Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

he chuckled a little and nodded as he closed his eyes. "i did find out one good thing." he admitted, grinning viciously. "Lucius is being stripped of his Head Boy status. with the Lupins in there bitching at Dumbledore, they found out just how long this had been going on... years apparently. Remus never told anyone, i have no idea why. i was thinking of offering the Head Boy Badge to Severus Snape. he showed a great deal of courage tonight, betraying his fellow house mates to get Remus, a known enemy, help." he admitted. "we need someone like that, someone who won't abuse his position." he sighed a little. "let's get some sleep alright? we have defense with the sixth years again right away in the morning."

James offered her a smile, but didn't head up to bed. he went to his 'thinking' chair, the one closest to the fire and slumped down into it, worrying about Remus and about the things he had learned today. wondering why no one had stopped Lucius before now.. that blond bastard had almost killed Remus today. the ribs had punctured internal organs. severe internal bleeding according to Madam Pomfery. how close to death had Remus come before? how many times a month was Remus left helpless and hurt?... why had Remus never said anything? how could Dumbledore allow such a thing!? he sat there until morning, though he was asleep in his chair by the time the others started for breakfast.
"It would be good for him.Severus would be good at it."She said yawning a little as she stood, slipping her hand into his."Come on then. Let's get some sleep."She said sighing quietly as she led him to the bedroom, snuggling into him with a smile, content to just be in his arms. in the morning Morgan smirked as she looked up at the sleeping dark lord, shifting,gently, slowly, undoing his pants, careul to not wake him up as she slid her lips down over his cock, having every intention of waking him up in a good mood.

Jamie smirked a little as he started eating, glancing at sirius."Think it was safe leaving lily to wake up james?"he asked looking amused because he knew the two would be good together, if only they could get past their differences.

Lily smiled a little at the sight of james potter still laying in his chair, moving over and gently shaking his shoulder."James?"She muttered quietly, trying to not startle him to much.
Tom was sleeping as peacefully as ever as she settled in-etween his legs, a low moan falling from his lips as she worked his flesh into hardness, his hips undulation with the pleasure, a small shudder rolling down his back as his hand tangled in her hair and his eyes fluttered open. "that had better be Morgan or i swear to Merlin someone's having their lips sewn together before their hung by their thumbs in the dungeon." he warned before looking down, pleased to see it WAS Morgan, flopping his head back down and moaning happily again.

Sirius snickered a little and nodded. "yeah, she can handle him." Sirius agreed as he looked around at the breakfast table before snatching up some breakfast sausages, putting them in a napkin. "we're going to go see Remus before class." he explained, indicating the napkin. "Madam Pomfery doesn't seam to understand that gruel and oatmeal isn't what he needs in the mornings." he admitted with a shake of his head. "so anytime he ends up in the hospital wing overnight, we take him some proper food. you coming with Peter?" Sirius asked curiously.

James groaned and brought a hand up to scrub at his face. "yes.. i'm up.." he mumbled sluggishly. "go to breakfast without me.." he mumbled before dropping right off back to sleep. one wouldn't think it, but it was damn hard to get James up in the mornings. normally James set his own Alarm, loud enough to scare the living shit out of himself the rush of adrenaline waking him up in a snap, along with everyone else, but he hadn't set his wand for an alarm spell last night, so it was up to Lily to try and wake him... knowing Lily, it wouldn't be pleasant.
Morgan raised her head laughing at his words, her tongue flicking over the head of his cock as she hummed a good morning."Hmm one of these days, you're going to get surprised by someone else."She snickered as she lowered her head again, enjoying her job of getting him off, swallowing hard as he came, raising her head as she looked up at him, dark eyes glazed with lust, looking amused."Good morning."She said wiping her mouth before collapsing to the side next to him.

Jamie looked amused before nodding."You'd think as a nurse she'd know enough to feed a werewolf something meaty first thing in the morning."Jamie said rolling his eyes a little as he gathered his things."Yea I will. I have no desire to be alone at the moment."peter said flushing slightly at the admittance finishing up eating.

Lily laughed rolling her eyes before stepping back. Thinking about how to wake him up the best before smirking, muttering a spell and laughing outloud as ice cold water dumped on him, with the most of it right on his groin.
he groaned as she teased his flesh, arching as he came, trembling under the force of the pleasure, laughing at her smart ass comment. "the day someone else has their head between their legs is the day i commit cold blooded, willing murder." Tom admitted with a sluggish smile. "that was wonderful. thank you." he muttered, smirking at her, lust burning in his eyes. "shall i return the favor?"

Sirius snickered and shrugged. "between you and me, i don't think Madam Pomfery really knows what she's doing when it comes to Remus, and he's too nice to tell her how to do a better job." Sirius admitted with a shrug of his shoulders before he stared at Peter, setting a hand on the other boy's arms. "Pete? is someone picking on you again?" he asked, worried. "do i need to go kick someone's ass again?" he asked, concerned about his oh so shy freind.

James woke with a shocked, frightened scream. he jerked, patting at his groin as if he thought it was on fire, the chair tipping back and hitting the ground with a loud THU, sending James across the floor in a sprawl. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK! You Sadistic Bastard! I'm Going to!... Lily! did you see where that coward ran off to!?" he paused, looked down at his wet pants and blushed furiously as he realized it looked like he'd pissed himself. "er... it's not what it looks like! i SWEAR! Sirius dumped water on me!"
Morgan laughed quietly at his words though part of her was chilled at the thought. Because the dark lord she knew was fully capable of willing murder, while the man she was coming to know didnt seem to be. Raising a eyebrow as she laid on her side looking at him with amusement."if you want...thoguh we do have class to get to."she aid smiling as she hooked a leg over his hips, drawing him closer to him"students or sex...hmm..well. You did say you didnt want to have sex all the time."she snickered as she rolled away from him moving to get up and get ready to go.

"she probably doesnt."jamie sighed running his fingers through his hair thinking about the man he knew, who was so very different from this teen. Peter shook his head looking at his friend before sighing"no, but lucius is still in school. Still has to go to class. I have no desire to run into him before we're in riddle's class."

Lily snickered as she watched him freak out, shaking her head as she struggled for control"n- not sirius. Me. They left me here to wake you up."she grinned laughing so hard she was almost falling over
he snorted a little and shook his head. "i don't want to teach today." he grumbled, sighing a little. "ah well, i'll set them to learning the Patronus i suppose." he mumbled. "their saying the Death Eaters are getting antsy." he admitted as he yawned. "better to be prepared." he muttered with a yawn as he watched her roll away. "your sadistic." he complained as he used a few charms to get himself cleaned up and prepared for class, getting dressed in his teaching robes with a shake of his head.

Sirius grimaced a little. "shit, i forgot about Lucius. your right Peter... from now on, none of us go out alone. especially you and Remus alright? if Lucius can't get to Remus he might go after you instead. stupid idiot thinks that just because your quiet your an easy target. your not, but three against one is no good odds." he admitted shaking his head as they headed to Remus, who was talking to his parents. "the Operation is complete of course. the man will be fine, he's going to be shaken up pretty bad for a while though." "operation?" Sirius asked, startled. "your DOCTORS!?" the three Lupin's stared at Sirius with raised eyebrows. "oh... er.. it's just... Remus never talks about you guys so... we thought you had embarrassing jobs or something... James is certain your mass murderers..." the Lupin's laughed, enjoying how close to the real occupation that James really was. "we brought you some proper food." Sirius admitted, plopping the pile of napkins stuffed full of ham, sausage, beef, and bacon on Remus' lap. "and we've decided that we're not going out alone anymore. it's too dangerous with Lucius on the hunt for blood."

James stared at Lily in stunned astonishment before he started to laugh as well. "you out Maraudered a Marauder! i didn't know you had it in you Lily!" he admitted with a grin as he used a spell to dry his pants and clean himself up for the morning, much like Professor Riddle was doing. "shall i walk you to breakfast? or are you planning on pranking me again?"
"Well you still have to teach."She teased looking amused before sighing as she smirked at him."Of course. I get along with you, you know."She snickered as she got dressed before heading for the classroom, having every intention of teaching class with him again. Not liking the idea of being away from him.

Peter nodded a little."Okay. That'll be easy enough.We all share the same classes." Looking startled at the lupins, he was unable to make up his mind before smiling, "And we need to tell snape to. Lucius is probably smart enough to know we went for the teachers, but someone went for dumbledore."He said sighing softly. This was turning into such a big mess.

Lily laughed looking amused."Well, only tot you.You wouldn't wake up."She said rolling her eyes a little looking amused."Well, I can't say I wont prank you, but I'll refrain from doing it until later."She snickered a little as they headed downstirs.
Tom chuckled a little as he shook his head and plucked up the Head Boy Badge with a smirk. "this is just going to drive Lucius insane." Tom purred. "and i've put a monitoring charm on him as well, so i will always know when he's somewhere he's not supposed to be." he admitted, baring his teeth in a feral grin. "i'll have that little bastard expelled yet!" he chirped, pleased with himself. he was well aware the danger he would be putting Snape in, which was why he was going to pull the boy aside and explain everything first. if Snape didn't want to do it, he'd find someone else. he stepped into his classroom and with a wave of his hand, all the desks and chairs vanished, leaving a perfectly open area to practice in.

Sirius nodded before grimacing. "...James isn't going to like that..." he muttered, worried. "but... i think Snape already knows the danger he's put himself in." he admitted. "it's no secrete that Snape hates Lucius... not as much as he hates James... but he does hate Lucius." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "come on, we'd better go, or we'll be late. and we know what happens when someone is late to Professor Riddles class... we'll tell him your still int he hospital wing Remy." he promised, racing off to the Defense room, pausing just as he got there to stare at Lily and James... talking, not fighting, actually talking.

"James shrugged sheepishly. "i have a sleeping dependency." he lied playfully, his eyes glittering with mischief. "i didn't know you COULD Prank someone! Miss Evans, i do beleive your starting to lighten up." he teased, winking at her. likewise, James was starting to mature making him less annoying, and more amusing. "hey guys! hows Moony?" he asked, worried about the werewolf. "did you take him proper food?" he asked hopefully. "i woke up late. poor Lily, i almost beat her up thinking it was you Sirius." "you see! this is why i won't wake you up anymore! i always get HIT!" Sirius complained, sulking as he stomped into the classroom and froze, astonished that it was empty. the Slytherins where already there, and Tom looked up at them with a grin. "come on in gentleman. your just barley not late." "sorry Professor. we where checking up on Remus." here James and Sirius issued a glare in Lucius's direction.
"It is. And what is his father going to think about you monitoring his son?"She said looking amused at the idea as she settled behind his desk to watch, smirking when she saw the slytherins walking in, her smile just daring them to say something about her being there.

"No, but they both hate lucius enough tehy might set it aside."Jamie muttered before leaving with the others. Wincing at riddle's words he looked around. "So what are we doing today?"Jamie said trying to stay calm, even though he could almost see the tempers starting to flair. Dammit, this class was just going to blow up in all their faces if riddle couldn't get a control on the slytherins.
he smirked at her. "abraxas thinks it's a very good idea. his son is a spoiled, egotistical little brat who needs to be taken down a few pegs... those are my words, bot Abraxas'. Enough with the Glaring! this is a CLASS not a Dueling Arena!" Tom snapped, glaring at the glaring students, both halves wincing. "now then! today, we are doing a practical." at that everyone perked up a little. "we're going to learn to do the Patronus. can anyone tell us what the Patronus is?" Lucius responded without raising his hand and Tom nodded. "very good. ten points to slytherin. now who can tell me HOW it works." this one Sirius was able to answer, and just to test the waters he also didn't raise his hand. "correct. ten points to gryffindor. now, seeing as how a Patronus is a physical embodiment of happy thoughts, who here thinks they might give it a try?" James hesitantly raised his hand and Tom nodded, inviting him to try. "Expecto Patronum!" there was a light fluffy spark of white and then it was gone, James looking rather put out, Tom grinning. "don't feel bad, that was amazing for a first time." he admitted. "now keep in mind, that many Adults can't pull this off. it's not so much power levels, but the ability to stay trained on that single happy feeling. Mister Snape? would you care to give it a try? Miss Evans, you too. come forth and give it a go." there was a pause as a thick mist issued out of a want that wasn't one of the selected students. "Yes! well done Rabastan! that's almost corporeal! very well done! take another twenty five points for slytherin! since everyone's so excited, you can all give it a go. alright, everyone on three. one, two... three!" everyone raised their wands, spoke the incantation and looked around for the white mist. out of the slytherins, only Rabastan had the white mist, the others didn't have anything. James managed to make a wisp, Sirius nearly blew his own hand up because he was thinking too hard.
Both severus and lily got some mist going, though jamie himself was avoiding actually ding it, hiding in the crowd. He wasn't about to admit to being able to do it. Well...Sighing softly as he realized what he was going to do before muttered the spell, wincing as the panther took form, he might look like a 6th year but he was a sixth year from a war torn world they'd all learned it early. Morgan looked startled as she looked them over, before sighing softly, running her fingers through her hair as she looked up at tom."Can you, proffesor?I mean hold onto a hppy thought to get it?"She said looking curious. Wondering if he could, and wondering if he had a happy enough thought to be able to do it.
Tom smiled a little as he watched them all working hard, lifting an eyebrow as Jaime made a fully corporeal Form. "Excellent! fifty points to Gryffindor! you should feel VERY accomplished Mister Sinclair!" he paused, hesitating at Morgan's question and he closed his eyes. "i don't have many happy memories. but i do have one." he admitted softly as he flicked his wand, and out from his wand spilled a massive bird, a phoenix! Tom had a Phoenix for a Patronus! was it the same as an adult though? no one had ever seen Voldemort produce a patronus of any form, or even try. what need was there when you had the dementors on your side? the Phoenix swept through the air and then vanished in a fading mist, a small smile gracing Tom's Lips. "when i first came to school, Fawks.. the headmasters bird, came to sing me to sleep because i was afraid." Tom admitted softly, for Morgan's ears alone. "it is my happiest memory." he admitted before looking up as the bell rang. "alright everyone, that's it! Severus Snape, i'd like to speak to you for a moment!" he called as everyone headed for the door. Tom smiled at Snape and shook his head.

"don't worry your not in trouble. you did a very commendable thing last night Mister Snape." he admitted. "you did what was right, instead of what was easy. and while i don't beleive Lupin's story about you being sick, i won't pry into the private business of the youth... i'll probobly be scared by what i find." Tom admitted with a small smirk, cracking a joke to try and make Snape feel better. "because of your actions, you may very well have saved another students life. you had no way of knowing that someone was already on their way, and you risked ostracism, and a beating of your own to go and get the headmaster... though next time, i suggest you come get me or Professor Snow." he suggested. "because of your brave actions. i want to reward you with one hundred and fifty points to slytherin... no that the bastards deserve it, but you certainly do. i also want to offer you the Head Boy badge and position... but you must be aware that by accepting the Head Boy, you have a lot of responsibilities... and much more seriously, you'll probobly have Lucius out for your blood. i want you to think very carefully about whether or not you want to accept this position or not."
Morgan smiled a little as she looked at hte bird, looking startled as she looked at it. Swallowing hard as she considered the bird before looking up at tom, a small smile on her lips."Wow....I wish I could cast it..."She said looking at him. While she ould do some wizarding magic, the more complex spells were beyond any elf's reach.

Severus looked nervous, eyes widening slightly at the teacher's words. Snickering slightly at his joke, "Well, you've scared your students, so you getting scarred would only be fair."He teased though he had no desire to tell the teacher. Staring at the badge he bit his lip before nodding."Should have thought of that...but...it's been a long time since there was anyone but the headmaster.though he really doesn't do anything either."He sighed quietly before taking the badge, "lucius already hates me. IT wont change that much."he shrugged, tilting his head."may I go professor?I want to see how lupin's doing before my next class."
Tom blinked at her, looking surprised. "you can't cast the spell?" he asked, stunned. "not enough happy memories?" he asked, biting his lip a little before turning his attention to Snape. "that was an Accident!" Tom complained at Severus's teasing, sulking at being picked on by a child. "well, the headmaster HAD to do something now." he admitted with a smirk. "i had the Lupin's up there screaming about Remus." he snickered and mimicked the woman's voice. "my Remus is already emotionally and physically fragile, 'sick' all the time! and you let things like THIS happen to him!? how long has this been going on and why haven't you STOPPED it!?" Tom snickered. "the expression on that old bastards face was priceless." Tom admitted with a grin before nodding. "of course you may. enjoy your shiny new badge and only give Potter a detention if he deserves it! don't think me stupid!" he ordered before turning his attention back to Morgana. "i'm going to invite Jaime Sinclair to my office after dinner. will you be alright on your own for about an hour?" he asked, something serious and worried in those ruby red eyes.

Remus was laying in the hospital bed, reading a book and looking ever so bored. but he was no longer covered in bruises, and despite looking a little tired, looked as right as rain. "Snape! hey!" Remus chirped, abandoning his book with a grin. "what are you doing here? oh! thanks for going to get the professors last night." there was a pause. "i'm not sure which ones you got and which ones James and Sirius did, but thanks anyway!" he admitted with a smile at the other, looking stunned at the head boy badge. "oh boy... Lucius isn't going to like that one bit... are you sure that's safe? taking his position of power? not that i know you can't kick his ass if it comes to a magic battle... but... your kind of scrawny you know? i don't know if you could take a beating from those ham handed bastards..."
"No, wizarding magic doesn't work well with elves."She said shrugging a little, snickering at tom's complaining. "You know you sound good as a woman Tom."She said snikering as severus hid his laughter as he walked out. "Now why would any of your students think your stupid huh?"she teased before sighing dramatically. "Oh, I dont know. A hour without your company, I dont know if I can survive."

Severus smiled a little glad to see that the other was okay as he sat down on the edge of the bed."Well, I got dumbledore, though in hindsight I should have just gone for snow and riddle."He said before sighing softly. Nodding at the other's words before shrugging."If I can survive my father's beating, I'll be fine."He shook his head a little. "And lucius knows he cant step out of line at the moment. Riddle'll send his ass home."
Tom nodded a little, looking amazed. "i didn't know that." he admitted before glaring at her. "hey, it's YOUR fault i scarred that poor Lupin! your fault!" he complained, sniffing elegantly. "and i'm a far better lady than you are." he was clearly struggling to hide his laughter. "i'm sure you'll be fine for just an hour. i know that i am all important and that the world, and the sun revolve around me, but you can handle it i'm sure."

Remus smiled a little and shook his head a little. "oh? you haven't heard?" he asked, sounding OH so smug. "one Tobias Snape has gone completely missing. vanished off the face of the earth." Remus admitted, smirking as he buffed his nails on his shirt. "rumor has it, he can't remember a damn thing, not even how to read, and he was found by local muggles, bare ass naked in the middle of the Afghanistan desert." he admitted, looking oh so pleased with himself. "he won't be coming back anytime soon. and of course when my parents found out about the missing man, they where oh SO concerned about his son, and filed for Ward-ship." Severus Snape was now officially a ward of one Elizabeth and Reinold Lupin. "you won't be going back to Tobias Snape, not now, not ever." Lupin stated with a firm nod of his head. "only, don't tell anyone where your bastard of a father IS. Mama's good at memory charms... but i don't want to run the risk of a bastard like Dumbledore being able to reverse the process."
Morgan rolled her eyes at her lover before getting up waving a hand to shut the door as she moved to sit up on his desk, tugging him close."Oh I'm sure. But right now?You let me sit here and daydream about you for the whole class. I thought you ould pay me back this morning....AND give us both something to snicker over when your students complain about us."She said tugging him down for a kiss.

Severus looked startled before starting to laugh."Well, I guess that takes care of that beating. Now all I have to do is survive Lucius."He said shaking his head before looking even more startled, studying the other."Why?Why would they bother?"He said looking surprised that they not only took are of his father, but took him on as a ward.Snorting a little he shook his head."as if I'd ever tell dumbledore anything truly important."
he smirked a little as he licked his lips and leaned forward, kissing her deeply, a low growl in his throat as he smirked. "well, i think we have time for a quick Oral." he promised, waving his hand at the door so that it was locked, warded, and silenced. no one was getting through that door, and thankfully, the only people who would hear their sex noises would be them. he bent her over the desk, slid her panties down, and plunged his tongue in with no more warning than that.

Lupin chuckled a little and nodded. "being that your head boy, you could always just start sleeping in the Come and Go room." he teased, winking at the other. "then you don't have to worry about Lucius slitting your throat in your sleep." he paused and looked away from Sev, blushing hard at the question. "...they did it... because i asked them to." he admitted softly, biting his lip a little, embarrassed by the admittance. "your a good guy Sev... you don't deserve the crap that life has given to you." he fidgeted. "i know... it doesn't seam like it but... i do like you, as a person... well, when your not throwing acidic remarks in my direction anyway." he admitted, smiling a little as he shook his head. "you really have a nasty mouth, you know that?"
Morgan laughed at his response, amused."hmm most people do enjoy a good oral..exam."she gasped out as she felt him tonguing her, shiverjng in response as she tried to think clearly, but the sight of him between her legs was making her lose control. Gasping as she came she wrapped her fingers in his arm smiling slightly as she panted laying back on the desk."damn..you're good at that.."she groaned laughing a little.

Severus nodded looking thouhtful."I might just do that. No chance he'd get in there."he said before looking startled at the others reasons."oh..,"he said flushing in embarassment before nodding a little."well if potter would leave me alone, I wouldn't be nearly as nasty."he pointed out
he chuckled at her puns and wordplay as he drove her to the edge and beyond, cleaning her up afterwords with his tongue, offering her a grin. "do you feel better now?" he asked with a smug little smirk, his head tilted. "good. now then, let's get you to your potions class. sixth years again. and i'm staying with you, i don't trust them not to try anything dangerous the little bastards."

Remus nodded a little. "i'm the only one that knows about it, as far as i'm aware. i've never seen anyone go near it in any case." he snorted at Snape and shook his head. "you've tormented him just as much he's tormented you. i have no pity for either of you at this point." he stated with a sniff. "you know, you've had James in tears more than once." he admitted, his eyes narrowed. "like that time you forged the letter saying he was being disowned. that was just cruel." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "however. if i can get James to call a ceasefire. i WILL expect you to agree to it." he ordered firmly, glancing at the clock. "you better get going, or you'll be late to potions. and then what kind of example would our new Head Boy be setting?"
Morgan whined quietly as she dressed, flushing a little."just think,if you ever have to come to class without me,you can think of us putting your desk to good use."she smiled as they walked out sighing quietly."think any of them are going to be late?I couls just lock them out."

Severus froened."and it was cruel sending me xown to the shrieking shack after you. But yes I will agree to that."he atood heading for the door."besidss I could probably be late. Both ridle and snow are probably...busy."he smirked heading downstairs nearly jumping out of his skin when the teachers walked in moments after him..

"Today, we're going to work on a soothing tonic. I know its a first year potion, but if all of you are going to act like first years.I'm going to treat you as such. Now begin."ahe ordered watching them all closely, taking toms warning about them misbehaving to heart.she didn't trust them either
"...in James defense, that was Sirius's idea and he was still stinging about being disowned. he got so angry when you mocked him that he let his inner darkness out to play." Remus paused. "they forget how dangerous i am sometimes..." Remus admitted softly, pain in his eyes as he remembered how close he had come to killing an innocent. how close he had come to killing Severus. "and before you fret, Sirius was indeed punished for it. Dumbledore might not have done anything, but i sure as hell did." he smirked, remembering how tenderly Sirius had sat for days after that, after the literal ass whooping that Remus had given him. "take notes for me alright? and meet me tonight in the Come and Go room." he ordered. "we'll have the ceremony tonight, so make sure that anyone you want to come with us is there as well." he ordered, offering Sev a small smile. "i think you'll like the place i found for her."

he snickered a little and shook his head. "i really do want to bend you over my desk and really give you the punishment you deserve, but will have to restrain myself for now." he teased as he shook his head, walking with her to potions, watching Snape enter the classroom. he would have commented on him being late, but they where late as well so he couldn't be a hypocrite. none of the students dared complain as Severus looked around, his sharp eyes looking for anything, anything at all that would be a sabotage. "you know... it might be a good idea to start warding each students cauldron. i had a lot of trouble in school with other people putting ingredients in my cauldron." he admitted simply. "if we ward each cauldron against 'inferior and exterior' items, no one could sabotage another person's work. like what mister Lestrange is trying to do to Mister Pittigrew's." said lestrange froze in half toss motion, his eyes wide in surprise.
Morgan frowned as she looked over her students, "Mr. Lestrange, detention with your head of house tonight for considering doing something so dangerous."She sigehd softly as she rubbed her temples, before waving a hand, smirking as elvish magic swirled through the room before warding all the caludrons, shaking her head."Now. The next person who tries to sabatoage someone's work, is going to regret it. Now get to work."She scowled a little before moving back to her desk, raising a eyebrow at tom."We could kik him out of class for a week. Let him fail."She mused sighing in frustration because she was hating this. And she was so not a teacher, which made it worse.
Rabastan winced at the detention and Tom snorted. "no, he'll have a detention with Filch. i have things i have to do tonight." he stated simply, Rabastan wincing even more. thankfully, no one else tried to sabotage a potion... which didn't help Sirius since his cauldron still melted into a big goopy puddle, Tom rolling his eyes. "Mister Black, how in the WORLD did you manage to get into this class?" "...my mom bribed the previous teacher and told me that if i didn't continue this class she'd legally disown me instead of just verbally..." Sirius muttered miserably, scowling at the mess before him, Tom lifting an eyebrow at the rather honest answer. "we can't just kick a person out of class, it's not fair to them. Rabastan is good at potions, he just needs to get his head out of his ass." he shrugged a little as he watched the others. James wooping in astonishment as he managed to make the potion. it wasn't nearly as perfect as Lily's or Lucius's. but it was up there, showing that he HAD indeed earned his place in class. after all, no one could sabotage a potion in OWLS. the bell rang and Tom smirked a little. "Mister Sinclair! a moment of your time please?" he asked, holding Jamie back for a brief moment. "you and i need to talk Mister Sinclair. tonight in my office, right after dinner." he ordered, his eyes firm before he let the other go, turning his attention to Morgan. "lunch... what say you we skip eating and just go right back to enjoying each others company?"
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