. Looking startled at the other man's admittance he blushed a little before smiling."I love you to....I think I have for awhile..."He muttered tugging him in for a kiss, because he didn't want to lose him either, and that they'd be okay with this. That they could get through this, together.

"I know."Rehv muttered because he hated this. He just knew that nothing good was going to come from this, even if she'd done it to help him, them, it was overwhelmig on a day that had already been alot of work. Wraping his arms around her, he swallowed hard, mentally caging the beast that was the hellren who wanted to lash out at the woman that had put him in danger. He could be safe for her. Swallowing hard he nodded. "Yes, get ahold of him."he smirked a little. "even when your enemies, sometimes warfare makes strange bedfellows. Your brother is threatened, I can offer hi ma way oout of that, if he lets me."
Kaspar sighed with relief, leaning in to kiss Tohr passionately. His hand moved to the other's hair, stroking it gently as they kissed and tried to forget what had upset them both. "I need to feed," he admitted when he pulled back. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "I have to call a donor in. Would you like one as well?" He raised his eyebrows, giving the other man a smile before heading over to the intercom. Pushing a button, he buzzed Nelly, for she was the one who kept all of the donors and young maids in line.

Bronte crawled into his lap and leaned against his chest, letting him hold her. If someone would have told her a couple weeks ago that Rehv would be holding her and comforting her, she would have never believed it. It seemed that he was starting to soften toward her, and it felt nice. "I... I can try to call him in the morning. I think I know where he is," she murmured, biting her lip. She assumed that her brother was with her uncle - her father's brother - and was staying at his house with their aunt. However, Bronte felt doubtful. She had no idea how Rehv was going to be able to get her brother to come to their side. It was against everything he was ever told or taught.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said softly, "Join me?"
Tohr smiled watching the other get up, to distracted by the sight of the man's bare ass to answer right away."Hmm, yes."He said sounding somewhat distrcted as he watched his lover, smiling as he paged for a donor. Sitting up as the donor walked in he got up, moving to the young girl as he pulled on a pair of sweat pants, leaning down to kiss her forehead softly."Thank you lovely."He muttered settling into a seat, gently biting down. Feeding, but more focused on the man across from him.

Rehv smiled slightly nodding."Try. If nothing else, tell him I'll let him try and kill me if he talks to me. It'll get him to show up."He said snickering a little because he knew Bronte would never do it. Grinning as she got up eh nodded."You naked and wet, in a shower?How can I pass that up?"He said smirking as he headed for the bathroom with her, undressing as he did.
Kaspar smirked at the look on Tohr's face, slipping a black robe on before sitting down and allowing another donor to sit on his lap. He leaned back and pulled her close, feeding gently on her neck. His eyes closed for a moment, then looked up at Tohr beneath his lashes. Like the other man, his mind was on Tohr and not on the flirty woman in his lap. While he knew that she probably wanted to get a dose of vampire sex before the night was over with, but she was not going to get any. No, Kaspar was too distracted by the incredibly handsome man sitting across from him.

Bronte narrowed her eyes at him. "You know I am not going to tell him that," she snapped, rolling her eyes a little. When she heard his reaction to inviting him in the shower, she giggled. "I might even let you keep you eyes open... and touch me." She slide her clothes off then stepped into the steamy shower, backing up against the wall and looking up at the much taller man. "Is it weird for you to be with a woman half your size?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. It had never really dawned on her before, but she was definitely dwarfed by him... Stepping underneath he spray of water, she let it wash down her curvy body.
Tohr smiled a little as he fed, absently stroking the girl's back before raising his head. Licking the mark closed he smiled as he stood, settling her on her feet."You okay?"He muttered looking her over, smiling as she nodded. "Go on then."He said looking thoughtful as she left, heading for the bed. Slipping in he smiled slightly getting settled as he waited for kaspar to finish.

'I know."Rehv said grinning at her shaking his head in amusement, before stepping into the shower. "oh, you think you can stop me from opening my eyes?"He said looking amused as he stepped into the shower, tilting his head as he moved her around so that he wasn't totally blocking the spray of the shower. "Hm a little. Sometimes makes sex awkard. Feels like I'm going to crush you."He said looking thoughtful as he leaned down to kiss her softly."How about you?Weird to be with someone so big?"He said with a teasing smirk on his lips.
Kaspar finished feeding, letting out a content sigh before licking the girl's wound close. She left with her friend on wobbly knees, but she was fine. He cleaned himself up and followed his lover to bed, snuggling up beside him. "You know, I think they were a tad disappointed that we didn't fuck them," he said, smirking. Leaning in, he began to kiss along Tohr's neck. "I think they are realizing that I'm getting my sex else where these days. They are getting jealous... and suspicious." He rolled his eyes a bit, not concerned, and moved to kiss Tohr on the lips.

"Sex with me is awkward?" Bronte giggled and put her hands on his shoulders, bring her body up to press against his. "Well, considering your cock matches your height, I'm pretty happy," she teased, reminding him that she was a very blunt person. Looking up at him, she laughed and smashed her lips against his, just enjoying the fact that she was falling in love with the man before her. Yes, it was dangerous, but she knew that she'd never feel this way about another man. When she finally pulled back, she was nearly out of breath. She glanced down at his arm, noticing that it was healing nicely. "Look at you," she murmured, "You're taking care of yourself."
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