Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra frowned as she studied her father, looking worried and anxious as she chewe on her lip."Oh.Well..that makes sense. He'd not want the spell to be undone."She said slumping a little, realizing that she had indeed hurt the two boys. Biting her lip more before she straightened."If its a mental thing, I'll fix it."She said knowing it was her fault that he was in this mess, so she'd fix it. Heading upstairs she climbed onto the bed next to harry, resting her forehead against his as she reached out for him.Potter?Evan?

Alisander snorted a little glancing at his father as he finished his coffee."You maniuplative bastard. She's going to kill you if she ever figures it out."he muttered before glancing at severus, raising a eyebrow."wouldn't move out of the door?"
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Voldemort nodded and watched her run off, flashing a smirk at Alisander. "well, she's not upset now, is she?" he asked with a small chuckle as Snape grimaced. "she's SUPPOSED to be resting! i'd rather be cursed by her than face Pamona Pomfery if that blasted medi-witch finds out i just 'happily' let that brat out of bed." Snape complained as he sagged into a chair. Snape was currently Voldemort's 'favorite' outside of the twins, so he was allowed to say such things.

as soon as her mind reached in, she was grabbed, tightly and pulled in even deeper, memories whizzed by too quickly to be seen and suddenly she was in-between two pulsing minds as they yelled at one another. Voldemort was right, it wasn't anything that Cassi had done... they where fighting about who should control 'the body' the most. or rather, Evan was complaining that Harry was trying to hog the body, and Harry was bitching that 'he'd been there first' so 'he got dibs'... they both paused and turned to stare at Cassandra, looking rather stunned... both looked very... odd, in their mental forms. Harry had glowing Evada Kedavra eyes, and hair so white that it put Lucius Malfoy to shame. he was wearing pure white robes that gleamed in the dimness of the mental scape. Evan was the exact opposite. he had glowing ruby red eyes, even brighter than Voldemort's, and had hair so black, it seamed to suck in the little light there was. his robes where also black. "Cassandra? what are you doing in here!?" Harry asked, astonished. "i thought we had our barriers up..." "idiot. Occlumency can't keep out an Empath. you should know that now that we're freely sharing information properly." Harry paused and then nodded. "still getting used to that." harry admitted sheepishly, Evan snorting.
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"Very true, but she will be eventually."He snorted laughing before smirking slightly. "And oh gods, I would be to. Pamona would be vicious if she knew cassi was out of bed already."He snickered before looking at severus, closing his eyes for a moment."Think lucius will try to kill us for what the brat did??"He said looking amused, because he knew lucius hadn't left his son's side despite being unhappy with how the bond had messed up his plans.

Cassandra looked around, looking thoughtful as she studied the two before smirking."I'm here cause ali's worried cause you haven't woken up yet. Papa's worried cause he thinks your in here trying to lock evan away. So I decided to come see what you were really doing."Cassandra said snickeing a little as she looked around her. "Sorry guys.About you know....cutting you.Nearly killed draco.Didn't mean to."She muttered showing she did indeed know how badly she'd hurt her bonded, only if because the healed wounds still ached on the blond and through the bond she could feel it
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Snape chuckled a little and nodded. "Lucius will do nothing. i myself have made certain of it." Snape admitted simply. "i simply pointed out to him that Draco himself would be utterly furious of Lucius took such measures, after he risked his own skin on purpose to save the woman that he loves... Lucius seamed... surprised, that Draco genuinely cares about Cassandra. whether this is simply because of the bond, i cannot be sure. whatever the case, it is good for Draco." Snape admitted with a shake of his head. "Draco did ruin Lucius's plans, but even Lucius can see the advantages of being father in law to Cassandra." Snape admitted, looking amused as Voldemort snorted. "ever the Slytherin, isn't he?" Voldemort complained, shaking his head.

Evan smirked and Harry went red at the mention of Alisander and they glanced at each other. "we're just arguing, and about more than just the body. we're trying to decide who to trust. i've finally convinced Harry to at least consider the Dark Side... he wants to speak to Voldemort first... clearly we can't trust Dumbledore, we know we can trust Luna and Neville. but we're not sure about the Weasley's or Hermione..." Evan admitted, scowling a little as he considered. so far, none of the Weasley's had been swayed to 'the dark side' but they where working on Percy. "we're also trying to decide who to tell about... well us. you know? we can't have Dumbledore finding out that we have MPD." "if it even is MPD." Evan protested. "i've been around almost as long as you have Harry... you where a baby then, how can it be MPD when you hadn't done anything too traumatic in that time?" "...i don't know, but what else could it be?" Evan just shrugged. "i'm sure Voldemort can help us figure it out." Harry made a face and shook his head. "i don't want anyone else to know yet Evan... not until a few more things are Fact, not just guesstimates. Cassandra and Alisander, sure. they can be trusted to keep a secrete... but no one else... not even Malfoy." this was said to Cassandra. "and it wasn't your fault we got cut... you where fighting off what you thought was an enemy."
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"Good."Alisander said looking more relieved at the idea before sighing quietly laughing."Oh yes, draco would be furious. Might be worth it, to see the malfoy battle malfoy."Alisander said looking to amused at the idea of father and son duking it out before growing serious."He's obsessed. And questioning why and how he can love her. I think he really is starting to fall for her....but cassandra's going to be vulnerable to lucius, I hope you two realize this?"He said looking at the two older men."He's slytherin enough to use her guilt over hurting draco for his own ends."

"Ha!Ali's going to be so glad at that reaction."Cassandra said snickering at harry's blush before sighing softly. "Father will be speaking to you I'm sure, if only to offer you thanks for getting me out of my mess."She said not realizing just how far her father had to go to get her help. Figuring it had been evan to help her, not harry whod gotten to see voldemort beg. "I'd work on Ginny first. She's got the hots for alisander. And apparently everyone who joins and is young enough, seems to think they get to screw him,even if he IS extremely picky about who he does sleep with."Cassandra said snickering slightly before sighing softly. "I'm sorry..."She said biting her lip."Draco already knows. At least a vague idea, its what sent me over the edge actually. We were talking about you when I hit the floor."She said shrugging a little in apology
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Snape smirked. "Draco would win against Lucius. Lucius will hesitate to curse his own son. Draco will not hesitate in the slightest." Snape admitted as he took a sip of tea. "Draco has never known love." Snape admitted simply. "his own mother doesn't care one lick about him. Lucius doesn't know how to properly show affection, and neither do i. Cassandra will teach Draco how to be a good mate." Snape promised simply. "as for Lucius. do you really think Draco would allow such a thing?" he asked with a smirk. "he'll kill Lucius if he finds out that he's been manipulating Cassandra." Snape admitted, well aware that Lucius was listening in on the conversation, hungry, but not hungry enough to interrupt. "Draco cares much more about Cassandra, than any filthy plan that Lucius might think up."

Harry just blushed harder and Evan snickered in delight. "yes well, you should be thanking Harry for that. Voldemort actually got on his knees and begged!" Evan admitted, practically delighted at having witnessed the man's weakness. "Harry is the one with the Healing abilities. he's the one that removed the Hex. i just took care of the Dark curses that where attached to it." Evan admitted, Harry staring at his toes, embarrassed as Evan swelled with importance. they where practically opposites in every way. no wonder they couldn't agree on anything. "...well, we can always make him promise not to tell anyone." Harry grumbled with a small sigh. "i really hate Malfoy." "... well, i rather find him amusing." Evan admitted viciously. "his terror is sweet." he admitted, shaking his head. "in any case, Snape knows too so Draco isn't that much worse... please tell us LUCIUS doesn't know at least!? the man would use this to his advantage SOMEHOW, the slimy bastard... and don't you let him use you either! no doubt he'll try to use your guilt about hurting Draco to make you do stupid shit. you mustn't let him." Evan ordered firmly. "now, go back and let Alisander know we're safe. Harry and i still have some... things, to... er, discuss."
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"What?!?What?"Cassandra stared, flushing and embarassed at her father's actions before hugging harry tightly before stepping back."Thank you."She muttered before looking amused at their different reactions before nodding."I told him not to tell, but I can tell him on pain of breaking our bond, that if he tells anyone I'll walk away."She said seriously before swallowing hard."And no, lucius doesn't know. We don't tell him things anymore. I'll see you two later then."She said before pulling away from them, thinking over their words about lucius as she headed downstairs, smirking as she sat the blond standing outside the doors. Silently casting a air walking charm she crossed the room between them, silently summoning her gauntlet, letting the claws slide through his white blond hair as she approached."Hmm didn't anyone ever tell you its rude to hover in doorways?"

"True. But its quite amusing to think about it happening."Alisander said thoughtfully, feeling lucius outside the door to, but enjoying jerking the man around to much to let him in the room. "Cass' on her way down...with lucius outside the door. This will be funny.Alisander said snickering a little as he sent the though to the two men sitting at the table, shifting to look at the door.
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Evan snickered and nodded and they both kissed her on opposite cheeks. "thanks Cassi... an... and thank you for helping me too." Harry chirped, offering her a smile. "Evan told me how you fixed whatever was wrong with my mind." he admitted, fidgeting. "so... erm... yeah thanks." Evan rolled his eyes and scowled at Harry. "you sound like an idiot." and that started the bickering again as she left. Lucius was struggling to come up with an idea on how to make things work his way when he felt metal, sharp metal sliding through his hair and he froze. "...Miss Riddle." Lucius managed to choke out. "do you plan to try and murder me as you did my son?" "Father." that was Draco! out of bed and looking perfectly healthy. "don't you DARE try to accuse Cassandra of such a ridiculous notion! she nearly died with me!" he snarled, Lucius looking shocked. "we are bound by heart, mind and soul. when one of us is hurt, so too is the other. i did what i had to, to save Cass and i would gladly have lost both hands to do so. now move out of the way, i have a migraine and i do not feel like dealing with your idiotic plans for world domination today." Lucius sputtered and turned a right, furious red... but he moved out of the way and watched Draco stalk into the kitchen, demanding a house elf to bring him some Coffee.
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Cassandra let out a pleased hum,"I co-"She stopped pouting when draco appeared looking at her bonded, relief showing in her eyes even though she was pouting."You don't make torturing him all that fun."She whined as she followed drao to the kitchen and sitting down next to him, sipping the orange juie that the elves brought her. "You know, we're never going to hear the end of it now that he's annoyed."she whined a little.

Alisander snickered as he bounded up out of his chair, pulling open the door and letting lucius into the dining room. "Come on in Lucius. We wont threaten you with bodily harm over breakfast. Maybe after though."Alisander said before flinging himself back into his chair next to his father, looking at the man, "Has the daily prophet come yet?"He asked eager to see what his news article looked like."Also, if you think they're up to it. I would like to take the other 3 into diagon alley today."
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Draco offered her a small smile and shook his head. "why should i let you torture my father? i don't like him all that much, but i do have to protect him out of moral obligation." Lucius stood stunned at that, his eyes wide and shocked, hurt, though he wasn't sure why... it wasn't as if he'd ever shown the boy anything other than contempt or annoyance... but it did hurt all the same. "i'm always annoyed." Draco stated simply as he filled his coffee with so much sugar, it was starting to congeal. Lucius jerked, shocked as he was suddenly let in and he followed Alisander into the kitchen, forcing himself not to look as timid as he felt. "it's just arrived... very good work on the article. it made the front page." Voldemort admitted, passing Alisander the Newspaper as Draco accepted his from his waiting owl, examining the picture of Cassandra on the front page, laying on the ground and out cold as if in Agony. "Skeeter even got a picture?" Lucius asked, shocked. "how in the hell does she do that?" "mmm i know how." Draco admitted, taking a long swallow of his coffee as he continued to ignore his Father, who scowled, annoyed at being ignored. "how is Harry?" Voldemort asked Cassandra curiously. "any idea why he's not waking up? i have much to explain to him." he hesitated a moment and then. "i don't know if Diagon Alley is a good idea Alisander. Dumbledore is bound to have people out in force looking for his precious pawn... perhaps a shopping expedition in France, or in Italy would be better?"
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"....your a death eater, don't we give up on moral obligation?"Cassandra said wincing a little as she glanced at lucius, tilting her head as she studied the older blond before looking at draco, making a note to talk to him later. "You really shouldn't put that much sugar in."She muttered rolling her eye sa little. Alisander grinned as he read the letter, looking amused that draco was ignoring his father, but willing to go along with the game. "Oh, it seems him and evan are arguiing about things. Not about evan going away, but who to trust, and what to do and all that."Cassandra shrugged looking amused. "I know, but we'll cast that parsel glamour you used last night, only another parsel can see through it. And it would be better,but I want to see how people are reacting to seeing dumbledore accusing of harming a innocent girl." "I'm not innocent." "Well okay, more innocent then lucius over there, who's seen more balls then a qudditch team."Alisander delivered effortlessly and amused, knowing the man was religiously and fiercely straight, so making fun of him for being gay just wound him up more. And feeling what he had felt when draco lashed out at him through cass, was making him interested in just how far he could push the man
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Draco rolled his eyes. "you know i'm not a death eater by choice Cass." draco complained softly, so that only she could hear him. it bothered Draco deeply to have to answer to someone he didn't even know. if Draco had chosen the dark lord himself, it wouldn't have been an issue. but Lucius FORCED Draco to take the mark, Lucius had eagerly offered his son up, just for a higher standing in the Death Eaters. it made Draco feel like... property. like a slave, and he didn't like that one bit. granted, he did rather like Voldemort now that he had met the man, but it was the principle of the thing. no one had asked Draco, they'd just done it, and that was what pissed Draco off. "... i suppose as long as you go Glamored." Voldemort agreed. "but you must take the Portkeys with you." the emergency portkeys that Voldemort had designed himself. the person could activate them, or there where set requirements that would set off the Portkey, like going unconscious, being bound, or being hurt, hexed, or cursed. Lucius bristled at the insult, but he didn't dare say anything, not with four people there all itching to 'punish' him. "who is Evan?" Lucius asked curiously. "and why is the Potter brat arguing with him?" "that, father, would be none of your business." Draco stated simply. "if you MUST know... Evan seams to be Our Lords new Favorite." Snape grimaced but nodded. "he likes to use Crucio on people." Snape admitted. "never cross him Lucius. and before you start, Cassandra is under Lord Potter, and Evan's personal protection." Lucius cringed, and decided then and there, to never even look at the girl. he'd seen what potter was capable of.
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"I know."Cassandra muttered blushing a little as she leaned over to kiss his cheek,sqeuzzing his fingers as she caught his hand before smiling."Besides, with us going to london you can take me shopping."She said trying to make him think of something else. 'Yes master,whatever you say master."Alisander said teasing, but his eyes were serious. He knew just how dangerous it could be. "And we mustn't forget that I want to screw both of them, which means you don't get play with either potter or evan."Alisander said looking amused, because he was amused to make the malfoy men squirm before getting up."I'll go get the others while you finish eating."He said heading upstairs to check on harry and evan.

"Oh no, Evan can't be the favorite. That's me.And if you haven't noticed, we all like using crucio."Cassandra said using the conversation to hide the one she wanted to have with her fatherPapa, lucius feels badly when Draco insults him. I don't get it. He treats his son like property."She said using their connection, not understanding because despite being a dark lord, voldemort had never left his children with a reason to question his love for them.
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Draco paused and then brightened and nodded. "yes! we can go out on our first date, we can make it a double!... do you think Alisander and Harry would be upset if we took them on a double date, but failed to tell them it was a date? Harry's so very shy." Draco admitted with a wrinkled nose. "i think he was abused as a child." he admitted with a shake of his head as Lucius went as stiff as a board and he snarled at Alisander. "i won't touch your BRAT Alisander!" he finally snapped, Voldemort lifting an eyebrow, amused as Lucius's temper finally reigned free. "i am not, nor will i ever be, caught DEAD with any MALE!" he spat furiously before he stormed away, Snape snickering. "obviously he still doesn't remember that time Black dosed him with Amentortia and buggered his brains out." Snape mused, Lucius freezing, gaping at Snape in utter horror as he tried to figure out of Snape was lying or not. when Alisander walked into Harry's room, the boy was finally sitting up with a small sigh. "hey." he muttered, smiling shyly at Alisander. "...i think we came to an agreement for the most part..." Harry admitted, shaking his head. "we're going to take up the argument again later... we ended up just screaming insults at each other and decided to do something else for a while."

Voldemort chuckled and glanced at Cassi. 'it has to do with how Lucius himself was raised. Lucius was also property. badly abused property. he was handed over to be a death eater when he was only thirteen. only my refusal to mark one so young, spared Lucius from becoming my slave at such a young age. remember, i was insane then, so Lucius was also cursed for wasting my time, and Abraxas took the time to beat the 'inadequacies' out of Lucius as well. as far as Abraxas was concerned, Lucius was nothing more than a piece of property to be bartered and traded. he was too afraid of his father to ever think for himself. he treats Draco the way he himself was treated. Lucius is hurt, because he himself loved his father, despite the pain... and he can't understand why Draco hates him. Lucius just doesn't understand that, that's not how fathers are supposed to act... i take it, that Draco was less than willing to take my mark? you can tell him i will remove it if he wants. i do not want un-loyal Death Eaters after all. and i don't want him to feel like a slave either.' Voldemort promised, taking a sip of his tea. "we do TRY to avoid the Crucio these days darling." he pointed out, Snape chuckling a little. "well, once you got rid of Bella. it wasn't so hard to avoid."
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"Oh, ali would find it amusing. We'll just not tell them."cassandra said looking amused as she watched the others, shuddering a little as she felt lucius' reation snap over her. "Poor lucius.To touch that's disturbing."She muttered looking thoughtful as she chewed on her father's words, before frowning as she glanced at her bonded. Realiing that she was going to do something to piss him off, but if she could get through to lucius...maybe he wouldn't be a enemy, and they would be fighting both lucius and the few other dark traitors AND dumbledore at the same time. "He actually does like you father, its just...he would have liked the choice of joining. He feels like property, a slave to someone else's whim.I'll talk to him.Sighing she rolled her eyes a little looking at the frozen blond."He's teasing luc, relax. Breath."She said offering the provibial olive branch of peace

Alisander smiled looking amused at harrys words as he sat down on the bed, looking relieved to see him up."Hey, its good to have you up."He said smilling wider, shaking his head."I thought that was only me and cass who settled arguments like that."He bit his lip a little."Are you feeling up to going into town with me?I wrote a...very interesting news article about dumbeldore today, and wish to see how the world's reacting to it."
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Draco snickered a little and nodded as Lucius sputtered in utter horror, looking close to having a panic attack. he wasn't homophobic per-say, he didn't care if they kissed each other in front of him... but the thought of being touched by another man filled him with a fear he couldn't explain. he managed to breath as Cassandra told him to relax and Snape pouted at her. "your no fun today Cassi." he complained, checking his watch. "i'd better go report to the headmaster about your 'growing insanity' my lord." Snape grumbled as he drained the last of his tea. "i'll see you all later." he chirped as he headed off to go terrify more children. 'i was not aware of Draco's 'forced' status into the death eaters. Lucius had assured me the boy was eager to join... i think i have either been lied to, or Lucius was seeing what he wanted to see. either way, i will leave it Draco's decision on whether to remain marked. please be certain to inform him that he will not be, in any way, punished for his 'deflection'. i highly doubt he's going to go running to Dumbledore with him so desperately in love with you anyway. he was quite worried about you. he cried and everything you know.' if they could tease him, he was certainly going to tease back!

Harry grinned a little and shook his head. "it's like having a twin in my head." he admitted. "it's weird but... i feel... better, having him there. safer... healthier even. like he was always supposed to be there." Harry admitted. "i don't know how he ended up behind that 'wall' and in the 'darkness' but it took me ten minutes to calm him down and promise that i wasn't going to send him back." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "i know how it fees to be locked up, in the dark, all alone..." Harry admitted with a small sigh before brightening. "can we go shopping? i've never had a chance to go shopping really... i'm tired of wearing Dudley's old hand me downs..." Harry admitted, picking at his over-sized clothes. "i want something that FITS! and Evan wants something that shows our status as the Lord Potter." he admitted with an amused grin. "i don't know what that means really, but i bet it will be expensive."
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"Well, nearly dying and all kinda makes me boring.And besides, I'd not like it if my father in law keeled over before he got to plan a wedding or anything. Seriously. I have no mother, and my father sucks at the party planning things. The least the pretty man could do is plan something."She teased, her smile saying she wasn't giving him a hard time just a gentle teasing before she looked at her father. "Probably seeing what he wanted to see. Lucius isnt stupid, just misguided and hurting. I will we'-What?What?! she flushed looking embarassed before standing quickly. "Draco we better be going. Ali hates having to wait."

"Well at least you two aren't trying to get rid of the other."He said looking relieved that it wasn't happening before nodding."we are most definately shopping. Cass needs some things, and draco can't help but shop.He's such a girl sometimes."He grumbled looking amused before standing."Well, it sounds very expensive for me, but lets get going then."
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Lucius was staring at her, completely baffled before he coughed. "er... yes i... i beleive i can manage satisfactory requirements when you decide upon a date..." Lucius admitted, feeling utterly confused. not angry or upset, just uncertain and wondering why the hell she was being nice to him. there was a tiny little spark of hope there too, but one couldn't be sure what it was for. Voldemort snickered at his daughters blush ad watched Draco get hauled to his feet and dragged off as he complained about not finishing his coffee and how Ali should be HONORED that draco was even going WITH! he could wait for a few extra minutes and why wasn't she listening to him!? all in all, the usual whiny Malfoy things. "i don't think i COULD get rid of Evan." Harry admitted. "he's lodged in there pretty good. besides, it's nice to be able to finally access everything i've learned..." he smirked suddenly. "although, we do have an interesting theory about our abilities to become an Animagus.... we'll either have two forms, or none... i'm really hoping it's two forms." Harry admitted gleefully. "i'm pretty sure i'm a bird of some kind." Harry admitted as he stood up. "and Draco IS a girl! he looks like one, he fusses like one, he even SMELLS like one!" "I DO NOT!" Draco protested furiously, Harry snickering, delighting in having gotten a rise out of Draco. "come on Draco. your going to help me shop. you and Cass are both girls so you'll know what will look 'proper' on me. since Evan is being such a bitch about it." Draco glared at Harry and ground his teeth in an effort not to curse the Boy-Who-Just-Wouldn't-Freaking-Die.
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"Well good."Cassandra smiled at the blond, a entle smile as if she knew what he was thinking, but not about to step over the bounds and overdo it. It would take time and patience to get through to draco. Looking amused at draco's whined she grinned as they alked into the other rom."That would be nice.And I'll teach you more."Alisander said his smile just this side of perverted before frowning a little."Well...that's a odd tought. We'll ask father.IF anyone knows, he would."he said thoughtful. "He is not a girl!"Cassandra protested looking insulted before pouting as she nudged draco."And here you wanted to be nice to him. Still want to?"She muttered.

"Well lets go then."Alisander said muttering the parsel glamour, grinning as they all changed into every wizards, without the deathly beauty that they were known for as they apparated to the shops. Looking around as the twins tried to gauge the mood of the wizarding world.
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Harry chuckled a little and bit his lip, worried and fretting about actually talking to the dark lord who had tried to kill him so very many times already before he blushed violently at Alisander's comment, staring at the other before smirking as Draco hissed through his teeth. "we HAVE to be nice to him, because if we're not, Evan will come kill us in our sleep." "nah, he says that would be too boring. he'd rather have you awake so you can entertain him with your girly screams of terror and pain." Harry admitted happily, beaming at him as Draco gaped at Harry, looking a little green as they apparated and looked around. Harry, now a blond with blue eyes and no scar, seamed oblivious to the panic around him as he picked up a newspaper, humming a little. "not a bad idea. what do you think Evan?" Harry asked curiously as he walked down the street headed for a clothing shop that wasn't Madam Malcolm's. most of the people where judging the article to be fake, no one wanted to beleive that Dumbledore was capable of such a vile thing. Draco followed Harry, keeping the brat from walking into panicking wizards as he read the paper and walked at the same time. he then spent far too much time helping Harry pick out proper wizarding clothing. Harry spent almost a fortune just on new clothes, and he seamed to be delighted to have the chance to spend some of the 'dusty gold' in his vault. he looked SO much better in clothes that showed off his small and lanky, but well honed quidditch body.
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by the time they had harry dressed alisander swallowed hard, smiling slightly."Damn. I knew there was a fine looking man under all that clothing."he smirked running his hands over the other's body as he pulled him into a kiss. "Now, do you have anything else you want to get?"

Cassandra smiled as they finished getting lothes, leaning into drco with a contented little smile, "You hurt your father, you know. Earlier."she muttered figuring if she started this conversation in public, he'd less likely to start cursing her as soon as he figured out a way to respond.
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Harry went beat red at the compliment and tried to stutter that he was just a dorky kid in glasses but the kiss cut him off. he groaned, shocked before leaning into it, wrapping his arms around the others neck and submitting to Alisander happily. so, apparently Harry was a sub, looks like Alisander wouldn't have to worry about being the bitch after all... so long as he didn't have sex with Evan. "...i need to get my eyes checked." Harry muttered once he'd recovered from the kiss. "...and i..." he went bright red again. "i wouldn't mind another kiss..." Harry had never been held before... it felt so good to relax in Alisander's arms and enjoy the sensation of being so very close to another person.

Draco glanced at her, lifting an eyebrow. "i know. i wanted it to hurt." he admitted simply, feeling rather... empty. "he never loved me you know... he used to put me under the Impirio so i wouldn't embarrass him at social functions." Draco admitted simply. "Grandfather used to do that to him too, so i guess i sort of understand why he thought it was alright to do that." Draco shrugged a shoulder. "at least if he feels hurt... i know he feels SOMETHING other than contempt for me."
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Alisander grinned realizing that at least with harry, he wouldn't have to worry about bottoming. It was just evan he'd have to watch out for. "Well I don't mind kissing you more."He said amused before pulling away."Let's go get your eyes checked. cass' having a serious conversation with her boyfriend, and wont apperciate it if we interrupted."

Cassandra went quiet at that, looking lost for a moment, because she couldn't imagine wanting to intentionally hurt her father, guilt eating at her for even what she'd said spelled and had a excuse for. "I don't think that's true Draco...he just didn't understand."She said looking at him."Do you think he'd yell at me if I talked to him?"she asked studying him, bbecause she didn't know how to reach him, didn't know how to get him to understand what she wanted."...father said he could remove your dark mark if you wanted. No repucussions for it or anything, since he's pretty sure your not going to run off to dumbledore."She teased.
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Harry chuckled a little as he smiled at Alisander, still blushing furiously as he hesitantly took the other boys hand, biting his lip. "i've... never had my eyes checked before... does it hurt?" he asked nervously... how could harry never have had his eyes checked if he was wearing glasses!? there where a great many disturbing things that Harry was letting slip, not that he noticed. he settled into the eye doctors easily, and was prescribed brand new glasses that he could actually see out of, and got many Contact lenses so that he didn't have to wear his glasses all the time. he was ecstatic at how WELL he was able to see now.

Draco glanced at her, his head tilted. "...Father... doesn't care." Draco admitted simply. "i know he doesn't. even when i was sick, or hurt... he and mother where never there. it was just me, and house elves. he was swift to punish... but i've never even so much as heard a 'good job' or a 'well done' or even ;acceptable' from him... let alone any terms of actual endearment. i'm just a burden to him." he sighed a little. "i doubt it, he wouldn't want to be hexed." Draco admitted simply. "or have his throat slit for 'accosting you' in a verbal manner." Draco admitted before he looked stunned. "i..." he bit his lip hard, looking a little lost. " i... i think i'll keep it... if something happens to you, he'll be able to get me quickly." but he looked... happier. he rather liked the fact that Voldemort had offered to remove it. he felt less like a slave now. "where did Serpins and your brother go?"
RE: Shattered Minds

"No. They'll just look at them and try different enses."He said smiling a little and wondering how the hell he'd gotten glasses without getting his eyes hecked. He was having a desire to talk to his family now.Smiling as he looked at his boyfriend in contacts he grinned "I like them.I can see your eyes better."

Casandra frowned a little wrapping her arms around him, leaning into him."I'm sure your more then just a burden. He just doesn't know any other way."She muttered closing her eyes as she leaned into him."True. I'll just have to use that to my advantage."She muttered before nodding,"He would.Even if there's wards to keep apparation out, which is actually just hogwarts, the school will let us apparate in and out since we're slyhterin's heirs."She sighed softly before smiling."Ali went with harry to go see about getting his eyes checked. He wants to try out contacts."
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