Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

Remus rolled his eyes a little, flushing hard as Sev followed him into the bathroom before smirking. "did you want to take a shower with me?" he asked, examining Severus's body with a lick of his lips. "i'd love to wash every inch of your.... form." somehow, that sounded very dirty.

James beamed at her and nodded. "Transfiguration is one of the few things that i love!" he admitted with a small chuckle. "i can do all kinds o things with it, stuff that the Professor said i could use to get a Mastery... but, i don't really think i can go into a personalized business using Transfiguration, you know? it's useful, but it won't make a living like Potions or Charms will."

Tom groaned a little as she woke him and he sighed. "i'm up... i am... i'm up." he muttered, slowly sitting up and looking around, looking confused before offering her a smile. "good morning." he muttered, kissing her deeply before getting to his feet as if nothing at all had happened, stretching happily as Abraxas came in, grinning at the now awake Tom. "so. what do you remember?" "bending supposedly uncontrollable creatures to my will and then passing out. what idiotic thing did i do this time?" "oh, just asked if you could keep them as pets." Tom grimaced and shook his head. "well... it's better than swinging naked from the rafters i suppose." "i don't recall you doing that..." "of course not, you where as drunk as i was... more so..."
Severus smirked a little, "I did."He grinned looking amused even as he rolled his eyes he looked amused as he glanced at the other."You have a very perverted mind, mr. lupin. You're making everything sound dirty."He snickered.

Lily smiled a little looking at her before studying her."Why not?IF you want to design houses or stuff for someone, you can transfigure whatever's already there so they can see what it would be like before you order it, and make it look like they wanted."She pointed out tilting her head a little.

Morgan smiled looking amused, kissing him back looking amused that he didn't remember anything."....naked huh?To bad. i would have enjoyed that."she smirked pressing against him before stretching out on her side next to him, biting her lip."We need to see your father tom. We think...we think the dark lord thing, you do is from a dark elf. Which means its one of your parents, and your father is the most logical choice..."She said babbling a little because she was so nervous.
Remus laughed and started to strip as he shook his head. "it's the Wolf. Moony is ALWAYS horny." he admitted with a laugh. "it's worse now that i found my Mate. every single instinct in me is demanding i bend you over, take you, and make you say that you belong to me and only me again and again and again." he grinned. "it's gettign harder and harder to resist."

he shook his head. "Lily... think about that for a moment." he ordered, looking amused. "you CAN'T transfigure something into a proper house. a dollhouse, sure, maybe if your... weird and that capable. there's a reason there are construction Goblins." he admitted. "i can transfigure the rocks into wood sheets, i can even transfigure the furniture, but it would kill a person trying to transfigure something that big, that much, all at once." he admitted with a grin. "and transfiguring things like that.. i'd be lucky to get a knut in an hour. i'm better off as an Auror." he admitted with a shake of his head.

he chuckled and nodded. "butt assed." he admitted. "i remember the more mortification moments of my graduating night." he admitted. "i don't remember any of it." "that's probobly a good thing Brax." Tom admitted simply before freezing as he stared at Morgan. "...you think i'm a Dark Elf?" he asked, looking stunned before biting his lip and nodding. "yes... i know where my father is." he admitted, fidgeting. "Riddle Manor in Langlon..." he admitted licking his lips. "do we... er, go now?"
Severus laughed as he turned on the shower stepping inside he looked amused, "Well, that makes sense. Though I think there's probably spells to keep from actually having sex in the dorms.it is a school after all, and dumbledore's a prude, he wouldn't want anyone having sex."he pointed out stealing a kiss.

"Oh. Well..."She smirked a little glancing at the other, raising a eyebrow."Then you better study potions. I hear that its important for those looking to be a auror."She teased looking amued at him before sighing as she turned hte kitten back into her notebook running her fingers through her hair."This is just useless....its like we really don't have class anymore, without riddle or snow here."She muttered.

morgan giggled a little as she nuzzled tom before swallowing hard."I do. There's...not really another explanation for the dark magic you did last night."She said gently stroking his hair looking worried about him before nodding as she sat up."if you feel well enough to. I think we should go now, before there's a chance dumbledore gets us back to school or he does something else that requires our attention."
Remus smirked a little. "he does... or would if we hadn't found out about them last year and taken them down so that we could get Peter laid." Remus admitted with a small snicker before grimacing. "peter hexed us all good for that one. it's amazing though, how many girls thing Peter is 'adorable'. so, while most people can't have sex, the Gryffindor house is 'sex curse' free."

he grimaced a little and nodded. "it is important. it's so that we can know when someone is trying to poison us or something." he admitted, shaking his head. "i can identify over twenty three Poisons in various foods." he admitted, puffing up proudly before sighing. "...well..." he hesitated, glancing at the woman. "i don't know if they'll be back, after what Dumbledore allowed happen in these Halls..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "...i'm... honestly starting to doubt him Lily." he admitted, biting his lip hard. "Dumbledore lets... so many very bad things happen..." he admitted, clenching his fists. "did you know that Remus was getting his ass kicked since he entered the halls of Hogwarts? and that Dumbledore never did anything, no matter who complained? and he's not the only one. no one stopped me and Siri either. we should have been stopped a long time ago... but no one did anything... i almost helped kill a man, and i got nothing more than a light scolding ad a smack on the wrist that didn't even sting..."

Tom hesitated and nodded a little. "i... guess i can handle being half Dark Creature... they ARE Dark Creatures after all..." he decided with a nod. "so long as i don't turn into some damn unicorn or something." he grumbled, shaking his head a little as he took tthe woman's hand and stood up. "i'll Apparate us... we'll.. er, ring the doorbell i suppose." he muttered with a small sigh as he closed his eyes and vanished, reappearing at the Riddle House. "up there is my Father and Grandparents." he turned and pointed. "over there is the Gaunt house. my uncle and grandfather on my mothers side live over there... i tried talking to them but their batshit insane." he admitted before looking up at the house, swallowing thickly before he headed for the house and rang the doorbell, a human Maid answering the door. "my name is Tom Marvolo Riddle." Tom explained softly. "i... i beleive that my Father lives here." they where invited inside and led to a sitting room where they would wait for the 'young master'.
Severus looked amused raising a eyebrow."It disturbs me somewhat, that peter's been getting laid. Though it does me well now."He said looking amused as he leaned over to kiss the other slowly, running his fingers through his hair. Nuzzling his face against the other's neck, sighing softly."We should take advantage of this fact."he said snorting a little.

"Wow. You are pretty amazing about that."Lily said looking a little wide eyed before sighing softly, nodding at his words."They'll be back.I agree with Jamie, they're... good. The wont leave the school unprotected and totally in dumbledore's control. They'll be back if and when snow can handle it."She sighed before nodding slightly. "I know. I tried to stop the beatings when I could,espcially when it was lucius, but..."She shrugged knowing he'd know that lucius stopped at nothing,even beating up a girl."Well. At least you understand what's wrong now..."She sighed softly."Espcially if he allowed what happened with snow pass...what else could be going on without him stopping it?"

"Hmm you'd make a pretty unicorn."She muttered teasing glancing towards his mother's house, wincing a little at the thought of the family. "They're dead by the time I had been old enough to meet them...but even in my original time, the guants were known for their....insanity. Though not many made the connection between them and you."She said before looking around the manor as they were led inside, holding his hand tightly, worried about him. "You said your name was tom?"The elder tom riddle stepped into the room, looking as much like his son, a little older, a little more ragged around the edges, but...it could have been a picture of his son.
Remus smirked as he examined the other intently, his fingers tangling in Severus's hair, a low growl spilling from his chest as he carefully pushed Severus against a wall, pinning him there as he devoured his mouth with a deep kiss, pressing against his lover eagerly. "i want to fuck you so bad." he murmured with a smirk. "shall i bend you over the sink and make you watch when i take you?" testing the waters as it where. of course, if Sev protested, he'd stop. "i wanna make you beg." Remus purred, delighted.

James grinned a little and nodded. "i'm not going to admit how many times i ended up in the hospital wing though." he admitted with a small chuckle before looking at her, shocked. "you tried to stop them!? you KNEW!? why didn't you tell us!?" Remus had made her promise of course. he didn't want to be seen as weaker than he already was. "i don't want to even imagine what he's doing. he's got all those positions of power in the Wizengamot, the ICW, the School... he could be destroying our entire civilization and we'd never even know it..."

Tom just offered her a glare for that comment and huffed a little before settling into the sitting room, clutching her hand, worried, anxious and nervous before driving himself to his feet. "y..yes! i'm... i was named after my Father." he explained. "i am Tom Marvolo Riddle i..." he fidgeted and swallowed thickly as he examined his father. "i found out about you several years ago through personal investigators but i was... always a little too afraid to meet you..." he admitted. "but i... recently some... discrepancies in my lineage have come to light and since my...er, mother's side of the family is...er..." he wound a finger around his head in the universal sign for 'off their rocker'. "i was hoping you might have the answers i seek instead..."
Severus moaned shivering as he was pinned against the wall before laughing as he pulled away from the kiss. smirking."Are you so sure you'd be the one topping?And able to make me beg?"He smirked at the other man before sinking to his knees, sliding his mouth down over the other's cock, closing his eyes as he worked him.

Lily sighed softly before nodding."I knew. But Remus made me promise not to tell and there were no teachers who'd do anything...at least until snow and riddle showed up and you saw how that happened..."she shrugged before nodding."I think he is. I think there's alot we're not hearing about."She sighed worriedly.

Tom llooked startled a little at the words, tilting his head a little but he couldnt deny what his own eyes were telling him. There was no doubt that this young man was his. smiling slightly at the thought of the gaunt woman he nodded."She is most definately... off."He muttered before glancing at the woman with his son, looking startled. "A darkling sidhe."He muttered looking amused at her startled look."You know what I am?"She said eyes widening slightly. "I do.I am only part dark elf, but even among those who don't follow the same ways as the sidhe, the darklings are still respected."He said before glancing at his son, looking amused."I assume thats why you are here?To see the...what was it called...the 'muggle' your mother tricked into seducing her?"
Remus smirked viciously at Severus. "do you think you have the brawn to top an Alpha Wolf?" he asked, honestly curious to know if Severus would try. instead the other slid down to his knees, and Remus growled in delight, arching into the ministrations as he tangled his hand in the others hair, holding him in place for a moment before using his hand to gently press Severus on and off in a slow tempo, simply loving the feel of the other on his cock. "mmm fuck... yesssss such a talented mouth!" he moaned, shuddering eagerly.

James grimaced a little and nodded. "well, Lucius is out of here now. so remus is safe at least." he mused, biting his lip a little as he closed his eyes and laid his head on the desk, sighing a little. "Remus was hurting so much and i never noticed... what kind of freind am i?"

Tom smiled a little as he grimaced before freezing. "...what do you mean... is?... my mother is dead. everyone knows that." he complained, looking confused before realizing. "oh... er, sorry you probobly didn't know that... sorry." he glanced at his lover and then turned his attention back to his 'father' before his eyes darkened with rage. "she tricked you!?" he demanded before taking a deep breath. "...clearly... there are a great many lies swirling around the story of my... conception. and i don't think your the one whose lying." Tom admitted, sitting down before his knees gave out. "i was always told that you seduced her, and then got bored and fled when she proved to be pregnant." he admitted, his hands trembling. "but if your half Dark Elf... then that's not possible. i know better just from my own experiences... you wouldn't have been able to seduce anyone, not willingly, unless it was your own Life Mate, right?" he asked, blinking at Tom Sr. "it was one of the reasons why i was so afraid to come here. i was certain you... i don't know. i have an active imagination and a bad childhood..." he admitted with a rather impish grin before dropping his head into his hands. "i can't beleive it was all my MOTHER... i hated my father for so long..." he grumbled, sighing a little. "i really should have known better... what Muggle could rape a witch unless she allowed it?...er, no offense..."
Severus smirked around the other's cock, looking amused as he glanced up at the other, amusement in his dark eyes before he leaned back, wiping his mouth before standing, tugging the other into a kiss. "Hmm maybe I wont top you, I think I deserve to be spoiled after that."He snickered kissing the man again.

Lily nodded a little looking down at him before sighing softly. Hesitating before she gently stroked his hair."You're the kind of friend who believes his friend when he's told something.He went out of his way to not let anyone know, james. its not your fault."She muttered stroking his hair.

"Oh.Well.No I didn't know. Despite living just up the road, I try to avoid seeing the gaunts...they are....odd."e said trying to be kind about how he was talking about his son's mother. While he didn't like her, he wouldn't hurt his son by ranting. Nodding slightly at the other's words he smiled a little."No. I was out riding one day and when I stopped for a drink by the creek Merope was there and she offered me a love potion laced drink."He sighed softly looking away from the two. "Elves have a weakness for love potions, like Sidhe do."Morgan muttered shifting slipping a hand into tom's looking worried for her mate. "What kind of childhood?I was told you were being well cared for. The only reason I didn't try to bring you here. I was told you were more wizard then elf, I thought being here would be a bad place for you."Tom sr. said his voice starting to thread with anger.
Remus growled again as he felt the lips leave his cock and his bright Amber wolf eyes looked down at Severus, licking his lips eagerly as he kissed Snape in delight, banishing any clothes that where still there before pushing Snape very gently to the floor, his mouth traveling Snape's body, licking, nipping, sucking and biting, leaving trails of marks, as if claiming possession that way. the long tongue lapped at the cock twice before burying into Sev's ass, digging deep and tasting, firm hands on Snape's hips so the Slytherin couldn't get away, or buck.

James shook his head a little. "i should have noticed." he complained with a small sigh before he sat up. "but it's done now..." he bit his lip. "maybe i can teach Remus some self defense? i'm not as good at DADA as Sirius is, but i know some muggle techniques. mum made me learn in case i ever lost my wand..." he admitted, frowning a little. "do you think he'd let me teach him?"


Tom shook his head. "you can say it. their bat shit insane." he teased his father before he tensed, his hands tightening into furious balls, nails cutting into his skin as he struggled to contain himself. it didn't work, the the windows shattered, making Tom wince. "fuck... sorry..." he hissed, yanking out his wand to fix the damage. "i was raised in an orphanage... a MUGGLE orphanage... i was BEATEN daily i had to hand a dead, skinned cat from the rafters just to make them leave me alone!" he was pacing up and down. "they called in a priest!... he..." Tom shuddered, his eyes going blank under the force of the memories. "and that's not even getting into what happened at school..." he flopped back into the couch and held his face in his hands, trembling violently. "i still have scars... i hide them, with a glamor..." how the hell had Morgan missed that!?

"apparently i'm a little more Elf than i thought." Tom admitted his eyes black again as he struggled to control himself from having another 'dark lord moment'... he really didn't want to accidentally kill his father. "Dumbledore told you that i wouldn't be good here didn't he!? i fucking knew it. that bastard is trying to make me into a replacement Grindelwald. he tried to turn me into a Dark Lord! tried to drive me insane... tried to make me a murderer...." he hissed in Parseltongue, his entire body trembling as he turned, robes snapping out as he turned to the door, his intent obvious. if Morgan didn't stop him, he WOULD be a murderer.
Severus moaned as he buried his hands in the other's hair, gasping as he was pushed into, eyes widening at the other olding him still."Remmmyy!"he whined trying so hard to move, to buck up against him but stuck under the werewolf. "Please."He whined eyes wide as he looked up at him.

"That would be good for him.Though you might have to include jamie and sirius into the learning, just so he doesn't think you're just doing it because of him.Even if he suspects it, he will probably feel less singled out with the others there."Lily said smiling softly.

"Well then that's definately true.They are insane."Tom said before looking startled tossing out a hand to stop the glass from getting to them as the glass shattered. Looking enraged at his story he tried hard to stay calm since his son was so obviously not. "Tom?Why...how did I miss that?"Morgan muttered her eyes wide as she stared at her lover, so scared for him. "H-he did.He said the people you were staying with were taking care of you."Tom sr. muttered looking to shocked to go after him

"Tom!Stop!Please!"Morgan yelled as she rn after him,pouncing on him, and using every bit of that sidhe strength to hold him still,holding onto him tightly,forcing him t stop."Don't do this. Don't bring about a worse future then the one I left. Please.Tom if you go after him angry,I'm afraid of what will happen..."She whispered clinging to him tighter, so hard she was sure to hurt him.
Remus snickered at the whining moan, releasing one slender hip and suckling on his own fingers, loudly, so that even if Sev wasn't watching, he'd know what was going on. and then, without warning, one long, slender finger slipped in deep, pressing on that precious bundle of nerves deep inside of his lover, the hand on Sev's stomach once again preventing any real movements. "please? please what Sev?" he asked curiously. "please stop? please more? you'll have to be more specific or i might get confused and... stop." he teased, eyes narrowed with delight at the state of his lover.

James nodded. "Peter too, Peter's quick and flexible, he'd be good at it. you should come too! never know when someone might try to do... wrong things to you." he pointed out, remembering when Crabbe had tried to pin her to a wall for a good groping. Snape had saved her before he could, but it was the one time James hadn't cared. "your smaller than most people, but that can be a very big advantage. you'll be faster than them, and you'll be able to use a lot of their force against them." he nodded. "you might invite that girl freind of yours too, i forgot her name sorry... she's so quiet..." Alice Froahn, who was dating Frank Longbottom.

Tom snarled as he was pounced upon, knocking the man to the ground as he snarled, struggling against her. "let me GO! i'll kill that old bastard!! i'll KILL HIM!!!" he jerked, shocked as a loud POP filled the air, Abraxas there in an instant. how he knew to go there, only Tom and Abraxas knew, though the black tattoo on the inside of Abraxas's wrist might have had something to do with that. the blond dropped to his knees and grabbed Tom's face, forcing their eyes to meet. "look at me, Tom... LOOK AT ME!" Abraxas's tone left no argument and Tom's black eyes snapped up to meet Abraxas's. "good, now breath.. in... and out... in and out... there's nothing here. it's just you, and me. there's no sounds... there's no danger... there's no anger or rage... only soft, soothing sounds of my voice..." Tom was slowly starting to relax, the trembles of rage easing off as Abraxas forced Tom's emotions down. "there's nothing here... nothing to be angry about. it's safe, and quiet and calm..." Tom shuddered once, closed his eyes and went limp and Abraxas sighed in relief. "it's alright now Morgan. you can let him go..." Abraxas promised, gently stroking Tom's hair. "what happened? he hasn't done this in a while... the last time was when that stupid girl Myrtle laughed at him when his pet died..." well, Myrtle certainly left THAT part of her story out.
Severus gasped as his prostate was pressed against, a soft scream escaping as he pressed against him. Whimpering at the idea of him stopping he gave remus a lust filled glare"stop being a ass."he hissed."please more."he growled.

Lily nodded"yea peter'd be good at it to."she said paling slightly at the idea of what the large slytherin had tried to do before nodding."alice. Maybe we'll ask frank to. He's going to be a auror to. He'd do well fighting against the aurors that are going to join with him."she said thoughfully looking up as class ended."we should go get lunch."

Morgan looked startled to suddenly finding abraxus there, looking worried but calming as tom did, turning her head a little and resting it on tom's shoulder as she loosened her hold but still holding her lover tightly against her, wanting to comfort him."his father didnt know what his childhood...dumbledore's been telling the senior riddle that tom was well taken care of."she muttered. "bring him up here. He should lay down and rest."tom said as he walked down the stairs looking worried about his son
Remus smirked at the other, licking his lips as he slipped in a second finger. "should you be calling me names when i have my fingers up your arse my love?" he asked playfully, his eyes narrowed. "i might decide to leave you hard and horny for HOURS if you do that." he snickered as a third finger slipped in, carefully teasing and stretching as he humped his own cock against Sev's leg. clearly bluffing, it was obvious that Remus was as eager and horny as Snape was. "on your knees." Remus growled. "i wanna take you 'the natural way'. doggy style, Remus's Wolf would demand such a submissive pose from his lover.

James nodded. "Alice and Frank too then." he agreed licking his lips at the thought of food as he stood up and stretched, offering her his hand so he could help her to stand up. "i don't think we're going to be joined for lunch." he warned her. "Jamie and Sirius are bed hounds.... and i don't think Remus can control his mating instincts anymore so... yeah i doubt he or Snape will be joining us." James admitted, blushing brightly. "and Peter... actually Peter might join us." he decided with a nod. "unless he's with that Thompson girl. he likes her." he admitted with a grin. glad that Peter had someone to hang with when the others where all busy.

Abraxas smiled at her a little. "it was a mix of Legilemency and muggle hypnotism before you ask. and i knew to come thanks to this." he explained, tapping the black skull and snake Tattoo. "it lets me know when Tom's getting out of control... in a murderous way. he and i worked on it for months." Abraxas admitted. "i didn't like how often Tom would lose control of himself... it happens more often than either of us would like but... not unexpected considering his past abuse." he admitted as he picked up Tom, glancing at Tom Sr. "you must be Master Riddle. it's a pleasure to meet you." he admitted with a nod. "i'm Tom Jr.'s best freind." he smirked. "i've always wanted to call him that without him trying to strangle me." he admitted as he followed Tom Sr. to a bedroom. "Tom will be alright when he wakes up. but if you don't mind. would you care if i brought an Auror here to take your statement Sir? we're trying to make Albus Dumbledore accountable for trying to turn Tom into a murderer... you know, this is going to get confusing with two Toms..."
Severus growled looking up at his lover, moaning quietly as he squirmed."Hmm no, you wouldn't be that mean."he whined groaning as the other rubbed against him, smirking as he moved to his knees."Such a wolf."he teased sighing softly as he went to his hands and knees, glancing over hsi shoulder at the other in amusement and lust."Well?Like what you see?"He purred.

Lily laughed looking amused as they headed downstairs,"well it'd be oaky with just us. We're managing to not argue."she said snickering in amusement as she nudged james, smirking at the sight of peter and Alicia thompson."Aww they're so cute together."She muttered looing amused at the sight of the two quiet bookworms quietly discussing everything.

Morgan frowned a little loking amused, tilting her head slightly before paling a little at the sight of the tattoo."Wow.It's interesting."She muttered having not realized the tattoo worked both ways, and not just a summons from volemort. Surely it wouldn't become what it had once meant. Tom sr. smiled a little nodding."Hello. it is good to know he has a friend like you."he said before nodding."I'll speak to them. If you bring the auror here, we'll leave mistress morgan to watch over tom."He said before smiling."Call me Evan. It's my middle name. And Morgan?yell if you need anything."He said looking at the two but smiling as the mated pair snuggled down into the bed and headed downstairs with abraxus.
Remus snickered a little. "you mean i wouldn't have the patience." he teased, smirking at the other, his deep growls of delight filling the air as Severus settled into 'position'. he was on top of Sev in an instant, pinning and trapping him in place as he panted and growled, licking his lips as he rubbed his thick, hard cock along the others ass, shuddering as he pressed in deep with whimpers and whines of delight as he struggled to control himself. "fuck. Sev. fuck, so tight, warm." he groaned, his cock twitching deep inside once he seated himself in to the balls, pausing to give Severus a chance to adjust to the sensation of being filled.

James nodded. "i know! i haven't said one stupid thing yet!" he admitted, looking oh so proud of himself. "usually i piss you off within the first few words!" he admitted with a laugh. "it's nice to not be so tang toungled around you." he paused and then. "i mean tongue tangled." he went bright red and cursed and shook his head. "well, it's still better than the idiocy i usually manage to spew!" he grinned at Peter, tossed him a wink and a thumbs up when the other looked up and with a silent few had motions, warned Peter to not go upstairs because their freinds where 'being naughty'. they'd been using a makeshift 'sign language' since first year, so Peter would know exactly what James was saying.

Abraxas beamed. "it was my design!" Abraxas admitted happily. "i was young and stupid of course, i thought it looked 'cool'. it doesn't look as cool anymore, but Tom can't figure out how to change the design without removing it completely... which would hurt like a bitch." he admitted with a nod. "alright, Evan. good, i was contemplating calling one of you Tommy, and i can't be certain you BOTH wouldn't strangle me for that!" Abraxas admitted with a laugh. "i'll go and get the Auror, Morgan? when he wakes up the first thing your going to want to do, is assure him he never got the chance to hurt anyone." Abraxas ordered calmly before vanishing with a Crack, returning a few minutes later at the front door with the Head Auror in tow, the man looking utterly angry at the thought of poor little Tom riddle being denied a happy healthy home because of Albus Dumbledore.
"That to."Severus snickered laughing as he moaned, shivering as the other rubbed gainst him, letting out a quiet whimper as the other rubbed against him before gasping as he was thrust into. Whining in his throat at the slight pain he swallowed hard, shifting a little."I-I'm okay..you can move.."He muttered sighing softly.

Lily laughed flushing a little as he grew tongue tied looking amused before nodding. "It is nice to hear good things instead of the idiocy."she teased shaking her head as she settled down at the table to start to eat. Peter nodded a little as he read the sign language, rolling his eyes. His friends just had to get into the naughty things all the time.

"Ahh...well that makes sense."She said frowning slightly before smirking."I'll see if we can figure it out."She muttered yawning as she snuggled down into the bed looking amused at evan's look at the thought of being called tommy, just going to sleep as the others went to take care of things. When tom woke morgan was leaning back against the headboard reading gently stroking tom's hair as he rested."Tom?You didn't hurt anyone. I promise."She reassured when she realized he was stirring."You didn't hurt anyone."She said again hoping to keep him from panicking.
Remus moaned as he caught Severus's mouth in his own, kissing him furiously as he started to thrust eagerly, moving deep and slow, giving Sev a chance to get used to that as well before he started to move faster and harder, growling as he fucked his lover, hands tightening on slender hips to hold Snape still and pull him back into the thrusts, his teeth latching into the back of Sev's neck to hold him even more still, completely dominating and claiming his lover. the 'love bite' would ensure that, even in wolf form, Remus would recognize Severus as his lover.

James grinned a little and nodded as he helped himself to healthy portions of food. "so, do you think Riddle would mind if i used his classroom to teach the self defense class?" he asked curiously, his head tilted. "and i was thinking of teaching you and Alice some... specific Male intended moves, to protect you against bastards." he admitted with a nod. "you could teach it to the other women, to help protect them against rapists." he was thinking about Lucius of course. "if Lucius can do it, then others can too, and i don't like the chills that causes..." he admitted with a shudder. "it's a sad day when student's can't be safe in school... it really is."

Abraxas laughed at the look on 'Evan's' Face and nodded to Morgan before vanishing. Tom jerked awake with a gasp before sagging in relief as he was promised that he hadn't hurt anyone. "thank Merlin." he muttered. "Abraxas showed up? or did you stun me?" he asked curiously, relaxing now that he knew he hadn't hurt anyone. "...this isn't Malfoy Manor... are we still at the Riddle Estate?" he asked curiously, grimacing a little. "he must think i'm a madman..." he groaned, covering his face with his hands again. "i break his house and then i try to murder a man... maybe the Gaunt insanity isn't so dormant in me after all?" he asked with a small grin as he shook his head and rolled over so he could snuggle into her. "thank you for stopping me..." he muttered softly. "righteous or not, i would have been sent to Azakaban for it..."
Severus moaned shivering as he was bitten gasping as he was held still. Whining softly as he was kept still before coming with a pant, gasping as he slumped to the floor, shivering as he closed his eyes."Ohh...rem..."he moaned sounding punch drunk as he laid on the floor under his lover in a pleasured haze.

Lily smirked looking amused as she started eating."No Ill pretty sure he wouldn't. Though, if you write a letter, I'm sure he might have some thoughts on what to add to the things to learn."She said thoughtfully flushing a little at the idea of what he was going to teach her before nodding. glancing towards the teachers table then back at him."It is, and I think we need to let snow and riddle know about everything that's going on here....you know Riddle's friends with Abraxus Malfoy...who's on the school board. He might...I dunno, do something."She muttered.

Morgan smiled a little gently stroking tom's hair nodding."Abraxus showed up. And it's the riddle estate, we didn't know if it would be a bad thing to move you or not, and your father demanded you stay here until you woke."She muttered before laughing. "I think you're father to nearly went off the deep end with the knowledge he'd been lied to.... I heard him yelling a little while ago. I assume Abraxus was filling him in on things."she shrugged before laughing."I know. And your welcome. It was as much for my own benfit as yours, I didn't want to visit you in azkaban, or watch you become the man who would have after committing murder..."She said before frowning."But didn't you kill that mytrle bint at school?how is it your not...broken? I mean there's nothing...different about you right now?"She said frowning at the realization.
Remus moaned eagerly as he felt the other orgasm around him, jerking as he spilled his own seed and shivered and shuddered as he felt the other go limp, panting happily as he slumped next to the other, smirking as he nuzzled the other. "mine." he growled possessively, wrapping his arms around Snape's stomach, holding him tight, close, practically refusing to pull out of the other. "all mine." he growled happily as he licked and nibbled on the others neck happily, just laying there, enjoying the feeling of his sated lover.

James nodded a little. "i'll write him a letter tonight then." he decided, smiling a little as she blushed. "and i don't know that anything's happening.." he admitted with a small frown. "but... i might know a way to find out." he admitted with a small smirk as he recalled Peter and Jamie's animagus forms, and his 'Sneak and listen' device. put a spelled item in Dumbledore's office, and he could listen with the other connected item. privacy in the headmaster's office would no longer be private. "i'll go up later and tell Dumbledore that i'm worried about Remus being targeted for revenge from Goyle and Crabbe." he muttered, nodding. "and tell him that we have Snape in the Gryffindor rooms for the same reason. that will get me into the office."

Tom blinked at her and nodded. "Abraxas knows pretty much everything." he admitted with a sigh. "he's even seen the scars..." he admitted biting his lip. "i hide them, using a Parsel glamor... no one, not even the Headmaster can see through them." he admitted, closing his eyes as he pondered. "yes, i killed Myrtle, but i hadn't meant to." he admitted softly. "i was just so angry at her for LAUGHING when Timmy died... he was my only freind, a little corn snake that wrapped around my wrist ad talked to me... he lived with me in the orphanage... she laughed when he died and so i got Sersa to scare her... i... forgot to tell her to keep her eyes closed and Myrtle died looking right into Sersa's eyes." he swallowed thickly. "i assume i didn't split my soul because it was an accident." he was glad she'd told him about those disgusting Horcrux's. "come on. i don't want to lay in bed anymore." he admitted, slowly sitting up. "i assume Abraxas got an Auror to come and take... er... Tom Sr.'s report?" Tom still wasn't sure if he could call 'Evan' father, or if he even wanted to. the poor guy was all twisted up inside.
Severus moaned a little as he felt the other come, turning slightly to look at him."Yes, all yours.But not if you don't let me up off the tile."the former slytherin grumbled but made no move to pull away from the werewolf even if he shivered every once in awhile.

"I don't know anything's happening either,but the headmaster can't be happy tht two of his teachers are missing either."She said before raising a eyebrow, looking amused at the idea of what he was going to do."And be able to listen.I like it."She muttered biting her lip."Do you want me to go up with you?Since I am head girl and all..."She shrugged a little worried about him.

Morgan frowned a little leaning over to kiss tom lightly."I'm sorry sweetheart. that you had to do that...to hide."She muttered pain in her eyes as she imagined what could have caused scars bad enough to have to hide. Wincing at the story she nodded."Yes, that might be it. You hadn't meant to kill her...though in my future that's when dumbledore started to suspect you."She muttered before laughing helping him up and getting up. Wrapping a arm around his waist as they walked out the door."Yes he did. And tom sr. said to call him evan, easier to stop the confusion what with two tom's around."She teased as they headed for the stairs
Remus just growled at the order and tightened his grip, nuzzling Snape's neck again. clearly he wasn't really aware of what he was doing, running hard on his instincts. fortunately for Snape, Remus seamed to decide the floor was bad for a cuddling and got up, nudging Snape to his feet, and out into the common room, pushing Snape into bed and snuggling up to him again, pressing his hips tightly into the others ass so that Snape could feel that Remus was half hard again already.

James paused and then nodded. "yes, i would like that." he agreed. "Dumbledore won't just brush it off with both of us there." he agreed. "and frankly, i really am worried about those two idiots." he admitted with a bite of his lip as he led the way up to Dumbledore's Office, staring at the Gargoyle. "Professor? it's James Potter and Lily Evan's. we where hoping to speak to you?" James knew that Dumbledore could hear them. and like always, the Gargoyle leaped out of the way and James led the way up the spiraling staircase.

Tom shook his head a little. "it's just... pride, i suppose." he admitted softly, hesitating before hissing under his breath as he slid his shirt off. over his heart was a massive puckered scar in the shape of a cross. across his back where whip marks, and it looked like someone had been using his right arm for an ash tray. "Abraxas is the only other person who has ever seen these..." he admitted, wincing as he touched the mark on his chest. "they don't physically hurt anymore but... it's like their tied to my soul..." he admitted sighing as he dropped his pants and let her see the viscous burns that crawled over his feet, licked up his legs and stopped just below his hips. "they tried to burn be at the stake when i was sixteen." he admitted. "Abraxas took me home after that, and his father refused to listen to Dumbledore." he admitted, letting her get an eyeful of the scars. letting her see, look in a way he had never let anyone else. he'd nearly killed Abraxas for the light look that the blond had gotten.
Severus smiled a little as he was nudged to his face, sighing softly as he was pushed into the bed. Smiling slightly as he pressed back against the other, closing his eyes with amusement as he felt the other hard against his ass."Already love?"He teased looking amused.

Lily smiled a little nodding."Let's go then."he muttere walking upstairs with him. "What can I do for you tonight?"dumbledore said as he leaned back in his chair from the desk looking at the two worriedly. "Headmaster, we want to move Severus Snape into gryffindor. We are afrid that Crabbe and Goyle will retailate for what happened." Dumbledore frowned a little thoughtfully.

"Oh."Morgan muttered her eyes going wide and sad as she looked him over before pending her head, lips brushing over the scars,pressing closer to him, holding him tightly. "I love you.I will protect you."She whispered tears in her voice, it was very obvious that she was crying."I wont let someone put another scar on your body or soul. I wont."She promise holding onto him tighter. It was painful to imagine just what his life had been like, when the powerful queen mab, queen of the winter courts, supposedly the darkest queen in existance, yet morgan had never feared for her life like tom, had never suffered like this.
Remus smirked a little. "i told you i was a horny bastard." he teased, chuckling a little. "don't worry. my wolf is Sated so if i just lay here for a while it'll go back down." he promised with a smirk. "i can imagine your tired... i was a little more rough than i intended to be." he admitted with a shake of his head.

James nodded as Lily spoke. "i myself am willing to vouch for Snape if the other Gryffindors protest... Snape... as much as i hate to admit it, has saved Remus's life on more than one occasion. i might not like Snape, but my honor demands i protect him for the sake of my freind." James admitted, blinking at Dumbledore. he'd already pressed the item into place. it was a little wooden plug basically, that he stuck on the inside of the desk, no one would see it, not even Dumbledore.

Tom flinched, jerking away from the touch before he realized it didn't 'hurt' like he had expected. he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes happily. "thank you..." he whispered before hissing in Parseltongue as he covered his scars again as Abraxas knocked on the door. "Evan has food ready if Tom's awake." Abraxas informed them, Tom smiling as Abraxas headed back downstairs without ever opening the door. "i am hungry." Tom admitted as he got dressed again, shaking his head a little as he opened the door and headed down the stairs, offering his father a hesitant nod. "i apologize. i... did not mean to loose such control..." he admitted softly as he took a seat next to Abraxas, seeking comfort in a more familiar placement. "i have already explained Tom." Abraxas promised. he'd told the elder Riddle about the 'brain glitch' as he called it. he also told the elder Tom that Riddle had never been allowed to see a psychologist or a mind healer of any kind as a child, and as an adult he simply couldn't afford it, especially with Dumbledore cutting off any attempts at tom getting a proper paying job.
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