StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

"Who needs an army when you have Maurry." Nathan joked as he watched her fire at every crystal in the cave, especially the larger one ahead of them. He moved over to her, putting a hand on the larger armor that was her suit and patted it. "Calm down! You'll bring down the entire ruins if you fire recklessly, Maurry!" He called out to her over the sound of explosions. Once the crystal was destroyed, the power all seemed to go out. It was completely dark in the ruins as compared to the luminescence of the power coursing through the facility. Their suits provded light, as did Tycho's eyes. "Good job Maurry. Must've blown the power to this part of the ruins. Or its another trap..." He murmured as he readied his gun and looked around. He could hear scurrying all around them...but what? Darian turned on his nightvision and looked around, seeing nothing but heard the scurrying as well...It was not until he turned around, however, he would then see the large elder ursadon suddenly take a swipe at him with its bear claws. He barreled out of the way and began to fire his pistol into it. Tycho aimed his gauss rifle toward where the gunfire was heading to and he saw the Ursadon in the dim light of his suit, and began to fire at the large beast. It must have been three times as large as them! "Why the hell is this thing so big!?" Nathan called out as he proceeded to firing at the creature as well. It began to chase only Darian, ignoring the gunfire of the others.
"Aw, ain't nuthin' Nathan! The thing ain't attached to anythang!" She shrugged off his concern.

Chandra turned on her heel and began showering flame toward the Ursadon, jogging her suit to make sure and keep up to apply pressure. No doubt it's fur would catch fire easily.
Julie tried her best to stay in range of Darian and Maurry fired a couple rounds quickly, hoping to get an early hit in to slow it down with a concussion.
The fire seemed to do nothing to the Ursadon, but it did make it an easier target now that the room was illuminated more and the source of the light was the targeted enemy. Its attention turned to Chandra, where it suddenly pounced on her armor and began to tear at it with its jaws. Its arms had pinned her flamethrowers to the side and its teeth began to chew and tear at her armor and helmet in an attempt to kill her.
Julie immediately began applying her nano-micro-surgeons and Maurry launched more shells, hoping to put on into the Urasadon's mouth, or at least smash it in the face, "Chandra down!" Maurry declared through the comms. Chandra threw her leg up to try and kick the beast between the legs.
The beast felt the kicks between its legs but was not faltered in his onslaught of mauling. It would not be until Nathan had came and tackled the creature over with all his might that she would not be able to get free. And by now, her helmet would be practically destroyed along with a large piece of her suit from the mauling. The creature was still up though. It came towards Nathan but stopped dead in its tracks all of a sudden with its mouth agape. Closer inspection would find that the creature was bleeding from its mouth slowly and then it fell over...only to have the Predator come out from its insides. Apparently while Chandra was being mauled, the Predator lodged itself into the creature's side and literally began to dig its way inside of the Ursadon, killing it slowly until it fell to its death. The predator went from a rusted blue to a blood-stained metal steel. "Chandra!" Nathan called out as he moved over and slid to her, looking her over. "Are you alright? Chandra?"
Julie continued to apply her beam, already having prevented Chandra from losing her heartbeat. The metal of her suit slowly began to reconstruct and the injuries on her face reformed, sewed together and repaired. Chandra blinked, coming to after a blow to the head, "...Out of the fire." She smirked with a small wince of pain. Within a few minutes the machines had stopped, having completed their job. Her suit and health were as good as new and she held out a hand for Nathan to help her up.
"Almost lost ya there girl!" Maurry beamed, "Had lil' ol' me worried!"
"Strange how a creature raised in the snow was so exceptionally resilient to the intense heat of her flamethrowers, not to mention how it was on Mar Sara...this is not an ice world..." Julie thought a moment for a logical explanation, "The Protoss!" She declared, "They must have brought them with their colony ship so many years ago, and that's why this Ursadon wasn't adapted to cold weather!"
Nathan began to inspect the room and soon found the room where the Ursadon had been living in. Lots of dead bodies and lots of plant life growing. There were several smaller crystals granting light energy for the plants, allowing them to grow and giving the Ursadon a meager source of food. "Are Ursadon Omnivores or Carnivores...?" Nathan called out as he stepped into the room and soon plucked one of the crystals from the wall. He walked out and used it as a light source for the dark room, minus the burning corpse of the ursadon. "Lets be careful...There could be other stuff in here as well. I saw the skeletons of other ursadon in there too...Must've eaten the others or its own young." He moved over to Chandra and grinned as he patted her helmet. "Glad I didn't lose ya girl! Would've been a real kill to my pride!"
"I think they're omnivores." Julie called. She thought on what he said, "They must have been trapped here for a long time and their food ran out." She figured.
Chandra nodded and lit herself a new cigarette.
"Come on, we're wasting time! Let's get a move on to the next place." Maurry insisted.
"Calm down, Maurry." Nathan said as he kept looking Chandra over, showing her a bit more attention unintentionally. "We can't just rush into things and blow everything up. You blowing up that crystal without thinking it through caused the release of that Ursadon and almost got Chandra killed. Just wait a moment, okay?" He said bluntly as he continued to look her over. "You sure you're alright? You took a bad beating there...Julie's medic skills saved you, luckily...Good thing we didn't lose you."
Chandra nodded, affirming her previous assertions that she was indeed, alright.
"What, so we weren't suppose to destroy the Pylon? Our guide said we have to! No matter how you do it, once you destroy it the things explode!" She pointed out. It was impossible to destroy it and not have it explode.
He sighed and grabbed his gauss. "Whatever, Maurry. I know you didn't mean for this to happen. Just try and be more careful, okay? Don't shoot at every pylon you see without thinking it through first." He walked over and patted her on the shoulder of her armor. Tycho interrupted. "We need to get going. Time for apologies is later, not now. She's done good with blowing up the pylon. The Ursadon trap would have more than likely triggered with or without the explosion or us getting by the pylon." He began to walk past everyone, heading deeper into the ruins. They were getting close to the labs that the protoss used themselves.
Maurry gave him a little shove, "See? The glowy-head guide guy agrees with me!"
Chandra resumed her position next to Tycho and Julie was rattling inside of her suit, nervous as all get out now due to the attack, terrified of something like it or worse happening.
As they would progress onward, and were careful as to not trigger any traps. Eventually, a small rattling could be heard as they went on and about. "Anyone else hear that?" Nathan asked as he looked around. It didn't sound like zerg, nor any creatures. It sounded like someone was shaking a jar of dice. "Whats that sound?" Tycho stopped, and held everyone back with his arms out as he was cautious of the area around him. "Wait one moment..." He murmured out loud enough for them to hear. He looked around, and then felt the ground. More rattling, but the ground was shaking a bit more. But why? Rattle rattle rattle. "Something is not right here..." Darian mentioned as he looked around and stood close to Maurry, cautious just as well. "It does not seem like anything...We are going down a hill. Maybe its the sound of rocks falling from the ceiling and hitting the ground?" Nathan questioned as he continued to look around for the source of the sound.
"Burrowed Zerg often create seismic disturbances when in large enough numbers." Julie said nervously.
"I will punch something if we're under a pile of Zerg!" Maurry, very much hoping that would not be the case.
Chandra prepped her flame throwers.
"We're in a mountain though. Can zerg burrow that far in?" He questioned as they continued onward. More if it was slowly following them. The next thing they knew, they heard the crash as the cave collapsed behind them. There was some sunlight shining from the roof, but it was too high to reach. Only Darian would be able to get out from there with his Jetpacks to give him a boost...but evne he was too big for how small the gap was. "Great...That sounds was the cracking of solid rock above us...Maybe we really aren't under a cave or something..." Nathan murmured. "But we're trapped...only one way: Forward."
"Maybe?" Julie answered, not knowing for sure. She yelped when the cave closed off behind them. Maurry chuckled at her distress,
"Dun worry hun, we'll be out of here before supper." the marauder assured the medic, "Still know where we're goin', glowy head?" Maurry asked.
"We must keep pressing forward...From here on out, do not cause anymore explosions if it is not necessary. This cave-in shows just how weak the ruins are around here." Tycho replied as he walked on ahead of them. Nathan looked to Maurry and grinned. "Seems you lost a member who was on your side when it comes to 'blowing shit up'." Nathan teased as he elbowed her teasingly. "We should be down soon, according to these markings on the wall! There is more power surging the further down I go!" Tycho called out to them.
Maurry gave Nathan a shove, "Naw. When the chips er' down, EVERYBODY is down with 'blowing shit up'. Jus you wait n'see."
"How are you doing?" Julie asked Darian, absentmindedly flexing her fingers and arms. She wasn't used to being inside of a powersuit yet. The connections were so fluid, yet bulky at the same time.
"I'm doing good...I'm a little on edge though. I've only got one arm down here and I am only half as useful. If we get swarmed, I may not be so useful in a fight. Might not even make it so I have to keep on edge." He replied to her and noticed she was flexing her arms. "Are YOU alright though? You look like you're uncomfortable for some reason."
"Just scared...really really scared. No big deal!" She said with a big nervous grin, "I don't like it, but I work well under pressure, don't worry!"
"Awww, that's adorable!" Maurry interjected, "Say Darian, hows about after all this you take lil' Julie out fer drinks?" She suggested as a joke, Julie blushed wildly.
"What, so that way I can have a drunken orgy with her like you do with Nathan all the time behind our backs, thinking we don't know whats going on? Pass." He said right back, his tone joking as well as he continued on. "There is no reason to blush though, Julie. I would not take advantage of you like that." "Nor would you have sex since you don't like to take that damn suit off, ever." Nathan added as a little insult-friendly-joke kind of thing. Darian stayed quiet but it was obvious he wasn't annoyed by what Nathan had said. "Besides. Maurry's the only one in the group that can handle me. Thats why I get a piece of her all the time. Chandra and the newbie are too frail." He teased.
Chandra smirked, finding the comment cute as she continued to lead the group forward with Tycho.
"That's Nathan's schtick!" Maurry laughed, "He's the one who likes to pretend it's some kind of hidden romance. I think he gets off on it!"
Julie dropped her visor to hide how red in the face she was.
"Oh, I'm the one for romance huh?" He teased as he slapped her suit's ass. "I thought you were the one that was treating it like romance...Er...Rather...some hot and steamy romance..." He grinned and moved over to Julie, standing beside her as he flipped her visor up and put his hands on her shoulders, imitating Maurry. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder you piece of shit! Fuck my asshole!" He grinned as he saw how red Julie's face had been. "Thats what Maurry says. Pretty much every time."
Maurry laughed at his imitation and that he was shouting things like that outside of a sexual situation, sounding like an absolute idiot.
Julie immediately put her visor back down, not wanting to be involved in this conversation.
"We there yet?" Maurry shouted to the front of the line.
Tycho ignored Maurry. He instead began to speak to Chandra. "Your friends are very...awkward..." He whispered as he listened and watched for more traps. "Are they always this way?" Darian walked over and patted Julie's helmet before proceeding ahead of her. Nathan laughed some more and teasing Julie. "I know you can hear me through that helmet, Jewels!" He said and continued to mock Maurry, saying more of her common phrases and sounding like he had a country accent.
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