Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

"Yes, it would probably because you didn't have slytherins in there."She said looking amused before snickering."Well, I'm sure I will have some eventually. Maybe you there kept the slytherins from striking out though."She said before nodding."It is. Well. I hope it is."She said hedging a little because she didn't want to show she already knew it was possible."I'm working on it, but there's still some tweaks..."She trailed off shivering as he stroked her wrist, her thoughts totally derailed by the simple touch as she flushed, eating a piece of fruit. Not realizing she was having a over the top response to him, this wasn't normal, but her body wanted him and she was finding him interesting. Not realizing that the darkling half of her had found her perfect mate.

Severus looked startled at the other's response, tensing as he was pulled into a hug, swallowing hard as he forced himself to relax before leaning into him a little. Closing his eyes he sighed quietly. "I just saw her...I mean...when I left...she.."He stuttered a little crying as he leaned into him.

"Well, that does fit I guess."The man snickered looking amused before shaking his head."I think your mother's insane. Why did she strangle the damned thing?"He said looking amused before laughing at sirius' response, leaning over to kiss him slowly."Ahh well, I can be nicer to you I guess."he said before looking up at james. "Detention that bad?"
he chuckled a little and nodded. "or they might be afraid of you." he admitted with a smirk as he studied her. "i don't know what it is..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "every-time i talk to you... it's as if every singe cell in my body wants to attach itself to you. i can hardly think around you." he admitted with another thick swallow. "i don't understand why i'm reacting so strongly." he admitted. "i've never even been attracted to someone else... and yet, from the moment i saw you... i wanted you." he admitted softly, almost sounding like a Veela who had finally found his Soul Mate. or like a Dark Elf who had finally found his Other Half.

Remus held Snape, holding him tightly as he gently rocked the other, stroking his hair... which wasn't all that greasy. "i know. i know, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." there was a long pause and then. "you won't ever have to go back to him. i swear. i'll call my folks. they'll get your mother and we'll have a nice funeral right here at school. out in the Forbidden Forest where no one will ever bother her." he promised softly, rubbing the others back.

Sirius shook his head. "i didn't get high enough grades, so she killed it in punishment." he admitted simply before going red as he was kissed, looking stunned as he blinked at the other, licking his lips as James slumped onto the couch. "...made me scrub the bathrooms... ALL the bathrooms... without magic." James groaned, Sirius wincing. "ouch!" there was a pause and then. "did you ever see Remus? he's not back yet." there was a pause and then James shook his head. "no i didn't... that's strange. he always checks on me when i'm in detention... i don't think he checked in with the teachers either... i wonder where the hell he's gone?"
Morgan flushed at his words swallowing hard."I can't focus around you.And when I'm gone, I get anxious about not being with you."She said flushing at the admittance before standing, walking around the table and slipping into his lap, curling up in his lap as she nibbled at the food in front of her, something settling at just touching him. They didn't even have to be fucking she just wanted to be with him.Eventually their bond would settle into a solid link, a bond but for the days, or weeks, it took to get there was going to be challenging for them all."So does this mean we're going to be teaching all our classes together, or must I restrict myself to seeing you only once in awhile?"She muttered her head pillowed on his shoulder.Knowing that eventually dumbledore was going to have words about them doing this, especially if they couldnt control themselves, but for now she was enjoying it.

Severus shuddered a little as he calmed, rubbing his eyes before leaning back to look up at him."Why would you do that?"He said looking confused on why the gryffindor was being nice to him, but nodding anyways."If...if you can onvince the headmaster to let us do that...it would be nice..."

"That's....sick."Jamie said twitching a little before snickering as sirius went read before looking up at james."That sucks."He grumbled before frowning."Maybe he's doing his prefect rounds?"he said though he did sound concerned about the missing werewolf.
he smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, nuzzling the top of her head. "me too." he admitted softly. "we'll teach together. we have the time to and Dumbledore won't stop us." he mumbled, smiling as he held her. "i just don't understanding what's happening." he admitted softly. "Wizards aren't supposed to react this way." he complained softly. "i think i'm more broken than i thought i was." he admitted with a small huff.

Lupin smirked a little and shook his head. "i'm a Gryffindor. it's what we do." he admitted with a shrug. "besides... it would be wrong to let you suffer." Remus admitted, wrinkling his nose. "and we are not getting the Headmaster involved in this. he'll want a funeral service and it and everyone else will make a mockery of your mother and your pain." he admitted with a shake of his head. "no. this will be a quiet thing, only you, me, my parents will know about it... as well as anyone else you want to come see her off." he admitted, standing up and hesitating, examining Snape intently. "i need you to swear an oath, that what you hear in the next several minutes, will never pass your lips., or i need you to go back to your common room." Remus was so serious, his eyes the bright Amber of his wolf as he stared at Severus. "i cannot have my secretes spilled. i know you kept my secrete of being a werewolf, and for that i will forever be grateful." he had already apologized, not that it mattered much coming from Remus, as he'd been just as much of a victim in things. "but i cannot risk this secrete ever reaching any unworthy ears."

Sirius shrugged. "that's why i go to James' house every summer instead." he admitted simply. "and Remus should have finished his rounds by now." Sirius admitted with a small scowl. "should we get a teacher? he might be hurt... what if Lucius got to him again or something? i don't like it when Remus goes off by himself, he always ends up getting pounded on..."
Morgan sighed softly as he nuzzled her, something tight in her chest relaxing as she closed her eyes. "Maybe."She said her voice trembling a little, because she wasn't human. Wasn't a witch.Her breathing catching a little as she considered it, swallowing hard before shuddering. She was a darkling elf, surely she wasn't hypnotizing him or...tears misted her eyes as she sat up."I should get some lesson plans done..."She said avoiding his eyes, because she couldn't tell him, not when she knew his stands on it, after all despite being their allies, voldemort had nearly destroyed the elves. But she didn't want to go.

Severus looked up at him before frowning a little. Seriously considering the words before smiling slightly."Thank you."He muttered looking pleaed at the idea of dumbledore not being involved before frowning again. really thinking over the others words before nodding a little."I,severus prince snape shall never divulge whatever secrets Remus Lupin tells me in this room."He said shuddering a little as he felt the magic swirl around them before tilting his head slightly.

"We should."Jamie frowned as he got up before running his fingers through his hair. As much as he liked the woman, he knew he couldn't tell mcgongall. She wouldn't be able to do anything if something had indeed happened."I think we should tell Riddle and Snow. if Lucius really is involved..."he trailed off shrugging a little. "and they're young enough that running around to look for him wont give them a heart attack."He snickered a little but his eyes were worried.
he smiled a little and kissed her ear playfully. "did you feed me a love potion?" he asked, his voice teasing as he ran his fingers down her neck. he knew better though, he knew what being under a love potion felt like. and just like the Impirio, it was all too easy to shake it off. no she hadn't poisoned, potioned, or be-spelled him. "mmm just set them to making another potion and be done with it. you have one of the easy jobs." he pointed out, pressing a small kiss to the back of her neck. "i just want to hold you for a little longer... please?"

Remus smiled, relaxing as he turned to a fireplace that had suddenly appeared, tossing in the floo powder and shouring "Lunar Hallow" and in an instant two faces entered the fire. Remus's Parents. "hey Mum, dad. i need a favor." their smiles vanished and now they looked curious. "oh dear... who did you kill?" Remus rolled his eyes. "no one mom. and even if i did, i wouldn't be stupid enough to get caught. no i'm calling for a freind." "who did James kill?" "wrong freind mum. will you stop and listen? jeez." he complained, the man and woman in the fire snickering. "listen, first of all i need someone to disappear. i don't want him dead, i just want every memory of his life vanished. total wipe out. dump him in a field somewhere and leave him for muggles to find... leave him naked maybe." he nodded. "his name is Tobias Snape. and while your doing that i need a body recovered. Eileen Snape, Nee Prince. she died recently and i need her body brought here. cleaned up and pretty ok?" the man looked confused for a moment and then turned his attention to Snape skulking in the corner. "whose that with you Rem?" "my freind." Remus explained. "he swore an oath not to tell." the man nodded. "good. wouldn't want people to realize the Lupin's aren't on the straight and narrow... have you kept up with your training?" "yes Dad. i'm training hard. as much as i'm able to in this death trap of a castle." he smirked a little. "i'll be a proper assassin soon enough, no worries." he assured his father, giving light to just who the family Lupin really was. the question was, where they Hit-Wizards, working for the Ministry, or where they Shadow-Stalkers... those who only worked for the highest bidder. "now, can you have this done by the weekend?" "...you insult us!" the man complained. "of COURSE we can have this done!... where do you want the Snape dropped at?" "...mmm, another country preferably. Russia maybe. or China. someplace disgusting and depraved."

James and Sirius hopped to their feet and nodded. "your right, McGonagall will just brush it off like she always does." James complained, shaking his head. "Riddle and Snow won't stand for it though. Professor Riddle seams to really hate bullies." James admitted, hesitating as he headed out of the portrait. "what if their doing something... gross." "that's why we knock first you idiot." Sirius stated with a roll of his eyes, leading the way to Professor Riddles personal rooms, knocking on the door, wondering if they where even allowed to be down there.
Jamie nodded snickering as they hurried towards the proffessor's rooms, while he knew they weren't supposed to be down here, there wasn't alot to do."Well you'll get a education in how those things work if they are, wont you?"He teased rolling his eyes."I'm sure Lily'd apperciate it if you did."He teased more, his teasing covering up his worry.

"Oh yes, you were just so dreamy I had to make you fall in love with me."she said rolling her eyes even if she sounded deadly seriously. Shivering as she felt his lips on her skin, closing her eyes. She wanted away from him, because he made her feel confused, and at his words she was scared that she had indeed done something to him. Slumping a little she nodded,"Okay."She sighed leaning into him, frowning at the door.Frowning as she stood, looking annoyed as she opened the door, looking startled to see the three gryffindors before sighing tiredly and letting him in."Riddle, your annoyances are here.Tell them to go away."She grumbled though the relief in her eyes was alot, considering she hadn't known how to run away from tom without hurting him.

Severus looked startled before his eyes widened as he watched the lupins talk. "...It disturbs me that your in gryffindor, lupin. Really."He said shuddering a little running his fingers through hsi hair."But thank you."he said sighing softly before glancing at his watch.Cursing quietly."Lupin, we're going to be late. If Luc catches me sneaking in he's going to tell riddle and I really don't want to have this onversation with my head of house."
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "Love Potions don't work on me." he admitted with a smirk. "and neither do emotional or mental controlling spells." he admitted, nudging her ear with his nose, smirking playfully. "sorry, but you have not ensnared me by any magical means. it's just you, your beauty, and your wicked tongue." he promised before groaing as the door was snapped open. "this had best be important gentlemen." he complained, pausing as he realized how nervouse they looked. it was James who explained the situation, Tom pausing. "so you think that because Remus hasn't yet returned, that something bad might have happened. something Lucius Involved?" they nodded and Riddle sighed. "dammit, even if your wrong, i can't take that risk. come along. we'll go looking for him." Tom promised, standing up and leading the way out the door, scowling as he considered what sort of trouble the werewolf might have gotten into.

Lupin smiled a little and shook his head. "of course i'm in gryffindor. can't stay in the den of snakes, i'm still in training after all and your Dorm mates, hell your Classmates would likely stick me in the back for being a half blood, let alone a half breed." he pointed out. "they're too clever, if i was rooming with any other house, they'd notice me missing every full moon and easily make the connection. with me in gryffindor, very few people know, and the other houses will never find out..." there was a pause and then. "of course... none of them know that my parents are assassins, and that i'm training to be one... but they wouldn't have the stomach for it." he admitted, shaking his head. "so it's best to make sure that they don't know. come on, i'll escort you. i'll claim i came across you getting sick in the bathrooms so if we're late you have a good excuse... oh and.. Snape?" he asked suddenly, examining the other. "anytime you need to talk... well.. just slip me a note, ok? and we'll meet here, in the Come and Go Room."
Morgan whimpered quietly as he nudged her, shivering a little."Hmm well I'll just have to put my tongue to use."She grumbled to him before looking at the students shaking her head a little. "Fucking hell. If Malfoy's really involved, I'm going to send him home to his father."She growled looking annoyed as they all walked out ignoring the look she was getting from jamie for being dressed up and in high heels, so very...different from any other teacher. "Head towards Slytherin. If he's doing something, he'll trust slytherin to back him up, closer to the dungeons if malfoy's causing problems."She said having every intention of finding lucius to make sure he wasn't doing anything.Despite ehr relief at not being alone with tom anymore because she was so tempted to tell him, she couldn't be happy about having to go out an look for the werewolf either.

"thats true."Severus said looking thoughtfully, snorting a little."gryffindor's are amazingly dense sometimes. A werewolf in gryffindor makes sense."He said sighing a little before nodding. "O-okay."He said giving the other a look as they walked before heading downstairs, glancing at the other."You think your friends are freaking out yet?"
Remus smirked a little and nodded as he led the way down tot he dungeons. "probobly. not that i can blame them. the only time i'm out this late at night is when Lucius has me pinned in a c..." he paused, cursed and shook his head. "keep going, don't look back." he ordered, shoving Snape forward before turning just in time to yelp as a massive fist slammed into his face. Crabbe and Goyle where there, Lucius as well. "you got me a detention you mudblood bastard!" Lucius snarled, his eyes flashing with rage as Remus grimaced and tried to stagger to his feet, only to be pinned down. he could only hope that Snape took his advice and kept going, and wasn't there to witness this, or worse, try to help him. "your the one... who keeps... trying to... rape me, you bastard." Lucius hissed in rage. "as if i would EVER touch a THING like you! even if you where a woman! knock him about! teach him his place."

Tom shook his head a little and scowled as he considered the punishment he would dish out if Lucius had the werewolf pinned down somewhere. he snarled as he heard the yelps and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh and in an instant, Tom was the furious Dark Lord she'd once known... in one of his saner moments. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" in an instant, Lucius, Crabbe, and Goyle where stunned and frozen, leaving Remus on the floor, spitting up blood after a nasty punch to the gut. the poor guy had two broken wrists, a broken jaw, and slight internal bleeding from the beating. Sirius and James where too concerned for their freind to notice if Severus had stuck around.
Morgan growled, those dark blue eyes flashing to that bright blue of darklings when her rage topped out as she wathed what was going on, turning her head a little. Frowning slightly when she saw severus, but over looking it for the moment since he didn't seem to be part of things. "Black,Incaster, Potter, get him out of here. We'll deal with these three."She growled her voice that soft growl that both elves and death eaters had learned to fear, waiting until the gryffindors had gotten remus out of the way before she looked at the three. "Tom, its saddening we can't use dark curses in the school."She purred quietly as she looked at the three slytherins before fisting her hand in lucius' hair pulling his head back so she could look down at him, like tom she was tall, and in heels she towered over lucius."I think we should contact his father. I am sure Abraxus would have some things to say."she said having every intention of scaring the shit out of him before wincing as she felt the magic coming towards them,backing away when she saw the headmaster. Belatedly realizing that Severus must have run the whole way upstairs to get help.Hating that they wouldn't be able to deal with the boys in their own way, they'd have to listen to the headmaster's santimonious shit

Jamie cursed as they carried remus upstairs, elbowing open hte hospital wing door before settling him in a bed before yelling for the nurse."What is-Mr. Lupin?What happened?"Pomprey said even as she held the boy up so she oculd get him to drink the healing potion and looking him over.
Tom snarled, his eyes flashing into a deep maroon in his rage as he examined the students, watching as James and Sirius carefully helped Remus out of the way and down to the Medical Wing, shaking his head. "it is a sad, sad day, gentleman. when the house of slytherin has turned into nothing more than brutes, and bullies." he hissed, the three boys cringing. "your fathers will be most displeased." another cringe, huddling, frightened of the Power that was Tom Riddle. he wasn't Actively the Dark Lord yet, but he had his followers and his allies, and the three boys before him know Tom Riddle's powers very well. "She's Nothing but a Disgusting Elf!" Lucius roared, trying to burt Morgan before she could hurt him. "she's entraping you with her mind Uncle Tom!" Tom's head snapped up, wide with shock before his eyes narrowed. "and your mother is a Veela Lucius." now Lucius looked shocked, more startled than anything as Dumbledore finally appeared, Tom sneering at the headmaster. "see what you have Done Dumbledore?! Your Prejudice and hate have done this." and with that he spun and walked away, leaving the three to their fate with Dumbledore. he had letters to write to the Elders, and Mister Lupin's parents as well. because he knew very well that Dumbledore sure as hell wasn't going to.

Lupin glared at Pomfery. "the same thing that ALWAYS happens!" he roared, angry and hurt. he knew the nurse wouldn't take it personally. "I've TOLD McGonagall about me getting the shit beat out of me, but she wouldn't listen! and now the bastards actually tried to KILL ME! because i got him in a god damn DETENTION! McGonagall just doesn't Give a Damn! she hates me because of what i am! i can SEE it when she looks at me!" he snarled, yelping as his cracked ribs shifted and settled into place from a spell. "Well i'm not dealing with this anymore! i'm calling my parents!" a real treat, since none of Remus's freinds had ever met his parents.
Morgan swallowed hard shock showing on her fave as lucius blurted out her secret studying the blond just so she wouldn't have to look at her lover."stay away from lupin, luciys."she growled avoiding looking at the headmaster who she knew was staring at her way to hard before following after tom. Reaching his door she knocked lightly, staring t the floor,unsure of her welcome anymore.

Jamies eyes went wide at the idea of remus' parents in the school befors making room for peter to come in."remy?"I just saw the slytherins on their way up to the headmasters office.what happenrd?"the small shy boy said looking at his friend anxiously. Pompfrey shook her head."calm down, remus, after you're all healed ill let you call your parents. But until then you hve to calm down."
Lucius glared at Morgan, baring his teeth at her. "my father will see you dead whore." he hissed before following Dumbledore up tot he office to face his punishment. certain he'd get no worse than a detention yet again. this wasn't the first time he'd been caught beating on Lupin. Tom was sitting in his room, talking to Abraxas through the fire, his tone harsh and angry, Abraxas nodding, promising he would deal with his idiot son. Tom looked over at the door, ordered whoever it was to go away unless they where a teacher, then the could come in. no doubt Tom thought it was a slytherin kid trying to get out of a punishment or something. he tossed another handful of Flu Powder into the fire and scowled at Crabbe Sr and told him what his stupid son did and what he expected to happen, demanding punishment since Dumbledore wouldn't hold the bastard responsible.

Remus snarled and squirmed in the bed before calming at the sight of timid peter. "i was helping Snape... shut UP James!" he snarled, baring his teeth at his freind when James tried to protest. "and Lucius and his bastard cronies caught up to me... i think Snape went to get Riddle... or maybe he got Dumbledore... i don't know i was in too much pain to really tell." he admitted, yelping as his hand was set back into place. "i don't WANT to calm down!" he wailed. "it's the FIRST GODDAMN DAY! and he's ALREADY making my life LIVING HELL!"
Morgan sighed quietly as she leaned against toms door debating on going in or not before quietly letting herself in. Settling into the chair out of sight she zmiled slightly as she watched him give the msn hell over the childrens actions.waiting until he was done she cleared her throat tilting her head a little."you know, I didn't think you elbeing angry would be sexy, but I was wrong."she said sounding unsure and not like herself teasing him because she didn't know ehat else to do.
"If it helps, even if dumbledore doesn't punizh them,because you know he won't, I'm pretty sure riddle and snow are. Hell he locked them out of class for bing late. I have a feeling he won't put up with this."jamie said looking up at sirius at a loss on how to make this better
Tom looked up at her for a long moment and then he shook his head. "just a sec alright? i have to call the Lupin's." he admitted softly, staring at the pile of Floo Powder in his hand before sighing and tossing the floo powder into the fire, calling for Lupin Manor. the faces of the two appeared and Tam told them what was happening. they immediately came through and raced up to Dumbledore's office with fury on their faces. Tom smirking wickedly. "there, that will ensure that something proper happens." he nodded a little before biting his lip as he glanced at Morgan. "..so... is it true?" he asked softly, staring at her. "you've... ensnared me? used magic to catch me?..." he asked, swallowing thickly. "your not human..."

Remus sighed as he closed his eyes a little, nodding as he realized that Jamie had a point. Riddle and Snow wouldn't let Lucius get away with this. Sirius smiled as he gently took Jamie's hand, offering him comfort. "Riddle is trying to change things." Remus muttered suddenly as he closed his eyes. "he's trying to fix the problems of this school, the problems that Dumbledore caused." "what!? Dumbledore hasn't caused problems!" James protested, Remus's eyes flashing with rage. "James. i've been beaten once a month ever since i entered this fucking school. he encourages us to torment and pick on the Slytherin's, and then people wonder why they turn out to be even bigger bullies than we are." he closed his eyes and sighed as James shook his head. James was far too entrenched into Dumbledore's ways to understand. but Sirius and Remus had darkness in them. they could see the truth if it hit them hard enough. "just... never mind James." Remus growled as James tried to argue about Dumbledore's greatness. the room fell into silence as Remus struggled to relax and calm down. the angrier he got, the more likely it was that the Wolf would take over and attack the people in the room. he needed to calm down, the fact that Lucius was probobly going to get away with it, again, wasn't helping. "...do... you need the restraints?" Sirius asked softly and Remus paused, considering it before nodding. Sirius and James very carefully strapped Remus's hands to the bed so that he wouldn't be able to attack anyone if he lost control.
Morgan was auiet as she stared at the floor, looking so very sad."I'm not human."she swallowed thixkly looking lost."but I didn't ensnare you...at least I don't think I did...if I had I wouldn't be feeling just as torn up inside..."she swallowed avoiding his eyes because she was fighting tears. Her chest felt like it was being crushed at the idea that he was going to freak out and kick her out.

Jamie frowned slightly as he listened to the friends before looking at lupin,sadness in his eyes that this had to happen."do you want me to go see riddle?he'd probably tell me whats going on. If lucius is going to get in trouble,even if dumbledores not going to do it.."he muttered feling so very uselesz. He'd come back to save them,aand seemed to be failing miserably
Tom grimaced a little and nodded a little. "so... what are you? Lucius called you an Elf..." he examined her. "i didn't know that Elves where real..." he admitted softly as he bit his lip. "i've read stories, about Dark Elves and things like that, where they seduce men, and take their souls..." he worried his lip, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes. "can you promise me, you haven't purposely ensnared or entrapped me?" he asked, staring at her. "i... i want you, still... even though your... not human." he grimaced at that, realizing how that sounded. "a part of me seams to... need you... like an ache deep inside..."

Remus looked at Jamie and nodded. "please do... and take James with you. i don't want to look at him right now." Remus growled, making James wince and turn to walk out the door, Sirius grimacing a little. "don't take it personally, ok James?" Sirius asked softly, setting a hand on his freinds shoulder, James smiling thinly. "it's ok Sirius. this isn't the first time Remus has kicked me out. i'd rather him toss me out, than try to maul my face off." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i didn't know he was getting his ass kicked in first year... i thought it had only started last year..." James admitted glancing at Jamie. "how could we not have noticed?!" "...because Remus didn't want us to." Sirius muttered softly, sighing a little. "do you think Snape was more involved in this? maybe sent out to lure Remus into Lucius's grasp?"
Moegan winced at his words shuddering a little."a darkling. One of the inseelie sidhe."she swallowed still avoiding his eyes because she didn't know what to think, didn't know what to do."I promise. I didn't set out to ensnare ylu. Hells fire,all I wanted was for you to get the job. I hd no other goal."she swallowed starting to cry looking so broken and hurt by his words. As if being inhuman was a fault to overcome.

Jamie nodded walking with the others before frowning slightly."he might have bedn. Though id trust remus to know when he was being trixked or not."he sighed quietly as he knocked on the professors door, not looking forward to interrupting riddlez night for ths secons time
Tom sighed a little as he closed his eyes again and struggled to remember what he knew of the Unseelie. not much. though he had heard a little bit about the Sidhe in general. "don't cry." he whispered, holding his hands out to her, looking almost like a broken child himself as he gathered her into his arms, holding her tightly as he pressed his face into her dark hair, shuddering a little as he heard the door knock. "oh son of a bitch... can't a man have an emotional breakdown in privacy anymore!?" he demanded, angry again as he settled her onto the couch and snapped the door open. "What!?"

James hesitated and then. "well. personally i don't think Snape capable of such a willing act of deceit... but there's o saying he didn't accidentally help Lucius... or was tricked himself..." he sighed a little and ran a hand through his messy hair, making it even messier. flinching as he heard Professor Riddles Angry voice on the other side of the door before it snapped open. Tom's eyes where unusually moist, an he looked inches from crying and James swallowed thickly. "we... er, Remus is..." "tell Remus that even if Dumbledore does nothing, i have contacted their fathers and all three boys will be harshly penalized for such a brazen act of assault. i have also contacted his parents and they are in the process of giving the headmaster a few new assholes. now go away." and with that the door was shut in their faces and Tom was settling onto the couch next to Morgan, growling about nosy and noisy children who needed to be ground into paste and fed to baby griffons.
Morgan sniffled as she pressed her face against his shoulder, clinging to him giggling slightly at his words as she drew away from him, watching him talk to the hildren she bit her lip to keep from laughing in his face at his words. Shifting slightly she wrapped her arms around him, hesitating before leaning into him."Baby griffons huh?"She muttered.

Jamie looked startled at the man's appearance, at a loss for words at finding their teacher in such disarrary before nodding and walking away before he said anything. "... It disturbs me that teachers have personal lives."He grumbled before heading back to the hospital wing stting on the edge of remus' bed."Riddle already called the slytherin's parents to speak to them, and your parents are here giving the headmaster hell."
Tom snorted a little as he shook his head. "shut up Morgan." he ordered. "i want to have my emotional breakdown in peace and if i must use helpless baby Griffons to achieve that so be it. besides, they are Gryffindor's, they should think of it as a great honor." he grumbled closing his eyes. "that Jamie is a strange one... have you noticed that? the way he looks at the other students... like he knows something that he shouldn't know... and to just suddenly appear out of nowhere..." he scowled. "i think he was brought in by Dumbledore to spy on me.."

James and Sirius both nodded in agreement, James opting to head back up to the common room and inform Lily, the head girl, what was happening before she went to get a teacher for the missing students. if McGonagall went into the Healing wing now, Remus was going to completely lose all control. said werewolf did relax a great deal when he was informed that his parents where there, and he closed his eyes to rest until his parents got there. "i'm rather curious actually." Sirius admitted suddenly. "Remus never really talks about his folks all that much, and we've never met them. when we where younger, we where afraid they where abusive... but when we cornered Remus and asked him, he just laughed, and laughed, and laughed." Sirius smirked a little. "so we're not really all that sure what to expect... James thinks that they might be mass murderers... i think he has too much of an active imagination. i'm sure their just boring people, tax people, or... or desk jockeys or something, you think?" he asked, glancing at Jamie.
Morgan winced a little at his words swallowing hard as she leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. Closing her eyes as she struggled to relax. "Well, that's true.They are probably honored."She muttered before nodding."He is. And I'm sure you're not that important to dumbledore, tom. Why get a spy?"She muttered shifting, leaning back to look at him before looking away, staring down. Even with the emotional turmoil going on, the girl still wanted him.

Jamie nodded a little looking startled. Snickering at the other's words he nodded."Well, they're not blacks, so that kind of rules out the mass murdering thing."He smirked teasing him before laughing. "Something so terribly boring he probably doesn't want to say. To embarassing."He shrugged wincing as Lily turned to look at them. "Whatever are you guys doing?IT's late!"Lily hissed scowling at the three boys.
he huffed a little and shook his head a little. "you don't understand. he always had someone spying on me back in school. always. it was always HIM..." he growled, closing his eyes. "i'd think you where a plot of his, if i didn't know better." he admitted sounding amused. "i think you bother him even more than i ever did." he admitted with a small sigh. "everything is so... confusing right now." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i don't... i don't even know if my emotions are my own anymore..." he admitted softly. "and i know it's not your fault... unless your just that amazing of an actor..." he admitted looking amused for a moment before closing his eyes. "i wish there was a way to know for sure, if what i am feeling for you is real, or if it will go away someday, leaving me all alone..."

Sirius smirked a little. "maybe their THIEVES!?" he asked, laughing before grimacing at Lily's scorn. "Calm down Lily, we know it's late." James admitted shaking his head. "we had to go find Remus. he was late so we got worried... caught him in the hallway getting his ass kicked by Lucius and his goons. Remus is in the Hospital Wing right now... he's... he's pretty pissed off." James admitted rubbing the back of his head, looking worried. "and... and i can't blame him..." poor James looked so confused and distraught. Remus had been getting beaten on as a first year, and Dumbledore had never done anything... which went against everything that James knew about the man. James faith was starting to waver, and it bothered him.
"Oh...wow.That is...weird."Morgan frowned a little as she thught about it before leaning back to look at him sulking at his teasing as she balled up her hand and punched him in the shoulder."You don't have to sound so amused."She grumbled before shifting, sliding into his lap,curling up against her,wanting to be held. "I probably do. I think he sense I'm not human...though with lucius howling about it, and telling me abraxus is going to kill me, I'm sure he'll find out soon enough."she sighed before giggling a little."I AM amazing, just not a actor."she said quietly before tensing a little before relaxing."I'm never leaving you alone. You'd just get in to much trouble."

Lily scowled at them before calming down, looking worried.Poor remus. Pushing open the potrait she let theboys in, heading towards the door."You guys better get some sleep before you find more trouble. And we all have defense first thing in the morning."She said looking at james a little worried, he looked so very distraught.
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