Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra giggled a little,drunk on the emotions around her, and amused at severus' reaction. Poking her finger against voldemort's shoulder she giggled."You look so shoked. Its not often you get surprised papa."She said settling back on her stool and staring at the new couple with amusement, yelping when rabastan poked her in the side. "Just because you dont want to have sex, doesn't mean you should stare at everyone who is. Or about to be."He said snickering at the two other death eaters. It wasn't often they got one over on the twins, so any surprise they could keep from any of the riddles were to be well enjoyed.

Alisander's eyes went wide before he stared at his lover before pouting a little."Well... then what is he doing with me?I am most definately not a balanced person.And being a twin makes it worse. you know that."he said anxiously because it worried him that his slightly naractotic problems, made worse when he hadn't seen cassandra for the day or something, would endanger harry and evan.
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Voldemort shook his head, clearing his awestruck expression. "considering she has had that man under her thumb since they where forced to get married, of course i'm shocked! what in the hell has gotten into him?" Voldemort wondered, examining Lucius again as the blond Dragged the no longer complaining Severus out of the room, Voldemort smirking. "too right Rabastan. with the distractions gone we can focus on the spell we where working on." he chirped, "now just hold still and lets see if we can't fix that insane little brain of yours."

Draco shook his head. "they are not attracted to Balance." Draco stated simply. "they are attracted to chaotic events... which is probobly why Harry found himself in so much trouble at school. anytime the peace was shattered, he instinctively wanted to fix it." Ron nodded. "that's true... i think." "Harry and Evan are most likely attracted to you on an emotional level... because you will NEED them." Draco admitted, examining Alisander. "you will depend on them for emotional and mental support when your sister can't help you. a Valereen desires the feeling of being wanted, or needed, more than anything else." Draco admitted, snapping his fingers and ordering a house elf to get a book. it returned and Draco started flipping through the pages. "ah, here we go... a Valereen is said to be attracted to emotionally unstable people the most. particularly ones that cannot be fully fixed. people who are dependent upon others are favored to the Valereen for Life Mates, because the Valereen knows they will never be abandoned... your dependency upon your Twin, your... issues, anger problems... all of those things are part of the reason why Harry loves you. you have the perfect Mate Alisander." Draco admitted, looking amused. "it also says here that both halves of the Valereen look for different things in their mate. and that it's so hard to find a proper mate, that most Valereen die without ever finding someone to love... damn... that's... a frightening prospect... being so picky that you die alone..."
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Rabastan groaned as he looked at the two riddles, he just knew this wasn't going to be pleasant. Hours later Cassandra leaned back with a happy, tired sigh as she leaned back against her father, smiling slightly."He's more....balanced. I don't think he'll freak out as easily now."She said feeling the emotional grid of the lestrange sitting across from her, she could tell there were still weak spots, but there were less...visble. "I feel...younger. Better then I have in years."Rabastan said before giving his lord a look, the only reason he'd helped,besides he knew cass would go stir crazy without a project and he wanted help, he knew her real reason for working so hard to find a semi cure for mental scars. She was hoping to help her beloved papa...he just didn't know how she'd bring it up without getting yelled at.

Alisander frowned looking concerned still before nodding a little as he leaned back against harry. Smirking slightly.'I am definately not fixable...even if I could get my anger issues, and power sparks straightened out, twins are to dependant on each other to consider a life without some contact."he said his mind taking a detour, and the dark look that crossed his face was saving that whatever he was thinking of was painful and dark. Definately not something the others would want to hear. Much like his father, he was given to extreme mood swings, and tendancies to overanalyze and worry.
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Voldemort hummed, pleased as he examined the mental map of Rabastan's mind. "yes, there's no more cracks." he mused. "excellent." Voldemort also had a plan for these little tests. he had never forgiven Bellatrix for disobeying his orders and torturing the Longbottom's into insanity. that was when he'd first tried to kill her, finding that he couldn't because of the twins. he was trying to find a way to help them. he himself was completely unaware of the lingering effects of insanity on hi mind, he didn't notice but others did. Voldemort had a hell of a temper, one that resulted in mass Crucio's more often than not. he didn't realize that it wasn't normal, but then, he tried not to understand himself all that much.

Harry chuckled a little. "i wouldn't want to 'fix' you anyway." Harry admitted, wrapping his arms around the other, his wings coming down to envelop Alisander like a robe, warm and soft as he purred happily, uttering a short, soft hum from deep in his chest that washed over Alisander, offering him calm and comforting feelings that he could push away, or hold close. "i hope Hermione isn't too upset about me being a 'Dark Creature'..." "you're only half Dark Creature." Ron stated. "the other half is Light." he smirked. "she's actually coming around. turns out her magic is Dark in nature too." Ron admitted. "she was pretty horrified at first, but now we can't hardly get her to stop studying... i think she's trying to understand how spells that can be used for so much GOOD, can be against the law..." "...still not over 'adults always know best' then huh?" ", not yet..." Ron admitted with a grimace. "though, she IS finding out that Dumbledore pushed for most of those laws... Grindelwald certainly didn't help that..."
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"It is."Rabasatan said smirking a little as he stood, straightening his clothes as eh looked at cassandra. "And on that good note, I'm going to leave you, cause I don't fancy getting cursed for helping you do this."He smirked giving cassandra that look that spoke volumes. "You better tell him, if you wait, help him with longbottom, and then tell him, he'll be pissed."Rabasatan said, snickering a little at cassandra's sputtering as she avoided looking at her father, amused that he'd manuvered her into having to tell voldemort now. Heading for the door he set out to see how the others were doing.

"Hmm thats good."He muttered leaning bck into him, sighing softly as he took the comfort and let it chase away the thoughts for the moment.Voldemort and Alisander both had a memory that they both needed to forget, not that voldemort was even aware of hurting and damn near raping his own son. One of the first nights voldemort had been returned to his permnant body, alisnder had tried waking him up when he was having a nightmare, only to find out just how deep some scars on his father's mind went. It was only recently, and cassandra reaching magical maturity and gaining more power, that the twins had started to suspect that even if voldemort didn't remember, that unconsciously he did. Which was what was driving cassandra's urrent project.

Smirking a little as he listened to the others conversation he smired slightly."I'm amazed she isn't. She had a run in with not only lucius, severus and father, but BOTH LeStrange brothers, and tonks.You'd think she really would be over this dumbledore is the best, knows best thing already."He said sighing a little before rubbing his temple glancing at draco."You might want to stay in here malfoy, your father's having sex, and Cassandra and father are...having a discussion."he teased snickering tossing in the father having sex just to disturb the malfoy heir.
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Voldemort paused from his note taking, looking startled and confused as he frowned, glancing at Cassandra. "why do i have the feeling that i'm going to be pissed anyway?" Voldemort demanded, his eyes narrowing at his daughter. a warning sign that she'd better start spilling her guts and had better not start lying. punishments from him where normally very lax... unless one lied to him, then it was spankings, groundings, and even a Crucio or two... depending on who you where.

Harry blinked at Alisander, his head tilted a little as he tried to understand how it was he knew they needed to be alone... "both of you, leave." Evan ordered suddenly. there was no outward difference, but Evan's voice was different now. it was rich, cultured, a bit of a mix between Voldemort and Lucius's. Draco and Ron glanced at each other, hesitated, and then fled when Evan snarled and flared his wings dangerously. "... i have permission from Harry to tell you things... if you'd like." Evan admitted, looking up at his lover, his head tilted just slightly to the side. "you are hurting inside... we can feel it, a deep pain much like ours..." he muttered softly, blinking at him. "we should talk about the things that hurt us..."
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Cssandra whined a little, squirming sligtly under his look. "Oh...well...I wanted to see if it worked first.."She squirmed avoiding his eyes. Acting like a 5 year old who'd been caught with her hand in the cookie har. "Oh...well you know...You have your own...scars. You act insane papa, even when you are sane. Curcio'ing every one in sight is not normal. Even if you are upset."She said squirming because she was trying to avoid telling him he attacked alisander, and it wasn't exactly a lie. Just a avoidance of telling him everything.

Alisander frowned slightly as he watched draco and ron go before looking at evan, shaking his head a little as he ran his hand through his hair."No...not now."He said tiredly knowing what the other was trying to get him to talk about."....When...after the triwizard tourement, and he was back to his own body....father wasn't...normal. Not like he was now. It took him a long time to become the sane man he is now, or the father I'd known as a child."he shuddered a little staring down at the blankets."Me and Cass have always been more attuned to his emotions even if we weren't with him...I tried waking him up from a nightmare attacked.It seems Dumbledore made sure father had a abusive, sexually and physically, childhood stuck in a muggle orphanage without anyone to turn to."He shuddered knowing what he was trying to say would be there. "He didn't...Cass managed to wake him enough to get him away...but when he never said anything...we assumed he didn't was only reccently she became concerned that even if he didn't remember when awake he might be guilt ridden anyways, unconciously remembering, and suffering the affects....he's....more prone to worry and bouts of...guilt then before...
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Voldemort's eyes narrowed even more and a sense of Rage and fury washed from him before he paused and stared at Cassandra, noticed her... was that fear? "..." now he paused as he watched her squirm and felt guilt slam into him... his child... his daughter was... was AFRAID of him! "fuck..." he whispered, running a shaking hand through his hair. "yes... alright." he agreed softly, refusing to let the tears come up... he wouldn't... he refused... crying was for the weak. he had been beaten out of that habit at the tender age of four... he would not cry... never. "i don't want you to do it alone though. if something happens there must be someone to stop me from doing anything stupid."

Evan wrapped his arms even more tightly around Alisander as he spoke, his eyes flashing with astonishment. "it hurts worse, knowing he doesn't remember, doesn't it?" he asked softly, holding Alisander tightly as he offered the Song again, closing his eyes. "Voldemort, insane or not, would never willingly hurt you." he admitted softly. "sometimes we wake up from dreams, Harry and i... not knowing where we are, or who is there... we see the faces of our enemies... we put Ron in the hospital... when we woke, we didn't remember it, but we felt bad... so bad." he admitted softly. "Voldemort and we... are so very much the same..." Evan murmured softly as he pressed a kiss to Alisander's cheek. "we where never raped... but sometimes, that makes what DID happen worse..." he sighed, shaking his head. "i do not know how to take this kind of hurt away from you Alisander..." he admitted softly. "but no matter the pain of your heart, soul and body... we will never leave you alone."
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Cassandra whimpered as she felt his anger wash over her, shuddering a little as her shoulders drooped more, hunching. There were few times she was afraid, and the only time she was, was usually when her father scared her. Swallowing hard she nodded still hunhing a little.”Okay papa. I’ll ask...Draco and lucius...maybe severus...”She said her voice soft before getting up, edging closer to him wanting held but not sure how he was doing, shuddering a little.”P-papa?Are you mad at me?I-I didn’t want to tell you..not till I knew I could help...”She sniffled.

“It does...because I know he didn’t mean to...”he sighed softly resting his head on the other’s shoulder. “It hurts knowing that despite everything, there is nothing I can do to help him...I rely on cass to do it.”He grumbled annoyed he couldn’t help more before sighing quiety, nodidng.”Well, you are both being destroyed by the same man. Is it any wonder you are similar?”He muttered before shaking his head slightly glancing at the other, curious but willing to let it go from you.”It’s only painful because I can’t help him...”He sighed.”I am not afraid of my father.”He muttered though there was a slight tremor to the words. The twins had done such a good job of hiding their slight fear of their father so well, that this was the first time in nearly 3 years that it showed.
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Voldemort stared at her before pulling her into his lap, holding her tightly. "no, my Beautiful Morning." he muttered softly, calling her a pet name he hadn't used in years. he'd started calling her Beautiful Morning, when she started waking him up at six in the morning every morning so that she could eat breakfast. "i was... upset, for a moment, simply because i thought you where keeping secretes from me... i did not mean to frighten you." he promised, resting his head on hers, simply holding her. "i could never be mad at you, when you went through such efforts to help me."

Evan nodded. "you do help your father however." he admitted, smiling a little. "you help him with his anger. when he is angry, you can calm him down. i've seen you do it, many times." he admitted, tapping the curse scar on his forehead. "you are there for him, and that helps just as much as Cassandra does." he admitted before biting his lip. "we where twelve you know... the first time it happened. it was Lockheart. he, enjoyed the little ones. he had a very spectacular fascination with us. he loved our Green Eyes. he used to... touch us... and we enjoyed it very much. it was the first time anyone had ever shown us affection. so we did what he asked. we let him do things to us... fortunately, we where too little to be... properly fucked. if he had tried, we would have been broken, and he would have been caught." he swallowed thickly. "we learned to love to suck cock for him, and we learned to love the way his nails dug into our skin as he rutted against us..." he shuddered a little, and the hug, and the wings grew tighter. "and then there was the Fake Moody... Barty..." he closed his eyes. "he didn't touch us at all... he made us..." he shook his head. "the Impirio did not work. so he threatened our freinds. he made us touch ourselves... made us be naked before him, finger ourselves, and he would watch, and laugh as we came..." he was trembling now. "and they do not remember... and it hurts so very much that they do not know that their suffering is our fault. Lockheart, obliviated beyond repair... Barty Kissed..." he pressed his face into the others back, hiding from his own shame. "we still have nightmares about it, even now... and they hurt even worse than the nightmares of Cedric's death, or the Basilisk.."
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Cassandra sniffled a little clinging to him as she shuddered a little, trying to relax.”Oh... well...”She swalllowed because she knew he would not apperciate either her hiding things, or what she was about to tell him.”....You attacked Alisander once....when you were sleeping...T-thats w-what brought this on. W-we were a-afraid you might re-remember...”She sniffled by then so much a mess of tears and fear that she couldn’t form a sentence. Poor girl, had worked herself up so much over telling him, and hiding things from him, and along with everything else was just to much.

Alisander stared at a loss for words before stnding as he leaned down to kiss the other hard before straightening he was annoyed and pissed at this mess.”Come with me. We both need a workout, and we should see how your new body can duel”he snarled as he headed for lucius’ room, pausing only long enough to make sure that the two weren’t fucking before pushing open the door.”Malfoy. Snape. We need dueling partners, and father and Cass are busy.Up. Now.”He said in short cropped sentences that were like voldemort in a mood, the shorter the sentences the harder he was clinging to the fraying ends of his temper.
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he stroked her hair before tensing violently, looking utterly horrified. "i... i hurt Ali!?" he demanded, guilt, worry, ERROR filling the room. "what did i do Cass!?" he asked, his eyes pleading with her. "please... please tell me i didn't do anything long lasting PLEASE..." he pleaded, knowing she wouldn't lie to him, trembling against her as he waited for her to tell him what he suddenly knew... he had tried to rape Alisander... he had raped others in 'dream scape' and woken to find out it was Rabastan, or Lucius, and once even Snape... but they had willingly given themselves to help their Master, their lord... Alisander... he would not have... he would have really hurt him...

Evan sighed, relaxing into the kiss, so very relieved that Alisander wasn't disgusted with him. so relieved that Alisander still wanted him. "thank you." he muttered softly. "i..." he blinked as he was dragged off, looking stunned as he was dragged into Lucius and Sev's rooms, the both of them naked and sweaty. they didn't even pause, they where up and getting dressed, recognizing the clipped tones, Evan's head tilted as he considered. "i think i should not yet duel." he admitted. "i do not yet know my strength. i might kill something." he admitted. "you duel them and i will work on some spells. i want to gauge my power levels before i attempt to duel." he admitted as he let Sev and Lucius lead them to the Dueling room, both Sev and Lucius settled into the proper Dueling formation. they where the best duelists available after all, aside from Voldemort himself. they would give Alisander the workout he needed... he'd win, they all knew it, but he'd have to work for his win.
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Cassandra was quiet for a long moment getting her thoughts sorted out before answering.”Nothing to damaging. Broke his arm, ripped out some hair. Broke my hand when I pulled him away.”She muttered knowing better then to lie to him, but she didn’t have to be happy about telling him. “Papa?”She whispered looking anxious as she twisted to look up at him, looking so anxious and scared, both of her father, and for him. Afraid he’d be stupid and depressed about this.

“Oh.Well thats true.”Alisander said offering the other a brief smile as they all headed for the duelling room, settling into a fight. A hour later alisander snarled as he collapsed to the ground in annoyance, tired and emotionally exhausted, his rage over harry’s teachers and his fear of his father-which only made him angry because he felt he should know better then to fear him- had made him even more vicious and brutal then a normal temper tantrum of a duel. Collapsing back on the floor he sighed, panting.“Malfoy. I want Crouch dead within a day. And lockhart to for that matter.”He said looking at his sister’s father in law laying next to him. All three duelists were emotionally, mentally, and magically exhausted to the point that it wasnt so much a win as alisander had finally just run out of enough magical juice to throw a spell.
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Voldemort was shaking as he pressed his face against her hair, tears falling to land on her cheek... Voldemort was... was crying! he never cried! not even when their mother had died had he cried... "i hurt you... i hurt my babies." he whispered, voice hoarse with horror and shame. "i hurt my children..." he shuddered and he gently stood her up. "i must..." he paused, hesitated as he stood, wondering where he could go, or what he could do to fix this... how could he fix this!?

Lucius and snape where both gasping for air. they had twisted and worked the spells like no light wizard ever would.. or could, and snape had all sorts of strange things growing all over the place. they both groaned as something on the other side of the room and Harry started violently cursing again. that was the fifth time Harry's Wingardium Leveosa had blown something up. "thank god he didn't try to duel..." Snape muttered sourly, Lucius snickering a little as he looked up at Alisander. "why those two?" he asked, shocked. "besides, Barty is already dead, basically. he was Kissed, remember?" he asked sluggishly, too confused to really understand, but making a point to go in and use a smothering spell on Barty the next time he and the minister went on their weekly rounds. Lockheart would be much easier to kill. Lucius was simply going to push him out a window.
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Cassandra whimpered quietly as she stood in front of him, tears streaming down her face,looking slightly shocked to realize he was crying. “You don’t have to do anything.This is why we didnt want to tell you.”She muttered looking at him anxious as she wrapped her arms around his waist leaning into him. Intent on keeping him there, or at least getting him into bed before he hurt himself.”ome on papa. We’re going to go lay down.”

Alisander laughed breathlessly before nodding in agreement at snape’s words,”Yes, that would have been a mess.”He muttered before smirking at Luius.”Do I need a reason to want to kill a moronic death eater, and a even worse glory hound?”he said raising his eyebrow in a minicry of lucius’ patronizing look before smirking.Pausing for a moment.”I have to go.”He said heading for the door.”Harry. Don’t hurt yourself. I have to go see father.”He said not even bothering to clean up from the duel as he headed for the sitting room where he could feel the other two riddles.

“Now, what are you two doing in here?Do I need to get draco?”Alisander said frowning at the two. Not realizing what they were talking about, or that cassandra had told him.
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Voldemort shook his head. "i do.. i do have to... something..." Voldemort muttered, his world spinning around him, insanity of a more calmer type wrapping around him. it was shock mostly, but being half insane certainly wasn't helping. he didn't fight her grip, didn't fight her, he was too agonized to ever hurt his children, he couldn't bring himself to hurt his children, not even in his shock. he turned when Alisander walked in and a choked sob fell from his lips as he pulled his son into a tight hug. "oh god... Ali i'm sorry. i'm sorry i'm so sorry..." Voldemort chanted, collapsing onto his knees and dragging his son with him. "i am SO sorry i hurt you..." he whispered, trembling and sobbing and holding Alisander as if he was the last tie he had holding him to the earth. there was a sudden movement and draco was there, holding a vial of potion to Voldemort's lips, and shockingly, the Dar Lord drank it obediently, hoping for a poison, or just a respite from the pain. "calming drought mixed with a sleeping draft." Draco explained as Voldemort started going limp. "i could feel Cassandra's panic..." he admitted, rubbing his chest. "it was the ODDEST sensation... i thought she'd need this but... i think he needs it a little bit more.. Cassi? are you alright?"
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Alisander looked startled to suddenly find himself hugged, yelping as he was dragged down, wrapping his arms around his father as he eased them to the floor and sat down.”I know papa I know.”He muttered glaning at cassandra.”I thought you were going to ease into this subjet?” “Well, I tried.”Cassandra muttered blushing before loking amused as draco got voldemort to drink, looking relieved. “Well, I’m glad you came.”Alisander said before standing up, leaving the couple alone as he took his father to bed, settling into bed with him with a sigh to wait for him to wake.

Cassandra nodded looking happy to see him,stepping into his arms, leaning into him.”I am. Just...upset.”She muttered leaning into him, snuggling close.”Let’s go lay down...its a emotional day and I still have other things to work on...”She muttered trying to forcus to work on the spell, but the emotional upset was starting to pull her under and to sleep.
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Voldemort was as limp as a rag doll, completely asleep and he looked rather... fragile, laying on the bed, helpless against any revenge anyone might want to dish out to him. he slept through the night, and stared at his son in the morning. "i... i haven't broken down like that since..." since he'd been raped for the last time and had killed all of his rapists. "...i never knew... why didn't you tell me?" he asked, sounding worried. "if you had told me, i.... i would have gotten help so much sooner." he admitted, gently setting his hand on his son's, hoping that Alisander wouldn't flinch or pull away. "i am so sorry Ali, for what i did to you... i am SO sorry... i know, there's nothing i can do, to ever take away the pain of my actions but... i hope there's something, anything that i can do to help you?"

Draco nodded, wrapping his arms around her tightly before he picked her up and carried her to bed, ignoring the sounds of explosions, curses, and laughter as they passed the Dueling room. he gently set her on the bed and curled up with her, smiling a little as he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. "goodnight..." he muttered softly. in the morning, he was up before her, and had a tray of nice hot breakfast waiting for her. breakfast in bed... and there was a beautiful red rose in his hands as well, which he offered to her, all the thorns carefully clipped off. "good morning. are you feeling better?"
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Alisander yawned looking sleepily, smiling a little as he looked up at his father. Though he did pull away, it wasn’t until after a few minutes, to make sure his father understood it wasn’t the touch he was refusing, he was just stretching. Settling back on the bed he tilted his head a little.”....Cass knew what she had to do to help...she just couldn’t get the spell to work right. And you didnt remember...there was no point in mentioning it when there was nothing to do.”He muttered shifting, resting his head on the other’s shoulder, sighing quietly.”I don’t need help. You didn’t hurt me anymore then you hurt cass. Though you might want to see if you can convince her to rebreak the bones in her hand. They cause her problems sometimes, and since she didn’t want anyone to know what happened...she didn’t get them set right.”He muttered trying to distract his father.”You’ve hurt me worse in a duel, or upset me more by grounding me.Don’t worry.”He said rolling his eyes a little.

Cassandra smiled a little as she stirred, yawning as she rubbed her eyes wincing a little as her hand cramped, absently rubbing the hand to loosen the muscles. Taking the rose she smiled nodding.”I do. Just worried about papa and ali.”She said frowning a little, “But they need to talk, so I’m going to stay here and eat breakfast with you.”She said smiling as she started to eat.
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Voldemort relaxed as his son didn't flinch, didn't pull away, didn't hate him... "i should have..." he shook his head. "but i was too insane to have done anything, i suppose..." he muttered, closing his eyes. "and it is different Alisander... i know perfectly well what i tried to do to you." he admitted with a thick swallow. "what i almost did to you..." he nodded. "it would be easier to simply banish all the bones in her hand, and regrow them." he admitted simply. "and less painful." he admitted, nearly jumping out of his Skin as Harry came in with two trays of breakfast. "i had to have all the bones in my hand regrown. stupid teacher didn't wait for a healer and accidentally banished all the bones in my arm from elbow to fingertips." he admitted as he handed Voldemort his tray before offering Alisander breakfast as well. "what's this i hear about Lucius getting his way into Azakaban for a subtle murder hmm?"

he smiled as he gently took her hand as she winced. "how long has this been bothering you?" he asked, worried as he gently massaged the limp, taking great care not to massage too roughly, so he wouldn't damage her further. "...Father got a divorce..." Draco stated suddenly, looking Wary. "he says he was doing it to protect the Family..." he admitted, feeling nervous, and confused... but... hopeful. "...mother threatened you... didn't she? and Father stepped in to stop her..."
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“But your back to your most amazing self, and we’re both glad for that.”alisander said smiling a little before growing serious, shrugging a little.”Well you didn’t so stop worrying.”He grumbled before snickering as he looked up at harry, amused that his mate had made his father jump before smirking.”I’ll let you tell her that then. I want to be safely away from the house. She’s going to curse someone.”he said before grinning at harry as he started eating.”It was very subtle wasn’t it?I’ll have to reward lucius for being so good.”He said sidestepping the question just because he ould, and intent on getting his father to laugh.

“It does every once in awhile.I broke the middle bones in my palm a few years back, and they ramp sometimes.”She muttered nearly moaning in pleasure at having the muscles rubbed out before nodding a little.”I know. He came in and....told us all at once.”She said studying her bonded, trying to decide if he knew about severus and lucius. “Well...not so much.I insulted her and she yelled, but your father stepped in before she got to the threatening part.”She said smiling, though there was something sad in her smile as she focused on her food, remembering narcissa’s words but not wanting to upset draco
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Voldemort smiled a little at being forgiven and shook his head a little. "i think we'll make Draco tell her... she won't mutilate the person she loves right?" "'s no wonder your all in slytherin." Harry muttered with a roll of his eyes. "it's just sad really." and he smirked at Alisander. "and no, it wasn't subtle in the least little bit. your loosing your Slytherin touch." he teased as he lounged and played with a twisting bit of wind that was flowing between his fingers. "i found out what i can't cast Wingardium..." he admitted simply. "my magic can't do wizarding magic anymore..." he admitted with a small sigh. "so no Animagus for me..." he grumbled unhappily. "by the way, it's said that Barty Crouch JR. died in his sleep last night." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i apreciate it... you know." he admitted, smiling at Alisander, Voldemort feeling confused and curious, but said nothing, not wanting to pry.

Draco snorted a little. "don't lie to me Cassandra. i know very well that my mother either tried to Imperio you into a mindless puppet, or tried to break you into a mindless puppet. she's sick that way." he admitted, shaking his head. "still.. that Father actually stood up to her.. it's..." he frowned a little. "well, she's been in control of the family for so long that i don't know how Father will manage without her..." he admitted. "not that i like either of them, but i don't fancy running the Malfoy name just yet..." he mumbled. "you know... we should really try and find Rabastan and Uncle Severus someone... they both really need to get laid." he mused suddenly. "and it will be entertaining..." ah, Draco was bored, he always came up with ridiculous ideas when he was bored.
RE: Shattered Minds

“ do realize cassandra mutilates us on regular occasions under the guise of creating better mind healing spells?’Alisander snickered before smimling slightly.”Me? I didn’t do anything.I was right here, where Lucius was obviously off taking care of some problem.”He said smiling but relaxing when he realized harry wasn’t mad at him, snickering a little.

Cassandra giggled a little.”Okay, she tried to break me,but do you really think she could have done it?My father would have broke her into so many pieces she could fit in a matchbox.”She muttered looking amused before smirking slowly. Before giving over to a fit of giggles.”o-oh I wouldn’t worry...about your fathe yet...”She said breathlessly. “And they do need someone.”She said encouraging her bonded, because it would amuse her to see his reaction when he found out.
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry snickered a little and shrugged. "at least i don't have to worry. apparently Valereen can't have mental imbalances. which is why my... younger years, do not bother me. as soon as we bonded, my magic and my mind stabilized." Harry admitted, looking amused. "i didn't realize it until i read about it, but i was about this close to being as insane as Voldemort..." Harry admitted, holding his fingers close together. "one more death, one more... torment..." he shook his head. "if Snape had never broken the Shields Dumbledore put up, i never would have survived the year." he admitted, looking amused still. "your a terrible liar my love." Harry chirped happily. "a terrible, terrible liar."

Draco shrugged. "it matters less to me that she didn't succeed, the fact that she actually TRIED is what upsets me." he admitted, scowling a little as he examined her. "and what are you giggling about oh secretive one?" he demanded, his eyes narrowing a little. "what do you know that i don't?" he demanded, curious as he studied her. "...Father is in a relationship isn't he?... please, for the love of Merlin, don't let it be that Granger girl..." he pleaded to the fates.
RE: Shattered Minds

“Well then. Thats just one more thing for dumbledore to answer to.”He said before glancing at his father, nudging him a little.”You hear that?Your insane still.”He snorted before sighing looking at harry.”we’ve had a..discussion on things. And it seems ass has come up with spell to fix things. She just needs guardians, in case he attacks her.”He explained giving his mate a pleading look. He so wanted his father back.

“Well then, mayhap I should just deal with her.”Cassandra said smiling as she calmed, though she was still smiling. “I know alot of things that you don’t. But in this case...”She seemed to think about it,as if she wasn’t sure she would tell him.Eyes widening at his words, as if in shock.”Damn.I thought you didn’t know your father well enough to guess that.”She sulked, mentally howling with laughter, and carefully shielding from draco so he couldnt’ tell. having every intention of watching him go demand his father for a explanation.
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