StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

(Going back to edit...Sigh my bad. I had to assume there was some reason she got onto an elite squad since medics aren't combat units. How do you want her to be known? Sorry.)
((No, it's fine! It makes sense. She would need some good rep to be on the elite squad. I just didn't say it.
More for her knowledge than skills though.
Like I said, if it needs changing, I'll tell you. Otherwise I'll just call you on it.))
(Ok. Sorry again. :[ It was more of an assumption due to Lore since Medics aren't combat based. Right now, though, I'm playing Starcraft 1 again since I found my old copy. My sis didn't come through with Heart of the Swarm so I gotta wait a bit on that. Just about done with the Terran Episode then moving onto Zerg.)

"What about mental and psychological damage?" Was all Nathan said as his hand dropped from the top of her helmet and to his gun as he proceeded on Darian was right behind Chandra, not even hearing their conversation as the group of five walked on. "Just another mile and we should arrive...I can even see the floodlights of the barricades by now through this fog. Zerg must be heavy in this area. But how could there be so much wild zerg just...roaming about? They must be drawn to something in the lab...Any ideas, Julie?"
((Not a problem))

"I can detect changes, as what is or is not considered 'damage' is subjective." Julie pointed out. One the next question she thought a moment, "Whatever is there must give off psionic energies, but at the same time, different, otherwise the Zerg would just be swarming the compound."
(I decided to watch Heart of the Swarm on Youtube, a walkthrough I mean. I don't think I'll be playing HotS anytime soon. Just gotta say. Me playing SC1 and then jumping to HotS and seeing how old Raynor's gotten...Wow. lol.)

"Maybe they're afraid?" Nathan said before looking off to see the pools and piles of dead zerg that surrounded the barricades. He looked to the Terran guards, and showed his ID. "Wolfgang squad huh? Bout time you boys-...Er...Folks showed up." He corrected himself, seeing that three of the five squad members were female. "Open the gate!" He called, and soon the gates began to slowly rise up to allow passage. "Chandra, check in with the head scientist around. Julie, take Darian to the robotics lab and help him out if he needs any help. I'll be checking with the Quartermaster to make sure we already have clearance to buy and sell any supplies we have and don't have. Maurry, find a place where you can ditch the suit. You stick out like a sore thumb out here." He teased, and then headed off into the base.
((More like how hairy. Bleh. I liked him better with the shaved head.))

"You already suggested that." Julie pointed out, "the Zerg are reduced to an animal state, if not even less, so yes, like most animals, human beings are a frightening thing, with their height and weapons."

Chandra nodded and left to locate the brain in charge of the operation. Naturally she went to the center of scientists running about and looked for the person sitting down.

Julie nodded ran a quick upload of the base's area designations and gave Darian a nod, leading him to Robotics. She opened the door to the little shack of a building, "Hello?"

Maurry shrugged. She didn't see why she should leave the armor with the Zerg so nearby, but an order is an order. She sauntered off to find a place to slip out.
(I thought it was funny. lol. There was a line in there where Kerrigan says 'Just like old times' and then Raynor says 'There's some gray in my hair now.' And then she says 'There's some zerg in mine.' lol)

A man in glasses would soon walk up to Chandra, and tapped her on the shoulder. "Ah. You must be Wolfgang Squad...I assume you're the commander? Anyway...Here's the situation. We've unearthed some ruins...ruins that have the look of ancient protoss designs on them. We don't know exactly what they were doing down here, but it has to be important if when the tomb opened, the zerg began to start gathering toward this area. We need Wolfgang to help keep them out while we work peacefully. Think you and your ragtag group could get it done or should I phone for more capable soldiers?

Darian nodded and walked inside of the robotics lab, opening the door and peering into the place. Machines were working on other machines; working on creating mining and excavation tools, more vehicles, more suits of armor, repairs being done, tune ups, weapon modifications, and, what caught Darian's attention the most, a broken down Predator. He stayed silent and walked over to the broken down piece of junk that was to be the robotic jaguar-like machine and began to pick at its parts. "Julie." Darian said out loud and turned to look at her. It was nearly impossible to tell what he was feeling behind that mask of his. "Find me a welding tool. I'm going to need it if I'm gonna repair this thing and my arm." He then proceeded to explain to her what one such tool looked like, just so she had a brief piece of imagery to go off of while looking.
((I know, I've beaten it almost twice now.))

"If you can get more back up, fire away, but I would hazard a guess that with us here, they will deny any new requests due to already being covered." Chandra answered, then left to seek Nathan.

Julie nodded and quickly procured the tool he asked for. She leaned against a wall to wait in case she was needed again, if not, to watch what Darian was going to do.

"Hey hot stuff!" Maurry said, back in her cowgirl garb, complete with her guns since she was on an away mission, "Ready for some action?"
"Ready to roast." Chandra answered as her visor rose, releasing her wreathe of smoke out as she puffed her cigarette.
(WoL or HotS? I was trying to beat Starcraft 1 and then I was gonna replay WoL lol)

Soon Nathan would be going toward the scent of smoke that obviously came from a cigarette. It was a familiar scent, and soon he would arrive, unarmored and back in his casual clothes, to see Maurry, unarmored, and Chaundra, who was still in her armor. "Didn't they tell you it was a no smoking area around here?" He teased with a grin and walked over to the two of them. "So whats up? Did Sergei tell you about what this place is? I sent you to him cause I can't stand the little bastard. He's always been annoying, thinking he was high and mighty and everyone else was unreliable. And why haven't you put your armor in a garage like me? They won't call us unless the zerg are here in a large force. We have some breathing room, Chandra. Relax some."
((Heart of the Swarm, but I've beaten WoL twice too.))

Chandra gave a salute and nodded, leaving the two of them alone to put her armor away.

"Ooooh, was that yer plan? Get you'n'me alone?" She giggled and cracked her knuckles, "You ready to squish some bugs, sir?" She asked, putting her hands behind head. Thing about space, you never get much sun. Maurry took every chance she could to enjoy it.
(Lucky. I really want to play HotS. :[ But I'm flat broke and I'm saving up for an apartment. )

He grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist gently and pulled her close to him. His eyes gazed into hers as she spoke. "That was part of my plan. I ordered you out of your suit so we could have some fun...Didn't expect ole Sergei to be so quick with the introduction and details. Was hoping he'd keep Chandra out a bit before she found us. Well...she's gone and put her suit up. Lets say you and me head to our barracks that they gave specially for us, before Chandra figures out where we are, hm?"
"Pfff, it's not like Chandra doesn't know what we're doin'!" Maurry snickered, swaying as he held her in his arms, "Let's not waste any more time, pretty boy. I think it's yer turn to use yer mouth!" She licked his chin and massaged his shoulders.
"Yes. But if Chandra's around, she might be a bit curious and want to have in on the fun. Don't know if you want that but it might make you jealous...or me." He teased sarcastically. "Besides...The others may know of what we do, but it is more fun to act as if we are going behind their backs to do this. Don't you think?" He grinned and picked her up, carrying her now as he began to walk them to the barracks that Wolfgang squad was assigned to. "And yes...I'll be certain to get you nice and ready with my mouth." He grinned, and soon laid her down in one of the beds. "Just tell me where...and leave the rest to me, baby."
"I'm more for the open and free approach myself." Maurry said smugly, putting her arms around his neck and laying her head onto his chest, "Weird that yer so against a threesome." Maurry teased, "Ya really have eyes only for me?" She asked mockingly, batting her eyes.

"Put me on tha bed and git that tongue up mah ass!" She demanded.
"I'm not against a threesome. Just..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Kind of awkward with Chandra. When recruiting people for the original Wolfgang squad, I had her on the list for quite some time but never really let her aboard cause I figured she'd be...crazy?" He shrugged. "Call me crazy or paranoid. Firebats just usually are...a bit crazy and tend to get out of control. At least in my experience when on Mar Sara when we had to evacuate an entire colony from the planet cause the zerg began to overrun it. Saw some firebats just go crazy...throwing themselves into hordes of zerglings, many getting torn down...others just laughing as they saw the flames surround them as they burned flesh. Scarred me. But that was a long time ago. Maybe Chandra ain't like that." He grinned and looked down to her. "You want me to lick you there? Dirty girl. If you want me'd best start stripping down, baby."
Maurry laughed at his description, "Yeah well, some like it hot." She began swaying her hips, rocking side to side as she pulled her top down, sliding it off herself slowly, bit by bit revealing her breasts. Her thumbs continued down and hooked her shorts, "I have a different opinion...go big or go home." She slipped it all low enough so it could just drop and she approached Nathan, pushing him to the wall and giving him a big kiss while one hand dove into his pants, feeling for his erection.
He was against the wall, not fighting against her as he kissed her back, letting her feel his erection that became completely hard in her hand now. His own hands went to her hips, pulling her close so that his cock would prod against her pussy through his clothes...and soon he reached over to unzip his pants to let his erection spring forth for her to see. "Some like it hot...true." He grinned and looked Maurry in the eyes. "If you want a threesome, convince Chandra. Or Julie. Or even Darian. But at this point, having sex feels wrong if it ain't including you baby. Now then...where were we?" He said with a lustful look in his eyes, expecting her to just throw herself into the bed and have him fuck her. At least thats what he thought would be humorous for the mood.
"Mmmm, I always love the feel of this." She commented, feeling up his deck, squeezing it, "Hmm, how about I get two of them in a threesome with me, and then let you get REALLY jealous?" She asked, nipping and licking at his neck. She slowly drifted from him and slowly got on the bed, "Let's see you work that tongue, you filthy boy!" She told him, waving her ass back an forth enticingly.
"Oh I would be very jealous because I want to be in on it to tap that ass." He said as he moved over to her, grinning as he got down low enough to be at face level with her ass. He grinned, and stuck two fingers into her pussy to give her a little bonus as he leaned forward and began to trail his tongue around her asshole, his fingers fingering her like crazy as he teased her more and more until finally his tongue began to start licking her asshole directly, letting her feel the salivated goodness he had to offer. "A threesome without me isn't a true threesome. Just remember that, baby."
"Pfff, I'm sure Darian has a bigger dick than heck! I reckon Chandra's...packin' more heat than you!" Maurry joked, her voice giving way to moans of pleasure as he rimmed her, "Mmmm, c'mon boy, work that tongue in there!" She shook her hips again, the added fingers exciting her greatly.
"You don't seem to give newbie credit for anything. She knows the human anatomy better than all of us since she'd a medic...Don't you think she'd be able to tell where any of us like it the most without even us knowing?" He said teasingly and then shut himself up by slowly inserting the tip of his tongue into her ass to tease her before pulling out with a pop, his lips sucked on her when he pulled his tongue out and he looked over to look at Maurry. "You don't like anything I do then do you, hm? Just having sex with me cause I'm the only one that offered?"
Maurry shivered and shook as he put his tongue to good use, her cheek pressed to the sheets her breathing became heavy, "Aww yeah, that's the stuff..." She groaned, trying her best to keep her hips still, "Baby I'm jus teasin' ya! Now come on, do what ya do best. Fuck mah brains out!" She demanded, pulling on the sheets, wet with anticipation.
"I know, Maurry. I know." Nathan said with a grin and stood up, dropping his pants to the floor as he reached down to grab his cock and rub the tip of it against her pussy. He spanked her ass once, just to tease her before he slowly pushed his cock inside of her, then pulled out before it was all the way inside...and then pushed it inside of her once more, but pulled out before it was completely inside. He was teasing her...a little punishment for saying the things she said just a second ago. Until, finally...he buried his cock deep into her till he was to the base. "Oh yeah...Feels amazing, babe..." He grinned...and looked down to her. "Go on...You want my cock so badly? Work for it baby..."
Maurry pouted as he eased into her, her voice interrupted by gasps of pleasure, "Aww...why lube my ass...with your're not...going to fuck it?" She pointed out the logical fallacy and she gave way to moaning again, ", you know I love that cock o' yers." She started grinding her hips, cramming her ass against his hips.
"Don't worry baby. I ain't gonna forget about that hole. Just gonna use your pussy to get me nice and lubed up myself." He promised, and leaned down to grasp her breasts in his hands, squeezing them and massaging them as he bucked his hips, thrusting his cock inside of her, the tip touching the entrance to her womb as he thrust more and more into her. "Go on...Talk dirty for me country gal..." He ordered as he continued to get her nice and wet before pulling out, and without warning, stuffed her ass like a turkey with his cock.

Meanwhile in the robotics facility, Darian sighed as he lifted off his helmet to reveal his face for the first time to anyone. He wiped the sweat from his brow and stood up, crossing his arms with a frown. "Needs a power core otherwise this thing isn't gonna move at all..." He replied and then looked to his busted arm, finally realizing that it was not working to full capacity. "I'm so used to having it I forgot to give any repairs..." He murmured and then looked to Julie. "Excuse me." He walked over and began to rummage through a toolbox next to her that was on the table and took out a small tool that began to spark as Darian used it on his arm to repair.
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