
Tohr frowned looking at her before nodding."I do. Someone's bound to cause problems."Tohr said loooking amused as he looked bronte over, making sure that she was fine before looking at kasar."I'll see you in the morning Bronte."He said bending over and kissing her forehead before walking out, loking at kaspar as they walked into his bedroom.Pouring them both drinks he sighed quietly as he slouched into their chairs, "So. Tell me about how rehv hurt himself. He seemed fnie."The leader said, sunding tired,but remembering what had brought about this in the first place.

Rehv sighed softly as he laid on the library floor reading. Looking like a little kid with the pillow shoved under his head, book resting on his chest. Even though he was actually falling asleep every few minutes, the book dipping as he fell asleep, the man refused to get up and go to bed. There were things he needed to know, and since tohr owned books he'd never seen, he was determined to get the answer before anyone else realized that he was looking.
Bronte waited a little while before tip-toeing up the stairs. She was not expecting to run into anyone, so she wore a tank top, a pair of short sleep shorts, and no bra. Her nipples became erect because of the cool temperature of the hall, emphasizing her perky breasts, and she wore her hair up in a messy bun and the very top of her head, baring her neck and the scar that Rehv had left.

Walking down the aisles, she was trying to find one of her favorite books, but was interrupted when she stumbled upon Rehv. She stood in front of him, her eyebrow arched. She knew that she was practically naked in her sleep clothes, but modesty was not something that Bronte possessed. "I didn't peg you for a reader," she murmured, leaning against the shelf. Her head was tilted to the side, watching as he fought the urge to sleep.

Kaspar took a sip of his drink and rolled his eyes. "I was told it was a drug deal gone wrong," he murmured, "If that's true, we will never know, but he did have several feet of silver mesh embedded in his skin when we got to him. Bronte got most of it out before he woke up and demanded to do the rest him self." He looked up at his commander and raised his eyebrows. "Are you feeling okay? I know the past few days have been... frustrating."
REhv nearly jumped out of his skin, a embarassingly girly squeak escaping as he jolted awake, clocking himself in the face with the book he was reading, that said it was a history book, not pleasure ready. Cranking his head back to look up at her he swallowed hard,because even drugged, he could feel her emotions like a kiss on his skin, taste her blood as if it was pouring down his throat again. And he cursed mentally. This, this is why he didn't feed on people he had to continue seeing. "only when I'm looking for something."He said hurriedly closing the book so she couldn't see what he was looking up.

Tohr frowned at that shaking his head."Even if it wasn't a drug deal, we'll never know. He'll never say even if his drug dealers hrming him makes no sense."He said shaking his head before sighing,"at least she did most of it.And she can keep a eye on it.Make sure it doesn't get infected."he said sounding thoughtful, because he figured that it'd probably been in his skin long enough to have risked silver posioning which could get infected,badly. And given his arm...he didn't trust Rehv to take care of it. Rubbing a hand over his face he sighed softly. "I'm tired.I haven't fed, this is frustrating, and the one person who doesn't complain constantly about having to risk their ass fighting is a drug dealer with a sucide wish."he growled scowling as he sipped his drink."Sorry.. I'm just frustrated with them all."
Bronte slid on top of one of the library tables and crossed her legs. She looked at him curiously, taking in his demeanor and wondering why he was hiding the book from her. "Oh, so you're looking for something?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "Well, good luck." She hopped off the table, her breasts bouncing for the lack of bra. She went back to walking down the aisles, trying to find a book of her own. On the outside, one could not see how scared she was to be alone with him, but she was. Maybe she was getting used to him, but he still struck fear in her heart. The sounds of Lash's ribs breaking... they still played over and over in her head. "Why is it, if I may be so blunt, that you don't feed off women?" she asked, looking at the books in front of her, not at him.

Kaspar downed the rest of his drink, and without thinking, put his hand on Tohr's arm. "It's all going to work out, you know," he said, "Hell, maybe the girl will give Rehv something to stick around for. Even if it's just a good fuck." He laughed a bit, obviously a little tipsy, and sighed. He knew it would be a bad idea for those two to hook up, but now that he fed from her, it would be harder to resist. "Would you like me to call in a couple donors? I could use a feeding myself." He walked over to the intercom, waiting for permission before pushing the button to the maids chambers.
"I'm always looking for something. It makes blackmailing people over it so much fun."he said snidely just so she wouldn't ask what he was looking for. He had his own reasons for trying to find out more,but if he was caught researching the beginnings of hellrrn society everyone would respond badly.turning his head to watch her boobs bounce a little he smiled slightly."because I end up killing them."he said equally blunt. It was more then tha,and just that to. A complex simplicity.

Tohr smiled a little as kaspar touched his arm sighing softly."rehv doesn't stick around for people. Even if he likes them."he pointed out sipping his drink before nodding."yea go ahead. We both coild use it."he said enjoying the thought of blood
Bronte turned to look at him, and a taunting smirk crept across her face. "You didn't kill me," she said, then turned back to the books. She continued to walk down the aisle, wondering if he might follow her, or atleast try to defend himself against her statement. After all, he barely let her lose any blood. Only enough to make her a little hazy, and yes, it caused one of her 'episodes', but that was her own fuck-up.

Finally, she found the book she was looking for. "I've never read this book," she said, tilting her head to the side. It was Wuthering Heights. "But my parents named me after the author. Well, either her or her sister. They never did specify. They were cryptic people." She sat on the table against, crossing her legs underneath her and opened it up. It was an old copy of it, maybe a first publication.

Kaspar called up a couple of younger, willing maids. They were beautiful, fit, and barely over eighteen. It wasn't that he called them because he planned on fucking them (which he had done many of times, out of frustration), but because they tasted the best. Immediately after entering, the girls took off their clothes and silently stood before the chairs that Kaspar and Tohr were sitting in. All over them (there arms, legs, thighs, breasts, neck, stomach...) were scars from previous feedings. They were the favorites, and they were very willing. After all, it kept them in good standing among the rest of the staff. Kaspar waited for Tohr to pick which one he wanted before choosing for himself.
Rehv frowned a little before grinning."because tohr would have handed me my balls if id killed you. Nearly dying from silver posioning was enough thanks."he said making a face as he closed his eyes,mentally following her path throuh the library through the bond that was settlng. Biting his lip as he tried not to think about her. He tried so hard to be good,and it seemed she was undoing every lock that he'd caged himself with."depressing book. Depressing vengeful male... sounds like your father actually."he said after a moment proving that he'd indeed been paying attention and knew who her father was. Granted, they'd met over a dilver stakr trying to find rehvs heart,but they knew each other. Snd no,it hadn't been rehv to go after her family, he just hadny mourned when he heard of the slaughter. Glancing over at her he sat up before opening the history book again, figuring he might as well read some if she was intent on keeping his company.

"Come here."tohr said smiling a little as he drew the blond into his lap,holding her there firmly. Not because he wanted her,but because if he didn't, they had a habit of starting to try to havw sex with him,and it'd been alotta years since he'd had sex. With anyone.starting to feed he sighed in pleasure, enjoying blood and enjoying kaspars company
Bronte's jaw clenched. "Don't speak of my father," she snapped, "I don't care what you know about him - Unless you had to experience what I had to experience every day of my life for twenty-three years, then shut the fuck up. You don't know shit." She slammed the book shut and threw it to the side, not even wincing when it hit the floor. Standing up, she went back over to the 'Bronte' section, and pulled Jane Eyre from the shelf. She glanced at it, opening it up and letting out a sigh. She had never read this one either. In fact, she'd only been interested after her parents died. Since they've been gone, she wanted to know things that they never told her, even the reason for her name.

Kaspar smirked, happy that he was left the brunette. Unlike Tohr, Kaspar had not lost touch with his sexual side. What he didn't know, was that it was because he was trying to cover up the sexual feelings he was having toward Tohr. "Ah, Tasha, it's been far too long," he purred, giving her a sweet look through his baby-blue eyes. He smiled and pulled her in to his arms, kissing her slowly, then kissing down her neck until he hit her pulse point. As gently as he could (He had not intentions of hurting his donors - especially his young ones.) he sunk her fangs in to her neck.
"I know alot of things. About alot of different things."He sighed quietly as he stood, straightening his clothes before putting the book back."Don't yell.. Not everyone would find being yelled at, as erotic as I do."he said snidely, sounding amused even as he stood and moving to the couch from the floor, intending to get comfortable. Closing his eyes as he felt the drugs starting to wear off, he allowed himself a few moments of freedom before pulling out the syringe and laying back, sliding it into the vein, closing his eyes as he felt the drug starting to take affect. Ignoring the nurse who was probably going to have a issue with his shooting up.

Tohr sighed softly as he pulled back, his mouth redder from blood as he gently stroked catalina's hair as the small blond leaned against his chest. Pressing a kiss to her hair as he sighed, hands running over her. For once, giving into the biological need for touch, for sex. not realizing that it was kaspar that was making the difference from his normal solitary feedings.Feeling teh sexual edge with the other man in the room.
Bronte turned away from the book just in time to watch the needle slide back out of his arm. Her eyes went wide, and she swallowed hard. "You're going to kill yourself one day," she murmured, trying to not act to worried. However, she was. He may not be a nice man, nor a man that was easy to understand, but she felt... bonded to him. They were both incredibly screwed up. Slowly walking over to him, Jane Eyre still in hand, she sat down on the edge of the couch he was laying on. She took his arm into her hand, then looked up into his eyes. "This isn't some recreational drug, is it? It's worse than that... Much worse." She gritted her teach together, letting her finger trace his infected arm while the drug made him docile.

Kaspar groaned as he began to feed from Tasha, letting his hands roam over her soft, warm flesh. Aroused females always tasted the sweetest, so he always made sure to keep them happy. Judging me her moans (and her touching herself), he was doing a good job... When he pulled away, he was sporting his own erection thanks to the blood flow. Tasha offered to help "take care of it", but he shook his head. "Not tonight, Sweetheart," he murmured, then nodded to the door. Both girls picked up their clothes and walked out of the room, leaving the two men alone. Kaspar looked over at Tohr, licking the blood from his lips.
"Well, I've done a damnedly good job of trying anyways."Rehv said rolling his eyes a little as he watched her closing his eyes for a moment as he felt the drug starting to take effect. Oh yea. Definately needed it. The one time he'd tried to go without for longer then a few hours had ended in a bloodbath that the whole of the vampire society both praised and feared him for.He'd slaughtered the hellrens in a bloodbath like something out of the illiad, total carnage. Tilting his head he fisted his hand trying not to react as she touched his arm. not so much because he could actually feel it, but because he wanted to. And that was the dangerous part. "You know what I do for a living don't you? What would be worse then recreational?"He said looking amused.

Tohr sighed quietly as he looked over at the other man, looking amused and slightly punch drunk, not only from the blood but the alcohol he'd been drinking."You always know the best girls to get."He said smiling a little as he watched kaspar lick his lips sighing softly, the sound of pleasure escaping, as he did what his mind told him to do. Poor drunk bastard. Leaning across he kissed him, licking the blood away before leaning back."You missed some."He said impishly, so unlike his usual closed off and forceful self.
Bronte put on her nurse's face. "Heroine," she said, taking her hand off his arm. She swallowed hard, trying not to think about his first statement, because it hit home. She definitely knew what it felt like to want to die. It may not have been because she missed her parents that much (they weren't exactly "parents") but because she was ashamed, lost, and alone. "Have you read this too?" she asked suddenly, holding the book up, "I... I'm trying to figure something out. I want to know if maybe my parents left me some sort of... sign in these books."

"I have a knack for picking them out, yes," Kasapar joked, "Those two are sweet as pie and total sluts. I couldn't even begin to describe what Tasha has let me do to her. She's game for anything." His smile spread across his face, which made it even funnier when he was caught off guard by Tohr. His smile fell, and the lust from the blood (and Tohr's presence) could be seen in his eyes. Slowly reaching out, he placed a hand on the other man's thigh. "Thank you," he whispered, his fangs still showing. Sometimes is was hard to get them to go back in when he was highly aroused.
"Definately not heroine. Don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to do the hard stuff I sell."He said, because it was true. He'd seen up close and personal what drugs of that caliber could do to a vampires body, so he had no desire to use them. in fact, if it wasn't a medical and moral neccessity to keep himself drugged, he would have forgone the whole drugging issue all together. Glancing at the book he shook his head. "Maybe a sign that they're as repressed as their views on vampires."He said sighing quietly as he closed his eyes."I lived through the 1800s once, I have no desire to read about it. Now, the middle ages, that's a period I could get behind to read. Warlords definately my style."He said trying hard to not think about the time period. He'd only been 19-truly 19, not just looking young- and his world had come crashing down around him. Definately not a time period to relive if he really didn't want to consider drug use."Why don't you go get your own couch. This one's mine."he said frowning as he looked at the woman sitting so close to him.

"Hmm, they are pie like. Totally eatable."Tohr mused laughing. Snickering a little as the other looked so surprised about being kissed. But looking equally surprised when he was touched, his eyes widened as his mouth dropped open a little, the tip of his fangs showing under his lip as he looked at them. "V-very welcome."He said for once looking flustered as he reached out again, pulling the other closer, kissing him again."Hmm but maybe I'll just take a bite out of you."He said looking him over.
Bronte looked a little disappointed as she shut the book. She decided not to press too hard on the subject of drugs, because it was a subject he apparently liked to skip around. She wasn't in the mood to provoke him. Sighing, she stood up and straightened her clothes out a little, even if they were barely there to begin with. What could she say? She didn't like to sleep without a lot of clothes. "I'll go up to my room," she said, rolling her eyes, "I'd hate to give you cooties." With that, she headed out of the library, jogging down the stairs and back toward the room that Kaspar set up for her.

"T-Thor," Kaspar groaned, kissing him back with passion. He stood up, tearing his shirt away from his torso. Lean, beautiful muscles could be seen... He felt, as a second-in-command and as a younger vampire, he should offer himself to Tohr. If anyone was in control, it was certainly not to be Kaspar. He was absolutely okay with this. "Then take a bite out of me," he murmured, licking his lips again as he knelt down in front of the other man.
"Well,considering I already bit you, I think the whole cooties thing already happened."Rehv snorted looking amused shaking his head as he headed up to his room. This was just going to be a pain in his ass. He just knew it.

In the morning Rehv sighed as he sat down to start eating, running his fingers through his hair as he tried not to think about things. Bronte's questioning nature was going to doom him to annoyance and drugged stupor. Glancing up he nearly fell out of his chair at the sight of his mother walking into the dining room. And the woman was everything her son was not. Slight, blond, beautiful. "Locke-"rehv smiled a little, even stressed and tired, the sound of his mother calling him beloved warmed his heart. "You did not call last night. I was worried."

"I'm sorry, mother. It has been a busy few days."He said smiling slightly as he kissed her cheek, closing his eyes. His mother knew nothing about his life, kept into the lifestyle she'd grown used to in her long life by the job he kept, he tried so very hard to make sure she knew nothing of what he did, not wanting her to view him as less, to see him as the monster that his birth should have made him to her. "Do you-Oh. Bronte good morning."The drug lord said, looking so very flustered, it was sort of adorable to see the man so off his game as he stood quickly at the sight of Bronte coming in to. For once acting like the gentleman from the noble family that he'd been born into, instead of the punk that his life forced him to be.

Tohr sighed softly as he looked the other over, lowering his head to kiss him slowly, running his hands through the other's hair before kissing him harder. "I think I will."He said shifting his hold on the other's hair, holding his head to the side as he lowered his head and bit down. Moaning at the taste of blood filling his mouth, shifting. Pulling the other between his legs, groaning as the man's torso pressed against his cock, sucking greedily at the man's neck.
Bronte walked into the room looking like a normal person would after staying up until three in the morning, her hair in a messy bun at the top of her head, and her clothes a mess. She still has a bit of makeup on (mostly eyeliner) form the night before, and she opted to wear some yoga pants and a tank top, figuring other vampires would be lurking around this morning... At the sound of Rehv talking to his mother, she raised her eyebrows. Odd.... Sweet and odd at the same time. "Uh, hey," she said, sounding suspicious as she took her seat across from him. She looked up at his mother a smiled through her sleepiness. Damn, she needed some coffee. "Hi, I'm Bronte," she said, "The resident nurse."

"Ahhh," Kaspar moaned, his hands gripping Tohr's thighs as he felt the other man suck the blood from him. It was a big deal to let another vampire feed from another vampire. It was something that was rare, but powerful. Most importantly, it was arousing. Reaching down, he began to up-zip Tohr's pants, letting his cock spring forth from it's confinement. He groaned at the sight of it, waiting for Tohr to finish feeding from him before he dipped down to take it in his mouth. Sucking hungrily, Kaspar worked hard to please his master. Maybe master was a strong word that Tohr no longer required him to use, but it was still a fact... And it made it that much more erotic.

Rehv, who had also stayed up till three, but because of the club was used to staying up to the wee hours of the morning, looking very refreshed for a man who'd had silver posioning the night before. Giving Bronte a warning look as he ate he let the two women talk, knowing that his mother had a reason for coming, and that it would be in her own time that she got around to why she was here. "Don't sound so supicious. My mother's one of the few religious people we have left. She's good."He said sounding defensive in face of her look, wanting to protect his mother, even if she didn't need it. His mother had long been able to take care of herself.

"I'm Catalina, Cat for short. I'm this sulking brute's mother, much to his dismay."Cat said smiling a little, with that serene smile that said she was indeed deeply religious, deeply at peace with her world, and everything in it. It was a peace rehv did everything in his power to protect. "Not to my dismay mother. I love you."Rehv frowned looking at the woman,raising his head to look at her. Looking....worried. "I know. But teasing you is amusing. Now stop worrying. You're going to get wrinkles, locke."She muttered gently smoothing the skin along his forehead, rubbing the frown marks out of his skin.

Tohr moaned groaning as he fed closing his eyes before leaning back he sighed softly as he watched Kaspar. Shifting back, wrapping his fingers in the other's hair, relaxing fully as the man sucked on him, panting ever so slightly. There was something very erotic to be still tasting the an's blood in his mouth and watch him sucking down his cock, watching the blood trail down his shoulder. Gasping as he came he gripped the other's hair tightly, slumping back into the chair with a soft pleased sigh,closing his eyes.
Bronte looked down into her coffee, pouring in some cream. "My suspicion was not directed at her, but okay," she grumbled, rolling her eyes. Bronte was not, by any means, raised by a woman like Cat. In fact, it made her nervous to be around a woman that was so... "good", because she was used to be talked to in a very different way. She took a bite of her toast and looked between the two. Locke? Why was she calling him that? Just one more thing to add to the confusion that was Rehv. "I won't be at the first hour of training," she said, trying not to feel as awkward as she did, "I have to pack some things from my old room and move them upstairs to the new one." She rolled her eyes, taking one more bite of toast before standing up. It was just too... hard to be around a woman as nice as Cat. It made Bronte uneasy - as if she would be judged. "I'm going to get a head start." With that, she avoided their eyes, grabbed her coffee, and left the room as quickly as she entered it.

Kaspar moaned, swallowing and leaning up to kiss Tohr one last time. He could taste his own blood on the man's lips. "Goodnight," he purred, standing up and grabbing his shirt off the floor. He moved back to his room without another word, taking a shower and "relieving" himself in private. He wouldn't dare ask Tohr to return the favor, simply out of respect. Plus, he was in shock, and he was sure that Tohr was feeling the same way...

The next morning, Kaspar woke up with an incredible hangover. However, as second-in-command, he couldn't sleep in. he had to eat a quick breakfast, shower, and get down to the training gym to oversee all the other vampires.
"It was good to meet you, bronte."Cat said smiling, so at peace with the world that it was hard to think about her condemning someone just because."You be nicer my son.You give no one a chance anymore."Cat said frowning at the man who was staring at his food, looking so dejected. "Mother....do you ever regret...it... What happened?"Rehv said frowning a little as he stared at is food. "My beloved Rehv, son of my blood and bone,"Cat frowned slightly as she stood, the dress falling easily around her, having come at Tohr's request, to see to her son. "If it had not happened, you would not be here. Nor the man you are....you hate the half of you that is not mine, and yet, can you say you would be as good if you were not so different from the others?"She muttered, bending to press a kiss to his forehead."Never doubt you are loved, my son, no matter how your conception happened."The woman said, before walking out, gliding out as easily as she had come in. As if she just hadn't shaken her son to the bone.

Rehv frowned watching her go before getting up and heading upstairs to get ready for training. Feeling out of sorts he figured spilling blood would cheer him up. Nearly jumping out of his skin when he nearly walked into Kaspar on his way into the gym, having not been paying attention where he was going, disturbed at talking to his mother. "Sorry."he muttered stepping through the door, for once subdued and quiet. His mother always made him feel introspective.

Tohr meanwhile, was indeed sleeping in. For once in his very long lifetime, was taking the well deserved rest. Rolling over he groaned, staring at his cieling as he tried to figure out what the hell had happened the night before. Sighing softly as he got up, cleaning up he looked as calm and collected as normal as he headed for the gym, watching the men warm up he frowned slightly trying to figure out how to act. Feeling shell shocked.
Kaspar raised his eyebrows at Rehv, entering the gym with a clip board in his hand. "What's got you all civil this morning?" he murmured, looking around at the men. At the moment, they were all working out on cardio machines and weights. They'd come together after lunch for the fighting portion. "Where's Bronte? Dammit, that girl was supposed to be here an hour ago," he growled, his confusion over last night turning in to frustration. He looked at his watch, then grabbed Rehv's shoulder. "Before you hit the weights, go check on her," he said, "And don't do anything stupid." With that, he jogged down to the treadmills to record the progress of the training men.

Bronte was upstairs, shoving things in to boxes. She didn't have a lot left after being rescued and brought to Tohr's place, but there was stil a few key items. In one box, she had some pictures of her childhood with her older brother (also dead) and a few pictures from her dances classes growing up. Kaspar's speculation were correct - She hadn't really wanted to be a nurse. She would have preferred to dance, but her father thought it was the dumbest thing on the planet. He thought she should be doing something more productive with her time... In another box, she had some clothes, and in the last box, she had some books, journals, and her dance shoes.
"I'm always civil."Rehv scowled, looking more like himself as he scowled at the man's question. "She said she was cleaning her room."He muttered looking annoyed about being touched, then ordered about."I never do anyhing stupid. And don't order me around."He grumbled giving Tohr a speculative look as the vampire came in, heading upstairs. "How are they doing?"Tohr muttered, trying to act normal as he approached the group pausing at Kaspar's shoulder.

Rehv frowned as he stared at the door. Thinking about them both. Both of them had been shaped by their parents. Him, by a mother's fierce love for her offspring, no matter that he was a product of a rape instead of love. Her by her father's hatred for the vampires who would live in peace if given the option. Swallowing hard he knocked on the door before pushing it open a crack, responding to her chaotic emotions without really realizing that he was bonding truly with her in more then just a blood bond. "Bronte?My mother didn't mean to upset you.I didn't mean to make you feel weird."he said babbling a little, proof that Catalina Caratona could disturb even the most stable people with calm acceptance, and a love so feirce that it had built the foundation of everything rehv was. Without it,without her guiding hands, Rehv would have been lost, in every sense of the word.
Kaspar looked over his shoulder at the other man, blushed a little, then nodded. "Better," he promised, "I figured we'd feed them a human meal for lunch, let them fight, then send them to go feed on donors this evening. They need to stay completely nourished and healthy at all times if we want them to stand a chance." He wrote something down on his clip board, then looked up. "Have you heard anything about the hellrens? Are they still wandering around the club?"

Bronte was sitting at the foot of her bed, her bare feed folded beneath her bottom. She was looking at a picture of her family. It was a very... cold picture. Her mother was sitting down in an arm chair, her eyes looking angry and lost all at once. She was a bitter woman, who didn't mind beating the shit out of her kids, but she also took a lot of abuse from Bronte's father... Then there was her father, standing behind her with a triumphant look on his face, her brother standing to the left with a look of boredom, and Bronte sitting on the arm of the chair, a stoic expression on her face to hide the discomfort.

Looking up at Rehv, she sighed and pushed the picture away. "She didn't upset me," she said, "I just don't know how to act around nice people." She shrugged and stood up, taking the dance shoes out of the box. With a huff, she tossed them in to a near by trash can. "What are you doing here?" she asked bluntly, obviously disturbed by looking through the old pictures and meeting Rehv's sweet mother. "Last night, you wouldn't even share a fucking couch with me, and now you are checking up on me? Has anyone ever told you how weird you are?" She grabbed a picture out of the box, one of her last ballet recitals, and through it in to the trash can with an angry amount of force. The glass of the frame shattered on impact. She picked up the family picture she had been looking at a few moments ago and did the same, her jaw clenched in an effort to show no emotion. She figured if she was moving to a new room (the first time she moved to a new room since the night Tohr saved her; the night her family died) this would be a good time to get rid of old, pointless memories.
Tohr swallowed hard, flushing just a little bit before he watched the men. Nodding a little."That sounds good. No need to have them freaking out if we don't feed them."He said sighing a little, talking because he felt awkward before shaking his head."Nope. Seems Rehv's security system fried them when the sun came up."He said looking amused. Because while both hellrens and vampires could stand a small amount of sunlight, full on daylight was deadly."He installed a skylight to open when sunrise came in. Trez said by now they're probably nice piles of ash."He sighed shaking his head a little. "I think Rehv's had more hellren problems then he told us, if he's installed a skylight just to deal with it."

Rehv frowned a little as he stepped into the roo, tilting his head a little as he watched her looking over the pictures."You and me both. It amazes me sometimes she's my mother."he said before shrugging a little."Kaspar asked me to come up. Not a choice of visiting, so don't get all angry at me. I'm not that weird."He scowled looking annoyed. Reverting back to his normal, moody, self instead of the introsceptive vampire his mother usually left him.Watching her throw the frames he rubbed a hand over his face leaning back against the door.

"It wont help you know. Destroying them. It'll make you feel better in the moment, but your father was a bastard, and that's not going to change. No matter how much you try to destroy it."He said watching her. For once being calm, collected, and damned near nice about wanting to help.He was indeed as weird as she said, but his mood swings were usually tied to his mother's visits, and his desperate need to make up his birth to her. trying to be kind, helpful, and insightive, the kind of son she deserved instead of what he was, he tried so hard. In the end, his mind shattered even more, each time he failed to change himself. He never realized...that his mother loved him exactly the way he was. And while she didn't know everything, she knew enough to love her damaged, bitter angry son.
Kaspar's eyebrows scrunched together. "Rehv seems to know something we don't," he said in a low voice, turning to Tohr. He let out a huff, not wanting to make anything awkward for him. Sure, he wanted to talk about last night, but he knew it would be no good. When the sun came up, there was work to be done. Nothing was going to change that. "I'll talk to him later. Maybe he will have some insight about the war... That's if he's willing to tell us any information. You know how he is." He rolled his eyes and went back to writing on his clipboard.

Bronte was avoiding his eyes, mainly because her's were filling up with angry tears. She didn't want him to see her like that, because she didn't want him to think she needed him. She didn't need him, nor did she need anyone else. She was fine on her own. "Don't," she snapped, "Don't pretend like you give a shit." Walking over to the box of broken picture frames, she picked it up and slung it in to the fire place. It let out a loud crash of broken glass as she turned to grab a match, lighting the entire thing on fire. As it went up into a blaze, she watched it with emotionless eyes.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "You made your opinion on me pretty clear," she said, "I'm not pretty enough, I'm annoying, and I'm in the way. Maybe not the exact words, but that's what you think, and I don't care. I don't fucking care. So do me a favor, and don't try to play nice guy. Just go on with your day. I don't want your sympathy, I don't want your time, and I don't want your fangs in my neck again. Just get the hell away from me." Sniffing, she turned away from him and stared into the fire. Her words were full of malice, but her demeanor showed that it was only a defense.
"Rehv usually knows something don't. Though the skylight might be just prt of his own personal paranoia."He said thoughtfully feeling awakrd, but like kaspar, they knew that there was things to do, other things to take care of before he had to deal with his love life. "Also,Catalina's wandering the house. So keep an eye on the men. No need to have Rehv killing him for being insulting to her."He said rolling his eyes a little because he knew catalina well, and no mtter how much her son doubted his mother's love, the female loved him.

rehv frowned a little closing his eyes as he felt the emotions swirling through the room. Oh damn, he so needed to get out of this room, even through the drugs her emotions were affecting him.And yet, he couldn't step away from the door and leave. "I have a low opinion of everyone, it's not you."He said after a moment before sighing quietly as he strightened. "It's not sympathy. it's experience. I killed my father, who was a bastard on a level that not even yours could match,and it made no difference. I still despise him, and even gone, his once existance is hard to handle."Rehv said pushing away from the door and moving to stand next to her, staring at the flames."Come on. Come down to the gym, beat the shit out of a punching bag. You'll feel better."He said his introspective mood starting to fade into his normal violent sarcastic self.
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