Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra shuddered as she came out of her daze, swallowing hard as she watched harry. "I did.It's someone here.Not in the class per se, but in school."She muttered because she had a idea. A bad idea, it was evan, evan was hiding everything. Glancing towards alisander she used the connection between them to prod her twin into acting before looking at draco."Ali's going to work with him.He's no use if he can't focus."She muttered looking at draco, raising a eyebrow at him."Poof, if you keep staring at him, you should just ask him out."She teased the blond.

Alisander swallowed closing his hands down around harry's to get his attention. While he wasn't as strong as a empath as cassandra, the man could pick up surface emotions. "stop, stop.The more you get frustrated, the less your going to be able to do it."He muttered looking the other over, looking concerned as he tried to figure out what was blocking harry. If it really was just evan, or if it was dumbledore or another screwing with him
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Draco shook his head. "damn. i hate the guy, but screwing with someone like that is just sick and twisted." Draco admitted before going bright red and glaring at Cassandra. "i am NOT!" he whined. "shall i kiss you and prove it?" he demanded, suddenly flirty. "i am very able in that department you know. i could make your toes curl with just a kiss." because it was the secrete skill of the Malfoys. 'projecting' the ability to push emotions and sensations into other people. it was why they where so good at torture.

Harry jumped, gasping as he felt arms wrapping around him and he looked up at Alisander, his neck and cheeks going red again. "h..huh?" he asked, blinking stupidly. "i... i'm... i just... it won't work!" Harry finally complained. "i've been working on this goddamn turtle for a WEEK now and i can't even change the color of it's shell! why can't i do this!?" he demanded, swallowing thickly, so frustrated that even Ron and Hermione could feel it now. "even Crabbe and GOYLE got theirs into Teacups and i KNOW i'm smarter than they are!" there was no outside influence on Harry, no spells, no potions, it was just Harry... but if you dug hard enough, there was a block, a small mental block, there was Evan there, but there was also something else. "forget it... i just can't do crap like this." Harry complained, picking up his turtle and looking at it in the face, frowning. "i don't even like freaking turtles..." he complained, sighing in releif as the bell rang, signaling the end of class. "good... lunch time... i'm going to the kitchens... maybe Dobby will have some Butterrum for me..." Butter Rum was just a step up from Butterbeer. it had a touch more alcohol to it, but it was richer, sweeter than Butterbeer was. thankfully, it wasn't something someone could get drunk off of. "Alisander?" Hermione asked as Harry darted off. "uhm... listen, don't take this the wrong way but... don't touch Harry too much alright? it makes him really uncomfortable... the more you touch him, the less likely he'll let you help him... and he gets real stubborn too... try talking to him tonight, when he's calmed down." she offered him a smile. "oh, and welcome to Hogwarts!"
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"It is, and we'll fi-"She trailed off, shuddering as she felt harry's emotions, her mind blanking out to everything but the overwhelming feeling. Flushing as she stood and looked at draco"Oh can you?I'm not sure you can kiss a GIRL that well."She teased moving to leave the classroom.

"It'll work. I know there has to be something wrong.Its not just you.."Alisaner said looking frustrated that he could feel the block, hell through cassandra he got a visual of the mental wall but he couldn't explain it. Frowning slightly as he watched harry leave he looked at hermione."Okay.I'll remember that."He muttered smiling slightly as he nodded, to distracted by his worries to truly want to talk before following the others out. That evening Alisander frowned a little as he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes as he looked at harry, the dark hair sticking up every whih way."Harry?You okay?"He asked looking worried for the man.
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Draco snorted and he flashed her a smirk, suddenly darting in and pressing his lips to hers, his mouth soft, warm, dominant against hers, his eyes dancing with amusement as he kissed her, gently. then he was walking out the door and looking back at her. "well, are you coming? we have lunch..." he teased, smirking as he led the way.

Harry was sitting on his bed, clutching his bleeding hand, shuddering from the pain as he struggled not to cry. he had survived the Crucio, this was nothing... this was nothing. Voldemort was worse... "oh! Alisander you.. you startled me i.. i thought everyone was asleep." he quickly hid his hand and pulled the blankets up, hiding the blood. "i'm fine..." he lied smiling at the other before laying down and closing his eyes before sitting back up, hissing in agony. "i'm not fine! Fix this!" Evan's cold tone demanded, shoving his hand in Alisander's direction. "the stupid fucking bastard wouldn't go to sleep! i can't come out if he's not asleep or he'll start to worry about those Goddamn blackouts! this pain is worse than a fucking Crucio so FIX IT!" the words where harsh, but the pain was real, and so was the silencing spell stretching between the two side by side beds. "and before you start yelling at me about fuckin with Potters brain it isn't my fault! go yell at Snape for that!" he was trembling, testy, and his eyes where glowing a deep red, clearly furious that he was in such agonizing pain.
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Cassandra yelped, startled as she was kissed, jerked back with wide eyes. Surprise showing there as she let him lead her away."Well, lets eat then."She muttered smiling as they headed down to eat. That evening Cassandra whimpered a little as she tossed and turned in bed before getting up, padding quietly down the hall to draco's room, she swallowed hard as she pounded on his door, eyes wide and pained, shaking. The agony that evan was in was so real, so harsh that even a castle away Cassandra was being driven mad by it. The woman wasn't used to physical pain, so suddeny finding herself suddenly in evan's pain was extremely uncomfortable, her body reacting to the point that the painful words were eteched into her skin, whether it was a emotional connection or alisander's proximity to him that caused it was up for grabs.

Alisander frowned at harry's words, not believing it but laying down,starting when evan spoke."So damn demanding."Alisander grumbled even as he got up and piked up his wand muttered quietly, watching the skin start to knit together, though it still looked inflamed the swelling was going down, though it looked like a spell it wasn't. It was his own talent he was taking the pain onto himself, his body quickly healing it, even if the light white scar showed on his hand. "Now tell me about snape."He demanded as he leaned back, glad to see evan's hand was healed but even the memory of pain was agoniing.
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Draco yanked the door open, ready to yell at some stupid first year before he paused, shocked. "Cassandra? what's wrong?" he asked, frowning as he opened the door the rest of the way, letting her in without even a struggle, carefully settling her onto his bed and snapping his fingers for a house elf, demanding two cups of hot cocoa and some cookies before he gasped as he grabbed her hand. "Cassandra your bleeding!" he protested, grabbing a wet cloth and carefully pressing it to her hand, wondering why he felt so... worried, all of a sudden. "you didn't have a detention with Umbridge did you?"

Evan sighed as the pain vanished, laying his head on the cool wall as he nearly sagged with relief at the loss of the pain. "thanks." he grunted before snarling t Alisander. "don't tell me what to do you worthless lump!" he spat, eyes flashing with rage before calming. "when Harry was a child, we used to get in trouble when he scored better than his cousin. he'd be locked in a cupboard and not be fed for days... i'd get beat." he admitted simply. "at least, that's the way his mind works. i suffered the pain, he suffered the neglect... over time, he realized that he had to be stupid, in order to survive the Dursley's, so he shunted all of the knowledge to me, and kept only what he needed. he had to fail most of his classes because Dudley was a stupid little bastard, but when he needed it, the knowledge was there, so he was able to pass the end of the year tests to go on to the next year level. he's done this his entire life." Evan admitted. "unfortunately, when Snape broke the shields that where holding me, he closed the bond between us completely. Harry can't access any of the knowledge he gave to me. he still hasn't realized that he's not going to get in trouble for being smart here. and that Damn Weasley doesn't help the jealous little fucktard." Evan admitted, rubbing the back of his hand, scowling. "i shouldn't have cursed Snape... he's the only one who can really help at this point..." he admitted. "at least, the only one who can help who won't alert Harry to my presence... i don't want to go back to the dark..."
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Cassandra shuddered, so dazed and in agony that she couldn't answer him as she let him lead her into the room. Yelping as he grabbed her hand she tried to jerk away as he pressed the cloth into her hand, whimpering. "N-no. Potter did."She whimpering panting over so softly, not used to pain she was overreacting, panicking."He's...he's in agony...with alisander...he's...he's transfering it to me and himself."She panted softly, trying to focus, blue eyes wide and dilated, unfocused as she looked at him, not realizing draco wouldn't understand.

Alisander's eyes flashed a little."I'll tell you whatever I want to, considering I came here to help you."He growled back before leaning back in his head to listen to the other's words, frowning slightly."So thats how he's beat father. I...I waws wondering how he could do it, when he was failing at everything else. He needed it, so it was there."He looked thoughtful before sighing softly."Well, I'll just have to take care of weasley, and I'll talk to severus in the morning. Though..."He bit his lip a little."Cassandra might be able to bridge the gap between the emotional parts of things anyways...."he said not realizing just how much agony he was putting his sister through. Having healed quickly, he assumed she had to Not realizing that she'd heal human slow, and be reisistant to healing spells to.She would suffer, for his and evan's quick healing.
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Draco frowned, looking confused, and upset before he shook his head. "hold still." he ordered gently, pressing his forehead to hers, tired of hearing her babbling he swept his mind into hers, pushing calm, and numb sensations into her, helping her to drown out the pain with sensations that could kill the pain completely given enough time, but it would take hours, and all Draco could do was sit there and push the calming sensations into her, struggling to help her kill the pain... he just wasn't skilled enough at this, he was used to causing pain, not trying to stop it.

Evan snarled at him again before nodding. "your father? ah, Voldemort." he mused, nodding. "did you know that Harry and i have a piece of his soul?" he smirked. "and that if i concentrate really hard, i can slip into his mind? he really has the most fascinating thoughts." Evan admitted simply. "i think the Weasley boy is mostly over his jealousy now... he's grown up since last year. i think he's realized that Harry's life isn't glits and Glamour after he saved the red bastards life... Arthur, or whatever the damn man's name is. the one who was protecting the prophecy... oh don't give me that look, i know exactly what Voldemort wants in the Department of Mysteries. sending Nagini was just stupid. she could have been hurt or something, and then where would he be?" Evan complained, rolling his eyes. "you pure blood Wizards really have no common sense." he admitted simply. "i don't like that greasy bastard in my head. we will try with your sister first." he ordered simply, staring at the words etched permanently into his hand, his eyes narrowed. "i need to write a letter. this has gone on long enough." he hissed, wandlessly summoning a piece of paper and a muggle pen, writing out a quick letter to Susan Bones, asking her to inform her aunt that there where blood quills in Hogwarts and that one Harry Potter was being tortured with them. "tomorrow, i want you to give this to Susan Bones. her aunt is the head of the Auror Division. Harry won't do anything, but i can't stand the pain anymore. i've had enough." he admitted simply. "if she tries to use the blood quill on me again... well, it wouldn't be the first time Harry's used 'accidental' magic."
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Cassandra shuddered going quiet as he numbed her mind and body, quiet as she leaned against him."Alisander...healed potter's hand.But to do so, he hurt us instead."She muttered, "Transferment magic, its what twins can do best...because we share things between ourselves, we share better with others."She muttered, shivering a little whimpering quietly as his control slipped He was trying so hard to help and all she was getting was his usual desire to cause pain, and his body's attraction to the beautiful twin in his arms.Though still in pain her thoughts clouded with lust as she responded to him,to far go to keep up her usual shields to keep from responding to everything around her

"I know,and it continually vexes him that you do."alisander said looking amused."but yes, he does have the most fascinating thoughts. Its even better when you just get to talk to him, he has the most interesting plans."He said frowning slightly looking thoughtful before shaking his head."No, he had to send nagini. Because to go himself, he had to see if part of him could go unsensed through the wards, before he tested them himself."He sighed before nodding."Come on. Cassandra's probably still awake. We better get her working on you before harry wakes up."He said moving to get up and head for the door, trying not to think on the odd feelings he was getting from cassandra.
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Draco nodded a little. "ah, i see. i didn't know people could do that. it's like your the complete opposite of my own powers..." he admitted simply. "my father and i, can actually cause physical lacerations if we focus hard enough." he admitted, pushing more of his calm and numb feelings into her before pausing as he felt the spike of lust, and then he seamed to be flooded with happy, lustful, pleasurable sensations and he went bright red. "crap... that's not what i wanted to do." he complained, trying to calm himself down and stop filling her with the pleasure he'd had only ten minutes before she'd arrived. orgasms where great, but not when the pleasure was being pushed into another person. "shit... i can't make it stop... i'm stuck!"

Evan snickered a little and shook his head a little. "i'll have to do it more often then. i'll sing annoying songs that he doesn't know so they'll get stuck in his head." he purred, delighting in the idea of tormenting the Dark Lord. "ah i see. he was testing the magical, and Dark Arts sensors... very clever after all." he mused. "granted, i didn't even know that there WHERE wards there... do you know how pathetically easy it is to break into that place?! seriously, it's sad... someone really needs to do something about that godforsaken ministry." he admitted, leading the way to the Slytherin common room, but instead of going in through the portrait, he walked several feet, and walked through a wall that wasn't really a wall. it came out into the middle of the Common Room. "come on, Cassandra's room will be up here." Evan admitted, leading the way up the stairs, pausing at each door before frowning. "... i don't mean to alarm you, but i think Draco and Cassandra are fornicating..."
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Cassandra swallowed hard, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned against him, trembling ever so softly. To lost in what she was feeling to be able to focus on what was going on around her, or even the man with her. This is why she had shields, because when something managed to shatter them, she had absolutely no control and was totally lost in what she was feeling. Gasping as he held her, her back bowing as she came in his arms, slumping against him, trembling in the aftershocks of a orgasm.

"You do that, I'll never hear the end of it. Because then he does it to me and cassandra, because we can and do talk to one another like that, it makes getting things stuck in our head even worse."He whined before smirking."I know. But we knew there were wards of some kind, and he wasn't ready to admit to being back. But since lucius, me, and cassandra didn't set them off we had to let ngini go, just to see if it'd react to voldemort."he shrugged a little before following the other. Pausing outside the door he shook his head."No...I don't think so..but I don't know what he is doing though."He said sounding worried as he pounded on draco's door, "Malfoy, let me in."
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Draco shuddered against her, lost in the pleasure himself now, jerking against her as he followed her orgasm, gasping for air as the connection broke, leaving them in silence as he shuddered and trembled, agony in his brain... he'd never been trapped in another person's mind like that before, despite the pain it HURT! it hurt bad, like there was a woodpecker in his brain trying to get the best parts out.

Evan snickered and opened his mouth. "Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts Mutilated monkey meat Hairy pickled piggy feet French fried eyeballs floating in some kerosene And me without a spoon." he sang, the song itself was disgusting, but the tune was impossible to forget. "you wanna hear the other three verses?" he asked with a sadistic little smirk before frowning as no one answered the pounding, but heard a groan of pain coming from inside. "move." Evan ordered, waving his hand in front of the handle, the door clicking open, Draco clutching his head, slumped on the bed next to Cassandra, Evan lifting a surprised Eyebrow. "... your right, definitely not fornication... but why did it feel like?..." "was trying... stop the pain... got stuck... couldn't stop... couldn't get out." Draco stammered, tears spilling down his face. "my brain... it's bleeding! i can't make it stop!" "...damn... you check Cassandra, i'll take Baby Malfoy to the hospital wing." Evan promised, using his wand to levitate Draco out of the room and down to the hospital wing, leaving Cassandra to Alisander.
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Alisander whimpered softly."Stooooppp!Stop that's horrible. Please."He whined at the other's song, whimpering quietly before swallowing. Moving into the room he looked down at the two before cursing."I'm taking her home, I'l be back."He said to evan, because he knew of only one person who could stop this, despite the broken link, cassandr was still trembling, her body stuck in a endless loop of pleasure. When he got home he didn't even bother to be polite as he crdled his twin in his arms, shoving open voldemort's door, ignoring the woman the handsome man--having reverted to pre death form instead of snake- the man was screwing,"Father I need your help."He said before wincing realiing it wasn't the best idea to bring cassandra into this room as she trembled harder, gasping as her body orgasmed again, pushed over the edge by the lust in the room.He needed help pulling the fragmented edges of cassandra's shields back into place, and hopefully if she could get hers back up, draco would recover because he had a sense the two had bonded, that even if they weren't actively connected, or in the same room, the two were still tied together and responding to the other
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Evan nodded and watched the other leave before taking Draco to the hospital wing. he didn't say a word, or even show himself, he just laid Draco on the bed, sent off a blasting hex and fled back to bed. Voldemort growled as his door was thrust open, examining Alisander. "dammit Ali!" he complained. "you haven't even been to school for a Day!" he complained, standing up, ignoring his own nudity and completely abandoning the harlot on the bed as he realized how serious the situation was. "take her to her own room, i'll get dressed. you! leave!" Voldemort demanded of the whore as he reached for his trousers. as soon as he was decent for his daughter he was instantly in her room, using his expert Legillemency to piece together her shields, cutting the connection without mercy, leaving Draco to sag into a dead faint in the hospital room, free of the pain and the pleasure. he gently pushed into her mind and sought out the memory of the two... bonding, and grimaced. "dammit... well there goes Draco's marriage contract. it will have burned to a crisp by now. he's gone and Bonded to Cassandra." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Draco and Cassandra are opposite, their Powers desire to be together. Draco fought the connection, it scared him so he struggled, he tore up his mind a little. he'll be alright with a few days of sleep." Voldemort admitted, stroking his daughters lovely face. "she's alright now, with the connection broken and her shields back up, she only needs her rest... come, tell me what you've learned today while your sister rests." he moved over to the chairs on the other side of the room, where their muttering wouldn't bother Cassandra.
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Alisander wnced a little at voldemorts anger."It wasn't me!Dont yell at me."He grumbled before putting cassandra in bed, lookng relieved whenvoldemort was able to stop iit, smiling slightly as cassandra shuddered before falling still, relaxing. "Well, he's... they're not going to be happy about it...she doesn't know him well enough."He muttered knowing that cassandra would not enjoy it, would not enjoy bonding with a man she hardly knew even if they were getting along well. Smiling slightly as even asleep cassandra leaned her face into voldemort's hand, before sighing softly as they moved to the chairs sitting down, though he was still keeping a eye on his twin as they talked.Explaining everything they'd heard or seen, along with draco's response to cassandra.
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Voldemort chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "so Umbridge is torturing Harry, and Snape is too... how interesting. i'd e interested in just letting it happen, simply to see how Evan and Harry react... but even i cannot condone such torture." he admitted simply, swirling a glass of wine in his hands. "the main problem is Draco... he's as power hungry as his father. neither Malfoy was pleased when i replaced them." he admitted, taking a sip of his whine. "in fact, Lucius used to scowl at you fiercely when i first brought you home, like a jealous older brother." he smirked. "Snape used to help change your nappies... if i didn't constantly watch him, he was trying to 'kidnap' you to show off his dank dungeons lab." surprisingly enough, Snape really was a doter. he spoiled Cassandra, Alisander, and Draco mercilessly. all they had to do was turn those big sad eyes on the potions master, and he was putty in their hands. Snape denied that of course. "go to bed Alisander." Voldemort finally ordered. "you have school tomorrow, i will stay up and watch Cass."

the next morning, Voldemort was gently shaking them both awake, informing them that it was morning and that they had to go back to 'that place'. Harry was laying on the table in the great hall, blinking sluggishly, no food anywhere near him, but a large cup of black coffee in his hands. clearly, Evan staying up all night, affected Harry as well. he was also brushing off the worries of his freinds, deflecting the topic to others that he knew would distract his freinds from the pile of bandages on his hand, hiding the red throbbing words that Umbridge was cutting into his hand. "Alisander... there you are." Harry muttered. "i was worried when i woke up this morning and you where gone." he admitted, rubbing his eyes. "you should never wander the halls alone, bad things happen to people who are alone." Harry admitted, his eyes flicking to filch as he sat up with a concealed wince. Filch had done something, no doubt on Umbridge's orders.
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Alisander's lip curled a little as he thought about draco."I wont let him use her. She's to sensitive for that."he growled because he knew what kind of emotional gutting that would do to cassandra, it'd leave the empath a shell of the woman she was now. Twitching a little at the word's he sighed."You know, its bad enough to consider being related to the malfoys, did you have to remind me that snape once changed me?"He whined before sighing softly."I'll see you in the morning."He muttered heading to bed.

In the morning alisander smiled a little as he sat down next to harry, shaking his head a little."I wasn't alone. Cassandra was having problems, and I had to go save her from malfoy."He muttered his nose wrinkling a little as he shot a glare towards where draco and cassandra should be, though he'd allowed his sister to go up and sit down with draco.

Cassandra looked paiend as she sat down on the edge of draco's bed, glad that her glamour spells were strong enough that no one was questioning her presence, and even without being able to feel how he was feeling, she knew he was in pain.'I'm sorry draco...."She muttered stroking his hair a little lookign worried, and oblivious, the men in her life having left her in the dark, for her sake, to draco's true intentionss.
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Harry nodded a little. "Cassandra ok?" Harry asked, looking around for the woman, his head tilted. "what did Malfoy do to her? nothing too bad right? i can kill him if you want? i've always wanted to." Ron was laughing and Hermione was struggling to hide her amusement with annoyance. "Harry you can't say things like that!" she protested. "if Draco drops dead out of the blue now, people are going to blame you!" that just made the entire table laugh, Harry snickering a little as he stood up. "yeah yeah, i'm not too worried. they didn't get me for the Dementor thing during the summer, they won't get me for putting Malfoy in his place, again." Harry rolled his eyes. "honestly, we ALL know he's not really sick, he's just hiding in the Hospital wing to get out of going to classes. it's just like third year... shit... potions with the Greasy bastard this morning." Harry groaned, shaking his head. "just what i need, a dose of verbal abuse right away in the morning..." he grumbled, shaking his head.

Draco groaned a little as he felt her stroking his hair and his eyes fluttered open, blinking sluggishly. "Cass?" he asked softly. "what happened?" he blinked sluggishly. "i couldn't make it stop... i couldn't get free... that's never happened before." he admitted, looking worried and afraid. "i didn't hurt you did i?" he asked, wondering again why he was worried about her health, when it felt like there was still a woodpecker in his brain. Severus had already come and fixed most of the mental damage, but it would be days before the pain faded even a little. "oh god... it's her... make her go away." Draco pleaded as his unknown Fiance entered. "oh DRACO you poor DARLING!" Pansy wailed, making Draco groan again. "you look terrible! my poor Husband!" there was a pause. "...what the hell did you just say!?" "you haven't heard!? oh i just got the news this morning! isn't it wonderful!? our parents signed the contract yesterday!" Pansy admitted with glee. Draco fixed her with a stare that could kill and in an instant he was out of bed. "excuse me. i have to barf and then write my father a particularly foul Howler." Pansy just beamed. "i knew you'd feel better with me here!" "get out." Draco snarled at her, not that she was paying any attention. Draco desperately hoped the Howler went off while Lucius was still with the Dark Lord.
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"nothing to bad. He just made her head hurt and she needed rest but refused to admit it."alisander said smiling a little though there was a icy anger in his eyes said that it was more then that, not that hed admit it here.smirking slightly he shrugged."draco could drop dead and everyone would blame it on him finding s wrinkle, or a grey hair, not harry."he looked amused as he finished eating."oh hes not that bad. Severus loves me."alisander said looking amused as they headed for the potions lab.

Cassandra smiled a little."im not sure, i think our powers were to similar to be able to break easy."she said looking thoughtful because alisander hadnt explained what was going on, she just knew that it had wrecked her and made her head hurt.cassandra eyes went wide as she saw pansy looking out of sorts and wondering what to do before slipping a arm through dracos to make sure that he didnt fall."you should lay back doem you know."
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Harry snorted. "glad to see i'm not the only one who get's a headache in that Poofer's presence." he mused, pleased by that before he shook his head a little, laughing at the gray hair comment. "Draco will NEVER have a gray hair! he bleaches it too much for it to be anything but white!" he admitted with a laugh as he shook his head. "yes, and he Hates me..." Harry growled with a scowl. "he's hated me from the second he laid eyes on me, just because my father was a dick to him." he grumbled unhappily. "Sin's of the Father you know... greasy bastard." Harry growled as he shook his head and headed to potions, sitting next to Alisander so Ron and Hermione could sit next to one another. "... i really wish they'd stop that." Harry grumbled as Ron and Hermione bickered at each other. "god i wish they'd just kiss each other already. their getting annoying." he admitted with a roll of his eyes as he started setting up his potions items.

Draco nodded a little and smiled as Cassandra steadied him. "i'll be alright, i just need to write a.. letter." he grabbed the red paper from his pack, and wrote the nasty letter. with her hovering she could read what he wrote. 'how DARE you do this without my permission, i refuse to allow myself to be bound to some two knut harlot.... Pansy is dimmer than a flobberworm! there is no way she could ever produce any heir worthy of the Malfoy name.... if you ever go behind my back like this again so help me, you'll find yourself wishing you'd never sired me!... there where even various threats about running away and becoming a muggle circus freak, rather than be married to 'that pug faced bitch'. all in all... it was a very angry Draco Letter. with the right spells, and a few harsh words spoken at the letter, the Howler was made, voice recorded, level of fury recorded, and with a borrowed owl, off it went. "if he doesn't burn up that Contract by the end of the week, he will RUE the day i swam out of his balls!"
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Alisander laughed at that shaking his head."Well he'll be most definately grey if he keeps hanging out cassandra. She'd make any sane person's hair grey."He grumbled sitting next to harry as he watched the other "Well, we could always have my empathic sister drop a hint about feelings around them."She said snickering a little before smirking slightly, as he raised a eyebrow as snape came into the room, eager to see how the two interacted.

Cassandra laughed as she red the etter, shaking her head as she looked at him."I could write father you know. Drop a hint that he should take a interest in what your father's up to."She said snickering at the thought, and wondering what would come of it before sighing."We better head to class.Severus will not apperciate it if we are late.Later, anyways."
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry snickered a little. "nah, your sisters a good girl. she's just innocently annoying that's all. i'm sure she'll grow out of it once she has some real life experience under her belt." Harry assured Alisander, snickering a little as he shook his head. "nah, i'll just lock them in a broom closet with a lust potion and let nature take it's course." he teased before Grimacing as Snape swept into the room. "potter! Fifteen points for breathing too loudly!... and another twenty for muttering!" Snape snarled. clearly the more upset Snape was, the more he tormented Harry. Snape was worried about Draco, it was hard to see but someone who knew him, like Alisander, would easily know. still Harry ended up losing well over a hundred points and received two detentions for 'lipping back' when Snape accused Harry of cheating and then said something about Harry's father. clearly the rumors of the two hating each other, where greatly diminished. by the end of class, Harry and Snape where dead locked in a glare of fury contest, both trying to kill each other with their eyes alone. it took both Ron and Hermione to drag Harry off.

Draco snorted a little. "i can't really see The Dark Lord caring about my future spouse Cassandra." he pointed out. "besides, i'm not allowed to leave the infirmary yet." he admitted, sighing in relief as Pansy fled to get to potions. "it's a shame, i'd love to See Snape tearing into Potter today." he smirked. "those two are always at each others throats, it's very amusing." he admitted simply before waving her off. "you go to class... my head is killing me, i'm going to see if i can't sleep through the pain." he admitted, laying back down in bed before staring at her. "and before you start apologizing, don't. it's not your fault i'm like this. Uncle Sev says that i wouldn't be in pain at all if i hadn't panicked and torn my mind up trying to get away. it's my own fault and my own stupidity.. so go to class, alright? you can come visit again during lunch if your really that worried."
RE: Shattered Minds

Alisander smiled a little at the idea of posioning the two with a lust potion, looking thoughtful as he watched the interaction."Go on. I'll catch up in a few minutes."He said to the other gryffindor's as they looked back at him as he leaned back against his desk, smirking a little at severus."you know, I thought only father freaked out this much and worried by yelling at others."he said thoughtfully, wondering how to bring up what was really bothering him.

"He cares because for some odd reason, he likes children."She snorted looking amused as she stood,"Okay then.i'll see you later."She said giving him a look that would have said just how easy of a time he was going to have in maniuplating her into doing what she wanted. Leaning down she kissed his forehead."I'll bring dinner up later."She said before leaving and heading to meet up with the others for the next class.
RE: Shattered Minds

dammit. my Yahoo is peeving me off. yet again, it is failing to tell me when you have posted. T_T stupid thing.)

Harry hesitated, clearly uncertain about leaving Alisander alone with the Irate potions master, but finally left after Ron and Hermione dragged him out. Snape glared at Alisander, a sneer lifting his lips. "and if i wanted your opinion, i would have asked you to stay after class Lisander. what do you want fool boy? i refuse to be any sort of kind to that brat so put it out of your mind this instant." he ordered firmly. "... you are worried about something, what is it?" Snape had always been very good at reading the twins. "... i'm going to regret asking you that, aren't i?"

as Harry left for his next class, he caught up to Cassandra, offering her a smile. "hey... it's Cassandra,. right? Alisander's sister?... could i..." he blushed hard. "could i ask you something a little personal about your brother?" he asked hopefully. "it's just... i don't interact with a lot of people, and i... i think he might be flirting with me... but i don't really know how to tell if he's really flirting with me, or if i'm just reading him wrong... you know?" Harry felt like confusion and hope. Harry clearly REALLY liked Lisander... and more than just in a physical way. " he.. he IS Gay right? i mean... he likes... other guys? he hinted that he might but i.. i wasn't sure and i... oh none of this is coming out right." he complained, setting his head in his hands.
RE: Shattered Minds

(urgh!So stupid!><')

Alisander smirked a little watching severus sneer at him before pouting."Aww you uncle you know you ca't say no to me."He sid looking amused before growing serious, smirking wider."You always did know when something was bothering me, and you are going to most definately regret this."He said snickering a little, his eyes dark and worried. "You have to tell Draco to stay away from Cassandra."he said, though he had no hopes of it actually working, he was still going to tell him.

Cassandra looked startled, smiling a little."IT is."She said looking thoughtful tilting her head a little.Blushing softly at the other's words she smiled."Alisander's not so much gay, as he is gender blind."She said smiling."he doesn't care about what body your in, as long as he likes the person inside."she poked his shoulder, her head starting to ache again."Sorry worrying you're making my head hurt."She whined al ittle.
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