Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

Severus laughed a little looking amused as he closed his eyes, content to rest before laughing a little."I am tired,and sore. But not to bad.Just rest. We don't want to wake the sleeping coupel over there."he snickered a little tilting his head towrds were sirius and jamie were napping.

Dumbledore frowned a little before nodding."I cannot allow a student to be harmed on the grounds. MAke sure that he is well taken care of mr. potter. Now you better be going, I am still trying to get your teachers to return, or find their replacements."He said sighing tiredly as he watched them go looking frustrated that he couldn't get morgan or tom back under his control.

Morgan smiled stepping back."Your welcome."she muttered smiling as they headed downstairs. Evan smiled slightly as he nodded,"I know you didn't. And...it is understandable tht you did. You were not trained, you need it."The senoir riddle sighed looking worried before morgan ran her fingers through her hair glancing at tom. "We should return to school. Maybe make abraxus go with us.Since I can't teach anymore seeing as it was one of my own students who hurt me...we could say tht abraxus is taking my spot while I stay with you..."
Remus chuckled a little and nodded, slipping off to sleep with a happy sigh, holding him tightly as he simply went to sleep, uncaring that he and sev where completely naked in bed together.

James nodded to Dumbledore. "i will sir... and... i don't think Professor Snow will be back Sir... not after what happened to her." James admitted, looking upset that a teacher was raped. "especially when rumor says that Lucius isn't really being punished for it... they say Lucius is just sitting at home..." he admitted with a shudder. "i hate to think of what's going to happen if he gets back into the school... it wouldn't be hard for him to, being that his father is on the school board..." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he left, letting his fear of Lucius hide the fact that he had slipped something into Dumbledore's office... though he did prank the lemon drops, Dumbledore would expect SOMETHING after all. the Lemons would now taste like grapes.

Tom smiled a little and blinked at Evan, looking baffled. "training? i've been trained. i was the top of my class at Hog..." Abraxas leaned over and whispered to Tom and the man flushed a little. "oh... right, Elven training... so that 'Dark Lord' thing i do is elven?" he asked curiously, Abraxas snorting. "i'm HOPING so! Dark wizards aren't supposed to be able to control Dementors Tom." Abraxas admitted, tom shrugging his shoulder. "i figured it was just part of being Salazars Heir." Tom admitted simply before shaking his head. "i am NOT taking you back to that school!" he hissed his eyes flashing with rage. "i will not let Dumbledore have another chance at you! i know what he was doing when he let that punk nosed little brat do what he did! he's trying to break me by using you and i won't give him that chance!" he took a deep breath and then pondered for a long time before nodding. "but... you could stay in the Chamber of Secretes. Sarsa would keep you safe... and you'll have all sorts of rare things to read..."
Dumbledore nodded,"Lucius will be dealt with when the time comes."She said laughing a little as he eat a lemon drop wincing as his mouth stung at the fee lof the prank. Sighing s he watched the two go.

Lily shook her head as they walked, looking at James."Do you really think Snow'd let fear rule her to the point she'd not come back?"She said looking thoughtful, wondering if they were indeed going to have no one to turn to as they walked back to the tower."Write riddle tonight. See what he says."he mutered.

Evan laughe a little looking amused at the boy's reaction before nodding. "It is. Mostly your instincts have been the only thing that's kept you from going insane...and their influence. a good friend and mate. Dark elves call those two positions shield mate, and sheild maiden, because they protect us from ourselves."He looked thoughtful before rising a eyebrow."What happened?"Evan said frowning as he looked at the youngsters. Morgan grolwed looked back at her mate. "We can't leave the school at his mercy tom, not those children."She whispered before swallowing hard, nodding."i could. And you can bring me food and things."She muttered trying to keep him calm
James giggled as he vanished, realizing that Dumbledore had fallen for his prank and he winked at Lily. "i turned his Lemon drops into Grape flavored." he admitted with a snicker as he shook his head. "i was thinking of making all the pumpkin juice in the great hall taste like Grape, but i'm not sure how to pull it off." he admitted sulking. "the house elves won't help us anymore since the Deputy Head made them stop. Professor McGonagall is simply too cruel." he nodded. "i'll write to Riddle as soon as we get back to the Common room... i don't look forward to going to bed though... i think Remus is 'staking his claims'..."

Tom pondered that and then nodded. "Abraxas has saved my sanity on more than one occasion." Tom admitted simply. "he keeps me calm, and Morgan even more so... she just has to touch me more often then not and i feel all better." he admitted smiling a little before he grimaced, Abraxas fidgeting. "my son fed her a love/lust potion." Abraxas explained softly. "i arranged for my son to spend several months in Azakaban to teach him a lesson but Dumbledore interfered in that... though i have to be grateful for it now.... the damn Dementor's tried to kiss him!" "which is why i am in complete control of the Dementor's now." Tom admitted with a grimace. "i got mad..." he admitted sheepishly. "but your right. we can't leave those children at the mercy of Dumbledore..." he bit his lip. "but Abraxas can't leave Lucy alone... the boy's a walking Suicide watch at this point..." "Damn Dumbledore... damn my wife! this never would have happened if i had been informed of Lucius's wrong doing's in the first place! if he'd been punished properly!" he growled before sighing as he rubbed his eyes. "can Tom teach, and be trained at the same time?" he asked Evan, his head tilted. "teaching takes a great deal of time, and he's the only teacher there willing to stand up to Dumbledore... but he desperately needs to learn to control that 'dark lord' thing he does... the last thing we need is him accidentally murdering someone again." Tom grimaced and nodded.
Lily winced at that, "Nooo you can't do that. Thats just disgusting."She whined wrinkling her nose at the idea. That was just a disturbing taste. Sighing softly before smsirking,"Well, you could always just stay in the common room. Remus isn't rude enough to do that in public."She pointed out as they reached the tower and walking inside with a slight smile.

Evan nodded looking amused."Most shield maidens are like that."He said slightly slightly sadly because he had never found his girl. And the fisaco with merope, he hadn't tried. Wincing at the words, he laughed quietly glancing at his son."It seems we've both had bad luck with those potions."he pointed out before sighing softly. "You could put him in the chamber with me. There's a bedroom. I can wtch him while your at the school, no one would know he's there."Morgan pointed out before sighing softly. "He can. I can come in the evenings, to work out whereever would be best. Though if I come to the school I might be able to convince dumbledore that I am there to make sure you do go to the dark side and be his enemy however he wants you to be."
James snickered a little and nodded. "all the better to do it!" he admitted with a smirk. "everyone hates grape!" he admitted, looking smugly proud of himself. "and Remus is being run by his instincts. if there's a ply for Sev's hand, or if Sev flirts with someone else... you can bet Remus will do... that, in public. anything to make sure everyone, Sev included, just who he belongs to." he never noticed that he had used the Potions genius's nickname.

Tom smiled a little at his father, his head tilted. "you never looked for your own Shield Maiden?" he asked softly. "you should. no matter what that Foul Woman did to you... you have the right to be happy." he admitted softly. "and i am NOT leaving Lucius in the same area as you! he might be insane right now but that won't stop him from trying to hurt you!" "... could we not leave him with the nurse?" Abraxas asked hopefully. "all he does is lay there for now, she could easily watch over him while i'm teaching..." Tom pondered that and then nodded. "it could work but... the other student's wouldn't feel safe then.." he sighed and dropped his head onto the table. "life is so fucked up..." he muttered, angsting about his life again.
Lily pouted a little."just warn me, I'll avoid it then."She said before snickering slightly at the other's slip."That's...well we'll just have to tell the others to not do anything. It would be bad for things to go wrong like that."she said running her fingers through her hair looking thoughtful."...you do just realize you called him sev right?"She teased.

"I...no."Evan said glancing away not about to think about it right now swallowing his laughter at the look morgan gave tom. "You dont think I can take care of myself?"She growled before sighing quietly. "Set the wards, it'll make sure that he cant get out of them."She added before biing her lip."No we'll figure out something love."She muttered shifting, wrapping a arm around her mate, getnyl stroking his hair."You shold rest Tom.If we're going back to school, you're going to need it."
he shook his head. "those in Gryffindor know better." James admitted. "it's the WOMEN i'm worried about! Snape's not as greasy as he used to be." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and the girls from all ages are starting to notice... with him on the arm of Remus... well, their going to think that they can... 'fix' both the men. and don't think you can fool me! you know it's true!" he paused and then grimaced. "yes well... he is dating Remus... i have to be... nice, to him now."

Tom glared at her. "i think you shouldn't have to!" then he paused and nodded. "that would work." he agreed. "i can't imagine putting him in a place like St. Mungoes." he admitted, shaking his head. "i don't need rest. i had rest." Tom admitted, looking upset. "i want to talk to the Auror's... i want to see Dumbledore punished! i want to have a life for once in my life that isn't rolled in misery and seeped in agony!" he admitted before resting his head on hers, closing his eyes. "i want to be normal..."
"Well you'll just have to straighten them out. Neither of them don't need the stress of ducking out on all the girls who think they need fixed."She sighed as she sat down in one of the chairs, shaking his head a little."True.You do,but it's kind of amusing to hear you call him sev, when he's no where around."She said snickering a little.

Morgan sighed softly wrapping her arms around him,"you need rest. You've had a stressful few days, and if we're going back to school, we need rest."She said stroking his hair."We will see him punished, we will have that life....we just have to do this first."She muttered lowering her head to kiss him softly"I love you."
James looked at her, lifting an eyebrow. "isn't it YOUR job to chance the other girls off? you know, i'm supposed to take care of the guys giving my best mates grief for dating other guys, and your supposed to take care of the girls who think it's their business?" he didn't want to admit this, but he wasn't sure he could ever yell at a girl or do anything to make them cry. not seriously anyway. maybe if they where a danger to people, like a criminal, like when he'd hexed that Parkinson bitch when she'd tried to curse Lily... but not run of the mill students. "and in any case! there are people around! your here and you matter to me more than some silly group of people who might overhear me." he admitted with a small smile.

Tom smiled a little and nodded. "your right. i guess i do need some rest." he agreed as he finished off his plate, sighing a little as he shook his head before glancing at Evan, biting his lip. "i really don't want Dumbledore to know about you." he admitted suddenly. "i have this... gut feeling that it will all go bad if he finds out..." he admitted softly. "i don't know... maybe i'm just being possessive again?" he mused softly as he shook his head, glancing at Morgan. "back to Malfoy manor then?" he asked softly. "we need to be somewhere where Dumbledore will find us at some point..."
"Well, I will do that, if you find it impossible to yell at the girls, I'll take care of them."She teased looking amused because she knew that James just couldn't bring himself to yell at women,even if they needed it sometimes. "Well that's good to hear."She said flushing a little at the thought she mattered to him before handing him a pen and paper."Write."she ordered smiling.

Evan tilted his head before nodding."No, I think you are right. For now, if we meet in the evenings in the chamber of secrets, you can apparate there did you know?That was the only thing I learned from your mother. but we can meet there."He nodded standing."Get some rest. I'll see you later."he said before leaving the room. "Let's go then."Morgan said smiling a little at abraxus shuddering a little at the idea of being where dumbledore could find them before they apparated to teh manor
he grinned sheepishly at her and shrugged his shoulders. "i can't help it. i was raised to respect women." he admitted simply. "yelling at women is not respecting them." he stated with his nose stuck in the air like the typical chauvinistic pure-blood that he was not. he laughed as she ordered him to write and he quickly had a letter written to Prof. Riddle asking him to use the classroom for impromptu self defense lessons to protect the women from pigs like Lucius, as well as warning him that Dumbledore seamed pretty pissed off and was trying to find a way to control him and Prof. Snow. letter done, he whistled twice and grinned when his Snowy Owl appeared, holding her foot out. somethings really did go from father to son.

Tom relaxed and smiled at his Father, hesitating as he took the others hand. "i'm glad that i finally met you." he admitted softly, smiling at the man. "i have to admit, i'm very relieved to have met you." and that Tom Sr. wanted him. he wrapped his arm around Morgan and vanished with a crack, Abraxas smiling as he headed home as well, just in time to see Tom get smacked int he face with a white owl, the poor Owl panicking at the sudden appearance of a human and landing on her back on the ground with a shocked little hoot. "...sorry little Owl..." Tom muttered, picking up the owl and the letter. "ah, it's from Mister Potter. he wants to use my classroom for self defense lessons. ah, and he says he's spying on Dumbledore for us. isn't that nice of him?" he took out a pen and wrote a reply, giving Potter permission and promising the boy that he would be back in a few days once he got some things settled.
"Wow, I do like the owl."Jamie said looking amused as he walked down the stairs, amused becaue it seemed both father and son loved their snowy owls. "You two look comfortable?No yelling or anything." "Well, wehn he stops sputtering idocy, he is fairly pleasant to be around."Lily said looking amused das he looked at the two men shaking her head in amusement.

Evan nodded,"I am glad you came to."He said smiling as they vanished. Morgan giggled biting her lip hard to keep from laughing out loud at the sight of tom getting smacked, gently stroking the bird's back as tom read the letter, smirking slightly."Well it seems your students are missing your presence at the school."She snorted amused,"So much so tht they're trying to be helpful."She sighed running her fingers through her hair, afraid for him to be back in the school,but it was the only way she could make sure the future where he never taught happened.
James went bright red and he nodded. "she's my Familiar..." he admitted calmly. "i hatched her from an egg you know, and fed her mushed bugs and ground mice bits. it was nasty!" he admitted with a grin. "but she loved it. her name is Yuki, it means snow in Japanese." he admitted with a grin. "and i'm ALWAYS pleasant to be around, you just didn't know it!" he teased, winking at her.

Tom smiled a little as he nodded. "it's nice to know i'm a good teacher." he admitted with a small smile. "he did ask over your health too. he seams to think you won't be back to teach though." he admitted, looking amused. "you know.. i might need an assistant sometimes. you could be my assistant and let Abraxas take over for the Potions." he mused. "then you won't be alone, but won't really be in Dumbledore's reach either." he mused, nodding a little as he looked at her. "come on. let's go to bed while this lovely lady takes this letter back." he mused. "did you know there's a secrete passage into the Chamber in both my Potions Classroom, and my personal rooms?" he asked with a small grin. "i'll teach you the right sounds to open them, so you can get to safety no matter where you are."
"She's beautiful."Jamie smiled looking amued before shuddering."That is disgusting, potter. Thanks for telling me." Lily smirked a little wrinkling her nose as she shook her head."Only you would name a snowy owl, snow."She teased before sighing softly."uh-huh, if you say so."She teased kissing his cheek.

Morgan smiled glad to see him so happy about teaching. He was good at it, dumbledore should have never refused him the first tiem. Nodding a little as she looked at abraxus."I think we should do that. No one expects me to be able to teach, which considering I don't have the same passion for it, makes sense."She said thoughtfully heading upstairs with tom before laughing."I do like that. It'll be fun."She smirked glancing at him, eyebrows waggling."You want to teach me something?"
James laughed in delight and nodded. "it is disgusting!" he agreed smirking. "and my dad wanted to name her moonlight! some sort of play on words or something i never really understood." he admitted with a small grin before blushing bright red and beaming as he received a kiss to the cheek. "so is Snape and Remus still naked?" yes, yes they where. and Remus growled at anyone who tried to get too close, talked too loud, or tried to wake either of them up.

Tom grinned a little at her and quickly, and with a flourish, penned a note to Dumbledore, promising to return in two days time once he and Abraxas found a way to deal with Lucius who was 'a danger to himself and others'. well aware that Dumbledore would find a good way to help Lucius so that he could have Tom and Morgan under control once more. adding in Abraxas, Dumbledore would be all the more eager to find a way to get them back to the castle faster. "oh, there are many things i'd love to teach you." Tom growled eagerly as he caught her mouth in his and rushed her up the stairs to give her a 'lesson'... he even made her call him 'professor'.
"Yes, disturbingly enough.Its why I'm down here."jamie said wrinkling his nose a little but looking amused.

Two days later Morgan muttered quietly as she walked next to Tom,, at least not yet. gently touching Tom's arm she sighed."Dumbledore's coming. Be careful."She muttered stepping so she could protect her mate in case the professor went to hurt him. Dumbledore smiled at the two men and woman, "Good morning. You three have arrived just in time to get to class for the morning." "Good morning professor."Morgan said softly swallowing hard her stomach in knots at being back in the building but she couldn't abandon tom here, not without protection.

"Riddle,snow and malfoy are back!I just heard if from some first years coming up from the great hall."Jamie said pouncing on his lover stealing a kiss before looking at the others. "It seems classes are about to get interesting again."
Tom smiled at her and nodded. "don't worry." he murmured, giving her a small kiss. "i'm prepared." he promised before smiling at Dumbledore. "i'm sorry for abandoning the school like that Headmaster. i have to admit i lost my head a little bit when Morgan was attacked." he admitted, offering her loving eyes. "i'm sure you understand... after all, your one of the most Vocal about... i forget the actual words. Love, not War? i thought it best to remove myself in case i lost control of myself." he admitted simply. "and i just wanted to keep Morgan safe. oh! Headmaster this is Abraxas Malfoy, whose agreed to take over for Morgan while she recovers." he introduced, Abraxas bowing his head to Dumbledore. "i know Dumbledore Tom, it wasn't that long ago after all! he was the best Transfiguration teacher we ever had." "suck up! he was the only transfiguration we ever had." they both laughed and headed out to their classes, Tom with Morgan on his arm, looking as calm and collected as ever.

Sirius yelped as Jamie's knee landed somewhere sensitive and grunted at the kiss, Remus and James snickering happily at Sirius's misfortune. "...hold on. if Lord Malfoy is teaching... what about the little Malfoy?" the little Malfoy still hadn't recovered. he preferred to lay in a brightly lit room, curled up in a ball and pretending the world didn't exist. though the healer had already found out that Lucius did relax a little bit to the sound of soft music.
Dumbledore smiled a little looking amused and pleased that they were back,"it would have been nice to know before you left, but I do understand, tom my boy."Dumbledore said that damnedly annoying twinkle back in his eyes."MR. Malfoy it is always good to see you."He said smiling at them as they headed for class. Morgan swallowed hard as they walked, shifting, leaning against tom as they walked,closing her eyes. "I think I'm going to sit in on your defense class today."She muttered, not ready to be alone. She thought she'd been ready to come back here, but she wasn't. Not that she would ever admit that to Tom, not when she knew it was safer for him to stay here, and he wouldn't ,not if she really was scared.

Jamie laughed, sighing softly."Sorry.He muttered shifting off his lover, laying down next to sirius."Home under nurse's care, and house arrest."Jamie answered smiling slightly before looking at the others,nuzzling sirus a little,apologizing for kneeling on him."We should head to class. Don't want locked out on Riddle's first day back."He mused.
Tom shrugged a little. "i wasn't exactly thinking about the students or my duties Dumbledore." he admitted simply. "i'll make sure to leave a floo address with you if i have to leave again." he promised. "i don't think i'll have to." the warning was there. 'let something happen to my woman again and i'll leave'. "of course your sitting in my defense class today. i don't trust that you'll be perfectly safe if i leave you alone." Tom admitted simply, his arm tightening around her shoulder as his eyes narrowed a little as he let her have his more comfortable teaching chair. today was going to be a physical lesson.

Sirius snorted a little. "you are not." he complained, looking amused as he kissed the other deeply before pausing. "under Nurses care? not even a day in Azkaban and he needs nurses care? i always knew that brat was a ponce. he's too girly for his own good... no offense Lily." he teased with a grin as he sat up, James hesitating. "The Dementors tried to kiss him." he admitted, Sirius and Remus both freezing, stunned and shocked into stillness. "...fuck. no wonder he needs nurses care... well he won't be causing problems anymore at least." "tried to. he wasn't kissed but apparently looking into a Dementors 'eyes' has severe effects on a persons psyche..." James admitted as he led the way down to the DADA room where most of the Slytherins where already waiting. "Good morning class! today we're going to learn the greatest defense for a fire fight!" that had everyone's excited attention. "Dodging!" excitement gone. "how is that the greatest defense?" "tell me. what's the worst, unblockable curse?" "...Avada Kedavra..." "right, there is no defense for it... except one. get the hell out of the way!" Tom chirped happily. "so, what is the best way to avoid being hit by a curse?" "...dodging it." Sirius offered hesitantly, Tom smirking wolfishly. "that's right! dodging might not seam exciting, but it could save your life! so! strip out of those robes and let's get to work!"
Morgan smiled a little as she curled up in his chair, amused as she watched the way his students responded to the lessons. Well. it was going to be a interesting time to be back at hogwarts.

A few days later Morgan swallowed hard as she rested her head on the toliet rim, trembling harder as she fought with her upset stomach, resisting the urge to throw up again. Knowing she was probably worrying her lover, she could still hear him teaching, but she couldn't quite get up off the floor yet. Shifting she laid all the way down, curling up in the fetal position, her darkling elf body not responding well to being pregnant with a wizard's child. While tom was part wizard, he was a dark elf, and her body would have been fine with that, because more then that, he was her mate. What her body and soul were having trouble with, was being pregnant by lucius, who was definately not elf, or her mate. It was tearing her apart, making her even more anxious about being back in hogwarts.

Jamie growled as they were forced to dodge again, pushing sweaty bangs out of his face as he glared at tom, tired of being pushed around."Are you going to teach us to duel, or just dodge?"He growled not really angry, but annoyed because he knew the man was taking out his worry for morgan out on them.
Tom was getting more and more agitated. he could feel Morgan's nausea and anguish and it was driving him to distraction. he didn't know what was wrong with her, and he couldn't find a way to ask, and Evan hadn't been by yet so Tom couldn't ask him either. being trapped in this castle had suddenly become the prison he had never thought Hogwarts could ever be. it was like the walls where closing in on him and suffocating him. the students certainly weren't helping. Tom snarled at Jamie before grimacing as he realized what he had just done, Sirius settling carefully in front of Jamie in case Tom decided to make a more practical example for their lessons. "No! Get out!" Tom demanded, the class wincing as they fled, well aware that something was upsetting the teacher. and no one wanted to deal with his 'temper tantrums', especially after he'd had the entire third year huffelpuff class scrubbing bathrooms for two hours after they'd complained that the lessons where too hard. Tom was almost as moody as Morgan was.

Remus, Sirius and James wasted no time in grabbing their loves hands and tugging them out of the classroom, sweaty and panting as they raced out of the room, Sirius glancing at Jamie. "jeez, somethings wrong. Professor Riddle is never this mean... he SNARLED! like a wild animal! what do you think happened?" the men where clueless, but Lily, being a woman, probobly had a good idea of what was wrong with Morgan at least. "someone really needs to talk to him..." James muttered, glancing back into the classroom, glancing at Lily. "i'll be back for lunch... maybe. if i don't return, Professor Riddle tore out my guts and made me eat them." one of Tom's more gruesome threats.
Morgan sighed softly as she got up slowly, moving to the doorway she smiled softly as she leaned against the door, looking flushed and out of sorts, shaking her head a little."You're going to scare your students tom."She muttered before crossing the room, wrapping her arms around him, leaning into his chest as she tried to recover. Starting to cry softly, so overwhelmed, because she had no idea how to tell him what was wrong. Despite their bond, she was afraid he'd leave her.

Jamie frowned nodding a little."I think something's wrong with professor snow. You saw her, she's not looking...healthy."Jamie said frowning. The poor men where so very clueless. Lily snorted laughing, though her eyes were worried. "She's not hurt. she's pregnant. I think.It's making her sick."She muttered glancing at james, squeezing his hand. "Be careful." Severus looking thoughtful before wincing at the idea that snow was pregnant, glancing at remus. "its going to be ugly. They're both...not normal enough to react badly to this."He muttered, knowing that remus sensed the elven blood in them, would know that the two were going to have problems.
Tom huffed a little but relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her, sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "i can't help it. they grate on my nerves lately... i don't know why..." he mumbled, tucking his nose into her hair as she started to cry, tightening his arms around her. "Morgan, what's wrong? GET OUT!" he roared at the door as James poked his head in. he fled, slamming the door shut in his haste before Tom started to rub her back. "Morgan please... tell me what's wrong... please... your starting to frighten me..."

James nodded. "she was back there throwing up, i could hear her." he agreed with Jamie before choking on his tongue. "p..pregnant?!" he demanded, wide eyed and shocked before glancing at Remus who nodded. "yeah, be careful, their both... antsy, lately." that was nice talk for 'moody as hell'. James poked his head into the room and left it just as quickly, the boy coughing nervously. "i'll, erm... try again later." he decided sheepishly as he shook his head. "Professor Riddle is more likely to rip my throat out than listen to me talk." he admitted, biting his lip. "come on Lily, i'll teach you some more defense." he offered. so far, he'd been grabbing her in different ways. by the arms, by the throat, by the legs. on the ground, standing up, against the wall. different ways a man would try to take advantage, and showing her how to get free, by any means necessary. he was SO glad he knew the 'nut protection spell.' it was like a muggle 'support' cup that protected his 'junk' from her foot. it still hurt like hell but there was no real damage this way. James was all too happy to suffer if it meant that she would be safe.
Morgan giggled a little pressing her face against his chest."They're not that bad."She muttered clinging to him as she snuggled her mate, crying so hard she was actually shaking, a few minutes passing before she could talk."I-I think I'm pregnant. With lucius' kid...its making me sick tom."She muttered so very scared, of not only being pregnant and what it would do to her, but of him leaving her.

Lily laughed snickering at james' response to the idea before smirking at REmus' words. "Thats just a nice way to say they're moodier then normal."She muttered smirking slightly at james as he walked back."Okay. it'll be better then letting you defend yourself against professor riddle."she snickered walking with him. Jamie snickered as they all headed for the room of requirement, having been using it as a training studio. "Oh gods, she's going to be sick for 8 months.None of us are going to survive them both."he whined shaking his head.
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