Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

Morgan moaned, gasping as she was kissed, holding onto him tightly."Love you to."She muttered looking amused as she watched him get hyper, content to just listen to him ramble on, even if she knew his was going to be hard on them all."So it is."She said settling down in the bed with him, though she was sure that life wouldn't stay that way.

It was almost the end of term when things did indeed not start working as well as she had thought. Despite everything, it was taking longer then it should to get dumbledore out of the headmaster's office. Rubbing a hand over her slightly rounded stomach she smiled, even with the morning sickness, she was glad she was pregnant. Each day, she saw tom taking a step further away from the dark lord from her future, and staying the man he was. Starting down the steps to go meet up with the guys for lunch, she was excited to see christmas break starting the next day. Yelping as her foot hit the step and skidded out from under her, she tumbled down the stairs, never noticing the slight fading shimmer of a ice spell, set to just make her fall. It seemed dumbledore wasn't going to go quietly after all.

Jamie grinned a little as they walked, heading for potions, "You know, it depresses me that we have only this class today.Otherwise we could already be on break!"He whined looking at his boyfriend. Severus rolled his eyes leaning into remus, "You know, considering how bad they are at potions, you'd thin-"He stopped already starting to run before he'd made the connection to what he was seeing, running towards the crumbled form at the bottom of the stairs
Tom was annoyed, he was more than annoyed really. he had been working very hard to get Dumbledore out of Office, and even with both Abraxas and Lucius providing evidence against Dumbledore, the man was still in office because Minister Bagnold didn't want to look like a fool. he scowled, tapping his fingers on the desk as he thought, long and hard about what course of action to take next, before feeling pain swamping through him. not his pain, Her pain! Morgan was in trouble! he had to save her! in an instant he was racing through the halls, nearly trampling students in his path, leaping down the last stairs, a height that no Wizard could have survived undamaged, hit the ground and snarled at those who where around him. he hissed and spat, dark magic spilling around him, his eyes as black as ink, before Tom could attack anyone however, Abraxas had appeared instantly and stunned the Dark Elf thrice to bring him down. Abraxas just left Tom there, ordering the students to pick him up and to follow him, carefully scooping the damaged woman up into his arms, he raced to the Healers Wing. James wasted no time, he cast a hovering spell on Tom and followed Abraxas.
Madam Pomfrey paled visibly when she saw who it was abraxus was carrying. Swallowing hard as she directed them to lay her down he lked her over, uttering the diagonitic spells, looking worried and pale before looking at Abraxus. "She will be fine in a few days. She cracked a few ribs, and has a concussion, but I don't want to heal them, because sometimes magic reacts oddly with pregnancy, and being a elf..."espicially pregnant with a child not her life mate's. They didn't want to do anything to risk her health even more. "Tom...?"Morgan muttered stirring a little blinking slowly.
Abraxas James and Remus all sighed in relief when Pomfery promised that Morgan would be alright. "if we have to, i'll have Tom take her back to her own realm for healing." Abraxas assured the healer. "they'll know how to fix her up, right as rain." he promised, smiling as he heard Morgan wake up. "Tom's fine." he assured her. "i had to stun him, he was about to rip apart the students that found you." he explained to Morgan gently stroking her hair. "as soon as he wakes up, he's going to take you to your mother, your hurt pretty badly but you'll be alright, and the little one is just fine." he promised, though he didn't know that for sure. "do you remember what happened?"
Pomfrey nodded, "You should,even if she says she's fine. A elven healer should look at her."The woman fussed looking concerned over the woan. Morgan relaxed, sighing quietly as she closed her eyes again, leaning into abraxas' hand,"Good."She muttered frowning slightly."I was coming down to meet you and fell.I slipped on something..."She muttered before drifting out again. "Professor Malfoy?"Jamie whispered glancing nervously at both tom and morgan, not wanting to upset them, and wondering if abraxas knew what he was, or would question how or why he'd learned the combat spell he had used to discoer what he needed to tell him. "I had a thought...the stairs, they're the ones she always uses to get downstairs because she says the drop offs on the others make her dizzy...so I discovered magic on one of the stairs...a ice charm..."He said looking sheepish and upset, because he so didn't want to explain how he knew the spell to sense another's magic and spell,even if the spell itself was gone.
Abraxas nodded. "Tom won't want a human healer touching his Mate anyway, no offense to you but we all know your a little out of your element here." he teased, flashing her a wink. "it would be stupid of us to expect you to handle something you've never had to handle before." he paused and turned to Jamie, lifting an eyebrow at the other before his eyes narrowed as he examined the other intently. "an Ice spell you say?" he asked examining the other intently before nodding. "i'll look into it most extensively..." "Abraxas you son of a bitch." Tom groaned sluggishly. "where's my Mate! how dare you put me to sleep when she needs me! i'm going to rip your spine out, grind it into dust and make you eat it ina strawberry smoothie!" Abraxas actually winced. Dark Elves certainly had an interesting sense of vengeance.
Pomfrey nodded."You, mr. malfoy, are a menace.Make sure they rest."She teased back looking amused as she moved to check on the other patients in the hospital wing leaving them on their own. "Hm, it'd faded, but when I walked down the stairs I nearly broke my neck sliding on the steps."He muttered wincing when tom woke up,before laughing quietly."Now...that is a interesting threat."He mused. "tom....?"Morgan muttered stirring at the sound of tom's anger turning her head a little resting her head on his shoulder,trying to clear her head enough to get to him.
Abraxas laughed and fluttered his eyelashes at her. "you only say that because i spent more time in here than Tom did." he purred playfully. it was true, until Harry Potter came along, Abraxas set the record for ending up in the Hospital Wing the most times, save maybe Remus Lupin, but he didn't count because most of those was the three days a month werewolf routine. "oh Tom's full of interesting threats like that. i think it's the Elf in him." he teased, ignoring Tom's frustrated snarl as he settled gently next to Morgan. "i'm right here love... are you hurt very badly? i'm going to take you to your mother, she'll know how to help you. hold on to me tight." he ordered, gently picking her up and vanishing with a Crack, reappearing at the edge of Mab's gardens. he had no idea how, but he always ended up right in front of Mab when he apparated to the Fearie realms. "She needs a healer!" Tom explained to Mab as soon as he caught the woman's attention. "fell, slipped, tripped or pushed maybe, down some stairs and the Hogwarts healer was a little out of her realms."
Pomfrey laughed a little."Well, true. You are a menance to my peace of mind."She teased back looking amused as she walked away. "Hmm, maybe he should talk to Remus. Between a werewolf and a elf, they're sure to come up with something useful."he said amused before leaving the room to tell the others that Morgan was going to be okay, even if she was leaving school again. Walking into the common rooms he slipped his arms around sirius' waist, leaning into him."Morgan's going to be fine."He said a low thread of anger though, he knew just knew, that it hadn't been a accident.

Morgan sighed softly turning her face into tom's chest, relaxing in her mate's hold. "tom!'the young morgan came pelting towards him from where she'd been chasing butterflies with her mother, before stopping, looking up at him worriedly before letting her mother shoo her back to playing with butterflies."Let us go inside. I will see to her myself."she woman said as she led the way to her own rooms, smiling slightly though worriedly as he laid her down. Gently starting to look over her daughter, before glancing up at tom."How are you?"She said after a moment, wondering if she should be worrying about him losing control. having gotten a few letters from her daughter, she knew what had happened, so having morgan hurt scared the queen of fearie.
Abraxas laughed happily at that and smiled as he nodded. "Remus might have an idea." Abraxas frowned a little. "his parents are of an odd sort..." he muttered nervously. "there's something... wrong, about that werewolf." Sirius and James both offered Abraxas a scowl before pausing as they realized he was right. Remus WAS a strange sort, they'd just never realized before because he'd always been that way. most werewolves where violent, vocal, and physical whether they wanted to be or not. Remus was none of those things. Sirius turned to Jamie and smiled as he shook his head. "you lied to the teacher." he accused, studying the other. "there was no spell on those stairs and you certainly didn't slip on it, you weren't anywhere near the top of the stairs." he scowled. "are you protecting someone or something?"

Tom grinned as he saw the younger Morgan and ruffled her hair. "we'll play in a little while, alright Little One?" he asked with an impish grin. "i'll teach you how to play Wizards Chess or something." he promised to alleviate that worried look on her face before he followed Morgan. "i'm alright." he promised her. "nearly killed the students who found her, but Abraxas stunned me before i did anything regrettable." he admitted simply, watching Mab work with intense red eyes. "my Father, Tom Evan Riddle SR. has been teaching me how to control myself, and Abraxas is always aware of when i go 'Dark Lord' and is always swift to stop me." he admitted simply. "i think i'm the most sound of mind i've ever been in my life to be honest." he admitted before flashing a smug little grin at Morgan. "i have Morgan really, to thank for that. her presence is like a soothing balm on the burn in my mind. when she's close by i'm not so agitated and angry."
jamie smiled a little as they walked,"no one but myself."He said sighing softly as they walked. Not about to tell him more unless he demanded it. Because the only way he could have known about the spell to reveal the magical signature that had made morgan trip, was revealing a far older man's knowledge of spell work. "Just thought it was easier until I could talk to riddle."He added after a moment before sighing quietly.

"okay. I would like that."Morgan chirped laughing as she left. Mab smiled slightly as she worked, gently healing her bones before looking at tom."Good.You are better then I thought you would be, with her hurt."She said gently stroking her daughter's hair as she started to stir, turning her head into mab's hand."Morgan is still worried about you. If something happens, and she is no longer with you..."the queen trailed off because she didn't know how much to reveal of her daughter's fear.
Sirius examined Jamie intently before he nodded. "well, as long as your not about to slaughter us all in our sleep, i suppose i don't really care." he teased with an impish grin. "provided i get a nice kiss for my troubles." "you dog." James teased, Sirius letting out a wolf like howl, which made both boys laugh before they nearly crawled out of their skin as Abraxas appeared very suddenly behind them. "Mister Incaster. i require a word with you, in private." Abraxas ordered softly, but in a tone that brooked no excuses. he led Jamie to a private classroom where he shut the door, locked it, and set up several privacy wards so that no one, not even Dumbledore, could listen in on them. "now then Jamie Incaster. i want the truth now." Abraxas hissed, his eyes narrowed. "i want to know who you are, why you are here, and more importantly, i want to know if your working for Dumbledore."

Tom shook his head. "i'm not sane Mab. never forget that, i can pretend very easily thanks to Morgan, but i am insane and violently so." he admitted simply. "so far, only the combined efforts of Abraxas and Morgan have kept me from killing someone, or something." he admitted simply. "if she where to..." he swallowed convulsively, he couldn't even say it. "there would probobly be no stopping me." he admitted simply as he looked at her. "it would be best, if you simply took off my head. i will not become the... CREATURE, she came to stop me from becoming." he looked at Mab, his crimson eyes serious and worried. "i already made Abraxas promise... can i get a promise from you as well?"
Jamie grinned laughing as he lowered his head to kiss the other."I most definately promise to not slaughter anyone."He said nearly knocking himself out as he jerked up and nearly hit his head against the way at Abraxas' appearance. Wincing as he followed he sighed slightly as he looked around, shiting to sit up on the desk he studied the blond. "My name really is Jamie Incaster, and no I'm not helping dumbeldore. And you should know, my birthday is on October first, 1987, not 1967.I'm not born for another 3 years."He smirked before shaking his head."I came back to stop my world from actually existing."

Mab studied the other looking pained at the idea of what the other was saying before nodding slightly."You have my word, mate of my blood daughter, to do what I must, to stop you.Whatever the cost may be."Mab said seriously. "Tom?You know, I have to stop going to sleep like this..."Morgan muttered stirring, thankfully unaware of what the two her discussing, blinking up at her mother."Is everything okay?" "You and the young one are fine, though I would suggest laying in bed, and visiting the father."the queen of faerie grew serious as she looked at tom."Because of...this situation, she is not as stable as she should be. Usually it is a mate who is the fther, and therefore the child is gathering magic from him, but the child is not your blood"Her eyes were sympathic. "and it needs bloodmagic to make sure both child and mother are better. She might feel better, not as sick to."
Sirius laughed as he kissed Jamie back and stared at Abraxas in stunned shock. Abraxas stared for a long time at Jamie before he decided the boy was telling the truth and nodded. "your here to stop Tom from going off the deep end too huh?" he asked, looking amused. "Morgan's the one who's really on that." Abraxas admitted simply. "she's from the future too, before you ask." he narrowed his eyes intently at Jamie. "you cannot repeat that though, and make sure you tell no one about you being from the future, save maybe Sirius if your going to get very serious about him." he flashed a smirk at his silly pun and then shook his head. "Dumbledore has been doing some very nasty stuff." he admitted. "and we're trying desperately to knock him off his pedestal so he can't do it anymore..." he shook his head. "it's not going well unfortunately. no matter how much evidence we provide, the man keeps pulling through! the old bastard..."

Tom relaxed and he bowed his head to Mab, looking so very relieved. "thank you." he murmured before smiling at his Mate. "sleep is good for you." he pointed out simply before looking worried. "Lucius Malfoy is the father but he's... been hurt very badly." he explained softly. "he's still recovering, both physically and mentally from the attacks and behaviors he was forced to commit. we can't take him to Hogwarts... is there any chance we could leave Morgan here for a few days? and leave Lucius here as well?" he hesitated. "what kind of Bloodmagic? there are many kinds..." he admitted looking curious and nervous at the same time. it was an interesting look for him.
Jamie sighed softly tilting his head."I...not really. I came back to stop him from killing the potter's. That's when things went...sideways for everyone."Jamie said smiling a little before frowning,, looking surprised at the idea of morgan being from the uture. Laughing quietly at abraxas' joke he flushed a little before biting his lip."I...or morgan, could go back to our own future.He knows your on to him now but in our future dumbledore never knew,and your son is a master at manipulation. He'd have more evidence for us....more then enough to convince someone that leaving dumbledore in power is a bad idea.Espicially if it's proven just how badly he screws tom over."He said slowly.

"hmm but I don't want to sleep all the time.."Morgan muttered tiredly,even though she shifted closer to tom. Mab tilted her head slightly beofre biting her lip a little."I would not suggest taking him to hogwarts, I know what happened."She frowned slightly. "I think you cannot take morgan back. Whether or not this was a accident, it seems the castle is not safe for your mate.And I would welcome him here. Maybe a elven healer would be ablle to help."She said before smirking, "You look like a kitten trying to decide if the bug it just ate is posionus or not,child."Mab teased before shifting a little. "Its bloodmagic only because the child will be of their blood. By being in his presence, his magic will bond with hers...not like yours has, by being her mate...but bond into a magic uniquely for the child. Which...you know, I don't know how having, and the child's grandfather is going to affect it either...I have never had a situation like this..."
Abraxas looked utterly stunned, his eyes widening. "the potters?" he asked, looking rather shocked. "as in James Potter? why on earth would that make any matter?" he asked, looking baffled. "James is one of Tom's favorite students for that matter!" he paused for a moment and then. "Tom never got a teaching position here in...er, your time, did he? and if Morgan didn't come back in time, then he would have had no one to stabilize him... making him... dear god! he must have been completely off his rocker!" he shook his head a little. "in any case, all evidence of Dumbledore attempting to make Tom Riddle into a Dark Lord, and all evidence of my son being under the Imperious is already documented... oh! i almost forgot.." he pulled something out of his pocket. "will you see that Severus Snape and Remus Lupin get these? they are from Lucius, they are apology letters. the healer said that it might help Lucius's guilt issues, no matter that it wasn't Lucius's fault. Morgan says that the Imperious Curses placed on Lucius was never discovered in her timeline, so i'm assuming the same is true of yours." Abraxas admitted with a shake of his head. "i had to dissolve a marriage contract too. that filthy Walburga Black will NEVER get the Malfoy Fortunes!" he hissed furiously.

Tom chuckled and stroked her hair gently, kissing her forehead. "but you need the sleep my darling." he ordered gently. "liten Morgan, your going to stay here with your Mother and Lucius. i will be back every evening as soon as classes let out." he promised, offering her a smile. "it will be good for you here, you'll be safe, and i won't be going out of my mind trying to keep you safe." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "Abraxas is upset about something, i'll be right back." he muttered, looking worried as he apparated on the spot and appeared in-between Abraxas and Jamie, lifting an eyebrow at the seething Abraxas who was still going on about Walburga. "...Abraxas for gods sakes shut up! i felt your rage all the way from Morgan's place! i thought you where in here murdering students!" he paused, examining Jamie ad then reached out, feeling the silencing wards before he gave Abraxas a funny look. "...are you seducing a student Brax?" "NO!"
morgan sighed quietly before nodding."okay."She muttered rolling on her side and drifting back to sleep. trusting tom to take care of things, and come get her if he needed her.

"Because in my timeline, potter's son is the one destined to kill him."He rubbed a hand over his face before shaking his head."No he doesn't. And he has no morgan, though in my timeline he knows her, just not....like they are. He did something I think so they wouldn't be together. He's completely...out of control."he said sighing quietly before rubbing a hand over his face, looking annoyed."Damn.Well....maybe someone should just kill the bastard and get it over with."he grumbled before nodding as he took the letters."No, they weren't. Though it does explain some things."he said thoughtfully before looking startled at tom, wrinkling his nose a little."He's pretty, but not THAT pretty."
Abraxas looked completely stunned and then opened and closed his mouth a few times, unable to formulate a response to that before he shuddered. "Tom out of control... i've seen the little things he can do when he looses his top. it's one of the reasons why we invented this." Abraxas admitted, showing Jamie the 'Dark Mark'. "hideous i know, i was the one who designed it. i thought it looked 'cool'." he snorted a little. "Tom can't figure out a way to change it without causing me agony so we're still working on that unfortunately, but it ties me to him, so i can always tell when he's loosing his top, so i can stop him, or calm him down." Abraxas grinned a little an shook his head. "we can't kill Dumbledore, that would make him martyr we need to..." his eyes gleamed suddenly. "we need to print it. all the newspapers all over the world would KILL for a story like this!" he smirked at Tom who grinned at Jamie. "Abraxas is never going to be 'pretty' enough for you,. you prefer roguishly handsome hmm?" he teased his student, hinting on to Sirius, who had been a little lax on shaving and was starting to grow some 'five o-clock shadow'. it made him look dark and mysterious and the Marauder was considering keeping it like that. "oh, Brax, i'm taking Luc. apparently he needs to spend some time with Morgan, he and her are staying with her mother so they'll both be safe." Tom admitted, looking anxious. "something about magic and blood, i didn't really understand.." he admitted, shaking his head. "just so you don't freak out." Abraxas snorted and nodded. "yes yes alright, it will do him some good to get out and about i think."
Jamie wrinkled his nose a little, smirking."In my timeline you ade a huge impact with that 'cool' thing. He made all his followers wear it."He snickered before shrugging."as mab. Or morgan. You might risk frostbite, but if you freeze the fucker so you can't feel anything, you might be able to do it."He shrugged a little before pouting. "Well, you're the one who owns things. Go get the papers."He pointed out before smirking at tom. "Exactly.Though his is getting a lttle obnoxious about it. Whisker burn is so not cool. At least not on my cock."Jamie said smirking, more to tease his professor then that he actually cared what sirius did with his beard. "Goodbye.I'm going ot go see my boyfriend."he said waving goodbye as the two talked going in search of his boyfriend and friends.

Morgan smiled a little as she sat up in bed when tom and lucius appeared, hands resting on the small bulge of her stomach."Hey you two."She said already feeling her own magic settling more as he body stopped fighting against the pregnancy that wasn't her mate's, now that lucius was there. Between the three of them, her body was accepting that yes she was pregnant, yes she wasn't her mate's, but yes they were all working tgether to make sure both her and child were okay.
Abraxas winced a little at that. "yes, Tom did have an idea about marking an Army. a way for generals to be able to communicate, summon, and check on their soldiers, but he was never able to figure out how to remove it, making that idea a little less appealing." Abraxas admitted. "i take it he made his own little army, hmm?" he examined the Mark intently. "yes that might work. it's tied to the nerves, so that i can FEEL it when Tom needs me... it's a tingling sensation really but if he's angry at me it can burn like a bitch. he tries hard not to do that but sometimes he can't help himself." at least it wasn't the refined Dark Mark that Tom had used. according to history, he was supposed to have started the war by now, and was actively marking followers. the few months of teaching alone had changed the course of history completely. they both laughed at Jamie's complaints about whisker burn on his cock but didn't chastise him for it the way most teachers would have.

Tom smiled as he stroked her hair, Lucius grinning brightly as he gave her a tight hug and a kiss to the forehead before he told them about how the healer was helping him reconnect to himself. "i've learned that i love the color purple, and that i'm completely terrified of bees!" Tom laughed as Abraxas recounted how the bee had landed on his arm and he'd completely freaked out. even the Healer had been laughing! "it's so nice being myself!" Lucius admitted, his eyes glittering with joy as Tom grinned, refusing to think of how screwed over Lucius had been in the original timeline. "i also found out that i just hate meat." Lucius admitted. "i tried some of dad's steak the other day and i almost gagged! chicken too, and fish.. it's so gross!" well at least Lucius would get along well in the Fea realms, since they where all vegetarians as well.
"He did.And waht you have here, at least according to my own history, is vastly different from what he learned to do with it."He snickered at abraxas' complains, rolling his eyes. "Well,Im glad that even just a few months teaching...and morgan...have changed everything."he mused as he left looking happy.

Morgan smiled at the blond,gently hugging him back as she stroked his hair, shifting to rest her head on tom's shoulder,even if she was holding lucius' hand looking so pleased to see him so well. Laughing at ihs words."Well, me and you both. Bees have always bothered me."She said looking pleased that lucius had come so far from the man she'd known, from the man he'd almost become. "Well, are you sure that ust wasn't your father's cooking?"She teased before smirkng."Well, its good you are here. we don't eat meat here. It makes us sick."
Lucius beamed at her a little and nodded. "good! now i can tell my father to stop laughing at me!" Lucius complained, sulking like the child he was. a strange expression on the face of the young man, who had once been the exact definition of 'aristocratic.' "...my father cooks?" he asked, looking utterly horrified. "i thought the house elves did that, no WONDER i got sick!" that just got Tom laughing as he carefully tucked the blankets around Morgan so she wouldn't get cold. "Lucius, you stay here and entertain my Mate, i have a child i promised a game to." he admitted with a sigh, offering Morgan a smile as he kissed her forehead with an impish grin. he was actually going to go talk to Mab, but he figured the young Morgan would be there as well. "My Lady Mab." He murmured respectfully, bowing to her. "i brought Lucius... and i had a.. question." he admitted, looking worried. "is two Morgan's being here, so close together going to affect them? i have heard theories that when Time traveling, you could unmake yourself. how... much of a danger is that? she isn't going to unmake herself is she?"
"You should."Morgan agreed smiling before laughing at his look."Hm definately sick because of that. You'll have to tell him to stop."She smiled looking up at tom, smiling a little."I will be fine."She promised settling back to rest as her and lucius talked.

"Mr. tom!"Morgan grinned happily as she saw him, climbing out of her mother's lap to go to tom Mab looked slighty startled that a wizard had thought to as the question. Tilting her head slightly, "There is some. more likely, if something should happen, she would be sent back to the future."she said before sighing."But I spelled the young one when she started staying here, it should keep things from recognizing that there are two of her living here."
Abraxas giggled and nodded a little as he studied her. "Morgan?" he asked suddenly, biting his lip. "is it bad that i'm excited to have a baby with you?" he asked, looking nervous. "i'm not ready to be a dad, i know Professor Riddle will be the best Dad ever but i'm really excited to have a little nephew or niece that i can spoil and teach things to... does that make me bad?" he was worried he was bad because he thought he was happy to have raped her, which wasn't true, but with his head all twisted up, it was hard for him to see up and down sometimes.

Tom grinned as he caught Little Morgan and swung her up into the air before settling her onto his shoulders so she was up high. "i see. so she wouldn't die, she'd just be... relocated?" he asked curiously. "the question now, is... where one is a child and the other is an adult, are they even considered the same people?" he mused, tickling Little Morgan's toes. "so Moe." he chirped, looking up at the little one. "i beleive i promised you a game, hmm?" he asked with an impish grin. he liked Little Morgan. she was playful and spunky and he thought playing with her would be good practice for the baby.
"Hm?"Morgan stirred turning her head to look at him before smiling a little, shifting to wrap her arms around him."No.It would be bad if you were glad that you did...what you did. But Lucius, we're having a child together,even if Tom's going to be the father, you're still blood.Its not wrong to be glad for that,no matter how it happened."She said resting her head on his shoulder.

Morgan giggled happily as she clung to his shoulders to stay, smiling happily. "I...had not considered it. But considering that both...react to you like they are, and how funny time magic can be, I would take the side of caution in considering that they're both the same."She said smiling. "You did!What do you want to do, tom?"She cried so very happy to have a playmate.
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