Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

"I'm fine. Just a bad headache."Cassandra muttered giggling at his joke about malfoy, before sighing sotly. "I haven't decided yet. I'll let you know."Ali said snickering before sighing softly.

Cassandr stopped tilting her head a little as she looked at her father, sounding less sure as she studied his look of betrayal."No, but potter still shouldn't join us."She said settling in her seat, so subtle the control, that she could question things she said, if asked about it. "Definately germs from malfoy. I told you letting her bond with him was a disgusting and bad idea."Ali sulked. It wasn't so much that he didn't like draco, it was that he didn't trust the man with his sister, and definately didn't trust lucius not to use her. He knew draco couldn't, not anymore but lucius could if he thought about it.

Frowning at the man sitting in his lap he turned his head to look at cassandra as she climbed up in voldemort's lap for once acting like the five year old he'd let climb over him like he was a jungle gym, no matter what he was doing. Shaking his head he looked at Evan again as he watched the other's work, sighing softly."Must you be as disgusting as malfoy and pick your nails will sitting on me?"He grumbled before laughing at his father's description."He is a very sick boy."Ali agreed shifting to lean on the arm of his chair leaning closer to his father, his smirk saying he was soooo about to make fun of him, in a way only alisander or cassandra would get away with. "A sick boy who would looovvee for his dark lord to show him where his place really is, on his knees, sucking his cock."He snickered, because he knew his father, knew that even if the man never said it, he had never recovered from the loss of the woman who'd given birth to the twins, though no one not even cassandra and alisander didn't know who she was, or what she had looked like. So teasing his father about sex amused him
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Evan lifted his eyebrow at Cassandra but wisely said nothing. Lucius was watching everything with a critical eye, stunned at the Dark Lords allowance for.. for CHEEK! he wasn't often in such a relaxed atmosphere around the Dark Lord and the Twins, because Voldemort was well aware of Lucius's plans to overthrow him. the only reason Voldemort hadn't killed the bastard yet was because Lucius was still very useful. Voldemort offered Cassandra a smug little smirk and he tugged no her hair as he started to braid it, before he turned and glared at Alisander. Evan himself was ignoring the man he was sitting on. Ali could bitch all he want, but Evan knew better... although, he did feel the slight stir of arousal at his comment... "i'd love to have the Dark Lord on his knees sucking my cock... but i doubt he'd go for it." Voldemort sputtered in rage, and Evan smirked viciously at Alisander. "so i guess i'll have to use you instead." he leaned forward, his lips brushing Alisander's ear. "you'll have to be careful with Harry though... we've never had sex you know." he purred softly, smirking viciously as he stood up and stretched. "well, now that this is all taken care of. i think i might go torture a pink hag... oh, Voldemort? the password is..." and he hissed something, Voldemort tossing his head back and roaring with laughter. Evan smirked as he glanced at Ali. "are you coming?" he asked, a smirk on his lips. "we could... relieve some tension." he purred, cupping himself. clearly the boy had no cares for what people thought of him. "i'd love to break in that tight little ass of yours... we'll do it in front of Umbridge. you know how she feels about Homosexuality after all." she hated anything 'unnatural' including the gay.
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Cassandra smiled a little even as she relaxed even more as her father braided her hair, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder, not realizing how freaked out draco was probably after seeing how very close father and daughter really were. "Ohhh well, if you want your cock sucked, you should really talk to lucius. Its the only thing he's good for, really."He mused so used to brushing lucius aside as if he wasn't worried about the man, because he was truly worried about him so pissing him off by ignoring him, just made it harder ot see what he'd really do.

"Guys...stoppp!I don't want to know what you two are doing behind closed doors. And PLEASE!Don't ruin his shields,evan, I don't want my first time being a homosexual rush."Cassandra whined looking at the two as alisander stood. "Ahh well, thats a nice password, even if we don't know what it is."Alisander said hissing, a perfect minicry of the sound,even if he had no idea what he was saying, the two had well learned parsel after listening to it."Besides, who said I was bottoming?Making Umbridge participate in our little sexescape would be interesting."he snickered as the two apparated out

"Can I stay here?I don't like school. Everyone's always staring, like their trying to figure out if I'm up to something papa."Cassandra whined for a moment forgetting the other death eaters.
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Voldemort smiled a little as he stroked her hair, enjoying the peaceful moment he had with his daughter before making a face at the thought of his son and ex nemesis having sex. Lucius was turning purple with the effort of forcing himself to be still and silent, and Draco was turning red with the effort of struggling not to laugh in his fathers face. "it means 'behead the kitten'... i thought it was fitting, considering her obsession with cats." Evan admitted with a viscous little smirk as he licked his lips. "and don't worry Cassi, i won't ruin his shields... i have other 'ruining' to do." Evan admitted with a sadistic little laugh as he led the way to the Shrieking Shack, hissing the password and slipping down into the cellar, where Umbridge was wailing piteously for help. "shut up you fat toad." Evan ordered, twirling his wand in his fingers. "i think we should give her the Dark Mark first." Harry growled eagerly. "i've been wanting to see how it connects for a while." he admitted. "it can't just be a flesh thing, or the Death eaters would have found ways to remove it by now..." it actually tied to the wizards magical life force, so even if they could remove the mark, which they couldn't because it was tied in place through parseltongue, the connection would still be there.

Voldemort hesitated, stroking her hair. "if you really want to stay Cass, i won't make you go back... but are you sure you can be apart from Ali that long?" Voldemort asked softly, waving his hand at the Death Eaters, dismissing them. they fled swiftly, Draco the only one to hesitate, worried about Cassandra. "Heir of Malfoy. you will stay." Voldemort ordered, Lucius freezing halfway to the door, instantly worried that his son was about to be killed for some reason. Lucius was a dick, and a prick, but he still had his priorities, and making sure that Draco could sire further heirs was one of them. "i told you to leave, Lucius.." Voldemort snarled, Lucius wincing and leaving, Draco settling onto his knees before the dark lord. "there is no need for that. i already know of your... ideals, concerning my daughter." Draco winced. "the Bonding was indeed an accident, as you claimed. therefore, you will not be punished." Voldemort promised, Draco nearly sagging with relief.
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"Hmm very apporiate indeed."Cassandra giggled looking amused as the boys left before sighing,"Ali'll be busy anyways. Not like I'll be with him."She said after a moment, sounding hesitant and tired, because being away from her twin was magically taxing to the empath, because she had to work that much harder to shield herself, though with draco it might work out. "Must you be mean to the traitor papa?He's just confused."Cassandra muttered looking amused before looking at draco, looking amused as draco nearly sagged with relief."Does that mean he gets to share my bedroom and everything, papa?"She teased moving to get up teasing her father, because in her opinion, not nearly enough people did it.

Alisander smirked a little as he looked at the former professor, nudging the woman with his foot,"You know, its a honor to be wearing a dark mark, and do you really think there are that many death eaters,besides lucius, who want to remove it?"He said nodding a little."Now. Hold her, I have a idea."The wicked little smirk curled his lip as he crouched down next to her, pressing his wand tip to the woman's skin, muttering a soft spell and smirking as she was suddenly naked."Now, do you want to see something amusing, darling umbridge?"
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Voldemort shook his head a little. "which traitor do you speak of my darling? the Malfoy traitor, the Lestrange traitor, or the Snape Traitor?" they all knew Snape wasn't really a traitor, but they kept up the joke for those listening in to report and gossip about to cement Snape's role as a spy. "no. he does NOT get to share your room." Voldemort barked. "if he so much as touches you he'll be facing a Neutering!" Draco grimaced, paled, and cupped himself in an attempt to protect the family jewels. "well.. i suppose he'll have to touch you now and again... i'll allow hugs, holding hands, and kisses on the cheek." he decided, Draco staring, wide eyed and stunned. "he does, however, have to go back to school, Dumbledore will be suspicious enough without you there." Voldemort admitted with narrowed eyes. "and with you Bonded, we must be careful about Lucius..." he paused as Draco snarled, and he turned red under Voldemort's scrutiny. "i'm sorry my lord... i don't know what came over me." "the Bond will make you overly protective of Cassandra. you perceive your father to be a threat to her?" Draco hesitated for a long moment before he finally nodded.

Evan snorted a little. "it's a slave mark. there's no honor in it, their just too dim witted to realize that their pawns being used and sacrificed." he shrugged. "at least Voldemort is honest about it, not like Dumble is." he scowled. "Harry and i... we will never be slaves Alisander. not to Dumbledore, not to Voldemort... and certainly not to you." he admitted, casting a petrification spell on Umbridge so she couldn't move an inch. "i am not touching that disgusting thing unless she's clothed Alisander. i want to barf just looking at her now..."
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"Hhmmm all three. Its not fun making jokes about them if they don't know it."She grumbled before smiling slightly, straightening her clothes as she laughed."Oh, but that's not fair papa!Are you going to forbid Alisander's sex life?Which I know he's been screwing one of your death eaters for months now?"She whined more to rile her father up, because it amused her then she really wanted to have sex yet. Frowning slightly she nodded,brushing a hand over draco's air, pressing a kiss to his forehead, glad she was tall like ali, actually a few inches taller then her bonded. Looking startled at draco's snarl she tilted her head, looking at the man before looking at her father."He's always been a threat. To all of us."She pointed out,refusing to disturbed or scared even though she was, because they all knew what lucius was up to, and if he thought to team up with dumbledore, they were all going to go down.Which...considering the dark lord had cost him the loyalty of his heir, by the bonding of their children, lucius might just consider it.

"Mine's a tattoo, though its not just a dark mark."Ali said looking amused as he rolled his sleeve up, the darkened serpent and phoenix doing battle showing brightly there before smirking as he looked at umbridge, "I am to, but doing this will be much more fun."He smirked amused as he cast the dark mark spell, more then once. After a few minutes there was barely any free bare skin let that wasn't covered with small serpents chasing each other out of skulls.
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he smirked before he grew furious. "he WHAT?!?" Voldemort demanded, outraged and horrified. "what death eater DARES to touch my son!?" he demanded, standing up so fast he nearly dropped her. "sorry love." he muttered sheepishly as he sat back down and arranged her back into her previously comfortable position. Draco blushed at the kiss to his forehead and he shook his head a little. "i will attempt to deal with my Father... but i don't think i am to his level just yet." Draco admitted, swallowing thickly. "i'm just glad i don't have to marry that Cow Pansy now." he admitted with a shudder, Voldemort smirking viciously as he nodded. "indeed. i was most... displeased to find you would have been saddled with such an... unequal." Voldemort admitted. "you are a proud and powerful Pureblood. Pansy is not. she would have crippled any spawn you might have had." Draco stared, wide eyed at Voldemort, rather shocked. "while i might not be pleased with many of the thoughts in your head, i have to admit, the changing ideals in your mind, do please me. i am willing to let you explore this... bond, with my precious daughter, so long as you comport yourself in a proper manner." "i..i.. y..yes sir..."

Evan lifted an eyebrow at that, examining the mark. "it's a two way Dark Mark. fascinating... you can use this to breifly communicate with the dark lord... and summon him if your in danger." Evan sounded impressed and he smirked a little as he watched Umbridge wail in pain at being marked, and Harry smirked as he caught her other arm and started in on the Dark Marks as well, pondering. "i wonder. what would happen if the dark marks both activated at the same time, from two different locations? would she be torn in two?" he mused, Umbridge whimpering pathetically as she started to cry and sob. pathetic little bitch that she was. "lets see... i was hoping to practice some Dark Spells on her." he admitted with a lick of his lips. "shall i start with the Fat Liquidation charm? she's tubby enough to drown in her own fat. that could be fun for a little while."
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Cassandra yelped as she was nearly dropped, looking startled. She'd assumed that her father had known. After all,both severus and lucius had walked in on ali screwing tonks, who being a metamagi had amused her brother for months. It wasn't nearly as fun when he really got upset. Smiling a little she sighed."Don't deal with lucius. We've been ignoring him because he can be useful.Sometimes. With great reluctance."She sighed softly befoer smiling slightly.'Oh, your willing to let him explore?Wow papa, I think your growing up."She teased getting up out of his lap leaning down to kiss his cheek, more amused to watch draco trying to deal with a overprotective homicidal man then anything else. "I think I'm going to go to bed."She muttered yawning.

"It is. It takes less focus then a mind to mind link, which me and cass CAN do over distance, but it takes so much energy that we're exhausted magically after."He said sighing quietly before smirking. "You know, we should do that. Torture her, then take her back to the manor, let father mark her, and then we'll see what trying to answer three summons would do."He said thoughtfully.

(Oh man, I got distracted into another fanfic I've read before...cheeky harry made me think of it and now I had to pause and I really really wanted to read it again.)
RE: Shattered Minds

oooh another fanfic? what's it about? any good?)

Voldemort huffed a little. "well, apparently your brother has been 'exploring' for a great deal of time." Voldemort growled."i can't see how i could possibly stop you." he grumbled. "but no Sex dammit! Alisander won't end up pregnant like you might." Draco started sputtering, shocked and horrified by the implications that he was too stupid to know how to cast a contraceptive spell. "good night Cassandra." Voldemort murmured softly, smiling a little before he turned on Draco, Glaring viciously as he dropped his voice to low, harsh whispers that Cassandra couldn't hear. leaving Draco a mess of terror and mortification.

he nodded a little. "Voldemort and i have that." Evan admitted, tapping his scar. "it hurts like a bitch. Dark magic and Light protective spells are never meant to combine into one focus." he admitted simply. "i'm hoping Voldemort will be able to remove one or the other." he admitted as he took out a knife from his back pocket, flicking it open. "let me just do something real fast." he ordered, grinning viciously as he took her hand, and effortlessly carved. 'i will not torture innocent children with Bloodquills' into the back of her hand and down her arm, healing it just enough to make sure it would scar perfectly. "you nearly crippled me you know." Evan admitted, showing her the back of his hand. "a few centimeters deeper and the ligaments would have snapped. i would never have been able to grip a broomstick, hold a quill, or cast a spell again... your very lucky, bitch. if i'd been crippled... well, lets just say you'd be missing a hand... one joint at a time." she whimpered again and Harry smirked. "shall we prove to her now, that Voldemort is really back? we can leave her naked... that man really needs to get laid."
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(lol remember abandoned we read awhile ago?Harry/tom story where tom teaches at hogwarts?Well the where is harry potter made me think of it.)

"Yes well,apparently tonks ability to shape change was to interesting for him."She snorted looking amused before flushing a little at voldemort's words."Oh....yes."She muttered running away, to embarassed at the words to stay.

"I'm sure he'll try. There'll be something surely."He said looking thoughtfully laughing at the words he scarred into her hand, before smiling slightly."That man, hasn't been laid since before me and cass were born as far as I know."he pointed out amused because even the matter of their mother's death was a state secret, so no one knew what happened. smirking as he touched umbridge and apparated back to the man, he raised a eyebrow at the sight of his father talking to the malfoy heir."Now, whatever are you doing?He looks ready to piss himself, which isn't something cass would enjoy you know."Ali said laughing a little.
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oh yes, Abandoned is a good one^^ Lets do the Time Warm Again is really funny too!)

Evan snickered a little and shook his head a little. "yes, he really needs to get laid." he pondered and then. "you know... i might actually have a target for him." he admitted with a vicious grin as he followed Alisander tot he dark lord, Draco looking oh so relieved that they had come. Voldemort waved a hand and Draco and the blond fled all too happily as Voldemort glared at Alisander. "whats this i hear about you having sex with TONKS of all people!?" he demanded, his eyes flashing with rage and Evan whistled. "you got Tonks! sweet man, she's a hottie!... did you know that she can grow boy parts?" he asked with a wicked little smirk. "she never told me, but i know." he admitted with a laugh as Voldemort examined the screaming woman between the two boys. "aaah, Umbridge. a delight to see you." he hissed, eagerly snapping into his 'dark lord' roll. "your roll in making the world beleive that i am not back, is very beneficial to me... but you are hurting one of mine." Evan scoffed at that. "and that i cannot allow." he snarled, his eyes flashing with rage as he licked his lips. "you will be punished... and then i will..." he paused at Evan, who was fidgeting. "what?" "we wanna see what happens when we 'Call' her at the same time from three different locations." "...we will do that later. after we have finished punishing her..." he smirked at the letters carved into her arm, the shining scars covering even the dark marks. "what would Harry say?" "he'd be sick, claim it was all his fault, and fall into a deep depression... he blames himself for Ced's death you know." "who?" "at the Graveyard, the other brat that was there that you had killed." "... he seriously blames himself for that?" "of course. he's a noble, abused, gryffindor. what else would he think?"
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(lol okay. And I know!I forgot how amusing I found this. XDD)

"I'd like you to point that out to him sometime."Alisander said snoring a little before smirking at draco.Amused as the man fled before squirming a little."Well...uuhhh...I was making sure of her alligence to you,and the dark order?"He supplied after a moment before staring at evan, not sure what to say to that."....thank you, but I actually enjoyed her female."He muttered before sighing a little aused as he looked down at umbridge amused to see the scene happening. "Harry takes blame for everything. Including, but not limited to, nicholas flamel's death since you destroyed the sorcerrer's stone"Alisander pointed out before looking at his father. "Now. What shall we do with her before we test our theory by pulling her apart?"
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Voldemort glared at Alisander, furious. "you where doing no such thing and now i must punish her for touching MY child in such a manner!" "she'll just enjoy it." "shut up Potter!" "Serpins." Evan corrected. "i am NOT, potter." he admitted simply before he paused, staring at Voldemort. "actually... your a very accomplished Legillemens... i could use your help later... oh, and Number Four Private Drive... i'll explain later." Evan promised simply. "i'll leave a few memories here for you." he promised as Voldemort snorted and shook his head, but didn't dissuade Evan... in fact, he was rather curious. "i think we need to..." Evan started. they did many things to Umbridge that night, and Evan had a particularly gleeful time, testing out all kinds of dark curses. at the end of the night, they each 'pulled' their dark marks, and Umbridge was left without her arms and a leg, as they'd been torn clean off. it was disgusting... and amusing. Voldemort looked at the 'blocks' and admitted to finding a peculiar block on Evan's magic as well, but decided not to release it until he could find out what it was. some children where born with dangerous abilities that had to be controlled first. like elemental abilities and the like. he promised to look further into it later.

in the morning, Harry was bright, chipper and happy as he normally was. the 'fix' that Cass had performed seamed to have solved the problems that Harry had been having, and it proved in class when he could do magic again. Harry's theory was that he'd simply caught a cold or something. Draco scoffed that Harry was just an idiot from a row away, clearly upset because Cassi wasn't there, which had Harry worried. "Alisander? where's your sister? she's alright, right? i did tell everyone that she was under my protection... no one wants to mess with me much after the Tri-Wizard tournament." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "if someone hurt her, you'd tell me right?"
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Ali smiled a little at the man sitting next to him, amused to see harry so worried before shaking his head."She's fine. She just went home for the evening, our uncle had a mental breakdown, and malfoy demnded the best to look after his poor sick self."Ali said snorting laughing, because he really couldn't admit she was really just at home.

Cass smiled slightly as she walked into the class, sinking down into the set next to draco, smiling slightly."You look upset about something."She muttered to her bonded, looking better then she had in days. a little space, to reconnect and having her father there to help her strength her shields even further...despite the complusion spell that was on her, she felt great. Shifting a little, wondering why she felt the need to get up and move away from the blond she was sitting next to.
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Harry blinked at the other for a long moment and then shook his head. "Lucius is having a mental meltdown? over what? i haven't done anything yet." Harry admitted with a playful little smirk as he watched Cass walk in, relaxing as he saw that she was, indeed safe. "i'm not upset!" Draco protested. "not in the least!..." he protested before blinking at her. "are you alright?" he asked, worried. "your fidgeting... you never fidget..." he muttered, frowning as he gently set his hand on hers. "Cass?" he asked softly, frowning as he glanced over at Alisander. was he feeling anything? if he did, Draco couldn't tell. "anyway i was... wondering if maybe... you'd might like to go out on a date with me?" he offered, blinking at her. "i have permission to go to London next weekend, and i know i could get permission for you too... i know you've never really been able to go shopping before, so i thought i'd take you to the Wizarding Way Mall and let you spend some of my dusty money?" he offered, smiling at her as the substitute DADA Teacher walked in. it was Tonks! "Tonks!" Harry chirped, looking amazed. "what are you doing here!?" "oh, i'm here at the request of Dumbledore!" Tonks admitted with a happy little grin. "the Minister insisted on someone from the ministry be here, so i volunteered!" she admitted happily, tossing Alisander a wink... Harry had this deep desire to snarl at her, and spread his... wait... spread his what?... what the hell was that!?
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(so how about I started writing a post, and got called away for dinner...then thought I posted....I was waiting for you to respondXD)
"Hmmm just draco's wedding plans falling apart now he's with cass."ALi said snorting a little at the idea of harry causing lucius' meltdown,turning his head a little to study his sister. Looking thoughtful before shrugging a little when he saw the malfoy heir looking at him. Cass smiled as she looked at draco, "I...Yes that would be nice. "She said after a moment biting her lip,"I'm fine."She sighed softly trying to sit still.

Alisander paled as he looked at the auror, his eyes icing over as the whole tempurature in the room dropped in response to the freezing of his temper. The man was a elemental, though it took extreme emotion to get him to slip up and not do it on purpose. Tonks knew who he was. Now he was just wondering if dumbledore did. Tilting his head he glared at the woman for not sending him a letter to tell him she was coming. And wondering if she was expecting to have him available for her amusement while she was here
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Draco beamed at her happily and nodded. "wonderful!" he chirped happily before pausing as he stared at the Auror with utter dismay. another ministry lackey... he shuddered as the temperature dropped and glanced at Harry who was smirking at Tonks, and Alisander who was glaring at her... how curious. "alright! now. pull out your wands you nitwits! this is a defense class! how are you supposed to work without wands!? there, that's better... now! Mister Potter! you have secretly been leading a defensive study have you not?" "yes Ma'am." Harry chirped. "good! get your ass up here and lets see if you remember what i taught you." Harry snorted. "Tonks. the only thing you could teach me, is how to not trip over my own feet." "oi! cheeky brat!" Tonks complained, both of them shielding their 'dueling area' before facing one another. "now, what is the most important thing to do when facing an incoming spell?" Tonks ordered, Harry flashing her a smirk. "move out of the damn way!" Harry chirped impishly, Tonks laughing as most of the room gaped. "that's right! a spell does no good, if it can't hit you!" Tonks chirped as they both bowed.

by the end of the duel... it was clear to everyone just why he was the only one to survive death eater attacks over and over. he was FAST! he could duck out of the way of spells that where impossible to avoid. and he could throw them back just as quickly! "... memo to self." Draco muttered for only Cassi to hear. "join whatever side potter is on..." he mumbled, watching Harry zip around and try and turn Tonks into a Rubber duck. at this point, the two where simply showing off, everyone else was too astonished to do anything but WATCH. there wasn't even a sound, even Ron and Hermione where stunned with Harry's level of dueling ability.
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Cassandra smirked a little, nodding towards alisander as she shivered."Damn. I thought he still liked her."She shivered glancing at draco as she pulled out her wand."Ali's a elemental, when he loses control, things get cold, fast."she muttered before settling back in her seat to watch.

When the duel was over alisander smirked, leaning back in his seat to look at his sister, "Care for a duel dearest?You can always use the practice." "...I don't want to duel tonks, the last time I did I broke my arm."She whined, something they'd managed to hide from their father, though if it happened in front of witnesses, he'd eventually find about it. "Then duel harry.This is defense of the dark arts, how about we have a truly dark duel?"he muttered before raising a hand to get tonks attention."Professor tonks!Can we liven up this, since this is our last year, and we all know the most basic spells?"He smirked his eyes showing exactly where he was going with this. The man was to much his father's son to not enjoy a dark duel.
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Draco nodded a little. "he's probobly just surprised... he WAS sleeping with her after all." he admitted softly before glaring at Alisander. "she's not Dueling anyone!!!" he bit out. "she'll get hurt due to some random unforeseen accident! it's FATE!" Harry was staring at Draco before he promptly burst into laughter. "Draco that's ME!" Harry reminded the other before he paused, looking disgusted with himself... had he just... called Malfoy... DRACO!? "... excuse me, i have to wash my mouth out with soap..." he paused as Tonk's smirked at Alisander. "yes yes Alisander, we all know how you love to show off. alright, but nothing over a class three." she ordered. that would keep the wards from going off, but allow bone crushing curses and the like. "who do you want as an opponent? potter again?" Harry cursed but settled into place, flashing Alisander a smirk, his eyes flashing with life. clearly... Harry was just as excited by a challenge as Alisander was. "don't think that just because i'm the 'Golden Boy' that i don't know my fair share of the Dark Arts." there was a shocked gasp at this revelation. even Draco was a little stunned.

the shields went up, and Harry started the duel. "serpensortia!" not one, but dozens of snakes erupted from the tip of Harry's wand, and the Hissed orders where something that both the Riddle Twins would understand. Voldemort had used the order many times. 'restrain' not kill, only restrain. the snakes rushed to Alisander, intending on biting him, and wrapping around him, and generally make nuisances of themselves.
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"Wow, he really is losing it."Cass giggled as she looked at harry, muttered to draoc. Amused because it seemed that evan's habits were starting to leech into harry. "Of course I want potter, everyone wants him."Alisander eyes flaired with amusement as he looked at tonks tilting his head a little as he looked down at the snakes. Crouching down he hissed softly to get them to stop, amused when the snakes stopped and seemingly looked confused,forgetting harry didn't know who he was, didnt know he knew parsel. Smirking as he raised his wand Alisander cast quickly just to see what would happen. After all, mixing a lust spell with a crucio would dull the effects to class three but he had no idea how the reaction would be. Even as he cast the spell he raised his hand, and with a pretend ice hex, while he let the elemental part of his temper snap out, he flung ice at the other man. Not about to reveal he was a elemental.

Standing back he waited to see what the man would do about a lust charm, crucio, and ice.
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Harry gasped, staring at Alisander and going a bright red, Tonks barley restraining the urge to howl in laughter at poor Harry who had frozen in utter shock at the fact that the other had just hissed 'stop' in Parsel. he was standing there, gaping at Alisander with a mix of astonishment and shock, and as such... he forgot to get out of the way. he yelped as the Crucio struck him, knocking him off his feet and he watched the ice shatter over him as the world went muffled and gray. Tonks gasped in shock and rushed through the shields to grab Harry before he did something stupid, but it was too late. he was on his feet, his hands buried in Alisander's hair, kissing him... hard, his mouth moving against Ali's desperately as the Lust spell rooted itself deep... even deeper because of his already very real physical and emotional attraction to Alisander. the entire class was stunned into silence yet again as Harry kissed the other Parseltongue, and Harry only backed off with a yelp, and then a strange... hiss as Tonks doused him with an Aguamanti, the Water spell should have knocked him out of it, but all it did was make Harry Mad. with a flash of red in his eyes, Harry leaped onto Tonks, and the two started to wrestle. Harry trying to pummel the conceived threat, and Tonks trying to keep from getting pummeled. Harry snapped and snarled, Tonk's squeeled and yelped, and only a well placed stunner from Draco took Harry down. "... that... that was... weird." Draco managed to stunned, Hermione and Ron immidiatly rushing to Harry, checking him over for long lasting injuries while others checked up on Tonks. Draco turned to Cassi. "...Cass... i think it's time you told me, exactly what is wrong with Harry Potter..."
RE: Shattered Minds

Alisander groaned burying his hands in Harry's hair, kissing him back, raising his head his eyes fugged and stunned at suddenly finding finding himself wet and without someone to kiss. "In a sec. Gotta do something first."Cassandra said scampering out of her seat and grabbing alisander's arms to get his attention even as he started to turn towards tonks again, his emotional balance responding to harry being down, and hurt. Snarling as ice coated the room, a soft frost as the twins duked it out mentally, panting with the effort a few minutes later, both once again calm, if exhausted. "Now. Go talk to tonks and me and draco will make sure harry's okay."She ordered her twin, glaring at him until he pushed through the crowd to pick up tonks."We're going to the hospital wing."He said holding the woman and walking out,still looking annoyed but not saying anything until they were far enough away from the class to not be overheard."What are you doing here tonks?Its bad enough I'm pretending to be a relative of malfoy's, I don't need you here."He growled.

Cassandra swallowed hard and after making sure that hermione and ron had harry taken care of, she nodded towards the door pulling draco with her."You know how he showed up last night?And said he was sick?"She muttered when they got to the privacy of his rooms."He is. Severus pulled down his mental shields while training him and discovered the boy suffers from MPD. The slytherin death eater you met last night, and who attacked you, is named evan. harry though, has no clue that evan exists, where evan knows everything. Evan's coming to our side and we're trying to onvince harry..."She hesitated, a headache setting in as she shuddered, as if she couldn't believe she was saying this, fighting against the spell holding her,"Convince harry to join to. Alisander being bisexual is helping with that conversion to dark."She said as she paced the room, though she was swaying on her feet a little as the spell threatened to shut her down.
RE: Shattered Minds

Tonks watched the show cautiously before relaxing as Cassandra calmed Alisander down, following him calmly, laughing at his comment. "you think i'm here for YOU? please Ali, the world doesn't revolve around you you know." she teased with a delighted snicker. "i'm here for HARRY." she admitted with a smirk. "Dumbledore asked for me, since i'm a part of the Order." which Voldemort and the Twins knew, but no one else as to not disrupt her status as a spy. "i was training Harry during the last few months of summer, and Dumbledore's been increasingly worried. he thinks that Voldemort is possessing him." she admitted with a roll of her eyes. "so i'm here to teach him Occlumency, on top of other things, since Snape is such a greasy slimball he can't be counted upon to do anything properly." she admitted with a shake of her head. "greasy bastard." she grumbled hatefully. "what i don't understand is what the hell just happened? i've seen Harry with a crush before... and on a lust potion before... but he's never just..." she waved her hands. "i mean he KISSED you for Merlin's sake! even when he was accidentally dosed with amentortia, he didn't even kiss anyone." she admitted with a shake of her head. "and then after... it was like he wasn't even human..." she bit her lip. "...i don't know if i should tell someone or not... certainly can't tell Dumbledore..."

Draco looked stunned as he stared at her in astonishment. his eyes wide. "Harry is... Harry... Evan... oh Merlin i need a drink..." he groaned as he sank onto the edge of his bed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "this is why Snape told me not to mess with Harry this year..." he muttered softly. "MPD... i don't understand. Wizards don't just randomly get MPD. it takes a great many years of mental trauma..." there was pause. "...well, i suppose the four years of trauma here at school could easily have done it... he did kill a man in his first year. as far as i know, he was sent home without even a counselor... and the Basilisk in second... all those dementors in third, the entirety of the Tri-Wizard tournament, not to mention seeing Cedric Diggory die..." he shook his head. "MPD can kill Cass... what are we going to do!?" he grimaced at the mention of Ali being Bi-Sexual. "well.. that would explain the kiss..." he muttered, shaking his head. "Ali? are you alright? your looking pale again." he muttered, gently catching hold of her, steadying her. "maybe you had better sit down?"
RE: Shattered Minds

Alisander frowned before smirking."Tonks, your world revolves around me and screaming, orgamsic sex, admit it."The tall dark haired man smirked before sighing softly, looking around before nudging a empty class room door open, and setting her down before setting a silencing charm in place before swallowing. "Dumbledore's a idiot. Sening a child to deal with all the shit he has to, and expecting no repucussions. No, its not possesion, father has no desire to make a bad situtation worse. And no, I can't tell you want it is. Or how much it has to do with what just happened. But you might as well take me with you to talk to dumbledore, seeing as the rumor mill will see that he hears about it soon enough."He sighed, shaking his head."I'm hear for him, tonks. Harry's going dark, and I'm hear to catch him when he falls from grace."He snickered a little, because he knew the woman knew about is fascination with people, not the sex of them.

Cassandra nodded a little laughing softly as she concentrated, holding out a hand as a goblet materilized in her palm."Firewhiskey fresh from the riddle stores."She said looking amused as she handed it to him looking worried before snickering at his reaction to the mention of alisander's sexual orientation. "We're working on it. Being with ALi helps, and I can take some of the stress with being a empath, but we're working on how to get things settled."She said sighing softly, looking startled as he steadied her before nodding."I'm fine. Just need to move."She swallowed shaking her head a little as she paced. "Then again, maybe joining father isn't something he should be doing....what if it makes it worse?Or dumbledore figures out that he has a lot of death eaters in his school?No, father doesn't need that..."
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