StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)

He grinned. She didn't want his hands to move this time? It was a bit awkward to thrust like this...but he would make it work. His hips began to start off rough, not even easing into it. She wanted it so bad? She'd have it. His cock slipped in and out of her, pounding at her, his balls hitting her as the force of his thrusts caused them to hit her. His hands squeezed her breasts tightly, playing with her nipples as he kissed up and down the side of her neck. "How does that feel?" He whispered seductively before blowing some air into her air tenderly. His cock throbbed as it was inside of her. She could feel just how alive Nathan was.
"MmmMmMmMmMmMmmmm!" She groaned, "Sooo gooood!' She cried, her voice vibrating as he shook her with his thrusts, "HARDER, COWBOY!" She screamed, desperate for more.
(I know its a sex scene you think you might be able to post a bit more...?)

Nathan grinned. She was apparently enjoying the treatment but she wanted it harder? He'd definitely give it to her harder. Much harder. His hands continued to massage her breasts as he thrust, his cock sliding in and out of her ass, harder and harder...faster and faster. Loud plopping sounds went on. From her holding his hands, she would be hitting her head against the wall from the sheer brute force he was giving her with his thrusts. "Hope you don't get brain damage." He said teasingly as he continued to fuck her asshole raw.
The power of his thrusts indeed made her hit her head and she was forced to put her arms up against the wall, plus the added bracing held her body more firm, allowing him to go deeper, the impacts becoming more powerful. She gave a cry of pleasure with each slap of his hips smacking into her ass as his dick pushed inside of her repeatedly, "MOOORE!" Maurry cried, eyes clenched shut, her body shaking all it's own in addition to his assault. She was so close and wanted it badly, "Oh FUCK! COME ON YOU WEAKASS SHIT! GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT!" She demanded loudly.
'Holy hell...She must have had way too much to drink...!' Nathan thought in his head as he felt...a bit awkward with her yelling at him. But that didn't stop him from thrusting. He kept pounding into her, his cock practically destroying her ass and stretched it out further and further until finally...without warning...she would feel her asshole being filled up with his love juice. His hot life-giving seed filled her anus and he pulled out, shooting the warm fluid up her back. He grinned deviously...and reached down to start fingering her pussy. "Did you orgasm yet or should I work a bit harder on your actual pussy?"
The spray of cum inside her is what finally did it. Her pent up orgasm finally came. She gave a high-pitched shriek and collapsed against the wall, as he played with her she slid down, slumping on the ground, exhausted. She mumbled, "Mmmff....youpulledoutt... she pouted, her eyes closing, and without much warning, she fell asleep right then and there.
"My how beautiful of you to sleep in that position." He murmured sarcastically. He went over and grabbed some napkins to start cleaning her off of his seed. After he threw away the rags, he picked her up and laid her down in his bed gently. He grinned and laid down beside her, kissing her temple lightly before wrapping an arm around her. He felt her breasts against his body and he laughed lightly. "Good night, Country Gal." He said before slowly falling asleep.

Two days later, Wolfgang squad would be preparing for departure. They had to board a shuttle leading out to Mar Sara so they can reach the outpost that Darian was already in and settled up. Nathan sat in the shuttle, strapped in and armored up in his marine armor. He waited for the rest of his team to prepare and board the shuttle so that they can get the show on the road.
Julie was already suited up in her Medic Power Armor, shield beside her, visor up and looking nervous. She was already on the shuttle, strapped in earlier than anyone else, she kept quiet when Nathan arrived. She knew they wouldn't be doing any real fighting, considering, but still. Space travel made her nervous.

"Ey!" Maurry tapped the door to Chandra's room, "Ready ta go?"
The door opened and Chandra stepped out, fully suited in her firebat armor. Not quite as heavy as the new models put out, it was more like a marine suit geared for flame-throwing. The visor was down, but Maurry could hear Chandra clearly, "Ready to fly."
Once everyone was aboard, the PA on the flight deck began its count down to prepare for the shuttle to launch accordingly. When it began to take off, the shuttle zoomed toward Mar Sara. It was a mechanical shuttle, manned only by coordinates put into the flight controls. It would not be until four hours later when they'd arrive on Mar Sara's outpost, landing down. The shuttle began to depressurize the interior slowly so that their bodies would be accustomed to Mar Sara's atmosphere. Once everything was in order, the shuttle doors opened to the Terran base. "Okay team. Check in the with the Outpost Commander ASAP while I go and look for our MIA field scout." Nathan said as he hopped off of the shuttle and headed off in a direction, knowing where Darian just might be going. The robotics lab.
The three ladies got off the shuttle. Around them were other marines and some workers, though Maurry was the largest thing in the place in her Marauder Power Armor, "Come on guys." She said, leading the other two. Going through the base Chandra let her visor raise, a large amount of smoke billowing out of her helmet as she puffed on a cigarette. Maurry asked around to find the commander of the base and once directed entered the designated Command Center Area of the base. There was a transition of people in powered suits to scientists in lab coats and suits with ties, all either writing something or walking briskly it seemed.
The Outpost commander would see the logo of Wolfgang Squad on their power armors and approached them. He was a short man without any armor. He was no more than possibly five feet tall. It would be a wonder as to how someone of his stature became the outpost commander...but tales of his exploits against the dominion would become popular once they settled onto the base. "Welcome. Welcome...I see Wolfgang Squad is finally here. Your friend earlier was...most unusual." He said as he motioned to his left arm, the arm that Darian had lost and replaced. "I've never seen a robotic arm quite like that. Most unusual...must have either cost a fortune or he's a walking prototype. Anywho...Your commander already knows these orders but I will relay them to you since he is currently absent from the room. Your orders are to go to the coordinates marked on your HUD. They are of ruins of what we believe to be an older Protoss lab. Our scientists discovered something interesting but they need reinforcements. It seems that the opening of the tomb sent out a high pitched squeal and alerted the zerg horde nearby. They're currently holding off with what soldiers they have now, but I feel safer knowing such important ruins have an elite Special Forces Unit backing them up. You'll leave as soon as your commander returns. Understood?"
"Wait, they're under attack NOW!?" Maurry asked, "Then we don't have time to lose! We should go NOW!" Maurry insisted, "Get us a dropship!" She demanded.
"Calm down. They aren't exactly being attacked right as this moment but the horde is out there, stalking the ruins. We just need extra guns to show up and help keep things under control. And with a medic in the group, we can only last much longer." He said referring to Julie. "Dismissed." He said finally and went about his business with the others. Nathan would finally come back with another man that Julie would have yet to see before. Darian stood there, wearing his armor and his visor, staying silent as he seemed to toy with his arm. Nathan introduced him to Julie. "This is Darian...You've yet to meet him but he's a quiet fellow. If you get him to talk, you're a lucky son of a bitch." He said with a laugh. "Anyway. I assume you have had your mission explained. We aren't arriving through dropship. Scouts report spore colonies infesting the area, so we have to go through another means by APC." He turned and pointed to the large armored vehicle waiting outside. "We move out now. Get aboard and get ready. Keep guns at the ready to fire since we may face Zerg opposition along the way." With that, he turned to head out toward the APC, getting into the passenger seat. Darian stood there, looking at them. He bowed silently in greeting his old friends and new comrade. Afterwards, he walked out toward the back of the APC, hopped in, and waited for them to get on board.
Julie sat in the center and Muarry took up one of the elevated seats, allowing her torso to be above the roof of the APC, she kept an eye out for any oncoming Zerg. Chandra sat on the back, watching the base disappear in the distance, her cigarette giving their car a little smoke trail as they went down the shoddy trail to the ruins.
As they all drove along, Nathan turned to look at them. They were all tense. He could tell...or rather at least Julie and Darian were tense. Even though you could not see Darian's face, Nathan could tell since Darian was not toying with his arm or his handguns. He turned on some tunes. Rock music played in the car. It was not loud but it filled the APC as they drove along. Nathan looked to the driver and asked how much longer they'd be walking. The driver shrugged, looking to the mirror of the vehicle to see how the passengers were. "About another ten or fifteen miles maybe. We gotta keep a slow pace if we don't want-" He was cut short as he suddenly ran over something. It looked like a zergling. Purple blood splatter covered the windshield of the APC entirely and the driver began to spin out of control. "Hold on!" Nathan called out as the driver tried to maintain control, but was unable to see where he was going.

He put the windshield wipers on to try and squirt and rub away the purple blood, which worked somewhat just in time to see them crash into a baneling, causing it to explode and cover the car in acid. Eventually the car began to spin out of control and eventually began to start tumbling and spinning before crashing into the side of a cliff. Nathan held his head. All he heard was a ringing and his vision was hasty. He looked over and gasped in surprise before regaining composure. He looked to the driver and saw that half of his face was off, burned off with acid to the bone in a horrifying death as the acid burned through the windshield and landed on the man's face. "Everyone alright?" He called out to the rest of his team as he kicked the door off of its hinges due to it jamming in the crash.
"OUT!" Maurry shouted, grabbing Julie by the back of her suit and yanking her up through the roof, jumping off the vehicle before it crashed. She smashed into the ground with Julie, her armor keeping her legs from shattering due to the impact. Julie was visibly shaken, standing and trying to steady herself with her shield, "Where's Chandra?" Maurry asked, surveying the wreckage.
With a wobbly finger Julie pointed back down the trailer a bit, a red figure was walking toward them. Maurry nodded,
"Okay, good. We're good, what 'bout you two?" Maurry asked.
Darian had appeared to them suddenly, falling from the sky with his jetpack slowly descending him downward near the two girls. He had jumped out of the APC before the crash and used his jetback to keep himself from injuring his suit or body from the jump. He held up a thumb to show he was alright. It seemed Nathan was the only one still in the APC. He kicked open the door and pulled out his gauss rifle, not liking the sound of what was surrounding them. A thick fog began to roll into the area. They must have been driving through a zerg hive colony. The only way there could have been fog on Mar Sara would be if the moisture of the zerg infestation began to evaporate. He soon regrouped with the others, his helmet cracked but otherwise he was alright. "Driver's dead and the APC is totaled." He checked his HUD to see where exactly they needed to go and in what direction. "We still have about ten miles to walk north from here...We're in Zerg territory. It may be a small little nest but that doesn't mean we should let out guard down. If we come across any Dens, Lairs, and Hives...burn it to hell, Chaundra." He said with a grin. "Now lets move out...Keep an eye out. Julie, you're in the middle. Darian and Maurry, take the back. Chandra...take the front and burn anything that comes close. I'll be right behind you. Move out."
Chandra nodded her affirmative and her visor dropped down. Once she regrouped they began trekking, Julie watching her step carefully in the middle, not wanting to trip anyone up. Chandra marched at a steady pace forward.
"How you holdin' up, tough guy?" Maurry asked Darian, giving him a little nudge, which, is sort of impossible from inside the large Marauder suit.
Feeling the large marauder nudge him caused him to yelp out as he fellow over due to the force of the marauder's armor. He stood up and wiped himself off, looked to her and threw up another thumbs up to her. He never really spoke much and no one ever saw Darian's true face. Nathan often always joked with the others that Darian was actually just some robot made by the guys in the science lab, but everyone knew that was just a joke and not the truth at all. Darian was a mystery, no one knowing what he was like ever since that incident on Tarsonis. There were sounds of zerg all around, scuttle of feet, the sliding of tails, chitterring...but none approached. Nathan felt uneasy. His hand was on his gun, ready to fire at anything that would come at them. "I don't like this. They're just letting us by...We're in the middle of the nest but they refuse to attack...Why is that I wonder?" He questioned as he saw a zergling run away from them after being spotted through the fog. "Are they afraid?"
"Probably!" Julie blurted nervously, the sight of all these Zerg making her scared out of her wits, "Uhh, I uh, mean...umm...just, this happened....before. When The Overmind was d-d-destroyed, the, uh, Zerg...a lot of them, um...stopped, doing...things. Acting more like ah-ah-ah-animals than uh...ants." She had studied the Zerg for a long time, but never dreamed of being near one. The stories she had read made them much too terrifying for that.
"It's weird, seeing Zerg from the behind." Maurry observed, "They usually attacking. Ain't nobody ever seen a Zerg run away, not really. Things got little tails!" She pointed out, something she never had the chance to notice before.
"That was just a zergling...You think these might be more intelligent than others...? Maybe this nest is small...We could be able to take it out easily. Maybe they aren't attacking because they know they'll die. Without an overmind or a leader to lead them, there would be no point in 'dying for their country' so to say." Nathan said as he kept on walking. Darian held his pistols tightly. It was obvious he just wanted to slaughter them all, but he stayed where he was, not wanting to split from the group and let them die without his assistance there in case the zerg actually attacked. Then...all sound seemed to stop. "Infestion..." Came a voice from the distance. Nathan aimed his gun and saw a humanoid...but not a humanoid. His eyes widened and he yelled out. "Suicide Bomber!" He called out as he shot toward the infested terran, the marine beginning to rush toward Nathan's group. Nathan shot at the ex-human and hoped he would die before it would explode. The creature took bullets like an ultralisk before it practically blew up only a few meters away, a somewhat safe distance from the group. "Gah...There must be infested terran buildings somewhere..." He began to check the GPS on his map and saw a note. "Ex Dominion base..." He noted. "The zerg must have moved in and infested the area. Watch out. There may be more of the suicide bombers in wait..."
Julie shook her head, "Not really, in fact some of the larger Zerg are the ones with the fewest synapses, lowest capability to learn and small intelligence. You would be hard pressed to find ANY Zerg more intelligent than a dog. They're minds were specifically formed to take orders and control their own bodies. Anything left is usually...basic self preservation instinct..." She held her shield up as the infested Terran moved toward them. A very old strain, whatever base was taken was likely from the original invasion of Tarsonis and then forgotten.
"Bah, you let me know when they're comin', and we'll just see how fast they get to us after I blow em' away with a Concussive Shell!" Maurry bragged, her wrist mounted cannons ready.
"Suicide Bombers. At least it wasn't a baneling...Those things run much faster and the acid kills you much slower...At least the suicide bombers explode and you die from the blast." He murmured as he walked over to the area where the creature had blown up. "Tread carefully. We don't want to get caught in another one of these traps." He ordered as he took point this time, standing just ahead of Chaundra as they continued walking until they came upon a complex with zerg infestation running all around it. It was the only thing in their way...they would have to get through the complex if they wanted to get ot the other side of the valley. "Alright...everyone stick close. Maurry, try not to blow us up in there okay?" He said as he waited at the door and checked the room out before ordering them to get in. He waited at the door and covered them, watching behind them as everyone went inside the facility. Nathan closed the door to prevent any of the zerg from entering the facility behind them. "Lights on and keep an eye out. Who knows whats in here." He looked to Maurry and patted the giant armor that she wore. "We'll split up since Maurry is dangerous in a close scenario. She and I will go one way and you three go the other way. Keep your com links on and if you find a way out, plot the coordinates on our HUDs. Go." Darian didn't hesitate. He went right as soon as they entered a two way hallway, walking a bit ahead of Chandra and Julie, taking point...not afraid to die. Nathan turned to Maurry and grinned. "Try not to bring the place down, Country Gal."
Maurry chuckled as she began marching down the hall, "It's go time!" She declared, stomping ahead with Nathan behind her. The hall was blasted by the spread ambient light generators on the front of the marine and marauder's armor.

Julie timidly followed Darian and Chandra made her way to him quickly, passing Julie, "Flames up front, hot shot." She reminded him. The medic had similar ambient light source, where as Chandra supplied firelight, and the Reapers of course had night vision.
Darian stayed silent but heeded to what she ordered. He motioned for her to go on and take the lead while he was in the back protecting Julie from any rear assaults. He began to spin his guns around as he kept his night vision on. The guns calmed him down when he spun them...and it made him ready for anything. Everything was quiet but infestation was everywhere. On the walls, floors, and even creeping through broken windows. Darian remained quiet until he heard something scuttle in the air conditioning tubes above them. He pointed his guns immediately there and listened for whatever it was...only to have a larva fall down and land on his mask. He cried out, surprised from the larva and squished it in his arms. They could hear him panting hard in his suit as he wiped the slime and blood off of his visor. Looking to them...he rubbed the back of his head, feeling embarrassed about the whole event but at least they knew that there were zerg in the facility. "Lead." He said simply as he regained his posture and walked up to the two of them.

Nathan followed behind Maurry, looking around and listening for anything. He did not hear Darian's cry of fear; they had just walked that far and the infestation acted as a sort of sound insulation to prevent echos. "Nathan to Chandra. Any sign of exit or hostiles?"
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