Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

"Hmm does one of those things include me?"Morgan muttered just for tom's eats looking amused before growing serious at sirius answer."Mr. Black, I wont kick you out, but I will ask you to be my partner next class. Surely with me actually helping, you could make one."She said her voice holding amusement instead of reprimand as she leaned the mess with a wave of her hand before sighing as the others finished. "wow, I guess you can do potions.Who would have thought."Lily snickered as she looked at james before gathering her things to go.Jamie looked startled before nodding, "Okay. I'll see you then."He said before leaving. Morgan smirked nodding."most definately."She said grinning as they left to enjoy themselves.

That evening Jamie knocked lightly on Tom's door, sticking his head in, actually looking surprised to find the teacher alone."hey. You wanted to talk?"He said walking in, trying to not wonder what was going on, and trying not to freak out.

Morgan scowled a little, annoyed because even the few minutes she'd been away from tom were making her anxious. She was feeling bonded, and it was painful to be away from him, though she figured that in a few days it would settle and she'd be able to go some time without seeing him, but for the moment she was not enjoying being without her lover. Whih was exactly why she was prowling hte school trying to relax
James grinned at her. "it's a lot easier to make a potion when the teacher is nice and there aren't derks dumping things in when i'm not looking." he agreed with Lily, chuckling a little as he shook his head a little as Sirius went bright red. "yes Ma'am." he muttered, embarrassed to be singled out like that. but then, he was the only one in there who was unfairly in the class. even Peter had managed his potion without effort. "hey... uhm, Lily? there's a hogsmede weekend coming up and.. i was... you know.. wondering if... if... ifyoumaybewantedtogowithme?" well, like father like Son.

Tom nodded and waved Jamie inside, examining the other intently before. "i finally realized what it is about you that was bothering me so much." he admitted simply. "there's a feeling about you, and your magic. it was the same during Grindelwald's reign of terror... a battle shy sort of feeling." he stared at Jamie. "but there's something else too. did you know, that back when i was seventeen, i was the unexpected recipient of a time traveler?" he asked. "i was visited, by myself... and boy was he ugly." Tom admitted, staring at Jamie. "you have the same feeling as he did." shit, Tom knew Jamie was a time traveler! "what year are you from?" he asked curiously. "and what are you here to stop? or change?" he asked, examining the other. "the other me traveled back to stop something." he admitted. "so i'm sure your here for the same reason... not many are so desperate enough to attempt such a thing, and your very young, already War Torn..." he scowled. "no one should have that Dark stained aura that you have... especially not at your age." he admitted. "and before you start panicking, i doubt anyone else will figure it out. it was really your flawless Patronus that fit all the clues i already had, together." he admitted, studying Jamie. "your not going to go crazy are you? Time travel tends to do that to broken minded folks.."

Lucius eagerly followed Morgan, invisible and silenced, there was no way she would know he was there. with a movement so swift, he caught her around the middleand wrapped a sleeping potion covered hand around her mouth and lips. the fumes themselves would be enough to knock her out. as soon as she was asleep, he dragged her, invisible now, back to her own room and slipped out the very special potion he'd made himself. with ever so careful hands, he tipped it down her throat, the love/lust potion would kick in while she was asleep, and she would wake to his face, and his hands on her body, and she would react accordingly. he was eager for his revenge, and he had to admit, Morgan was hot for an old Hag. it wouldn't be all that hard to enjoy this raping of the body pinned underneath him. he was already hard as he stripped her bare, and enjoyed her body while he waited for her to wake up.

Remus sighed as he headed up tot he seventh floor, stepping inside where Eileen was laying, looking as peaceful as ever. she had been shot in the chest, but you couldn't tell anymore. she was dressed in a dress that she had never owned, but it was perfect for her, showing off her innocence and grace. she looked calm in death, and her hair framed her face. he gently slipped a veil into her hair and used it to cover her face, and waited for Severus to arrive so that they could head to the forbidden forest, where the gravestone, and grave where already waiting. Remus wanted to make her grave special, so he had also gotten very rare seeds, a vine that would grow along the ground, covering the area with beautiful flowers. it would make Eileens grave very special for poor Snape.
Lily flushed smiling as she nodded."I would.It'll be fun."She said smiling at him shyly before heading off to lunch.

Jamie walked in, his eyes widening slightly at the man's words. Looking away from him as he considered who had come back. Smirking slightly."You, lord voldemort, tried to stop yourself?"He mused looking thoughtful, wondering what in the world..."He came back to stop you from trying to kill potter's boy didn't he?"He said, because it was the only thing that could make sense before fidgetting a little. "2010."He said before glancing at him, tilting his head."I came back, to stop you from becoming the man you would. And stop the gryffindor's from all dying in the face of your rage."He sighed shdudering a little running his fingers through his hair. "I'm not crazy. I've done it before. I spent a whole year once going back and forth with Lucius' son, to try and stop things from going badly...of course, it blew up in our faces, but I'm not losing it."he winced a little."You have no idea how weird it is to know these guys as adults, and have them acting as bratty, immature children."

Morgan stirred as blond stroked her body, "Tommm...I'm sleeping..."She grumbled rolling on her side before shivering as she blinked slowly, whimpering quietly as she felt the blon stroking her. Eyes widening slightly at the blond in front of her before shivering as she felt the lust potion take hold, dragging him around for a kiss, burying her hands in his hair as she squirmed.

Severus stepped inside, looking startled as he took in the sight of his mother. A small tiny smile on his face as he approached. "This was better then anything she ever had...."He said sadly gently touching the edge of the dress, looking down at the floor to keep the lupins from realizing he was atually crying.
there was a long pause and then. "how the HELL did you know that!?" Tom asked, shocked. "the thing was hideous... if it wasn't for the birthmark i never would have known it was really me. kept babbling constantly about the potters, don't kill the damn potter brat... and then he was hit by the Lorry..." Tom admitted, shaking his head. "dead on impact." he admitted. "i have to wonder now if it meant James... but i have my doubts now, or you wouldn't have come back to now..." he admitted looking stunned. ",...me?!... you came to stop me?" he asked, shocked before he paused considered it and nodded. "yes... that... makes sense. the thing that came to visit me. it was deformed. only extensive exposure to black arts could do that. i either took up necromancy or soul magic in the future. both very bad ideas." he admitted. "i've only had one brush with Soul Magic so far, and it was something of an accident." he admitted, frowning a little. "what could have happened to have driven me into such a state?" he smirked a little. "i can imagine it's a bit baffling to you." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "i suppose i'm nothing like what i'm supposed to be either. if i'm as mad as i think i am from your time, seeing me not trying to kill people must be a major shock." there was a pause. "2010?! good lord i get OLD!"

Lucius smirked as he watched her, leaning down and kissing her deeply. "yes, i'm going to make you my pretty little whore." he growled, dragging his mouth along her body, savoring her skin as he waited for the wards along the hall to be tripped, letting him know that someone was coming. he had to be ready for Professor Riddle, he couldn't end too soon, he wanted the bastard to see this. to hurt him as deeply as he'd hurt Lucius. "you will be mine for eternity, my pretty little sex slave." Lucius growled eagerly, well aware that unless someone gave her the antidote, she would follow him like a puppy in heat, begging for his cock. he would keep her chained in one of his rooms back home, maybe even rent her out to some of the older purebloods in need of a good fuck. hell, he might even turn her into a breed mare. there where all sorts of creatures he could breed with her. he'd have a willing, hand raised Army from her womb if he had his way.

Remus smiled at him and he nodded. "it was my grandmothers. mum thought your mother deserved it." he admitted softly, setting his hand on Snape's shoulder, offering him comfort as the room shifted and dropped them off at the edge of the forest, Eileen hovering in the air, next to them like an undead ghost. they headed into the forest, which seamed to open a path for them, and Remus led the way to a large clearing. it was beautiful, the moon shining down on the Tombstone in front of the large square hole. there was a trickling creek that ran past it, adding the soft sound of peace as the elder Lupin's gently settled Eileen into the grave and started the eulogy, speaking about the strength and wonder of a woman to have give birth to such a loving son as Remus gently covered her with dirt and scattered the seeds. then the Lupin's joined hands with Snape, forming a circle around the grave, and laid magical Blessings and protections upon the ground, so that not even time would destroy the plot of land. the plants sprouted and grew with Remus's magic, spreading across the ground and spreading beautiful flowers that glowed in the light. "Moondrops." Remus admitted softly, gently taking Snape's hand as Remus's mother gently pulled the boy into a hug, holding him tightly, all of them offering him the comfort he needed, and deserved.
"Because I know the boy you tried to kill.And the cost of it. You killed yourself that night."Jamie sighed quietly. "James potter has a son.....eventually. And in time, was said to be the dark lord's equal and the one to vanquish him. You tried to kill him...and when his mother's sacerifice rebounded the spell, you lost your body for it. He lived, and for the next 19 years you spent the focus of your time trying to kill him..."He siged before nodding. "Yes, I came back to stop you, because you killed our only hope in teh future. The answer had to lie in the past."He said before snickering a little. "You more then dabbled in black arts, you made a alliegence with the lady Mab, for access to the winter court of sidhe, and all their dark magics..mixed with wizarding magic...I find it truly amazing you didn't blow yourself up before then."he smirked a little."But I don't know what drove you to make the bargain with her, I only know that you did."He said before shaking his head."You have no idea how disturbing it is to see you like this... flirting and liking people. ITs weird. And yes, you do become really old, though I can't say you aged well."

Morgan whimpered, before her teeth snapped down. No matter how much she wanted him, she was still a darkling, and no one's whore."I am no one's slave, boy."She growled fisting her hand in his hair and dragging him around for a kiss as she climbed over his body, rubbing against him, as needy as a bitch in heat, poor tom was going to be so upset.

Severus managed to hold out until he was hugged, wrapping his arms around remus' waist, clinging to him as he cried. Snickering a little even through the tears he leaned back to look up at the werewolf holding him, poking him in the shoulder."Only a werewolf would get moon flowers for a funeral."He teased his voice light before swallowing hard."we better head back in.I am head boy after all..don't need getting in trouble."
Tom shuddered a little as he learned about his future, looking deeply troubled. "such obsession over a mere boy is... deeply troubling." Tom admitted, running a hand through his hair as he considered that. "i don't know what drove me to Mab's court, but i think i might know how i found them." he admitted, frowning. "you are from two thousand and ten..." he muttered, running the math in his head. "if Potter is the same age as you he would have been born in 1979... so, James and whatever wife he manages to get... would have to have little potter sometime in the next four or five years... so whatever drove me to such deplorable lengths, has to happen sometime in the next four years." he mused, frowning a little. "tell me. did i ever get a teaching job here at Hogwarts in the original timeline?" no, Dumbledore pushed him away, despite having no one better for the job. afterwords Tom simply vanished. "i wasn't even aware they Fey and wizarding magic COULD be combined. good lord, here's hoping THAT'S what drove me mad." Tom muttered, shaking his head. "sin against nature and all that." he smirked at the other. "trust me, i've seen myself. he's bald, he has no nose, his eyes are ugly and i swear he was SCALY! i think he even had a forked tongue! now, son of Salazar i might be, but that's going a little TOO far for my tastes!" there was a pause. "it is a relief to know i eventually get over my vanity though." a joke at his own expense. definitely not Voldemort quality yet.

Lucius snarled as he was bitten, but was all too willing to let her take control. he could make her his whore, willingly or not. he didn't really care about her, only about the offspring that she might produce for him. good strong warriors. and if she bore any daughters, well, they'd make good brood mares as well. "fuck me already." Lucius hissed, looking pleased, and amused as he rubbed himself against her, using his magic to strip them both naked. "start with your mouth, i want to feel those pretty lips of yours wrapped around my dick."

Remus smiled as he held Severus, shaking his head. "we don't have to go back yet." he murmured softly. "Sirius is covering for me, and i'll cover for you." he promised. "after all, one should never leave a sick werewolf by himself. we're spending the next few hours in the bathroom with me heaving my guts out, having caught what made YOU sick the last time we where together." he promised, smiling at her. "Moondrops are as rare as they are beautiful. just like you and Eileen." he admitted, gently brushing Snape's tears away. "we'll just sit here for a while, alright? you need time to calm down."
"He marries lily actually. As disturbing as that thought is, considering their current state of arguments."he said before frowning, thinking over everything, wondering how tom had found mab's ourt before shaking his head."No. Dumbledore refused, and you disappeared for 4 years. Only to return as lord voldemort....only a few people knew you as tom riddle."He frowned a little, tilting his head."You were often in the company of lady winter,-"he frowned a little, the thought teasing him, but he couldn't make it form. He could almost figure it out. "But maybe you should get ahold of the sidhe. They've always had a particular grip on time, and from everything the world saw, the ladies of winter liked you."He said snickering before laughing outright."Oh, this is definately weird. I would have been crucio'd if I had even suggested you weren't handsome in that body."He shuddered before standing."Now we better break up before professor snow thinks I killed you or something."He snorted laughing as he headed for the door.

Morgan growled at him, even if she had a weakness against love potions, she was still a darkling, one of the sidhe who had way to much pride for their own good. Growling as she sank to her knees sliding her mouth down over his cock with a pleased sigh, stroking herself even as her mouth slide over him.

Severus sighed a little as he settled down on the ground with him, relaxing before losing his eyes as he leaned back to look at the sky, trying to relax."Yes, a sick werewolf might eat his best friend, and where would the world be without potter?"He said snarkly, even if it didn't hold the usual venomous bite to teh words.
Tom chuckled a little and nodded before pondering. "yes, the Queen of the Winter Courts has long been said to have amazing Time capabilities. she might have an idea how to stop me from... whatever i did." he agreed chuckling as he nodded. "i'll work on that." he agreed as he stood up. "she knows you can't kill me. your not capable of cold blooded murder." he admitted with a slow snicker as he shook his head and headed back for Morgan's rooms, humming happily to himself as he paused at the sounds issuing from the room, the low, deep moans of a man being pleasured. he jerked the door open just in time to see Lucius's hands gripping Morgan's hair tightly, his hips moving slowly in and out of her mouth, gasps of pleasure falling from his lips, head tossed back as he spilled himself into her mouth, making sure she swallowed every drop, looking up at Tom with a sadistic smirk as Tom made a strangled noise deep in his throat and simply turned and left. "aaha that was wonderful." Lucius growled, smirking, well aware that Morgan had see the shattered, hurt, BETRAYED look on Tom's face before he left.

Lupin smirked a little and shook his head a little. "i'd be more likely to eat Sirius. Jame's knows better than to piss me off when i'm not feeling well." he admitted simply. "Sirius can't keep his mouth shut on the other hand... i threatened to castrate him the other day." he admitted with a smirk as he enjoyed being with Severus, simply enjoying holding the other. "...Sev?" he asked softly, biting his lip nervously. "did you know that werewolves mate for life?"
(I figured luc could keep her for a day or two, until tom realizes that something is seriously wrong.XDD torturing him is to much fun)

Morgan raised her head at the sound of the door opening, looking confused as she stumbled to her feet, "Tom?"She called after him, sounding so very confused.Even if lust colored her words, the lust potion still driving her but the sight of her bonded..."Tom?"She called sounding anxious torn between running after him like how her heart wanted her to, and staying right where lucius wanted her to be.

"Ah, well. We could still hope."The man smirked a little before frowning a little tilting his head back to look at the other."I didn't actually. Your the only werewolf I know."She said studying the man wondering where he was going with it.
Lucius smirked and nudged her face with his knee, turning her attention back to him. "your not done yet." he hissed, licking his lips. "i still have to fill that pretty little cunt of yours." he purred, pleased with the look on Tom's face as he rolled the girl over, latched his teeth onto her neck, and slowly fit himself into her. rolling his hips as he pushed in deep, hard and fast he fucked her, using her body for his own pleasure, making sure to push in as deep as he could get before he came, flooding her cunt with his seed. it was only fitting that the breed mare bare his child first after all.

Lupin snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "your not nice at all." he teased before growing anxious again. "well... we do." he admitted. "and we know the moment we see them too... only sometimes, they get those weird feelings mixed up." he admitted softly. "and i was so... lonely... James and Sirius, they became my pack... my family." he admitted softly. "so i ignored my feelings, and pretended they weren't real... but i can't pretend anymore... we're... i'm not a child to hide behind my freinds anymore..." he turned his attention beck to Snape, those pretty amber eyes staring at Snape. "...i... your my Mate." he admitted softly. "i didn't really know, or realize until recently... but i've always felt better with you near, even if you where biting my head off with acid words..."
"Well....thats good then.Cause I like being with you to."Severus said smiling a little as he looked at the other.

A few days later Jamie frowned as he leaned back in his seat, leaning around Sirius to talk to remus.Though they were in class, morgan had started letting them talk in class, even if she was still bitchy about most things. "Is it just me or is Lucius looking smug about something?"He muttered tilting his head towards the blond slytherin as morgan helped him with a potion before moving on. Though she wasn't actively following him, everyone in the room knew there was a active awareness between student and teacher....and a significant absence of the teacher they'd come to expect to be in their potions class.

Mab tilted her head as she looked at the slender man in front of her, smirking a little."Ahhh, I can see why morgan likes you. You are very pretty."She said the woman said smiling as she stood, the tall lithe woman was morgan's opposite in every way, all whites and creams, trailing her fingers over his cheek as she studied the young dark lord."You seem sick, pretty one."She muttered thinking over the words that herself had brought back. After all, what use was it to time travel, if one could not bring things back to herself?Espicially when her own daughter was the one time traveling. Not that she would tell him that. It was always better to spring a surprise on one. Espcially if she could introduce him to the child who'd one day risk everything to come back and change his past.
Remus glanced at Jamie and nodded. "he does... it's disturbing. to the point i actually asked Snape if Lucius had done anything to him... Lucius hasn't even gone near him... he just... it's like Lucius suddenly decided that neither i or Snape was worth the effort..." he swallowed thickly. "professor Snow has been... smelling different." he admitted. "not like a new perfume.. her base smell is off... somethings happened to her..." he hissed softly, worried. "and Professor Riddle hasn't been seen in two days. not a hint of him... i..." he flushed. "i got professor McGonagall and we broke into his rooms, worried... but he wasn't there... he hadn't been there in a while. something is wrong..." James looked worried and then. "i... hate to say this... i mean i REALLY hate to say this... but i think we need Snape's opinion..." he admitted, nearly looking like he wanted to throw up at that.

Tom swayed a little as he stared at Mab, cringing at the name of the woman he had come to love. "it's broken... so broken inside." he whispered, raising a shaking hand to stroke Mab's cheek. "you look like her... like... like..." he shuddered and recoiled away from Mab as if he'd been struck. he was mad, mad with grief, mad with betrayal, hate and hurt the only things that mattered in his mind now. "your can cut it out... make it stop. make it stop burning deep inside." he grabbed the front of Mab's cloak desperately. "please... please... cut her out of me... make her stop burning me!" but to cut Morgan out of his soul, would split a perfectly whole soul. was this what had driven Tom insane in the past? trying to cut out a bond that he hadn't understood? clearly he knew Morgan in the future, but she hadn't seamed to affect him then... had he cut her out of him? was that what had caused the real madness? the psychosis? the need to slaughter everything and anything if only to make his own pain just a little less?
Jamie frowned a little glancing at the teacher before snickering slightly at James' words. "Don't throw up in your cauldron."He muttered before nodding."I'll deal with lucius. See if you can corner Snow for help or something. See if Snape can figure out what's wrong."He said looking up as the bell rung, heading for the door, knoking into lucius as he past, having every intention of pissing the blond off enough that he paid attention to him instead of paying attention to what the boys were doing.

Mab winced a little nodding slightly."So I do."she muttered stroking his hair out of his face. From what she had understood what had driven him insane had been breaking a bond, shattering morgan's hold on him by himself, instead of accepting it. While it hadn't happened like this, mab from the future had known he would come to ask, just not what caused it. Had known that she hadn't been the one to cut the bond between lady winter and lord, but had known that the very magicks he'd gotten from the sidhe to do it, had shattered his own mind. that he'd met the child morgan, and felt the bond to her, shattering it before she'd had a chance to grow up and be his perfect mate. Yes, that was the future her daughter had brought news of...even if she hadn't been aware of what the breaking had meant, hadn't known her bond would affect her so."I will.If you do something for me first."she said gently grabbing his arm and leading him to the balcony overlooking the courtyard."Tom Riddle. May I introdue you to my daughter, Mrogan?"She said nodding towards the girl child chasing snow flakes, definately not the woman tom knew, but there was a obvious connection between child and adult.
James smirked a little and glanced at Lupin. "you handle Snape, he'll just punch me in the nose." he ordered calmly, watching as Jamie set the distraction, Lucius snarling at Potter. "Watch where your going you filthy Mud-Blood!" he roared, not noticing as James moved over to professor Morgan, asking her if there was something wrong and asking her if she'd seen professor Riddle, calmly 'accidentally' cutting her with a slicing knife, cursing as he pressed a rag to her arm to gather, and stop, the bleeding. Snape would need a blood sample after all, even James knew that. Remus on the other hand slid over to Sev, whispering in his... boyfriends? lovers? he didn't know yet, ear, explaining that they thought Lucius had done something to Professor Snow and that 'they' wanted his personal opinion on it.

Tom looked relieved, so relieved that Mab would stop the burning pain so deep in his chest. being so far away from Morgan, for so long had taken it's toll on him. it was trying to force him to go back and save Morgan, but he didn't know what it meant, all he knew was the bitter betrayal. "anything! i'll do anything!" he gasped, so relieved that he didn't even ask what she wanted. he followed her and froze at the sight of tiny, tiny Morgan and jerked away from Mab, raising his hands as if to strangle the Girl Child playing in the snow before recoiling in horror at his own viscous wants. "time Traveler... she's a time traveler... she came back to do this to me... came back to drive me mad.... she did this... she did this.." he turned away from the innocent girl in the snow, trembling as if cold, and heaving for air like a winded horse, desperately trying to keep what little sanity he had left. "cut it out of me please!" he pleaded, falling to his knees with a pitiful wail. "i cannot stand the pain anymore! i cannot stand knowing she has betrayed me so!!!"
"You're being awfully loud for a man who's supposed to be behaving."Jamie snickered looking amused as they worked on distracting the man. Morgan frowned a little looking sad before shaking her head."NO.I havent'."She said a small frown on her fae,yelping as she was cut but ignoring it in favor of going after Lucius, since he did have a free class after all. Severus frowned shivering as his boyfriend got lose to him, taking the rag before sighing quietly."Damn...I need to get up to the come and go room...I'll need peace and quiet."The slytherin said waiting till luius was out of the way and making remus go upstairs with him so they could work. Looking more anxious with each moment that past as the potion went through its phases.

"No, you destroyed your bond with her when she was a child tom. You met her the first time when she was young....the adult morgan ame back to stop you from destroying yourself. And her."The winter queen knelt in front of him,waving her daughter over,"Morgan, lovely this is tom.Sit with him will you." "Okay mama."The small morgan turned wide eyes on the upset man, looking anxious. "Mr. Tom, what's wrong?You hurt here. can I help?"the small hild smiled as she pressed hand against his hest looking at him anxiously.
Lucius snarled at him, moving to strike Jamie before pausing as he watched Morgana coming over to him. "you just watch where your going, before you find yourself gutted and left for parts on the side of a road somewhere. that's all you people are good for anyway." he spat before leading Morgan back to their rooms for another round of sex before his next class, Remus muttering on his way past that he and Sev where going to work in one of his secrete places. James and Sirius came over to Jamie as well, James biting his lip. "... should we be stopping them?" "i don't think we can." Sirius admitted calmly. "this has gone on for two days so far. Lucius isn't hurting her, i don't think. she'll be alright for another few hours..." he hoped.

Tom shuddered and shook his head. "no... no she betrayed me." he protested weakly. he was tired. so tired. it had been so long since he'd simply stopped to sit, topped to sleep. he had walked to the winter courts, only using magic when he had to cross something he couldn't walk across... like the ocean. he shuddered as Morgan came closer and he tried to recoil away from her, but her touch felt so good... so very good, and he wrapping his arms around the little girl, not to hurt, simply to hold, and he started to sob, holding her close because she soothed the hurt deep inside... he wondered if Mab would kill him if he kidnapped this little girl. he could raise her... train her to be a good woman, not a traitor like her elder... he could make sure this little Morgan would stand by his side, and only his side... he would have done it... if he'd had the strength. but he couldn't even stand up, let alone pick up a little girl and run, or apparate. he'd kidnap her later, after a nap... yes, a nap.
"Hopefully not."Jamie frowned, though he wondered briefly, if this breaking, was what drove a dark lord to the winter courts, and prayed that it wasn't. Hours later Severus cursed as he stepped over from the cauldron, shuddering in horror."Bloody hell. Riddle's going to kill him."He cursed glancing towards the wall, smirking as a floo appeared."Come with me."He demanded of his werewolf before stepping through to malfoy manor. Risking everything to tell abraxus what his son was up to. He knew the elder malfoy, and as cruel as he could be, he had to trust that his friend's happiness mattered to him to. "Lord malfoy?"The young half blood cleared his throat as he stepped into the study."I need to talk to you about your son, and Tom riddle."

When he woke morgan was still sitting in his lap sleeping, though mab herself was sitting next to them, gently stroking his hair as she rested his head in her lap."Tom, something is wrong with my girl.She came back to save you, and even if she hadn't been aware of the bond, or what it meant, se wouldn't willing betray you. No Sidhe can. To refuse is to lie, and lying is something no sidhe can do. It will kill her."

Morgan snarled as she jerked her head bak, glaring at the blond holding her, her head pounding, her own nature fighting back against the potions holding her. Her own nature of a inablity to lie, to want to be with her bonded breaking her, shattering that ever brilliant mind into pieces. And while it had been tom to go insane the first time around, it was going to be morgan this time. Morgan who became the dark mistress of magic.
Remus looked oh so terrified to be in Malfoy manor, and kept hissing to Severus that they shouldn't be there. he nearly crawled out of his Skin when Abraxas Malfoy looked up at them from his desk with a small scowl. "my Son and Tom riddle!?" he demanded, shocked. "what has that ungrateful little bastard done now!?" he demanded, standing up and listening as Severus explained that Lucius had drugged Morgana with a complex potion. a mix of love, lust, compulsion, and obedience potions, if Morgan hadn't been Fea, she would have been a complete slave. Abraxas nearly roared in his rage and he stared at Severus. "you can make a cure?!" he demanded, voice layered with rage. making a cure would be a piece of cake for a potions genius like Snape, hell he probobly already had it made. "we're all going back to the school. i will pull my son out of Hogwarts and he will learn the TRUE meaning of Discipline!" yes. Abraxas was certainly pissed off.

Tom woke slowly, his mind still jumbled but not so wild anymore. with Morgan so close, the madness had been pushed away, giving him space to think and understand what was wrong. "...yes. something is wrong." he agreed, standing up. "i'm taking the little one with me, i need her to think properly. she will be safe and i will return her as soon as i've found out whats wrong." he vanished before Mab could complain, taking little Morgan with him, appearing in his rooms as he looked around, gently settling the sleepy girl in his bed and tucking her in before he rushed out and went to Morgan's rooms. Abraxas, Sev and Remus got there just after tom did, and Lucius was screaming in pain, holding his belly which was bleeding profusely. Tom had nearly gutted the bastard with the shining blade he was holding, red eyes already glittering with the returning madness, but Lucius wasn't dead, and he wouldn't die. Abraxas wasted no time, he started screaming at his son, healed the boy, and then yanked the spoiled brats pants down and grave the boy a bare ass spanking in front of everyone until the pale flesh was black and blue. Remus hesitantly moved over to Tom and explained what they had discovered, and Tom nodded, letting Remus take the bloody blade away. everything was happening so fast... to fast, and Tom felt his mind spiraling out of control again, so he fled, cleaning up with magic, and gathered the Child Morgan into his arms to reconnect with his own mind again.
Morgan stirred as tom held her,looking so much like the adult sleepy morgan it would be paindul to see since the adult was currently almost catatonic."tom?where are we?whats wrongg?wheres mama?"she muttered leani.g into the man, content in his company though confused.

Severus eyed the malfoy men with grim amusement quietly mving around the bed and sitting down, gently helping the woman there sit up."come on sweetheart,you're safe now. Drink for me."he muttered the senseless comforting things as he got the woman to drink the antidote but there was nothing he could do for the blank broken look. He had to hope tom knew what to do."we better get her back to riddle.."he said frowning a litle wondering why the man had fled. "Then tell the others what happened. Sirius and the guys are probably going insane..."he sighed gently picking up his teacher.pausing to look at abraxus."do you need help getting him out of here?"
Tom shuddered and gently settled his forehead on the Tiny Morgan's. "we're at Hogwarts little one. you see, you make my head not... bad, anymore, and make my insides not burn, so i brought you here so i could save someone." he explained. "it's very hard to, because i can't think long enough to do so, but i think i managed it." he promised the little girl, snapping his fingers for a house elf and ordering them to bring a snack for the little girl. he settled her at the table and let her eat and amuse herself with some crayons before setting the bed up for Morgan.

Abraxas snorted and shook his head as he moved over to Tom's fireplacce, called out his manor, and chucked Lucius in heads first. "he knows better than to do anything other than go to his room and sulk." Abraxas stated simply. "i could normally buy his way out of Azakaban, but i think a month or so in there will wisen him up." he admitted simply. "i'll call one of the more discrete Aurors. he'll take the statements and make the arrest quietly so that Tom and... who is she again?" Remus snorted and shook his head. "Morgan... i think she might be professor Riddles Life Mate." Abraxas examined Remus intently. "...Son, you've gone through too many full moons. Tom Riddle is about as human as a human can get." Remus rolled his eyes. "you think my nose is broken!? is that it!? i'm the one that smelled the difference in Morgan and thought there might be potions involved! don't you tell me MY nose is wrong!" Remus ordered with a haughty sniff as he followed Severus out the door and to Tom's rooms, the man snapping the door open and indicating for him to lay her on the bed where he immediately crawled in with her. "good god! professor Morgan has a daughter!" Remus gasped, looking at the little Morgan, staring at the child as Tom snickered. Jamie would know better though.
Morgan nodded as she played with the crayons"I'm glad I helped you tom. You make me halppy."she said looking up startled as everyone came in, staring at the woman limp in severus' arms. Severus stared looking startled for a moment at the sight of the child and tom,watching him cuddle morgan he shook his head."no...I don't think so remy."he muttered sihin quietly. His head was killing him."professor?do you need us to stay?"he asked worried for both tom and morgan who despite being given the antidote wasn't responding to anythj.g yet
Tom smiled at Morgan and nodded as he studied the people. "no i don't need anything." he muttered. "if i do the house elves will get it for me." he promised, closing his eyes as he held the elder Morgan tightly, wondering how to fix this. "if you could, tell McGonagall that i and Professor Snow have fallen deathly ill, and that we will be gone for several days or weeks. as soon as i'm sure Morgan is stable we're leaving to get proper help." he admitted, smiling at the child Morgan as she drew. "go on then." he ordered, shooing the two out, Remus shaking his head as he half dragged Severus out of the room. "poor Professor Snow... at least it's not up to Dumbledore this time. i think Lucius is really going to face the consequences of his actions this time. Mister Malfoy won't let Lucius be kissed or tossed in jail for life, but that ass tanning certainly went a long way i think. how much of Lucius's bad behavior has made it to Abraxas do you think?" not much of it no doubt, Dumbledore was too good at covering shit up. Remus explained to Professor McGonagall that the two professors where sick, just as Tom had asked, and told her that they where going to a specialist and would be gone for some time. and that Lucius had been pulled out of school by Abraxas after the boy raped someone. it was mostly true.

Tom in the meantime, had vanished again, gently cradling the elder Morgan, while the younger clung to his pants leg as he apparated them back to the Fea Lands, Tom staggering with the effort of moving that far. "back." Tom croaked, sitting on the ground with his head buried in Morgan's hair as he struggled not to pass out from the sudden loss of energy. he'd appeared directly in front of Queen Mab, wherever she was.
"I doubt thr elder malfoys heard little,if any about lucius' actions. His rage over finding out thus tonight proves it. I'm sure if he'd known before now lucius would have gotten a setting down that made tonights pale in comparison."severus sighrd tiredly running his fingers through his hair trying hard to not think about the teacher he'd held for a few moments. He hadn't seen a woman then, he'd seen a empty shell that had once been a vicious, brillant and vivacious woman.

Mab stood from the dinner table easily dismissing her guests before shooing her young daughter out of the room and looking at the grown one."wht happened?"she said needing to know exactly what caused this to be able to get her back.settling both moegan and tom into her bed she started searching her daughters mind,looking for the woman, wondering if there was anyone to sing back to the body left,or if shed broken herself to much
Remus nodded and then snickered. "did you see the look on that bastards face when Abraxas pulled him over his knee!?" he demanded, his eyes shining with delight. "i don't think Lucius has ever been so mortified in his life! i wish i had thought to take pictures." he admitted with a snicker as he led the way, shaking his head as he sobered. "i hope desperately that Professor Snow will be alright... come on, James, Sirius and Peter will be in the kitchens waiting for us. Jame's already promised to behave if you do."

Tom shook his head a little. "don't know." he admitted. "boys from the school said she'd been poisoned. something about a love, lust, compulsion, and obedience." he muttered, holding the woman tightly. "Lucius was.... fucking her, i nearly gutted the slimy little bastard." he bared his teeth. "i would have killed him, but i didn't want to upset Morgan or Abraxas..." he admitted, swallowing as he stroked her hair. "the young Potions Genius gave her the antidote, but she hasn't woken up yet..." he admitted, gently stroking Morgan's face, careful not to interrupt whatever Mab was doing in her daughters mind. "is she going to be alright?"
"I'm sure it won't be something he'll be forgetting anytime soon."he snickerred then nodded."fine. I guess I can behave."he said following the other to the kitchen, wincing as both peter and jamie jumped on them wanting to know what had happened. The rumor mkll was already flying with abraxus pulling luciys out of school. So something had happened badly.and jamie wondered what was going on, something didn't seem quite riht,but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Mab sat backbwith a tired sigh,smiling slihtly as she nodded."she will be fine,young riddle. Though I would not suggest taking her back to the school yet. You caant stay here,having both morgans here will be a disaster..."the winter queen grew thoughtful as she looked down at her daughter, though she wouldn't tell him, at least not straight out,shed give riddle a hint,and hope for the best."take her to the malfoy manor. The lord there is strong,and will take care of his own."she said though she didn't knos if abraxus would help tom take care of her because tom loved her,or because morgan was carrying his grandchild.already..history was rewriting itself. So much had xhanged,with just these two meeting and falling in love
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