Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

"....did you find those sex books in hogwarts?I think we've found why you don't like kisses. You've been reading the wrong kind of books."She laughed shivering as he ran his hands down her sides, sitting up on her elbows to study him. Smirking as she panted,"And if I don't want you?"She questioned looking amused as she sat up, even at her teasing she started undoing her shirt, letting the silk shirt fall to the floor even as she stripped out of her wand holder and leather pants, looking so pale and beautiful in the low light of her room.Reaching out she ran her fingers down his chest smirking as she caught the waist band of his pants pulling him closer, smirking up at him as she undid the belt and pants after a moment, and drawing the moment out before she closed her mouth down over him, making little eager noises and she worked his cock.

Jamie smiled a little lushing as lupin woke up, snickering as he realized that he wasn't to pissed off."Your welcome."Peter muttered before they all drifted off. In the morning Jamie groaned a little as he ran his hands through his hair, staring up at the cieling. The man was so not sure what to think, he'd prepared to come back, but he hadn't really been prepared to be meeting them. It was mind blowing to be here with them.
Tom smirked a little as he shook his head. "no. i bought Muggle Anatomy books, and stole the porn magazines from the elders at the orphanage." Tom admitted simply. "but i may have been reading the wrong kinds of books." he agreed, smirking as he watched her shed her clothing, shuddering as he closed his eyes. "i think you want me." he admitted, smirking at her. "who can resist me?" he teased, his eyes dancing with amusement, that playful little grin on his face, looking more alive, more human than she'd ever seen from him before.he shuddered as he felt her fingers on his chest, a low moan spilling from his mouth as she wrapped those warm lips around his cock, and after a moment he gently pushed her away before he came, panting hard. "talented little minx." he growled, sliding down her body, stripping off any remaining clothes, and burying his tongue deep inside her folds. clumsy, but excited and eager to use her body for both of their pleasures.

when Jamie woke up, Sirius and James where still asleep, laying spread out across their beds like strange cats who needed to take up as much space as possible. Remus was gone however, as always he was the first one up. he would be downstairs, reading a book or working on plans for a new prank. he hated to be idle, and hated even more to be bored, so he made sure he always had something to do. being a werewolf, that was harder than one would think, being that Remus only needed five, maybe six hours of sleep a night.
Morgan making a disappointed whine as he deprieved her of her prize, pouting as he pushed her away from his cock, looking both amused and interested at how very human, playful he was being.Shuddering as he slid down her body, back arching as he tongued her, "Tommm.."She whined high in her throat, back arching as she wrapped her fingers in his hair, urging him on as she responded to him. Though unlike him, she'd had sex before but it'd been awhile and her body was melting under his touch.Gasping as she came the world splittering into pieces as she came, dragging him up for a kiss as she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him closer to her.

Jamie shook his head looking a the two and quiet peter still curled up in a small ball on bed before he headed stairs, raising a eyebrow at the sight of remus reading. "Unable to sleep?"He asked as he slid into the seat next to the man looking amused because he just couldn't shake the mental image of sirius and james spread out over the beds. It just looked so awkward.
Tom smirked as she came, writhing and jerking at his hand...er, tongue. he grunted as she yanked on his hair, and laughed as she whined, pressing his mouth to hers as he slipped inside of her hot warmth, shuddering as he struggled to maintain his composure. he'd never felt anything so... so... wonderful. he tipped his head back and moaned as his hips snapped in and out, using his entire body to work hers. in and out, more than he could handle in pleasure, but still he moved, in and out, his hands stroking her body, his mouth on hers again, fucking because there was nothing else to do but bask in the wonderful, amazing pleasure.

Remus looked up at the other and smiled a little, shaking his head. "i'm a bit of an insomniac." Remus admitted, slipping a bookmark into place. "what about you? it's pretty early. the suns not even out yet." he admitted, leaning back as he blinked at the other, stretching out on the floor he looked almost like a girl, the narrow hips and slim waistline and long hair. it was hard to imagine that as an adult, he looked more at home in a bar, rough and masculine in a very dangerous way. "want a game of Chess or exploding snap since we're both up?"
Morgan moaned as she kissed him back, her hands buried in his hair as she clung to him, stroking over his body as she shifted, raising her hips up to meet his,nails biting into his back as the pleasure built even more, pulling away from him before biting down on his shoulder, gasping a little as blood spilled onto her lips, shuddering as power crashed over her, driven by both his body and the power in the blood into a powerful orgasm as she clung to him, crying out in pleasure as she slumped bonelessly back onto the pillows. Looking pleased and vaguely amused at the bloodied teeth marks in his shoulders, glad to see he wasn't bleeding badly, but something dark and not entirely human in her wanted to see him marked.

"It's not in Vienna. I grew up there. It's nearly noon in austria."He pointed out shrugging a little before looking the other man over. Even if he wasn't as attracted to him as he was sirius, Jamie could apperciate the beautiful man, even if it was weird seeing him like this. "Chess."he grinned sitting down on the floor with him, stretching out on the ground to play.
he moaned eagerly as he felt her, touched her, stroked her, enjoyed her body, her smell, the sight of her beneath him. he gasped as she clawed him, the pain only drawing his pleasure further, yelping as he was bitten, pressing his teeth against her flesh in return, drawing only a few dots of blood as he shuddered and trembled, releasing into her, his hips jerking as he milked out every last drop of seed he had to offer, groaning happily as he eased to a stop, resting next to her, still buried in her. he wasn't sure why, but some part of him was deeply satisfied that he had marked her with his seed, spilled his sperm inside of her... though he was pretty certain she had taken precautions against such things, it pleased him to know that he had, in a way, made her his. "you bit me." he complained, sounding more amused than annoyed.

Remus blinked, looking surprised. "ah, jet lag." he agreed, shaking his head as he flicked his wand at the Chessboard, the board and pieces arranging themselves in front of the two players, Remus humming as he examined the board with a critical eye. "you take the first move." Remus offered, smiling a little. "it's nice to have someone to play against. Sirius and James don't have the patience for it, and Peter won't play me anymore because i keep killing his pieces." he admitted with a small snicker. "he's much better at Gobstones than Chess. i can never play a game against him without getting the nasty stuff sprayed into my face." he admitted, watching Jamie's first move. "you know my secrete... don't you Jamie?" Remus asked suddenly. "you know what i am." amber eyes glanced up at the other, his head tilted. not angry, simply curious. "how come you haven't said anything? anyone else would have been in a panic, especially with how grumpy i was last night..." he paused. "i beleive i threatened to gut Sirius didn't i? i can't really remember."
Morgan sighed softly as he stopped, her legs falling away from his waist as she shifted, whimpering at the loss as he slid out of her, gently pressing him to the side so she could curl up against his chest, laying with her back against his chest, letting him spoon her as she drew his arm over her, content in his company,though she was going to freak out in the morning, when she thought about what they'd done. Yawning she laughed at his complaint, snuggling back against him as she closed her eyes."You bit me back."she pointed out,yawning as she drifted to sleep.

But in the morning the woman tensed,feeling the man pressed against her back she swallowed hard, trying to not freak out. this was to insane, really. She'd just slept with the dark lord, who she knew to be insane, and cruel. Swallowing hard as she shifted, easing gently out of his arms, pausing to look down at him as she dressed. Shaking her head she sighed quietly before fleeing her rooms, to freaked out to stay, skipping out on breakfast and heading for her classroom, intending on aoviding Tom until she could figure out what she was feeling. Figuring he'd avoid coming to see her. After all he was lord voldemort, she figured he would want to avoid dealing with her.

jamie smiled a little as he moved his piee, glaning up at the other."Well, we'll just have to play then. I'm not great, but I can play."He said smiling a little and frowning slightly."I've never played gobstones. Gonna have to get him to teach me."he said looking thoughtful before looking up at the other startled, before shrugging a little. "You did threaten to, and considering he was being a pervert, you were probably justified."He said before he sighed."Remus..."He stopped trying to figure out how to say it. "Just because your a werewolf, doesn't mean your evil or anything. It's like how things have become all twisted up and it seems that just because someone has a dark affinity, has become evil, here. Elsewhere, at home, it's not. It's just a...difference."he shrugged thinking about the world he had come from. While it was true that both sides had had bad things going on, the people who had tried to stay out of it, had figured out that there was no evil magic, just bad intentions.
Tom was sleeping, looking far more peaceful than a mass murderer ever should. he looked so soft and innocent, laying there next to her, breathing soft and slow to prove he was indeed sleeping. in the morning, once he woke, he didn't bother hiding the Bite Mark, he was far beyond caring what anyone thought of him. not that anyone cared enough to ask, even Pomfery didn't look twice at the wound on his neck. he was very annoyed that she was avoiding him however, it was easy enough for him to tell. gone as soon as he woke up, and then not to breakfast... yeah, it was obvious.

Remus chuckled a little and nodded as he moved another piece before biting his lip, staring at Jamie. "i might not be evil twenty seven days out of the month... but every full moon, i am Evil Jamie. you think i don't know what i am? i walk around in the woods at night, looking for things to hunt, to kill, to slaughter. the only reason why i don't is that James and Sirius can control me. i don't have to fight to control myself, because they give me something better, safer to chase, give me a reason to run without having to claw, or bite, or kill. The Wolf is Evil Jamie. more than anything, It is Evil. because no natural Wolf wants to hear something scream, just to hear it scream." he shuddered a little and buried his head into the crooks of his elbows, hiding for a moment before looking up so he could move his piece. "not all Dark Creatures are evil, it's in their nature to feed on humans after all." which was usually why a dark creature was classified as dark, simply because they made Wizards their prey. "werewolves aren't seen as monsters where your from?" Remus asked curiously, his head tilted. "they can have jobs, and get married?" it was the English Government's repression of anything dark that led to all those 'Dark Lords' after all. so it was no wonder that Remus was looking for a place where he could be seen as an equal... so long as he took the proper precautions during the full moon.
Yet after a morning of teaching first years teh beginning of potions, she couldn't stand staying put. Feeling to anxious and upset to not see him, and feeling attracted to him was messing her up even more. Sighing as she ran her fingers through her hair she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before walking into the defense classroom, pausing to look around the room,avoiding looking at the teacher at his desk. She was definately disturbed with her sex life, considering who she had sex with. It was traumatizing, and for once she wished she was at ohme with her best friend draco, who had more then his fair share of one night stands, just so she could inform him how disturbing this was."How was your morning?"She said walking through the aisle way in the desks, absently straightening chairs as she did.

"..I don't know what to say to that."Jamie said tilting his head because he was at a loss for words on how to make the other feel better before hesitating. "They can.While they're not....well liked, they are allowed to do things."He said scrambling to remember what the rest of the world's feelings on dark creatures were at the moment, and not think to hard on england's repressions on things in his time. Sighing softly he cursed."We better get moving. We have to get to class."he said starting to get up.
Tom was sitting at his desk, preparing the notes for his first class, checking the material as he considered how best to explain the difference between 'black' and 'dark' magic. he supposed, for the older years, he'd explain how dark curses could help, while light spells could hurt. he paused as he watched Morgana walk in, his eyes narrowing. "i thought you where avoiding me." he stated simply, shuffling his notes as he went back to work. it was almost as if he had been... hurt, by her taking off before he woke up. being that he'd never had sex before, it was probobly true. "you don't have a class you need to be getting to?" he knew she didn't. she didn't have a class right away, not on Monday anyway.

Remus smiled a little. "not many people do... i did punch Sirius in the nose once when he tried to tell me i just needed 'safe' things to hunt." ouch, sometimes, it was amazing that Sirius was still alive considering how insensitive he tended to be. "damn.. i was about to win." he teased, prodding his Queen into place. "Checkmate." he chirped, getting to his feet and gathering his bag just as James, Sirius, and Peter raced down, ready to get to class. none of them where particularity eager for their first Defense class after Remus's warning about the soul magic and the red eyes and the creeps. "so... what do you think our first Defense class is going to be like?" James asked hesitantly, as they headed to their DA class, wishing that some other students had the new Professor Riddle first.
Morgan winced a little at his words, avoiding his eyes as she moved to the edge of his desk, leaning her hip against the edge of it as she read his notes, studiously avoiding his eyes, because she had no idea how she felt about things."No.I have the 6th years after they leave here. Figured I'd come and see just what kind of problems I was going to have...but I can go..."She said flushing a little as she inally looked up at him, trying to figure out how he was feeling about things.She didn't do emotional things, the elves as a whole didn't do sex or romantic things, and the tightness in her chest at the idea she might have hurt him making her feel off kilter.

"Sirius needs punched more oten. Maybe he'd learn to be sensitive sometime."He snickered a little shaking his head before pouting."Heyyy!That's not fair. You can't just win like that."He whined before snickering as they all got ready for class. Peter sighed shuddering a little, shaking his head."I'm sure it's going to be as bad as we think it is."the shy boy said, thinking about remus' warning, and how well the proffser seemed to get along with the potions' mistress. He had a feeling it wasn't going to be pleasant to be in either class.
he snorted a little. "the Sixth years are going to be a problem really. they've all been very well brainwashed." he admitted with a shake of his head before his hand shot out, gripping her wrist tightly, keeping her from leaving. "don't leave..." he paused, looking almost startled at himself as he blinked a little and then swallowed thickly. "i... i don't know much about things. but i know that i don't want this... us, to just be a one time thing." he admitted, blinking at her, his ruby eyes filled with a warmth that no man who had split his soul could have. "i do not know the feelings that i have, i don't really understand myself or what's happening... but i... i want to be with you..."

Remus smirked a little. "well, since your so interested in him, you can keep him in line i'm sure." Remus teased, flashing Jamie a wink as he hopped to his feet, laughing at the whining as he shook his head. "i'm sure he won't be able to murder us in our seats." James agreed with Peter, Sirius blanching. "that isn't what ANY of us was thinking about!" "...really? i was." James admitted, Sirius huffing as Remus snickered a little. "James always did have the most active imagination." he admitted walking into the DADA classroom, pausing as he saw Riddle with his hand around Snow's wrist. "...er..." Tom paused as he noticed that students where there and he let go of Snow's wrist, Remus flushing in embarrassment at having caught a teacher in a... personal moment. "have a seat gentlemen." Tom ordered calmly as he glanced at Snow. "your classmates are going to be late." he admitted, frowning as he waited for the Slytherin's to appear. "they clearly think i am going to favor them as that 'collector' did." he sneered as the bell rang. "very well. they are late. ten points from Slytherin for every student late to my class." that was fifty points! Slytherin's where back to Zero. "now then, since you gentlemen can deem to be on time..." the door closed and locked shut right in front of stunned Slytherin's faces. "they will just have to receive a zero for the day." James and Sirius looked stunned and terrified, Remus just looked amazed.
"Well damn. And of course, we have gryffindors who are to sure of their self importance."She muttered shaking her head a little starting when he grabbed her wrist, her eyes snapping up to his face. Studying him as she tried to sort out what she was feeling, "I-"She stopped, not about to say more, flushing when the students came in , backing away as she moved to step into Tom's office at the back of the room, settling at the desk that was out of sight, curling up in the chair, content to listen in on his lecture.

Jamie meanwhile settled in his seat next to sirius, looking startled at tom's response to having the slytherins late. Surely this wasn't the dark lord he knew. Despite his general use of crucio on everyone around him, he'd always shown more favor towards the former slytherins. Swallowing his laughter because thats what he really wanted to do, was laugh at how very weird this was. "So...what is our lecture for today then?"He asked looking curious, glancing towards the office where he could see Snow's boots from where she was resting them up on the door, most likely hovering to listen in.
Tom smirked a little and shook his head. "there is nothing i hate more than disrespect." that was true, and there was nothing more disrespectful than showing up late to something HE was doing. be it lessons, meetings, or a simple lunch date. "now then, because the Slytherins cannot deem my classes important enough to show up to, i'm going to have to change my lesson plans. i was going to start it with a debate." Tom admitted with a small scowl as he examined the papers, Remus managing to speak. "a debate about what?" "the differences between light and dark spells." "...but, that's easy!" Sirius protested, Tom lifting an eyebrow. "oh, is it now?" "yes!" James piped in. "Light Spells can't hurt you, and the only thing Dark Spells do is hurt you!" "...really now? tell me, Mister... potter. if i was to cast a wingardium Leviosa on that chair over there, and drop it on your head. what would happen?" "it.... it would hurt.." "that's right. say i draw up a Patronus, and i ask it to gore, or bite you, what do you think would happen?" "i'd... be hurt." "say i point my wand right in-between your eyes, and cast a strong Lumos?" "i'd... be blind..." "and if i did the same with scourgify?" James grimaced. "i get it Sir...." Tom smirked. "so. why are they not against the law, but something like... the Feindfyre curse is?" well, Tom certainly did make interesting points.
"Because, Fiendfyre's uncontrollable once you cast it. It's wanton destruction, not controlled descruction like you'd get with any of those."Jamie said tilting his head a little looking amused. Because this was a conversation he'd had alot with Harry, who could argue black into white just because he wanted to. "Even the unforgivable curses were originally designed as helpful spells until the laws changed."Jame ponited out. "Crucio was a nerve reconstruction, Imperio for mental wards but what was the killing curse?"Peter said frowning annoyed at not finding the answer in his head. He wasn't as studious as Remus, but he did remember things. "A pagan death ritual, a sacrifice for the gods."Morgan said as she wheeled her chair to the doorway so she could look in, before grinning, pushing the chair into the classroom and stretching her legs out in front of her as she settled behind the desk with tom,"You know, we should run our classes tag team. Just imagine how scarred and disturbed we'd leave the poor gryffindors."She muttered snickering as she looked at the brunette man.
Tom snapped his fingers at Jamie and nodded. "that's it exactly! Feinfyre is too easy to loose control of. you have more a chance of killing yourself and dozens or hundreds of innocents with a spell like that. take twenty points for Gryffindor." he smirked as Morgana put in her two cents worth. "we're looking for the uses, not the history." he teased the woman. "Evada Kedavra was commonly used in battle situations, where a freind is dying and in pain and is looking for a fast, painless death." he explained. "it's still used in butcheries all across the world to kill livestock without damaging any of the meat." he admitted. "in fact, England is the only place where you can get a life sentace to prison for simply using 'the wrong spell'. Egypt often laughs at us." Tom admitted with a shake of his head. "Sir? why ARE those spells illegal?" Remus asked suddenly, Tom hesitating. "while Dumbledore would like to tell you some tripe about 'trusting the government' and 'for the greater good' it's all about Control really. not everyone can cast a successful Crucio, or a Feindfyre, or even a boiling curse. the Government doesn't want 'us' having weapons that 'they' can't use." he paused as Sirius and Remus both nodded, accepting that, only James was scowling. "But, we do need to trust our government!" "...young man. all government is corrupt. the minister you have right now is in Abraxas Malfoy's pocket. i would know. he is one of my only freinds. Abraxas is trying to gain power, and because he has the money to do so, he has it. only purebloods with money end up in positions of power in this country." James opened his mouth, paused and then looked stunned as he realized that Tom was RIGHT! "what about you sir?" "me? i'll never be in political power unless i take it by force. i'm a half blood, and an orphan at that. i'll never have enough money to buy my way in." Tom admitted, looking rather amused.
"Hey, that's what it was used for. Not the history of it. Prat."Morgan said frowning a little at him, rolling her eyes as she leaned back into her chair to sulk. Though the effect was ruined as a small smile played at her lips as she listened to him lecture. Jamie looked startled at tom's words, trying to decide what the man was on. Surely this wasn't the same dark lord he knew. Smiling slightly at his words though, because no matter what year it seemed, it seemed there was a malfoy behind the scenes pulling the strings. "Why?You seem knowledgable enough to be able to talk circles around the idiots, and smart enough to know what to do." Jamie asked looking curious about it. It seemed...odd to him that tom hadn't already taken power, even if he'd known it hadn't been till he was older that he did it.

"Why should he?He has Malfoy running things, and he benefits from everything, without having to dirty his hands. Think like a slytherin, gryffindor."Morgan said rolling her eyes a little resting her chin in her hand as she glanced at the teacher, trying to keep her head out of the gutter no matter how comfortable and pleased with himself tom looked. She couldn't sit there and fantasize about the man with his students sitting there after all.
Tom offered her a small scowl. "stop undermining my knowledge in front of the brats!" he ordered, ignoring Sirius's 'OI!' of protest at being called a brat. James just snickered and Remus ducked his head to hide his grin of amusement. "yes i am smart enough to do it. but without the money to get in, well, no matter my slick tongue i'd never rise above a secretary. it's better to start at the root of things. corrupting children is MUCH easier than trying to change adults after all." he teased, grinning as Remus started to choke on his laughter, stunned that Tom would ever actually ADMIT to something like that. "and Morgana does have a point. i have Malfoy in office, and his little Son to control as well if i have to." he admitted leaning against his desk, long legs spread out in front of him as he showed off his body, well aware of what he was doing to Morgana. "honestly, i have no real goals for power." Tom admitted with a shake of his head. "i, like everyone else in the Wizarding World, have my ideas of what i would like to see happening in this world. i don't have the ambition however. i might tug a string or two, i am a Slytherin after all. but i'm a PROPER Slytherin, not those stupid little idiots who seam to think that being bastards means being a good slytherin." he rolled his eyes at their stunned looks. "what? did you honestly think Salazar Slytherin was a power hungry slut who wanted to eradicate an entire race of people from the planet? don't be stupid, why would Godric have been freinds with someone like that, let alone Helga, the Queen of the Righteous and Lawful. she IS the person who first created the Wizards Tenants." the rules for all wizarding kind. the can and cannot do's of the entire wizarding world. it was one of the reasons why you never saw a Wizard with a Gun.
"You told me to stay."She growled looking annoyed at being yelled at, confusion filling her eyes, wondering if she could leave. The poor woman was so confused over this, not sure how to del with him because he was so very different now from the man he would become. Shivering slightly at the thought of what tom's tongue could be doing she looked down to keep the thoughts off her ace as she sighed quietly though she could stop from glancing sideways at the man who seemed unaware of how he was affecting her, not realizing he knew, swallowing hard as she settekd back in her seat eyes glazing a little as she daydreamed about what they could be using tom's desk for

"Well,you were wondering what class would be like, remy. It seems we're going to be sitting down for a daily dose of corruption."Jamie snorted lauguhing looking amused as he shook his head watching the two teachers, trying to figure the man in front of him out. Looking startled slightly at the idea that tom riddle had no real goals to power. That just was....weird.Frowning slighly at the other's words, because his was just to odd for him.Looking thoughtful at the words, wondering where in history slytherin had beome the bad guy."Then where did the thought of slytherins as...as they are now, ome from?"
Tom glared at her before sighing as he patted her hand in an apology before turning his attention back to the students, :your too old to be corrupted. you have to get them when their young and gullible." Tom admitted with a slow smirk before he hesitated. "well, normally i'd leave it up to your history to tell you that but... since he's a ghost. and i had him for MY teacher, i know he'll never, ever delve into this so!" he grinned and moved into his private rooms, pulled out a key, put a drop of blood on it, slipped it into a locked safe and hissed a password as he turned the key and slipped out an old, ratty looking notebook. "this, gentleman... is my rarest treasure." Tom explained, gently setting it onto the desk. "it took me three years to translate it." he admitted, smirking, his eyes lighting up with passion. "this is THE, Salazar Slytherins Journal." he explained, gently stroking the cover.

"Salazar was born to a pure bred, noble family. a light family. he was kicked out of his home when he turned sixteen, for refusing to marry a woman he had never met. disowned he wandered the lands in search of glory, riches, and freinds. he found Godric Gryffindor, another nobleman's son, and they traveled together, finding glory, fighting monsters, seeking lost treasures. they learned a great deal on their travels, picking up Rowena Ravenclaw from a pauper village. if you can beleive it, Salazar actually taught Rowena how to read and write. Helga was a nurse, she had unimaginable power, but would never amount to anything, because of her line. she was the... what do you kids call them these days? we called them 'Dirty Lined.' terribly rude." he admitted, Sirius piping up with 'Mud-Blood' Tom grimacing. "my... the sadistic and creative are always the most popular aren't they?" Tom asked, shaking his head.

"anyway, because of their different pasts, they decided to stick together and protect one another. Godric with strong, pure light magic. Salazar with his strong Dark Magic. Rowena with her Mind and Soul Magics. and Helga with her Healing and her Natural, or Wild Magics." Tom admitted. "they wandered the world, eagerly learning everything they could, before they finally decided to build a school, where all could be welcomed, no matter their money, or their bloodline. back then the only people who could afford teachers where the noblemen. so the four had a hell of a time finding teachers. finally, Salazar went back to his family and appealed to their sense of right and wrong. and they donated half their coffers to the school, Godric doing the same. and so the school was built. and children came from all over to learn and laugh in times of peace and prosperity." here Tom paused, hesitating as he studied the four. "there was a muggle village, down the way, which was named Hogsmead, for the goods they sold there. Hogs... and mead. it was there that Salazar found his wife. a beautiful woman with 'a horses mane and eyes the color of Acorns'... he was a weird one, i have to tell you." this drew a small chuckle from Remus, who was listening intently.

"they lived happily. she bore him a son, little Erus Slytherin, who bore a son, Tamwyn, who bore a son, Salazar." he shook his head. "Salazar Jr. was different from his great great grandfather. he grew up int he castle along side the other Founders heirs, and when he was older he ruled the castle, as did the other heirs. it was Salazar Jr. who set up the defenses of the castle. the Giant squid in the lake, the Centaurs and the Magic of the forest. he gave the Castle herself a mind as they had done tot he hat... and he built the Chamber of Secretes and placed inside a monster, that he does not name." Tom explained, studying them. "you see, the muggles of the village where all being stirred up by the muggle King at the time, who was going on and on about som God and something called a Bible. they where determined to kill all wizards and witches, because we're Evil after all."

he rolled his eyes and then closed them. "they came to the castle, and Salazar Jr found his wife, unborn baby, and mother, slain by the muggles, who had not burned them, but stoned them to death. he went on a rampage. he killed every muggle he could find using his lineage to get away with it. in turn, Hogwarts herself banished him from the castle, but it was too late, his house had already been poisoned by his words and his ways, and overtime it only grew worse. he rallied every pureblood who would listen, and turned them against the school and anything with muggle or mundane blood..." he swallowed thickly. "and thus, the name of Slytherin, cursed by time, and Fate themselves, was slandered forever. though, it is said that a Seer foretold a Son of Slytherin, would fix the wrongs done by Salazar, and would restore the good name. but said child doesn't seam to have come about yet." SO! that was it! Tom WAS ambitious! he was trying to fix Salazars good name! he wasn't evil yet because whatever had driven him to be the dark lord hadn't happened yet... what could have caused that? was it Dumbledore refusing Tom a job? or something worse?
Both Jamie and Morgan looked thoughtful and interested as they listened to the story. Both time travelers trying to figure out exactly what had gone so very wrong in Tom's....future. If he'd alwayws wanted to fix Slytherin's name, what had caused him to turn his back on his plan?Surely he hadn't thought that this was the way to go about it.

Frowning thoughtfully morgan started slightly."Riddle, class is done. They have to get to history-and yes, you have to attend even if you don't want to- and I probably get back to planning my lessons."She said starting to get up still feeling confused and screwed up, not only by the history lesson, but by her attraction and feelings towards the dark wizard sitting next to her.

Jamie groaned mentally at the idea of sitting through another class with binns before shaking his head."Do we really have to?History's boring most of the time."he grumbled even though he would attend it didn't mean he had to be happy about it.
Tom chuckled a little as he heard the bell ring and he shook his head. "yes you have to go to history. just do what i did in school, take your history book and read ahead. then you know you'll pass the class." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i don't think Binns ever gets past the Goblin Rebellion anyway..." he admitted with a small scowl. "we really have to do something about him." he admitted, looking at Morgan. "i mean, he was teaching when I was a child.... does he even get paid? and how long has he even been dead? he is not a proper teacher for easily distract-able minded children. most people just sleep through his class."

Remus was looking excited as they headed off to history. "just wait until the Slytherin's learn what they missed out on! Professor Riddle is AWESOME! he still gives me the creeps but... it's not in that 'he's going to murder us all in our sleeps' kind of way it's more 'he's not human and he can kick my ass without lifting a finger' sort of way." Remus was hyper apparently. "did you ever suspect that is was Slytherins Great grandson doing all the slandering of his name!? that's just unreal! do you think he'd let me look at the translated parts of the diary? i mean, clearly he wouldn't let me handle the diary itself, it's so old! and he has it BLOOD WARDED! one of the only Blood Magics still legal! i wonder why HE'S not our History teacher, instead of boring old Binns!" yep, Remus was hyper, he'd just insulted a teacher!
Morgan shook her head,"well, that has been a long time teaching. Because your soooo old."She teased rolling her eyes before sighing.Rubbing her fingers against her temples she smiled a little."Well, I got you a job.Maybe I'll try talking to dumbledore on my break period about getting someone to replace Binns."She said smirking a little as the students left waving a hand to shut the door behind them before she stood, leaning down to nearly kiss him, smirking."You were being mean. If you didn't want me to help with class, you shouldn't have asked me to stay."She said flicking him in the forehead as she pulled away.

Peter laughed at his friend's exitement,shaking his head."Hmm well, just think of it this way, he'll make practical practice of spells interesting, if your right about him kicking our ass."He snickered because it was so amusing to see Remus so excited, especially days after the full moon. "Do you realize you just insulted a teacher remy?"Jamie pointed out rolling his eyes a little before looking at sirius."Sleep well?"He smirked looking amused.
he smirked a little as he watched her. "i am old... or at least, it feels like it sometimes." he admitted simply, watching her intently. "i didn't mean to be mean." he admitted, studying her face. "i was nervous... they ARE Gryffindor's you know. always into something, making messes, causing mischief..." he muttered, scowling as she flicked him, grabbing her by the front of her shirt so she couldn't escape. "let me apologize to you properly?" he asked, amusement flashing through his eyes as he pulled her down for a deep kiss, meshing his lips against hers as he closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying feeling so close, and connected to someone else.

Remus paused at that, frowning a little before shaking his head. "nah, he wouldn't be allowed to cast spells on us." he admitted with a laugh before pausing at the new nickname, staring at Jamie for a long moment then. "hmm, i like it. Remy." he grinned. "and Binn's doesn't count as a teacher. he teaches the exact same thing every year. i should know, i pay attention just long enough to compare his speech to past years notes, before doing my own thing." Sirius sputtered, looking shocked at that information before sulking at Jamie. "no i did not! i was all horny and i couldn't do anything because Remus would have torn my precious 'little Siri' off and crammed him down my throat!" Remus paused. "oh is THAT what i threatened to do?... hmm, i'm more creative than i thought i was." this of course, made James laugh and Sirius sulk.
"Sometimes,every one feels old."She said flushing a little before scowling at him a little. "Well, that's true I guess...."She said yelping as he grabbed her shirt, yelping again as he pulled her down or a kiss, moaning quietly. Shiting she slid into his lap, sitting on his knees before leaning back, panting ever so slightly, face flushed as she studied him. Confusion, lust and amusement in her eyes. She was just so very tangled up over what to feel. "There was nothing proper about that."She grumbled because now that he mentioned it, she was feeling anxious about having the gryffindors in her class, and grouchy because of it.

jamie smirked looking amused."Really?That's disturbing. Something should be done about him."He said frowning at the idea of the speechs being exactly the same before laughing at sirius. "Poor Sirius."He teased. "i always knew you were creative Remus and you would do the world a favor if you took care of that problem."Lily said smirking as she joined the group of boys as they neared the history room, having taken artimancy first thing in the morning instead of defense
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