
"I dont think so."Tohr said though he wasn't positive about that. He knew the hunters were going to be pissed over losing agood meeting spot. Following the other outside he swallowed,trying to relax as they headed for the house. Snickering a little at /Kaspar's words."Yes he does get in trouble,but its never Rehv who calls for help."He pointed out as he pulled into the driveway frowning at the sight before him. Rehv handcuffed and sitting on the ground, and the casually leaning man sitting on the remains of the front porch.There was something about him, that he knew,but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Thorne smiled slightly as he stood, watching the three get out. Glad that he'd grown his hair out enough that his superficial resemblance to rehv wasn't visible right away. Otherwise, turning over the hurt halfing would exposed them both to to much danger."Tohr, Kaspar. REhv here hasn't been kind enough to tell me anything about you."

"Why are you giving him back,hellren."Tohr growled looking at the man, looking annoyed at the mystery of this meeting.

"I would sooner destroy a da vinci's masterpiece,then destroy a warrior of his skill."Thorne smirked,"Besides, the men who turned him over to me,wanted him dead.The day I play by someone else's rules the sun will shine in hell."

Rehv rolled his eyes at thorne's dramatics, but otherwise stayed silent as he watched,tense and afraid of what could happen
Bronte immediately jogged over to Rehv as the other men talked, looking up at him with concern. "How did you get yourself in this mess?" she murmured, glancing at his handcuffs. She bit her lip, wondering if she was making things awkward for him. Judging by what Tohr said, the man had been taking his frustration out on inanimate objects since they had sex... "I'm sorry for leaving," she whispered, "I was just shocked by it all. I didn't know how to handle it. But it was my fault, Rehv - not your's. I should have known that something to that effect would happen." Her hand slid on top of his knee as their eyes met. "Are you okay?"

Kaspar glanced at Rehv and Bronte, suspicion in his eyes, then looked up at Thorne. "Then what is the catch?" he said, "There has to be something up your sleeve. If there wasn't, you would have just brought him back to Tohr's place." He crossed his arms over his chest, in a defensive position beside Tohr. He was willing to physically protect his master at any second.
Rehv sighed a little looking up at him."I went to help a friend. It wasn't anything to do with you."He grumbled, though it was partly a lie. He'd been reckless in getting thorne help because of what happened, but it wasn't totally her fault. And he wasn't about to let her take credit for what he'd known was a stupid move, but thorne'd needed him. "Bronte, don't take credit for something that wasn't you. I should have known I'd think you were killing me."He growled before sighing quietly."I'm fine.Really. Just pissed."he muttered glaring a hole in the hellren's head, looking annoyed.

Thorne frowned glancing down at his sleeveless shirt."I'm not wearing sleeves."he said, sounding sarcastic before sighing quietly. "The moron who'd tell me where the mansion was. Stupid honor system he has."he said before watching the two, tilting his head, shuddering at the feeling he was getting from them."I wont play by your aristocrat's rules. They want him dead, I still find him useful, and I'm one of the more civilized of my kind. But if you want me to try and kill you,I can."Thorne said falling into a fighting postion, smirking.

"Thorne!Knock it off you moron. Let me out of these."Rehv demanded as he pushed himself up off the ground and away from bronte. Tohr raised a eyebrow at the demand, and looked even more surprised when Thorne listened and pushed the vampire towards him."You're strangely in charge for a prisoner."Tohr commented. "hmm he only put me in handcuffs cause he wants to see me in them naked. let's go."Rehv said heading for the car, not about to explain the oddity of the meeting, knowing thorne had only brought them out here so he could meet them.

"Goodbye, vampire lords. Maybe we'll meet again."Thorne said siling a little.
Bronte was beyond confused by everything, and slightly irritated at Rehv's short words with her. What the fuck did he have to be pissed at her about? Sighing, she climbed into the back seat with him and stubbornly looked out the window. She was not really prepare to go back to her house after she burned down most of it... It only twisted the knife a little. "I need a drink," she grumbled, rubbing her forehead with her thumb and index finger.

Kaspar shook his head, just about as confused as Bronte. "A drink sounds good," he murmured, surprisingly agreeing with Bronte for once. "And a burger. Why don't we stop at that bar down the road? It's pretty much a hole in the wall, but hell, they have beer and booze." He nodded to the neon light that could be seen flashing a mile or so ahead.
"Hmm,maybe if we get him drunk, he'll tell us what the hells going on."Tohr growled annoyed as he drove, looking pissed because Rehv had always been mysterious, but because he had a sense that there was more to this story then he was being told, and he wanted to know what the hell it was.Pulling into the parking lot he headed inside with the others, waiting till they settled at the table before pining Rehv with a look."What the fuck was the hellren doing with you? And why did you leave the house?"

"I left the house because a friend called and said he needed help with some hellrens. Seeing as you weren't letting me beat the shit out of treadmill, I went to take care of the problem."Rehv said avoiding looking at any of them as he sipped his beer and ate his burger. He so didn't want to have this conversation. If anyone discovered him and Thorne were half siblings, his life as he knew it was over. And the fact that he was helping Thorne hold onto his throne would guarantee that his life would become very painful before he was allowed to die. "And then Thorne found me, decided I couldn't make it home by myself, and since I'd saved his life by accident a few years ago, he had the crazy idea that he owed me a life deb to make sure I got home."

"...that is the biggest load of horseshit I've ever heard." "Well, it's true."Rehv scowled not about to admit that Thorne had been the friend who'd needed help.
Kaspar glanced at Tohr. "Does it really matter if it's true or not? It's going to fuck us all over anyway," he murmured, digging into his burger. He was eating like a lion would, except he was exceptionally neat and clean about it. By the time he was finished, he had had four beers and was nursing his fifth. The house band started to play some sort of country song, allowing several couples to get up and dance.

Bronte, who was well into a third Jack and Coke, was swaying to the music and trying her damnedest to ignore the men around her. They were just pissing her off and scaring her all at the same time. "I want to dance," she whined, then grinned when a stranger from the bar offered her his hand. She moved to the middle of the floor with him, dancing and laughing. It may have been the alcohol, but she was still having fun, and her long brown hair was twirling all around her.
Tohr sighed softly before nodding,"true."He said tiredly, wishing Reh would just trust them.But he knew better then to think that that would ever happen. Tilting his head as he nudged Kaspar "Dance with me?"He muttered ducking his head towards the others, looking aroundthe man sitting next to him.WAnting nothing more then to hold him again and since they were in the mostly priate br, at east with only reh and bronte in the bar, they'd be okay. Hopefully.

Rehv sighed softly as he sipped his beer, rubbing a hand oer his face before getting up, giving the man a subtle get away motion he slipped into bronte's space, wrapping his arms around her, dipping his head to whisper in her ear.Because he was...feeling glad to have someone that knew his seret, could share the burden of his life."Thorne is my half brother, when his bodyguard called to say he was MIA, I had to go look for him."She muttered begging her to understand. HAving always felt guilty for saving the only true blood sibling he had, when he was at war with the man's people but...he was blood, and rehv couldn't help himself.
Bronte sighed, slipping her arms up and around his neck. She nearly had to go up on her tip toes to have her ear reach his mouth. "Rehv," she whispered, pulling back to look him in the eyes. "I may be working with the vampires, but if my brother was still alive? I'd risk my life for him." She swallowed hard, caught off guard by the sadness she felt about her brother, but had a deep understanding in her eyes. "If anything, it shows you have more loyalty than I originally thought." She smirked a bit and effortlessly swayed to the music with him.

Kaspar smirked at the other man, glancing over to the dance floor. "I suppose I can give you the honor," he teased, standing up and offering the man his hand. Once they were amongst the other couples, he slid his arms around the others neck and pulled him close. "We are treading in dangerous territory, my friend," he whispered, "Territory that we will never be able to back away from." His mouth moved to brush up against the other's neck. "However, I'd feel a great deal of happiness if you invited me to your room tonight." With that, he smirked.
Rehv smiled a little looking amused that she had to go to her toes to reach him, shiering a little as he looked down at her, smiling slightly. "Hey, I'm loyal,extremely. Its just..."He sighed quietly as he tugged her closer. "I'm going to get myself killed. Sometime. I don't want to many people to be saddened by the fact that I'm gone."He said hugging her tighter, "Tohr has enemies among the vampires. Thorne didn't make up that part. He'd gotten called by some of the arisocrats, wanting to make a deal. Thts why he'd gone MIA, he was talking to them.Idiot."He grumbled good naturedly at his brother's recklessness, not realizing they were so much alike in that case.

Tohr laughed a little looking amused. "It would indeed be a honor."He said snickering a little as he wrapped a arm around the other's waist, sighing quietly as he held him. "I know. But I'm tired of being alone. Ana wouldn't have wanted me to stay alone, and I've been alone a long time."He muttered closing his eyes, shivering as the other's lips brushed against his neck, closing his eyes at the thought of his dead wife. Ana had been the only person he'd ever allowed himself to love, and had been killed by hellrens, who'd been hunting him. She'd died as punishment for him for killing one of their royal line.
Bronte looked up at him and swallowed. "And what if I'm saddened? You can't tell me what to do," she murmured stubbornly, leaning her head on his chest. She closed her eyes, listening to his chest as his voice made his rumble deeply. It was a soothing sound, something that could easily lull her to sleep. "You two seem to have similar characteristics," she said, smiling a bit. Oh, it had been a long time since she felt this comfortable with another man. In fact, probably since her brother died. And even her brother didn't make her feel this way, obviously. "Are you upset at me? Is that why you wrecked the gym?" she asked suddenly, avoiding his eyes.

Kaspar closed her eyes and nodded. "She would have wanted you to be happy," he whispered, "And while I will never be able to replace a person of her good-nature, I'd try my damnedest to keep you happy... and safe." He leaned his fore head against the other's shoulder, for he had loved Ana like a sister. She had accepted him with open arms the day that Tohr had saved him and brought him home decades ago. "I'll always be in debt to her, just as I am to you."
"Hm,actually I can.Do you want me to show you again?"Rehv said a smirk curling his lips as he turned his head a little, closing his eyes as he swayed to the music, taking a deep breath as he took in her scent, just enjoying the presence of the woman in his arms. Smirking a little."We do not. he's definately more stupid, and annoying."He grumbled before sighing quietly."No. I was upset with myself for not protecting you. Ask Tohr, I get very upset when I hurt someone I'm supposed to protect."He muttered turning his head a little, discreetly pressing a kiss to her hair.

"I know.She would have."He muttered closing his eyes a little before laughing quietly. "I am happy,even when things aren't...going so well."He muttered looking amused that Kaspar was trying to be like Ana."you're not in my debt. You've paid me back for taing you in."He muttered sighing quietly."I think the hellren was telling the truth. I have more enemies then I thought I did."he muttered redirecting them to work because he just couldn't think about personal moments just yet.
Bronte kept her head leaning against his chest, her arms draped around his neck. She was barely able to reach, but she was still able to twirl a piece of his hair at the nape of his neck as she thought about what he said. "What makes you think you have to protect me? No one assigned you as my body guard," she said stubbornly, but her voice wasn't as snappy as usually. She was just confused by his motives. Hell, he was a confusing man in general... Her eyes closed when she felt his mouth move against her hair. She found herself not wanting to part with him. At least not for tonight.

"It doesn't matter how many enemies you have, Tohr," Kaspar assured, "You will be fine." He swallowed hard, trying to talk professionally but unable to. He glanced around the bar, looking at Rehv and Bronte. He tensed a little. "You shouldn't let him so close to her all of the time. I already feel a bond between them, one that is stronger that a normal one-feed bond. He's too unpredictable to trust."
Reh tensed a little as he played with his hair, swallowing hard. Not lashing out like he normally did when someone played with his hair, but not relaxed either "I protect everyone from the monster in me, Bronte. And I failed."He growled because he was ery hard on himself for his very existance, so the fact that he couldn't see how much good he did for others, was a crime when he just focused on the bad that he did. He couldn't even see that by his very existance, he kept Thorne in check,and while the hellrens still hunted humans and vampires, it wasn't nearly as bad as it once was. The brother's bond had managed to pass the boundaries between both cultures.

Tohr laughed looking amused."Well, it seems you wont let me be down."He said smiling looking amused as he followed Kaspar's eyes before swallowing hard, looking serious and concerned. "I know. And he's definately to unpredictable to be good...but.. "He sighed quietly. "Do you want to be the person who tells him that he has to walk away from the one person he's managed to connect with besides his mother and sister?"He said looking thoughtful before nodding."We'll do something." He swallowed hard."When we get back."
Bronte pulled back to look at him. "I'm okay, Rehv," she said, eyebrows scrunching together, "And you're not a monster. You are much more than that... You're different than the others." She swallowed hard when she realized what she had said, blushing a bit as she turned to rest her cheek back on his chest. She felt safe with him, even if she was slightly scared of him. Hell, she was very scared of him. However, she was intrigued, and she could feel herself becoming just as protective over him as he was of her.

Kaspar huffed, "In the morning." He turned back to the other man and shook his head. "I want to relax when we get home, not deal with his volatile reaction to whatever you decide to do." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips, pulling back ever so slowly. "We should go home, Tohr, before the other vampires run your palace into the ground." He turned away and moved over to the other couple, tapping Rehv on the shoulder. "Come on. We're leaving."

Bronte looked up at Rehv, a frown forming on her lips. She wondered if he'd catch the hint that she wanted his company tonight... Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, but she knew they had a connection, and she knew they needed to talk more.
Rehv frowned sligtly a little as he looked down at her, brushing his lips over her forehead,"Different enough to be a monster."He muttered because he would never believe it. AFter all, if his mother couldn't convince him that he wasn't the monster he thought himself to be, there was little hope that Bronte would be able to.

Tohr smirked a little looking amused."I was just going to order him to not be near her. Figure out a way to make it stick.it'll be fun."he said sounding slightly sarcastic as he lughed kissing the other back as he headed for the door. He just knew this was going to be unpleasant.

Rehv turned his head looking at the man before nodding."Okay. Let's go."he said quietly following the other two vampires out, getting into the car. For all the world, looking like he was ignoring Bronte's presence even if he was painfully aware that she was sitting next to him. When they got to the house he smiled slightly."hm, it seems the others survived without our presence. I must say,I'm amazed."He said sounding amused as he headed for the stairs, having every intention of going to sleep

Tohr frowned slightly watching the man before nudging Kaspar a little."You staying with me tonight?"He muttered not wanting to be alone. Despite everything, and how bad a idea it was to have the rest of the men near where he was with someone, he didn't want to let kaspar go. He'd probably have regrets later, but at the moment he was to tired, to stressed, to want to be aloen.
A shiver ran down Bronte's back as he kissed her forehead. It was so... tantalizing. Once in the car, she tried not to look at him, staring out the window. She wished she could keep her emotions in check, but she knew he could feel them at all times. When he headed up stairs, she had to hide her disappointment before turning to Tohr. "I'll be back in the office tomorrow," she said, frowning a bit before heading up to her room. Once upstairs, she slipped into a hot bath... trying to stop thinking about Rehv and how potentially dangerous he was for her.

Kaspar grinned a bit and nodded. "If you are asking if I will shack up with you, that's all you had to say," he teased, following the man upstairs. Once in Tohr's room, he headed for the wet bar and poured him and his master a scotch. He handed Tohr his drink then sat on the couch in front of the fire. "I'll just slip out early in the morning. No one will notice. I'm always up first," he said, taking a sip.
Rehv sighed softly as he turned his head slightly to 'listen' to bronte's emotions, closing his eyes briefly.after being locked in a car long enough with the other two vampires, he'd gotten a sense for their emotions and what they wanted....it didm't mean he wouldn't be explosively pissed when they told him to stay away but he could understand it. Sighing quietly as he headed for the library, settling onto the couch with a history book, content to read.

"Well, I thought my polite answer was better then just saying that."He muttered flushing a little ebfore smiling as he sipped the scotch as he sat down on the couch next tto kaspar, closing his eyes."You are always up obscenely early. I never thought I'd be glad for it."He said closing his eyes as he sipped his drink."He's going to be violent when I tell him to stay away. Even if rehv knows its for the best."He pointed out turning to look at kaspar a little, to worried over bronte to totally let go of the problem yet, even if he really wanted to.
Bronte eventually went to bed, falling asleep in her large, over-sized bed. She felt alone - maybe even more so than the day her family died. Because at that moment, she knew that her and Rehv would never be able to be more. He was a monster of his own judgment, and she was a bird with a broken wing. He wanted to protect her, and she hated being vulnerable. They would always clash, and eventually, it was going to become hazardous... He was like a blazing fire, and she desperately wanted to touch the flames and let them consume her.

Kaspar scooted over and wrapped his arm around the other man. "Well, on one side, you're right," he said, "On the other hand, they are barely functioning anyway. He's suicidal - you and I both know this - and she's no better. Hell, if they give each other something to be passionate about, why should we stop them? We need them both in order to come out of this war alive, and they might just stick around if we given them something to focus on." He took a gulp of his scotch. "I know I'm contradicting myself, because there is the chance he could kill her, but... There is really no 'right' thing to do." He sat his drink down and wrapped both arms around Tohr. "He's been more pleasant than he has been in a decade. Why spoil it?" he murmured sarcastically.
"I know he is. He has been for years."Tohr frowned a little, sighing quietly as he leaned his head against the other. While he hadn't known just how bad it had been, he'd watched a century pass as Rehv's control slipped with each passing year until he'd barely recognized the child in the man he'd become. "You confuse me sometimes. But... we'll see."He muttered quietly snickering a little."But you and me have no say in this you know, no matter how much we pretend. You know Rehv'd be violent if we told him to leave, but he'll be equally violent if he thinks he failed her. And he does. So he'll stay away."He pointed out sighing tiredly as he leaned into him."I'm so tired."he grumbled drifting to sleep in the other's arms.

Nearly a week later, after having avoided Bronte, and well...everyone, rehv sighed quietly as he walked into the gym, pausing in confusion as he looked at the woman standing in front of him. Having chaged his whole routine to the point that he barely saw anyone for more then a few minutes a day. But it was what he needed. To be able to distance himself from being the monster he thought of himself to be, to reorient himself again, he'd avoided Bronte. "I...did you need me before I go out?"He said smiling slightly tiredly because he needed to feed, espcially since he had to go out, but he couldn't think of a polite way to just walk away from her.

Tohr ran a hand over his face glaring at his second in command, smirking slightly as he tugged on his shirt. "I told you you wouldnt have to do anything to get him to avoid her.Much to our regrets, he's back to being his usual vicious, unpleasant self."He grumbled, and much as it disturbed him, he wished Rehv would just give into the need and visit with bronte. He actually had no idea why the man was avoiding her, only that he was, and that rehv's mood had fallen the minute he hadn't allowed himself to see her. "I have a meeting tonight."he said looking slightly worried at the idea.
Bronte looked up from where she was sitting, her hair sitting on top of her hair in a bun like it always did during work ours. She looked him in the eyes for the first time in seven days, and it gave her chills. It also pissed her off. "Did I say I needed anything?" she snapped, then looked down at her papers. She didn't want to be angry with him, but she was. She was as lonely as he was, and he ditched her. That's what it seemed like, anyways... And well, this past week had been very lonely. Turning, she grabbed a file with his name on it and tossed it on to the opposite side of the desk, not making eye-contact. "Your infection is cleared. For now."

Kaspar walked up behind Tohr and wrapped his arms around his middle, resting his chin on the other's shoulder. "What kind of meeting? Do you want me to come along just in case?" he asked, sounding concerned. His lips pressed against Tohr's neck, even though he was trying to not get them back into bed again. As much as he wanted to have a roll in the sheets, they had a lot of shit to do.
Rehv frowned slightly rubbing his arm,"No, but you're standing in front of me."He said slowly before stopping, "No...I went to the wrong place. Sorry."He muttered backing up a step before stopping,"I need more Dopamine.And needles."he said pausing a the inside of the door. Ahh, so that was it. He wasn't feeding and while dopamine usually sharpened his senses while dulling his emotional sensing, the withdrawl from the drug was leaving him out of sorts, and more liable to be lost on the feelings he was picking up on. But as he had a meeting with someone for the night, and he couldn't be drugged for it. If she-he thought with reluctance about the woman he was going to visit, knew he was drugged, she'd use it against him. But withdrawl was a bitch even if he needed to be able to read emotions more then he needed to be thinking clearly.

Tohr smiled a little as he leaned back into him, closing his eyes as he tilted his head to the side. "The council leader asked to see me. Seems there is something the aristos want to discuss, and after putting it off for a few days, I figured it was time to go see them."He sighed quietly. "I know, they bitch that we're not doing enough to defend them, but then demand my presence when I could be out fighting....I'm just nervous about what they want."He muttered turning his head. "Come with me. I need someone I trust guarding my back for the evening."
Bronte looked up at him, shocked that he would have the nerve to ignore her for a week, then ask her for a favor. "Are you kidding me?" she snapped, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. She was going to as why he needed it, because she was concerned, but she didn't want him to know that. It was enough that he could probably feel her disappointment... "Here," she said, showing a box of needles at him. Some of them clattered to the floor as she moved to get the dopamine. Once she had it, she shoved it at him just as she did the box of syringes. "There. Now you can go back to being a dick."

Kaspar nodded and turned his head to press his lips to Tohr's. He hugged him tight before pulling away to find some clothes. "Of course," he said, sliding some pants up. As he did his buckle, he sighed. "You... You don't think they found out about us, do you? I mean, we have been pretty careful. I am around you a lot, yea, but I just appear as a devoted body guard to the other vampires." He looked a little worried, fearing that he got his lover in danger.
Rehv looked startled before sighing quietly. Nodding,"Of course I was kidding. Why would I ask for something that's vital for me to keep living."he snapped back looking annoyed, shuddering a little as he felt her feelings. Despite his head feeling out of sorts-it'd been a long time since he'd totally been off dopamine, and it made him a little hazy-- his ability to sense feelings were even sharper because of it. Pausing as he turned to leave he frowned, staring at the wall across the hall. He knew there wasn't much longer that he could keep the charade up, both him and Trez knew that despite Bronte cleaning out his system, his body wasn't up to handling deal with his blackmailer. And every time he saw her, was potentially his last. turning his head slightly he took in the sight of her, having shut her out of his life in a effort to protect her. His visit with thorne having brought back just how dangerous things could be, and the reminder that he was playing a dangerous game. "Goodbye Bronte."he muttered tilting his head a little as he walked out.

Tohr sighed a little kissing him slowly before finishing dressing. "I don't think so. If they had, they would have called a full meeting, with the leader of the council and all, to hand us our death warrants. And since Rehv hasn't gotten a notice of it yet, it's safe to assume they want him left out of things."He pointed out, looking nervous despite his words. Despite his life as a drug dealer, and general pain in the ass, Rehv was still one of the aristocrats through his father's side, and any condemning of the race's warriors, demanded a unanimous vote. He had to trust that Rehv would have warned him."But I don't know what else they could want."He said looking nervous about everything.
Bronte looked up at him, locking eyes and trying to figure out what was up with him. Where was he going? Was he leaving? She bit her lip and tried not to look shaken at the idea. The one person that seemed to connect with on a deeper level while being held in Tohr's castle was going to leave her... Typical. That was her life story - being left by complicated men. Her heart was heavy, and she wondered if he could feel it. Well, she knew he could, and that's why she didn't say anything. She didn't believe in goodbye. So instead, she just looked back down at the papers she was previously looking at.

Kaspar pulled on his shirt. "If it was something major, they would have sent someone to come get you," he said, "You know how they are. Not very trusting..." He buttoned his shirt and rolled up the sleeves before stepping a back over to him, putting his hands on either side of the other's face. "Let's get this over with, and then we can get back to where we left off last night." He smirked and gave his lover a passionate kiss, trying to distract him from his worry.
Rehv stopped as he turned to leave growling quietly at himself. He needed to go. He had to go, otherwise this was going to be bad. But..."Bronte?Could you take a night off?I might need a doctor after this."He said slowly not turning to look at her but staring at the wall.Oh yea, this was one of the worst ideas he'd ever had,but...now that he had it, he was taking comfort in the idea of someone being with him, even if he couldn't tell her exactly what was going to appen.

"True.Hopefully."Tohr swallowed sighing quietly as he looked at the other, snickering as he kissed him hard."Hm, you're just trying to distract me. To bad we can't stay."He muttered kissing him slowly as he pulled away heading for the door. Something was telling him whatever the others wanted, he wasn't going to like it. Taking his time heading across town to the council's meeting house he paused outside the doors, preparing himself for whatever was coming. Glancing at kaspar with a slight smile."Ready?"
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