Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

Sev snickerex a little shaking his head as he climbed up onto remus' bed."you're so easy to get worried sometimes."the potions master rolled his eyes looking amused."now get in here. I'm tired and want to sleep."he ordered looking amused.

A look of rage past over morgans face as she leaned back to look up at him."I will kill them. They had no right!no right to do that!"she cursed holding onto him tighter."you are a good man tom. Only a yood man would have turned his bezt friends son in for what he was doing."he sighed pulling away. "Come on we both need sleep."
Remus beamed at Severus and shrugged. "it's an issue i'll be sure to work on." he promised with a small chuckle as he settled into bed and snuggled happily up to Severus, making happy sounds in the deep of his throat. "you smell so good, did you know that?" he asked softly, smiling a little as he ran his fingers through the others hair, wrinkling his nose. "you know, they make potions to fix potion hair..." he mumbled playfully. "you should try it." he murmured, smiling a little. "after all, you want to make good impressions on my freinds and family don't you?" he teased, smirking. "and i want to make everyone jealous when they realize i got you BEFORE you where as handsome as Sirius... more so." he teased, smirking a little.

he shook his head a little. "their already dead." he admitted simply. "the adults anyway. they all died before i returned to have my revenge... i was so pissed." he admitted with a scowl. "so i went to go for the priest... only he was dead too the old bastard. sometimes i think Dumbledore blames me for their deaths. the way he LOOKS at me." he growled, sighing a little. "i thought about looking up my father... the muggle i was named after..." he admitted, frowning a little. "and besides i turned in Lucius for my own damn selfish reasons. he hurt you, and not even my best freind was going to stop me from punishing the little shit."
Sev rolled his eyes a little smiling thoilugh as he snuggled his boyfriend before lettinf out a indignant sputter."my hair is not greasy!shut up remus."he gtowled sulking as he rolling on his side back to the werewolf.

Morgan sulked at that before frownint."you don't think..dumbledore knew where you were all along do you?"she said frowning thoughtfully before snickering slightly.you killed him orginigally.vwe could always go see him..if you want..."zhe said though she looked unsure at the idea
Remus snickered a little and shook his head. "of course it's not greasy, but it LOOKS greasy." Remus pointed out. "it's supposed to look soft and pretty." he admitted with a grin. "you shouldn't feel embarrassed, you should see my hair without my special conditioner... have you ever seen a guy like me with a Perm? it's the same look." he admitted, shaking his head. "i almost neutered James when he took off with it one morning." he admitted, spooning his lover. "i think i might take you shopping too." he admitted. "you need a gift. something fancy... something rare." he mused, pondering intently what to buy his potions obsessed Lover. "your birthday is coming up soon too isn't it? we'll have to throw you a proper party."

Tom nodded. "i know Dumbledore knows where i was living. when Professor Dippet wouldn't remove me from the orphanage... i went to Dumbledore for help..." he sighed. "he would help the filthy little Dirty Bloods... but he wouldn't help me." he admitted softly. "the one girl... she was never even hurt, or starved... she was just yelled at a lot... she got to stay for the summer... but me? who came back every year with broken bones, so hungry i actually ate bugs and rats just to survive?... i got no help at all. just torture and hell every year." he sighed a little and shook his head. "i can't imagine my father would be too happy to see me... he's just a muggle. he'll think i'm demon possessed or something."
Severus sighrd softly as he glanced back at his lover, rolling his eyes a little before smiling a little. Shifting he snuggled the other."hmm Ill have to remember not to use it then."he snickered though at the mental image of him with a perm before smirking a little.it is. But you dont have to buy me anything you know."he said rolling on his back to look up at the werewolf with amusement.

Morgwn growled at that, reaching out and hugging him tightly, burying her face against his neck, trying so hard to keep ahold of her temper. Her heart hurt at the idea of what he had to go through. Swallowing hard to keep quiet she sighed."well...he might...but you mighy feel better if you confronted the man who abandoned your mother...you never know what he might know..."she muttered gently stroking his hair
Remus laughed a little and shook his head. "i can't imagine what my conditioner would do to your hair. Sirius used it once on accident, and he turned out in curls, like Annie." he admitted with a laugh. "it was during the summer unfortunately, but i have pictures!" he admitted with a grin as he nuzzled the other. "i want to. i've never really had anyone to buy presents for before... James and Sirius have everything they want, and Peter is richer than i am... i usually hand make their gifts. i'm good at carving." he admitted with a grin. "Peter loved the little carved rat i made for him last year." he admitted with a nod. "i'm going to have to teach you how to be an Animagus as well." he mused happily. "so you can run with us during the full moons." he smirked. "James and Sirius have problems controlling me sometimes."

he smiled as he rested his head against hers before pausing. "we could... hold Dumbledore accountable?" he asked. "if i take it to the Auror division?" he asked. "it would be good to see at least few of his finely laid plans destroyed." he admitted. "i think he was trying to make me into a Dark Lord... once he got rid of Grindelwald, he'd need a new enemy to battle to keep his power and prestige..." he scowled. "i can't think of any other reason why he'd do such things to me... and i haven't even gotten into what those goddamn Gryffindor's and Slytherin's did to me... well until i turned every Snake in the forbidden Forest on my house... they left me alone after that."
"haha I so need to see those pictures."He grinned at the idea because he was so going to harass the black about that. Smirking as he turned his head to look at the man before sighing quietly."Well...okay. If you want."He muttered kissing the other lightly before smirking slightly."I'll let you teach me anything you want."He said his smile turning perverted. "Would you two go to sleep?Some of us are trying to sleep over here."Jamie called sulking a little with a small smile.Glad to hear both men happy, even if he wanted to sleep.

"We could."Morgan sighed softly, before pulling away from him glancing at the clock."let's go. Abraxus' will still be at the ministry. We can meet up with him for lunch, then go see the aurors."She said gently stroking his back, trying to calm him before smirking slightly."that would have been something to see.Every snake in hogwarts."She sighed nuzzling him a little.
Remus laughed a little and nodded as he smiled at the other. "i do want to." he murmured happily as he kissed the others forehead gently before snickering as Jamie yelled at him. he nipped gently at Sec's neck before settling down and going to sleep, sighing happily as he went to sleep. "goodnight Sev." he muttered softly. "have sweet dreams." "Jamie!?" Sirius asked suddenly. "i'm scared of the dark, can i crawl in bed with you?" "no you can't you old pervert! Remus can control himself! you can't!" James ordered. "and you NEVER remember to silence!" Sirius laughed but consented, and they all went to sleep.

Tom smirked a little and nodded as he gave her a gentle kiss, nuzzled her neck, and apparated to the Ministry, where Abraxas was just getting ready to leave. "oh! i was just headed back, what are you doing?" "filing a complaint against Dumbledore." Tom admitted, Abraxas lifting an eyebrow. "i'm going to submit memories as evidence." "good for you!... you might want to include Lucius in those memories because Dumbledore's trying to get him off on Home Arrest account of his age... the old bearded bastard! it's no wonder my son is the way he is! between that bitch of his mother, god rest her soul, and that old fool... well Lucius won't be gettign away with shit once he's home! he'll be scrubbing floors the muggle way! ALL of them!"
In the morning Severus sighed softly as he pressed up against his boyfriend, squirming a little."You awake?"He muttered raising his head to look down at the other man, gently stroking his hair out of his face. Jamie groaned as he rolled out of bed, looking amused as peter got dressed, looking slightly worried about the animagus as he left the room, shelfing the concern for leaving before smirking, moving over to sirus' bed and dumping water on both him and james, knowing they were both horrible about waking up.

Morgan smiled slightly at the blond, tilting her head. "That's alot of floors. And well, at least t home you can deal with Lucius how you want."She said swallowing hard as she struggled not to react to the fact that lucius was going back into the house.Looking up at tom she nudged him a little."Lets go.Brax, you better come to, you knew him when he was young, you can offer memories to, just so dumbledore can't say he was making memories up."She reasoned.
Remus groaned a little as he was woken up, tightening his hold on the other as he blinked sluggishly. "no." he grumbled, closing his eyes as he nuzzled the others neck. "i don't want to. i want to lay here and sleep with you." he complained, jerking, shocked as James and Sirius both shrieked in horror as they bolted out of their beds, cursing wildly as Remus snickered and shook his head, giving Sev a small kiss. "i suppose we shouldn't be late to the one class we still have, provided that Professors Riddle and Snow are still gone..." because Dumbledore couldn't find any replacements.

Abraxas nodded. "i'm half temped to bind his magic, and accept that marriage proposal to Narcissa Black. he can't stand that woman. and at least then he'll breed, the little ferret." Abraxas grumbled. "i want a grandson!" he whined, stomping his foot, Tom snickering at his freinds antics before nodding and following them to the Auror division. it took four hours to see the basic of Tom's memories. of being abused in the Orphanage, of going to Hogwarts only to be beaten up by the Slytherins and the Gryffindors alike. the memory of Dumbledore offering assistance to Amelia Bones, who was now in the ministry, but refusing to allow Tom to stay during the holidays. Amelia, a simple secretary then, even came in at the Head Auror's request and admitted that she was a muggle raised after her and her sister where orphaned, and that they had been verbally abused and where offered sanctuary by Dumbledore and Dippet. she had been one of the few people to try and help Tom, not that he'd known it. finally, Tom showed the memory of Lupin getting his ass kicked by Lucius, and catching Lucius raping his woman. the Auror was shocked that Dumbledore was trying to help Lucius after those two particular memories. he promised an immediate investigation and Tom Abraxas, and Morgan went back to Malfoy Manor.
Severus snickered a little pressing his face against remus' chest to keep from laughing at the gryffindor's misfortune, smirking slightly."Well, thats true."he muttered looking thoughtful as he sat up."And I'm thinking they'll be back.their pride wont stand up to keep away."He said smiling as he started to dress. Jamie snickered a little as he looked at the other two,"Good morning you two. Awake now?"He said smirking a little.

When they got back ot the manor Morgan smiled tiredly, still feeling off from the potion. She was mentally fee from lucius' meddling, but the woman's body was still adjusting to not being on it. Glancing at tom and abrxus she smirked slightly."When's lucius coming home?I mean, it would be nice to have things for him to do as a muggle instead of just lazing around."She said though her eyes were slightly wide, slightly worried, she wasn't as peaceful at the idea of lucius near her as she pretended.
Remus chuckled and shook his head a little. "Riddle will probobly be back, he enjoyed teaching... Snow i have my doubts about, she didn't like teaching much... most potions Masters don't." he admitted. "the abilities of young students just irk them." he admitted as he glared at Jamie. "if you dump water on me, i'll make you hang from a noose made of your own intestines." he warned as he stretched happily, groaning as he squirmed in bed before grabbing his wand and using magic to make himself presentable.

Abraxas shook his head a little. "in about ten minutes." he admitted with a small sigh. "meddling old bastard. i wanted him in Azkaban for a reason the old bastard. like i want to spend the next two months enforcing my own punishments on the spoiled brat." Abraxas sighed a little as he shook his head a little. "i have a house in France that you two could go stay at instead? Lucius will be contained to this house, normally just his room, i'm using the term 'house arrest' very seriously. he will have no freinds over either..." he growled unhappily as he stalked over to where two Aurors had appeared, releasing a disheveled and terrified looking Lucius. apparently just a few hours with the Dementors had really made an impact on Lucius.
"True.Definately never teaching. I'd rather expriment."Severus smirked looking amused as he made himself presentable to,"But if riddle comes back, Snow will to. She wont trust dumbledore to be alone with riddle."She said smiling slightly at remus' threats, rolling his eyes a little. Jamie laughed smirking."Oh I would never dare dump water on you. Only these two lazy bones."He snickered as he dressed smirking a little as he looked at the two."Do we really have to go to class?We could do better on our own studying."he said thoughtfully.

Morgan swallowed hard at the idea before shaking her head."No.If I run, I'll never stop running. And it would take something worse then Lucius Malfoy to scare me."she said swallowing hard, feeling sick, not realizing it wasn't her reaction to lucius' presence, but pregnancy making her queasy. Tilting her head at the malfoy heir she sighed."Well, it seems jail was good for him. If only it was a couple of hours."She mused shifting, snuggling into tom's arms, taking comfort in his hold.
Remus grinned a little. "i'd love to teach." he admitted with a smile. "i'd be great at teaching don't you think?" considering how many people where being tutored by Remus, that was an understatement. "as long as you know your place lower mortal!" Remus stated, puffing out his chest self importantly before snickering as he shook his head a little. "we might as well skip. we only have History today.... come on, lets go back to bed." he ordered happily, Sirius and James both groaning before Jame's paused. "i'm going to go with Lily to History." he decided with a grin. "she'll think i'm taking my studies seriously then." he decided, heading off, Remus rolling his eyes. "she's going to see right through that."

he nodded a little and turned to examine Lucius who clung to his father with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing in an almost desperate attempt to say something. Abraxas lifted his eyebrows, looking genuinely worried now and he leaned down so he could listen to Lucius. the Elder Malfoy went so pale that Tom thought he might pass out, so he rushed forward and helped steady his best freind. "what, Abraxas!? what did he say!?" "... th...those fucking Dementors tried to Kiss him!!!" Abraxas roared, wide eyed, horrified. "if it wasn't for the Aurors coming to get him, i wouldn't have a son!" Tom paled as well, his eyes wide before rage flooded his eyes. yes, he hated Lucius, but he loved Abraxas, and Lucius was a minor, not only that but a minor capable of being reformed. that look of rage was familiar, it was what he looked like before Voldemort had gone on a slaughtering mission. Tom simply stood up, and vanished, Abraxas yelping in horror. "shit! oh god where did he go!?" "their faces....." Lucius whispered, eyes vacant. "their faces... they have no faces... just bone... like those silly muggle comics... just pale, red bone... and eyes that GLOW!!!!" Lucius, it seamed, had been driven insane by the simple glance of a dementors face. he probobly wouldn't be causing problems for anyone ever again.
Severus snickered at remus' words, rolling his eyes."maybe you should be teaching potions and defense while they're out.You pretty much tutor the whole class."he pointed out laughing harder at remus' words to jamie as he collapsed back onto the bed. Jamie snickered rolling his eyes as james went off to find lily, collapsing onto the bed next to sirius."So,are you getting up for the day?"

Lily raised a eyebrow as she looked at the man running to catch her, shifting her bookbag over her shoulder."You're oming to class then?"She looked amused as she thought about what the man was doing.

morgan looked pale at the words, horrified at the thought, already twisting to grab at tom even as he disappeared."Make him rest. It wont fix things, but it will help calm him."she said looking at the two malfoys before using her bond to tom to apparate to his side, looking scared at what he was doing after seeing such a voldemort look on his face.
Remus paused for a long moment and then. "you know... i could start up a DADA club." he mused. "and apply to teach for a few years after graduation." he mused with a small smile before hesitating. "oh crap... i can't teach. i'm a werewolf... damn. ah well i still have the Family business." he decided with a grin. "that's more fun anyway." there was a pause and then Sirius asked. "you have a family business?" Remus just snickered and hummed a few bars of a strange song, dissolving Sirius into a string of curses. Remus clearly loved tormenting his freinds about his mysterious family. "no i'm not gettign up!" Sirius complained, shaking his head. "why would i do something as silly as that?"

James beamed at the woman and nodded. "yes!... i was going to have some lie planned about how my education is important... but i think you'll see right through it, so i'll just sit next to you so your not alone, since your about the only person who doesn't skip History these days." he admitted with a nod.

Abraxas nodded and led Lucius to bed, dosing him with calming and sleeping potions. Tom on the other hand, was at Azakaban, and Darkness was rolling off of him. deep, Dark magic curled around the entire Island, pulsing with the rage he felt, and one by one the Dementors slid out of the building, many of them struggling against what looked like invisible tethers. Tom's eyes had gone as black as ink, from the irises, to the very whites of his eyes... Necromancy... but not Wizarding Necromancy... Fey Necromancy... and he was controlling it in his fury, Binding each Death Eater to his will effortlessly, explaining how Voldemort had controlled them in the first timeline. "You are MINE Now! You will Do My Bidding!" Tom Snarled, his eyes flashing with rage, making most of them cringe. "You Will Not Torment The Innocent!" they wailed in pity at that. over half of the prisoners in there where innocent of any REAL crimes. most of them where scapegoats that rich employees tossed in when they where bribed to keep someone else out of prison. "You Will Kiss No One Who Does Not Deserve It, And Never Without Permission!" they wailed again, cringing under the force of Tom's Orders. "You Will Never Leave This Building, Without Permission From The Proper Authority!" there was a pause and then. "So Mote It Be!" and the Dementors wailed again and fled back inside and Tom trembled and then swayed as his eyes bled back to his pretty red before he collapsed into a dead faint.
"Well, we'll find something for you to do.I know you'd be good at teaching....and if dumbledore wasn't in control...I'm sure you could."Severus muttered before smirking a little at the song, raising a eyebrow."Whats the song?"He muttered. Jamie smirked snuggling into his boyfriend, nuzzling him a little."Hmm I could think of a few reasons to get up."he mutered.

Lily rolled her eyes looking amused before nodding as they walked into the classroom."I read te book most of the time. Not much else to do sine he reads the same speech every year for each class."she said shaking her head a little as she sank into her seat.

Morgan looked scared as she tried to get to his side.While she was fey, and a darkling, he was a dark lord weilding dark magic and it was a struggle to get to him before he collapsed. Wrapping her arms around him tightly as she apparated back to the malfoy putting him in bed as she paced anxiously waiting for him to wake, her anxiety and fear so strong that it was a steady beat in the manor's magic, so anxious that it would leave even the malfoy men with a pounding headahe.It was mazing she wsn't complaining about her own head hurting, but she was so worried about tom, she was ignoring the pain as she waited to see what he was going to be like when he woke.
Lupin chuckled a little and shook his head. "no Sev. it's the rest of the world. i'm a werewolf. everyone hates me, remember?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "no one wants a beast teaching their children... no matter how much it's not my fault." he admitted with a small sigh before smirking. "When the Devil is too busy, And Death's a bit too much, They call on me by name you see,For my special touch. To the Gentlemen I'm Miss Fortune, To the Ladies I'm Sir Prize, But call me by any name, Any way it's all the same. I'm the fly in your soup, I'm the pebble in your shoe, I'm the pea beneath your bed, I'm a bump on every head, I'm the peel on which you slip, I'm a pin in every hip, I'm the thorn in your side, Makes you wriggle and writhe. And it's so easy when you're evil, This is the life, you see, The Devil tips his hat to me, I do it all because I'm evil, And I do it all for free, Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need!" "oh GOD sing something else that's AWFUL!" Sirius whined, Remus smirking even more. "Great green gobs of Greasy...." "OKAY~! OKAY GO BACK TO THE EVIL SONG!" clearly, Sirius had heard the other song before.

James chuckled a little and shook his head. "why not use the time for doing homework? you must have read the book a hundred times by now..." he pointed out, looking rather amused. "here, i'll help you with Transfiguration if you'll help me with Potions? Remus keeps calling me a 'dunderhead' when he tries but he explains it all like it's right out of the Textbook!" he complained with a roll of his eyes. "if i understood the textbook, i wouldn't be having problems now would i!?"

thankfully, Lucius was knocked out cold and wouldn't feel the headache, but Abraxas did and he shoved a calming drought into her hand after appearing, apparently out of nowhere. "drink that." he ordered before examining Tom intently. "he did his impressive Dark Lord thing again, didn't he?" he asked softly. "it scares the piss out o me when he does that. his eyes go all black, and then his magic spreads like a black cloud and chokes everything..." he glanced at her. "i've never seen such a thing from a human before... but i have seen it from an Elf that wasn't from this realm... a Dark Elf who wanted to conquer this world..." he swallowed thickly. "he claimed he was 'The Lord of Darkness' and he could do the same creepy damn thing... think there's any relation?"
"...thats disturbing. And to mucuh like a slytherin song. I think I need to teach that to my former dorm mates."Severus said looking amused at the song before rolling his eyes smirking at sirius' whining,"Black, if you're just going to whine, just kiss your boy toy, we don't want to listen to you." Jamie snorted looking amused."A boy toy am I?"He muttered riasinga eyebrow.

"Well, some people just aren't good at potions."She said looking amused but nodded as she settled down to help him."Well, I'm sure you'd still have problems no matter what."She teased a little before smirking."The person you should ask though, is severus. He's brillant at this even if he sucks at teaching....he might even be nice about it if it means remus would be happy."She pointed out.

Morgan glared a little at the order before sipping the potion, swallowing slowly as se relaxed, nodding sligtly."He did."She muttered looking startled, eyes widening."I..I think there is. Did...did he tell you where I came from?"She said assuming he had. "In the future I came from, he wanted to conquer the world,and used his title as dark lord to do it...I thinkk...I think there is..."She said looking anxious at the idea, and wondering just what in the world was going on with her lover.
Remus snickered a little and nodded. "i'll write all the lyrics out for you." he promised, smiling at Snape as Sirius snickered. "yes! a Boy Toy! i'll be yours if you'll be mine?" Sirius asked hopefully, wiggling his eyebrows at Jamie as Remus smirked a little. "you know it's weird. Sirius doesn't usually try this hard." he admitted, well aware that Jamie would hear him, and Sev, but Sirius wouldn't. Sirius was trying too hard to make Jamie laugh.

James chuckled a little and shrugged. "it would help, if i knew WHY it was so important to know why i have to stir counter or clockwise." he complained, rolling his eyes. "and what the difference between a dice, a chop, and a cubed." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i'm sorry but i... i might not HATE Snape but i'm never going to LIKE him... though i should apologize to him... i was a cruel little bastard..." he admitted, biting his lip. "anyway... Transfiguration first, or potions first?"

Abraxas sighed in relief as he pressure in his brain eased off a little and he looked at her, his head tilted a bit as he pulled a book out of his robes. it was a tale of Yggdrasil and the nine kingdom's. "i did some research, when Tom did it the first time in school. he'd just gotten his ass kicked by some Gryffindor's, and when he finally made it back to the common room, the Slytherin's all went to gang up on him, his eyes went black and Snakes started coming out of nowhere. that's when we found out he was a parseltongue." he admitted. "ever since then i've been looking, but when nothing in the magical or muggle world fit him... i started looking in various Fea Realms." he admitted opening the book to the long chapter about the Dark Elves. "Dark Elves, can sometimes appear to be completely human." Abraxas read out loud. "they are famous for their Dark Magics, and their skills in the fields. they are ruthless, bloodthirsty, and usually a bit mad. they are led by the one Lord of the Darkness... i think, that Tom might be the descendant of a King." he admitted, staring at Morgan. "how likely is that possible?" he asked curiously. "for Tom to be descendant of Dark Elves." not very likely, but there where unhappy Elves who settled into the human world after failed conquests...
"Good. the little slytherins will enjoy it."Severus grinned snickering at remus' words. "Hmm I dunno. Maybe I want to have a pretty slytherin as a boy toy?"Jamie snickered as he leaned over to kiss sirius looking amused.

Lily laughed,"Because sometimes the potions don't combine right if you don't stir it right."She muttered before smirking."I'll teach you that to."She ran her fingers through her hair looking amused t his admission before shrugging."Well, since you don't like potions, we'll start with transfiguration."

Morgan sighed softly as she looked at the book swallowing hard as she looked at it."Not likely, as it's been a long time since anyone saw any of the dark elves, but it makes sense with him standing in front of us."She swallowing looking thoughtful, staring down at tom as he rested with fear in her eyes, fear for him."I think I'm going to ask him to take me to his father. If...if he is descent of elves, I should get a sense for which side of the family it is..."
Sirius gasped in horror at the thought of Jamie with a Slytherin and nearly pounced on him, restraining him. "noo! Jamie you CAN'T! Don't abandon your sensibilities!!!" he wailed before shutting up at the kiss, goofy grin spreading across his face. "JAMIE! Smack him! he looks like James!" Remus yelled, reminding Jamie of his 'promise'.

Jame's looked baffled. "but... what difference does the direction make!?" he demanded, looking frustrated as he glared at his Potions book. "maybe i'll just pay for potions like everyone else?" he paused and then sighed. "but i need an O to continue potions next year... and i need potions to be an Auror." he groaned and dropped his head on the surface of the Table before he offered her a smile. "first, you have to adjust your grip a little." he warned, showing her how he held his wand. "you need to be specific and precise when working with your wand when dealing with Transfiguration. even the slightest twitch, is going to be an 'instruction' into the item your transfiguring... which is why Remus always get's aardvarks instead of turtles."

he nodded a little. "but it's not impossible... maybe his mother seduced a solitary Dark Elf? i've heard stories of changelings and abandoned Elves in stories..." he admitted, blinking at her. "why so afraid? is it bad that he's a Dark Elf?" he asked, looking worried as Tom groaned slowly, blinking sluggishly before he grinned. "i own a new pet." he murmured happily. "Dementors... can i keep them?" "NO!" Abraxas stated, looking horrified. "how in the hell did you control Dementors!?" "... i don't know. i was just so angry that they tried to suck the soul of an innocent... i wanted them to never hurt an innocent again... not that Lucius is really an innocent, but he's not EVIL either..." he grumbled, Abraxas wincing. "... the face of the Dementor... i think it drove Lucy insane... i don't think he's going to be troubling anyone for a while..."
Jamie yelped as he was jumped on, laughing as he leaned back to look at sirius, a evil little smirk on his features as he raised his hand and punched him in the shoulder."Stop looking like potter."he demanded. Severus snickered a little looking amused at remus. "Now why don't I get to smack around your friends?"He sulked.

"Well i don't know, I just know that it does."Lily shrugged a little before nodding."Well, if you can make it through the classes, you can most definately buy most of the potions you'd need."she said before sighing softly."Well...that does make sense."She said looking frustrated that she was unable to make things work as well as james did. She was just so bad at transfiguration.

"Maybe.It's possible."She said swallowing hard as she ran her fingers through her hair, before looking at abraxus again."Because, it might mean the future I came back to fix, is still coming true."She muttered before laughing at the two's words. Looking amused taht the man wanted to keep the dementors, sitting down on the edge of the bed,gently stroking tom's hair out of his face."How do you feel?"She muttered before looking up at abraxus."We will see. When the first fear of the dementors are gone, we'll see just how deply the insanity is set."She muttered.
Sirius yelped as he was punched and pouted as Remus laughed. "your not allowed to hit the gang, because if YOU find it, it would keep going straight into an all out brawl." Remus teased, smirking at Severus. "stop finding excuses to beat up your ex nemesis'!" Remus teased smirking as he slowly sat up with a sigh. "sorry... i really have to pee."

James grinned a little as he nodded. "here, let me explain a little more." he offered. "in Transfiguration, you have to have a clear idea, in your head, of how the transfiguration is going to go... we'll go with something simple that i know you've already done. Matchstick into needle... i hated that exercise." he admitted pulling out a matchstick and setting it on the table. "now, i move my wand straight down, indicating i want the matchstick to go straight, and pointed. then a wiggle, to change the color, and a swirl with a flick, to change the material. see? it's like.... ah! Sign Language! someone just learning, only knows the alphabet, but someone more experienced knows the signs for entire words, or expressions. right? it's the same with Transfiguration. i use several 'symbioses' to change the matchstick, when simply using the 'symbol' for 'needle' would work just as well. you have to learn the ABC's, before you can learn the bigger words. make sense?"

Abraxas looked shocked, stunned as he stared at her. "you mean your... your a Time Traveler!?... so that little girl... she... wasn't your daughter. she was YOU!" he gasped, stunned as Tom came to. Tom smiled at her, looking sort of doped up. "feel fine... feel good... too much sugar." he muttered, Abraxas nodding. "i forgot about him acting loopy afterwords." he admitted. "like he's snorted Pixie Dust. just let him rest for a little bit and he should be fine..." he muttered, looking a little concerned. "i'm going to go check on Lucius."
Severus sulked a little before getting up himself."damn. I want to hit on him, james deserves it sometimes."he sulked before smiling a little as they headed for thr bathroom, just wanting some private time with his boyfriend without the others hovering.

Lily looked shocked before following the instructions and grinning when she got the small kitten that she wanted. Looking pleased as she looked up at james."you know, youre good at this. Beyter then i thought i mean."she smiled leaning over to kiss him lightly."thanks."she muttered flushing hard as she leaned back in her chair.

Morgan nodded a little"i am. And she was."she sighed softly looking at tom looking worried but slightly amused at the sight of him looking drugged, leaning over to kiss him lightly.laying down she snuggled down into him content to rest. After awhile she stirred, nuzzling her face against his shoulder."tom?"
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