Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Voldemort rolled his eyes, he couldn't help it, it was a disgusting habit but he still did it. all the idiots where starting to wear off on him, dammit. "i will be a bodyguard, yes. Voldemort has done much to save my... sanity, the last several weeks. it's the least i can do to repay him." he admitted, looking amused. "and if she cannot fix him fully, i will see what i can do with my new powers... i will have to practice on others first. preferable the irreparably insane. i don't want to leave someone a drooling pile of nothing if their not already there after all." Harry admitted, Voldemort snickering a little. "you could always practice on the truly insane of my followers. i have a few, their too dangerous to be let out." "that would work."

Draco groaned and shook his head. "of course i know my father. it was best to know his moods, lest he be in the desire to beat me. i spent most of my life making sure i understood exactly what makes that man tick." Draco admitted simply. "well he can fuck whoever he desires i suppose. it's not like it's adultery anymore." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "as long as it's not that Granger bitch i think i can handle it... now, help me plot ways to get Uncle Sev and Uncle Rudolphus together. they'd be perfect for each other, don't you think? they already tolerate each other so we're half way there!" he paused. "we should get that Black and Lupin together too. their MUCH too close to be anything but lovers." of course, Draco didn't know that Tonks and Lupin where dead set on making puppies. they couldn't get married because of ministry law, but they where planning a small ceremony, just for themselves... Draco was really very bad at this...
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“Good. We will go speak to Cassandra as soon as she’s up and moving...”Alisander’s eyes went unfocused for a moment before his smirk widened,”And after she’s done convincing draco that uncle rudolphus and uncle severus belong together. It seems malfoy’s completely hopeless at matchmaking and she’s going to teah him a lesson about meddling. Let’s go. We better warn lucius and severus to just play the game.”ge grinned before heading out to find the other’s, smirking as he walked into the dining room. “Lucius, Severus, your son is plotting to get you two dating someone. Cassandra asks that we have some fun with draco, to teach him that its not always fun meddling into others concerns....and also that we teach hermione a lesson that dark wizards can indeed have fun without hurting someone. Lucius, your son is setting you up with granger. Severus, with rudolphus.”He smirked as he sat down.”She asks tht you indulge her.”

Cassandra grew serious looking worried for him for a moment before smirking. “Well, he was having a discussion with granger about dark spells last night.”She mused before grinning as she finished her breakfast, enjoying her game to muh.”I do. Sev and Rudolphus are both potions masters, and work well together.”She mused before getting up nudging him a little.”Come on, we better go see what the others are doing.”
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Harry lifted an eyebrow. "how has Draco missed all the longing glances Rabastan and Rudolphus keep giving Sirius? the brothers are going to have my Dogfather in a serious three way relationship before the month is out." he admitted, looking amused, choking on his laughter. "how has he not realized that Lucius is GAY!?" he demanded, his eyes laughing hard as he shook his head, Lucius and Severus both looking oh so very close to laughing. "i always did enjoy making a fool of your son." Lucius hesitated for a good long moment before nodding slowly. it was a chance to bond with his son anyway... maybe.

Draco groaned unhappily as he shook his head. "fuck... father with a Granger... well i won't stop him anyway." he grumbled unhappily. "after mother, he does deserve a little bit of happiness at least..." he grumbled before beaming happily. "they ARE perfect for each other! we'll have to find someone to pair Uncle Rabastan with as well..." there was a long pause then. "...i don't know if he's gay or straight actualy..." Draco admitted with a small frown. "maybe i'll leave him alone for now..." he mused shaking his head. "i just have to find out a way to get them all together."
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“Draco’s oblivious, and wrapped around cassandra’s pretty little fingers. She loves jerking people around. Better he learn it while he’s young rather then learn it after years.”Alisander snorted smirking at lucius as he started to eat. “Just think luc, he’ll be so relieved your not dating granger that he wont even be mad at you for screwing with him.”Alisander snickered as he settled in his chair to wait for the other couple.

“He’s happy. Deliously so. Came and found her right away after he got sirius to sign his divorce papers.”Cassandra said wrapping her arms around him,”Hmm its okay. I’ll make you happy.”She teased kissing him gently as she pulled him down the hall, looking amused before nodding.”Leave rabastan alone for now. you’re going to have enough of a project with your godfather.”she said smirking as tehy walked into the dining room.”Good morning.”
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Harry was snickering loudly and he was shaking his head. "i'll go tell Sirius and Lupin, and Rabastan and Rudolphus, Hermione and Ron so they don't ruin the fun." he promised, smirking eagerly as he raced off, laughing in delight as he passed Draco, who lifted an eyebrow. "...potters up to something..." he muttered, his eyes narrowing a little before shuddering. "i suppose that's why i couldn't find Father all of last night then..." there was a pause and then his face lit with a grin. "i have always wanted a sibling though." he admitted, nodding happily. "and your right, Rudolphus will be alright with me playing matchmaker, but Rabastan will castrate me." he admitted, shaking his head as he walked in with the others, everyone pausing in their laughter to stare at Draco before laughing again as if sharing some great it secrete from him, Draco's eyes narrowing.

"if this is about Father and Granger... i do NOT find it amusing!" the laughter only increased and Voldemort was struggling not to bust a lung he was laughing so hard. Hermione proved her changes right then and there by striding into the room, plopping herself down right next to Lucius, and ordered him to eat something for breakfast lest he faint away. her eyes where glittering with amusement as Draco started choking. "i am NOT calling her MUM!" he raged, Hermione lifting an eyebrow. "you watch your tone! or i'll take you over my knee! your not old enough yet to not be spanked!" Hermione chirped sternly, Draco going a strange shade of pale and red at the same time. Lucius was nearly dead from trying to hold in his laughter.
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ALisander to was nearly howling with laughter, though when draco appeared he reigned it in, swallowing hard as he glanced at hermione.”You would look splendied as the lady malfoy, hermione. Real clothes and everything.”he said looking amused. “But herm, shhouldn’t I be the one who gets to spank him?Not his step mother?”Cassandra chirped amused at the sight of draco’s flush. Glancing at lucius before smiling. “And seeing as you haven’t been dating in forever. I am sure that you and draco could compare notes on how to treat your dates well.”Cassandra hirped looking amused.

"Hey draco, how does it feel to lose in every class to your stepmother?"Alisander smirked having long heard tales about the school woes of the malfoy heir
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Draco opened and closed his mouth several times before he did the smart thing and turned on his heal and fled, blushing so red Lucius was afraid he might faint. Hermione snickered, pleased with herself and shook her head. "i wanted to apologize to all of you." she admitted, looking ashamed and sheepish. "i was..." she hesitated, trying to find the right word and sighed. "i was a complete and utter bitch." she decided, shaking her head. "... in my defense, not ALL of it was me..." "i found, and removed a compulsion spell from her." Ron admitted calmly. "anytime the words 'Dark Magic' came up, the compulsion spell would kick in. Dumbledore's way of keeping Hermione from her magical heritage... did you know that her great grandmother was Grindelwald's sister?" Lucius could only gape at Hermione who went entirely red in the face. "yes... well... i still wanted to apologize... also... would someone mind telling me why Harry no longer has matching eyes, and has wings?" "magical creature inheritance. something called a Valereen. i'm still learning about them... Hermione are you alright?" Hermione was staring at him in shock and awe. clearly she knew just as much as Ron and Draco did.
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Cassandra swallowed hard as she watched her bonded go flushing at hermione’s words.”I’m sorry...I didn’t...I’m sorry.”She babbled a little, at a loss on why she hadn’t caught it before fleeing after draco to check on him.”Dray?”she smuttered as she caught up to him, looking concerned, and ready to ruin the game if he was truly upset.

Alisander sighed a little calming as he shook his head looking at hermione, passing her a calming drought.”Now don’t poune on him, or lecture us. I’ve already listened to draco, no need for more.”He teased gently looking concerned for her, afraid she was going to be overwhelmed with everything.
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Hermione shook her head. "it wasn't something you would have caught." she assured the Empath. "it was buried pretty damn deep." she admitted, grimacing. "i don't know if it's out, or if Ron just contained it, but either way, it's not affecting me anymore." she assured the other woman with a small smile before looking at Alisander, happily accepting the calming drought. "i'm sorry it's just... Valereen are supposed to be myth, legend, creatures that don't really exist..." she admitted, shaking her hed. "their supposed to be at the height of intelligence and ability and..." she paused, shaking her head again. "their supposed to not only, be able to heal anyone, but be able to defeat any opponent." she admitted, looking amazed. "i always knew Harry was... different, better than everyone else..." Harry blushed hard and retreated, letting Evan out, the proud Slytherin half puffing up with the praise. "i AM better than everyone! excluding my life mate of course." Voldemort snorted in amusement, but did not argue, he knew the almighty ways of the Valereen.

Draco huffed a little as he pouted at her. "Hermione's in the wrong house." he complained. "that was CRUEL!" he complained, shaking his head. "flaunting herself about like that... she's gettign her revenge, i just know it!" he whined. "revenge for all those times i mocked and teased her." Draco wasn't nearly as upset as he was pretending to be. in all actuality he was rather pleased that Hermione could, and would stand up for herself. " you think about spanking me, do you?" he asked, lust flaring up as he blushed. he was controlling himself though, perfectly aware that Cassandra wasn't yet ready for actual physical intimacy.
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Alisander smiled a little looking amused as he tilted his head back to look at harry, smirking.”Did you hear that?I’m the best. Papa.”He turned to look at his father, smirking wider.”Papa, I think I should be the dark lord now. I got praised by the valereen, I should be in power.”He preenered stealing a kiss before smirking.”So. How long do you think it’ll be before draco catches what she’s up to?”

Cassandra laughed wrapping her arms around him, leaning against him.”It was cruel, but she’ll be good for you. Make you dinner when your sick, help you with homework...all the things a good stepmother does.”She teased looking at him before flushing hard looking down and awkward, fiddling with her shirt sleeve.”Yes...well...only if you misbehave...though I am sure you look good naked...your father does. I am sure you are both well fit...”She said stuttering in her nervousness about sex, and it wasn’t so much the sex that scared her. It was being that emotionally open, without her shields, even to draco who already was bonded to her, that scared her senseless. Espcially with herfather’s past, and how she knew how very wrong sex could go.Not realizing she had admitted to seeing lucius naked, but it was true. The death eaters practiced half naked, because it meant the spells got to skin and actually hurt when they missed a block.
RE: Shattered Minds

Voldemort snorted and Evan snarled. "you are NOT going to be a Dark Lord! they are ALWAYS in danger! no! i will NOT allow it! you are MY Mate and that means you will want for nothing! ever! you will not work, you will grow old, and fat, and content like a house cat and that is final!" then he paused, blinked and flushed. "well... that was weird. i'm sure i didn't mean to say all that..." Hermione had to laugh. "from what i've read, Valereen's are very possessive and protective. their Mate's happiness comes second only to their mate's safety." she admitted with a grin. "it's just your instincts Evan, that's all." "hmm... i do enjoy the idea of Alisander never doing anything but doting on me and my body... i think we should go have my turn now Alisander." Evan growled eagerly.

he shuddered. "oh god no." he pleaded, covering his eyes with his hands. "i'm scarred, scarred for life!" he complained before looking astonished at her. "you've seen my father in the nude!?" he demanded, astonished. "i don't want to know... i really don't." he admitted with a groan. "in any case, we probobly won't have sex anytime soon. your gorgeous, and i'm quite certain i'm in love with you... but i don't think either of us is quite ready for that just yet..."
RE: Shattered Minds

“Oh.”Alisander stared a little in shock at evan’s words, looking surprised at the other’s words. Blushing a little before smirking at the others.”Well, wait. Shouldn’t it be the other way around, if my happiness is best?”Alisander teased.”Doting on me and my gorgerous body?”He said leaning over to kiss evan before smirking wider.”I think not. I have more murders to plan you know.”He said snickering, just to freak out hermione, or see if she would

Cassandra giggled looking amused as she leaned into her before flushing, nodding. “The duels here. The men strip down to just...boxers. Well, rabastan goes naked, but he’s insane. Anyways, strip down cause with nothing between skin and the spells, they learn to block faster.”She said giggling a little before blushing.”They used to make me leave the room, but when I was like..8 I got curious and snuck into the dueling arena. Scarred for life.”She said flushing looking awkward as she stared at the floor fidgetting a little.”I’ sorry...I know this has to be hard...”She muttered
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Hermione shook her head. "nope, your life is much more important." she admitted. "after all, they only have ONE mate. even if it means your unhappy, he'll make sure your alive. you'd forgive him for it eventually." she teased, sipping from her tea glass. "if your murdering that filth downstairs, i get to help." was Hermione's only response. and now the entire room was staring at her in shock, Hermione lifting an eyebrow. "what!? they deserve it!" Evan started to laugh and he took Alisander's hand and practically dragged the other to the bedroom.

Draco was snickering a little at the thought and he shook his head. "no wonder my father and godfather are so good at dueling. they might get their bits hexed off otherwise." he admitted with another snicker before smiling at her, gently stroking her cheek with his knuckles. "hush now." he ordered softly. "it's not all that hard on me at all. if anything i'll just take a shower and wank off like a respectable gentleman should do." he admitted with a nod. "now then. how about we hide in my room before Hermione or my Father comes out and starts tormenting me again?"

going to bed. see you in the morning!^^)
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alisander sighed a little before looking amused.”Eventually.”He looked at hermione, his smirk widening as he looked t hermione, before nodding slowly.”I was going to. Though we need to convince Draco to take Cass out for the day if we’re going to.”He said laughing a little as he let evan drag him towards the bedroom.”Does this mean I’m not doing anything?”

“Exactly. It was mildly disturbing once I was old enough to realize why they were dueling naked.”She said sighing a little leaning her cheek into his hand, flushing hard at his words.”Oh...well.Okay.”She muttered looking amused before nodding, heading for his room.”Hmmm and whatever shall we do while we hide?”She teased.
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Hermione nodded and pondered for a long moment before. "Harry has a Villa in France that's under the Fidelus." she admitted, Harry looking started. "i do?" "honestly Harry! don't you read anything the goblins send you!?" "no. that's why i hired you to be my manager." she rolled her eyes. "yes, you have a Villa in France. Draco could take her there for a few days as a Vacation. they both deserve it i think." she admitted with a nod, snickering as Evan dragged Alisander away. "oh, your going to be doing a lot of things. but i wish to indulge first. drop your pants, i want to suck your dick." he admitted, his eyes gleaming with delight as he licked his lips. clearly his trauma at the hands of Lockheart hadn't curbed his appetite, or his pleasures for sucking.

he snickered a little and shook his head. "that IS disturbing now that i think about it." he admitted before freezing, looking concerned. "... am i going to have to train naked?" yes, yes he was. then he shook his head, decided it was better than being dead and walked into his room, pondering. "there are many things we could do. we could play chess or a card game... Ron taught me how to play Poker. for a muggle game, it's rather amusing." he admitted. "we could take tea and talk too if you'd rather... we really don't know much about one another yet, but i'd like to know everything about you." he admitted, smiling a little.
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Alisander nodded a little.”That would be good. I’ll talk to him after this.”He said snikering as he was dragged away, his eyes going dark with lust as he looked dat the man dragging him, snickering as he undressed, laying back on the bed with a smile. “You know, maybe I was looking forward to murdering your scum of a family instead of screwing you? know. We could always go freak them out and have sex in the cell.”He said thoughtfully starting to get up and head for the door, it wouldn’t be the first time, only the most recent time, that he walked naked around the house.

“Yes.But it wont be so bad. If you dont want me to attend I wont, and you ould ask your father or godfather to duel with you. Or Ali. Ali’d not tease since it would upset me.”She said looking amused before tugging him onto the bed,”We’ll play chess and cuddle. Since we only have to say the pieces instead of touching them.”She said glad for wizarding chess that was easier then muggle chess where you had to pick up each piece. “And we’ll talk.”She said going quiet as she rested her head on his chest,”..I don’t know my mother’s name.”
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Evan smirked as he shook his head. "can't kill them while Cassandra is here and i'm too horny to care about what silly little games you have planned." Evan admitted simply, snarling viciously as he grabbed the other and tossed him back onto the bed. "No one get's to see you naked but ME!" he hissed, jealous rage in his tone and in the air as he slid onto Alisander, pinning his hips to the bed. "and you can't say no. your here, and your naked, and your MINE." he hissed, dipping his head and sighing happily as he traced his tongue along the others cock, teasing, tasting, enjoying the texture and the taste, his grip tight enough that there was no way Alisander was getting free.

he rolled his eyes. "it's more the fact that i'm gorgeous and the other men will stare at me." he admitted. "it's hard enough knowing i'm being checked out clothed." he complained, shuddering a little as he summoned the chess board and settled it onto the table in front of them. "all pieces, to the board." he ordered firmly, the scattered chess pieces instantly materializing. " don't?" he asked, stunned as he stared at her with wide eyes. "i'm so sorry... i think..." there was a pause as he struggled to remember. "yes... hold on." he ordered, settling her into the chair before running into the bedroom and running back out with a photo album, flipping through it before handing it to her. "here, see? this is my Father and Mother, there's your father, and this is your Mum. see? she's all swollen with you and Alisander." it was days before the woman had given birth, and she looked happy... so did Tom for that matter, he was beaming at her, laughing as Lucius and Narcissa watched, Lucius trying to hide a grin, Narcissa as blank as a stone wall. "this is the only picture i have of her though." Draco admitted, sliding it out of the Album, and with a swift movement, he'd cut his own mother and father out of the picture, enlarged the scene so that Voldemort and his wife stood in the center in clear detail, summoned a picture frame, slid it inside, and handed it to her. "here. yours to keep."
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“So jealous.”Alisander moaned shivering as his lover suked on his cock, tangling his fingers in the other’s air as he laid back on the bed, amusement in his eyes as he watched. It was amusing to see the man so very jealous. Tugging on his hair after a few minutes he sighed.”Hey, you better stop otherwise this will be over soon.”He whined a little.

“Ah, well I am sure I can convince everyone you dont need stared at.”She growled a little looking amused as she looked t her bonded before sighing. Looking startled when he set her down, eyes widening as he returned. “Oh...oh draco...she’s beautiful.”She muttered bsently running her fingers over the glass as he put it in a frame, staring down at it as tears misted her eyes. “No...I don’t know. Fther becomes upset when we asked him about her, and the others refused to talk about her, not wanting to upset him.”She muttered a little before sighing quietly. “thank you draco.”She said smiling up at him, biting her lip.”I wish someone would tell me more about her...but...”She shrugged. “It’s one of those things thats been a lifetime thought...”She said starting to open up little. Finding that she needed to talk ,and he needed to know, because at times it left both her and ali naratotic and worrisome.
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Evan growled, glaring up at Alisander with a mouthful of cock, but released the member anyway, scowling at the order. "don't move." Evan growled as he got up and started digging in the top drawer for some Lube. it was the tingly kind, the one that enhanced sensations and made the sex even more amazing. one of the Twins new inventions, it would also make it harder to cum, allowing for a better, longer experience. "aha!" he growled, yanking it out and smirked as he spread the stuff onto his fingers, settled himself onto a chair, facing the back so that Alisander could see every motion and movement, and began to prepare himself, moaning eagerly, playing up the fact that he was touching himself, just for Alisander's viewing pleasure.

Draco chuckled and nodded. "yes, i'm sure you can frighten everyone off." he agreed, shaking his head a little, beaming happily as she fussed over the picture, glad that he could give her something that made her happy. "i could do some snooping?" he offered, his head tilted. "i'm sure i could find out more information." he admitted. actually he was planning on cornering the Dark Lord and informing him that he was upsetting his daughter, but that ran the risk of homicide so he didn't really plan on telling his Bonded that. "come on, let get the House Elves to make some hot Chocolate before we start our game." he offered, trying to comfort her... he wasn't very good at that part yet.
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Alisander groaned swallowing hard as he watched the other. It was a interesting show squirming little. “Bloody hell evan.”he growled struggling to stay still before getting up and pressing against the other’s back, leaning down between his wings and pressing a kiss to the sensitive edge of his wing joint. “Damn tease.”He growled.

Cassandra smiled staring down at the picture, absently watching her parents move in the picture before smiling a little.”That would be okay. As long as you’re careful.”She muttered not realizing what he was planning before nodding.”hot chocolate would be nice.”Seh said summoning a elf who returned with hot chocolate. And then they settled down to play their game. Comforted and happy witht his presence. Though by the end of the game, draco winning, the woman was snoozing ever so gently as she cuddled her bonded.

“My lord, I think your son in law wants a word.”Rabastan muttered glancing towards the door to voldemort’s office, the men discussing battle plans, looking towards his nephew who was hovering in the doorway lie he wasnt sure if he should come in or not.
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Evan growled, sounding pleased by the obvious struggle his mate was going through. he enjoyed tormenting his lover, it was great fun. he gasped at the kiss, arching into the touch as he jerked a little, slipping his fingers out so that his lover could slip in. "of course i'm a tease. Harry is the Submissive half, not me." he admitted. "since i can't top for risk of damaging your emotional stability, i must get out my dominance streak another way... and teasing you relentlessly is even more delicious a thought then pinning you to the bed is." he teased with a bright laugh. "now fuck me before i change my mind."

Draco chuckled a little. "i am always careful." he teased playfully, shaking his head a little as he drank his hot chocolate and proceeded to whip Cassandra's bum at chess. so far, only Ron had been a decent challenge. they more often than not, tied. he gently settled Cassandra into bed, tucked her in, kissed her forehead and went to find Voldemort, ignoring the terror he felt. Voldemort looked up and blinked at Draco, looking surprised, Draco never sought him out, the 'baby Malfoy' was too terrified of the Dark Lord. "what is it Draco? has something happened to Cassandra?" "it is... a private matter." Draco admitted, glancing at Rabastan nervously. Voldemort shooed Rabastan away, and turned his attention to Draco, who gulped, trembled, and informed the Dark Lord of Cassandra and Alisander's pain, before fleeing before the Dark Lord could actually react to the realization that he had been hiding something from the twins, that they deserved to know. "shit..." Voldemort complained, sighing a little as he closed his eyes, wondering how best to go about fixing the problem.
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Alisander growled at his lover, smirking as he nuzzled his nose against the other's wing, amused as he slid into him."Hmm well I do apperciate the thought for my emotional...oh..."He growled softly thrusting into him slowly and carefully, holding the other lose to him as he screwd his lover.

A hour or so later Cassandra frowned a little as she walked into the study, looking around."Where's draco?I can't find him, and I try not to use the bond to do so."She said frowning slightly as she looked at him, not realizing that her bonded had also gone to see his father about setting up a duel."Also, we need to see about getting draco dueling. He knows the basics, but he needs to know more....papa?You're looking worried."She said pausing in her thoughts staring at her father in confusion.
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Evan moaned again as his wing was nuzzled, arching against the other with happy, eager little gasps as he shuddered and trembled and squirmed under his mate. he was a vocal thing, crying out i his passion and pleasure... and he was BOSSY too! demanding him to go faster, harder, angle just a little more, don't stop... finally he came, and came hard, his ass squeezing tightly around the other, as if trying to milk him. "nnng fuuuck yesssss."

Voldemort glanced up at his daughter and bit back a sigh. "Draco is with Lucius, setting up Dueling practices." Voldemort muttered. "he yelled at me you know... he said i was upsetting you... if i wasn't so proud of the little Malfoy i'd swear he'd pulled a gryffindor." he admitted, looking rather amused. "your brother is having sex at the moment, but tell him that tonight, you he and i... we're going to have a Family night." Family nights where rare, but cherished. usually they happened after some great trauma, where they would get together and simply comfort one another, and talk and reconnect... that Voldemort had called for one, meant that the man needed some very deep comforting.
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Alisander gasped as he came, shivering as he collapsed on top of him. Panting before pulling away, and laying back on the bed with Evan as he sighed. Going quiet as he stroked the other's hair, perking up a little before raising up on his elbows to look at his mate."I have a family night you care if I leave you alone?You'll be okay?"He muttered stroking evan's hair in amusement.

Cassandra giggled at that before frowning a little."I'm not upset."She said looking at her father but amused at draco."I'll tell him that.He might die at the thought of being in gryffindor."She snickered ebfore perking up even more."What?REally?Okay."She said grinning at her fahter, bounding into the room, and hugging him tightly before stepping back."I'm going to tell draco I'll be busy tonight.I'll be back as soon as I round up ali."She said grinning happily, so very excited at having private time with her father before bounding out of the room to go find Draco.Snickering as she saw the two malfoy men, "Hey you two."She said smirking, looking pleased that they were getting along.
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Evan was purring again, pleased to have enjoyed such wonderful pleasure. "Family night?" he asked sluggishly. "mmm of course i'll be alright." he promised happily, smiling a little. "i'll go bother Draco." he promised. "i'm half tempted to get Ron in on the Hermione Lucius thing. jsut to squick Draco out even more." he admitted, snickering a little.

Voldemort smiled as he kissed his daughter on the forehead and waved her off to fetch Draco, while he went to the traditional meeting place. a warm sitting room with a couch large enough for the three of them to sit together as they always did. their favorite drinks where prepared, their favorite snacks arrived and Voldemort sighed as he summoned the old dusty Photo album that he hadn't dared open in years.

Draco turned to blink at Cassandra and offered her a smile. "ah, your awake. i was wondering if you where going to have a nap or just sleep through the night." he teased with a small chuckle as he kissed her cheek, offering him a smile. "you seam excited.." he offered, his head tilted. "something good happened?"
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