StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

The loss of a hivemind was certainly a good think, as squishing the larva would have had consequences. Granted, the larva seeing them would have had consequences. Julie cringed at the sight of it getting crushed and couldn't stop sweating, fearing a swarm would descend upon them.
"No and no, Nathan." Chandra answered, raising her visor to spit out a butt and get her new cigarette in, "Anything hot on your end?" She asked.

"Negative." Maurry answered through the comm, "Just a whole lotta gunk."
"Well there is one thing but its nothing to report about over the com." He said with a grin as he looked to Maurry and winked to her. "Okay. Keep an ear out for me or the zerg. Nathan out." With that, he turned his com off and took up arms once more. "Hey Maurry. When we get to these ruins...lets hope that they have beddings. I could seriously use some time getting laid after all thats happened today." He said and moved on, heading further into the facility. "Just what was the dominion doing here...?" He questioned as he could see human blood all over the walls of what looked like prison cells. There were bones of both humans and zerg here and there but no piles. "This place looks like it could use some renovations...Heh."

Darian continued on, looking around as he waited for somethign to happen...expecting something to happen. His group appeared to an elevator. That seemed to be the only place the hallway led to. All the other doors led to rooms of various reasons. Labs, an infirmary, a movie viewing cinema, bathrooms, beddings, and some prison cells. "Guess we go up." He said silently as he approached the elevator and hit the button to call it. When the doors opened, Darian cried out in surprise as a hydralisk fell onto him. He began to fire wildly with his pistol, but all the shots were aimed straight into the body of the hydralisk. When he crawled out from under it, he saw that it was actually dead the entire time. "What killed it...?" Upon closer inspection...he saw marks of something having cut into the carapace of the creature which seemed to have escaped and eventually bled out after getting trapped in the elevator.
With his suggestion of beddings Maurry grinned, "I'm ALL about that!" She declared. She did her best to stay upbeat, this place was awful. Even in it's prime she was sure it was an awful, frightful place full of pain and suffering. Extremely unappealing.

"Lacerations of some sort, possibly other Zerg. Strange..." Julie commented nervously. They got into the elevator and pushed the Hydralisk out. Chandra pressed the button to go up.
Nathan laughed and her enthusiasm was always welcomed in his presence. They continued on...but did not seem to find as much as Darian and the others. "So...Why did you become a marauder? Its kind of funny seeing you in such a bulky suit of armor. I'm used to seeing you out of it, among other things. But I don't recall ever asking you why you decided to join the Hammer Security Corp. Or is that classified or something?" He joked, trying to make small talk as they walked on in this dark, gloomy facility of death and gore.

"Do you think the zerg turned on each other?" He wondered as the elevator began to go upward. "It would be odd to see them turn on each other...unless..." Darian frowned. "Cannibalism for when there is a lack of food...? This happened recently...the body was still in shape." He frowned. "You don't think there are any Protoss remnants on this you? I do not recall any sightings of Protoss in Mar Saras reports. Though...I think that would be more unlikely than Zerg turning into cannibals."
((...I never said she joined Hammer Security Corp.))

"Aww, ah reckon you wish I was a Ghost, so I could prance in one o' dem skin tight suits fer ya all day!" She chided and laughed, "Well I joined up with the Hammer Bros a long time ago. It was threw them I met the Raider's. As for why I'am a Marauder in the first place?" She lifted her arm, "Girl's got needs." She shook the massive cannon on her wrist.

"The Zerg are not likely to cannibalize, with or without a hivemind. Their bodies are too streamlined for battle, they have no serious flesh or fat on them. Not enough food, not worth the energy. Protoss though, it is possible there are some...if the scans were intensive, then they must be hidden." Julie pointed out.
"I would much prefer seeing you in a skin tight outfit that showed off your assets more than that marauder outfit." He said with a laugh. When she mentioned the cannon, he grinned. "Boom." He said in enthusiasm to her needs. "I guess every girl needs explosive power...sure. But you know what you could really use, Maurry?" He patted her shoulder. "You could use some stronger stopping power. Rockets rather than concussive blasts y'know...How does that sound? Big boom. Heheh."

Darian nodded. "We need to warn Nathan then if there are possible protoss within the area. They may or may not be hostile but Nathan needs to still watch his fire if he sees a Dark Templar cloaking in the distance." With that, he radioed Nathan through his com link. "We have signs that there may be possible protoss within the your fire unless they strike first." That was all he said before cutting the chatter. He walked with them out of the elevator when it got to their stop, but what they saw would not be appealing. Many...many eggs. He cocked his guns and aimed at the eggs...ready to fire but not quite certain if the eggs were protected by hatched zerg already. "What do we do, Chandra?"
"I'm guessin' there was an innuendo in there somewhere." Maurry chuckled. She listened to the comm message, "Roger that Darian."

Chandra opened her comm now, "We're walking on coals here Nathan, lot of eggs. Should I poach em'?" She asked, carefully leading her group down the hallway. Julie was trembling, but ready to heal if need be,
"If there is a Queen nearby, then it would be upset. We should just keep moving..." Julie suggested.
"Somewhere indeed." He teased as they continued on. All would be quiet for them...Though when Chandra called asking about the eggs, he frowned and thought the situation through. He eventually contacted her. "Check for Queens first. Take out any living zerg that may pose a threat and then poach the eggs. If any of them start hatching or even moving, torch the entire room and get the hell out of there."

Darian began to walk on the eggs, crushing them by taking large stomps on the huge eggs. He was trying to draw out anything that was in hiding. There would be lots of chittering and howls, surrounding the entire room. He held his guns and looked around, seeing many broodlings begin to start circling the rooms. He aimed his guns at different directions, seeing that they were surrounded by the temporary soldiers. "Lots of original strand evolutions in here...Fry them up, Chandra!"
"You got it!" Chandra said and raised her arms and started two inferno blasts of flame. Zerg were tough buggers, but anything short of a roach's armor gets burned to a crisp within an instant. She made short work of the broodlings and eggs surrounding them in a twenty foot radius and herded Julie and Darian through to the end of the room, covering their exit with fire.
The intense heat of the flames was astounding and Julie felt her face was going to melt. She closed her visor quickly and followed, her heads up display informing her of her party member's conditions and vitals.
The building began to practically erupt in zerg as the broodlings swarmed them. Darian fired his guns at all broodlings, making sure to keep Julie save as they were going for Darian and she moreover than the fire wielding death reaper (To them). Eventually, Darian called out a warning as he pulled a grenade and tossed out a flash bang to stun the zerg so that they could get to the elevator on the other side of the room and get back down to the next floor. When the grenade flashed, Darian took Julie's hand and began to run toward the elevator and called for it to come up to their level. "Chandra! Over here, now!"
Backing up into the elevator Chandra continued to fire down the room, the choke point slaughtering any of the Zerg foolish enough to go into the flames. She stopped but kept one arm up and a keen eye out for any that would follow. Julie hurriedly pressed the button to take them up, "Heading up now, Nathan!" Julie said into the comm, her voice panicked and shaken.

"She's handlin' it well." Maurry joked as she continued moving with Nathan.
"Hydralisk!" He called out as he saw the ranged zerk begin to slither toward them. "Wait..." Upon closer inspection, he saw that the hydralisk was larger and its eyes were a blood rage red. "Hunter Killer!" He called out, seeing it spit out a deadly acid toward the elevator. Darian pushed Chandra out of the way, the acid heading for her. He held his robotic arm out as a shield and the acid landed on it, burning through his armor before the door shut and started to head upward. He leaned back against the wall and saw his armor as the acid seemed to burn through it and burn to his robotic arm, which began to static due to fried cables. "Hunter Killers as well...What are Original Strand Evolutions doing here? I thought they were wiped out by now and the second evolution strands replaced most of them." He murmured. "Mar Sara...Probably hiding many secrets about the zerg..."

Nathan laughed a bit. "Yeah. Handling it pretty well. Lets head up...Your suit is probably too heavy for an elevator this old so we'll have to take the stairs. Fatty." HE said teasingly as they approached a staircase. "After you. Ladies first, my dear."
((Hydralisks and Hunter Killers have never fired acid, despite their misleading attack animation in the first game. They launch spines. Also, Hunter Killers are still in use as Elite Escorts for The Queen of Blades.
In other news, we now know that Daggoth's Brood was prevalent on Mar Sara.
Also, you're going to have to make a decision on older style or newer Zerg strains if we're going to make such a big deal about it.))

"Oh Ha Ha." Maurry gave a deadpan laugh, then smashed the door to the stairway open with her fist, "Very funny." She snickered and walked through the doorway, her suit smashing through the sides and very top of the doorway. She began climbing the stairs, careful when going around the turns.
(Ah. The attack was misleading then. I had always assumed it was acid. I never really played as Zerg if I had the choice to choose Terran. And Hunter Killers are still Original Stand Evolutions though, and seeing it outside away from the Queen of Blades would make them an unusual occurrence wouldn't you agree? And I figured we could go with both, but moreover the older strands if thats okay with you. I rather liked them moreover than the ones brought up in Starcraft 2 and was kind of disappointed in a lot of them. I liked Banelings though cause I thought it was funny seeing them swarm a base and just wreak havoc. Sorry for all these inconsistencies... :[ )

"You trying to warn every zerg in the building we're over here?" He called up to her as she moved up the stairs. He looked around and continued walking up...but the weight of the marauder armor combined with Nathan's marine armor was too much for the stairs that was designed for unarmored scientists. The staircase collapsed and the two of them fell down to the basement level...or rather, the zerg-made basement which acted as a tunnel for the zerg to get around the base easier. He grumbled as he stood up and walked over to Maurry, grabbing her hand and helping the giant armored girl to her feet. "You alright, Maurry? Looks like we fell in a nydus canal or something..."
((If there is something that needs changing, I'll say so. I'm mostly just informing you so your decisions can be more educated.
You know you can do some research yourself with the StarCraft wiki?))

Maurry laughed as Nathan tried pulling her upright, his three time smaller Marine armor lacking the power to move something as big as her, "Adorable!" She declared and got herself up then opened the comm, "Nathan and I are taking a little detour, fell down some stairs."

"Roger that." Julie answered.
(Yeah. I'll keep that in mind from here on out whenever I'm using a specific unit then.)

"They don't even know the half of it." He murmured as he picked up his gauss rifle and proceeded down the nydus canal. "Knowing them...One end should lead outside somewhere. Should be careful though...might lead right into a nest." He murmured and looked to Maurry with a grin. "Damn girl. You're so fat you made us fall through the stairs." He teased. "Strange that there aren't any zerg around...Chandra's group got all of the fun." He continued to walk on for a bit before he noticed a light leading upward out of a skylight. More than likely the end of the Nydus Canal. "Chandra. I think we found a way's our coordinates if you need a reference point. Sending it to your HUD." He replied and sent the information to Chandra's HUD. "Hey Maurry. Over here, give me a boost!" He said as he looked up to see the nydus canal exit.
((I'm getting the feeling Chandra is second in command.))

Maurry took both hands and picked Nathan up, throwing him up and out of the exit. To get herself up she took a running jump, slamming her fists into the flesh wall to stick. She yanked one out and pointed her cannon downward. There was a decompression of the surrounding air and a sudden enormous burst, the kinetic blast propelling Maurry upward. She did a quick front flip before landing beside Nathan above ground.

Chandra acknowledged and their group got off the elevator, faced with another dark hallway Chandra took lead, wary due to the previous Zerg encounter.
(I was sort of alluding. :3 And as we speak, I asked my sister to go and bring her copy of Heart of the Swarm to let me borrow since she is coming over for Easter. Might get some ideas through playing it, since this takes place sort of between HotS and WoL.)

"Okay...Gotta admit. You're pretty acrobatic in that suit." He said sarcastically as he laid there, not hearing any chittering as they laid there. "That was a bit...painful though." He murmured as he looked to her with a small laugh. Upon getting up, he looked around. It seemed the Nydus Canal was just an exit and entrance rather than a quick means of getting between hives or lairs. He looked around and saw they were on the other side of the facility. "Chandra. We're outside. We'll be waiting for you. From our side though, there's a staircase leading to the roof. If you keep going up, you'll have a means of getting to this side. Just be careful. We'll be here when you get here."
((Cool and cool.))

"Not mah fault yeh can't handle a little tumble." Maurry teased.

Chandra gave her message received and moved toward the door at the end of the hallway, kicking it open and checking the room quickly.
(Um...Do you think you could post a little bit more...? Your characters are giving one liners...maybe you could have some stuff happen to the group too? I'm trying my best to keep the RP interesting but I keep getting inconsistencies through this. :[ )

"Clear." Darian stated as he entered the room. Apparently it was a lab of sorts...possibly some sort of morgue. "What do they call the people that check the dead bodies of dead people?" He said as he looked to a few dead Terran soldiers and frowned. Next to some bodies were also the bodies of some zerglings. "Damn...Were they doing autopsies on zerg and terran? What exactly went on in this lab...?"
"I would guess this is an old Confederacy establishment. It has since been discovered they had been conducting a great many tests on and with The Zerg." Julie recited, remembering the information she had gathered from her time at the University, "They were very interested in infestation. How to prevent it, yes, but mostly how they could use it as a political tool. Discredit someone as 'infested' so any thing they said could be considered alien influenced, plus killing them in the process."
Chandra led them through the lab and they arrived at another door. She opened it with a kick and wrists forward, only to find a lot of light. They were on a balcony a single floor up, and below them was Maurry and Nathan. Julie waved, glad to see them. Chandra kicked a ladder and the thing deployed, sliding down to meet the ground, she offered for Darian to go first.
(Thank you.)

Darian shook his head. "You two go first. I have the jetpack here. I'll just float down. But I don't like the idea of leaving you two up here alone. I'll be alright. Just go on down." He said as he turned his back to them, eyeing the rest of the roof...feeling uneasy. This was particularly too easy. Aside from the Infested Terran that almost blew them up, and the Hunter Killer that fried his arm, Darian felt like there was more to this place then meets the eye. Why would zerg infest a building rather than create their own den? He had a feeling that Wolfgang squad would return here. Once the others were down to the ground, he hopped off the building and slowed his descent with his jetpack, meeting them there.

Nathan was glad to see that they were alright now...but he had noticed Darian's arm. He decided he would not ask questions about it. It was his robotic arm so it could be repaired once they got to the lab. "Okay...We're still about a few miles away from the ruins. Lets get going before we lose light, people. Then we'll be up to our necks in danger. Chandra, take point this time."
Chandra helped Julie down and Maurry caught Chandra. Maurry gave her a happy tap on the back and Chandra nodded, her visor opening and releasing a plume of smoke. Julie was beyond glad to be outside again.
Chandra nodded and moved in front as the group progressed toward the destination designated on the GPS available in their Heads Up Display.
"How ya likin' yer first time out so far?" Maurry asked Julie. Julie lifted her visor and tried to smile,
"Fine...fine. Just a little scared is all."
Nathan laughed at patted the back of her helmet. "Grow up Newbie. Things like this happen all the time with Wolfgang squad. You're only here cause your medical skills were said to be legendary where you were at before. So...Glad to have you on the team, Nursey!" He said with a grin as they walked. He looked to Darian and then back to Julie, a small frown. "You wouldn't happen to be good at engineering as well would you? Darian's arm looks pretty bad. Looks like something happened on your way out. If you could, take a look at it. Maybe even see if he's injured anywhere else. There is only so much your visor can tell about how truly healthy a person is you know."
((When did I say she was known for legendary medical skills?))

"I'm not much of a mechanic..." She said with a shrug. She thought about the suggestion of injuries her visor couldn't pick up, "" She asked, confused as to how the extremely advanced and specifically turned diagnostics fed into her display, designed to monitor and inform her of the well being of these specific people at all times. She had readings of blood pressure, body fat, hormone change and even a clock predicting the next time they are likely to need to use the restroom at her disposal. Her eyes couldn't do a worse job if they tried.
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