StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

Chandra nodded as her answer.
"Aw, jus punch im' Julie, that'll teach im'!" Maurry suggested.
Julie just kept walking, trying to ignore Nathan's hazing.
"She can't do that. She isn't a combat medic." He teased and patted her visor. "Don't worry, Jewels. You'll find a man to make you say stuff like that eventually." He snickered and returned to Maurry. "Gonna be making you say stuff like that when we get back for sure. We can even invite ole Julie there for a little threeway." He teased. Eventually they came across a large door with some sort of hieroglyphics on it. "What are these, Tycho?" Nathan questioned as he walked over and examined the markings. "They look like a sort of...instruction manual for how to open this door...but what do we do exactly?"
Julie clenched and unclenched her fists, really not appreciating how close and crass Nathan was being and gave a sigh of relief when he finally left her alone.
"We should punch it!" Maurry declared.
This got a small chuckle out of Chandra.
"Oh yes. Cause punching everything solves all our problems." He murmured and shrugged. "I don't see how else we're gonna get this to open. Step back..." He replied and waited until everyone was clear from Maurry. "Okay're the biggest here. Beat the living hell out of the door and break it down!"
"Ka-BOOM baby!" Maurry said, giving her shoulders a roll and stepping up to the door.
"Stop!" Julie insisted, "I'm checking to see if we have it translated. Just hold on..."
"Should've said something earlier, newbie." Nathan said as he moved over a bit from Julie so he would not get in the way of the translator. The markings would signify that they needed someone to stay behind, acting as an electrical conduit for the electricity from previous crystals to flow into the lab. "I'll do it since there is no way back to get an artificial conduit." Tycho said as he looked around for where he needed to be. "I can withstand electricity better than most. Just as soon as you guys are done, get the hell out so I don't fry."
"Fascinating, entrance must have required a powerful High Templar or Archon." Julie noted.
"We'll be quick." Maurry assured him. She had started to like Mr. Glowy head, despite how goofy yet serious he looked.
Chandra got in front as usual and the group lined up, ready to go through the door once it opened.
Once Tycho got into the conduit, he tensed himself as he felt electricity begin to surge through his body. "Go...Now!" He cried out as he stayed there as long as he could. Nathan ordered everyone to go inside, and Darian was the first to go in and make sure everything was clear. The predator was in second, rushing through and clearing the room to make sure there was no more traps. Once everyone was in, Nathan looked at all the technological patterns scribbled on the walls, as if by insanity. "What...went on here...?"
"Disengage." Chandra told Tycho through the comm.
Julie immediately began analyzing these patterns in hopes of discerning their meaning, "This may take a moment, they look less formal."
When he heard her, Tycho stepped off of the conduit and fell to his knees, panting hard as the door began to slowly close behind them. Now he just had to stay there and wait for when they were ready for them to leave. Nathan walked around the room, wondering what these all meant. It seemed that they were instructions on how to build something...but what? "Julie, what do they say?"
Julie was reading frantically, eyes wide with amazement, "It''s a that will destroy the Zerg." She said, checking and double checking that she was indeed reading it right.
"Like a really cool gun?" Maurry asked.
"No." Julie said, turning to the group, "This thing could emit a psionic pattern that would make all Zerg entirely braindead."
"The problem is...How do we make it? And how big is the weapon to begin with?" Nathan questioned as he approached the wall and put his hand on it gently, as if finger reading the inscriptions on them. He frowned a bit more and removed his hands from the wall. "From the pictures or whatever that they left behind...It looks like its the size of a space station...How do we build something like this...? No wait...Thats not the weapon...its the energy source..." He murmured as he continued to try and make out what the pictures and scribbles meant. "It looks like...what we're supposed to make is a battery of sorts...? We have to build the emitter apparently, and the battery does the rest for us...But how do we make it?"
"A similar artifact was used on Char against the Queen of blades, but this is of a much higher calibur. The components themselves resonate together when brought in close proximity and simply attaching them together could have devastating effects. We have to be careful, and all the pieces will need to be locked into each other simultaneously to avoid some kind of overload." Julie spelled out.
"Wait...You're saying we gotta find the pieces? Like...The protoss already started making it but never put it together...?" He questioned as he walked over to Julie and frowned, crossing his arms. "So it will either wipe out the Zerg, or it will wipe us out depending on how bad the overload is, should that even happen...Do you think we can get this weapon together? Like...the artifacts and then the actual casing of the 'weapon' so that it can fire?"
"It don't think poses a threat to humanity as a whole, but it does run the risk of annihilating the Protoss if something goes wrong. Humans do not function on psionic links like the other races, so something like this doesn't threaten us. Still, losing the Protoss could lead to the Terrans getting wiped out, since Protoss stem most Zerg appearance, not The Dominion."
"This gives the location of the pieces, and considering our previous experience with Xel'Naga artifacts, they do not break easily. Assembly is simple in theory, but their fields of attraction cause issue with making sure we link them at the same time and into the correct pattern." Julie sighed, "These claim they are on the home of the Overmind, so they must be on Char."
"Oh no..." Nathan murmured and stepped back from the markings on the wall. "Not Char...God dammit...I don't want us to risk going to Char...but I guess we have no choice. If this weapon is as good as the protoss make it out to be, we have no choice but to go...Scan the markings more. Save them all in a data file...then we'll get Tycho and get the hell out of here. Got it?" He ordered and turned to look to the Predator. "That thing also needs to be fixed up. Its in poor condition...if its going to truly be effective, we are going to need to get that thing fixed up when we can get back to the Jackson. At least there we'll have robotics to repair both your arm, this predator, and to get another power cell so you don't sacrifice your arm for this thing."
"Affirmative commander." Julie said, getting to work on documenting every inch of the glyphs.

"We got everythin' we need then?" Maurry asked when she finished, "This place is hella dull." She complained, rolling her massive shoulders.
"Would've expected anything to entertain you." Darian replied as he went about cleaning off the Ursadon blood from the predator now since they had to wait on Julie. "Anything long and thick is interesting to you." He was teasing her about Nathan and Maurry's private times away from the rest of the group.
"As much fun as starin' at a wall I ken't even read, I think I'd much ratha be drinkin' right now." Maurry affirmed.
"Got it!" Julie said, "Let's go!" She called Tycho on the comm, "You still there?"
Chandra was waiting by the door patiently.
"Always." Tycho replied as he looked up to the hole that had been created earlier in the roof. "We are going to have to break the house down. Hopefully not on us...get everything you need because it will take us some time to reach these ruins again once we're out. Whenever you're ready, give the command for me to get onto the conduit and send power throughout the lab again."
"We're ready." Julie confirmed.
"So how we gettin' out of here?" Maurry asked, making sure she heard correctly, and needing more exact instruction.
Nathan sighed. "Alright...Maurry. You go and make the outside go boom pow pow." He teased, speaking slow as if speaking to someone not used to speaking English. He teased and patted her armor before giving Tycho the order to become the conduit. Tycho stepped inside and power surged through the facility once more, causing the doors to open. "Go." Nathan ordered as he began to rush through the doorway, not wanting Tycho to be under the influence of the electricity flowing his body anymore than he needed to. Once everyone had passed through, Tycho forced himself from the conduit and fell to the ground, panting hard. "Everyone make it?"
Chandra nodded, Maurry, Julie, Nathan and Darian all out safe.
Julie began scanning the rocks for weak points. Once one seemed evident she gave Maurry's hud coordinates and she blasted at the rock with just the air of her cannon, which would provide more than enough psi to move the stones.
Once the boulders came tumbling down, fresh air began to flow into the dank tunnel. "We weren't even far underground...Maybe erosion had removed a once large mountain from this area..." Nathan theorized....though the sounds of chittering alerted his and Darian's ears as he could hear Zerg begin on their way toward them. "They must've sense all the commotion going on! Stay clear! We're going to have a firefight on our hands!" Nathan called out as he took position at the front, aiming at the top of the tunnel. Darian stayed back, aiming his only handgun out as the Predator took its place by Nathan at the front of them, growling and clinking as it was still rusted and not fully repaired. Tycho hung back, holding his gauss rifle and waited as he remained alert...Eventually the tunnel began to become swarmed by the zerg. Zerglings rushed down the hole and began toward them as Hydralisks were mixed into the crowd. "We're fucking pinned here!" Nathan called out in Alarm as he shot at the crowd.
Chandra smirked. Zerglings and Hydralisks? Not a thing from those would be getting past her fire. She held up her wrist-mounted throwers and began piling flame into the gap, roasting the zerglings alive and melting hydralisk projectiles mid air.
Maurry launched at the hydralisks out of Chandra's range with her massive projectiles, the concussive effect warping the air around and disorienting the Zerg. Julie was prepped and ready to administer healing if anything, despite the impossibility, made it through Chandra's fire.
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