Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

Lucius relaxed at her reassurances and he smiled as he hugged her back. "thanks." he murmured softly. "and i really am sorry about what i did. i know everyone keeps telling me it's not my fault but i still feel badly." he admitted, blinking at her. "can i get you anything? Professor Riddle said that you need my magic to make you and the baby healthy... would me practicing my magic help you at all? i know how to cook some stuff, i could make you something to eat?"

he nodded to Morgan. "yes, i can feel the bonds to Moe trying to form, it's taking every ounce of my self control to not bond to her like i did to her elder self." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "it feels wrong to bond to such a young child." he admitted with a small sigh as he looked up at the young Morgana. "well, i don't know very many games." he admitted. "i didn't have a very good childhood, why don't you teach me your favorite game?"
Morgan smiled hugging him tighter before moving away, ooking glad to see him relaxing. "I know, but as timme passes, it'll be easier to deal with."She said pressing a kiss to his cheek before smiling,"It probably would. I actually feel less sick with you here. Not that you're to tell tom that,he'll be upset he's not the one making me feel better."She said smiling before nodding, moving to get up."Come on.We'll go down to the kitchens and get something."

Mab nodded looking worried."You can't do that. It might be enough to snap the elder back to the future."She said looking worried, swallowing hard. "Okay!I'll teach you hide and seek."Morgan giggled happily."Now you stay here with mommy, and count to 100. When your done, you come find me."
Lucius smiled a little and nodded as he winked at her. "i'd rather keep my spine inside my body thanks." he teased as he pulled out his wand and practiced a fifth level hovering charm, making multiple items dance in the air as he worked on his 'magical muscles'. he grinned as he followed her to the kitchens, heading over to the cold box and cupboards to see what there was to make. "...i don't know what half of this stuff is..." Fea food. "i think we're going to have to find someone else to help us cook.

he nodded. "i thought so." he admitted. "it's a struggle but i've fought harder impulses." he admitted setting her down and watching her run off, glancing at Morgan and looking baffled. "...what am i supposed to do when i find her?" he asked, honestly confused. which was pretty sad when one thought about it. "how hard do you suppose i'm going to have to look?" he mused, amused a little as he pondered where to find the little scamp.
Morgan laughed at that nodding amused."Hmm now that does feel nice."She said watching the charm, sighing quietly. She was so not going to admit to tom that she was feling less sick and steadier just from that charm as they haded to the kitchen. Smiling a little as she sat at the table she laughed a little looking at the little girl hiding under th table."Sh can help." "What are we making?"little morgan giggled happily as she crawled out from under the table looking up at lucius.

Mab smiled looking sad and amused all at once."Then its your turn to hide, and she'll go find you. Its fun.Though I'd keep to the public rooms to search, she'll stay in them."mab said looking amused as she waved the man out of the throne room.
Lucius laughed a little and smiled at the little girl, his head tilted. "i don't know. what should we make? i'm not a very good cook you know, but i can make pancakes and waffles, oh! and omelets... but i don't know most of this food... what's safe for a human to eat, do you know?" he asked Little Morgan, his head tilted.

Tom looked at Mab like she was insane. "... this game seams a little... monotonous..." he admitted with a face, but he dutifully started searching, deciding to amuse himself by 'taunting' the little girl. "where are yooou? i'm going to geeet yoooou." he paused as he stepped into the kitchen and set his hands on his hips. "now your not even trying to hide!" he complained, feigning a sulk. personally he was a little glad that the game had ended so soon., he wasn't one for hiding.
Little morgan smiled happily nodding.”I know what you can eat. We’ll make pancakes.”She said smiling a little as she gathered the things they neded looking up at lucius.”Okay!Its your turn to mix them up.”She said shoving a spoon into his grip. Morgan smiled a littl as she looked up at her mate when he came in,looking amused.”She was, but lucius needed help cooking.”She said wrapping her arms around him, looking amused that he was sulking over the game ending.
Lucius grinned as he prodded the stove with his wand, lighting the fire before grabbing the spoon obediently and stirring it furiously, a look of intense concentration on his face that nearly had Tom laughing when he finally walked into the room. "Lucius needs help with everything." Tom stated with an impish grin as he ruffled the little girls hair. "so what are we having?" "pancakes with fruit and chocolate in them, just because i'm a... how did my father put it? a picky little shit. yeah that sounds right." now tom WAS laughing as he took the bowl from Lucius. "your mixing it way too hard Lucius, your breaking up all the banana's into mush." he stated. "move out of the way, i'll make you the food." he ordered opening the fridge and pulling out thick slabs of meat, which turned out to be bacon from a fey animal. he pulled out eggs and started the pan and effortlessly and with practiced precision made eggs bacon and pancakes all at the same time, leaving Lucius gaping at the would be Dark Lord.
“But it tastes good anyways luc!I promise.”Little morgan smiled as she took the bowl from the young blond, obviously crushing hard on the male as she started licking the bowl. Morgan coughed into her hand looking amused at both her younger self’s actions, and hermate’s cooking.”You cook alot there tom?”she teased looking amused that the man knew how to cook so well,even though it really shouldn’t have.
Lucius smiled at the little Morgana and glanced at the bigger Morgana and tossed her a saucy wink behind Tom's back, playfully flirting with her... and danger. he was obviously realized that 'Little Moe' was crushing on him and was teasing the elder Morgana about it. it was pretty damn funny. "of course i cook a lot." Tom stated simply. "i have lived on my own for many, many years after all." he pointed out. "if i couldn't cook i'd have starved." he admitted with a small smirk as he slid the finishhed foods onto serving platters and then looked at Moe. "you, little lady, will help Lucius set the table." he ordered, gently tapping her nose and giving her a playful grin. "Morgan? do you think your mother would like to join us?" he asked his head tilted as Lucius made the plates and forks hover and whirl in the air to entertain Moe.
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