Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Draco laughed brightly as she caught onto him and he nodded a little. "you go ahead and tell Ali i'm being mean, he'll laugh at you." Draco teased, well aware that Alisander would kick his ass first and THEN laugh, but she didn't need to know that. he smiled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, enjoying the attention and the calm affection flowing around them as he turned another page in his Potions book. "i was thinking of going for my mastery." Draco admitted suddenly. "i could be the youngest ever Potions Master. Uncle Sev didn't get his until he was nineteen. if i start now, and keep up, i could easily get mine by next year... what do you think?"

Evan laughed a little as he shook his head, kneading the globes of his lovers ass with an amused expression, a single finger gently teasing the entrance for only a moment before he smacked the others ass and crawled up so that he could lay next to the other, smiling. "of course i'm good at this." he mumbled happily, feeling tired as well. he had, after all, just had a sex marathon. "mmm yes, planning things." he agreed, looking amused. "what kind of things? are we plotting to take over the world behind your Father's back?" he asked curiously, smirking a little as he snuggled into the other. "mmm there's nothing better than a post coital cuddle."
RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra sulked looking annoyed because she knew it was true, before perking up with a grin."You should!You could do your research work on the breaks at hogwarts and all."she mused yawning as she rested her head on his shoulder content to go to sleep while he read.

Alisander tensed at te teasing, a small snarl escaping as he shifted away before laughing a little, wrapping a arm around him as he cuddled him back."Oh yes. Though we have to include him, since he might notice we're not home."He muttered snickering."And cass' is coming home ot do the dark spell to help with dad's..problems.We're the guards so we have to rest up."He said smiling as he went to sleep.

A few days later Cassandra grinned as she darted into the room, ignoring the meeting going on as she pounced on her father, wrapping him in a tight hug."Papa!"She grinned happy to be home. Even if she'd been gone for just a few days, she was glad to be there with him. Smiling happily as she leaned back to look at him, tanned and hppy from her time outside with draco. Alisander rolled his eyes a little from his chair next to evan on the couch, looking amused before sighing."Damn.And here I thought we were going to be without the mini-malfoy for awhile longer."
RE: Shattered Minds

Draco scowled as he walked into the room, Harry, or was it Evan? snickering as he shook his head. "no Love, it's not Mini, it's Baby. he's Baby Malfoy." he corrected, the rich cultured voice telling Draco that it was Evan who was in control and drinking a rich black coffee at the breakfast table. "hello Beautiful Morning." Voldemort chirped as he brushed a kiss across her forehead. "i still think i should demand that Dumbledore step down from being headmaster." Evan complained. "i'm going to be teaching there anyway, make McGonagall the headmaster for gods sake." "stop it Evan. we are keeping Dumbledore as headmaster so that the School Board can have the glory of tearing him a new one. they will be the one to take Dumbledore out of the Headmaster position." Evan just scowled, huffed, and went back to the book he was reading. they had already filled the needed new positions, since Snape had refused to go back to Dumbledore. the Headmaster was starting to think that Voldemort had killed Snape, which was just to Snape's liking. as promised, Draco was teaching Potions and working on his mastery, and the Valereen was teaching defense. Evan's excuse to the headmaster, and the school board was that he wanted to keep an eye on Dumbledore's interactions with the student body, which in turn made the headmaster sound like a pervert. eager to please the 'higher power' the School Board agreed, and Dumbledore hadn't had the guts to protest.
RE: Shattered Minds

Alisander snickered a little as he sipped his coffee before nodding"Baby Malfoy. I like it. Though if hermione ends up pregnant, we might have to change that nickname."the twin mused looking amused before shaking his head."Don't worry. Just think about it this way, you'll be able to onvince dumbledore to duel you, and maybe have a 'accident."He said shaking his head in amusement as cassandra slipped into her chair, glancing at his father."Are you ready?"He said concern showing in his eyes because he knew that they were rushing things a little, but they wanted to make sure voldemort was steady before the twins left for school, which meant that even though cassandra was sure the spell was fine to be using, they weren't testing it as much as they normally would. Besides voldemort himself had demanded not waiting, wanting to be fixed, an dto make his children feel safe again.
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry snorted a little and shook his head a little as Draco grimaced a little. "i could challenge him to a duel, but i can't compete with him just yet." Harry admitted with a yawn as he watched, Voldemort nodding as he smiled at his daughter, kissing her forehead. "everything will be fine, you tested this already, remember?" he reminded her before leaning back and relaxing so she could do what she needed to do, Harry standing up and brushing his wings over all of them, offering them the comfort of a Valereen. Draco and Lucius watched from a distance so they wouldn't get in the way, and soon the 'mind operation' as Harry called it, was underway, the loud BANG of the door slamming open making everyone, including Voldemort jump Hermione leaping at Voldemort with her wand drawn, her eyes blank as if under the Impirio. Harry was in the way before her curse connected, the black and white feathers absorbing the curse and scattering it along his wings as if he was protected by a ward, the wing following up and smacking Hermione into the wall with a CRACK, knocking her out. "...shit. i didn't know i could do that...." Harry admitted, examining his feathers for damage.
RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra smiled a little as she rested her forehead against her father's, stilling at the sound of the door slamming open, but it had broken her concentration, and even more when Harr slapped hermione into the wall, and set she the pieces of her father's mind together, even as she struggled to focus, the bond to draco stretching thin, then snapping as the empath shattered under the strain of being startled and putting voldemort's mess of a mind back together. Slumping into Voldemort's chest in a dead faint.
Draco cried out as the Bond snapped, it hurt, deep inside, as if part of his soul had been severed. he dropped to the ground, clutching his chest, the closest he could get to the painful, painful ache deep inside, his body reacting as if his Bonded had died. Voldemort groaned as he caught her, blinking stupidly as Harry moved over to them, looking worried. "Voldemort? are you alright?" Harry asked, carefully picking Cassandra up and settling her into Alisander's arms before he moved over to check on Draco while Voldemort blinked sluggishly as he struggled to reconnect to his own, newly whole mind. it would take him a few minutes to understand what was going on around him. "lets get these two to bed before we try and figure out what the hell just happened."
Alisander cursed as the pain drove him to his knees, barely realizing he was holding his twin before he stumbled to his feet."Something...just went terribly wrong."He said sounding out of it himself, stumbling a little as he reeled in the feeling of being broken. Even if it hadn't been his mind that shattered, the twins shared to close of a bond to seperate it as he struggled to seperate himself. Settling cassandra in bed he returned to find his father, resting his hands on his arms,resisting the urge to shake the man. "Father?"He said wanting to know if cassandra had indeed fixed things, or if it had been all for nothing. Needing to know as he felt the bonded pair settle into bed. "Father?I need you to summon Lucius to."he said knowing maybe the elder malfoy would be able to draw his son out.
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