Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

he smiled a little as she complained about the 'proper' way of apologizing. "well, no it wasn't proper, but it made me feel better." he admitted with a small chuckle as he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb, his eyes soft and calm as he watched her. "i am sorry that i yelled at you." he murmured softly, examining her face. "i've never seen anyone so very beautiful before." he admitted softly before chuckling. "would you like me to join you for your class? as moral support?" he offered, his head tilted.

Remus laughed at Lily's comment, shaking his head. "hey, i'll have you know i'm the brains of every proper operation these lug-heads dream up!" he complained to her, smirking as he told her about his first Defense lessons. telling her about Salazar Sr. and Jr and about their new DA. teacher and how he'd locked the Slytherin's out of his Classroom when they where all late. James interjected his own comments, explaining about how Professor Riddle had made all those 'Dark spells' not look as 'dark' as they where made out to be, and how one could, apparently, be permanently blinded if you used a scourgify on someone's eyes at a close range distance. Sirius decided not to get in on the conversation and hung near Jamie, asking the new student if he wanted to play a game of Poker during lunch.
"Hmm true."Morgan sighed softly as she leaned her face into his hand, slumping slightly, hands resting against his chest as she leaned into him."Its okay."She muttered shrugging a little, because she was used to cruelty when yelling happened, between mab and tom himself as voldemort, yelling was usually accompanied by lots of pain. Flushing at his compliment, "Well your not so bad looking yourself..."She muttered before looking at him startled."You'd do that?"

"I have no doubt about that."Lily snickered amused as they talked. Jamie though was playing poker with sirius much to his amusement, he enjoyed teasing the man. Sighing quietly as he shook his head, glancing at his watch when they were done eating, and finishing up a hand of poker."Damn.We have t obe getting to potions. With our luck, we'd be late and Snow'd take a lesson from Riddle and lock us out."Jamie whined but looked interested anyways, figuring that the two new teachers would probably quickly become the favorites. Though a little put out, because he just knew the slytherins were going to show up, nwo that they knew they weren't going ot be indulged in being late anymore.
he smiled a little tilted his head. "not so bad looking? i think you need to practice your compliments." he teased her, chuckling a little as he nodded. "of course i would. isn't that why you stayed? to help me?" he asked curiously, conveniently 'forgetting' that he had practically begged her to stay. "oh, and how about we go to my rooms tonight? and no more of that red spiral fruit, it does weird things to my head. i'd like to get to know you properly." he admitted. "and i can't do that if i feel the need to fuck you every time i look at you." he teased her, eyes glittering with mischief as he settled her carefully onto her feet and led the way to her next class. it really worked out very well. anytime she had a class, he didn't, and vice versa. they could easily support one another.

Sirius chuckled a little as he ate through his hands of poker. he was really very good at the game, he had a good poker face, but he lost just as much as he won, making it an even game for the both of them, and more fun that way. "we wont be late." Remus promised as he scarfed down the last little bit of his steak. it had been found that eating a lot of meat, helped keep the wolf calm and sated. so Remus was always chewing on jerky, or feasting on red meat. it was really amazing that he stayed so lean until you took into account all the exercising he did. because keeping physically fit and keeping active helped sooth the wolf as well. they walked into the Potions room with plenty of time to spare, and unfortunately, so did the Slytherin's. many of them still sulking about being locked out. Rudolphus and Rabastan Lestrange loudly complaining about their new Head of House, Bellatrix black nodding, all of them paling as Tom Riddle cleared his throat behind them. "you have something you wish to say to me Mister's Lestrange?" Sirius, James, and Remus had to stuff their fists in their mouths to keep from laughing outright at the horrified looks on the two brother's faces.
"Ohhh, okay lets see. Absolutely stunning, so beautiful you should have been a girl, you put even nymphs to shame..."She teased rolling her eyes a little as she nudged him before nodding. Despite him almost begging her to stay, she hadn't really wanted to go either."Well, true. Okay."She said smiling as tehy started to head for class, snickering. "Well, you mean you don't want to fuck me every time I'm near?I might have to do something about that."She teased because she to, wanted to get to know him without the elven fruit driving them to bed. Even though she felt a undercurrent of lust, she was just enjoying his company to.

Jamie laughed a little as he settled into his chair, rolling his eyes a little at the slytherin's complaining. Even as young ones, they seemed uncapable of not complaining. Though it was odd seeing the young death eaters like this. Biting down on his knuckles to keep from laughing as he watched the two teachers approach from behind, he was amused at the looks on the slytherins face. "You know Riddle, we could let them clean out the caludrons with Mr. Malfoy, they could all complain about us to each other."Morgan said looking vaguely amused as she glanced over the class, her lip curling up into a smirk as she saw just who she was dealing with."Maybe I should let you teach them today, deal with your own house and all."
Tom smirked at her teasing, rolling his eyes. "first you say i'm halfway to ugly, and now you call me a woman." he complained, smirking a little as he shook his head. "yes, you really need work." he teased, kissing her again with a small laugh as he smirked at her. "oh i'd love to bed you over every available surface, but i'd also like to get to know you, and i can't do that if i'm always fucking you." he teased before grinning viciously at the Death Eaters. "why don't you ask your Gryffindor Counterparts what you missed in Defense today?" he asked, his eyes narrowing. "i cannot abide by lack of manners. and i am the kind of person who deserves your respect. i am a teacher, and i am a very dangerous man, and if you continue to disrespect me in such a way, you will find yourselves loosing every available free moment you have in this school. i am your teacher, not your babysitter. now sit down." he ordered glancing at Severus Snape. "You, Mister Snape are excused from missing my class, but only you." Snape had been in the hospital Wing being healed from his 'fathers' various abuses. and he was the only one with a reasonable excuse for being late to class, or rather, missing it entirely. "i don't know a flying Foxtrot about Potions. sorry you're going to have to teach them." he teased as he settled himself into her chair, propped his feet up, pulled out a book, and proceeded to ignore them. "...it's official." Sirius whispered to Jamie. "Professor Riddle is my favorite teacher..."
Morgan bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at Tom's response to the students, swallowing hard as she struggled to not giggle. Damn the man for amusing her enough to not be nervous. "I thought you were brillant Riddle, means knowing everything and all."Morgan said looking amused at the classes dumbstruck looks, especially severus. Growing serious she smirked, knowing she was about to piss them all off, but well..."Now. Stand up. All of you."She said glaring at them all until they moved."Seeing as I refuse to work in a potions lab with arguing children, I'm going to force you to work together. Now. Slytherin and Gryffindor lab partners, and the first person to screw around I'll give dentention with him."She said tilting her head towards Tom before getting down to work.

Jamie looked amused before nodding."Mine to."He muttered sounding shocked at the idea before frowning a little as he was paired with Rabastan Lestrange before they got down to the potion that they'd been assigned to work on, the liquid luck potion that was within the sixth year lesson plans, and morgan's way of testing to see how screwed up their lessons had been. Wanting to see if they were proficient at potions.

Severus flushed a little at his dismisal from trouble, feeling badly because everyone knew about why he missed classes. Offering a small smile at his potions partner, he tilted his head towards the werewolf. "You are good at potions right?"He said looking amused, knowng the man was, but there wasn't so much they could talk about, and there wasn't alot to do, it was a drawn out brew, only a few things added here and there

Absently watching the students as they worked she moved bck to her desk, ands resting on her hips as she looked at him, raising a eyebrow at the relaxed man."Whatever do you think your doing?This is my desk, and my chair...I should be the one sitting in it."She said scowling slightly, turning her head a little. "Ms. Black if you try to screw up Ms. Evan's potion again I will see that your head of house deals with you."She said scowling a little, showing that even if she wasn't looking at them, she was well aware of what was going on around her.
Tom smirked as he watched them all moving around and settling with partners. "this is a disaster waiting to happen." he admitted with a snicker as he looked up at the teacher, lifting an eyebrow as she complained about his seating arrangements. "your supposed to be walking along the isles checking on potions." he teased, smirking as he dropped his feet tot he floor and stood up, dropping into a transfigured chair instead, smirking as Bellatrix nearly dropped the entire Rats tail into the potion in her fright at being caught.

"i'm proficient." Remus admitted. "though that's more OCD need to follow directions than anything else. i can follow the recipe, but that's about it." he admitted simply as he started prepping the Rats Tail as well, slicing it into paper thin pieces like the book described. "they say your a genius." out of all the marauders, only Remus had never picked on Snape, and had even gone out of his way to reign in the more viscous pranks and taunts. "do you want my notes from Defense? we learned a lot of interesting things." he admitted digging into his bag and handing over the notes. Remus had an obscure spell that copied a persons words onto paper word for word, so every word was on his notes, from Jame's protests, to the story of Salazar Slytherin. "when do we add the Rats tail?" he asked, frowning at the book. "it doesn't say..." he admitted. "i hate it when the potions books say 'add when potion is that color' how am i supposed to know the exact color of... Magenta?... that's a shade of pink right?"
"It is a disaster, but its a controlled chaos of my own making."Morgan said rolling her eyes a little."I did. And I thought you didn't know anything about potions."She said sitting down to glanced through her lesson plan for a moment, making a note on things before standing again. "You know, I think I'm glad your here.Your class, I can duel circles around you,"She smirked, daring him to say something, amusement in her eyes, because damned if she didn't like riling him up, even if she wasn't sure about his feelings or her own. "Where here, you know nothing."she teased quietly so no one but him could hear here as she moved away to look over the students potions.

"I am. At least at potions."Severus said blushing ever so slightly at the praise, relaxing with the other man. Because it was easy to do since he hadn't picked on him ever, though he wasn't comfortable either. "Thanks REmus."He said laughing quietly at the sight of everything written down, glancing at the potion with a smirk."I always think they should add a picture of the perfect color to compare, but magenta is like...purplish pink."He said nodding towards the cauldoran. "That color actually. Add them. then that's all we have to add for a bit. though we do have to stir it."
Tom chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "i don't, but i do know how it's run from my own terrible classes." he admitted with a small chuckle before scowling at her. "you can not! i'll have you know that i am one of the most renowned Duelists in my field!" he paused. "although, that is a good idea... maybe this weekend we'll set up a demonstration. you and me out in the school yard, a proper 'street' duel. let the students see what it's really like." he mused, smirking a little as he considered that. "it would let them see that this 'War' their all eager to get involved in with that bastard Grindelwald, isn't as 'fun' as they think it is."

Remus grinned a little and nodded, examining the blush on Snape's cheeks but didn't comment on it. "hey... i'm smart, but lazy." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, some of those 'offhand comments' that people make can be very useful later on." he admitted simply as he sprinkled the rats tail into the potion, glancing at the book. "lets see... three stirs clockwise, then one counter, repeat... oh god... six times. i hate potions." he complained, smacking his head into the table. "i'll give you... uhm... you don't like chocolate do you?" he asked hopefully. "i have a half a dozen Honeydukes Caramel Chocolate bars if you do the stirring..."
"Well, maybe I want to be better then terrible."She grinned, the smile only widening as he scowled at her, ignoring the students who were staring at them even if they were pretending to focus on their potions."Ah, well maybe I wouldn't come out on top in a duel then."She said her eyes dark for a moment as she considered her words and just how 'on top' she wanted to be. Tilting her head she nodded."That would be fun. Though when I beat you, you can't complain."She said before her hand snapping out and stopping Sirius from adding the rat tail, amazing considering she hadn't even been looking at him. "A few more seconds. You're not at magenta yet."She said her hold tight to keep him from adding it anyways before loosenng her hold,"Go ahead."

Severus smiled a little."Well, I wont let you be lazy."She said rolling his eyes a little before smirking."Yes, 'offhand remarks' are good for blackmail and such."he said looking amused. "Hmm well I guess I could. For chocolate of course."He said shrugging a little as he settled in to work on stirring, glaning around the room as he waited for the perfect moments to stir, watching the rest of the students reacting to their new teachers.
Tom smirked a little, his eyes darkening with lust as he studied her, licking his lips slowly. "well, i won't complain, but i'll sure as hell make sure you... pay, for such a humiliation." he teased before watching her stop Sirius from ruining Rudolphus's potion, the Animagus looking utterly shocked, staring at her in bafflement, Tom's head tilted as he wondered if she was a Metamorphagus and had eyes in the back of her head? "your rather impressive... you seam to have an unlimited array of... skills." he rolled the last word around, making it sound almost dirty.

Remus snorted a little. "i'm lazy, that's just the way things are. i love shortcuts." he admitted with a smirk before glancing up at the teachers. "ugh. flirting teachers, gross." he muttered softly as he nodded. "i'll leave your six bars in the fifth floor bathroom then, with a proper sanitation spell." he promised. "i'll drop them off after dinner and you can pick them up tonight." he promised, watching the way Severus's arms flexed when he stirred, wondering what in the hell was wrong with him. "lets see... peeled Mandrake Root." he muttered... "Grated finely..." he nodded and set about peeling the mandrake root and picking up the fine grater. "do you ever feel guilty using Mandrake Root?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "it's... almost like killing a baby." he muttered frowning a little as he glanced over at Sirius. "...he's going to blow his cauldron up." he muttered. "he's pants at potions."
Morgan smirked raising a eyebrow as she nodded."I do have some skills.But this..."She tilted her head towards Sirius,"Is from knowing the Black family to long. They can't do potions."She snorted in amusement as she moved away, she was a metamorphmagi but she wasn't about to admit that yet. Sighing softly as she moved on, settling at her desk leaning back in her chair as she looked over at him."I thought you didn't want to have sex."She snickered."For a man who just discovered it, you seem intent on teasing me."

Severus laughed a little shuddering a little."It could be worse though. Minerva and Dumbledore, for example."He said smirking, intending just to freak the werewolf out before nodding."Thanks."He said before laughing quietly at the other's words, whining quietly. "Damn it, lupin, I hadn't thought of that until you said something. That's a disturbing thought."He grumbled before looking over at sirius. "No. It seems Snow's going to stop him."He said looking amused.
Tom snorted a little and rolled his eyes a little. "yeah you have a point, the Black Family, all of them, can't do anything." he admitted with a shake of his head. "their only capabilities are insanity and goofing off." he admitted shaking his head a little before smirking at her. "i never said i didn't want sex. i just said i didn't want to do anything BUT S..." "Professors!?" Remus stated suddenly, looking very disturbed. "i don't mean to be a spoil sport but... i can HEAR you, and i am disturbed." Tom grimaced, he'd forgotten about a werewolves sense of hearing... and the poor boy DID look disturbed. "my apologies Mister Lupin." Tom stated calmly, looking about ready to burst into laughter as Lupin shuddered at something Snape said.

"oh... NOW i'm going to be sick!" Remus complained, glaring at Snape with a shudder at the thought of Minerva and Dumbledore. "yuck!" he smirked at the other's complaints. "turnabout sucks doesn't it!?" he demanded, shaking his head a little as he watched the loud hissing of a melted cauldron filled the air. "that was James." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes as a mild BANG filled the air. "and that was Peter." he muttered as he finely grated the mandrake and glanced at the book. "lets see... add the Mandrake in-between stirs. two full Clockwise, add the mandrake, one half Anticlockwise, add the mandrake... you stir, i'll add the mandrake." he suggested, separating the pile of shredded mandrake into twelve perfectly equal piles to be added in-between the stirs.
Morgan laughed at his words before flushing as Remus spoke up. Looking at him she sighed quietly, wincing. She'd forgotten to."I'm sorry Mr. Lupin I should know better."She said sighing quietly before balling up her fist and punching tom in the shoulder."Look what you did. Have have m-"She yelped her hands flying up as the cauldron's blew up, a shield snapping up between the students and the bad potions. Shaking her head she looked at the two, "A ten inch essay on the proper way to make the potion gentleman, due next week."She sighed.

"Well, it got you thinking about something else didn't it?"Severus snickered glaning at his potions partner before grumbling about turnabouts and paybacks before sitting back as he let remus add in the mandrake. Looking pleased when it was done. "Almost perfect, Mrs. Snape, lupin."Morgan said snickering as severus jumped out of his skin at her sudden appearance at his side, glancing up as the bell rang and bottling some of their potion, holding it out towards the two teens. "While its not allowed in sporting events, I shall let you keep some of this. Just so you can get lucky of course."Her smirk was amused and playful as she waved the rest of the students out making her way back towards tom.
James grimaced as he was saved from being splashed by the shield and sighed a little. "i suck at potions." he grumbled, glaring at his partner. "and you could have done something other than just sit there!" the lestrange just shrugged and lounged in his chair, ignoring his 'partner'. Tom's eyes narrowed. "Lestrange! Fifty points from slytherin for a failure to comply to orders!" that had a reaction from the stoic Lestrange a fierce wince as the other Slytherin's turned to glare at him.

Remus snorted a little and shook his head a little as Lestrange was punished for his failure to assist James. "...are all Sl..." he paused, nearly crawling out of his skin as Morgana appeared out of nowhere. it was pretty damn hard to sneak up on a werewolf. he went bright red at the mention of 'getting lucky' and coughed as he pocketed the Luck potion, clearing his throat. "y..yes thank you Professor Snow..." he muttered, embarrassed because for a moment, the thought of having Snape bent over the nearest potions table had ridden up in his mind. god there was something wrong with him... "i'll see you... er, later Snape..." Remus muttered before fleeing the room, James and Sirius following, looking baffled. "whats wrong with Remus, do you think?" James asked, giving Snape a cautious look, wondering if the greasy bastard had said something.
Morgana laughed at Remus' reaction, though she hadn't thought about it, she knew she had to be careful. Of all of them, the werewolf would probably be the one to realize that she was a high elf. Looking amused at his reation she moved away from them. Severus frowned a little looking confused before leaving the room himself.

Jamie to look baffled at the werewolf's elving before looking at severus thoughtfully before shrugging."Probably disturbed to hear his teacher talk about sex."He said shuddering a little before sighing."Come on.We better hurry if we're going to get to divination on time."

Morgana was quiet as she watched the students leave before moving up to her desk, slumping into her chair with a sigh."Well.I think the slytherins are going to hate you."She said glaning at tom, rubbing a hand over her face. Wondering what in the world had ever compelled her to want to be a teacher. This was just going to be ugly.
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "only some of them will hate me. the older ones. i am changing Slytherin even if it kills me AND the older students. there's a difference between being ambitious and being a grade A Bully." Tom admitted simply, smiling at her. "besides, the younger years will love me. you'll see." he purred happily. "especially the second and third years. they have no one to protect them from the older slytherin's, let alone the other houses." he smirked at her. "would you care to join me for dinner tonight in my rooms? we'll make it romantic."

James frowned a little and nodded, racing to catch up to Remus, catching the werewolf's wrist and talking quietly to him, Remus just shaking his head. "i'm alright, i just... the teachers, you know?" it was clear that he was lying, but James let him lie. Remus headed for Arithmacy while James and Sirius went to Divination. and just as promised, there where six Honeydukes Caramel bars waiting for Severus just where Remus promised, out of sight so no one else would take them.
Morgan smirked a little nodding."I'd enjoy that."she said before getting up,"I'll see you tonight. I have a few things to do."She said before bolting out of the room, to jittery at the idea of having a 'date' to know what to do with herself.

That night Morgan smiled a little as she finished doing up her hair, looking at herself in the mirror. She was nervous and she had no idea why. He wasn't the man she'd expected to find, but he was still a dark lord. Shaking her head a little to free herself from the thoughts she headed for his rooms, knocking on the door, the woman looking nervous in high heels and a dress, having decided she might as well dress up for his romantic dinner.

Severus meanwhile was sitting in one of the alcoves near the slytherin common room, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked out the window, the letter clenched in his hand as he watched the grounds. his heart was battered and tired, so upset that he didn't realize he was probably in the way for the prefects rounds.

Jamie smiled as he settled into the seat next to sirius, nudging him a little. "Well, that was a interesting day."He said rubbing a hand over his face as he worked on the homework he'd been given, not overly happy about having to do homework again.
Tom smiled as he opened the door. he'd clearly had the same idea as her, because he was dressed in nice black slacks and a crisp white dress shirt that made him look even more handsome than he already did. "...wow Morgan." he muttered, breathless with astonishment. "your... your even more beautiful. i didn't think it was possible to look even better than you already did..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i think you just broke a few laws of nature." well, he certainly knew how to flatter a woman. and with the small two chair table int he middle of the room, with a bright array of candles and flowers, he knew how to romance too.

Remus walked through the empty halls, feeling peaceful as he strode through the calm air, smiling a little before he paused at the sight of Severus. "...Snape?" Remus asked cautiously, looking a little baffled. he'd never caught the man out of curfew before. "Snape..." he gently set his hand on the others shoulder, frowning, looking worried. "come on Snape... let's get you somewhere a little less out in the open." he muttered, urging Snape to his feet and down to the Seventh floor corridor, where The Come and Go room materialized. it was one of Remus's many secretes.

Sirius snorted a little and nodded. "more interesting than i normally have. i don't like how Jumpy Remus was today though..." he admitted with a small scowl as he looked at the other. "Remus says you know... about what he is..." he admitted as he finished his last sentence with a flourish. "do you think he'd get upset if i put 'mauled to death by a werewolf' as one of my many ways to die?" he asked curiously, examining his not even started divination homework. "yeah, i think so... maybe i'll put in Mauled to death by a Grim instead." he chirped, looking amused. "so... are you an Animagis by any chance?" he asked curiously. "you could help us with Remus... he's a great guy but his Wolf tends to play a little rough."
Morgan flushed little at his praise as she looked at him, "You look good yourself. Breaking a few laws of nature yourself."She muttered stuttering a little, looking out of sorts, it was odd for her. Swallowing she walked in looking around the room, flushing as she looked. "..."She stared because she was at a loss for words on how to feel, how it made her feel. He'd gone out of his way to make this a good night to get to know each other.

Severus started little looking up at him, slightly dazed as he dashed a hand over his eyes to hide the tears as he got ahold of himself and let the other lead him to the other room."...so full of surprises, lupin."He said looking amused but the smile was watered down as he stepped inside, wrinkling his nose a little at the very gryffindor influenced sitting room.

Jamie frowned a little."Yea...that was a little weird."He said not liking it either before nodding at the other's words. Snickering he smirked."Hmm probably. Though if you keep waking him up, it might be true."he teased before nodding, "I am.Though nothing big enough to take on a werewolf."He said flushing a little.
he smiled a little as he blinked at her. "thank you." he muttered, a light blush across his cheeks as he pulled out her chair, like the proper gentleman that he was. s soon as they where both seated, exotic fruits appeared on their plates, fresh strawberries the size of their fists, and rare dragonfruits, Kiwis and even Wizarding fruit like Tamwanos and Rugba. all sweet and tart and delicious. "so, have you always wanted to be a teacher?"

Remus smiled a little and nodded. "yeah. always full of secretes." he admitted with a small chuckle as he gently settled Snape into a chair and headed over to a Cabinet that hadn't been there before. "Firewhiskey, Moonshine, or Dragons Breath Vodka?" he asked, pulling out all three bottles and two shot glasses. "there might be some aged Butterbeer in there too if your not up for the hard stuff." he admitted looking at Snape. "you going to be alright? if you need to talk about it, i'm close enough to a girl to be a good listener."

Sirius sighed a little and shook his head a little. "nah, Remus is only like that the few days and then he's chipper and happy again until the next few days of the full moon." he admitted shaking his head. "and we don't need to take him on. we just need to distract him if he starts playing too rough." he grinned. "what Animal are you? i'm a big black dog. look kinda like the Grim. James is a great big Buck and Peter is a white rat." he admitted, examining his paper for potions. "so what do you think Professor Riddle is up to, picking on the elder Slytherins like that?"
"Your welcome."She muttered smiling as she sat down, staring wide eyed as she looked at all the fruit. Looking amazed as she started to eat before looking up at him. "No.I didn't. Not really."She sighed softly as she nibbled on the dragonfruit before shrugging."but some....things changed and required me to teach this year. I actually prefer experimental potions and what have you."She said ignoring the tightness in her chest that felt bad for lying to him. She really had no desire to be able to do potions or anything. She was a high elf in Mab's court, a court healer.

Severus laughed looking amused for a moment even if his eyes were tear bright as he poured himself a glass of dragons breath before glancing at the other. "I'm fine."He respnded before leaning back, before running his fingers through his hair. "No...I'm not."He shuddered a little."My father's abusive, you know."He said working his way around to things.

"Ah. Well that's good, cause I'm definately the animal to be distracting."He said laughing quietly because at the thought of his animagi form, he just had to think about watching draco get bouned around. "I'm a ferret."he said before sighing as he started working on his potions work."I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out. I'd be more worried about him and Snow teaching classes together then what he's doing with slytherin."He said rolling his eyes a little."I have a feeling that relationship is going to be a match made in hell"
he smiled a little at her and nodded. "most Potions Masters want to sit in their homes and do their experiments." he admitted with a smile. "i've always wanted to be a teacher." he admitted. "ever since i first set foot in Hogwarts, i wanted to be a teacher." he grinned a little. "what kind of experiments are you working on? i'm bad at theory and practical, but i'm very good at preparing ingredients... i could give you a hand from time to time?"

Remus smiled a little and poured himself some moonshine. because of his advanced metabolism, it took a great deal in order to get him pleasantly drunk, so he'd quickly learned to handle the hardest of liqueurs. "...i didn't know, but i did suspect." Remus admitted. "it's hard not to notice you missing every first day." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i think i'm the only one who really suspects though." he admitted. "no one else cares enough to notice..." he sounded a little angry about that actually. he sounded... almost worried about Snape.

he lifted an eyebrow. "...a Ferret?... really?" he asked, looking oh so amused. "well... i suppose it kind of suits you." he admitted with a small laugh before grimacing. "lovely imagery there Jamie. that's exactly what i want to think about when i'm trying to work on my Potions homework." he grumbled with a small sigh. "they'll either end up with both of them dead, or married and ruling the world."
Morgan smiled al ittle."I could tell. You were very good at teaching...when you stopped being nervous."She teased before biting her lip. Because it wasn't what she was really doing, at least not what she wanted to do. "I'm working on a potion for werewolves. To help control the beast."She said saying it because she knew Severus had been the one to create wolf's bane, so it wasn't in existance yet. So this was going to be a safe bet. "Hmm well, if you want to give me a hand..."her smirk was just this side of perverted as she ate her fruit.

Severus nodded a little as he sipped his drink."No, no one really cares."He shrugged as he stared down at his glass, looking thoughtful about that before looking at the letter in his hand."My mother's dead."he whispered after a moment his shoulders slumping.

"What?What do you mean by that?"Jamie whined looking at the other annoyed, and wondering what he meant before snickering as he worked on his potions work. "It could be worse you know, they could have given in to all that flirting and ignored the class. They do both have offices you know."He snickered because he just couldn't help but make it worse, because he just was disturbed at the thought of his teachers, but unlike morgan who knew who the dark lord had once been, jamie wasn't aware that tom riddle would become the lord voldemort.
he grinned a little at her and nodded. "i really do enjoy teaching. the third years picked up the protego so easily..." he admitted with a happy smile. "and i didn't have any troubles with rivalries getting in the way today... though that might be because we didn't have the seventh year slytherins in with the Gryffindors..." he smirked a little. "frankly, i'm shocked you didn't have any fistfights in your potions class." he paused for a moment and then. "help the Werewolves?" he asked, looking excited. "can such a thing be done?" he asked curiously. "how close are you?" he smirked at her lewd comment and he flexed his long fingers, reaching across the table to stroke the pulse in her wrist as he stole a slice of her Dragon-fruit.

Lupin froze, a strangled sound leaving his throat as he realized what had Snape so upset. "oh god Snape... Severus i'm so sorry." he muttered, moving and pulling the other into a tight hug, holding the Slytherin, offering him the comfort that he needed. "i'm sorry."

Sirius laughed a little. "well, Ferrets are cute and cuddly, their very intelligent, and their ever so playful." he admitted with a smirk. "and their sneaky as hell. i used to have a pet ferret. he was always getting the better of me..." he scowled. "and then my mother strangled it..." he shook his head. "please! oh god Jamie don't be Cruel!" he waited. "i shall have to get Remus to erase my memories now!" he complained, glaring at Jamie. "and here i was being NICE to you!" he complained, sighing as he examined his papers. "stupid Potions... stupid Lestrange..." he grumbled as James finally staggered into the Common room after a detention with Filch.
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