
Kaspar stood up to do grab them a couple drinks. "You knew how Rehv was when you brought him here. Don't lie to yourself," he said calmly, "You have a sense of patience that I don't, through all these years..." He sighed and gave him a smile, taking a sip of his drink. Kasper was a handsome man, and nearly the opposite of what one may thing a vampire should look like. With golden hair, baby blue eyes, and a dimpled smile, he looked far from brooding. "I'll try harder to get along with the girl. You're right. Her cooperation can lead to the cooperation of all humans if we play our cards right."

Bronte went into her room, slamming the door behind her before the tears in her eyes had a chance to roll down her face. For some reason, his comment about her appearance really got to her. Probably because she spent most of her life being so insecure. How could she not? There were beautiful vampires all around her, and she was simply average. Atleast in her eyes... And then there was the fact that she was very much alone. She was the only one in her family that Tohr got to in time, and there were some days that she wished she died with her family. At least she wouldn't be in this situation.
“hm,you never let me lie to myself. Which is annoying, because I can never pretend.”Tohr said looking amused as he sipped his drink,shaking his head a little.”It’s not patience. It’s desperation. We’re losing this war, and there’s nothing to do about it.”Tohr said, unlike Kaspar, he could be broodingly handsome, and as the years past, he did brood alot. Nodding slightly at kaspar.”Do try. Though I don’t think it’ll matter how you treat her, Rehv’s going to treat her however he wants to.”He pointed out shaking his head a little in bemusement. He just knew this was going to blow up in his face.

The next night Tohr cursed as he hung up the phone, glancing to where the vampires were fighting before nodding towards kaspar, getting his attention, moving towards his office. Waiting till the man joined him he ran his fingers through his hair.”That was trez from over at Bloodrain. Rehv needs a nurse, and apparently unable to get here.”He looked unhappy, but the man couldn’t stop from caring about his men,even the jackass of a drug dealer, who made caring about him very hard.”I want you to take bronte over there,and stand guard as she sees to him.”He said ,sounding pissed because whatever rehv had gotten up to that night, it’d not only kept him from going out fighting with them for the night,but it seemed gotten himself hurt, which meant he wasn’t going to be fighting for awhile.
Kaspar raised his eyebrows. "Fuck," he said. It was not normal for Rehv to be so hurt that he couldn't go on and pretend like he was okay. Rehv was notorious for ignoring injuries, from what he had been told. "I'll go get her. We'll take the car," he reassured, not wanting Tohr to get upset. He bowed to him, then jogged up stairs to grab Bronte. Within five minutes, he had her in the car.

The entire ride, Bronte looked curious and worried. What was so bad that Rehv couldn't be brought to Tohr's place? If he was not able to be transported, it must be bad, and for some unknown reason... that bothered her.

When they got to Bloodrain, Kaspar jogged up to Trez with Bronte in tow. He nodded to Bronte. "I have the nurse. Where's Rehv? What kind of shit did he get himself in to?"

Bronte swallowed hard, looking around the place with frightened eyes. She may not care for Kaspar - they bickered contantly- but she at least felt safe with him. It was nice to know that he'd be with her during all of this, because if not, she was sure she'd be a goner. However, if it wasn't for Tohr, Kaspar probably wouldn't even care if she was dinner or not.
Trez looked slightly amused to see the two, though it was really just covering up how worried he was. “His bedroom.And I don’t know. He had a meeting tonight with his supplier and he came back...hurt.”He said because there was no true way to discribe it, and the less said about what Rehv had really been doing, the less it would come back and bite him in the ass later. Rehv was going to be pissed enough that he’d gotten a nurse, much less if everyone knew what he was doing.

Leading them through the club he paused outside the door to the office/bedroom. “Also, I knocked his ass out. He was trying to take care of it himself, so I drugged him.”he said looking unaplogetic as he pushed open the door and let them in, amd as sppm as the door was shut there was near silence in the club.Soundproofed and completely private. Rehv’s sanctuary.

Laying in a bed that had no dscription except orgy sized was rehv, even through the drugs he was panting quietly, sweat beading on his forehead. Though it wasn’t obvious right away what was wrong...at least until you saw the flash of silver overlaying his skin, realized that his skin was indeed growing over it. From the bent up edge over his stomach, it looked liked Rehv had been in the middle of pulling it out himself when Trez had knocked him out.

“He’s allergic to silver, but I was afraid he was doing more harm then good doing it himself.”Trez explained, the usually silent man, a chatterbox out of worry. He was nervous, because he didn’t like to consider why Rehv had laid still enough to let someone lay a mesh wire of silver over his skin, and why he hadn’t had a chance to pull it off before his skin reacted and grew over it. Probably just another suicidal moment, sort of like the infection in his arm, was rehv seriously that serious about offing himself?
Bronte looked at the sight: Rehv laying there, looking defenseless. She swallowed hard, her eyes looking over his muscled stomach. Part of It was still exposing the silver, but a lot of it was under his skin. It was definitely a sight to behold.

"H-holy shut," Bronte stammered, glancing up at the two other men. She grabbed her back of equipment and nodded to the door. "Leave me with him."

Kaspar let out an exasperated sigh, giving Trez a look. "She thinks she can take care of herself," he said, rolling his eyes. However, he did what he was told only because it amused him. And, well, Rehv was in no shape to attack her. Walking to the sitting room right outside of Rehv's room, he ran a hand through his hair. "He's in a lot worse shape than I remembered him being a few years ago..."

Bronte went to work on Rehv's stomach with a practiced hand, her scalpel cutting through the new skin so that she could slowly peel the silver away from his body. She took it slow (over two hours), making sure to clean his wounds as she went. Her eyes glanced back and forth at his face, trying to see if he'd wake up. Thankfully, he stayed unconscious long enough for her to completely remove the mesh wire and discard it. She figured that was a good thing, considering he would probably react better over knowing she had already fixed it then waking up to a mesh wire being torn from his skin.
Trez frowned a little at the demand, before looking down at Rehv. The man was going to need to feed when he woke, but considering he’d given him enough traqulizers to down a small elephant, he figured she was safe enough for now. Moving into the sitting room with Kaspar he nodded as he poured himself a drink.”He’s less careful these days.”He sighed quietly, his worry for his friend showing. “They say all the blooded vampire children lose it eventually. But...Rehv stopped caring if he was hurt years ago. This...recent problem, is just the latest.”He said, not because he wasn’t aware of what reall happened,but because it was true.Rehv had stopped caring in the last decade, and while he didn’t know the specifics, he knew there was a reason he was being driven insane. And it was killing him to see a good man driven to such lengths to deal with a difficult choice, espcially when he couldn’t tell anyone, not when it would condemn Rehv to a living hell.

Every once in awhile Rehv shuddered as she cut through his skin, his eyelids flickering ever so slightly as she worked.Responding to the pain,even through the medication. “... you smell like dinner...”Rehv said, sounding lazy and drugged as he started to wake, blinking hard. Trying to shake the drugs as his eyes widened a little, as he realized he wasn’t numb. which,considering how much he was hurting, sucked, but it meant he was even more danger....at least Bronte was in more danger because he could tell he was hurt. Badly. “Unless you want to be dinner, you better leave now.”He said taking a deep breath and sitting up. Not that he had any business being up and about, but Rehv had never been one to do what was good for him.
Kaspar leaned back in his chair, his expression stoic. "Well, you know Tohr. He's optimistic about the bastard. Or at least desperate for warriors, which we have a lack of," he admitted, running his hand through his hair. Tohr was not going to be thrilled to know that Rehv was teetering on the line of suicide. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in Rehv's situation," he admitted, "What the hell makes I guy like him not care anymore? He's got tons of money, and even though it's illegal, he has a booming business." He shrugged. "What's a bloke like him have to be upset about?"

Bronte looked up at him. "I don't think that's how you should talk to someone who just saved your ass," she said, moving to grab some bandages to wrap around his new and vulnerable skin. She picked up the silver mesh she pulled from his stomach. "And I just found out what your kryptonite is." She showed him the silver, arching her eyebrow, then set it back down. Taking advantage of his upright position, she started to wrap the bandage around his torso.

"If your that hungry, take a bite out of me," she taunted, tying the bandage and stepping back. "You'd only be doing me a favor." Turning, she grabbed a syringe filled with pain medication.
“Tohr’s a optimistic bastard who wants to believe the best.”Trez snickered a little. because as much as the man might annoy him at times, he knew just what kind male it would take to stay as optimistic and willing to look at the best. “He should probably know, but it’s going to piss Rehv off if he knows everyone’s discussing him.”He said looking amused before shrugging, shifting to look out the one way window(the mirrored side was all the club saw) and looked out. “He has his reasons. And I know Tohr wants to know, but he has his reasons for not telling anyone.”He said sighing. “Not even I know, I just know he got in trouble 15 years ago, and things have gotten out of hand since then. Though, from what I can tell, its a personal war between rehv and whoever he sees.”He said, hoping if he told a little bit, maybe they’d all back off and leave rehv alone.

“I could have pulled it out myself if I hadn’t been drugged.”He scowled a little glancing at her,”Besides. Your human. Humans always smell like dinner to me.”He said, turning his head a little to get a btter fix on her emotions, smirking a little.”Darling, that’s most vampires kryptonite. I was just born allergic to silver instead of after I changed.”He pointed out, sighing softly as she tied the bandage. “Hmm I think I will.”He smirked studying her before shaking his head.”Don’t bother. The pain meds wont help.”he said and before she could respond reached out with his hands and pulled her down against him, folding his newly healed body around hers as he lowered his head to her neck and fed.

With him sitting up the blanket slipped down, showing that the silver hadn’t stopped just at his stomach, decorating most of his thigh and hip. Suckling at the wound on her neck he sighed in pleasure as the blood filled his mouth, and as he felt her heart beat slowing he licked her skin, slowing the bleeding before raising his head.”Hmmm I think I like this dinner.”He muttered looking amused as he gently laid her down onto the bed.
Kaspar sighed, nodding slowly as he considered Trez's words. After a moment, he made himself a drink and sat back down. It did not even cross his mind that Rehv may be feeding from Bronte in the other room. Taking a huge gulp of the alcohol, he looked out at the club. There was dancing, drinking, and then there was fucking. Rehv's club was legendary, mainly because of it's lack of rules or... well, lack of clothes most of the time. "Thanks for calling us," he said, "You know we need him more than we'd like to admit. It's why we kept the girl. For a nurse, I mean." He turned to raise his eyebrows at the other man. "She's Salazar Marx's daughter - only one to survive the battle last month."

He caught Bronte by surprise, and she went rigid as his large, muscular body folded around her. Her eyes looked up into his, then shut tight as she felt his breath on her neck. "Ah," she gasped, feeling his teeth slide into her neck as if it was butter. At first, it was pain, but then it started to make her body feel tingle-y. Being in the family she was in, she had plenty of vampire-related injuries... But she had never let one feed from her. Her father would have disowned her, after all. And the fact that she was so willing to let Rehv feed from her showed how screwed up she was after her family's death - she just didn't care. Hell, she almost wished he would suck her dry. At least she would die with pleasure running through her body.

When he pulled back, her eyes were half-opened. She felt light headed, but still noticed how gentle he laid her down on the bed. It as odd, because he came off as a man who was anything but gentle. "I can take the rest out," she whispered in her haze, looking down to see the silver mesh running down his hip and thigh. It would have made her more embarrassed to know he was naked if she was not in such a daze. "You can't walk around with it embedded in your skin."
Trez nodded a little as he sipped his drink, looking amused as he watched kaspar watch the clubbers.”You know, you could take a night off. Enjoy the club. Rehv’s in no shape to hurt the girl, and I can stay back here if it makes you feel better.”He said snickering as he watched the clubbers to, watched the drug dealers, who were on Rehv’s payroll, dealing, and the strippers, and paid girls picking up men. You could accuse Rehv of a lot of things, but you could never say he mistreated any of the girls working for him. Despite his reputation as being bitter, angry and powerful, he’d never so much raised a hand to anyone that worked for him unless they’d done something serious wrong, like murder, or something. Tilting his head he sighed softly. “I was wondering why you had a human girl when Rehv mentioned it. I assume Tohr plans on using her to get in the humans good graces?”Trez said, like kaspar, assuming rehv would be to out of it to be feeding, and after so much time spent with the man, he knew how to read people.

Rehv smirked against her skin as he felt her responding, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feeding, and the feelings that she was having. But he knew he had to be careful. No use surviving the silver posioning, to just have Tohr cut out his heart. Sighing as he looked down at her he rolled his eyes.”Don’t look so surprised. I’ve been known to be kind. Once in a blue moon.”He said moving away from her looking amused because with the drugs out of his system, he was so much better at reading emotions and people then when he was numb. Moving to the edge of the bed he snickered.”I’m not going to. And your not going anywhere. I’ve had this before, I have the skills to do this.”He said puzzlingly, as if it wasn’t the first time Rehv had had to rip silver at out of skin. Had it just been his first time getting caught?

“Now. Your going to lay there and recover while I take care of this.”He ordered, back to his normal self as the pain numbed him, it wasn’t as good as his drugs but it helped. Picking up her scapel he hobbled into the bathroom, and after kicking the door shut behind him and got to work. Though from the cursing- in every language in the last 6 centuries making a appearance- he probably should have just drugged himself and let her do it. But he just couldn’t do that. He hated having others see him when he was vulnerable.
Kaspar nodded, taking another gulp of his drink. "Exactly," he said, "Well, that's what he tells me. That and she's a talented nurse. You know what kind of man Salazar was. He probably made her go to nursing school to benefit the family. Nurses are valuable during times like these." He pressed his lips together. Salazar Marx was not a man to mess with, it was truly surprising that his daughter even turned out remotely okay. He was ruthless, cruel man who was racist against the entire vampire race - or "corpses", as he called them. It was his mission to rid the earth of them, and if he had to risk his daughter's well-being to do that, so be it.


Bronte sat up and gently reached up to touch her neck. The bite marks were scabbing over, but they were definitely going to scar. He father would have probably killed her on the spot if he had lived to see them. Swallowing hard, she glanced at the bathroom door. The euphoria that the feeding created was still running through her veins, making it hard to understand what he was trying to say. When she heard him cursing from the bathroom, she finally realized what she was doing. However, she was as stubborn as he was. All she was concerned about was the fact that he was making her "lay down and recover", and she hated being told what to. Actually, she hated being doted on by men who didn't know her. It pissed her off.

"I'm fine," she snarled, taking advantage of his absence by moving to stand up. She was walking toward her equipment case when she realized it was a bad idea, for she was still extremely light-headed from the blood loss. Clumbsily - and awkwardly - she stumbled and hit her knee on the corner of his dresser. "Fuck!" she cursed, leaning against the wall as she inspected her banged up knee. He head lolled against the wall, and all she could do was curse at herself. Like him, she hated being vulnerable.

In the other room, Kaspar's head tilted upward at the sound of Bronte's cursing. "Should I be concerned?" he asked, glancing at Trez.
"They're vaulable no matter what side of the war your on."Trez said looking thoughtful. Because while the humans tended to need more doctoring then vampires, but for the most part, humans managed to damage more vampires then they did humans. Toss the hellrens into the mix as the psychic vampires, who fed off emotion and were able to hide better among the humans, so they weren't nearly as hunted, life could be difficult if you were just a normal blood sucking vampire.

Tilting his head a little at the sound he frowned."Maybe, I think the cussing means Rehv's up."he said looking concerned as he stepped back into the room. Eyes widening at the sight of the empty bed and Bronte leaning against the wall."You okay?"He said not approaching her, not about to get hit because he crowded her, when it seemed she'd already been crowded enough by one man. Though his eyes flickered to her neck, worry darkening his features. Not for her, but for Rehv. Rehv had a die hard rule of not feeding from females, which was why he'd assumed she'd be safe with him. Seemed he could be wrong.

Rehv cursed a little as he stood slowly pulling weight on the damaged leg. While it was sore, he'd be up and moving okay. Frowning slightly at the sense he was getting, before opening the door, leaning against the frame."There's Hellren's out in the club. Get her out of here, Kas, I have to go deal with this."he said hobbling a little as he moved to get dressed, while he had no business dealing with the emotion feeding vampires, the man wasn't about to let anyone else police his club, at least not while he was still able to stand up.
Kaspar moved over to Bronte, but misjudged her feeding-induced haze as a calm demeanor. He crouched down and helped her up, but as soon as his arms were on her, she started to scream. Not just the usual whining she did when he did something to annoy her or get in her personal space, but a bloody-murder scream. A scream that sounded like she was being attacked.

"Get OFF OF ME! Get the FUCK OFF OF ME!" she shrieked, thrashing around in his arms. Kaspar raised his eyebrows, not knowing how to handle it. However, he easily over-powered her.

"Bronte, we need to go!"

"STOP TOUCHING ME!" she shrieked, nearly sobbing in an uncontrollable tantrum. Kaspar's head snapped around to look at Rehv. During the commotion, he didn't hear what he said about the hellrens, and thankfully, he wasn't given enough time to notice the marks on Bronte's neck. If he had, he'd be pissed as hell.

"What did you do to her?" he asked, wincing as Bronte slapped him across the face in an effort to get away from him. What he didn't know was that this was a normal thing for Bronte. It had to do with her post-traumatic stress disorder from the events of her childhood, thanks to her father. What Kaspar didn't know was that Bronte was just about as fucked up as Rehv. "Rehv, what did you do?"

Bronte was acting like a nutcase. "Get the fuck away from me! Leave me alone!" she sobbed, and Kaspar finally had to throw her on the bed and restrain her by holding her hands to her chest.
"I didn't do anything."Rehv snarled looking annoyed,not about to admit to feeding, as he yanked on his shirt and moving over to the two, grabbing Bronte's hands to get her attention he sighed softly, making her meet his eyes, forcing the girl to calm.While he avoided doing it often because it made him even more dangerous then he was usually, he could take control of emotions as easily as pouring water into a cup. one minute anger and fear, the next calm."Bronte, calm for me. I need you to calm, go with Kaspar.Quiet. Its okay."He ordered quietly before moving back,"Go. I'll deal with the club."He said shifting his weight and heading out into the club.

Cursing quietly as he found the two hellrens. He'd really been hoping for males. The males of the species were easier to deal with, because like most males, despite their talents, they dealt with emotions in very straightforward way. The female hellren weree complicated and deadly, and nothing he wanted to deal with tonight. He just knew this was going to be ugly. Like vampires, the hellrens were other, born from the vampires that had changed in the very beginnign of time, mutated till they needed emotions instead of blood. And....well. He could do that.

Stripping down as he crossed the room,shedding even the bandages, he let the emotions roll off him, lust, hunger need...he was going to draw them in, let them want him...and then kill them. It was no wonder Rehv ddin't want to fight. he was being suicidal enough to fuck his enemy, make them want him enough that they never noticed that he was going to kill them. YEa, deinately something that the other warriors wouldn't have been cool for. Turning his head as he neared the two women he smirked, catching one in a kiss even as their hands ran over newly healed skin, making the vampire wince slightly even as he focused on making them lose their precious control.

"Come.Hurry. He wont be able to hold them for long without help, and I don't want to leave you alone back here."Trez said looking worried as he looked at bronte and kaspar, pushing open Rehv's emergency door to let the two out, anxious to get them out so he could go drag Rehv away from his dangerous habit.
Bronte met his eyes, and something incredible happened. All of the sudden, she was calm. She took a few deep breaths, nodding calmly, then closed her eyes. Apparently, the loss of blood had left her more than a little light-headed. She passed out within seconds, making it a lot easier for Kaspar to carry her.

Kaspar glanced at Trez and let out a frustrated sigh. He shook his head and walked over to the other man, handing the girl over to him. "Take her to Tohr. If you can give her some sort of sleep medicine to knock her the hell out, it might be wise," he grumbled, "Go. I'll get Rehv. Let Tohr know what is going on, but tell him I have it under control."

With that, he rushed downstairs and ran over to Rehv, immediately going to action. He started to tear the hellrens away from him, throwing them over which was with his fangs bared. Pounding them in to walls, tearing them apart... Kaspar may look like a sweet man with his baby blue eyes, but he was very lethal. Beyond lethal, actually.

"Help me!" he ordered to Rehv, knowing that this was the time they needed to spring in to action. He had to admit, Rehv did a good job drawing them in with seduction and emotion, but they needed to be taken care of now.
Trez nodded looking worried even as he took the girl. "Take care of him.Knock him out and drag him back if you have to."he said even as he drugged bronte to keep her asleep as they made their way back to the brotherhood house. When he told tohr what was happening, the man nearly hit the roof, though he stayed put. trusting kaspar to take care of things, and more worried about Bronte as the woman was settled into her bed. Sitting in a chair by the bed he waited for her to wake, knowing it would be soon. Trez'd only given her enough to make sure she'd stay out on the trip, having not wanted to take the chance of killing her once he'd realized Rehv'd fed. The elder vampire was sooo going to break Rehv in half if the male made it back okay.

Rehv scowled as they were ripped away from him, nearly buckling a little as his support was torn away from him, snickring slightly as he beat on the woman in front of him, absently flickering out a mental command to the humans in the club to get the hell out. And within moments it was just the two hellren and vampires. And without their food source, because while they could feed on vampires, hellren preferred humans, they were weaker."Are you ordering me around?"He sulked a little even as he lowered his head, pouncing on the woman and riding her body to the ground.

Snarling as he ripped the hellrens throat out he fed, dark and dangerous, no longer drugged, actually not been drugged his normal dose in nearly 24 hours, the man was armed and dangerous in the most lethal kind of way. Feeding from the hellren, he raised his head, blood dripping from his mouth he smirked a little when Kaspar killed the other. "you know, I had things under control."he said moving to get up, his knee buckling under him where the hellren had managed to kick it in during the fight without him noticing. Catching himself on one of the tables he growled annoyed as he looked around.

"Damn. My club's trashed."he said looking annoyed, and way to calm about being hurt and having his body turn on him. Yea, he enjoyed fighting, and even more he was still feeling a little high off feeding from both bronte and the female hellren. It'd been so long since he'd fed from a woman, that he was a little punch drunk on the differences between male blood and female. They were subtle differences, but being attracted to the person giving blood, made even the sanest vampire a little drunk, and no one, even at his best moments, could claim Rehv was sane.
After a while, Bronte came to. Her eyes fluttered open and she glanced up a Tohr. His presence surprised her.

Reaching up, to rub a hand over her face, she let her vision focus on the vampire a foot away. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice coming out as little more than a croak. "What happened?" She swallowed hard, looking around for Rehv and Kaspar. As her hand slid down her face, her fingers grazed the bite mark on her neck. Immediately she flinched. "Shit," she cursed, realizing that it wasn't a dream. She sat there and let Rehv feed from her...

Kaspar shook his head. "Close it down for the night. We'll come back and clean it up in the morning," he said, letting out a sigh. "In the mean time, but your damn clothes on. We're going back to Tohr's place, and you have training in the morning."

With that, he started to walk over the dead bodies toward the door, then turned to make sure the other man was following him.
Tohr smiled a little though it looked strained."Well, I was told I wasn't allowed to go to BloodRain, so I'm watching over you."He said before frowning slightly. "Yes, you let Rehv feed. Which, given his mooods, is amazing your not dead. Do I have to tell you how stupid that was?"He said sounding pissed because not only had she put herself in danger, but she'd put his plans, and therefore their race and war against the hellrens on the line. "How do you feel?"He said reaching over to the night table and handing her a glass of water."Sip slow.You'll feel better."

"Fuck."Rehv sulked annoyed at closing it down, though it was late enough in the night he wasn't really losing any business. It just pissed him off. "But you like me naked.And they liked me naked."He said looking amused as he pulled on his shirt, having just stripped down to his pants, amused as he nodded towards the dissovling ashy bodies of the hellren. Staring at Kaspar's back as he walked h sighed softly, before following after him. Shivering as they stepped outside he climbed into his car, settling into the driver's seat of the 1967 mustang. Waiting only long enough for kaspar to get into the car before he drove off.

Glancing over at the man he sighed. Not realizing that the other didn't know he'd fed. "I didn't hurt her. At least not enough to warrant her freaking out so much."He said thinking over bronte's response.
Bronte winced at the scolding. "You're not my father," she snapped, "It's not your business to tell me what is stupid or not." She frowned and grabbed the water, taking a sip and leaning against the headboard. She looked down into the water, trying hard not to flash back on her tantrum. It seemed that she had been having a lot of those lately... Any time she was caught off guard, especially by a male vampire, her mind seemed to dive in to the night of the attack - the night her family died at the hands of all of those vampires. They probably had it coming though. His father had provoked them, and he could care less if his family was going to be at risk. "I'd never let a vampire do that before," she whispered, looking disappointed in her self. "Never."

Kaspar huffed. "Surprisingly enough, I believe you," he murmured, staring at the road. "I think it's post traumatic stress disorder." He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. "However, you had to have done something to bring that on." His tone was suspicious, and his fists were clenched on his knees. It was not a secret that he hated Rehv, but he was trying so hard to keep it civil for Tohr's sake. When they pulled up to the place, he moved up stairs and glanced at Tohr's personal maid. "Is he with the girl?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"You're living in my home, with my vampires,who include rehv who has no business breaking his own rules right now."togr growled looking annoyed with the girl but staying calm,not wanting to upset her more."dix he harm you?"he asked gently demanding. Needing to know because if rehv was his violent self with her he was going to kill him. He remembered the last girl rehv had fed on,and at the end,there hadn't been enough of her to figure out that shed been female. If he hadn't known before hand it'd been a woman...yea,rehv could be nasty and violent,with his own issues.

"Not a huge surprise.despite you're dislike, you can't accuse me of lying about things when I was violent."he pointed out going quiet for a moment thinking."I fed. And before you freak out, she offered. And I was hungry."she shrugged walking in after kaspar and following him in and heading upstairs after the maid pointed them up to the room.looking nervous,because he didn't know how tohr was going to react
Kaspar whipped his head around, his fangs bared at Rehv. A snarl ripped through his chest. "Tohr is going to have your ass for that," he snapped, "You knew she was off-limits, regardless she offered or not." He turned around, heading into the room. Was this girl insane? Why the hell would she offer herself to him? There was only one answer to that - she had to be as suicidal and fucked up as Rehv. "We got the hellrens out," he said, bowing to Tohr a little, "I'll take him back to clean up the place in the morning, if that's okay with you. After training, of course."

Bronte thought about it for a moment, remembering how he gently laid her on the bed. "No... No, he didn't," she said, sounding a little surprised, "He was very gentle with me." She blushed at the thought and took another sip of her water, looking up wide-eyed as Kaspar and Rehv entered the room. She scooted against the head board and looked down at her hands, trying not to make eye-contact. Like him, he hated vulnerability.
Rehv bared his teeth in a semblance of a smile,though it was more like a wolf showing fangs then anything else."he might,but she offered,and you of all people shouls know its rude to just refuse without a reason for it. And tohr breaking me, isn't enough of a reason."rehv growled nearly falling as his head snapped around as tohr flashed across the room to hit him. The newly drugged-having shot up with kaspar looking- stumbled and hit the grounf with a snarl though he made no move to get up.

"No matter how gentle, he knew the rule. And he has his own rules to follow. You said you'd never feed from a girl again"tohr said his voice demanding a explanation as he stared down at rehv as he laid on the floor sitting up on his elbows as he recovered from the hit that had broken his neck. Not a life threatening injury, but a annoyance."she offered,and I was hurt. I didn't mean to. And I won't.not again.."rehv said,his self hatred in his voice as he stood slowly.

Tohr tilted his head a little, guilt showing on his face for a moment, not that rehv needed the look to know Tohr was feeling guilt for breaking his neck. Tohr was a good man, which meant he felt strongly for things, and sometimes for things that he had had every right to do. Including punishing rehv for feeding on bronte. Glancing at kaspar he nodded slightly, ignoring the dark haired vampire for a moment as rehv recovered."Fine.Go after training tomorrow, and be careful. Hellrens like the clubs because of the lust and emotions there, so you might run into more."he warned tilting his head a little before sighing looking at bronte."Do you need anything?"
Bronte huffed and nodded. "I'm fine. I said he didn't hurt me!" she snapped, "It... It was my fault, okay? I was being sarcastic with him, and then when he made his move, I didn't move away. I told him he'd be doing me a favor." She frowned and looked over at Rehv, confusion in her eyes. She wondered how long it had been since he fed from a woman, and why he seemed so tempted to feed from her. Sure, she offered, but he definitely did not resist. He acted as if he fed from women every day. "I could use some food," she grumbled, "Preferable a grilled cheese sandwich... None of your fancy stuff."

Kaspar rolled his eyes at Bronte. "Well, your freak-out suggested something else," he grumbled, looking over at Tohr. He wondered if Trez had told him about Bronte's little meltdown. Honestly, he had never seen something like that in person, and if he didn't study psychology a few decades ago, he probably wouldn't have know what the hell happened. "I'll go get your sandwich." With that, he left the room and went up to the kitchen. He'd have to have a drink with Tohr later, in private and away from those two nutcases.
Tohr frowned looking at the two,unhappy with them bot hebfore sighing."Go to bed REv. You ahve a early morning, and Trez is staying the night if youwant to see him."hhe said waiting until REhv was out of the room before looking at bronte, ""The one woman he fed from nearly killed him, and he hasn't fed on women since.Not when he tried to afterwards and ended up killing the girl before he could stop himself."He sighed uietly. "I just don't want you to get hurt."He said shaking his head a little because it worried him that she'd melted down, though he was glad that trez had had the foresight to tell him about it. "Do you want me to stay with you?"He asked smiling a little at the girl as he sat back down in his chair, watching her eat when kaspar came back. Having every intention of drinking if she didn't want him to stay. He figured he deserved it.
Bronte sighed and leaned back against the headboard, chewing her food. She shook her head. "I'll be fine," she said, giving him a smile. It was probably her first genuine smile since she got there, because Tohr took care of her in a way that even her parents didn't As stubborn as she was, she couldn't be angry at him for caring. "I'll just read and go to bed. I figured you want me up early to be present during training."

Kaspar stood in the door way, looking at Tohr. "Probably a good idea to have her there," he admitted, "There's a library on the fifth floor. Considering all the vampires besides Trez and Rehv are gone for the night, I'm sure the girl will be safe." He shrugged and reached up to run a hand through his hair, ready to have some alone time with Tohr. Maybe it was odd to some people, but he looked forward to his nightly drinks with Tohr. It was a stress-reliever, and he enjoyed his company. Maybe a little more than people thought he should.

Bronte rolled her eyes. "Thanks," she said sarcastically, "I might go check it out..." She worked on finishing her sandwich, a little excited at the idea of being able to walk around the castle without supervision.
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