Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

she snorted a little. "actually my world currently revolves around the HOWLING orgasms of a certain werewolf i'm trying to convert." she teased, flashing him a smirk. "Harry will be ever so delighted to find out that Remus Lupin is expressing interest in the Dark Side." she admitted with a delighted snicker. "and werewolves can do such AMAZING things!" she admitted, pretending to fan herself. "i'll claim that you case several spells." she promised simply. "it will explain Harry's unusual behavior, and exclude you from being punished for using a dark curse." she promised, snickering a little. "still... the look on that Dolt's face when you hissed... that was priceless!" she admitted with a bright laugh as she patted his shoulder. "you go check on Harry, i'll explain to the headmaster."

Draco smirked a little as she summoned Firewhisley. "oh, stealing from the Dark Lord... now that IS a Slytherin quality." he agreed with a chuckle as he poured them both a healthy shot. "he seams a great deal more stable now than he did yesterday." Draco agreed. "so whatever you and Alisander are doing, it's working. i'd suggest Snape, but i don't know if either Harry or Evan would ever let him in their minds..." Draco admitted with a shake of his head before he flashed her a strange look. "well... if you think it's best that Harry doesn't join, then i'm sure he won't." Draco admitted. "in either case, so long as he isn't actively FIGHTING us, that should be fine." Draco admitted, sipping at his whiskey, studying her intently. "are you sure your alright? Cass? Love?" he froze, and then went bright red. he hadn't meant to say that.
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"Urgh, nympadora, I don't want to know that."He growled wrinkling his nose before smirking."I'll let him know.Having remus there will make it even more appealing."he muttered before balling up a fist and punching her lightly in the shoulder."If you odn't stop telling me about werewolf sex, I'll tell lucius about the time you pretended to be him just to have sex with narcissa."He grumbled before wrinkling his nose."It wasn't a dark curse when I tempered it with a lust charm AND ice, weaving spells together will make any curse less potent. Considering the wards didn't go off."he pointed out before nodding."I'll have to hiss more often."He said blushing, having actually forgotten that it had been evan, not harry who knew he was parsel in the heat of the moment before he nodded goodbye and headed for the hospital wing to check on harry.

Cassandra smiled slightly."It's not stealing, it is after all my stores to. Being named cassandra vetra riddle kinda does that."she pointed out before sighing softly. "We're tring, before sighing."We might see if father would. I think evan would let him do it, if both me and ali where there."She said before sighing softly, flushing at his words,"I'm fin..."She said before crumbling to the floor in a dead faint as the spell overwhelmed her defenses in trying to turn people dark, along with the stress of calming alisander.
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Tonks nodded with a small grin before looking worried. "listen... don't let Dumbledore catch you alone." she ordered softly. "ever." and with that warning, she was snickering. "blackmail is only good, if Lucius doesn't know." she teased, smirking viciously. "he thought it was hot." she admitted with a bright little laugh. "shall i pretend to be you and go and kiss Harry awake?" she asked, skipping out of arm shot before he could retaliate. "just be careful. if Harry finds out your not ACTUALLY a Parseltongue, he'll wonder where you learned it. and he's not ready to be turned yet." she admitted, shaking her head as she ran off before he could curse her with wicked laughter. Harry himself was laying in bed, stripped to his boxers, and being examined by Madam Pomfery intently. fortunately for them all, Madam Pomfery was not as in with Dumbledore as everyone believed. she was another one of Voldemort's loyal spies. loyal enough that she didn't even have the Dark Mark. "he'll be fine, but i'm very worried about some of these readings..." she admitted before Alisander could even reply. "i've already canceled the spells... but." she frowned. "i don't know what's wrong with him..." she looked up, shocked as Draco raced in, roaring for Madam Pomfery.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "a valid point." he agreed, smirking. "but we BOTH know that your father doesn't allow you to drink." he teased before nodding. "he probobly would. he trusts you both very much... which is rather shocking. he's usually almost as suspicious as Alastor Moody..." he admitted shaking his head before gasping as she collapsed. he didn't even bother checking her himself, he just raced her straight to Madam Pomfery, who gaped at him for exactly half a second before Cassandra was in a bed and being examined intently. "what happened Mister Malfoy!?" "i don't know! we where in my room, talking about Harry and the Dark side of the war. she started swaying and i tried to get her to sit down. she said she was fine and promptly passed out! i don't know what happened!"
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"Why?What do you know?"Alisander said his icing over, looking worried and angry at the idea of what dumbledore wouuld do."I am disturbed by that. Thank you. Its bad enough his son's screwing cass, I don't want to know the perversions of the father."He whined."I'm always careful, and I've been minicrying father's tlents for long enough I can fake it for awhile."He mutered before looking worried as he looked down at harry. "We'll have a discussion later, lady pomphrey. There are some things you need to know."He muttered knowing the woman's loyalty, and while she might not know him personally, the twins took after their father enough that if you had contact with him, you could see the subtle touches to their features.

Alisander twisted around to look at the malfoy heir before looking down at his sister, closing his eyes before swearing as he jerked his head clear. Gripping draco's arm to get his attention."Stay with her. Holding her would be best. Just don't leave."he said giving the healer a look to tell her not to disobey before doing the impossible, and apparating directly through the wards. Running up the stairs to the house he cursed as he nearly ran face first into lucius, tossing a casual crucio at the man as he crossed the last few feet between them and jumped over the blond as he hit the floor."father!"
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Madam Pomfery nodded a little. "i'll hold you to that young man." she told him sternly. she had been there for his birth, she wasn't about to treat him any sort of special just because she served his father. she watched him handle his sister, and Draco jumped, shocked as he was ordered about. he did as ordered though, crawling into bed with her and wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly as he pressed his face into the back of her head, inhaling the scent of her hair. "i wont let her go." Draco promised Alisander as Harry shifted, blinking stupidly as he tried to figure out what was happening. as Lucius fell, screaming, Voldemort was already on his feet, racing towards his son. "what?! what IS it!?" Voldemort demanded, looking shocked at his son before panic filled his face. "it's Cassi isn't it!? what's happened?! explain quickly." he ordered, nearly kicking Lucius out of the way.
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"her and malfoy were talking and she passed out cold. Wen he got her down to the infirmary I tried to reach her, cause I usually can,even if she's sleeping or just unconscious, but nothing's there. She's not there."He said panicking, not only because of that, but the loss of his twin was leaving the man unstable, and he was scared he was going to lash out at draco, just because he'd been with her. "I can't bring her here, I don't know what apparating here would do to her, but you coming to her might do something. Go as me, you're good enough to hold a glamour that can stand up to inspection and can act like me enough to fool anyone.Go."he said, in his panic not realizing how funny it was for him to be ordering his father about, like their roles were reversed and he was the father talking to a son.
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Voldemort didn't even pause at the orders. he pulled up a Parseltongue Glamor, something that only another Parseltongue could break, and vanished, appearing straight into the wards. as an Hair of the Founders, he and his children could easily do such things. the Wards would never keep him out, no matter what Dumbledore did to them... fortunately, it wasn't something that many people knew. even Dumbledore himself didn't know about that particular skill. he appeared right in the infirmary, Draco stroking Cassi's hair, Harry sitting next to the bed, whispering to Cassi, begging her to wake up. "Alisander! there you are! we can't get her to wake up! what's wrong with her!?" "i don't know yet.. move, let me get to her." he ordered softly, Harry getting up and letting Alisander move into place. Voldemort stroked Cassi's hair out of her face, shooting Draco a disgusted look. " told me to hold her... i'm holding her.." Draco grumbled. Voldemort snorted and carefully pushed his mind into Cassandra's, searching desperately for her mind, nearly snarling in fury as he came across the reason why she was acting strangely... he couldn't tell what it was, but it was a writhing mass of... "Dumbledore did this!" 'Alisander' snarled furiously.

"what!?" Harry asked, astonished. "what do you mean Dumbledore did this!? Dumbledore wouldn't..." "Harry! don't be an idiot!" Voldemort ordered sternly. "he did something to you too you know!" Harry looked shocked, his eyes wide. "why do you think Snape isn't giving you lessons anymore?! he dislodged what Dumbledore did, and their both afraid of dislodging it further!" Harry stared at him, afraid as he realized that those frequent blackouts... might not have been possession after all. "...can you fix it?" Harry asked softly, Voldemort shaking his head. "no... not here. i must take her back home." "...your a Death Eater... Aren't you?" Harry asked softly, Voldemort looking up at Harry. " i am not. i am above them." he admitted, Draco looking up at Harry. "Harry. Alisander is... well he's the Dark Lords son." Harry felt the world spin around him, his eyes wide, stunned and he swallowed thickly. "but... but i.. trust you." Harry complained softly before he paused, studying Alisander.

"no... not you." he scowled suddenly. "your not Alisander...." "no, i'm not. he has let me take his appearance so that i could check on my daughter." Draco choked. " LORD!" "hush. Draco." Voldemort ordered with a hiss as he carefully picked up the girl. "ask Harry to show you a way out of the wards. i am taking her home... she is not safe here..." Voldemort hissed, Poppy hesitated before handing Voldemort a satchel, filled with potions. he said nothing, he simply vanished, and Draco turned a pleading, begging expression to Harry who swallowed thickly. "... let me get dressed and pack a few things." "what? pack?" Draco asked, stunned, but Harry was already gone. Voldemort appeared in Cassandra's room, laying her gently on the bed. "Draco will be coming momentarily." he promised Alisander, looking at him. "sit with her, while i get something from the Library. Dumbledore is devious, i can't be certain for what he did. just stay with her."
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Alisander looked up startled before nodding s he laid down in bed with his twin curling that tall large body around her fraigle lithe form so gently it was as if he was afraid to break her. Closing his eyes as he waited he started slightly, his wand raising even before he realized it was just draco and harry." Will you two stay with her?Tonks needs to know before dumbledore finds out about this."He said looking anxious because he'd realized something, and he needed to get to her before she heard about this. He knew tonks would blow her cover if she lost her cool, and they needed her there, now espicially since it was obvious him and cass couldn't go back to school."Father should be right back, and if your father shows up offering support malfoy, tell him I'll be do something violent, bloody, and very explosive to him."he said though he hadn't moved to get up yet, evne knowing he needed to get to tonks, he couldn't leave his twin.
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Draco flinched away from the wand, but Harry just walked in without a twitch, looking very hesitant. "...i think i just talked to the Dark Lord..." Harry admitted softly. "and he didn't try to kill me... it was... weird..." Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "don't worry. we met Tonks on the way out Alisander. she knows." Draco assured him, Harry looking shocked. "she knows!? what do you MEAN she knows!?" "...oh, er... she's a Death Eater... so's Madam Pomfery... we're trying to turn Lupin, and then Black, maybe Ron too..." Harry glared at Draco. "we'd try Hermione... but i doubt she'd trust us. propaganda and all that..." "...all my freinds are death eaters... i was trained by a death eater..." Harry collapsed into a chair, trembling violently as he wrapped his arms around himself, Draco settling into the bed next to Cassandra. "Ali... you need to talk to Harry... he's panicking. his entire worlds just been turned upside dow..." he paused as Harry sagged and then blinked with a groan. "don't bother... he freaking passed out... damn i hate it when he does that." Evan complained rubbing his head with a grimace. "Draco is correct however, that Tonks is very in the know." Evan assured the other, shuddering a little as he shook his head. "Voldemort said that Dumbledore did something to us..." he admitted looking worried, very worried. "i think he did to me, what he's doing to Cassi..." "no. it's different." Voldemort admitted coming in with a book in hand, and a few floating behind him as he flipped desperately through the pages. "i'll work on you as soon as i've fixed whatever he did to Cassi." "Cassi is more important." Evan agreed, Draco nodding as he stroked the girls forehead. "please be alright Cass... i never got to take you out on that date i promised you..."

going to bed^^ see you in the morning.)
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Alisander swallowed, slouching a little."Good. She'll be careful then."he muttered sitting on the edge of the bed before looking at harry, oncern on his face before stopping when evan appeared, smiling slightly."Well, at least he has a moment he doesn't have to think."Alisander said beforesighing as he looked down at canssandra, panic on his face when he saw his father, because it wasn't often the man worried enough for it to show, and if he was....poor ali to was well on his way to passing out. "Then wht did he do papa?"alisander said looking up at the elder wizard, reverting to a scared five year old who thought his father could fix everything. Holding his sister's hand he swallowed before frowning slightly, shifting,pressing his fingers against her neck, checking her pulse before looking up at voldemort. " remeber she was acting oddly?What if he was compelling her to act a certain way. She's a empath, forced to turn on her family might have a reaction like this....her hearts slowing.If she's doing it on purpose, trying to break the spell, well there's only a few compulsion spells that would actually work on a heir of slytherin."
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Evan nodded. "Tonks is always careful... though it's a right shock to find out she's a death eater. i never would have imagined it, what's next, Pomfery!?" Draco stared at him and Evan twitched. "your... your JOKING right!?" he gasped, staring at them all. "Madam Pomfery is a DEATH EATER!?" his voice had taken a squeaky, shocked tone to it and he groaned. "now I want to pass out." he groaned, rubbing his head as Voldemort, back in his own body, reappeared. "Alisander." Voldemort whispered, taking the boys face in his hands and making Ali turn towards him, red eyes glowing with emotion. "your sister will be fine... even if i have to put her under stasis... even if i have to turn myself in to Dumbledore for the cure, she will recover." Voldemort promised, and Evan felt a tightness in his chest. "i will check for compulsion spells first." Voldemort promised, well aware that Alisander's 'hunches' where very rarely wrong.

he sliped into her mind again, swallowing thickly as he reaching that writhing mass of Dumbledore's magic. he couldn't see the spell itself because of the power inside of his daughters mind. the white tendrils of compulsion where spreading everywhere... at least he could contain it, that would not trigger the Curse that was attached to the compulsion. a curse that would very easily kill his daughter. he carefully gathered the tendrils, locking them away, tightly inside of a barrier before pulling out, panting from the effort. "your right Alisander. it's a compulsion hex. i have it barricaded for now, but i have to find a safe way to remove it..." there was a long pause and then. "Harry could help." Evan admitted. "he's... he's very good at healing magic." he admitted. "i can... bring him back out." Voldemort looked shocked. "why would Harry help us?" "...because we love Alisander... and he loves Cassi... and she loves you... we can trust you, we can FEEL it, deep inside... it's the same way we knew Lockheart was a bitch, the same way we knew Quirrel and Snape couldn't be trusted... you won't hurt us anymore..." "...please... please ask him to save my daughter..." Evan nodded, closed his eyes, and went limp, and for a long moment, nothing happened. the two, where finally meeting, Evan was risking the Darkness again, just to save Cassandra.
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"well, being able to screw me and screw with lucius' head helped with tonks conversion, though we werent telling father or draco about that, since we figured he would not enjoy knowing some of the things we made it appear his father did."alisander snickered a little, trying to cheer dracco up before addng" delivered us you know?and she went to school with fzther. It made herpredisposed to being nice."alisander snickered at evans reaction to the nurses defection before looking up at his father."you know she'd freak if she heard you considering batering with dumbledore..."he said giving a weak smile

Aljsander stared in amazement at his almost lover, not wanting to lose him before they really had a chance, but...his heart ached wth love as he watched evan risk everything, and hoped that it would be worth the cost. Because it scared him that they could still lose cassandra, that dumbledore would just let her die if he knew who she really was if it came to that but he hoped he knew harry, because in his hewrt he knew the boy would help
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it took a long few minutes, but finally the eyes blinked, Harry sat up, stood up, and swayed for a second... he looked like he was in shock as he turned to stare at Alisander. "... there's another person in my head... and it's not Voldemort." he whispered, wide eyed and astonished. "he... he said..." he looked at Cassandra, fell silent and swallowed thickly as he studied Voldemort intently, the red eyes made him very nervous. 'kill the spare... kill him! do not let him get away!...we are similar you and i Harry...' the words of death and torture echoed in his head, and Voldemort seamed to realize it because he got on his knees, clasped Harry's hand tightly in his... and begged. "please... potter please... she's my only daughter... please..." and that settled it. Harry tugged his hand free, moved over to Cassandra, straddled her hips, and rested his forehead on hers. with Evan's help, he pushed his mind into her's, and washed the mind with White light, that healed the scars of the Compulsion. healing had always come easily to Harry, so very easy. it was natural, and easy.

he paused as he reached the writhing mass of the compulsion hex and paused, examining it intently. "how do i remove the Dark curse?" Harry asked, speaking aloud, though he didn't realize it. "i'm not sure. let me get a closer look." Evan responded from Harry's mouth, it was strange, listening to Harry apparently talk to himself. "just don't touch it. we don't want to set it off. i'll start working on the compulsion hex... it's just like weeding, i just have to drag it out by the roots..." "won't that damage her mind?" Evan asked, shocked. "no, not if i do it very slowly. it might take me a few hours, but i can do it without hurting her." "...get to it then, i should have the Dark Curse figured out by then, let me just dis-attach it so i can work on it without you setting it off." "does anyone else find this creepy?" Draco asked softly, watching another man straddling his woman... and talking about 'prying it up by the roots.' "Harry said it would be a few hours. Alisander, Draco... get some rest." Voldemort ordered as Evan and Harry chattered cautiously at one another on the best way to carefully dis-attach the Dark Curse. at least they where taking it very seriously, that much was obvious, if it ran a risk of hurting Cassandra, they wouldn't do it.
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Alisander swallowed hard, nodding a little."I know.thats why I came to hogwarts, your other half came to us looking for help."She muttered swallowing hard as he watched his father, tears filling his eyes as it hurt to see his father so upset, wrapping his arms around the other man as harry moved to cassandra.The riddle heir shuddered a little at hearing both talk at the same time, it was disturbing. "If you think this is bad, try dating him."Alisander muttered glancing at draco, looking amused at draco's disturbance. Nodding a little at voldemort's order he led the malfoy heir out of the bedroom, before shaking his head."You want to rest and help me write a newspaper article?"A evil little smirk curled is lips.

Cassandra whimpered a little as they started to undo the spell, soft hisses escaping, talking about how dumbledore was going to win, pretty much lashing out violently against her father, it seemed the spell was set to resist being dislodged though seh wasn't being hurt, it was obvious how she was being influenced. To bad Dumbledore hadnt know he was dealing with a slytherin heir. The whole thing was about to blow up in his face.
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Draco tried to give Alisander a smile... he tried, but he was too worried. "i imagine you'd rather enjoy it, dating two people at the same time." Draco teased, or tried to, his voice was a little flat... he was very clearly too worried about Cassandra to do anything normal right then. " know i... i started dating her for all the wrong reasons... i.. i thought that if we where together, i could have the power that my father didn't... but now... now i... i REALLY like her... more than i've ever liked anyone... even MYSELF!" and THAT, was saying something. "i... it feels like someone's trying to rip out my chest Alisander... like... like loosing her would kill me... i don't understand..." he admitted, collapsing onto a bed and holding his face in his hands. "is it love... or just obsession!?" he looked up at the other. "...did you say newspaper article?"

Harry hissed back, comforting things that he thought she'd like to hear. "yes, Dumbledore will win. we will win. the dark will fall." Harry murmured as he carefully drew out another long 'tentacle' that had rooted itself deep into her mind, carefully healing the hold that it had left behind. she would remember the terrible things she said, but it was better than leaving gaping memory blanks that would grow bigger with every passing day. "Harry! he put a class four illegal dark Curse on her!" Evan roared in horror, Voldemort nearly jumping in shock. unforgivable's where class fives... what the hell had Dumbledore done to his daughter?! "what curse?" Harry asked curiously. "it's a combo. blood boiling, bone melting, and the spell that makes people turn to stone slowly..." "...can stop it?" "yes, once i untangle the spells, i can easily counter each one. but i need silence so your going to have to stop talking." "roger that." "stop being a muggle." and the room delved into silence, which only made it worse for Voldemort. it wasn't long though, barley a few minutes before Evan was speaking a counter curse to the blood boiling curse, and Voldemort felt his spirits rise... Evan was talented! they both where... it was... positively inhuman...
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Alisander smiled a little,"I do. Or I would if for some reason, evan thinks I'll bottom for him."He grumbled knowing it disturbed the malfoy heir to think about his sex life, and he was trying to distrat him."I know you did. Father had to order me not to avada kavada your ass for bonding with her."He whined a little, before smirking."Wow, a malfoy admiting to love someone other then themselves. I think hell has indeed frozen over."He sighed softly as he collapsed onto the bed and summoned a quill, "Its love. At least I know it is on her side. She's never....showed any interest in anyone... so if your not sure what you feel, you better leave now."he growled before grinning, nodding as he started to write."So I did. How does 'slytherin heir cursed?' sound? I'm going to let the world wonder who the hell had the balls to curse a woman everyone should have known was off limits. I know we've been recluses for most of our lives, but there are people who do know who we are."

cassandra whimpered falling quietly under the other's words, shivering as he started to untangle them. "Crucio!"Cassandra snarled as she rose out of the statis she'd been keeping herself in, already shoving at the man sitting on her. Fighting against the woman fighting to get him off her, even weakened it was obvious she'd been trained in hand to hand fighting
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Draco snorted a little. "please. i highly doubt your ever going to get Even to play bitch for you." Draco complained, rolling his eyes as he shuddered. he knew exactly what Alisander was doing and he refused to play along! refused! so long as he didn't ACT disgusted, Ali would stop... right? "the bonding truly was an accident." Draco admitted. "i didn't know that was going to happen.. i didn't know it was possible!" he admitted, shaking his head. "i don't know what love is... how could i? i've never had anyone to love... my mother ignores me, my father is abusive, Uncle Sev has never known love either... how can i know how to love her the way she deserves?... and yet... i'm selfish enough to stay..." he admitted sighing a little. "better make it 'Light Lord curses helpless student.' and let it be known in the article that she's not only an empath, putting a compulsion spell on an empath could kill them. and then mention that she's the daughter of the TRUE Heir of Slytherin. it's still Voldemort, but people won't make the connection."

Evan and Harry both screamed, the echoing voices making Voldemort shudder as he leaped to his feat and grabbed Cassandra's hands so she couldn't hit Harry or Evan, who carefully jerked free of her mind before collapsing under the pain of the Crucio, jerking and writhing as Cassandra cursed them. Harry panted and gasped, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes and rested. "stun her." Harry ordered firmly. "she needs to be completely out of it. if she does that while Evan is untangling the curses, it could kill all of us." Harry admitted, wiping his forehead with a shaking hand. "go and get Draco. he can help keep her calm, the Bond will let her know that she's safe. Alisander can come back too, if she wakes up, she'll need someone to curse and i'd much rather it wasn't me or Evan, considering we ARE poking about in her brain." he admitted, panting as he rested for a moment as Voldemort tugged on both Draco and Alisander's marks, making them burn so they knew it was an emergency and they better get their asses back there pronto.
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"Hmm I'll have to work on it then. I am most definately getting him to bottom sometime."Alisander chirped, looking away to amused. He knew the malfoy brat, well he knew lucius, which meant it would probably bother him to know he was screwing another man. Smirking he snickered,"What you don't know is possible could fill a book, malfoy."He said before growing serious, rolling his eyes a little,"Dont worry about what she deserves. She'll let you know if she's not feeling well taken care of."He said nodding as he changed the article, cursing as his arm burned, not even bothering to walk but apparating back to the room with draco, smirking at the disoriented blond as he looked at his father."Bloody hell, what did you three do?"he said moving to the bed and the stunned girl, looking worried.
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Harry groaned as he slowly sat up as Alisander and Draco reappeared. "the Compulsion hex fought back. she freaking Crucio'd me... not as bad as one of Voldemort's, but it's still a right damn sting." Harry admitted, rubbing his arms. "i need one of you to go get a crucio potion. i won't be able to focus enough to... oh, thank you Malfoy." Draco had just pulled it out of his robes. he always carried one when in the Dark Lords presence. "Draco, i'm going to need you to hold her, if she wakes up and starts fighting, pin her hands down, talk to her, tell her Dumbledore will win, that your thinking of joining him, anything to sooth the compulsion hex. Voldemort, i'll need you to hold her legs and keep silent. Alisander? i'll need you to do your best to keep her from cursing me. i only have a few tentacles of compulsion left, and Evan only has to untangle two more curses. we're almost done but the blasted compulsion is going to fight to the bitter end. we'll need to be ready." Harry ordered, shaking himself out before straddling her again and pressing his forehead to hers and closing his eyes again as Draco gently took both of her hands, holding them gently, trying to offer her support as Harry and Evan went back to work, slowly drawing out the compulsion hex and eliminating the threats of the curses. at least with the two left, they could stop the curses before they killed her. it would hurt, a lot, as would the fixing of her melted bones and the limbs that where turned to stone, but she would live if Evan accidentally set one off, or the compulsion hex did. Voldemort trembled with delight as Evan crowed out in delight and spoke the counter curse to the bone melting curse. Harry only had two... no, three more lines to slowly pull out of her mind... and then he'd be able to transfer the compulsion Hex into something easily destroyable, like a rat, or a cup turned into a turtle.
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"Well, she does have a bad habit of doing that when pissed. Be warned malfoy."Alisander snorted a little even as he moved over to cassandera's side, laying a arm across her chest, hoping that if she did fight he would be able to catch it. Relaxing a little when evan grinned, closing his eyes. Yelping as he felt the woman starting to respond, "Evan!Pull the curse out now."He demanded even as he lundged, closing his hands down over draco's forcing his hands closed tighter to keep her from doing what he felt, not caring that he was breaking both their hands as he fought to keep her from getting to evan. He'd stupidly forgotten that she could vanish things to keep her with her, and that his sister had a deadly habit of having weapons always with her. Cursing as he felt the clawed gaunlet she was wearing shred through draco and his hands, fighting to keep her still long enough to get evan the time he needed. Having not realized that the spell would make her act like herself, if she thought she was under attack. He'd foolishly thought it'd make her act like a light witch instead of a riddle heir.
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Malfoy screamed as the gauntlets clawed him, cutting him to the bone, he struggled not to let go as his tears fell on her face, struggling to restrain her as Evan carefully unraveled the last Curse from the Compulsion spell, Harry helping with that now instead, and together they destroyed it with the counter curse before they both started working on the Compulsion hex, pulling out the last tendril as Draco collapsed, bleeding everywhere as veins and muscles where severed by the Gauntlet. "it's free!" Harry crowed, pulling out of her mind, dragging the hex out of her mind with him, and throwing it at a cup, the tea cup glowing a sickly off white color that you could just tell was bad news. Harry shuddered as he collapsed onto the bed, trembling from the effort that had taken, struggling to stay conscious as Voldemort whispered an old lullaby he'd always sung to the twins when they where having nightmares. "let.. her go." Harry wheezed, closing his eyes as the clawed hands caught him across the chest, spilling his blood and showing the gleaming white of his breastbone. Draco was still screaming, and Voldemort was struggling to stop the bleeding with magic and potions. Harry himself sank into the bed, wondering if he was going to bleed to death, before deciding it didn't really matter. he was of no use to the Dark Lord anymore... so therefore he would simply die... he let the darkness take him all too happily. "you have... to... destroy... cup." Harry muttered, indicating the glowing teacup. "don't... touch..." and then he was as limp as a rag, and so was Draco, both of them bleeding to death, Draco much more quickly than Harry.
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Cassandra collapsed back onto the bed as the spell was freed, panting quietly as she sank back to unconsciousness, dracos death starting to pull her down to. Alisander cursed as he aimed a curse at the cup for a moment, enjoying it as it exploded before turning his attention to harry as voldemort worked on draco."Bloody hell. I'm going to kill her."He cursed before realizing why the couldn't stop the bleeding."Do that parsel's hex against posions, she must have coated the claws at one time."He demanded looking up at his father, pressing his hands over the wound before reaching out with his connection to his father, and doing the impossible. Triggering the dark mark spell, summoning both lucius and severus, demanding that they show up, and taxing himself even more by making a mental connection acoss the distance to tell severus to bring the strongest healing potion he had, since he knew that only severus' would be strong enough to counter what cassandra had done.He could only hope that the elder malfoy, and the two bleeding to death didn't kill her when they healed.
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Voldemort obediently did the spell, casting at Draco's hands and arms, which where basically bloody chunks of pulverized meat. Lucius appeared in an instant, shocked to see Harry potter o all people, laying on top of Cassandra, bleeding all over the place. "DRACO!" Lucius wailed, shocked as he raced towards his son, gently picking up the boy's head and cradling the other in his lap. Lucius was a conniving little bastard... but he loved Draco as much as he was able. "Draco! Draco wake up! please!!" not a moment later, Severus was there with as many of his healing, and antidote potions as he had available. he poured one potion down Draco's throat, and then made him swallow a bezoar, before pouring a second potion over his hands and arms. the blond snapped awake, and SCREAMED as his arms and hands began to smoke and sizzle, Snape grimacing. "was hoping he'd stay asleep for that... Alisander! tend to Potter!" he ordered, shoving potions and a bezoar into the other Riddle's hands as he forced another potion down the screaming Malfoy's throat. it was hours before Snape had forced enough potions down Draco's throat to stop the bleeding and regenerate the flesh enough that he wouldn't loose his limbs. Harry was much easier to heal, a bezoar and a potion poured over the wounds took care of most of his problems... but unlike Draco... Harry did not wake. Pomfery was called as soon as Voldemort had his wits about him, and the medi-witch examined both Harry and Cassandra, declaring them physically sound, before she took over the healing of Draco.
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Hours later Alisander slumped exhausted onto the beside his father, resting his head on his shoulder."You think she's going to remember what she did?I know she'll remember saying things...but..."He glanced towards where the mediwitch and severus where finishing healing draco, "She'll be suicidal you know...knowing she caused them both harm..."He muttered before getting up and laying down next to harry,cuddling the brunette as he closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. Knowing that when they all woke in the morning things were going to be bad.

"Father?!?Father what happened!?"Cassandra ran into the dining room, with severus walking after her, having cursed the man long enough just to get by him and get downstairs to demand what was going on. Remembering pieces and deathly scared by what she did remember. "Cassandra. Sit down."Alisander said gently, ignoring the blond traitor sitting next to him, having dragged lucius downstairs to get something to eat, and keeping watch on the blond, wondering if he was going to try and hurt her for causing this
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Harry was warm, his heart beating easily. it was almost a comfort to know that he looked and felt healthy. Voldemort shuddered as he realized how upset his daughter was going to be, but he knew he had a way to convince her it was all Dumbledore's fault. he looked up in the morning, and smirked at the limping Severus, shaking his head. "Cassandra, i need you to listen very closely." Voldemort ordered softly before calmly explaining that she had been cursed by Dumbledore, that Harry and Evan had removed the hexes, but he added something. "they removed the curses and the compulsion hex, but they missed one, it was deeper." Voldemort lied effortlessly. he was able to hide the truth from her for short periods of time through Occlumency. "this last little hex made you think they where the enemy, and since they where holding you down, you defended yourself. they where hurt, but not badly." in fact neither looked even the slightest bit hurt anymore. "Draco is in a slight state of shock... we're not sure what's wrong with Harry and Evan, whatever it is, it's not from being cut or from the poison. Draco will be waking up soon, Pomfery had to dose him with sleeping potions to get him to calm down. he was very worried about you." Voldemort admitted with a smile at her before frowning. "Harry and Evan... it's purely mental whatever is happening... i'm worried that Harry is trying to wall Evan back up..."
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