Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

"Hmm yes. When...something traumatic or eventful happens, me cassi, and father have a quiet night of just us. Talking, playing things."he said blushing a little looking amused as he sat up and started to dress. "Ohhh I like it. It'll be fun.Talk to him about it tonight, before you bother draco."he snickered as he pulled his shirt on.

Cassandra grinned,"Just a nap."She smiled kissing him back before grinning wider."Me and the boys are having a family night."She said fairly bouncing in place before her smile turned wicked as she looked at lucius."You might consider doing something similar, so your son can get to know his new step mother."She said grinning as she stole a kiss from draco before stepping back.
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Evan smiled a little as he stared at Alisander. "...that sounds like a wonderful thing." he admitted, his head tilted. "have fun alright?" he asked with a small smile, glad that Alisander had a father he could love... it was hard to force back the jealousy. he wasn't jealous of Alisander, per say... but he and Harry had never had someone to comfort, or to be comforted by. he had never had a loving Family, and it was hard not to be jealous of Ron and Alisander and even Draco. he yawned a little and slowly sat up, fluttering his wings as a rush of pure delight washed over him as he realized something... he should be able to fly... to FLY! "...i think i might go outside for a while." he mused, his tone making it oh so very clear exactly what Evan was planning on doing.

Draco beamed at her. "that's great!" he chirped before paling, Lucius smirking a little. "well, she's not his step mother yet, but i shall have to arrange something." Lucius agreed, Draco shuddering in horror as he stared at her, horror forgotten in the face of the kiss, a bright red blush filling his face as he touched fingers to his lips, stunned by the kiss, Lucius snickering. "you've broken him Cass!" he teased, grinning. "i'm not broken! i am in proper awe of a kiss!" Draco complained as he stormed off, annoyed by his fathers teasing. he did flash cass a smile to reassure her that he wasn't in the least bit annoyed. not really anyway.

when the two got to Voldemort, he was sitting in the middle of the couch, a glass of firewhisky in his hand, staring at it as he struggled to contain his grief and sorrow for the twins. "we're... going to talk about your mother today." Voldemort stated suddenly. "Harry..." this was a lie of course, Harry didn't even know. "Harry said it would help me... and you, to talk about her." he whispered softly, stroking the leather bound journal. "come sit... we'll... start with how i met her, i think..." he muttered softly as he opened the photo book. "i was still traveling, exploring the world and learning all the magic that i could learn. she was a pure blood from Egypt." he admitted, touching a photo of the woman in front of a pyramid, looking very annoyed at all the tourists. "she hated me at first, wouldn't have anything to do with me and my obsession with the Snake Pyramids. i was just another destructive tourist to her. i didn't even know her name until a month later... Shayna." he admitted softly, telling them about how he'd saved Shayna's life, by pushing her out of the way of a cave in. he'd spent a month at the hospital, regrowing many of his bones.
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Alisander frowned sligtly studying his lover before nodding."Be careful.And take draco or one of the others out with you."He said in concern before he left.

Cassandra giggled at draco's reaction, "I didn't break him."She snickered watching him go in amusement before leaving herself, reassured her bonded wasn't annoyed with her.

Both twins looekd shocked at the subject of their meeting tonight, cassandra shuddering a little, picking up some of her father's feelings, just because she knew they would be. Both twins climbed on the couch next to him, acting like children as they cuddled into him, looking over the book and pictures, both twins quiet and thoughtful as they watched their mother, amused at their father's antics. "Snake pyramids papa?"Cassandra muttered looking intrigued. Growing serious alisander looked curious, wondering how things could have gone so wrong."Papa. How did...I assume you weren't at war then...what happened?And how did you get mother to come home with you?"Alisander asked, wondering if Dumbledore had known something about the two, that had gotten them in trouble.
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Voldemort smiled a little. "it took me two years to convince her to travel with me... and another three to talk her into going to Britain with me." he admitted. "she loved Egypt, and only the promise of going back every summer convinced her." he admitted. "the Snake Pyramids where of the fabled Naga folk, where the Parseltongue comes from. anyone who can speak to snakes, or has a snake Animagus form, is a descendant of a Naga." he admitted. "you'll notice that no person ever has a cold blooded animal. not fish, not lizards, not frogs, normal people can only have a mammal for a Animagus form, unless you are descended from a Naga." he admitted simply. "i was fascinated about the history." he admitted. "eventually, she fell in love with me, and i with her." he admitted simply, closing his eyes. "...the War was just finishing with Grindelwald. i was a Dark Wizard, and so was she. Dumbledore feared me and my power, and he had hoped to catch both of us... i was gone, half insane already from the curses Dumbledore had placed on me, and the rape of my body and mind a few years after i met your mother." he admitted softly. "the Order of the Phoenix, led by James Potter, broke into my home... and killed Shayna. it was an accident on James' part." Voldemort admitted. "i came back, the rest of the order was gone but he was still there, trying to save her..." he closed his eyes. "there was no sanity left after that... you where barley a year old, the House elves had taken you to Severus for safety... and i... who had just found out about the prophecy... raced off to kill James and Lily Potter." it wasn't until later that i found out that the Prophecy had been faked, that Severus had been tricked and used just as badly as i..." he shook his head. "if i had never openly accused Dumbledore, Shayna would still be alive..." and suddenly, the reluctance to talk about it made sense. Voldemort was blaming himself for Dumbledore's crimes.
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"Oh.That's really cool.I've never tried changing forms. But it makes sense when we can almost speak to snakes."Cassandra said quietly looking pleased with the thought and resolved to try before raising her head to look at her father. "Harry will like to know his father was a good man. You should tell him that."She said after a moment because she knew it would mean something to the valreen before starting to ry, reacting to voldemort's upset and pain, crying as she cuddled her father. Alisander snarled a little as he twiisted to look at voldemort,"You are not to take the blame for something that lands solely on dumbledore's shoulders...."The dark light entered alisander's eyes, that said he was planning something. "Father. Would you consider formally adopting harry?"He said after a moment, already thinking on how to force dumbledore's hand, and take revenge for not only his mother and father, but for james and lily who had never done anything wrong besides make a mistke,
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Voldemort trembled in Cassandra's grip, tears dripping down his face as he swallowed thickly and nodded his promise to tell Harry the story. Harry would like to hear that his father was noble, even if he was Dumbledore's man. in all honesty, Lupin and Black would probobly like to hear it as well. he flinched at Alisander's snarl, and looked at him with something akin to shock. "a...adopting?." he asked, confused before shaking his head. "no, i can't. if i did that then you and he couldn't get married..." there was a pause. "could you?" he asked, looking a little puzzled. "i suppose i could... yes, that might work..." he murmured softly. "because he carries my power, i could name him my Heir of the Slytherin Line." Voldemort admitted. "he wouldn't be a Riddle, but he would legally be my son." he admitted, blinking at Alisander. "he would be Lord Slytherin Potter Black. neither of you are capable of inheriting the slytherin Line, because you cannot speak Parsel naturally, nor do Parsel magic... remind me to teach Harry parsel magic..." Voldemorts mind was swirling with grief and confusion, he wasn't sure where Alisander was going with this, but he trusted his son. and it would be a relief to know that he was passing the Slytherin line on to someone who deserved it.
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Cassandra frowned slightly as she hugged her father tighter, looking at up alisander in thoughtfulness, wondering what he was up to. "Yes, adopting. And he wouldn't be blood, just a foster."He smirked nodding as his father thought it out before his smirk widened watching his father try to figure out what he was trying to do always amused him. "I can see the headline now 'Potter heir adopted by slytherin'. Dumbledore will completely lose his mind, without letting the world know whats going on sine not everyone knows tom riddle is heir of slytherin to. Besides, dumbledore needs to know that his preious golden boy has a family that will protect him now."
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Voldemort nodded. "we will ask him first." Voldemort ordered simply. "i will not force him into doing anything he doesn't want to do, he's had enough of that already." he admitted, kissing both of their foreheads. "and anytime you want to speak of your mother... i will not grow angry again... Draco was right, i do feel better for talking of her..." he admitted with a shake of his head, forgetting that he had told them it was Harry's idea. "come, we'll go ask Harry if he wishes to be adopted. we'll get that wretched Skeeter woman here to run the article, she will slander Dumbledore perfectly well." he decided with a sneer, shaking his head as they headed outside. Harry, for it was Harry, was flapping hard, hovering a few feet off the ground, panting with the effort of using muscles he'd never had to use before. he dropped back to the ground and Draco offered him a goblet of water. Harry wasted no time in gulping it down, stripping his heavy cloak, and then his shirt, and started trying again, leaping up and pushing hard with his wings, a look of fierce concentration on his face. "...i wonder if he knows that he's doing it wrong?" Draco mused, walking over to them, looking delighted in all of Harry's wasted hard work.
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Both twins looked happy at the idea of talking about their mother, looking amused. "Let's go find him then. I'm sure he'll have fun destroying dumbledore."Alisander said frowning slightly sharing a look with cassandra shuddering at the look on her face before following his father outside. "Draco, why didn't you tell him?"Cassandra said balling up her hand and punching her bonded in the shoulder, annoyed with him. "Harry!our doing it wrong. come down and we've explain."Alisander said smiling a little as he wrapped his arms around harry, wincing as he was nearly hit with a wing, "Come on lovely. Rest for a few minutes."
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Draco rolled his eyes as he rubbed his shoulder. "he's trying to Fly wrong, but the power strokes he's doing now are good for him." Draco admitted simply. "he'll be a stronger flyer for doing so... also, i'm a dickhead and enjoy being so." Draco admitted, amused as Harry landed again, practically bowling them all over. "sorry!" Harry yelped, rather shocked at himself before he scowled at Draco. "what do you MEAN i'm doing it wrong!?" "your body mass is too large for a straight up take off, you have to run, or jump from a high place... your a glider mostly, like an Owl." Draco admitted, yelping as a wing clocked him upside the head. "hey!" "what the hell Draco!?" "what!? you where doing Power Strokes! those are important!" "...if you weren't Cassandra's bonded, i'd mangle you!" Harry whined before shaking his head. "i suppose it does make sense... i've never seen any bird try to take off like that, they always hop off a tree or get a running start." he complained, sighing a little. "i suppose i let myself fall for that." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "i DID try to tell you." Draco pointed out. "as i recall, you told me to shut up." Harry went red and Draco looked a little smug. "yes... well... how was family night?" "emotionally exhausting." Voldemort admitted, looking slightly amused. "but... i think we all feel a little better... Alisander, i think you had best ask him." "ask me what?"
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"You still didn't have to tell father about everything."She scowled at her bonded rossing her arms as she glared at her bonded, snickering as draco got whacked with a wing. "Well, as long as we're done playing snap and snarl..."Alisander sighed a little before smiling a little as he looked over at harry,wrapping his arms around him."We've decided that since your father, despite accidently causing our mother's death, he did try to save her, we've decided that for his help, and because its dumbledore's machinations that set james up and let father kill him nd your mother-" Cassandra rolled her eyes at alisander's hedging, looking at harry."What he's taken forever to say is that father wants to adopt you as slytherin's heir, since neither me nor ali can be. We're riddle heirs, but we aren't parsels."She shrugged a little.
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Harry looked confused, and then worried as Alisander started rambling on. "i... my father killed your mother?" he asked, looking stunned. "it was an accident actually. he tried to save her afterwords. even when i appeared, he was struggling to keep her breathing. he was a noble man." Voldemort assured Harry, who relaxed at the praise of his father, swallowing thickly as he went tense again at the mention of adopting. "you... you want me to... but why!?" "because you are already nearly family." Voldemort admitted. "you are noble, and strong, but sly and ambitious. you have all the power you need to be the Lord Slytherin, and i would be honored to have you in my family." Voldemort admitted. "after all, you ARE the only person whose openly bested me. oh Dumbledore has had his victories... but he's had hundreds of years. your a fifteen year old brat and already are above me in power! why wouldn't i want you in my family?" Harry had to snicker at that and he shook his head a little. "yes... i... i would like that, i think... very much so... as long as i can still get married to Alisander." "of course. i wouldn't be blood adopting you, at this point, it might weaken your powers if we did that. i'll be legally adopting you through godforsaken paperwork instead." Harry laughed at that. no one liked paperwork, but Voldemort loathed it even more than he hated Dumbledore.
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Cassandra snickered looking at ahrry."Don't worry about him. He fusses and worried himself into worrying you wouldn't want this, so he's taking forever to explain."She said rolling her eyes a little before smirking."I knew it wouldn't kill you!I'm so proud you can admit you were deeated."Cassandra snickered nudging her father looking amused as alisander snorted."As if I'd let him adopt you if I couldn't still have you.Idiot."Alisander said fondly kissing the other man before sighing, glancing at draco."She's pissed at you by the way. I wouldn't try getting her to help you with duel practice yet. She might hex your bits off"Alisander said to his brother in law[/quote]
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Harry chuckled a little and purred happily as he snuggled into his lover like the adorable little submissive that he was, Draco shrugging his shoulders. "i knew she was going to be angry with me, but i did it anyway." he admitted. "Our Lord needed to know." he admitted simply. "he needed to heal and so did she. you can't say you don't all feel better now... and anyway, it's not MY Fault Harry wouldn't listen to me." he complained, sulking. "i did TRY to tell him, but he's stubborn!" "yes yes, we get it Draco, you where right and i was wrong. happy now!?" Harry complained, scowling at Draco who smirked. "yes. in any case, i don't think your wings are strong enough for actual flight... you have to practice, like baby owls or other birds.... what do they call it?" "branching." Hermione supplied. "they hop from tree branch to tree branch, gliding and flapping. what Harry was doing was good for him. why'd you tell him he was doing it wrong Alisander!? it's exactly what he needs to be doing to be ready for real flight." Draco stared at her then. " mean... you mean..." "HA! i WAS doing it right!" Harry crowed in victory, gleeful as Draco looked horrified.
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Alisander snorted luahging,"I know but she's still going to hex you."Alisander said smirking at his sister, who in turn cuddled against her bonded just to prove that she had forgiven him. Which had been the whole point of the argument for alisander, to make sure she didn't stay mad at draco for telling voldemort. Looking amused at draco's look he shrugged."It looked wrong. I was afraid he was doing it wrong."he snickered at draco before smirking."We're never going to hear the end of this. He's going to think everything he does is right now..." "We all need to eat. Then think about dueling. We all need the practice."cassandra said her voice muffled against draco's chest, hesitantly reaching out with their bond, just wanting to see if they could talk like her and alisander.Her name was Shayna. my mother I mean.she said with a small pleased smile.
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Draco smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face into her hair, just because he loved the way her hair smelled, Harry snorting a little as he flexed his wings, looking longingly up into the sky. he wanted to FLY! flying was his most favorite thing in the world, it was freedom... and to be able to fly without a broom... "nah, most of the things i do is wrong..." Harry adopted a whining tone. "it's wrong to jump on a trolls back. it's wrong to dismantle traps that teachers thrice your age set, it's wrong to battle teachers to the death, it's wrong to face sixty foot basilisks, it's wrong to save your innocent godfather from the Dementors kiss using a Time Turner..." "is THAT how you did that?!" Draco asked, looking stunned. "hush! i'm whinging here." Harry complained, glaring at Draco. "where was i?" "saving Sirius." "oh, right... well, the Triwizard Tournament wasn't exactly my fault so..." he shrugged. "i wouldn't mind testing out my elemental connections... i can't do normal magic though. i'm not a wizard anymore." he admitted, giving Draco a strange look when the blond jumped, shocked to hear Cassandra's voice in his head. 'Cassi? 's that you? oh now THIS is cool... we'll be able to talk anywhere now!' Draco chirped, pleased with this discovery. "hey Voldemort... if i'm going to be the Lord Slytherin... do i... you know..." "have to go to Gringotts? yes." Voldemort admitted. "we'll do an inheritance ritual, binding us together throguh magic, instead of blood. it's done often. in fact, i beleive that Sirius Black did it with you when you where a small child. naming you his Heir."
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Alisander laughed a little at the boy's whining, pressing a kiss to his lover's hair."Poor boy."he teased looking amused before stepping back, looking t his father's normal appearance,"Don't worry. The goblins are good about keeping secrets and...well father's not as well known in this form-'He said waving a hand towards the handsome tom riddle instead of the snake faced one that most knew."And it'll be fun freaking out diagon alley showing up with a valreen AND tom riddle."he said pleased with the idea of the chaos it would cause.

assandra snickered a little looking up at drao, nodding a little.I think we should go with them. Not tell them though. They should have someone guarding their backs. she said looking at the other three men,absently making plans on how to best protect them.
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Harry wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "at least people wont recognize me." Harry chirped happily. "without the Scar, and the messy hair, no one will know who i am!" he rubbed his hands together gleefully. "no more staring! no more stuttering! no more free crap that i neither want nor need!" he cackled wildly and Voldemort lifted an eyebrow. "...Harry, i hate to tell you this, but they are in fact going to do that, simply because your a God among Mortals... to those who have read the stories." Harry flew into violent curses and Draco snickered, shaking his head a little. "we'll need to think up a different name for you Harry." "just call me Evan." Harry shrugged. "he loves all the attention, so it will probobly be him walking around most of the time."

Draco nodded and then smirked at Cassandra. 'just don't forget that your supposed to be dead my love. but your right, they need someone to go with them. we should see about having Uncles Rudo and Raby come along. they need some fresh air. and the parselglamours we can put on them will keep them from being discovered.' Draco looked pleased with this idea as Harry chatted with Voldemort about how painful the procedure might be, and if it would even work where he was, not only not human anymore, but also not a Wizard.
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"Ohhhh noooooo."Alisander whined rolling his eyes even as he snickered."We can't let evan be the one walking around. His ego will grow huge, and then he'll think for a insane moment that he's better then me. Definately not. And defintely not topping me."Alisander snickered teasing his lover.

Cassandra nodded a little, I know. And I'll get them, and maybe luc."she smirked. She would get the malfoy men talking if it killed her.Heading inside and as the others got to ready to leave, she rounded up the lestranges and lucius. Quickly explaining what was happening before apparating to digaon alley, so they'd be there before the others, making sure they were well hidden, all of them hidden behind parselglamors. "Dumbledore's going to lose his mind over this."She muttered as she settled at the table at the snack shop just outside of grighotts, content to just watch everything.
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Harry shrugged. "he will handle the crowds better than i will... we are whole in our minds.. but the abuse lingers... crowds upset me, and people must always TOUCH me... Evan can handle that, i can't." Harry admitted simply. "besides, i can control his Ego." Harry promised, looking amused. "you know... eventually, you will succumb to your curiosity. it will happen slowly too. Evan will just slowly start touching you THERE. and then his tongue will go there, and then his fingers, over the course of months, even years you will feel how GOOD it is to have something THERE, touching you, inside of you, stroking all those sensitive places, hidden deep inside." Draco was bright red, and so was Voldemort as they listened. Hermione was snickering. "he will do it so slowly, you won't even have time to realize your afraid, and then the fear will be gone, and he'll have you begging for his dick, just like you do to me."

Draco grimaced at the mention of his father, but agreed so long as they took Severus as well, to keep his father from being too annoying. he was sitting next to Cassandra, enjoying a small finger sandwich while Rabastan and Rudolphus pretended to Window shop across the street, squabbling as they always did. Lucius and Severus where in the Apothicary, looking for rare herbs that had, apparently, just come in. all of them would be in perfect positions to see the reaction as Harry arrived. and arrive he did. he looked nothing like himself. he was standing tall, straight, wearing robes of the most expensive sort, with Tom riddle on one side, and Alisander Riddle on the other, he looked like a crown prince... and everyone turned to stare at Evan Serpins as he lifted his wings, letting everyone see what he was, WHO he was... he was certainly showing off... it had taken Voldemort almost an hour to convince both Harry and Evan to wear clothes befitting of a lord, and to show off his new magical creature status. but showing off he indeed was, and looking like he didn't care in the least little bit about the 'commoners' in Diagon Alley. in fact, Reeta Skeeter was informed that she was 'nothing more than an annoying little fly, uglier than a molting grasshopper, who had nothing better to do than to spread lies and crap.' Evan particularly enjoyed that part, because she just stood there and gaped at the Valereen in shock.

going to bed. see you tomarrow^^)
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Alisander flushed red at the teasing."C-come on, lets go."he stuttered a little as he followed the other's inside, refusing to comment on what was happening. He so didn't want to think about this right now.

When they arrived he snickered as he looked around ddiagon alley as everyone took in his appearance, stepping slightly closer so that a wing was draping over his shoulder."You know love, eventually one of the Order of the Flaming Flammingo will show up.Hopefully its tonks and the werewolf. They are tolerable."Alisander mused before getting them to head inside.

Cassandra smirked slightly as she watched, "You know, we need to convicne them to go shopping after this. Those are father's clothes. He needs some of his own."She said thoughtuflly before shifting, smirking at her bonded."So. Did you get your dueling practice set up?Do I need to save you from the staring men yet?"She teased.
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Evan flashed a smirk at Alisander and shook his head a little. they had decided he would speak as little as possible, to make the air of mystery all that more mysterious. "i want them to see." Evan whispered softly. "i want them to know what i am. i will be safe for now, they won't know WHO i am, but Dumbledore will know that his reign of power will soon be at an end." he admitted simply as he strode forward after examining the crowds that had gathered. he didn't even need to fight them, they parted for him, no one seamed to want to risk touching the Valereen. Hermione had been right, they where as afraid of him, as they where in awe of him... treating him like a God. he supposed, to them, he was a god. only the younger children acted normally as he strode into the Bank, and even the Goblins gaped, and stared as Evan strode forward calmly and glanced at Voldemort who leaned up to the Teller's ear and whispered his wishes. the Goblin nodded and quickly scrambled down, motioning for them all to follow, leading them into a very secure meeting room. no wizarding, or goblin magic could penetrate the silencing and protection spells.

Draco nodded as he took a sip of tea. "we really do." he agreed, smirking as he watched the people parting for Evan. "i think Evan is disturbed by this. look at the expression on his face. attention Evan can handle, outright worship is another thing entirely... look, that woman is even praying to him in Gaelic." Draco was clearly amused. "it's certainly a good thing they don't know his name, or they'd be even worse!" he admitted with a shake of his head. "oh look, the order of the Chicken is here." indeed they where. Mad-Eye-Moody, Tonks, Shackelbolt, and Dumbledore himself where now roaming the crowds, looking for the identity of the Valereen. "Dumbledore, i'm sure, knew exactly what Evan was when he bound the others powers and mind. but he won't say anything, because he doesn't want his precious order to know what he did." Draco muttered, shaking his head. "disgusting... do you want some dessert? i'm in the mood for something sweet."
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Alisander smirked a little as he watched the crowd, nudging Evan slightly."Hey, does this mean I'm a god to?Most gods don't mate with mere mortals you know."he said sounding amused as he nudged evan, trying to make im feel better as he followed them into the meeting room, sighing quietly as he leaned back against the wall, letting the others take care of business. He just new that this was going to be bad.

Cassandra nodded."Not even Ali's totally comfortable, and he thinks the world should be bowing at his feet and licking his boots. This is...just alot."Cassandra said watching the crowd before smirkng, watching dumbledore talking to everyone. "Order me ice cream. I'll be right back."She said smirking at draco, and before either malfoy could protest slipped silently through the crowd, waiting for tonks to get to her, shaking the woman's hand, pulling her closer.'Tonks, Father's inside adopting the valereen. He's going to be the heir of slytherin, and therefore out of reach.'she sent silently towards the other woman,'and be warned, there's enough of the dark order here, to protect the three of them, father, ali, and evan if dumbledore tries to attack them-

"Nymphodora, did you find anything out?"Dumbledore said with tht soft voice, and damned twinkle in his eyes as he approached the two woman, looking over the woman standing with the auror. But the glamour held, and the man didn't realize he was standing in front of the riddle heir.
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Evan glanced at Alisander before he smiled a little and nodded. "if you wish to be." he teased, chuckling a little as the magical adoption underwent perfectly. they where astonished to find out that not only was he Lord Potter, Lord Black, and Lord Slytherin, but he was also listed as Heir to the Flamels. as in, Nicholas Flamel, creator of the Scorcerer's Stone. he was also the last living relative of over twenty Families. Harry was literally, now the richest person on the planet. he debated what to do for a long moment, and then had all of the Potter, Flamel, and Slytherin vaults, as well as the many smaller vaults, emptied of all contents, and put into a single vault under the name Valereen. Dumbledore, he knew, would immediately notice that all three potter Vaults, and Harry's School Vault where emptied. he would also notice that the four Flamel Vaults would be emptied, as he'd been trying to gain custody of that vault ever since Flamel died in Harry's second year. "that aught to teach the meddling old bastard. i'd also like to move all of the Black accounts into one vault under the name Snuffles. as Sirius is still alive, and now free, i will give him all control over that vault, but don't let him destroy any of the items in there." he asked the goblins, looking mighty pleased with himself.

Tonks nodded and then grimaced at her first name and issued Dumbledore a fierce glare. "don't CALL me that!" she complained. "and yes i did. some of the people where close enough to listen in on the conversation. the winged Beauty is in Gringotts being adopted i guess, by the Heir of Slytherin. some guy named Tom Riddle." he admitted, running a hand through her hair. "i've never heard of the guy, but i can bet he's been hiding from Voldemort, after all, everyone thinks Voldemort is the Heir of Slytherin, right?" she asked, frowning as she pondered. "i haven't heard anyone talking about Harry yet, i don't think he's come to Diagon alley since before he disappeared... Neville, Luna, Hermione, and Ron have vanished too, as has Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and Blaise Zabini..." Neville and Luna where actually hiding in one of Harry's Safe Houses, they'd have to go and get them later. "apparently they have guards everywhere protecting the... what did you call it? Valereen? yeah, he's pretty damn protected. attacking them would be a suicide mission. i think their expecting one."
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Alisander snickered nodding as he watched harry turn over the whole world. Running his fingers through his hair, he wrapped his arm around the valereen's waist, pressing a kiss to his head."Well lets go.Cassandra's outside dealing with dumbledore, and I kinda want to watch."He chirped looking to pleased with the idea that his sister hadn't been able to hide from him even if she'd tried, heading outside to meet up with the death eaters.

Dumbledore paled slightly. "Yes, yes he would be hiding. Voldemort would never think to share the title for Slytherin."Dumbledore said realizing that voldemort had just adopted the valereen, and gave him a way to get into hogwarts, since hogwarts would never refuse entrance to its children. "I will not attack him then. I will try and speak to him. Surely he can see that this would be a bad way to get drawn into the war."Dumbledore said already heading for the bank.

'You might want to move tonks, Ali's with Evan and wont have any qualms about being himself if the idiot upsets him.Cassandra warned looking amused at dumbledore's idiocy even as she melted back into the crowd and making her way back towards Drao. ettling into her seat to eat her ice cream, she leaned over to steal a kiss. '10 galleons say Ali loses his temper before the other two and crucio's the bastard.she said amused as she looked at her bonded.
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