StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

((I cannot see photobucket images, they don't work for some reason. Would you mind putting it on Imageshack?))

Her ragged breath sped up DRASTICALLY when he grabbed her breasts as he fucked her, "MMMMM. You know what I like, baby!" She ground her hips against him more. When he pulled out she was outright salivating with excitement. She was quick to obey his request, "Come on you walking shit! Fuck my ass like you mean it, and don't give me any of that weakass thrusting you gave me last night!" She screamed.

Julie waited quietly, hands on her lap as she leaned against the wall.
(I just found it on google image search. I'll go back and find it on a different website.)

Nathan grinned, and slowly thrust into her. He flipped her over while he was still inside of her, and now she would be laying on her back. "How does my little cowgirl want it then?" He leaned forward and looked her in the eyes, pulling her legs up over her head so that her ass was in the air and she was curled over with his cock inside of her ass. "Want me to just jackhammer it inside of you?" He reached down and wiped the spit from the side of her mouth. "You salivated...Heh...Was the breast grabbing really that good? Oh I'll indeed remember to pay attention to them when we have some fun on the road, so to speak. Now then...Jackhammer time?"

Darian soon looked up and looked over to her, frowning. "You don't have to stay here you know. If you're bored or needed elsewhere, just go. Maybe Chandra or Nathan need you for something." He murmured as he continued to play with the mechanics of his arm, eventually saying 'Ow!' suddenly as his arm began to spasm. "Wrong wire..." He murmured as he continued to start playing with the arm. "By the time you get back, my arm and that Predator should be good to go."
"This cowgirl needs to be ridden hard! Don't spare this child the rod!" She giggled, "Mmm, yes, I just love having mah milksacks played with. Turns me on something awful!" She cried, writhing in ecstasy as he pummeled her ass and turned her over. She nodded vigorously at his offer, "Yes, yes! Come on your noodle-armed punching bag! FUCK ME YOU PATHETIC SHIT!" She screamed at him, bucking hard from pleasure.

Julie nodded and got up, walking out of the room to go and take her suit off.
Chandra was already in the bay, having her suit removed, when Julie stepped in. Chandra nodded and Julie greeted her with a wave and a smile. Chandra gave a smile back and stepped out of the suit once it opened up. She was stark naked and Julie blushed, looking away as the machine began to remove her suit.
Tong Tong! Chandra knocked on Julie's suit. Julie looked up. Chandra had lit herself a cigarette with a lighter and was offering Julie one, a cigarette sticking out of the package. Julie laughed nervously, still unnerved by how causal Chandra stood in the nude, her freckled breasts ample and her nethers cleanly shaven, gorgeous red hair falling down her shoulders. She took the cigarette with her mouth and Chandra lit up the end with her lighter, shut it and walked away to get dressed.
Julie coughed as she tried to smoke, something she had never done before. She stumbled out of the suit choking, taking the cigarette out of her mouth, convinced these were not her style.
He reached forward and grabbed some of her hair and began to pull her head back as she laid there, forcing her to look at his grinning face. "Look at me you horny little lass! I want you to see me when I cum inside!" He teased as he continued to fuck her. POP POP POP POP. The loud sounds of their hips connecting echoed around the empty and quiet room. POP POP POP POP POP. More and more. Faster and faster. His cock was getting ready. Faster and faster. More popping. Harder. His free hand slapped her breasts with one swipe to the left. Then later a swipe to the right with a backhand. And with one hard push, he shoved his cock as far as he could go and began to start cumming inside...filling her up with his hot juices, his voice moaning out and his face full of pleasure. Their echoes would echo throughout the facility...even reaching the facility Julie and Chandra were in.
Ssssss-fooooo...Chandra smoked her cigarette, back in her regular clothes, a heavy metal outfit she always wore. Julie entered the room, blushing wildly at hearing the sounds of her commander and Maurry going at it.

"Oh yes, OH FUCKING YES FUCK MY ASS AND FILL IT UP! CUM INSIDE ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Maurry screeched, digging her nails into his shoulders and rocking hard, loving the deep hard thrusts more than she could bare. She yelped and cried when he smacked her breasts around, loving every second of his rough treatment. The pull on her hair and pounding in her ass, she was in heaven. The flood in her ass set her off as it always did and she came hard, spasming in carnal delight as his deluge of spunk filled her up and spilled out her ass onto the sheets.
He pulled out and fell onto his back on the bed next to her, drenched in sweat and panting hard. He looked to Maury and grinned as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek lightly before resuming position to laying and relaxing. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, relaxing against the warmth of her body as she was next to him for those moments. "Whore." He teased as he looked over to her and patted her head. "You gotta keep more quiet next time. You were yelling loud as hell...people heard ya." The next thing Nathan would know, people would be screaming and yelling orders. He sat up, and listened as everyone was yelling 'Get that machine deactivated now!' and stuff similar."Whats happening, I wonder?"

Meanwhile...Darian had gotten the Predator to work. It was dashing around the complex, running into people but not necessarily hitting them. Darian was running after it, minus one robotic arm, and used his jetpack to make him run faster as he dashed after the Predator. "'Scuse me! Pardon! Get outta the way!" He yelled at the people who were in his way as he chased after the predator, eventually tackling into it and pinning down the robot. "Calm down...Calm down...!" He said as he held the robot with one arm, trying his best to hold the strong piece of machinery until it eventually stopped moving and looked around. He sat up and wiped the sweat from his brow again. "Its okay...You're fixed now. No need to run around and attack anything. No zerg, no protoss, no dominion. No whatever it was that you were fighting when you got damaged."
"Yer one ta talk, man-slut! Ya can hardly contain that dick o' yers, desperate to get a girl ta let ya in." She chuckled. Hearing the noise she sat up as well, "Was goin' on?" She got up and began dressing to investigate. She stepped into the hall as she finished adjusting her top, looking left and right for a clue as to what was happening.
Nathan dressed as well, and began to follow the trail of destruction. No dead bodies. No blood. Just people running to and from, cleaning up papers and fallen equipment. "What exactly happened...?" He murmured as he came across Darian and the Predator. "A Predator?" He murmured as he walked over to the jaguar-like machine and put a hand on it. "Looks like its seen better days...Darian where is your arm?" He murmured and reached over to poke the metal slit that his arm was supposed to lock into when attached. Darian moved over and put a hand into the Predator's mouth, pulling out the arm with a hard yank. "I used the power cell in my arm to power the predator...and it thanked me by biting my arm off and running away, thinking I was trying to attack it." The predator began to purr as it looked to the three people, standing there creakily as it seemed like it was going to fall apart. "Looks like it could use some repairs and new parts rather than a new power cell...Get this thing fixed. It could be useful if we can modify it to take damage." Darian nodded, and began to lead the predator back toward the robotics lab. Nathan laughed and looked to Maurry. "Do whatever you want. But I'm gonna go check on Chandra and Julie to make sure they haven't gotten lost, or worse. Embarrassed Wolfgang Squad." He said and turned to leave, trusting Darian to get the job done and trusting Maurry to act on her own accord until they were issued any orders for the ruins.
"Aw, that's one darn cute robot." Maurry cooed, looking at the predator.
She nodded in response to Nathan and left to go find the head scientist, curious as to what all the hub-bub was about. She approached his office and knocked, "Hell-O-Hooh! Anybody there?" She asked.

Chandra was relaxing in her seat, legs crossed, head back and working on her second cigarette. Julie was sitting crosslegged in a similar, comfortable seat, typing at a compact computer on her lap.
The head scientist, Sergei, looked to Maurry as she entered. His entire attitude seemed to change instantly, and he shot up to go and greet her. "Why hello miss!" The dorky little creep said as he took her hand and began to kiss the back of it, leaving a bit of spit behind in his haste as he looked to her, feeling overconfident on her. He grinned and held his hand out to her. "Hello there ma'am...What are you doing in here, hm? This is no place for a beautiful woman such as yourself. Or have you finally realized the true greatness of Sergei and come to offer yourself?"

When Nathan walked in, he saw the two of them just...relaxing. It was quiet as he looked from one to the other and frowned. "So...Uh...Hm..." He didn't quite know what to say, so eventually he just said it. "Whats up?" He said as he moved over and took a seat on a chair opposite to the two of them. Nathan never really...conversed with Chandra or Julie, but that never really stopped him from trying to make small talk when possible. "You guys looked relaxed. Almost as if you don't mind knowing that there are hordes of zerg surrounding the facility, ready to attack when they feel the need to and such."
"Well, I'm flattered partner," Maurry said, wiping the back of her hand off on the wall, "But Ahm here fer business, not pleasure. Mighty curious as to what all the runnin' and shoutin' thas been goin' on is about." She explained, crossing her arms, leaning back against the wall and crossing her legs.

Chandra puffed her smoke and took it out of her mouth for a second, "Lighten up." She smirked, and put it back in it's place, her eyes closed.
"Just doing some research. Whatever artifact they found is probably giving of a psionic signal, thus the Zerg." She explained.
Sergei grinned. "Well...I'll let you in on a little secret sweetheart..." He moved a bit closer to her and looked around. "The ruins we found...they go deeper than they actually are. The thing is...there is an automated defense system still active in there, left by the protoss...Proton cannons, sleeping Archons, even got word of some of the statues starting to rise up and attack our men. Rock zealots. We haven't sent anyone down in quite some time...Yet. Thats what your team is actually here for. Wolfgang is gonna get us into the ruins, not defend this stinkin' compound. We got this place locked nice and tight...And I bet there are a lot of things you've got that are nice and tight...Wanna show me?" He said with a perverted snicker as he moved a bit closer to her.

"Really?" He murmured as he stood up from the chair and moved to sit beside Julie, looking on her computer to see what she was looking at...but couldn't quite make heads or tails about it. Nathan was in casual clothes, loose fitting t-shirt and some gym shorts. Just something casual. He didn't care if he didn't look formal as he walked around the base. "I can't understand any of this...What kind of research exactly? Protoss activity on this planet?" He then smelled something a bit off, and leaned in closer to Julie to sniff her. "You smell like...cigarette smoke? You a smoker, Julie?"
"Sounds good!" Maurry exclaimed, "Thank ye kindly for gettin' some action set up for us. Ahm gonna go let the team know. Talk to ya later partner." She winked and stepped out the door, once shut she gave a shiver of revulsion and made a beeline for the barracks.

"Uhmmm, no...Chandra offered me one, but it wasn't really my thing." She blushed and both could hear Chandra laughing very quietly to herself. There was a long awkward pause, then she nodded, "Yes! Uh, whatever they're looking for is probably Protoss. It could be Xel'Naga, but there have never been any documentation of Xel'Naga on Mar Sara, but there have been abandoned Protoss colonies here and there."
"So possibly Xel'Naga but not Xel'Naga. Hell...On the off chance, maybe they tried to colonize Mar Sara long ago and fell to the zerg. The artifact could still be here as a remnant from the old colony maybe." He said with a shrug. Another long silence went over them and soon, Nathan rolled his chair over to bump into Chandra's, pushing her a bit more over so he could whisper to her without Julie hearing much of their conversation. "Psst...So listen. I think Maurry wants ya in on our next round. If you know what I mean. Either that, or she was just playing along with a little conversation we had in mind. Thoughts?"

In the barracks, a marine was going through a safe that was on the far end of the room by the time Maurry would walk in. He pulled out a vial and poured the contents into a syringe, injecting himself with it. This caused him to shake with energy, literally...his body was practically glowing for some time before returning to normal. He would then stand and turn around, only to see Chandra. He said nothing to her as he looked her down as he walked by and eventually left out the door...leaving her with no answers as to who he was, what that was, or what that light was.
"There's never been any evidence that the Xel'Naga and the Zerg have ever fought. Only though some insane contrived event could the artifacts turn out to be Xel'Naga in origin, that would be absurd!" She laughed, then realized Nathan wasn't listening and resumed reading quietly.
"No thanks." Chandra answered and lit her next cigarette, offering Nathan one.

"...What was that?" Julie asked. Perhaps it was something they did in the military, but she had never seen anything like it.
"Pass." He replied to the cig and rolled a bit over. "She wanted to know. And I figured I'd ask ya babe. Haven't asked ya before so I might as well have asked ya now since the topic came up earlier." He began to roll back over to Julie, though he spun in his chair until he bumped into hers, slightly closing the laptop a bit from his arm hitting it. "Woops. Sorry." He replied and moved around so he could see the laptop again. "The Protoss have something down here and the Zerg apparently don't want us to find it. There has to be something important down there that could be useful in the fight against them. Do any of the docs even hint at what it could be?"
Chandra put the pack away and continued slowly smoking her current one.
"The Zerg don't 'want' anything right now," Julie corrected and reminded, "They lack any sense of sentience they had before, as such none of them even know what we are, much less what we're doing here. As for what it could be...I dunno. It's a lot of vague information." She sighed, adjusting the screen as she scanned the screen.
"Right...Right...Well-" He was cut short as his comlink rang. Sergei announced that Wolfgang was to get suited up and meet in the ruins, immediately. He sighed...and stood up, stretching one last time before walking to the exit. "You heard him girls. Lets go." He ordered and went to the garage to get fitted into his suit. After some time, Darian would also meet with the Predator inside of the ruins before any of them arrived. The predator looked shinier and cleaner but it still looked rickety. Darian's arm would be gone, so he would only have one arm for the mission. As Nathan arrived, he saw he was the only one there with Darian and the predator. "Where are the others? What about Sergei?" Darian shrugged, and waited for the rest of the team to arrive.
Julie averted her eyes and Chandra stripped down to nothing to get in her suit, focusing on getting into her own. Maurry giggled as she slipped into hers, "Ain't you just the shrinking violet?" She said from inside her Marauder.
Julie blushed again and put down her visor. The three women met up with Nathan, all ready for action.
The door to the ruins would open, and Sergei and the marine from before would appear. The marine would hold a shotgun in his hands, his eyes completely white with an afterglow light trailing behind his head as he walked, giving him a sort of mystical look. "This is Tycho. He'll be escorting you down into the ruins. He's survived the swarm of Zerg that invaded a colony that Raynor was in charge of evacuating." Nathan spit and glared. "As did I. You don't hear me getting some recognition like that." Sergei laughed and shook his head. "Unlike you, he was left behind to fend for himself for a whole week before finding his way to the Confederacy colony and hijacking a ship offworld. He's also been in the Ghost program but...left voluntarily. He's your superior in every way and you'll listen to him the entire time you're down here. Understood?"

He grinned and walked out, going back to the labs and leaving them with Tycho. He grunted a bit and aimed his shotgun to the ruins. "We'll be going deep into the ruins. Be careful. Traps from the old Protoss colony still lie in wait to spring forth. These traps are both living and non...So be prepared."
Maurry burst laughing but stopped herself as fast as possible seeing the hilariously goofy aura around the marine's head. Chandra herself smiled, lighting up a new cigarette.

Chandra took point beside Tycho with Julie in step with Nathan, Darian along the group to keep an eye out. Maurry kept up in back, looking around the ruins. As they went further in it was obviously extremely old Protoss, sporting stonework instead of metal, but still featuring the crystals Protoss incorporated into everything.
"I don't like that scientist." Julie said to Nathan.
(I've come to realize just how useful medics are on Starcraft 2...Six medics will keep a whole squad of 20+ mercenaries healed up when fighting an endless onslaught of zerg coming at them.)

"Sergei is awkward and if you stick around, he might just rape ya." He teased, poking Julie in the forehead with his finger to show he was being sarcastic...maybe. He looked to Tycho and frowned. A psychotic marine that was originally supposed to be in the Ghost program? He never even heard of a Tycho when he was stationed on Mar Sara. How was he so 'famous' if he had nothing to go off of? Just cause he survived a week against zerg that weren't even looking for him? Nathan had to fend off and watch his friends dies as he waited for dropships to arrive and get colonists offworld! He glared and soon looked to Julie with a soft smile. "Just don't worry about it. Alright?" He patted the back of her helmet and continued to walk on, staying a bit closer to Julie, unaware of how close he was to her.
((Medics are Da Bomb))

"Oh...Hey!" Julie chuckled when he poked her. When he told her not to worry she nodded, "Yessir." The walk was mostly uneventful and she dropped her visor and checked diagnostics out of boredom. Everything was fine and normal, nothing to worry about on that front either. It was all just a wait until Tycho took them to where they had to go.
Tycho would eventually stop them, and looked around. He approached one of the walls and pulled out a bloody knife, and put it in a holster on his pocket. "Beyond here is where I have not yet ventured. So far I have disabled traps up until this point. The blood on this knife is from...unlucky victims to the traps within. They've all been given a proper burial. I hope I would not have to give an elite squad the same thing." He said and looked to them. "Keep an eye out. If you see any larger crystals...destroy them. They are more than likely Pylons that power up some traps." With that, he continued on. Nathan still walked a bit close to Julie, his hand brushing against hers every now and then. Darian walked behind Tycho, his visor scanning everything and his jetpack sometimes spurting out smoke from him revving the engine in a desire to just run on ahead at full speed rather than walk slow and cautiously.
Hearing metal scrape and clang against metal, Julie realized the back of her hand was brushing against Nathan's. Of course not wanting to continue scruffing up the metal of both their powersuits she adjusted her distance from him as they walked accordingly.
Maurry took this as an excuse to launch a couple shots, blasting a few crystals to smithereens, none of them very large though, but big enough for her to easily hit with her concussive blasts. Soon enough there was a large crystal floating and the group stopped. They stopped far enough away that Chandra was out of range. Maurry stepped to the side and started firing at the thing.
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