Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

James was looking nervous as he stayed sitting and refused to look at Snape, tapping his fingers nervously on the table, as if just waiting for someone to start yelling at him. apparently James had less 'agreed to a ceasefire' and more was FORCED into a ceasefire. Remus probobly went all Wolf on the poor pureblood. Remus explained calmly to Jamie and Peter what had happened and about how snape had made the Antidote and that the official story was that Tom and Morgan where very sick, and that Abraxas had caught onto Lucius's misdeeds and yanked him out of school.

Tom sighed in relief and nodded as he stroked her hair, holding her close. "Malfoy Manor? no i can't take her there. Lucius is there." he muttered, frowning a little. "but... i don't have anywhere else to go either so i don't have much of a choice." he mumbled, closing his eyes as he sighed and nodded. "i... do have a question before i leave..." he admitted, looking embarrassed. "the.. little one, the little Morgan... is.. well being that there's two of them is... this going to be a problem?" he asked nervously. "i mean... i really don't want to be caught in a three way relationship between Morgans...." he admitted blushing faintly. "or worse... the two fight to the death over me or something equally horrifying and world ending..." there was a pause and then. "if Little Morgan died, would big Morgan die?" he shuddered. "god i hate time travel... i REALLY do.."
Severus looked a tad amused as he realized james had been bullied into a ceasefire,shaking his head a little as he tried to relax. He just knew this was going to be bad. Considering dumbledore had wanted both tom and moegan where he could watxh them, he was going to be displeased."relax potter, i promise not to hurt you"he said rolling his eyes after a moment.

"no. It wont. Because little morgan still has to becomd big morgan, who inturn comes back...she's split the future into what had happened, and what is now taking place because of her actions. She still has to live, to come back. Now go sir riddle, and take care of my daughter. And stay away from sidhe magicks, its said to drive one insane you know. Shen one is a wizRd that is."she snickered looking amused as she left the room to see to her dUghter, the young one, not the one leaving with tom
James grimaced. "i'm more concerned about Remy ripping my throat out if i look at you in a way he sees as a glare or anything like it." James admitted sheepishly as Remus snorted. "i don't give a damn if you two glare at each other so long as the verbal and physical abuse of each others persons ends." "thank Merlin." James breathed before leveling his normal sulking glare at Severus, Remus and Sirius both snickering. James and Snape's hatred of each other was almost more amusing than it was destructive now.

Tom just shook his head, not really understanding in the least as he kissed Morgan's forehead and blinked at Mab. "...i have... reason to beleive i'm not as much of a wizard as i thought i was." he admitted simply, swallowing thickly. "it's just a gut feeling about the way the 'werewolf' looks at me in class." Tom admitted, strangely, not feeling nearly as bad about that as he thought he would. he paused, hesitated and then apparated away once he'd gotten his wind back, appearing in the Apparation point in Malfoy manor, where Abraxas was still screaming at his sobbing son. two aurors where with them, and just as Abraxas turned to face the newcomers, the Aurors took the boy away, Tom lifting an eyebrow. "your actually sending him to prison?" "just for a month or two. i cannot beleive Dumbledore never told me what my spoiled brat of a son was doing! i blame his mother of course, god rest her soul but she was insufferable." Abraxas admitted, looking at Morgan. "how is she?" "not well... we need a Haven Abraxas and i have nowhere else to go..." Tom admitted softly, Abraxas nodding. "then you shall have it. come on, we'll get her tucked in. when was the last time you ate?" "...two.. three days ago?"
Severus snikered a little as he glared back,raising a amused eyebrow. "So, james. How is the romance with Lily going?"He said sounding pleasantly interetsed. And he was. Because he knew it would make james even more paranoid to atually see him actively trying to be nice. Jamie snickered as he rested his head on Sirius' shoulder, rolling his eyes a little."Remy's going to kill them both."He muttered looking at the other man.

Morgan stirred at the sound of yelling, turning her head and pressing her fae against tom's chest, shifting into a more natural sleep instead of catatonic. Early the next morning Morgan stirred frowning as she looked around the room she was in, before padding quietly downstairs. Looking curious, wondering what in the world was going on as she walked down to the study pausing to glance in at the two men sharing drinks."T-tom?"She hesitated hovering in the doorway as she looked at them both.
James glared at Sev even harder before a sadistic little grin curled his lips. "she's going to Hogsmede with me this weekend. i'm going to take her to the Three Broomsticks, because i know Madam Puddyfoots gives her a headache." he admitted simply, lounging in his chair, looking ever so smug, Remus and Sirius staring at him in shock. "when did THIS happen!?" "the night you abandoned me to have her wake me up.... jerks. she PRANKED me! if you can beleive it!" "no way, LILY!?" "yes! it was Aweful! i fear my Ego shall never recover!... not that it really needs to now that she's finally going out with me... even if it's just the one date... i want it to be perfect!" James had that 'over the moon' expression on his face again, lookig like a lovesick puppy. "Jamie?" Sirius asked, looking at his would be boyfreind. "if i EVER look at you like that... slap me real hard ok?"

Tom gasped as he heard her voice and Abraxas yelped as Tom's drink was suddenly all over the blond. "Morgan! your awake! thank Merlin!" Tom breathed, pulling her in and settling her into the chair, fussing over her. "how are you feeling!? do you need anything!? are you hurting anywhere!?" Abraxas snorted a little, looking amused. "Tom, calm down before you smother her with your affections." he ordered calmly. "welcome to Malfoy Manor Miss Snow. and don't worry, my gods awful son is spending some well deserved time in Azakaban for Crimes that bear no connection in the least to you and your 'mysterious illness'..." Abraxas promised before glancing at his watch and sighing. "i have to go. School Board meeting. Dumbledore's throwing a fit that he can't find you two." he admitted, nodding to them and heading out the door.
Severus looked startled before smirkng."Well, do you need dating advice?aue I'm sure I could give you pointers.Want to make her want to keep dating you."He snickered shaking his hed a little. "I always knew she had it in her. Though I'm amazed it took her this long to prnak you."The slytherin said looking amused. "I will most definately smack you.Though you ould look take a page out of his book, and ask me you you know."He snikered.

"I'm...tired.And sore."She muttered flushing a little as she looked t the two men, but finding tom's smothering affection reassuring after seeing him turn away from her that first night. Tilting her head at hte blond she smirked a little."I will be eventually having a talk with your son."She said warning him before watching him leave before shifting curling up against tom, relaxing. Content to reassure herself that she was afe."...how long do you think it'll take dumbledore to figure out where his 'favorite' student turned teacher is hiding out?Surely he knows your friends with abraxus."She said sounding worried.
James paused for a long moment, starign at Severus and then. "you know, come to think of it, you ARE Lily's best freind... she doesn't have many really good freinds." he admitted, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "i wonder if i have any Veritiserum left?" he mused, searching his pockets. "i need to pump you for Lily's favorite things." Remus snorted. "you could just ASK him." "no way! i need the TRUTH not a pack of lies! everyone know Snivel..." he froze at the snarl Remus let off at the almost insult. "...Severus... want's Lily!" Remus had to laugh at that, and suddenly Sirius was laughing too. "James... i really hate to tell you this... because honestly, i thought you knew... but... everyone knows that Snape is gay." Sirius admitted before smirking at Jamie. "i did ask you." he stated simply. "maybe asking when your drunk is a bad idea?" now he was just flat out lying, but he was cute and adorable trying to cover his own ass, so maybe Jamie wouldn't mind too much.

Tom smiled at her and nodded. "wait here." he ordered racing off and returning with a rack full of potions. "Abraxas's personal stores. he only hires the best and he has a little bit of everything." there where about a hundred shrunken vials, all clearly marked with what they where. "there, something in here should help you, right?" he asked hopefully. "it won't take him long, but he won't be able to do anything. i'm sure he knows what Lucius REALLY did anyway. he won't DARE interrupt you and demand you get back to class. he won't dare tell ME what to do, because i promised him i'd get rid of that cure i put on the position if he let me teach for the year." Tom admitted wit a smirk. "granted, technically, having my Life Mate raped under his watch is a term of 'negating the contract'... but i don't think he's aware of that yet." he admitted, smiling at her. "so he won't dare. or he'll find himself under the eye of an inspector, demanding to know why a man like Lucius had never been properly punished before.
Severus raised a eyebrow at james smirking slightly."you are so very easily distracted."he snickered a little as they changed topics rolling his eyes a little as he looked at remus, smirking."well it is.."he stopped."never mind, I'm trying to be polite. Can't make fun of him."he muttered to himself. Jamie frowned at the other animagi, shaking his head looking so adorably confused."oh. What did I say?I'm sure I said yes right?"

Morgan bit her lip to keep from laughing outloud at toms overeagerness to help her leaning over to kiss him softly, curling up in his arms as she choose the pain reliever and headache potion. It would be bad to makr fun of her lifemate for being so very different from his future self."well then. Ill enjoy a few days off then, and maybe we'll go back when you decide its okay to do so."she said giving him all the control because she knew he'd feel better then letting her decide when she was ready.
James scowled a little and shook his head, unhappy about being made fun of, brightening as Remus glared at Snape for what would have been a mocking joke. "honestly... that's why we thought you hated Sev so much." Remus admitted. "because he was Gay." "...why would i care about that?" James asked, looking baffled. "no i hate him because he's always hanging around Lily and keeping her from me! he's always Tattling to her!" he complained with a whine Remus rolling his eyes. "...James, he doesn't HAVE to tattle whens he has everyone under third year for all the houses reporting any hint of bullying to her." James froze, looking stunned, his eyes wide. "she... she DOES!? damn she's so talented." he purred, looking oh so impressed with Lily's 'information network'. "she's so kind and caring and sweet..." Sirius smirked at Jamie. "well, you said you'd rather stay at the castle and practice Blow Jobs, but i talked you out of it." he teased with a snicker.

Tom smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, closing his eyes, waiting for her pain to ease. "i don't suppose you'd accept 'never' as a proper answer?" he asked curiously, smirking a little as he shook his head before hesitating. "where you ever going to tell me that you are a Time traveler?" he asked softly, glancing at her, swallowing thickly. "i met your younger self..." he admitted. "the bond between her and me was the only thing that kept me from going completely insane..." he admitted softly. "i think Mab might be a little annoyed with me... i kind of kidnapped you." he admitted, looking amused. "she said i destroyed the Bond... in the 'future'... and that's why i went so insane..." he shuddered hard and closed his eyes. "i wonder if Abraxas would get annoyed if i neutered his son?" he murmured. "probobly. Lucius needs to produce an Heir first... the little shit."
Severus rolled his eyes a little as his boyfriend glared at him,"I stopped myself, stop glaring holes in my head."He grumbled before smiling slightly. Snickering at james' astomishment, "And since you bully me most of all, Lily hears it everywhere."Severus snickered at james' love sick words, glancing at remus."If I ever start ating like her, will you check me to make sure I'm not sick?" "Ohh..."Jamie flushed hard ducking his head before looking up at him again."What?You refused a blow job?"

Morgan smiled relaxing even more as the pain went away, resting her head on his shoulder as she did."No, that's not a proper answer. You have to go back."She muttered sounding slightly anxious, worried about what would happen if he didn't stay a teacher before flushing at his words, glancing away from him."I...well...never. How do you tell the man your in love with, that you came back to stop him from being a raving lunatic?"She muttered before laughing."She probably is. mother was never very understanding about things, even if it was for the best."She muttered laughing harder at his words."Yes, I'm pretty Abraxus would like a grandson before you neuter him."
James huffed a little and stuck his nose in the air, annoyed at being picked on, though for once he wasn't angry. it was hard to be angry when Sev was making an honest effort to be nice. "so that's why Lily constantly hates me so much." James complained, sighing a little. "i'm going to have to stop picking on people." he grumbled. he'd known that for a while now, but he hadn't wanted Snape to view a weakness and rush in for the kill. "of course i did! i'm the most Noble Lion in the ho..." "Jamie he's lying out his ass. you where never drunk and he'd never turn down a Blowjob." Remus stated simply rolling his eyes. "he's a horny bastard who doesn't want you angry at him for not realizing you want more than sexual innuendo's and half cocked flirting attempts." Sirius scowled. "i didn't understand some of that, but i'm certain i have just been insulted!" Remus sighed. "i need smarter freinds..."

Tom smiled a little and shook his head a little. "says who? maybe i decided i hate teaching after all?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her. that was a lie though. he utterly LOVED teaching. "then again, i know how much you hate teaching. you could always quit, citing mental trauma, and then live in a nice pretty house somewhere entertaining yourself with your potions experiments, and i'll work at Hogwarts and simply travel home every night." he mused with a small grin. "please don't live with Mab, she scares the hell out of me." he paused and then. "have you ever noticed that Lupin looks at me strangely?" he asked softly. "is there any way for a person to test their bloodline? i never bothered..." he admitted, biting his lip. "but i think that i had better..."
"Yes it is. Though if she had been a slytherin like she should be, I'd say it was because you were a gryffindor."Severus teased, the bite and vicious edge to their old teasing gone from his voice.Snickering as remus ruined the fun, elbowing his boyfriend."Remy, you should have let him go on. Jamie looks very confused." Jamie frowned smacking sirius in the shoulder,"That's unkind you ass. Maybe I should start flirting with james over here since he's not getting with lily."He snickered before rolling his eyes."remy, you have me, I'm brillant!"

Morgan laughed at that."You love teaching, you know you do."She muttered poking him in the shoulder, smiling slightly."I could...though I might take up writing again.I actually don't do potions. And SEverus is going to invent the wolfsbane potion....probably because he's dating lupin."she muttered before laughing."I can't live with my mother. Little me is living there."She said before biting her lip."I...you know, I think there is. We'll ask abraxus when he gets back.He has a library, we could probably find it."
James snorted a little. "she SO belongs to Gryffindor! she's the only person i know who can walk into the Forbidden forest, get a willingly given Centaur, unicorn, and Acrumantula hair, and then go into the lake to get scales from a mermaid." he shook his head. "she's brave to the insane levels!" James admitted with a bright, happy grin, not realizing yet that he was actually getting ALONG with Severus Snape. Sirius just yelped and rubbed his arm, snickering a little as he shook his head a little. "James' would have an aneurism and die." James had already gone pale and was starting at Jamie in horror. "James doesn't handle 'gayness' well. he accepts it, so long as it isn't directed at him." Sirius explained to Jamie with a small grin. "if you want to retain friendship, you'll learn not to flirt with him... he nearly gutted me before i clued in to that."

Voldemort chuckled and nodded. "but i don't HAVE to teach at Hogwarts." he admitted with a shake of the head. "i'll just wait for Dumbledore to bite the dust and then take his position." he purred, pleased with his planning and forethought before blinking at her. "does he really? i knew he was smart, but that smart? amazing!... i wonder if i can recruit him?" he mused, biting his lip a little as he pondered that before smiling at her, picking her up. "come on. lets get you into a bath and then back into bed." he decided, gently nuzzling her neck as he headed to the massive pool house sized bathroom.
"Well, she has the cunning to get out alive. A perfect mix of slytherin and gryffindor."Severus snickered smirking a little as he watched james, wondering how long it would take the man to realize that he was actually getting along with severus. "Ahhh I'm sorry james."Jamie said smiling a little looking at james, tilting his head before elbowing sirius."I'm actually amazed you're still alive. So many people have reasons to kill you."She said smirkign slightly.

"Hmm true. We could always teach at drumstrag, though I'm sure you'd prefer hogwarts."She muttered looking amused before rolling her eyes."You ambitious little shit. You just want to be in power."She teased before nodding."In my original timeline he did. Along with numerous other spells and potions.He's also Lucius Malfoys best friend....ends up being his son's godfather...which makes me wonder how the hell the two had managed to get to that point now that I've met them young."She said sounding amused before letting him take her to the bathroom, stifling a yawn."I don't need to sleep. I'm fine."She said nuzzling her face against his skin before slipping out of his arms and undressing, sighing in pleasure as she slipped into the tub.
Jame's made a face but finally nodded. "fine, you have a point." he admitted before shuddering as he indeed, realized he was gettign along with Sev. "what is it that Muggles say? Hell froze?" "Hell's just frozen over." Remus corrected, looking amused as James shook his head, stood up and staggered off to find Lily, in too much shock to care that he'd just been hit on. Sirius laughed and smirked at Jamie and shrugged a shoulder. "i'm a black, and i have the protection of the Potter's behind me." he admitted with a small smirk. "not many people are willing to go against Jenny and Thomas Potter." he admitted with a small snicker.

Tom smirked a little and nodded. "i am Slytherin after all." he teased, winking at her before nodding. "have you looked at his Potions book? it's FULL of personalized spells, and alterations to his potions." he admitted with a grin. "if i was ever to call anyone a genius, it would be him." he admitted with a nod. "Severus probobly saves Lucius's life at some point. they don't hate each other now, they just don't get along." he admitted with a shrug. "it's a shame you didn't think to study everything before you came back in time so we'd know all the changes you made." he teased with a small snicker as he watched her strip down, deciding not to join her, just in case she was still... fidgety, about what Lucius had done.
Jamie looked thoughtful before nodding."very true."he sighed a little running his fingers through his hair"we should head to bed. Its getting late, and we no longer have snow or riddle to keep us out of trouble."he said standing. Severus sighed disappointed before smirking."well, at least with lucius gone, i can once again sleep in the slytherin dorms."he said thoughtfully.

"really?wow"she said looking thoughtful before flushing a little when she realized why he wasnt getting in with her. While it hurt her heart to be nervous, she was glad he'd understood without making her say it. Nofding at his words she shrugged."i memorized the big things. You not teaching at hogwarts. Voldemort trying to kill potter's kid. Abraxus leaving lucius with enough control in thr ministry to pretty much run it. Lucius marrying narcissa black. Sirius getting convicted of peter petergrews murder...sirius thought to be a death eater...important things."she said flushing as she realized just how much of the twisted fucked up future hed created she'd told him
Sirius chuckled a little as he shook his head a little and gently too Jamie's hand, studying the other. "would you like to go to Hogsmede with me?" he asked hopefully just as he heard James speaking to Lily, demanding she take his temperature. there had to be SOMETHING wrong with him if he was getting along with SNAPE of all people! Remus just smirked at Severus. "why would you want to go back to the Slytherin Dorms? i can't sleep int he same bed as you if your in there." he pointed out, flashing Sev a wink.

he blinked at her, staring at her. "Death eaters... that was the name of the... group, i was planning on creating. a rebel group protesting the unfair rules and regulations of the so called 'dark arts and creatures'... i take it that i... did not use it for such purposes?" originally, yes... until he'd gone insane, then it was just an excuse to hurt, torture, and slaughter without discrimination. "Sirius Black... and Peter Pittigrew... what happens there!?" he asked, shocked as he stared at her. "those two are very close freinds." he bit his lip. "i suppose it has to do with me going after the potter brat... so long as i don't do that, everything should be fine, right?"
"I would."Jamie smiled as he looked at sirius, squeezing his fingers a little before snickering at the sight of james' demands. "you are not sick potter."lily said snickering a little as she swallowed hard, looking amused as she glanced at the others."Will you try and talk some sense into him?"She demanded. "Well, that's true. But I can't sleep in gryffindor either."Sev pointed out flushing at the other's words.

"You did, for awhile.Then...well you went insane."She muttered shifting, resting chin on the edge of the tub as she turned to look at him, studying him slowly. "Yes....peter was secret keeper for the potters while you wer looking for them. When you tried to kill harry...sirius knew who had to tell you where they were hidden.And it all went from there."She said shifting, leaning over to kiss him slowly, before pulling away."I'm sorry tom..."She sighed softly.
Sirius beamed happily at the other, James wailing that the world had gone insane, Remus rolling his eyes a little. "i think you underestimate the powers i hold in Gryffindor Tower. i'll claim i'm protecting you from 'the Goons' who blame you for getting Lucius in trouble. being the noble hearted Slytherin that i am, people will beleive it." he smirked. "or you and i could just bunk in the Come and Go Room." he teased with a grin before smacking James over the head, causing the man to yelp. "stop being an idiot James! for now we have to find a way to keep Snape safe! the Slytherin's aren't going to like that he went against 'the Slytherin Prince' to help me!" James froze, looking shocked before he cursed. "your right. they'll slit his throat in his sleep..." James fidgeted. "well... if... if you and i and Sirius and Peter all vouch for him... we... could let him kip on the couch... or... add a bed in our dorm... i guess..."

he nodded a little. "i went insane early here then, i haven't actually started gathering the group yet. i just have plans in place for it." he admitted before watching her. "...if, i killed James and Lily potter... what happened to their son?" he asked, looking confused and curious, but not like he wanted to find a way around it, more like he simply wanted to know so he could avoid it. "...actually, for that matter... why was i targeting the Potters in the first place? did they do something to me personally or what?"
Sev looked amused tilting his head a little smirking."True. Though I do like the idea of staying in the den of lions more then the come and go room. First times for a slytherin and all."He snickered nodding a little. "I'll stay with you guys.And I promise even not to molest you, potter."He said snickering. Jamie swallowed his laughter shaking his head."Lets go then. It'll be fine."He said though he wasn't so sure the two could start getting along enough to live in the same room.

"Yes."She said frowning a little before sighing."He was sent to his muggle relatives. Who hated magic, and despised him."She shrugged a little looking away from him because she knew he knew just how bad muggles could be, considering he'd grown up in a muggle orphanage. "Well..."She sighed quietly."There was a prophecy..given to dumbledore about the child who'd vanquish the dark lord, and be marked his equal. And that either could survive while the other lived."
Remus smirked a little and nodded. "indeed." he purred, laughing. "and you can even make the Slytherin's think your infiltrating or something. get you good in both houses." he teased winking at the other as James sighed and led the way back to the Gryffindor common room, everyone freezing as they saw Snape, several of them wondering how to get a teacher without gettign caught, clearly thinking that they where about to have a severe beat down on Severus Snape. fears and worries where alleviated when Remus told them all, exactly what was going on and that no one was to bother Snape. even the seventh years nodded at Lupin's orders. power indeed.

Tom winced and swallowed thickly. "and how badly malnourished was he when he got to Hogwarts? how many untreated broken bones?" many, a great may. "a... a Prophecy!?" e demanded, his eyes wide. "Dumbledore and his fucking Prophecies... there's a prophecy that talks about ME you know." he admitted, his eyes burning with fury. "apparently it's why Dumbledore hates me. "The Dark Lord will rise, and none will contest him, and he shall change the world as it is known..." he shook his head. "Dumbledore is afraid of me, because he doesn't like change. the stupid old bastard!" he grumbled. "doesn't he know that Prophecies are self fulfilling? and that you can easily ignore them!? he himself damn near made me into the insane psychopath you knew in your time!... something has to be done to stop him, he has WAY too much power!"
"...you are to muh a slytherin for your own good love."Sev said looking amused as he stole a kiss from his boyfriend, smiling a little as he looked around the gryffindor common room. Before giving a cheerful smile,waving at them all before heading upstairs with the others. He lived to confuse people, and being that chipper, while in the company of gryffindors, was going to confuse someone.

Morgan winced a little,"Many."She said looking away from him not about to tell him just how badly the boy had been treated before frowning. "Huh.Well.That does explain some things, but yea, harry was destined to defeat you. Only, you killed him at 18....Thats what made me come back, because I knew that you killed our only hope then, so maybe I could change it before it became a problem."She sighed as she washed off before standing reaching for a towel to dry off before nodding."We'll do something, tom.As soon as you deem its okay for me to do anything."She muttered leaning over to kiss him as she got dressed in the pj's the elves had brought in for her.
Remus smirked a little. "i just have to figure out how best to inform every Gryffindor that i'm dating you at the same time with the maximum amount of horror." he smirked viciously. "make sure your here after Dinner tomorrow. right after dinner. claim that one of the 'goons' threatened you and you ran right here. i'm going to run in after hearing that the 'goons' delivered you a severe beating and i'll snog you senseless in relief once i find out your perfectly fine." he winked at Sev. "plus it gives me an excuse to snog you senseless." he teased happily as he glanced back at all the baffled faces at Snape's 'happy' grin. "...and you call me a slytherin." he teased, smirking at Snape. "this is going to be so much fun."

he grimaced a little and shook his head a little. "god... i... tried to kill a baby..." he looked rather sick. "above all else, the one thing i ever wanted the most was a son. someone i could love without feeling... weird about it." he admitted. "someone who would love me back for no other reason than that he loved me." he admitted frowning a little. "...i don't know why it was always a son... probobly because i don't understand females all that well." he admitted smiling at her a little. "i trust you Morgan. i know you won't let me do anything like that." he admitted, wrapping her into a tight hug as he closed his eyes and swallowed thickly and smiled, letting her get dressed as he watched her. "i... thank you, by the way." he muttered softly. "for coming back and saving me... most people, would simply have killed me..." he admitted, shaking his head. because if it had been Dumbledore, or one of his people, Tom WOULD be dead.
Severus studied his boyfriend shaking his head in amsuement. It disturbed him so days, hoe remus' mind worked."you're going to give the all heart attacks."he said before looking around the dorm room and raising a eyebrow."I assume we're sharing?"

Morgan laughed a little as she looked at him leaning into the hug and hugging him tightly back"hmm you feel weird loving me?"she teased nuzzling him a little before sighing."I almost did...then my mother said something to me. A serpent is not evil,for being a serpent. You weren't born evil,insane tom, she gave me the clue that I could change you..if I dared to risk everything."she sighed relaxing in his arms
Remus smirked a little. "it's revenge on them all for laughing when Sirius turned my hair pink." he admitted simply, shrugging a shoulder. "and we can share if you want to. if your not comfortable i'll have James transfigure you a bed." he promised, examining Snape curiously. "i don't want to pressure you..." he admitted simply. "if your not ready for Physical affection, i'll do my best to comply... but, well Wolves are naturally touch oriented so... i'll probobly slip up a lot..."

he smiled as he wrapped his arms around the other woman, oh so very happy that someone had something of a kin to faith in him. "i do feel weird..." he admitted. "i've... never felt affection for anyone before." he admitted. "i've never felt anything close to love, or kindness, so i don't really know how to express it, save for what i witnessed the other students or orphans expressing towards each other." he admitted, shrugging his shoulder. "i emulate the expressions and activities but... i've never actually FELT it until now." he admitted with a small sigh. "the people at the orphanage would disagree with you." he admitted softly. "they KNEW i was evil since the day i crawled out of my mothers womb.... did you know that a Priest came to exercise me of demons, twice a year, since the day i turned seven?" he asked softly. "they thought i was devil possessed just because i turned a matrons hair yellow one day... after that it was open season on me. and i had to start doing worse and worse things, just to make them leave me alone." he sighed a little. "i never had a chance to be good... they beat it out of me..."
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