Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra whimpered quietly pressing her face against draco's chest, her back heaving as she panted, the emotions in the room, enough to scare a usually unscarable woman. "No, he wouldn't. Voldemort must have thought there was a point to prove by kidnapping them. We will get his family back, and find harry."dumbledore said looking around, frowning slightly. Wondering if something had happened to malfoy's pretty little niece since they'd all gone missing at the same time. "Do not worry. I have a spy in malfoy manor. I will see if the boy is there, and we will get him back soon."

Alisander nodded looking amused as he pulled the knives rabastan had gotten him out, though they were coated with a phoenix laced baslik venom. The posion would hurt even as the tears healed him. "I'll be nice for a whole week, and maybe share the picture I have of luicus as a pink dragon."He fofered before smirking, "Dont lump me in with you evan. I am not a freak. I am much better. I am a death eater and slytherin's heir."Alisander pouted before smirking at vernon, his smirk widened as he stood, tugging evan into a kiss, pressing close to him, so the man could tell just how turned on the torture was leaving him. It was a very good thing it was evan in control, who was aware of just how twisted the man could be.
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Draco wrapped his arms even more tightly around her, and he brushed the bracelet around her wrist, activating the Runes so she wouldn't be affected so badly. "we will find him... right!?" Lupin pleaded. "please.. Albus... Harry is all i have left... we have to find him!" "easy Moony." Tonks murmured, catching the werewolf as he nearly sagged. "you've only just recovered from the full moon... you shouldn't be pushing yourself so hard." she murmured softly, gently stroking his hair before looking surprised. "you have a spy IN Malfoy manor!? that's amazing! the Aurors have been trying that for YEARS! how did you manage that!?" she asked, stunned before looking around. "...nothing at all is out of place... there's nothing here that indicates a struggle.... do you think... maybe they where Impiriod? or... or maybe where just gone when the wards fell? if they moved?..." but who leaves all their things when they move?

Evan smirked a little. "i don't like it when your nice." he purred, his red eyes glittering with delight. "i like it when your cruel and torturing someone who truly deserves it. it's fucking hot." he purred in delight as the entire Dursley family froze. "the...their FAGS!" Petunia wailed in horror, all of the family recoiling from the kissing teens, Evan's hands tangling in Alisander's hair, yanking on the silken strands as he growled deep in his throat, pushing forward, slamming Ali into the wall and pinning him there as Dudley gagged in horror as Chains tied him magically to the wall so that the humping Evan didn't have to be worried about being attacked. he was just as turned on as Ali was, his length pushing against Alisander's eagerly. "fuck. Ali... screw the muggles for now.. i wanna go fuck you." he hissed eagerly. "have you ever bottomed before?" he teased, grinning viciously. "because your about to."
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"Right. I promise moony, I will find him."Albus said looking worried dabout the man before smirking a little."It seems that lucius' niece isn't as loyal as everyone else. She wanted out, and needed protection if she walked away from her family."Dumbledore said before frowning at the living room before sighing."I am sure they were impiro'd. with both voldemort and malfoy here, that is the most reasonable explaination." Cassandra growled softly as she pressed her face against draco's chest, shaking not with fear, but anger at the thought she would betray her family like that.

"Ohh, then I most definately can be mean."Hhe growled laughing as he pressed closer to the other. "So we are. And we enjoy it."Alisander smirked at petunia as he rocked his hips into evan's sighing softly as he was pinned, raising a eyebrow."I thought you wanted to fuck me, not the muggles?"He pouted teasing, before glancing nervously at the other."I am most definately not bottoming."
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Remus uttered a short sob, but seamed to gather himself together, swallowing thickly as Tonks supported him, before they stared at him in shock. "Albus!" Tonks gasped in stunned astonishment. "how did you get an Empath to turn away from her TWIN of all things?!" Tonks asked stunned before examining the look on his face. "you... you DID know that... didn't you? that the twins where Empaths?" she asked, giving Dumbledore the subtle hint he needed to draw the conclusion that he might very well have killed Cassandra with his little compulsion hex. "in any case, if she can tell us where Harry is, that would be wonderful! no doubt Alisander will join her. they ARE attached at the hip..." she mused, Draco gently kissing Cassandra's neck. "Tonks is good at this." he murmured softly. "come on... we won't find anything here." Tonks complained shaking her head. "there's not even any blood in here, just the little splatter of it on the front walk." "that was Harry's, the way it's splattered indicates that he might have been struggling..." Lupin muttered as he led the way back outside, Draco smirking as he watched.

Evan smirked as he growled and groaned, shuddering as he rubbed harder and faster. "give me one good reason why i shouldn't take your sweet little ass." Evan ordered sternly, his eyes examining Alisander. "because i do not fucking bottom... that's Harry's position." he growled, studying the other, pausing. "are you... afraid?" he asked, backing up a little so that Alisander could breath, looking almost confused. he didn't understand how someone could be afraid. he himself simply refused to let have someone have that much power over him. never again... but afraid? who was afraid of sex?
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Dumbledore paled slightly at that before swallowing hard. "I did. I was careful to make sure it wasn't the strongest hex.She will be fine."he said with more faith then he was feeling, since he hadn't realized it, and he hadn't realized that it would kill her to turn away. Swallowing he nodded."I will send her a letter soon."He said before apparating back to the school. Cassandra sighed quietly looking relieved as they left standing slowly, turning to look at draco."your cousin is smarter then we give her credit for."She said looking amused as she shuddered, lust sliding through their bond as he pressed a kiss to her neck.

"Because I don't bottom.Ever."Alisander snarled as he looked up at evan, shoving him a little. "now. I don't feel like having sex in a cell. I want a bed."He said shoving the other a little refusing to look at him, or to consider about the fear that was clawing his stomahc.
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he snickered a little as he shook his head. "Dumbledore thinks your dead. we need to have Alisander write Dumbledore saying that you 'died from an unexplained disease of the mind'. without Harry and Evan, i doubt that you would have survived." he admitted, letting his worry shine through as he got up and moved over tot he table where Tonks had left a disillusioned pile of papers. her reports on the Order of the Phoenix. "you know... we should kill a random muggle while their under Polyjuice to look like Harry. once dead, the Polyjuice won't wear off, and it will be Harry laying dead with the rest of his relatives. a perfect way to fake his death." Draco chirped, looking pleased with his idea as he took her hand and activated the port key, landing in the Riddle Dining room and taking her hand, fighting not to react to the lust that was shimering between their bonds.

Evan snarled at Alisander. "well i don't bottom, Ever!" he hissed furiously. "i will never let anyone have that kind of power over me ever again! and since your going to be such a dick about it, then you can fuck Harry!" Alisander could feel the hurt and rage that was shimmering through Evan when the feelings where instantly cut and red eyes returned to Green, Harry blinking slowly as he examined Alisander. " you want to talk about it, or just fuck?" he asked, taking his lovers hand and leading him out of the cell, purposely stepping on Dudley's leg... ok he stomped on it... hard... and from the sound it made and the screams of pain... he'd broken it.
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Cassandra smiled nodding a little as she wrapped her arms around him,taking comfort in his presence as she leaned against him to read the papers tonks had left."We'll disfigure his cousin before they kill him, if they haven't already."He said smiling as he took them home, giving him a amused look as she leaned up to kiss him, with her back towards the rest of the room, not realizing that the elder en were there and looking amused.

Alisander frowned a little at the feelings staring at the other man before looking at harry before he shrugged."Not really, because you'll tell my father and that will just be a mess waiting to happen."He muttered snickering as he broke dudley's leg picking him up as he headed for his bedroom. limbing into bed with him he snuggled against him plling him in for a kiss.
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Draco smiled a little as he shook his head a little. "Evan won't let the Dursley's die too soon. after all the years of mistreatment, he'll want them to suffer as much as possible." Draco admitted with a shrug as Tonks wrote about Snape being a spie, about the people in the order, about their weaknesses, such as never killing save for Moody, who she was apparently using Harry to convert to the Dark. Lupin wrote a short thing in there, that 'he was in' but ONLY if they returned Harry back to him alive. Draco nearly laughed his ass off on that. apparently Tonks was better at keeping secretes than they thought.

Harry stared at the other, his eyes narrowed. "i cannot beleive you just said that to me." Harry huffed. "do you really think i would ever trust an 'Adult' with any sensitive information ever again!? do i need to remind you about the years of abuse at the Dursley's and then at school at the orders of said 'adults'? honestly Alisander, i'm insulted!" but he didn't FEEL insulted, he felt more annoyed and worried, but it was better to appear insulted, Alisander wouldn't appreciate pity. "but no matter. Evan will come around i think. He just doesn't want to give anyone that kind of power over him. not after... anyway, where where we? you have... you know, done this before right? because i haven't and i've heard it hurts the first time..." Harry admitted, biting his lip nervously. "i have sucked cock before... i'm good at that. i used to practice with loli's and hot dogs and stuff like that."
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Cassandra laughed at that looked amused as they walked into the dining room,lsaning gainst severus back as he read a potions book."having fun spying?tonks thinks your up to no good uncle."she teased looking amused before sighing."it seems lupins willing to join in, if we give him back harry."she snorted lauhing. As if they could order harry to go.

"True. Thouh its not so much that as you have that damned connection to my dad."he pointed out looking worried that the man was truly upset with him. "That's mildly disturbing that you practiced, but yes I have done this before so I promise I won't hur you more then I have to."he said though his smile was a touch sad his mind still elsewhere
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Severus didn't even twitch. he was used to such things from the twins. "that's what makes me a good spy." Severus admitted. "she truly thinks that i'm Dumbledore's toady." Severus admitted simply. "it allows us to gather two different types of information. i get mine from Dumbledore directly, because the other Order members do not trust me. and she gets hers from the actual order members." he admitted, Voldemort clicking his tongue, pleased with himself. "no, but we can meet at Gringotts, and Harry can talk to Lupin himself. everyone knows that the Goblins will always and forever be neutral when it comes to wizarding 'scuffles'. Harry can talk to his... what does he call the man whore? his 'Dogfather'?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow as Snape sneered.

Harry snorted a little. "i forgot about that." Harry admitted with a small shake of his head. "honestly... my scar doesn't even hurt when i'm near him anymore. Evan thinks it's because me and my magic no longer views him as a threat, so my mothers Blood and Safety magic no longer rebels against the little piece of himself that's stuck in my scar." Harry admitted, shaking his head. "i had to practice, i got tired of choking and gagging every time i..." he went bright red and coughed a little. "anyway, i trust you." he admitted with a smile as he leaned forward, kissing the other. "i know you won't hurt me anymore than i can handle." he purred softly as he licked and nibbled on the others neck. "i can't think of anyone i'd like more to take my virginity than you." Harry admitted with a sappy little grin.
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"Yes, the dogfather. Must we?I get twitchy, the man makes me want to curse him, and I haven't even met him."Cassandra whined resting her head on her hands as she leaned against severus' back, "Okay. Well. I'll go get them then, if you'll send a letter to them. The sooner we do this, the sooner dumbledick takes a fall off a cliff."Cassandra said grinning at the man's nickname before heading upstairs and heading upstairs.

"Hmm that does make sense.As long as you two aren't fighting, at least you wont be giving cass a headache."He said amused before getting, "Well I can-Bloody hell cass, don't you have a blond to be kissing?"Alisander whined even before the woman knocked on the door, looking annoyed. "Ah, but harry's man whore and the werewolf want to see him."She said way to pleased at interrupting her brother's sex life.
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Voldemort chuckled a little. "with Sirius Free, he can be of a great help to us, even as a neutral like Harry, his refusal to fight us will be good for us." Voldemort admitted simply. "Harry can control the bastard." Voldemort promised, smirking a little at Dumbledore's new nickname. amused enough that he didn't even chastise her on her language. upstairs, Harry whined unhappily as he was paused and looked up to scowl at Cassandra. "they can wait a few hours dammit! i was going to be laid for the first time!" he complained, though he sat up and rubbed his hard on in a pathetic effort to get it to go down. "have Tonks bring them. Sirius and Moony trust her, they won't think she's leading them into a trap like they will with Snape." Harry admitted once his arousal went down to a manageable level. he got dressed in his best robes, flattening them down as he took a deep breath. "tell Tonks to bring Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood as well please." he ordered, feeling rather panicked. if anyone protested too badly... well, Evan was a master at Legillemency, he could simply erase their memories. with that in mind, Tonks gathered the ones that needed to be gathered, without anyone finding out by using Portkeys.

the Goblin's of course, gave their permission to use Gringott's for the meeting, and Harry walked into the room where all of his freinds where waiting with Alisander and Cass at his back, lending him the support he needed as he told the group exactly what Dumbledore had done. what REALLY surprised Harry... was that they all agreed to remain neutral, and to not help Dumbledore. Ron even offered to follow Harry anywhere, even to the Dark Lord. Ron was willing to be marked for Harry, and so was Neville and Luna... Harry had never felt so loved in his life. Lupin agreed to join the Dark Order, as per the agreement, and agreed to bring in the Packs that he was i control of, only if Grayback and he fought an Alpha Battle the next full moon. Lupin refused to follow that child biting bastard. Sirius even promised to remain neutral, and to convince others to go neutral as well. all in all, it was the perfect meeting, and Harry and Evan both had never felt so relieved in their lives. they where so relieved they even told their freinds about the Multiple Personalities.
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Alisander and Cass meanwhile were allowing the friends to talk as they argued, though they were doing it silently, it was obvious they were fighting as their facial expressions changed. Before shifting her attention Cassandra frowned looking at ron, wrinkling her nose a little before getting up and moving towards him before she even thought of it, absently poking her finger against his forehead."Evan, this one's been imprio'd before. A lot."She said ignoring the look the red head was giving her even as she sorted through the man's emotions before frowning as she looked at alisander, before looking at evan before stepping back. Frowning at them all. Not about to trust them with their identity, perfectly comfortable with just being a death eater. "Cass stop being weird. You know what f-Voldemort has told you about that among strangers."Alisander scowled a little looking amused, because his twin could be so very odd sometimes when something was bothering her.
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Harry paused as Cassandra prodded Ron in the forehead, the boy staring Cross eyed at her fingers, looking confused. "what? of course i haven't! i'd remember something like that." "actually... Ron, most people don't remember being Impiriod." Evan stated, his eyes going Red, as they always did when he took over now. "let me look." he odered, catching Ron's chin and staring into the Redheads shocked eyes. "...your right Cass. i'm amazed he even still has a mind left... not to mention the times he's been Obliviated... i'll need to check the other Weasley's as well... you said Percy was already yours? we'll start with him..." "WHAT!?" Ron asked, stunned. "Percy's a Death Eater?! holy Merlin!" "hush! i need to concentrate you idiot! stop talking!" Evan snapped, glaring at Ron who quailed under the chastisement. "...i think Harry should be able to fix the Damages." Evan admitted. "but we can't do it here, it will take hours. there's so much scarring and so many holes..." he looked at Luna. "...i am NOT going into YOUR head." "oh, don't worry. i can't be Imperiod... or Obliviated, my mind is too.... off, for that." Luna promised airily. "i DID try to tell you that the Nargels where infesting his brain you know." Evan's eye twitched and he shook his head.

"whatever... let's get these guys back to Riddle Manor. i want to check them all. i think Ron is the most affected though. i suspect every time he turned his back on us... that he was being Impiriod." ", i was just jealous." Ron complained, looking confused, Evan lifting an eyebrow. "Ronald... i am standing here i robes that cost me three hundred galleons... and you know it, you commented on them when you walked in. you HATE it when we spend money like this because 'your so poor'. why aren't you jealous now?" "i... because..." Ron looked stunned, his eyes widening. "because you have the money and you should use it... oh my god... someone... someone's been fucking with my head!" Ron wailed, shocked that he himself had never noticed. it... it FRIGHTENED him... "we'll have to get the Weasely's, talk to them one at a time..." Evan muttered, frowning a little as he considered possible allies.
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Cassandra smirked slightly nodding."I'm always right evan, you should know this."She said before sighing nodding a little."I'll get to percy, then meet you back at home."Cassandra said apparating out before heading home to warn her father that he was about to have a house full of guests ho probably wouldn't be happy to see him.

"Well, between harry and cassandra working on the emotional damage, we'll have you bak to being normal weasley....well, more normal then now."Alisander's smirk was amused as they apparated back to the manor, settling them into the sitting room before looking at evan."Do you think father should have a look at them?If there's more damage then just the impiriod. And since father's the one with the longest history with dumbeldore, he'll know what to look for."He said knowing he was skating on thin ice, his father never talked about what happened when he was younger, and the twins only knew it happened because you ouldn't really hide things like that from a empath who's so strong even rooms away she woke screaming when he had nightmares.
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Evan rolled his eyes. "you not ALWAYS right." he scoffed, shaking his head a little as Ron huffed, annoyed at being called abnormal. "your just pissed because i beat you in chess." Ron accused Alisander, well aware that it was true. Ron had kicked Alisander's ass. Evan looked hesitant before he shook his head at Ron's utterly panicked look. "no, lets not get Him involved, Ron can barley handle the thought of Draco, let alone..." "your the Dark Lords Son!" Ron squeaked, terrified as he stared at Alisander, Evan lifting an eyebrow. "...and here i thought you where the stupid one." "just when it comes to book smarts. i'm really very observant..." Ron admitted, his voice high pitched with fear and a touch of horror, Hermione nodding. "he really is you know. it's just that no one notices because he never really talks about anything other than quidditch... he knew you where Gay in first year." Harry looked stunned. "the hell? I didn't even know i was Gay in first year!" Harry complained, eyes bleeding back to green, Ron snickering. "i also know what the Fake Moody did to you." Green instantly flared to red and Evan had punched Ron before the red head could even say anything, the loud yelp emanating in the room, Ron looking stunned. "don't you say another fucking word Weasel! you know nothing about me! i'll KILL you if you spill any of my secretes you no good son of a bitch!" he was advancing on Ron, who was scrambling backwards in an effort to get away from the murderous air that Evan was putting off. "Alisander! bedroom! now!" Evan ordered, his voice a hiss as he started pushing Alisander out of the room. he didn't want to get laid, he just wanted to suck Alisander off, fast and hare, and then make Alisander repay the favor. no, he didn't want laid, since Alisander was apparently a pussy, but he'd get his need to dominate other ways.
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Alisander smiled looking amused at the exchange tilting his head slightly."so I am. Though id refrain from telling anyone that. It won't make father happy that anyone outside the death eaters know."he said frowning in curiousity at the mention of the fake moody who he knew had been helpi.g his father return to his body. Frowning as he was ordered about he took his time walking out of the room."don't order me about like I'm just a death eater evan,"he sfowled

Cassandra watched her brother go in concern wondering if he really was as calm as he felt or if he'd finally managed to trick her before looking at drafo and the others."do you want to return home or I can see about getting you rooms here."she offered
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Ron snorted. "i won't be telling anyone that's for damn sure. i like being alive thanks." Ron muttered, watching Evan leave as he rubbed his jaw before glancing at Cassandra. "i think it's better that we stay here. Dumbledore's dangerous right now... who knows what he might do to us, especially if word gets out that Harry isn't as 'kidnapped' as people seam to think he is." "i personally would like a meeting with The Dark Lord." Lupin admitted simply. "there are... concerns, i wish to present to him." Lupin admitted simply, Ron rolling his eyes as Sirius snickered, Hermione huffing a little as she shook her head. "i'd like to visit the library if you have one. i'd like to do some research on MPD. it worries me that Harry's mind is fractured like that, it CAN'T be healthy..."

Evan snarled a little at Alisander, glaring at him. "if you want me to suck your dick Alisander, you will hurry the fuck up!" he ordered. "or i'll go rape someone else! and i KNOW you wouldn't like me going to someone else!" Evan growled. "your no more a Death Eater than i am, i'm bossing you about because your letting me, now MOVE!" he ordered, his voice taking on that shining edge of desperation as he pushed Alisander into their bedroom, dropped to his knees and fumbled with his lovers pants, unbuttoning the buttons with his teeth and tongue as his hands groped and massaged the length trapped behind the trousers.
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Cassandra laughed grinning a little."Yes, father does have a tendency to deal with things like that."She said before sighing a little looking thoughtful before nodding. "Yes, and while it seems I am currently dead, it would be better for you to stay, not that I don't think you could keep secret, but it would be easier to hide e being alive if everyone was here."She said thoughtfully before nodding loking at lupin. "Well then, I will take you to see papa, while draco, if you would love, see the other two to the library?"She said smiling so brightly at her bonded there was no question he'd do what she asked, only of how fast he'd do it. Snickering to herself as she led lupin out of the room she raised a hand and gave him a sushing gesture as she snuck into her father's office who had his desk chair facing away from the door as he read, moving to pounce on him, showing that the man had indeed changed when he didnt hex her for landing in his lap, and that he was very sane. "Papa!I brought someone to talk to you."She said acting about 10 instead of nearly 18. Due to the extreme emotional battering she took on a daily basis from just the people around her, she sometimes acted alot younger then what she was.

Alisander growled looking annoyed but hurrying as he let the other move him along faster. "Hmm well, I'll just have to let you rush me, since you are going to suck my ock."He muttered moaning as the other stroked him, whining quietly. Closing his eyes as he leaned back against the wall he looked down at the other with both concern and lust."Evan?Is everything okay?"He muttered.
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Draco nodded a little. "i will." he promised, leading Ron and Hermione away, Ron whining about having to go to a library, but agreed happily once Draco challenged him to a game of Chess. Remus glanced after Ron, clearly looking worried before following Cassandra, swallowing thickly as he walked into the room where Voldemort and Lucius where chatting about some random plan, Severus working on a Potion he was trying to make. "of course not." Voldemort stated, examining Lupin intently. "you have... requests, i hear?" "...yes." Lupin muttered softly. "i..." "please, sit. i'm not nearly as insane as i'm made out to be. if you have concerns i will not curse you for voicing them." reassured by Sev's nod, Lupin explained that he didn't want his rather large pack to be used only for murder. he was fighting for their rights, and he didn't want to work under Fenrir. "i beleive that Fenrir would agree to a Trial." Voldemort admitted. "as of right now, you both hold equal halves of the entire werewolf community in Britain. he wants to own them all." "yes, i know. if i win, i have all the packs, and a way to make sure that they get the help and the education they need.... if he wins... well, you have yourself a proper army... really it's almost a win win situation for you... er, My Lord?" "i am not your lord. i would never think to try and hold power over a werewolf of your standing." Voldemort admitted simply, much to Lupin's shock.

Evan snarled a little. "i can't tell you!" he snapped, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the others hip. "i can't... Harry made me promise... no one knows... except Ron..." Evan admitted softly. "we where weak... and i won't be weak again... never again." Evan muttered, much more calm now as he started to trace the others cock with his tongue. teasing, touching, tasting eagerly, enjoying now instead of reacting from pain.
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Cassandra smiled as she stretched dout in a chair next to the others, watching her uncle make his potion with a absent look, mostly listening to the others talk before snickering at her father's answer."What he doesn't want to say, is he doesn't want bitten again. Trying to control you is simply to dangerous to his own health, and therefore a bad thing to do."Cassandra mused absently from her hair, snickering at lupin's shock, closing her eyes as she enjoyed floating on the emotions on those around her before getting up to sit down next to her father in law, studying him for a long moment before smiling a little, tilting her head."I wanted to thank you..."She said studying him, trying to figure out how to talk to him without offending the man.

Alisander sighed softly as he stroked the other's hair, before nodding."Okay then."he muttered willing to let it drop because he had his own secret that he couldn't tell evan, so letting him keep his own was only fair. Shivering as he tilted his head back, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the other's touch."Bed would be nice. Otherwise your going to make me fall over."He muttered.
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Lupin looked stunned. "you where bitten by a werewolf and you didn't change?!" "yes. i nearly bled myself out to get rid of the poison... Severus had to restart my heart three times." Voldemort admitted, looking amused. "it did not help my sanity..." Voldemort admitted, glancing at Cassandra before dragging Lupin into an in depth discussion about the numbers in Lupin's pack. Lucius tossed her a startled glance before he looked suspicious and uneasy, and felt it too. he clearly thought she was up to something. "for what? i assure you i have done nothing..." at least, he didn't think he had...

Evan smiled a little as he looked up at the other, red eyes glimmering with lust. "...i CAN promise you that Harry will enjoy your... advances, very eagerly." he teased, smirking a little. "i do not know if i myself am physically capable of bottoming, but we will get to that later." Evan promised before sucking the others cock deep into his throat, giving the other no chance at all of getting to the bed. if Alisander collapsed, well, that just meant that Evan was doing it right.
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Cassandra smiled a little at his look, amused because she could feel what he was feeling, but she didn't know how to make him feel better, because she really was up to something, just not what he thought she was. He'd known her to long, for her to truly be able to convince him she wasn't doing something."You did not throw a fit when me and draco bonded, or immediately pounce on me to demand how this would benefit you, having your grandhildren-if and when there are any- related to father."She said looking at him thoughtfully."Besides...I share a good relationship with my father. It seems you and draco could use one to."She said with a small smile.

alisander groaned shivering a little growling as he rested his head back on the wall, hands fisted in the other's hair. Shuddering as he came with a soft shout, his legs nearly giving out on him, and the only reason he stayed up was the tight grip he was keeping on evan.
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Lucius stared at her, looking utterly stunned and then. "grandchildren... i hadn't thought of that." Lucius muttered, sounding rather astonished before shaking his head. "besides, how could i complain when i would die for doing so? it is... good, for our family... both of our families i think..." Lucius admitted, biting his lip. "...Draco... i truly thinks he loves you... and despite my personal feelings... i could never Deny Draco something like that, no matter my Wife's opinions on such things." it was well known that Lucius and Narcissa had been forced into marriage at the tender ages of seventeen. they held no love for one another, and in fact, could barely stand each other. "i want Draco to be happy, even if i myself do not know how to accomplish such a thing." he admitted, shaking his head. "Draco and i... we will never be close... i do not know how to and he rightfully hates me." Lucius admitted simply. "that is the way things are."

Evan sighed eagerly as he sucked down the seed that Evan offered him, a deep rumbling sound filling the air... a Purr... Evan was... he was PURRING! he was content and ever so happy as he carefully licked the other clean. "mmm i feel so much better now." Evan admitted softly, nipping the edge of Alisander's hip. "shall we take a nap now?"
RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra laughed at his stunned look, smirking slightly."Well, I think I'm glad that there are some things even the wicked and devious lucius malfoy can't think far enough ahead for."She said seriously though her eyes were light and teasing, showing she was indeed just giving him a hard time. And he'd understand it, at least she hoped. Anyone aquintanted with the twins had to get used to their off the wall humor, even if it was at the expense of egos, theirs and other people's. "Your wife needs a serious talking to....maybe I should talk to her?"She offered, her smile this just side of wickedly delighted. AFter all it was just as well known that even if they hadn't trusted him always, the twins had loved their uncle lucius, and hated his wife with a passion they reserved for a very few,and she was one of the few people they actually went out of their way to pratice their father's snarky and cruel tendencies on. Studying her father in law cassandra smiled a little, "You two are set in your ways. Sometimes it just needs willingness to try."She sulked because she was finding the malfoy men impossible to talk to sometimes.

Alisander shuddered swallowing hard as he smiled as evan nipped at him. Looking startled at the purr before grinning."I could use some sleep. I'm sure whatever my sister's going to be up to with your friends, or god forbid, convincing her bonded and father in law to get along, is bound to be a deterient in sleep so we better rest while we can."he said amused as he picked up the other collapsing back onto the bed with him with a sigh.
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