Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

cassandra smiled a little as she realized he was relaxing, laughing softly as she flushed leaning back to look up at him. A teasing smirk, so muh like her father's and alisander's, but without the cruel edge the boy's sometimes had curled her lips. "Hmm thats probably a good thing. If father ever found out about this, I'd have enough of a problem explaining."She said thoughtfully blushing as she leaned in and kissed him softly, reassuring him he was indeed beautiful.

Alisander grinned as voldemort finished off the family before looking at harry."I'm coming to. Harassing Rudo and Rab about their sex lives is to amusing. Besides. I have to stop in and make sure lucius is behaving with his mudblood."he snickered at the thought of lucius actually being with hermione as they headed upstairs, knocking politely on his uncle's door as he wanted to see how much of a sub sirius was. "You know, tormenting the mutt is highly amusing."
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he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'll be sure to brush up on my Occlumency then." he teased, well aware that if Voldemort wanted to, he could easily just slip in and Draco wouldn't even know he was there. it was the thought that counted right? and while he was nicely hard and aroused, he had no intention of molesting, raping, or groping Cassandra until SHE was ready to. he was a gentleman, and it wasn't the first time he'd had to ignore his own arousal. living in a dorm room with four other boys, easily made it impossible for Draco to 'jack off', even WITH silencing spells... it was just too creepy. he leaned happily into the kiss, offering her a bright little smile as he blinked at her, his head tilted. "if i'm beautiful." he murmured. "there are no words possible to express the level of awe i see when i look at you." he purred, more to see if he could get her to blush again... not that he didn't mean it, because every word was truth, but she was just so adorable with a blush.

Harry snickered a little and nodded. "i really don't want to stop in and see Lucius balls deep in Snape thanks. we might have a tentative truce, but i still hate their guts." Harry admitted simply. "why do you think i didn't protest when Evan tortured Snape with the Crucio?" he asked, looking amused as he watched the other knock on the door, a muffled shout was clearly an order to go away. Harry just shoved the door open and smirked. Rudo was buried to the hilt in Sirius's ass, and Rabastan was buried to the hilt in Sirius's throat. "...yea, he's a major bitch..." Sirius muffled a protest, which only made the scene all the more erotic for the watching Harry and Evan, who smirked. "damn, i never realized it, but i think i'm a voyeur... and a pervert." Sirius tried to protest again, but the brothers where having none of it, and simply continued in their conquest.
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"Well, you should.I'll help."Cassandra smiled at him, looking amused before she moved away, ducking her head at his words, flushing hard as she moved away."We should go get dinner. Yea....dinner."She said looking nervous and flustered, despite living in her house, the compliments werent flung around alot, so she wasn't used to this kind of praise. "Lets go.I'm hungry."She said swimming to the edge of the pool and dressed after a quickly muttered drying charm.

"True, but they're not so bad. Once you get used to them."eh said looking amused as they walked, tilting his head at the sight in front of them. "Well. I would protest that we shouldn't stand here with the door open and watch, but cassandra's not home so we should enjoy it."Alisander grinned as he leaned back against the door, looking amused at sirius' predictiment.
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he smiled as she blushed and he chuckled a little and kissed her forehead before sliding out of the pool and gathering his clothes as he dried himself as well, happily following her into the house where the House Elves had already made a wonderful dinner of roasted chicken and sweet potatoes. "you know... i don't think i've ever had a chance to just sit back and talk to someone before." Draco admitted suddenly. "before you, it was always a goal to find out the best blackmail, the best way to get someone's allegiance... i think i like this." he admitted. "having a real freind i mean... i might have to try harder to get some more." he admitted, taking a sip of wine. "i think i'll leave the gathering of power to my father..." he mused, smirking a little.

Harry smirked as he transfigured a chair and settled into it, the Lestrange brothers laughing as they quickly bound the struggling Sirius's hands behind his back so he couldn't escape, Harry casting an Anti-Animagus ward so Sirius couldn't transform to get away. it was cruel, Harry knew... but it was Hot, and Sirius's cock was still as hard as ever, which meant he didn't seam to mind as much as he was letting on. as the brothers fucked his godfather, Harry was wondering how he might find a third person so he could try the same position Sirius was now in, well aware that Alisander could easily see his thoughts as he searched for a third person who would settle for a simple one night stand and not try to lodge themselves into his relationship with Alisander, all the while watching his Dogfather get pounded into the mattress, lazily stroking his own cock through his robes.
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Cassandra smiled as they settled at the table, laughing as she started to eat. "It is nice isn't it?Even at home, the only people who've even just talked to me like...I'm normal are father and ali, and they don't count....not that I'd ever tell them that."she said snickering a little before smirking."Well, your father's to distracted by his new relationship to deal with gathering power at the moment I think."she said thoughtfully looking amused.

Alisander smirked as he transifgured himself a chair, settling into it with a amused smirk just enjoying. He wasn't one to wank in public, but he wasn't above watching. Smirking as he saw harry's thoughts he nudged the other."Meet me in my room. I have someone to go get."He grinned, because he not only had the perfect person, he was so going to get revenge on the slytherin for touching without asking. Snickering as he went in search of blaise.He flounced into the library where all the teens that were staying in his house were, and his father was having a magical theory discussion with hermione, for a moment anger crossing his face at the sight. He'd gotten used to having his father to himself, and he was jealous and angry with his father having adopted all the brats. Not realizing that he and cass were still treasured above all. "Zabini. You busy?"
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he smiled a little and nodded. "you are normal you know. it's everyone else who are strange and weird." he teased her, smiling a little. "your better than them Cassandra, and you should never forget it." he assured her before cringing at the mention of his Father and his... fling. "can we not talk about that please?" he pleaded rather pathetically.

Harry blinked at Alisander, just as Sirius cried out with an orgasm, shuddering and writhing on the bed, as noisy as ever. Harry lifted an eyebrow at the other and then smirked as he stood up and headed for their shared bedroom, stripping down to just his skin tight black pants, stretching his wings as he groaned a little. Voldemort looked up at Alisander and offered him a grin as if saying 'i'm teaching, just like i always wanted to! but don't let anyone know i'm actually enjoying this'. it was funny how much Voldemort could say with just a twitch of his lips. Zabini hesitated as he looked down at his Transfiguration homework, tossed an even more hesitant look at the busy hermione, who clearly had demanded of them all to keep up with their studies, and cautiously slinked out of the room when he was certain Hermione wasn't going to yell at him. "that woman is scary." Zabini complained. "we weren't even settled for an hour before she started demanding we start schooling ourselves!" he complained, shaking his head. "if your going to punish me for touching Potter, it was only ONCE and i didn't KNOW! i'm SORRY!"
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Cassandra snickered a little at dracos reaction, leaning over to kiss him softly."Whatever you want, lovely."She muttered shifting her seat around, cuddling against him as she ate. "Well,considering I'm one half of the only set of fraternal twins the wizarding world has ever seen, I think I am most definatley the weird one. Though we could say Ali's the odd one."She said content to be with him, because she know what else to do to get more comfortable with him.

Alisander smirked as he walked out. His eye twitching as he looked at his father, but realizing that his father was enjoying himself, so the twin sighed a little and resigned himself to having to deal with this. Of course, he was still angry over it, but without cassandra being home, it wasn't obvious he was. Smirking as he walked out with Blaise he shrugged."She is, and dating Lucius is making it worse. I'd avoid talking to her if I was you. At least then she can't practice dark arts on you."He hummed pleased wtih the thought because he knew eventually his father and lucius would get around to teaching them all dark arts. Snickernig to himself at Blaise, he smirked as he pushed open his bedroom door. "I know, and it is going to be a punishment. But it will be most definatley one you enjoy."He smirked looking at harry."Look who I found, love."He said drawing out blaise's worry over what he wanted in sadistic pleasure of seeing him squirm.
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he chuckled a little and shook his head. "no, you are better." he corrected her. "they just say your weird, because you do not fit in those pathetic little boxes they form around themselves to 'fit in' worse than lemmings they are." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and Ali isn't odd, he's a psychopath. there's a difference apparently." he admitted, looking oh so amused. he smiled as she cuddled into him, and he wrapped an arm around the others shoulders, holding her happily.

Voldemort smirked a little. "Alisander! don't forget that you have one on one training with me tomorrow morning." he warned. "your going soft again!" this happened every few weeks. anytime Voldemort thought that Alisander was slacking in his training, they had a one on one session and Voldemort soundly thrashed his son into the ground. it was another bonding thing, and it was something that Voldemort only did to Alisander. "you and i both know she's dating Ron." Blaise stated with a roll of his eyes. "and that Lucius is currently... shall we say 'entertaining' a certain 'Dungeon Bat'. you can't fool ME." and it was true, Blaise and Luna where the two most observant people in the entire Hogwarts castle. even Dumbledore had nothing on them. Blaise swallowed thickly as he realized that whatever punishment he was about to receive, the sexy Gryffindor was going to be involved. now, Blaise was a smart man, he knew very well that he had no true feelings for Harry, other than maybe a tentative friendship. but oh did he LUST after the other, it was so HARD not to be aroused in that instant, Harry lounging on the bed, a smirk on his lips. "good. Evan needs someone to... play, with." his eyes flashed with amusement, letting Alisander know exactly what Evan wanted. he wanted to fuck Blaise, to top, but, Evan was also waiting for.. for PERMISSION. clearly, Evan wasn't as dominant as he thought he was, if he was waiting for permission from Alisander. Blaise actually whimpered in fear.
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Cassandra smiled as he held her, looking amused but pleased at his words."ah, well then. I shall enjoy being better then anyone."She said glancing at him, nudging him a little looking amused."Though I wouldn't go admitting to your father you consider me better.AFter all my father is a a half blood....though I'd avoid mentioning that to him to."She said looking amused as she ran her hand over her face."You know, I'd worry about him but he does well enough/ and he's a sociopath, not a psychopath. He knows the difference between right and wrong, he just doesn't care. A psychopath doesn't understand."She teased

Alisander pouted smirking as he tilted his head."I am not!I kicked Severus and Lucius around the dueling arena. I am not soft!"He grumbled but was well pleased with the idea of spending time with his father as he snikered at blaise's words. "Urgh.... don't say that. IT's bad enough I feel when they're having sex, I don't want to think about it."He whined his own empathic ablities making him aware of the more...lustful emotions where cassandra meanwhile got everything, his own powers seemed to run on lust. "Hmmm I'm definately giving him to evan to play with. Though I do to, cause I'm just jealous like that."He said amused that evan was asking for permission or he raised his hand and pressed blaise down onto his knees."Suck me, zabini. Then we'll enjoy other things."He said waving towards evan to get him to get up, wanting kissed as he was getting sucked off.
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Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "Potter is a halfblood too don't forget." he pointed out. "and it's not like anyone who MATTERS in the Dark Forces care about the purity of blood." which was true, that was simply a rumor that was spread around. a few bigoted Purebloods REALLY cared about your blood status, but people like the Malfoy's where only trying to save their culture from the muggleborns refusal to learn the Wizarding ways. hell, most Muggleborn didn't even know the proper way to greet someone! Purebloods had issues with Muggleborns, because the Muggleborn where so sure that THEY where right and that the Purebloods where wrong, even though the purebloods had been practicing their ways, the wizarding ways, for longer than most muggle bloodlines had even existed. "hmm, i think Harry will keep your brother in line." he admitted. "Harry as a deep sense of right and wrong, and e won't let anyone truly innocent be hurt."

Voldemort just fixed him THAT look, and then shooed him off. completely ignoring his son's whinging. Blaise on the other hand, looked shocked at the threat of being played with, and shuddered as Evan growled deep in his chest, delighting in the thought of playing with the Italian, Blaise shuddering as he realized that he... he was going to get to sleep with two of the sexiest men alive. "oh Merlin." he had to moan, he couldn't help it. Blaise wasn't one for emotions, it was all about the pleasure, and he had heard the rumors of Alisander's... abilities, in the bedroom. Blaise fell to his knees easily and happily slipped Ali out of the pants, and into his mouth, sucking, stroking, teasing with tongue, and teeth, and hot, hot mouth, Evan snickering as he watched, sliding out of the bed oh so Gracefully as he settled next to Alisander, his eyes fixed on Blaise's full mouth. "now that, is a sight to behold." Evan growled, trembling with desire. "don't forget Harry's desire." he murmured, showing Alisander EXACTLY what Harry wanted. Blaise's cock in his throat, Alisander's dick in his ass, wings tied down, hands restrained so he couldn't move, couldn't struggle... who would have guessed Valereen's where kinky?
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"I know but it is amusing to watch lucius get bent out of shape and try to explain things again."She snickered because it was at least once a year since she'd been ten that she'd gotten the man so riled up about the loss of tradition to muggleborns that she got lectured. IT was one of the few times that while her father was gone, that she could remember being happy, because it proved that someone,even if it was just lucius, had cared enough to make sure she understood something."Hmm but they are staying in the manor...there's no true innocences in there."Se hsnickered looking amused before nodding."But they'll be good together."

Alisander snickered as he watched blaise realize what was going to happen, leaning over to kiss evan as he wrapped his hand in blaise's hair fucking his mouth even as magic flaired around them, he was literally feeding on sex. Like a succubus the man was drawing power from letting the lust ramp up between the three of them. One of the on;y times he'd come close to beating his father had been after watching the death eaters have a orgy....not that voldemort was aware that his 15 year old son had watched voldemort's expriment to see if voldemort himself shared the twins ablitiy to feed on emotion. Grinning as he nodded,"I know."He growned shivering as he shoved blaise off his cock smirking as he picked up his mate. "Come on pretty."He smirked as he set about tying up his lover, kneeling on the bed after a few minutes and looked at the tied up man. glancing at blaise he smirked."He wants to suck your cock, while I fuck his brains out. I'd suggest you go with it, seeing as this is the only way your going to be involved."He growled, his voice holding a thrum of power, his eyes laser bright, literally drunk on the lust in the room, the fact that it was his mate this aroused...was just making it all the more appealing to the man
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Draco snickered a little and nodded. "this is true." he admitted with a slow grin. "poor Hermione though." he admitted with a sigh. "she only just found out about those 'etiquette books'... she was ranting for HOURS at the 'improper' teaching curriculum at Hogwarts... apparently most of the muggleborn don't even realize that, aside from the no technology, we wizards have a completely separate culture from theirs..." he admitted with a scowl. "muggle loving old bastard of a headmaster..." he smirked a little. "i bet you ten galleons that Evan and Alisander will kill more than five people, engage in a threesome, and drive at least one person completely insane by the time we get back." he mused playfully.

Blaise moaned, eagerly sucking and swallowing around Alisander's cock. again, Blaise was no idiot, he knew who Alisander was, he knew who the Dark Lord was... but the danger, the THRILL only made him all the more aroused. "i'm not pretty." Harry complained, smirking a little. "that's Lucius." he teased with a snicker as he let his lover tie him up, rendering him helpless, which only vamped up the lust, the arousal, the NEED, even more. he squirmed, struggled and whimpered in delight as the ropes pressed and rubbed against his oh, so sensitive wings. "i'd never dream of fucking your property." Blaise assured Alisander, flashing him a smile. "i wouldn't even touch him without your permission." he promised, shedding his pants and shirt, leaving him in his boxers as he advanced on Harry, who was trembling he was so excited. "yes... please... oh god... Ali... need." Harry pleaded, his Mates lust, and his own, driving him into a near euphoric state. he couldn't think, couldn't breath, he ached deep inside and he knew that only sex, the release of pleasure for all of them would fix it. he nearly choked himself when he inhaled Blaise's cock, the Italian shouting in delight as he felt his cock getting engulfed, fingers tightening in long black and white locks. "f..f..fuck!"
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"I know.There should be a class at and you..ali,the other purebloods, we've all benefitted from a pureblood raising."She sighed looking thoughtful because while their father had been a mudblood, she knew shayna had been a pureblood witch, and even after her death voldemort had made sure his children were instilled with the lessons of pureblood high society, learning from both lucius and the lestrange brothers. "You know, maybe we could do something about that.He after all wants to please the valereen...and the school year is just about to start again."Her smirk turned wicked and pleased with herself, drawing the moment out before snickering."You know we left so they could kill. And..."She shuddered because even miles away she could feel the emotions alisander was feeding on, unlike most succubus' who needed emotion to live, the twins could go without, but when they did draw on the emotions around them, they shared the spoils of gaining from it. "Don't want to talk about it. Its bad enough I know what he's doing."She whined a little before sighing.

Alisander laughed at harry's words kissing him back as he looked over the man who was tied up. Smirking as he watched blaise drop his boxers, amused at the other's words. And knowing that as a scion of a dark family, he didnt have to worry about blaise risking his wrath to touch his mate. Smirking as he slid onto the bed he thrust into him with a lazy thrust, grinning as he fucked his lover, closing his eyes as he allowed the pleasure break over them, smirking wider as he tried something he hadn't had a chance to do before. Thrusting the power into his mate, and then through blaise he groaned as it opened a circle between them, the feelings becoming so mixed that it felt like he was being fucked, sucked on and fucking all at once. Driving himself insane with the feeling he groaned as he came, collpasing on top of his mate even as he felt the wards around the house react to so much power being released as he came, the wards reacting as if they were under attack instead of just a lot of power released. But in his post orgamsic power high, alisander just couldnt bring himself to care he was probably freaking out his father.
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Draco nodded. "there used to be, before Headmaster Dippet decided it was useless as a class and discarded it under Dumbledore's murdered suggestions." he admitted with a small scowl before smirking a little. "i think that it's time Harry learned the wonderful art of blackmail, and persuasion." he paused. "or we'll just let Evan handle it. everyone will want to please the Valereen, all he has to do is go to the School Board meeting next Monday, make a list of demands, and it will probobly get done, especially if he adds in that bitter tongue he has, and gives them a speech. Dumbledore and most of the teachers are going to be there anyway." he smirked at her. "and he didn't send you away ONLY so that they could kill... i think they thought we needed a chance to just get to know one another, without me fearing for my life or my balls."

Harry was moaning, and he couldn't stop. it felt so damn good! so damn good to be pinned, caught between two perfect men... though Alisander was definitely the better of the two... he squealed as he felt the power pulse, an now both he and Blaise where rolling in pleasure. enough so that they didn't think, they just rode the passions and the feelings as they writhed and wriggled and simply CAME, orgasming hard and fast with cries of delight and passion on their lips, trembling and limp at the release of energy, so out of it that they didn't even notice Voldemort racing into the room to yell at them for breaking the wards, only to shriek and try to blind himself with his hands as he staggered back outside, Snape closing the door with an easy snap. due to the wards being layered, Voldemort always knew if an attack was coming from inside, or outside the wards. it had been all too easy for him to know the culprits behind his near heart attack... he wished he'd knocked first dammit, his eyes hurt now and he was going to have to find someone to Obliviate that particular memory from his brain. "uuuhn that.. so good." Harry slurred, slowly starting to come to. "whu was that? felt so good... wanna do it again..."
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"Hmmm..."Cassandra made a thoughtful sound before twisting to look up at him."You know, you still have your last year of hogwarts to attend.And it would be good publi relations if the valereen attended hogwarts....and we could look for followers."She hummed liking the idea that was forming. "And of course, we'd need a new defense teacher, because tonks can't stay all the time. And we'd need a teacher for traditions class...."She smirked, "Well two teachers. I bet I could convince alisander to return to school to teach."She looked pleased with the idea, even if it upset her to consider leaving her father alone. Though....maybe they could work with that. After all, not even the hogwarts headmaster could forbid one of slytherin's line entrance. "Hmm that's true. Though papa wouldn't hurt you. He knows that would hurt me. Torturing someone on one end of a bond is liable to hurt both."She said thoughtfully.

Alisander snickered as voldemort ran into the room, laughing as he laid on his side. Bloody hell that was funny. "We will. Later.I have to go win a duel."Alisander said so power drunk that he was indeed going to take his father up on his bonding experience of dueling.In a bit. After about a hour the man was able to drag himself out of bed and head to find his father, snickering at the sight of the ruffled looking man trying to convince Rabastan to do a obliviate charm."Now papa. You asked me for a duel?"He said looking amused."And if you win, I'll obliviate you. If'll have to live with the memory, AND do something else equally embarassing and painful."He teased still power drunk and having fun making fun of his father.
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he smirked a little at her. "i'm 'dead' remember? i died after you did." he teased. "Harry's half done faking our deaths after all." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "although, Harry and Evan have been teaching the DA, their a rebel group." he admitted, looking highly amused as he snickered. "maybe we'll make him teach Defense and make Alisander teach the Culture classes?" he asked with a slight smirk. "Dumbledore didn't know Alisander long enough to know his behaviors, and Harry and Evan are two very different people now, i doubt Dumbledore would ever catch on to that fact... tell your brother about this when he's done screwing potter. then he can start planning the finer details."

Harry chuckled a little and glanced at Blaise, who had passed out. "Evan wants to know if you have to be in the room when he dominates the 'Italian bitch'. if you protest, he'll of course wait until you come back." Harry promised, looking sluggishly amused as he used his elemental magics to burn away the ropes that where holding him helpless. he went back to sleep without another word. Voldemort offered his son a glare. "i am NOT dueling you when your high on sex like this! i still haven't forgotten the LAST time!" Voldemort accused. Alisander had, of course, nearly torn down half of Riddle Manor in his... enthusiasm. "you damn near tore down my wards with that little threesome of yours! now Obliviate me or i'll make sure that everything you taste for the nest YEAR is Asparagus!" well, SOMEONE was in a bad mood!
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"Oh damn."She said pouting a little at that. "It would have been amusing to teach you things."She said with a small smirk. "Ali teach culture?Have you ever met him?He's not cultured."She said snickering a little before nodding a little. "...well that could work. We could teach history, you know."She said looking at him. "WE could convince dumbledore that since there's so much history, we need to teachers, split the work load..."She said thougtfully enjoying the idea of turning dumbledore's teaching crew against him."Maybe we could even convince father to teach something...since severus isn't going back you know..."She muttered closing her eyes as she tilted her head back, basking in the emotional feelings from alisander, shivering a little. Her skin flushing as her lust spiked, struggling to remain focused. "We...we should go for a walk."She said struggling to focus more.

"No, if he wants to go ahead. I'm going to harrass my father."He snickered as he left. The man in fact giggled at voldemort's reaction, pouting a little."Pleeeeaassee! It's the only time I can almost beat you."He whined pouting a little before growing serious, looking contrite."Sorry papa."He muttered realizing that he'd probably hurt the man by tearing down the wards, not to mention probably gave draco more a look into Cassandra's personality then he needed. "Your in a bad mood papa."He teased even as he raised his wand and obliviated the memory smirking at his father as he waited to see what the man would do.
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Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "he is too cultured." he stated. "just because he doesn't USE the pureblood etiquette, doesn't mean he doesn't KNOW it." he smirked. "it will be good practice for him." he smirked a little and nodded. "yes indeed. although, i failed history..." he mused, amused. "though, i think Harry loves it. he studies it on his own i think." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i think i should be the one to teach potions. Voldemort is good at them, but he's not so good at the teaching part... he'd probobly Crucio a misbehaving student..." he paused, blinking at her and then he smirked. "Brother having sex is he? come on, lets get you into a cool shower. that might help. or you could go lay in bed and masturbate for a while."

Voldemort sighed and shook his head a little. it was so hard to be annoyed with Alisander when he was so cute and hyper like that. "i'm always in a bad mood!" Voldemort hissed unhappily, ducking the Obliviation spell. "you fool! you weren't even concentrating! you could have erased the last twenty years of my life!" and with that he grabbed Alisander by the ear, hauled him to the dueling ring, and trounced his ass quite firmly as repentance. by the time he was able to get back to his room, Evan had Blaise tied to the head board, helplessly begging for Evan's cock, tears of need streaming down the Italian's eyes. "beg!" Evan ordered, Blaise mewling as he pleaded, begged to be fucked. Blaise was one of those men who would do almost anything with nearly anyone, but this was the first time he'd ever been in such pleasurable Agony. "please please please please please...." Evan laughed a little and then turned, eyes flashing with sadistic glee as he studied his lover. "what do you think Ali? should i give him what he wants?"
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"True."Cassandra said snickering because alisander confused most people, when he slipped easily into pureblood etiquette. "Hmm maybe I'll help you with potions then, and let harry teach history."She said amused before giggling."Oh, okay maybe he wouldn't be good. I forget he wouldn't treat other children like he'd treat us."She mused before shuddering,"Not anymore. He's just extremely high off the rush."She muttered flushing hard t his words."I uh...I maybe..."She muttered following him towards the bedroom so she could get a shower. Looking so cutely embarassed it was amusing.

"You are not!"Alisander grinned laughing, yelping when his father grabbed his ear."Stop stop I wouldn't have!Stop!"He whined but let his father drag him away. When he got back to his room he paused in the door, his body feeling stiff and sore from getting beaten up by his father giving his lover a amused smile."Yes.Go ahead.I don't want him going insane."He said snickering as he settled down in one of the chairs by the bed to watch, but careful not to involve his magic in it, not about to risk getting his father pissed at him again.
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Draco chuckled and shook his head. "no! i know! i will teach potions, you will teach Etiquette... we'll tell Dumbledore we're married so we get a room to ourselves... Alisander will teach History and Harry will teach defense." he decided, nodding happily. "it's PERFECT!" he purred in delight before smirking at her. "is it as bad as the time he caught your Father in that mass orgy?" so that was how Draco knew what was going on. he left Cassandra to her embarrassment, giving her a gentle kiss and a wink before heading to the library to read until she, finished.

Evan smirked at Alisander, looking curious. "Harry wants to know if you got your ass kicked." Evan admitted, sinking ever so slowly into Blaise, who moaned and mewled pathetically. it was clear that Evan wasn't even close to being finished with the Italian as he set a slow, brutally slow pace until Blaise was sobbing for release. it didn't help at all that Evan was practically ignoring the guy, his attention focused on Alisander. "i'll give you a massage later, once i'm done here, if you like? i'm good with my hands." he tilted his head at Blaise, indicating the joke. it wasn't really all that funny, but considering Blaise's state, it was rather amusing.
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Cassnadra laughed amused at his plans nodding as they walked. Turning to look up at him in shock."wh.."she stopped sputtering as her mind stalled out on what to say as he walked away. Nearly a hour later she walked into the library smiling a little fresh from a shower and looking amused as she leaned in the doorway watching him."you know, most people would be weirded out that me and ali share that much."she mused.

"Of course I got my ass kicked. My father was annoyed with me."he sulked because even if he had besn as powerful as voldemirt on his hih, the elder riddle had just outclasssd him in sheer endurance and number of spells known. Snickering at evans words he nodded."a massage would be good. And I do like what you can do with your hands."he said looking amused as he stroked himself through his pants obviously enjoying the show
RE: Shattered Minds

He laughed at her shock and shook his head as he walked away, he LOVED making her sputter and blush! she was just SO adorable! "hmm?" he asked, looking up from his Potions book, blinking a little. "oh. well it is a little strange i'll admit. but you've had it all your lives. if he can handle you knowing when he's having sex, i'm sure it works both ways. you two are very close, and i couldn't possibly try to change that, even if i wanted to, which i don't." he admitted, flipping a page in the book. "besides, i'm a Voyeur, i like it when people watch." he teased, just to see her blush again.

Evan snickered a little as he shook his head as he gripped Blaise's black hair in a tight grip, forcing him to look up, forcing him to watch Alisander jerk off to the sight of them, only making him jerk and beg even more. "well i'm almost finished here." Evan admitted, his hips moving faster, harder. "we'll have to move to another room though, Blaise is just about to pass out." he smirked as he ran his hand down the Italian's cock, the release of magic telling Alisander exactly why Blaise hadn't cum yet. the Italian exploded, and then collapsed as Evan calmly tipped his head back and enjoyed his completion. ever the man in control. Evan wasn't even sweating while Blaise was unconscious from the pleasure. "mmm that was fun." Evan admitted, slipping free and looking rather disgusted with the mess he had made, tossing Alisander a look. "mind cleaning us up?" he asked hopefully. "i can't cast cleaning spells anymore."
RE: Shattered Minds

"Well I guess...I just thought you'd be weirded out.."she said moving into the room and sitting down next to him but looking fairly amused before her eyes went wide looking soen."w-what?"she sputtered trying to decide if he was serioud or not.

Alisandsr groaned but looked amused as he stood."yes a different room is needed"he said shaking his head a little as he stood waving a hand to clean up the general arsa before leading evan intocassandras room and laying out on the bed on his stomach, contebt to get rubbed down
RE: Shattered Minds

he chuckled a little. "it is a little weird, i'll admit, but considering i can feel your emotions just as well as you can feel mine, well, i guess i just understand a bit better than someone else would." he admitted, laughing at her shock at his statement. "oh do calm down, if you don't want people watching, i won't let them." he promised, smirking a little as he glanced at her, wondering how long it would take her to see that impish grin of his. it always gave him away when he was joking.

Evan snickered a little and happily pulled on a pair of pants, zipping up the fly as he headed into the other room. "you have to strip first." he teased, looking amused. "completely naked if i'm going to massage your legs and arms as well." he teased rather happily. once the other was naked, Evan poured warm oil onto his lovers back, straddled Alisander, and began to work the muscles, helping with the soreness, his hands nimbly running up and down the entirety of the body. hell, he even snick in an ass massage, though if Alisander protested, he did stop. he even massaged the others feet and arms. Evan clearly took the role of Masseuse, very seriously. he might also have been trying to get his lover to relax a little bit more about being in a submissive role, but he'd never admit that aloud.
RE: Shattered Minds

"Well.That's true. I hadn't thought about that."Cassandra said looking thoughtful as she blushed. Yelping at his words before twisting to look at him, whining quietly. "Draco!Don't do that!"She whined poking him in the shoulder."I'm going to tell Ali your being mean."She whined before losing her eyes and leaning against him, content in his company even if she knew there was things at home they needed to do.

"Hmm okay."He sighed looking amused as he stripped all the way down, so relaxed by the time he was getting a ass massage he didn't even protest. Turning his head a little he smirked, "You're very good at this."He muttered for once totally forgetting everything, even the fact that his twin was gone, so totally very relaxed."we should get some sleep you know...tomorrow's going to be busy..."He muttered."Duelnig, and planning things..."
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