StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

The zerg seemed to be never ending as they kept swarming down the hole like ants to a sugar spill. Nathan fired off and shot out grenades from his gauss rifle to try and clear them out, but it was no use. Darian began to relive moments from his time on Tarsonis; seeing friends and other allies die in front of him from being swarmed. His PTSD hit him hard as he began to fire wildly, covering his eyes as he was shrieking in fear. His heart rate would rise as flashbacks swarmed him; his handgun firing at imaginary zerglings that 'managed' to get past everyone else's attention. "Dammit Darian! Hold it together!" Nathan called out as he felt one of the bullets graze past the elbow of his armor. "Dammit! Maurry bring down the fucking roof on them! We'll find another way out!"
Maurry launched at the ceiling above the gap a couple times, closing off the entrance. Chandra turned off her flames.
"Now what, partner?" She asked, cooling her firing engines. Julie was equally interested in how they would escape.
Nathan cursed a few times, truly being angry as he panicked and tried to think of a way to get his team out of there. "Fucking...Dammit!" He yelled out as he began to punch the gravel in front of him a bit. "We need to move. If they are still after us, they'll find a way through this...There's only one other possible solution. We gotta see if there was anything more in that lab. It was large and we only stayed in one room...maybe there are other entrances or exits. We gotta do something. It was the Protoss after all...they can't have been so stupid to make such an important facility only have one entrance." He said and moved to see Darian. He cursed once more and then looked to Julie. "He's still in his mode...Julie, you're the medic. Do something. He's reliving Tarsonis." Darian was still firing an empty gun as he was up against the wall, firing in all directions slowly as he was slowly murmuring out the names of fallen friends he had lost that day during the evacuation.
Julie approached Darian, hands up in a peaceful gesture, "Shhhh, Darian, it's me, Julie, talk to me Darian." She stepped closer, "It's okay, you're safe. You're with us, it's okay."

"Julie said the Zerg ain't got any way to co-ordinate no more, remember? They shouldn't be that big of a problem. Just mow em' down when we see em'."
"A zerg is a zerg. No matter how controlled or coordinated it is. Its dangerous and we need to take it seriously." Nathan said with a frown when he heard Maurry's claim. "Take this seriously. Or else you'll end up like Darian..." He looked to his friend, who had dropped his gun to his side and held his socketless shoulder that was missing an arm. He laid against the wall and threw off his helmet, needing to breathe clearly now. His face was drenched with sweat and his eyes were wide and dilated. "PTSD...Its hell...He lost many of his friends on Tarsonis and half of his arm. They removed the other half because it would eventually die from the wounds it sustained anyway." Nathan sighed as Tycho approached Darian and hit him with the butt of his gun, knocking him out. He picked Darian up over his shoulders. "Sorry but this was slowing us down, and I know you would not like the idea of leaving him behind. Let us go, before he wakes up and panics."
"Then let's quit wasting time and get out of here. Lead the way Nathan." Maurry said and Julie nodded, as she was also eager to leave this place.
Nathan nodded, however...His frown soon came. "Problem...One of us gets left behind." He murmured as he looked to the locked door. "Someone has to stay behind and act as the conduit so the rest of us can escape..." He crossed his arms, not wanting to make this decision. "What could we do...? I want all of us to get out of here...Any suggestions?"
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