Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "i want all books, papers, deeds, and other such things transported directly to Riddle Manor. a house elf there will direct you to my rooms." Harry assured the Goblins, who nodded eagerly and raced off to do all the things Harry had asked them to do. Evan regained control and stood, brushing imaginary dust off of his clothes, tossed his head into th air, and flashed his eyes as he strode out of the Bank, staring at Dumbledore, who was directly in front of him. 'Please don't let Alisander do anything stupid. i want to take this old fool down a peg or two, and if he Crucio's Dumbledore i won't get to do that...' unbeknownst to him, Alisander had heard Harry's mental plea, and Evan cackled in delight at the thought of ripping Dumbledore a new one.

"Albus, Percival, Wulfric, Brian, Dumbledore." Evan intoned, his voice soft, but stern, many of the people in the Alley watching, shuddered as they realized that this Valereen was... was ANGRY with Albus Dumbledore. "you who have Slain the innocent." he hissed, his multicolored eyes flashing. "you who have ensured the death of one Cassandra, Shay, Riddle. you who have seen to the death of Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James and Lily Potter, and one Harry James Potter...." he stared at Dumbledore. "i see into your Soul, Dumbledore. i see the deaths you have caused, and the Deaths you hope to continue." he spread his wings. "the Magic of this world, and the Lives of the Living are NOT your playthings! you have disrupted the very Fabric of the Magic that keeps our world whole and now it is on the verge of collapse. i will fix your misdeeds and i will right what you have wronged. my little Cousin Harry, should have lived a happy, and peaceful life... instead, i, who was a Son of a Squib, have taken his place in this world." a load of lies, but Dumbledore didn't know that, it was better for everyone to think Harry Potter was dead at Dumbledore's hands. "he died in agony, you know, your precious Harry Potter. the blocks on his magic, and his mind, killed him." another lie, but again, Dumbledore didn't know that. "Cassandra also died in agony. the spell you placed on her, went against everything she knew, from family to freinds... she slit her throat, rather than continue doing what you bid... she did it poorly, and she bled to death slowly... it took hours. Alisander, her twin, followed soon after. he slit his wrists..." there was a long pause and then. "shall i tell the world, Dumbledore? what you did to the young Child who turned into Voldemort!? shall i tell them all what you did to break his mind and his soul!?" everyone was silent, staring at Dumbledore in horror. "be gone from me, you pathetic Skin bag. your Soul will burn in the Fire Pits of Hell."
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Alisander looked startled, staring at his mate as he heard the other's voice, but settling back to listen, and looking pleased as he shifted back to stand next to his father, "You know, its a good thing dumbledore's so focused on him, that he hasn't noticed you're you."He muttered laughing when dumbledore just apparated out unable to deal with the truth. Tilting his head slightly as he wrapped his arms around his mate, tugging him back against him."You okay?"He muttered nuzzling him.

Cassandra snickered as she stood, weaving her way through the crowd, to wrap her arms around her father's waist, leaning against him."You okay?"She muttered because she knew him. He'd be upset even at the imagined idea of his kids commiting suicide, and even more at the idea that everyone knew about his past. Though Shay Riddle's death wasn't as secret as some would hope, considering that order members had a tendency to gossip, so soon enough not only would the world know Cassandra was 'dead' but about the circumstances around shayna's death to.
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Evan snarled as Dumbledore apparated away and Harry scowled as he looked around at the wizarding world and decided to lay into them as well, accusing them of not thinking for themselves, of letting murderers and manipulators like Fudge and Dumbledore to tell them what to do. accusing them of helping Harry to die by raising him on a pedestal for something he had no control over. he told them all about how Harry was severely abused, and accused them all of adding to that abuse. by the end of the rant, Dumbledore wasn't the only one to have apparated away to hide from the truth. Voldemort watched with amused eyes as Harry ranted and raved and he looked down at his daughter and nodded. "i am alright. after all, Valereen never actually said what Dumbledore did to me." he admitted softly. "and it's good to make Dumbledore accountable... it... it hurts though... to think of you and Ali... dead, even if it's not true it... it hurts." he admitted with a thick swallow as Mad-Eye-Moody strode up to the Valereen and whispered something in the boys ear, the winged Beauty shrieking with shock, sounding like a bird. he stared at Mad-Eye for a long moment, too stunned to do anything else and the grizzled ex-Auror laughed and walked away. Harry shook his head, tired of itching people out and wrapped his wings tightly around Voldemort and Cassandra and Alisander, smiling a little. "we have to go and get Neville and Luna. they feared for their lives and took Theodore and Blaise and vanished to one of my Safe Houses apparently." Harry admitted, shaking his head again.
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All three riddles were looking amused as they watched Evan berate the wizarding word as a whole. Cassandra leaned harder into her father, comforting him because she knew there was ntohing to do for him."Well thats true."she muttered looking up at him. Alisander winced rubbing his ears as Evan shrieked, nodding a little."We'll go get them, if you get her home father. It seems Draco's looking anxious to get her out of here."Alisander said snickering amused because draco seemed worried about haing her out and in public when she wasn't protected, even if she was standing with her twin, father and valereen.

Cassandra grinned looking at draco,looking up at her father."Come on. We'll go home and duel Draco until we get the other's there."she said trying not to worry about the other students.

Alisander held out his hand towards Harry, tugging him over for a kiss. "Come on. Let's go then.I'm sure this isn't the last thing we've heard from Dumbledore, and I'd rather not be here when he regroups."
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Harry chuckled a little, spread his wings, and vanished in a swirl of white light and Dark Shadows. he loved being a Valereen. Voldemort grinned at the thought of dueling Draco and took his daughter, vanishing with a crack as Draco smirked at Alisander. "you just want to see me naked." he complained, before he too vanished with a Crack of Apparation. Alisander had just enough time before he left, to see every member of the Order of the Chicken appear, hoping to find out what had really happened. once back at Riddle Manor, Draco was stripping to his underpants, a nice pair of silk boxers, and was getting ready to duel Rabastan Lestrange, who had apparated away just after Harry had left. unlike Draco, he was completely nude, and enjoying the way both Remus and Sirius was staring at him. "ready!?" "no." "too bad." and the Duel started. Draco only lasted a few minutes, because he was too distracted by the nudity and the way Rabastan was eying him. which was another reason why they dueled nude. once you can fight completely in the buff... nothing else could distract you from the fight. no one dared mention the blindfold that Voldemort had tied around Cassandra's 'virgin' eyes.

twenty minutes later, house elves appeared with all of their things from the school. Draco's, Cassandras, Harry's, even Lupin's. not to mention Hermione's, Ron's, Blaise's, Theodore's, Neville's, and Luna's things. a Goblin had already transferred all of the books, deeds, titles, scrolls and other such things to Harry's personal 'library' which was a room just off of Harry's bedroom that he hadn't yet discovered. then, ten minutes after the house elves, Harry appeared with the other missing students. "welcome to Riddle Manor." "so... so your... your really Dark?" "no. i'm Half Dark. Evan is my dark half, Harry is my light half... it's complicated Nev." Harry explained, smiling at the boy who looked completely puzzled. "let's get you guys settled. Blaise if you grab my ass again, i'm going to claw your face off." "but it's so grab-able!" Blaise complained, grabbing his things instead.
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Cassandra sighed as she settled back on the floor, leaning back on her hands turning her head this way and that, trying to hear what was going on and sulking as she 'looked' at her father."How in the world am I supposed to duel if not only am I blind,but I'm not naked?"Cassandra sulked as she leaned against her father,"Rabastan!Stop eyeing my bonded like he's a piece of meat."She ordered snickering because she was sorta burrowing draco's eyes, trying to help him.

Alisander smirked as he stepped up behind blaise, his wand pressing against the back of his neck even as his hand closed around his neck, dropping the boy's tempurature, smirking as he froze the blood in his veins."I'd apperciate it if you kept your hands off my lover,zabini,I wont be so kind and just claw off your face. There's worse ways to kill you. And father will help me bury the body."He chirped looking way to pleased with himself as he shoved the man away, letting him warm up again before looking at Harry."Cass is trying to convince father to let her duel.Want to come help?She could use more dueling partners, and poor draco needs more people to stare at him."
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Voldemort shook his head. "like i'd ever let you into battle." he scoffed. "Alisander could handle it i think, but considering you went into a three day Coma because i ALMOST, killed Bellatrix... no, there is no way you are ever going into battle, so stop complaining. i really don't want you seeing your Uncle Rab in the complete buff." he admitted, amused when Cassandra yelled at Rabastan, who snickered. "but Cassi! he's soooo pretty!" he whined. "almost like a girl... i just want to hold him and stroke his soft, soft hair and..." "oh shut UP already!" Draco wailed. "i don't want to hear this!"

Blaise went tense, terrified as he felt Alisander's power. "i...i'm s..sorry i... i d..didn't know..." he stuttered, terrified that he was going to die, Evan snorting as he studied Alisander, curiously aroused by the show of power and dominance and possessiveness. "i's rather go somewhere private and fuck like bunnies." he aditted, smirking. "i never realized how much shows of power turned me on." he admitted with a laugh as he pulled his lover into a deep kiss, Neville shaking his head in amusement as he started gathering his things, following Blaise, who had been here before, to the Dueling Room. Luna was already there, having skipped on ahead. how she knew the way, no one would ever know.
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"Well...that's true.But I'm not helpless father."Cassandra sulked because she hated knowing she had such a big weakness, or that she couldn't defend herself. "I don't want to see that either, but my bonded's in the buff to, and I DO want to see him."She said snickering at her father before flicking her fingers towards Rabastan, smirking as she watched his hair go bright pink, having burrowed Draco's eyes just long enough to get a direction to send the spell."He is so soft isnt he?But he's not your to touch uncle rabastan."She whined a little just to give draco a hard time, tilting her head back when she heard lucius and severus approaching. "Lucius!Where's your girlfriend?Draco needs someone who wont find him to pretty to duel and his stepmother would be the perfect woman."

Alisander snorted looking amused at blaise' fear before looking at Evan kissing him back. "Hmmm but first we need to go demand draco take Cass away. Then we'll fuck."his grin was dark and possessive, edged with cruel as he followed the others, snickering at the sight of the others, raising a eyebrow at his very pink uncle rabastan. "Draco!Get dressed. Your going on vacation."
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Voldemort shook his head. "Cassi, you'd have a panic attack if you saw him naked right now." he teased, Rabastan yelping as he went pink... eery hair on his body... even the 'down there' bits. "Cassandra!" Rabastan wailed unhappily. "how am i supposed to get laid with Pink on my dick!?" he complained, Draco roaring with laughter before choking at Lucius's arrival, Lucius chuckling. "she's getting Luna, Neville, Blaise, and Theodore settled into new rooms." Lucius admitted. "her adorable Red Head is helping." Draco choked again and stared at his father in horror. "no... you can't be serious! you and WEASLEY!?" "of course. he loves hermione just as much as i do. why not?" Draco just decided that life wasn't worth it right then and promptly got up and started getting dressed at Alisander's orders. "yes sir! right away Sir!" Draco stated, glad to not be naked anymore, vaulting off the platform and landing next to Evan, who smirked. "that was impressive, by the way Evan, with Dumbledore..." "oh, that wasn't me. that was all Harry. he's good at those passionate speeches... i'm just good at blackmail." Draco snorted and shook his head. "where am i going anyway?" "your taking Cass to a Villa in France."
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"Hmm I would not."Cassandra sulked snickering a little at draco's teasing, laughing all the harder at lucius' words. Poor draco. "Hmm you know, you could end up with such pretty red and blond haired silbings draco."She mused as she got up and slipped a hand into draco's."Why do we have to leave?"She frowned. "Because I want to commit murder, and I don't want father or draco killing me afterwards for putting you in a coma."Alisander chirped snickering at cassandra's sputtering. "papa!You cant let him send me away just to please himself."
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Draco sputtered, horrified and shook his head as Lucius laughed, amused. "Cassandra, please." Harry whispered, setting his hand on hers. "they haunt me in my dreams." he admitted, blinking at her. "they are down there, alive and whole... they torment me with this fact." he admitted, shaking his head. "they deserve to die and i do not want to harm you for doing so. besides, you and Draco deserve this Vacation to get to know one another better." he admitted, smirking at her a little. "you know you want to try giving Draco a REAL kiss." he teased playfully. "besides, we all need a break from Draco." he admitted, shaking his head as he glanced at Sirius, who was watching, transfixed while the Lestrange brothers battled in nothing, absolutely nothing. Harry wanted Draco out of the way so that his dumb godfather could get laid. it would ruin the Game otherwise.
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Cassandra smiled at her almost brother in law, "I can od that. For you harry, and only you and evan would I leave my own home for."She said before flushing hard at his words."I do not. Shut up."She squirmed wrapping her arms around his waist hugging him tightly as she rolled her eyes but carefully not looing at the naked men before moving over to her father, looking up at him worriedly."You'll call for me if you need me?"She said anxious about how upset he was going to be with the memories of their mother, and just fussing over him because she didn't want to consider what she was going to do with draco all alone to herself
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Harry smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "thank you." he murmured softly. "don't tell Alisander though, ok? he... doesn't know about the nightmares..." he admitted, smiling at her as Voldemort scowled unhappily at the thought of Draco and Cassandra being completely alone. "oh calm down, you and i both know Draco isn't going to molest Cassandra." Harry ordered Voldemort who huffed. "we don't know that..." "no, but you DO know that if he tries, Cassandra will have him missing not only his balls, but most of his innards as well." that did appease Voldemort who nodded. "this is true." he agreed wit a small sigh. before Draco or Voldemort could even think to complain, a House elf was there with both Draco and Cassandra's things all packed up and a Portkey that would take them to the Villa in France. "... i think my French House Elves are excited to have guests..." Harry muttered in astonishment. "well i wasn't actually intending on you leaving right this minute... but at least your well prepared." he teased Cassandra and Draco, looking amused as Voldemort snorted, clearly trying to hide his own amusement.
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"I wont.Now behave while I'm gone."She muttered stepping back before snickering at draco."I would not. He's to pretty to hurt."Cassandra said though she knew that she was indeed to neurotic to actually have sex...well, maybe. Laughing outloud at the sight of the elves she nodded."Goodbye papa."She muttered leaning up to kiss voldemort's cheek before stepping back, grabbing the portkey and draco's hand, smiling when they arrived in france as she leaned into draco,content."Wow...we're alone.Totally...alone..."She muttered flushing as she leaned up to kiss him slowly.

Alisander snickered, he just knew that cassandra was going to be getting into trouble before looking at his father. "Hey. You want to come join us?You havent gotten to kill anyone, or serious maim anyone. We could make it a dark order free for all. A curse a person. See who can almost kill them."Alisander chirped, seeming way to pleased with the idea of bodily harming someone. But it was true, both his and voldemort's darker tendancies were restricted when cassandra was home, so it had been a truly long time since either had caused a death,personally that is.
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Draco blushed a little as he was called pretty, but for once didn't protest the 'insult'. "yeah... Alone..." he muttered, before relaxing into the Kiss, bringing his hand up to gently stroke her face as he enjoyed the kiss, breaking away for air he looked rather delighted. "wow..." he muttered happily. "that was... that was.... amazing..." he muttered, looking like he was about to float off he was so happy. "...we should look around." he muttered, a bright smile on his face. "i think Harry mentioned that we would have access to a pool." he admitted with a happy little nod.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "anytime they get too close to death, i will happily heal them." he admitted with a nod. "i'll also go about collecting one of the other prisoners to kill. best to fake my own death as well." he purred happily. "i will put al the magical blocks in place too, just to make sure there's no doubt that 'he' is Me." Harry chirped happily as he rubbed his hands together. "we'll put Umbitch in the Atrium. we'll unload the Dursleys at the Bank steps... and 'Harry..." Harry paused, tapping his lips and then. "we'll leave him for Hagrid to find in the forbidden Forest." he decided. "i'll set that one up myself i think." he admitted with a nod. "after all, i supposedly died because my own magic killed me." he admitted with a low snicker, Voldemort smirking. "you have the most wonderful idea's Harry." "Evan thought of most of it." Harry admitted. "but he wont mind if i take the credit.
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assandra sighed softly as she leaned into Draco's hand, shivering a little as she closed her eyes, leaning into him, wrapping her arms around his waist."Hmm we should. And its warmer here then england. We can go simming."She said perking up at the idea grinning as she grabbed his hand, heading for the rest of the house. Wanting to see what else was theirs to play with while they were here.

Alisander laughed nodding a little."And Cass. Don't forget we need to transfigure someone into her to."Alisander said grinning as they headed downstairs, glancing at the lestrange brothers as they dressed."You know she made that pink charm stick until she gets back. Rabast, you're not getting laid."He teased his uncle as they walked, hands in his pockets. Oh he couldnt wait to see how long it took draco to figure out everything.
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Draco shivered back as he pressed his nose against her neck, breathing in her scent ever so happily. "we could go swimming." he agreed with a small smile as he gave her a gentle kiss. there was a great many things in the house, from a garden large enough to fly in, to a muggle Television and indoor Theater system. and the pool was enormous! they could very easily throw a thousand plus people party in the villa. there was even an entertainment area, with Muggle and Magical games, like Ping Pong, Pool, Archers Folly, and Hand Quidditch. "this house, is amazing." Draco breathed, staring at the pool with stunned amazement.

Harry chuckled and nodded. "and one of you and Draco too." Harry agreed. "we'll slit the one's throat and we'll slit the others wrists. the Draco will have to die quickly, i'll use a healing technique to stop his heart. we'll leave them at Hogwarts, dressed in nice clothes and cleaned up. no one would expect the Dark Lord to just drop his own kids somewhere. we'll even ward the bodies so that the students are sure to see the bodies before Dumbledore can take down the Wards. it will lead credence to the story i told Dumbledore in town today." he smirked as Rab whined and Sirius suddenly piped up. "don't care if he's pink! look at that ASS! gorgeous!" that of course, had Rabastan crowing his victory, and Rudolphus and Lupin laughing.
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Cassandra grinned as they explored, snickering as she looked at the pool smirking as she put a hand in the middle of draco's back and shoving, snickering as he splashed into the pool. Moving away from the edge of the pool she started undressing. Despite not ready for sex, she figured the first step would be being comfortable around him naked, so she would be. "How's the water?"She grinned looking at him

"Hogwarts would be a apporiate place for riddle heirs to end up."alisander mused looking amused at the thought before looking at rab, laughing as he looked at harry."Your dogfather is a idiot sometimes. And No, I don't want to look at that ass. It's bad enough I have to duel him naked, I don't want to look when I dont have to."Alisander whined as they walked into the torture hall, smirking as he heard the dursleys whimpers.
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Draco shrieked as he was suddenly shoved into the pool, coming up sputtering and spittering and red faced with fury before he froze and gaped at her, eyes wide with astonishment, and a blush creeping up his neck. "oh...oh my..." he muttered. it was a good thing he wasn't in water over his head or he would have drowned.

Harry snickered a little and nodded as he examined hi Dogfather, shaking his head a little. "he's had all the hair on his body removed, turned a pastel yellow, turned a rainbow, turned tie die.... hair color doesn't mean much to a Prankster at large." Harry admitted, looking amused as Sirius and both the Lestrange brothers hooked arms and left to find a room where they could... bugger each other all night long. Harry grinned viciously, shifting into Evan at the sounds of the whimpers and paused in front of their cell. "oh do we have PLANS for you!" he hissed in delight, turning to the people that where there. "don't kill them. i reserve that right for myself." he ordered before finding other prisoners just as Severus came in with the altered Polyjuice potion. with an easy flick of the wrist, Harry yanked out one of Evan's hairs, and he carefully took one from where he'd safely stashed a hair from Draco and a hair from Cassandra. it took both Harry and Snape to make the four prisoners drink. then, with horrifying ease, Evan slit the fake Cassandra's throat, slit the fake Alisander's wrists, and stopped the Draco's heart before he choked and fled the room so he could be sick. even knowing they where not the real family of his, it was hard to do. the fake Cassandra gasped and gagged, but neither Voldemort nor Alisander could see her, or hear her. Harry didn't need them trying to save her, or having nightmares like he was going to.
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Cssandra flushed as he gaped at her, looking down as she slipped into the pool."I...well I'm not ready for sex, because I don't want to be that vulnerable...but thought maybe if I got comfortable swimming with you...then..."She trailed off flushing hard.

Alisander sighed softly as he followed the others inside, but snarled when he was kept from seeing what was going on. Despite what he knew he should be doing to help, he couldn't help but want to help. "Evan?"Alisander muttered crouching down next to him, gently wrapping his arms around the other, looking anxious as he held the boy sas he was sick. This was to much.He shouldn't have allowed evan to help him.
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he was blushing furiously and he swallowed thickly. "i've... never seen a girl naked before..." he admitted, trying to avert his eyes and be a gentleman, but his eyes kept flicking back to her gorgeous figure. he wouldn't have been a straight teenager otherwise. but at least he was trying to be polite. "your... really very beautiful you know..."

Evan looked up at the other when he walked in and shook his head. "Harry." Harry corrected, his voice a croak. "sorry it... it was just... even though it wasn't you they LOOKED like you... it wasn't all that hard to kill the fake me and the fake Draco but... you and Cass..." he shuddered, tipped his head over the Loo and heaved again. Harry had always been sensitive to death though, especially after killing Quirrel, a giant basilisk, and watching Cedric die. "i'm alright now... i think." Harry promised, using a charm to clean and freshen his mouth and breath, sighing as he snuggled into Alisander. "you should be torturing and mutilating my family." he accused with a pout. "we should Mark them as well, make sure that there is no doubt at all about who killed them... we'll leave the fake Ali, Cass, and Draco unmarked. it will make their deaths all the more bothering to the light side of things. without a dark mark, they'll be seen as innocents."
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"What?Really?"Cassandra said looking startled blushing as she looked at him,"Well I've only seen the death eaters naked, and not that pleasant."She said smiling a little because he was indeed as polite as he could be."Thank are you."She said looking amused as she plucked at his shirt sleeve."Come on.Undress. I feel weird being the only one naked.Besides...if your going to be embarassed at me being naked, I deserve the chance to see you naked."

Alisander sighed softly."Harry."He muttered looking worried before wincing, "It wasn't us, and you saved her, not only by sending her away, but by pretending to kill her. Dumbledore wont try to use her again because of her 'death'"He muttered stroking the other's hair before laughing."I was. And father still is. I just got worried okay?"He grumbled pouting himself before smirking."We will.You know....if we mark them like all the death eaters are marked, think we could convince the others that they were death eaters and defected to the light side?"He said standing up with the other in his arms as he headed for the cell where he could hear voldemort still
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Draco chuckled a little. "i was raised to be a gentleman." he admitted simply. "if a woman is nude before me, i avert my eyes... i seam to be... having a bit of difficulty with that actually..." he admitted, flushing harder as he glanced at her again and swallowed thickly, hesitating. "you will think me ugly..." he protested softly, even as he started to unbutton his shirt, sliding the material off. and in an instant, it was clear why Draco hated to be naked in front of anyone. there where, scars. many of them, but they where not Lucius's doing, or Narcissa's, that much anyone could be sure of. "i was ten." Draco admitted, tracing the marks across his belly, four long ragged lines that where almost invisible unless you where standing close enough. "i was angry so i 'ran away from home'... i left the wards of my house, and was immediately attacked by a Mountain Lion." he admitted, shedding his pants as well. there where deep pockmarks on his leg, punctures from teeth. poor fair Draco, he was so beautiful, but so Self Conscious about the very few flaws he had. "i nearly died, so Father claims." Draco admitted, hesitating for a different reason now. he was half hard from seeing her naked and being in the water...

Harry smiled at Alisander and nodded. "i know. i know." he promised. "but it was hard." he admitted, snuggling into his lover happily. "and no. if we mark them, then people will think they did Dark Things, it would taint their purity. besides, we don't want to give them any reason to think that Death Eaters did the killing. it has to be all on Dumbledore. he's already suspect for Cassandra's death. i've already taken the efforts to put in the lingering traces of the compulsion spell. one thing i've found, is that i can mimic people's Magical Aura. it's very fascinating. i've been around Dumbledore enough times to perfectly mimic his magical trace." he admitted simply. "i'll have someone else clean up all the blood from the bodies, and dress them in nice clothes. i don't want to look at your dead face again." he admitted with a shudder.
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"well, you are my bonded. Surely it wouldn't be to bad."She said before paling at the sight of his body, tears welling in her eyes as she thought about what had happened. Swallowing hard as she wrapped her arms around him, ignoring their state of undress as she held onto him tightly wanting to reassure him that she wasn't disgusted with him."You are beautiful."She muttered nuzzling his neck a little.

"Damn.Fine..."He grumbled looking nnoyed at the idea before leaning against the bars to look at his father."Are you done torturing them yet?Cause I want to get them out of here. The house feels like it needs cleaned just with their presence here."He said looking disgusted before wrapping his arms around harry tighter, kissing him softly."You wont ever have to again. I promise."he muttered pressing his lips to the other's forehead worried about him.
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Draco smiled shyly at her, his eyes cast to the side so he wouldn't see her reaction to his scars. the few people who HAD seen him, had mocked him for the 'dis-figuration' so Draco had not shown anyone since he was a first year. most people didn't even know he had them. he shuddered as she pulled him into a hug, an he relaxed into her, holding her back, enjoying the warm comfort and the assurances to his Ego. "thank you." he muttered, blushing hard. "i am NOT removing my boxers..." he mumbled, now very hard thanks to her breasts pressing tight against him.

Voldemort smirked as he watched Vernon slowly bleeding to death on the floor, his stomach split open and his innards spread everywhere. Dudley had been skinned alive, and petunia had all of her teeth and tongue removed and was in the process of having all of her fingernails pulled out. "mmm no, Harry wanted to kill them... i am sorry but i accidentally killed your cousin." Harry shrugged. "we don't give a damn anymore. kill the bastards Voldemort." Harry offered. "i'm going upstairs to get Rudo and Rab. they'll drop off some of the bodies... i'll find a few others as well, i'll be dropping the fake Me off in the forest, nothing in there will hurt me." Harry admitted, smirking. "plus, i wanna torment my dogfather relentlessly for being a bottoms.
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