Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

Tom's breath hitched and he went tense, clutching her tightly. "sick?" out of everything he'd heard THAT was what he focused on? "how sick? your not dying are you!? i won't let you die!" instant panic. he thought she was freaking out because she was dying, not because it wasn't Tom's baby in her belly. but then, he didn't really understand just yet. "we'll go see Evan! he'll know what to do! he won't let you die!" Tom decided, picking her up and racing for the entrance before pausing, backtracking, telling Abraxas that they where leaving for the evening, before rushing to the grounds again, heading for the wards so that he could apparate to his fathers house so that he wouldn't lose Morgan.

James chuckled a little and shook his head a little as Remus shrugged. "it's still true." he pointed out. "i'm more concerned about whose baby it is... Lucius's or Professor Riddles?" he asked curiously, lifting an eyebrow. "Professor Snow isn't human you know, she's a Life Mated creature. if it's Lucius's, her body will rebel against the baby and it will make her even more sick. and Professor Riddle, also being a Life Mate creature, will either react possessively, doing everything he can to claim the baby growing inside of her, or will attempt to kill it, even if it means killing Professor Snow. if he takes that course, he'll then try to kill himself for hurting or killing his mate, and if he dies, she'll follow soon after." he shook his head. "this is a pretty big damn mess... eight months of pregnancy is the least of their problems." James and Sirius both winced at that and shook their heads a little, now very worried about Professor Snow.
Morgan yelped as she was clutched at, squirming in his arms."No, I'm not dying tom."She said freaking out because he was freaking out, not realizing he didn't understand. Resting her head against his chest she sighed quietly, closing her eyes as she let his scent and body lull her to sleep.So exhausted by the ordeal, to stay conscious as Evn raced up the riddle manor hill. Evan jerked open the door, having been alerted the moment he felt the wards around the house go off, pausing in the doorway at the sight of his son looking so freaked out. "What happened?"He demanded stepping back to let them in, staring at the woman laying so limply in tom's arms.

Jamie winced having not thought about that."Bloody hell."He paled even more at the rest of the other's words, having not even thought of that."Oh...fucking hell."He muttered now that was such a bad idea. He ust hd a feeling tom was going to try and destroy the child, and destroy them all. "We should let Professor Malfoy know.I doubt professor riddle thinks to tell him what's going on, he'll panick."Lily said thinking about how tom had reacted the first time morgan had been hurt.
Tom didn't appear to be listening to her anymore, either that or he thought she was lying to calm him down. he nearly ran Evan over in his attempts to get his love to him. "i don't know! she said she was pregnant, that it was Lucius's, that it was making her sick! SHE'S DYING FIX HER!!!" Tom wailed, his eyes filled with the panic that only an Elf who thought his mate was dying could achieve... save maybe an Elf whose mate really WAS dying. there was a small pop and Abraxas appeared, looking more amused than anything else as he watched Tom make a fool of himself, though he didn't know what exactly was wrong, he had canceled his last class, and told Dumbledore that Tom was having another 'Morgan Panic' and apparated away to keep Tom calm.

James and Sirius echoed that sentiment, worried about their favorite professors and they nodded, turning to find Professor Malfoy, only to watch him rush by to follow Riddle and Snow. "...well, i guess we don't have to worry about him not knowing anymore..." "i think Professor Malfoy is directly linked to Professor Riddle." Sirius admitted suddenly. "Professor Malfoy always seams to know when Professor riddle needs him."
evan looked startled trying to figure out how to calm his son down, looking relieved when abraxus appeared before smiling."Well, let me see her then."He said biting his lip to keep himself from laughing at his son as he took morgan, settling the woman down into the bed before looking up at the two men as he gently stroked her hair out of her face."She's pregnant tom, with a child that's not yours. It wont kill her, but it will make her sick."He said glancing at Abraxus, trying to figure out how to tell tom how he was going to react once it sank in. Knowing that soon the instincts of a elf's who mate had been with someone else,even if unwilling, was going to override everything else.

Lily snickered a little looking amused."I think he has to be."She said looking thoughtful as she shook her head, nudging her boyfriend."coem on. let's go get some practice in, there's nothing we can do." Jamie nodded a little, though he was worried that maybe this, was what had broken tom riddle and created voldemort, his mate's pregnancy and death.
Abraxas chuckled before he paused as he realized exactly why Tom was panicking. Tom panted from the effort of trying to contain himself and Abraxas hesitated as he looked at Tom Sr. "Evan... Tom's not going to react well to this once he calms down... is he?" Abraxas asked softly as Tom slumped, put to sleep by a well placed spell from Abraxas. it was a good way to help Tom settle himself down so the man could react properly, instead of simply trying to kill the baby. with Tom asleep, there was now a fifty fifty chance of him accepting the little Darkling growing in Morgan's belly. instead of him simply trying to kill it because of the force of his rage. Abraxas took Tom to the bedroom and then sat with Morgan, waiting for him to wake up. if he had to, he would protect Morgan from Tom, even i he had to restrain the Half Dark Elf until the baby was gone and out of sight.

Tom didn't stay down for long, it was just ten minutes before he was up again, snarling at Abraxas who was too close to his woman, the blond backing up quickly efore Tom attacked him. Tom strode quickly forward and shoved Abraxas back another ten steps before he was satisfied before kneeling in front of Morgan, rubbing his nose against her belly. "it's mine.. MINE. i won't share, not with anyone." he shot a dark glare at Abraxas, who sulked as he realized that Tom was going to be so possessive of the unborn babe that he wouldn't even share with the babe's blood born Grandfather! well, at least Tom wasn't trying to kill it. "it's mine." Tom growled, wrapping his arms around Morgan's waist and nuzzling her belly some more. it did make a little bit of sense though, Tom had always wanted a son to love, he'd told Morgan that himself.
Morgan stirred looking worried a she leaned back against the headboard, looking startled as tom came into the room, bracing herself as she was pounced on, closing her eyes as she buried er fingers in his hair, shifting, curling her body around his."Hmm you'll have to share with abraxas.but only him."She muttered sounding so very relieved that she wasn't getting attacked. So relieved in fact that she stared to cry as she leaned against him.
Tom scowled and turned and hissed at Abraxas, like an angry cat. Abraxas immediately tossed his hands up and backed away several more steps, well aware of how possessive and childish Tom could be when he got into one of his moods. Tom didn't want to share, and he wouldn't, least of all with some Malfoy rapist! thankfully, Tom would calm down in a matter of hours, instead of days, or weeks like normally. he smiled as he nuzzled her belly a few hours later, letting Abraxas touch her belly as he told everyone about how he was going to spoil the little boy or girl mercilessly! he was going to buy the little darling the softest blankets, and get it a shirt that said Dark Lord in training, and he was going to let it eat all the candy and chocolate it wanted when it came to visit 'Grandpa'. Abraxas was almost as excited as Tom was!

"oh... there's an Owl. it's from the healer..." Abraxas muttered as he pealed open the letter and paused, his eyes widening. "holy shit!" he hissed, sitting down hard on the floor because he was too stunned to realize he'd missed the chair behind him. "oh Merlin... oh Merlin what did they do to my son!?" Tom looked startled at that, and reached out and snatched up the letter. "do to recent odd behavior that Lucius has been showing, i ran some tests. when he started screaming about the voices in his hed, i immidiatly worried about his mental health. according to the tests, his behavior has not entirely been his own. Lucius has been... under...Two, separate Impirius spells, one as young as the age of seven, and the other around the age of eleven... oh god." Tom whispered, stunned and horrified. "he hasn't been himself since he was a child!" it hadn't been Lucius raping Morgan. it had been Dumbledore using Lucius like a puppet.
Morgan smiled softly as she gently stroked tom's hair, amused at his reaction, "Tom we should lay down.We need rest."She muttered amused as they settled on the couch, content to be with her lover. Smirking when he allowed abraxas to eventually touch her stomach she looked amused as she leaned back against tom."You don't have to hover. He wont hurt me."She muttered amused that even if he was letting them touch her, he was still hovering. "hmmm, you sound nearly as excited as Tom does Abraxas."She snicered at the two men's plans.

Morgan jumped at the sound of him hitting the floor eyes wide wondering what the letter could have have said to cause abraxas to act this way. "Bloody hell."Morgan whispered, eyes wide at the idea that the child had never had a chance."No..no wonder he's been acting like he has...imperio's weren't meant to last that long. they eventually drive someone insane..."she whispered tears filling her eyes at the idea of how much pain lucius had to be in.
Tom simply followed her to the couch, nuzzling her belly happily. it was his, his, his, HIS! and nothing would change that, not even the baby itself! he did growl a few times when Abraxas first started stroking her belly, but he'd calmed down enough to know it wasn't fair to keep the baby all to himself. it was Morgan's baby too after all, and since she was the one carrying it, and going through the excruciating birthing process, he'd let her choose who the baby could also belong to. "so perhaps the sight of the Dementor didn't really do anything, it was the two Impirio's fighting for control that did it. he was fine while he was under Dumbledore's direct control, or his mothers, but once his mother died, and then Dumbledore stopped using the curse, the two started fighting for dominance and drove him mad..." Tom muttered, shaking his head. "shit and damnation... this means i have to share the baby with a brat!" he complained Abraxas snorting as he stood, shaking like a leaf. "i-i have to go be with my son..." he muttered, Tom glancing at Morgan, a plea in his eyes. "we'll go with you Brax... you shouldn't face this alone." Tom muttered, setting a hand on Abraxas's arm. "you've been there for me almost my whole life... let me help you too, alright?" he asked softly, Abraxas nodding.

an apparation later had them all standing in the Malfoy Manor Foyer, all white marble and gold accents, most of it real gold. even in the past, the Malfoy Family had an ego. Abraxas led the way to Lucius's rooms, where he had been restrained so he wouldn't claw at his eyes. the Healer was desperately trying to calm Lucius, who was screaming about the voices in his head, begging them all to go away and leave him alone! there where already scratch marks on Lucius's face, showing why he was restrained, and the Healer was struggling to pour a calming potion down Abraxas's throat. "Lord Malfoy!" she gasped, shocked when she finally managed to put Lucius to sleep, looking up to see who was there. "... i'm sorry you saw that Lord Malfoy... Lucius has been... deteriorating since i sent you that Owl." she admitted. "the Imperio's are battling for dominance since they both want two directly different things. i'm not strong enough to break them. Lucius has been fighting them off as best he can but it's slow going..."
Morgan looked thoughtful as she laid back on the couch, amused that tom was letting her choose who touched her. absently stroking tom's hair as she listened, wincing a little."That's...just sick."She muttered feeling badly for lucius, understanding now. Swallowing hard as she listened tom complaining she tried not to laugh. "We'll help you."She muttered smiling at abraxas as they apparated.

Morgan walked into the room, pain showing on her face as she moved o the bed, looking up at abraxas"I'm going to try. If he manages to wake up and attack me, I'm trusting you two to stop him from seriously hurting me."She ordered before settling on the bed next to lucius, resting her fingertips on his forehead as she worked on the spell,slowly bu tsurely undoing the damage. She could never truly fix he damage, but she could get rid of the spells.
Abraxas looked over at Morgan, tears in his eyes as he and Tom both nodded. Lucius whimpered in his sleep, the healer stepping back, giving Morgan space to work. Tom stayed close, watching Lucius intently, but even if he did attack, he wouldn't be able to do anything, as he was still tightly restrained. he moaned as the spells fell away, and he relaxed in bed, Abraxas hesitantly reaching for his son as Lucius's eyes fluttered open. "D..daddy?" Lucius whimpered, sounding so afraid and confused. "Daddy the voices..." "shh Lucius. it's alright." Abraxas promised, carefully untying his son. "the Voices are gone now, aren't they?" Lucius hesitated and then nodded, tucking his face into Abraxas's chest, hiding from the world. it was going to take a lot of time for Lucius to recover, since it had started at such a young age, but he was already half way there thanks to Morgan. though Abraxas was probobly never going to let Lucius go back to Hogwarts. he'd probobly be home schooled. "i'm sorry." Lucius whispered, staring at Morgan. "i didn't want to, but i couldn't stop..."
Morgan sighed softly as she sat back, looking tired but pleased as he gently stroked lucius' hair her eyes sad."He'll never be the same,but he is himself now.'She muttered gently kissing lucius' head as she stood, moving to lean against tom, needing the comfort as she smiled at lucius, her eyes sad before she moved to sit next to him again, cupping her hands around his face,"I know you didn't, beautiful one, I know."She whispered resting her forehead against his, tears sliding down her face."We're going to have a child you and I, so you best be getting better.I'll need your help."She said hoping tom understood, that it wasn't so much her needing lucius, that lucius needed something to live for.
Abraxas nodded. "Lucius never had a chance to be himself." he admitted. "it's going to take him a long time to figure out which was him, and which was the Imperio." Tom watched, forcing back a growl as he listened to her admit that Lucius was the father, but Lucius recoiled away from her, looking horror stricken. "it can't be mine!" he protested. "i like boys! i can't get girls pregnant if i like boys! mother said so!" he protested, wide eyed and horrified. "i can't be a dad! i'm too young! i won't be any good!" "calm down!" Tom ordered, gentler than he'd thought himself able. "you won't be the father!" he promised the blond, who looked shocked. "you'll be the uncle, or a brother to the child. we don't want you to raise it, we just want you to help. it's going to need a lot of love, attention, and care." Lucius paused to consider that for a long moment and then nodded. "so... i just help?" he asked Morgan, studying her intently. "i can do that..." he agreed softly, a new light in his eyes. he was going to have a brother, or a nephew... that was just confusing.

"..at least i know why his mother put him under the impirio now." Abraxas muttered to Tom under his breath. "as a child, Lucius was already showing signs of being gay. when he stopped, i just assumed it had been a phase... i never thought..." he scowled darkly and shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. "my poor son... but he's mostly better now..." he smiled as Lucius asked Morgan if he was going to have to change dirty diapers, or if he could leave that task to Abraxas? he seamed all too eager to forget about everything that had happened. he would pretend for a while, and have his breakdown in private like a good pure-blood.
Morgan's eyes widened a little at Lucius' reaction, so shocked she couldn't get words out of her mouth as she considered what it meant that his daughter at done. Shifting a little she wrapped a arm around tom's waist, leaning against him."Oh no, I don't want you to be a father, but I want you to be helpful."She said smiling at him, "A small nephew. Less confusing, considering Abraxas isn't going to be the father. That title belongs to this possessive guy."She said snickering a little as she poked tom in the side, laughing at Lucius' quesetion."We'll both be leaving the diapers to tom and abraxas. We're to pretty to be doing something like that."She said primly as she got up looking at tom."Can we go get food?I'm hungry."
Lucius relaxed at the promise that he wouldn't be the father, smiling a little sheepishly. "yeah, a nephew. i like that. i can spoil him then." he paused, hesitating and then. "if... if it looks like me and Father... could we name the little one Draco? if it's a boy? it's... tradition you know?" he admitted, blushing hard as Tom started to snicker. "Abraxas... Lucius... Draco... what is it with Malfoy's and funny names!?" "My name's not funny!" Lucius protested in perfect sync with Abraxas, which only made Tom laugh all the harder. "if it's a boy, i'll let Morgan decide. if it's a girl... yeah she still gets to decide, though personally, i think a Flower would suit a little girl for a name perfectly." Tom admitted with a nod before both he and Abraxas glared at her. "i'm not changing diapers! gross!" Abraxas complained, Tom rolling his eyes. "they have spells for that you know." he pointed out, Abraxas pausing and then. "i wouldn't know. the House Elves did that part." Tom resisted the urge to smack his best freind over the head. "yes, lets get food. oh and Abraxas? don't worry about Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. i will take them aside in private and explain that you where not in control of your actions." Lucius looked even more relieved to hear that.
Morgan smiled happily at the idea of letting him name the child rolling her eyes as tom teased them."they are funny, but I do like draco."She said her eyes going soft at the idea of the boy child from the future that would never exist now. Maybe she could give her draco, a better life. Smiling as she looked startled."I didn't know. Wizarding magic doesn't work for me, so I think I'm still going to leave the diapers to you."she decided looking at her lover before looking at lucius."Though you still might want to write them a letter after he talks to them...sometimes apologies are better when they're personally from you."She said before leaving the room with tom, to give the malfoy men a moment alone.
Tom smiled and nodded. "alright. if it's a boy we'll name it Draco." he agreed. "and i'll do the diaper changing. i don't mind." he promised with a shrug. "i don't have to worry about getting any of 'it' on me in any case." he admitted with a smirk before smiling as Lucius nodded. "i'll do that... it might make me feel better too. Father always said that admitting to something, always eases the burden of guilt... i know it wasn't really my fault, but i still feel really bad about what i did." Lucius admitted shaking his head. "i'll work on the letters tonight." he promised, Tom smiling. "i'll hand deliver them too, just to make sure they don't get lost along the way." Tom promised, well aware that Dumbledore wouldn't risk Remus or Severus getting letters from Lucius. Tom sighed a little as he followed Morgan to the kitchen. "if it wasn't for us, we might never have known Lucius had spent most of his life under the Impirius... was it that way in your time?" he asked her softly. "did anyone ever find out in your time?" no, they hadn't, which was very troubling if you really thought about it.
morgan sat down rubbing her stomach, her thoughts far away as she concenstred on feeling the small babe in her. Nibbling on the food in front of her she shook her head wondering if it was indeed lucius under a imperius teh first time arouund."No. He grew up, had a son named draco, married narcissa black....and we never knew what caused him to be so...cruel.Only that he was."She sighed quietly."we assumed it wasjust his nature, we nevr considered there'd be a actual reason for it."She said,feeling guilty for having never considered it before as she ate.
Tom winced a little at that news and he shook his head, disgusted with Dumbledore. "i can't imagine all the things that Dumbledore got away with in your timeline." he muttered, sounding rather horrified. "Narcissa black? that little harlot!? seriously!? even under the Imperio, Lucius can barley stand the little bitch." he admitted, shaking his head. "she's a year under him right?" yes, a year younger than Bellatrix. "well, he's better now, in this time, and he won't be cruel anymore, he'll be happy and safe. just more proof that you coming to this time is the best decision you've ever made." he teased, smiling at her a little, his head tilted. "i can't beleive i never noticed it before though, i'm an expert of the Imperio you know... as well as Crucio." he admitted, scowling. "how did i not notice anything? there where no signs at all... i wonder if maybe because it happened when he was so young, he learned to function around the Imperio? which negated all the signs and symptoms, don't you think?"

going to bed. see you tomorrow?^^
"Yea, that narcissa black. I actually have no idea how it happened originally but it did."she shrugged before laughing quietly at him.."hmm you only think that cause you didn't want to be ugly and you get to have sex."she teased leaning into him,taking comfort in his presence.in the reminder that she had indeed done a good thing."probably. His personality hadn't settled when it first happened, so he learned to function with it in place and never developed the personality without the curse."she said stroking toms back, knowing he felt bad for never noticing and trying to comfort him
he wrinkled his nose in distaste and paused. "i think i know how. before she died, Lady Malfoy was speaking to Walburga Black extensively..." he admitted, looking at her. "if Abraxas died before Lucius turned eighteen..." he did. "then there would be no way out of a marriage contract. Lucius's mother might have arranged a marriage for him without telling Abraxas." he shuddered at the thought of poor Lucius being saddled with that power hungry bitch. "so now he just has to develop his own personality... he'll be like a young child i think, for a long while. but with an adults intelligence. i should write a book about this. Healers everywhere have always wondered about the effects of Imperio on Children, but they wouldn't test it because it was children. this Long Term effect should be known, so others don't try it. i mean, Lucius very nearly went completely insane when the spells tried to take over. if you hadn't been there i don't know what would have happened." he kissed her deeply. "i'm SO glad your here."
Morgan made a face,"That is definately disturbing, and probably what happened."She said thinking it over, running her fingers through her hair before nodding."You should. At least, if there's a book, maybe we could avoid it happening again in the future, should the signs show up again."She said reting her head on his shoulder kissing him back aused."Hmmm you're only saying that cause you want laid."She teased kissing him again, hugging him tightly, because it still scared her to consider that he might still become the voldemort from before, should something go wrong.
Tom nodded a little. "i always wanted to write a book." he admitted with a small grin, a shiver running down his back at her teasing words. "mmm partially. but i don't want to do it too soon, your still recovering." he admitted, smiling as he gently stroked her cheek. "Morgan? you know that i love you, right?" he asked softly. "i know i don't say it all that often, but i do. i love you more than anythinng else in this world." he admitted, smiling at her. "save maybe the little one growing in your belly, it's hard to tell which one of you i love more." he admitted, pretending to ponder that. "we should get some rest, it has been a long day for you, and i have to return in the morning to teach the little urchins."
"You'd do well writing a book."She said tensing a little at his words as she looked down. She had known,but the girl was feeling insecure after lucius' attack,and the woman wasn't sure about tom's love.She knew he was her bonded,but she was so scared that he would end up hating her for it."I know."She whispered though she didn't sound as she as she probably should.Giggling a little she nuzzled him as she cuddled against him. "Hmm well, I guess you can love both."She muttered nodding."let's go then."She muttered as they headed up to bed, still not comfortable with going back to hogwarts,but willing to go because its what he wanted.
Tom smiled at her and stroked her hair, pulling her in tight and giving her the sound kiss of a lifetime, his mouth moving firmly against hers for a long, breathless moment before he pulled away and led the way to bed, a smug little smile on his lips. "yes, i'll love both." he agreed happily as he practically skipped next to her. "we're gonna have a baby! Can you beleive it!?" he asked, excited and hyper all over again. "this is so exciting Morgan! for the first time in my life, i think i might actually be happy for once!" he admitted. "everything is just so perfect... i have a Father. i have a loving mate. i have a best freind and a little boy or girl on the way." he purred happily. "i have a home, and i'm teaching at the school i've always loved, and i have a five hundred foot long pet Basilisk. and even better, i've started a lodge against Albus Dumbledore!" he admitted happily. "others have even stepped forward, did you know? and Abraxas can use the Imperio on his son to really get the ball moving. life is... life is... perfect.."
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