Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Severus looked annoyed but didn't dispute the common knowledge that he could never say no to the twins before he froze. "...i don't know if that's possible anymore Alisander. the actions of it where an accident... but i beleive that Draco has bonded himself to Cassandra. he will be furious when he finds out but..." there was a pause, and a hesitation and then. "i think, she will be good for him. he does not know love. his mother never had the time for him, and Lucius doesn't know how to express love either because of his own piss poor childhood... Cassandra can teach Draco how to care about people." or they'd end up killing each other by accident. "i will monitor him very closely, and warn him not to hurt Cassandra... but, that's all i can honestly do..."

he flushed hard at her and grimaced. "i'm sorry... i don't mean to." he admitted, using his Occlumency to calm himself down. at least he could still do that. "better?" he asked hopefully. "so... do you think your brother would laugh at me if i asked him to go to Hogsmede with me?" he asked hopefully, leading her to their shared Charms class. "i mean... i know you and him and Malfoy's cousins... but you don't seam to be evil like they are." he was teasing her now, his lip twitching, well aware that several Slytherins could hear him. "Cassandra? be careful around Draco, alright? he might appear to be loving and charming... but he's not really." Harry admitted softly. "he only cares about power and money... and, he'll use anything, and anyone he can to get it..." he warned, looking worried for her before he went and sat down for Charms, where he had just as much trouble as he'd had in Transfiguration and Potions.
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Alisander smirked a little before staring at the other man."He'll use her, you know it as well as I do. He wants back into power, and cassandra's his ticket."The slighter older twin looked annoyed."She wont be able to handle that, you know that as well as I do. He wont listen, he's like lucius. His minds set on doing what he wants."

Cassandra smiled relaxng."Yes, that's better."She muttered a little before shrugging."I don't think he'd laugh. He'd probably enjoy having the company."she said before sighing softly running her fingers through her hair as she sat down for charms, paling at his words. The emotionl woman starting to crumble, the bond making her pine at the knowledge draco was using her. Despite the men's worries, once told ,she understood what draco was doing.It would take the man some fast talking to get his head around this.
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Severus nodded. "he'll use her at first, yes... but this is not the first time i've seen a bonding like this. she will not change... but he will. he will start to feel guilty, whether he wants to or not." Severus admitted simply. "Alisander... why did Potter have bandages over his hand?" Severus demanded, his eyes narrowed as he considered the implications of that. "and if Draco does hurt Cassandra... well, i will make it very well known just how much trouble he will be in." Severus promised. "go to class now Alisander. i must speak with the fool of a Malfoy... and be sure to explain to Cassandra what happened. i doubt The Dark Lord would have seen it prudent to tell her. i know how you and he dote on her, but she needs to know." he grumbled, annoyed as he left the room to... 'deal' with Draco, who was scowling at his ceiling as Pansy fussed over him. unaware that he had bonded to Cassandra. that afternoon, Harry, and most of the Gryffindor's, half the Ravenclaw's, and a third of the Huffelpuff's vanished and where not at Dinner, which gave Alisander plenty of time to calm Cassandra down... if he could. they DID receive a letter from Voldemort, explaining that Lucius had gotten a rather nasty howler from Draco, and that the marriage contract had been burned up by the bonding. both twins where allowed to use force to keep Pansy in her place, AWAY from Draco. apparently Voldemort had plans for Draco. knowing the dark lord... they where painful plans.

ten minutes before curfew, all the missing students returned, Harry muttering softly to Ron and Hermione before he glanced at Alisander, and blushed hard as the two freinds snickered at the third. finally Harry managed to move over to Alisander, fidgeting and nervous. "uhm... hey, Alisander i was... hoping, er... wondering... if your not busy or anything... maybe.. uhm... doyouwannagotohogsmeadwithme?" he blurted out, staring at his toes with a bright red face... like that, he really was kind of cute. from the mannerisms, it was easy to see that Harry was a bottom, but Evan was a top... that was going to be an interesting relationship....
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Alisander frowned thinking over that before sighing."Umbridge's been using a blood quill.It's what cassy freaked out over by the way. A castle away and she was in agony because he was."He muttered sighing softly before sulking."Dammit, fine."He grumbled annoyed at the idea of telling cassandra.but he did indeed manage to keep er calm,even if she seemed upset with something.

Alisander frowned a little as he ran his hand through his hair looking tired."What..."He muttered looking confused before smiling, "I would. I've never been to hogsmeade before, but father said its a cute little town."He said thoughtfully.

Cassandra sighed softly as she walked into the hospital wing, looking amused as she sat on the edge of draco's bed."Your father got the most interesting letter toda. And I have my own orders that I can hurt her for getting near you now."She grinned at the idea.
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Snape looked horrified. "SHE WHAT!?" he demanded, puffing up in fury. even though he hated Potter, even HE knew the long lasting damages a Blood quill could do... Potter had been in two to three hour detentions every night that week... if it continued the quill would cut into tendon and bone, crippling the hand... he took out his rage on Draco before turning to yell at Dumbledore, before finally yelling at Lucius, in front of the Dark Lord, for about four hours. Lucius of course, was in no real position to have Umbridge removed... but no one knew that Evan had plans for the pink tart.

Harry went bright red before brightening, looking so happy he might burst. "great! we'll go to all the best places, i'll even tell you the truth behind the shrieking shack!" even Voldemort didn't know the truth about the shrieking shack. "it's Tomarrow, in case you didn't know." Harry admitted, smiling at the other before skipping away, Ron snickering as he moved over to Alisander. "since i know i'm in no way capable of beating the crap out of you if you hurt Harry.." Ron stated simply. "i'll just ask you as polity as i'm able not to hurt him... he's never really liked anyone before and..." Ron shrugged. "well it's not my place to say but Harry's not real good at the whole emotional stuff." he admitted, blinking at the other. "so... try not to hurt him, ok?" Ron asked hopefully before heading upstairs, squalling as Harry slammed into him. "Goddammit Harry! keep this up and i'll make you room with Dean and Seamus!" Harry's only response was laughter.

Draco snorted a little. "of course he did. you watched me write it." he admitted, looking smug. "i take it, it went off in front of The Dark Lord? good." Draco sneered before shaking his head. "i think it's more interesting that Snape, your brother, and Harry freaking Potter came in here and yelled at me today." he admitted shaking his head before looking delighted. "i have protection against that slobbering harlot!? thank MERLIN! she's INSUFFERABLE!" he complained, wincing as he rubbed his head. "...has Alisander talked to you yet? about... what happened to us?" Draco asked, looking a little nervous. wondering if she knew yet, or if he was going to have to tell her.
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"Okay,I'll keep my tomorrow free for a date then."He said looking amused before turning his attention to the red head in front of him."Well. At least you know your limits."He mused before shaking his head."Dont worry, your not the one who scares me if I hurt him.I have someone scarier to answer to.But I wont."He said looking amused as he setteld back into his chair to relax, letting ron believe he met cassandra, not evan AND cassy. They'd just be scary.

"I know,but it was so amusing to get a letter from father when it was obvious he was still laughing."He said smiling a little before smirking."Oh, more interesting then?"she asked amused before nodding."On father's orders, me and ali have permission to be as violent as we want with her."He muttered before biting her lip staring down at the blenket, fiddling with a fold in the blanket."He...he tried, I wasn't really paying attention though. He was worrying about potter and that was more interesting to me then listening to him talk."
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Ron chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'm only good at Chess really." Ron admitted simply, looking amused. "your physically and magically stronger than me, i know your smarter than me... i think i might be able to take you in chess though." he admitted with a smug little grin as he walked off. he didn't bother to think about who he had to answer to, he just figured it was Harry. Harry was damn scary when he wanted to be. that night, no one would notice that Evan slipped out of bed, and made his way down one of the many, many passages.

Draco chuckled a little and nodded before hesitating."Cassandra... our powers are rare... and our powers together compliment each other... their like two halves of a whole. like Yin and Yang, or Light and Dark... opposite, but perfect together... they WANT to be together... when i entered your mind... i lost control of my powers, and then you lost control of yours... we're... bound together Cassandra... it's deeper than marriage." he admitted, blinking at her before pausing. "what do you MEAN he was worrying about Potter? what has that idiot done now?" he demanded, shocked. "... please don't tell me your trying to... convert, that bastard!" he pleaded, horrified that someone would try to turn POTTER of all people, dark.
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"You know, walking alone will get you hurt.At least according to potter."Alisander muttered as he appeared behind evan, following him, looking to amused. Having figured as soon as harry was asleep evan would be up and about, and for some reason the dominate fascinated him as much as the bottom.

"Oh."Cassandra frowned a little staring down, nodding a little."Well then.At least I know you'll have to deal with ali. He's demanding and wont like that I got married without asking permission."She muttered looking thoughtful before giggling a little."Oh no. Ali's wanting to screw him, worried about what umbridge's doing, making his boy unseducable."
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Evan smirked a little. "yes... yes it will. did you know that Filch has started whipping children he finds out after curfew?" he asked, his eyes flashing. "he caught Harry out before dawn this morning. he had a nightmare. filch whipped him... this i cannot allow." Evan admitted simply as he paused, pulling out a familiar piece of Parchment, and solemnly swearing he was up to no good. "ah. there you are you slimy bastard... right where i want you." Evan purred softly, his eyes flicking up to Filch, who smirked viciously as he caught students out of bed. "Potter! up for another Whipping eh!?" Filch demanded, rushing down the stairs. Even never even paused, as soon as Filch was in reach, the man was falling, screaming down seven flights of stairs, Evan watching with a sadistic little smile on his face, watching Filch land seventy feet below in a broken, dead heap... it was no wonder Voldemort liked Evan... "well... that was anticlimactic... i had hoped for at least a LITTLE bit of a struggle." Evan complained with a scowl. "oh well..."

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "it's not something that we planned you know. it's not like we eloped... besides he already chewed me out for this. Potter actually made me take Veritiserium to prove that i hadn't done this on purpose..." there was a pause. "he was... acting creepy again actually. like in the hall when he grabbed my arm... like he was being possessed... it was frightening..." he blanched, shocked at the woman, his eyes wide. "Alisander wants to do WHAT!?" he asked, stunned. "...what is Umbridge doing?... in any case, i wasn't really aware that Potter was gay... would explain a few things about Cho though." he mused, smirking a little. "i heard he's such a bad kisser that he even made her cry.
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Alisander leaned against the wall not even moving to stop evan as flich fell, shaking his head a little."You know, father and you are both dramatic little bitches. You're spending to much time in each others heads."he whined looking amused before crossing the hall, nudging evan amused."Are we taking care of unbridge to?"

"I know...but ali's overprotective in the etreme. And..."She stopped thinking about it, biting her lip. Wondering why evan was so protective, "Well, maybe you shouldn't pick on him then."She pointed out rolling her eyes before laughing at draco's look."Ali wants to fuck potter six ways to sunday and over every available surface.The fact that umbridge is using a blood quill on him is making my twin extremely unhappy."She said before laughing, shaking her head distracted from her worry about their situation. "I dont think he is. Doesn't mean ali doesn't want to screw him though."
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Evan snorted a little and shook his head. "i haven't found a proper way to kill her yet..." he admitted, frowning. "it must be... poetic." he purred a sadistic little smile on his face. "i have a few basic plans." he admitted. "but nothing i can do here in the school... i need a portkey at the least, and i don't know how to make those yet. it's hard to study when Harry doesn't look at any book that he doesn't have to." he admitted with a scowl before glancing at Alisander. "i don't suppose you know how to make a Portkey?" he asked hopefully. "i'm planning on stunning her, and sending her to the Shrieking shack. there's a secrete way to getting there, so no one would even know i was... 'meeting' her there." he admitted, stroking his chin. "i'll of course have to 'Mark' her. i already know the spell, and i have enough of Voldemort's magic stored to put his magical signature in it. then she'll be tortured and killed and dumped in front of the ministry... only after i've had her write hundreds of lines with that fucking Blood Quill." he admitted, glancing down at his hand. "if i write with that thing any more, i'll be crippled..."

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "well he IS your brother, of course he's protective... it's sort of his job." Draco admitted with a small chuckle before scowling. "i refuse to be civil to that bastard. he deserves every... oh god... PLEASE! i don't want to hear shit like that!" he complained about the information did you just say bloodquill?" he asked, stunned. "she's using BLOODQUILLS?! how the hell did she get Bloodquills into the damn castle! the headmaster is retarded letting her bring those in here!!!" he shuddered and shook his head. "well, i'll tell Uncle Sev. he'll take care of the pink bitch." Draco decided. "i can't let her use Bloodquills on children... no matter how much i hate Potter, even he doesn't deserve something like that." he admitted with a scowl. "and PLEASE stop talking about Sex with Potter!"
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Alisander sighed softly looiing amused before snickering, raising a eyebrow."Of course I can make a portkey, padawan."He smirked, the star wars reference showing just how much a muggle geek he could be,"I'll even go with you. Might convince father to stop in...he would enjoy torturing her. He doesn't get to torture as much as he would like to these days."

"ahhh but you don't want to hear?Try living in my head. Being near alisander can be awkward when he's daydreaming."She whined before nodding."Yes she is."She said sighed sighing a little."And you know dumbledore's letting her do it, just so he can break those who wont listen. And severus already knows, ali told him earlier. And father knows."
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Evan snickered a little and carefully transfigured a gaudy Stone into a beautiful golden necklace with a cat pendant. "here. turn that into a Portkey and give it to her as... a gift.... in the morning." he ordered, smirking viciously. "we'll activate it tomorrow while your in Hogsmede with your... Potter Date." he flashed the other an amused little smirk. "that will prevent us from becoming suspects." he purred happily. "and with her vanishing off the face of the planet, and the Shrieking shack already haunted... well, we'll have plenty of time to torture her." he rubbed his hands together gleefully. "while we're at the Shack, i'll push Harry asleep and set up the Cellar for her. anti apparation, anti portkey, anti animagus, shackles, the whole works! she won't be able to escape, and we'll give your dear daddy the password for getting in... i don't suppose your a parseltongue?"

Draco scowled a little. "it's a shame that Potter trusts Dumbledore so much." he sneered a little. "it would be a great advantage to us if we could convince him to join Voldemort." he admitted, pausing. "of course, Alisander's half way there already... Potter doesn't usually accept people so quickly. i think for some reason, Potter is reacting to Alisander in.. unusual ways... Alisander might be the key to turning Harry away from the light side." he frowned. "if the Dark Lord knows... i doubt Umbridge will be around for much longer... we might be on the lookout for her sudden disappearance soon... won't we?"
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alisander smirked a little as he muttered the spell for a portkey, then wandlessly wrapped the thing in a pretty pink wrapping paper before smirking. "Ah, since when have I ever been suspected of doing anything bad?"He said raising a eyebrow before shaking his head. "I'm least not wholly. Me and cassy have listened to father-"He stressed the word a little, imaging voldemort's reaction to being called daddy-"enough to be able to minicry some words....well...torturing...painful words anyways."

"Ah, well ali will work on that. He dislikes dumbledore with a passion. I'm actully surprised me and ali havent ended up in his office yet, to discuss how our 'differences' need to be looked after. As if we're children dont understand we're different from normal twins."she sighed before laughing."No doubt. Either ali or father will be dealing with things...they dislike abuse in others, if they're not the ones causing it."
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Evan snickered a little and shook his head. "i wouldn't know, no ones ever met you before... but being whose kid you are, i'd say you get rewarded for bad behavior." he teased with a vicious little grin as he watched the other wrap the present. "i'll tell Voldie the password through our connection..." he tapped his head. "and you and Cass will just have to wait for one of us, unless he can teach you the pass word. i don't want to risk that bitch getting out on a lucky phrase or some shit." he admitted with a shake of his head. "that bitch disfigured me, and she nearly crippled me... she's going to pay very seriously for what she's done." Evan growled before leading the way back up tot he Griffindor common room. "remind me to take you down to the Chamber of Secretes sometime... actually. i should take Snape too. he could use some of the body parts for potions ingredients."

Draco lifted an eyebrow at her. "i don't see how your any different." he admitted simply. "you look pretty normal to me.. i mean clearly your better than other people, but that's not a bad thing." he admitted with a smirk. "but i doubt that Dumbledore will bother you. he's probobly hoping that with Alisander in Gryffindor, that you two might 'unite the houses' or some such idiocy." Draco rolled his eyes. "it's ridiculous how trusting that man is..." Draco admitted, shaking his head. "can you beleive he let me back in school with a dark mark on my arm? and thinks that Snape is SPYING for him!? yeah. Dumbledore actually thinks that Snape is tortured every time he goes to a meeting." Voldemort was actually very careful about who he tortured, he had tortured Bellatrix one too many times, and he'd learned his lesson since then, the mad bitch annoyed him almost as much as Dumbledore did.
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Alisander smirked a little,"I most definately got awarded for bad behavior."He raised a eyebrow."The worse, the better. Though cassy sucks at being bad. She breaks out in hives and all at the idea of breaking the rules. Though, its more father's rules tehn anyone else's she worries about."He rolled his eyes efore nodding, following the other back upstairs. "I would like that. Father's very saddened he can't get back in."he said growing serious before frowning."Is there a secre way out of the castle?"He asked after a moment.

"Ohh we have our own set of oddities to go along with being twins, and we're male and female."She pointed out before sighing softly. "If he thinks that, he seriously doesn't know me and ali. We have no desire to have things be better then they are now, actually the fighting helps, because it drives more people to our side."She said before smirking a little, "You know bella still follows him around?And glares at me and ali as if we're taking him away from her?"her smirk got wider as she shuddered."Thinks we're sleeping with him."
RE: Shattered Minds

Evan smirked a little. "so skinning a cat and leaving it hanging for the Matron to find was just something he liked to do then?" that... was a very startling bit of information. the twins knew about Tom's days at the Orphanage... but no one else did... so how in the hell did Evan know about the time Tom had used magic to skin the orphanage cat and hang it from the rafters to punish the other kids? "and there are a total of three currently unknown passages that lead out of the Hogwarts wards." he admitted simply. "there are four that are known by various teachers, and two that are collapsed and no longer able to be used... these are just the ones i know of. there might be more once we get back into the Chamber. if i get Voldemort's Oath that he won't harm any student or teacher while within Hogwarts grounds, i will let him in on one of the secrete passages." Evan promised with a smug little smirk. "me and Harry... we have ways of finding out these things... i'll show you sometime."

Draco snorted a little and nodded. "like the fact that your Empaths?" he asked with a little grin before staring at her in horror. "...isn't there some way he can just... kill her or something!?" Draco complained. "seriously, she's an insult to pure-bloods." he grumbled with a shake of his head before he sighed. "i really wish the fighting would stop personally... every time The Dark Lord sends Father out on a raid... i get more and more terrified that he won't come back... i'm all for the cause but..." he set a hand on his wrist, rubbing the mark there. "it's like Harry said... i'm... i'm little more than a slave in the grand scheme of things... just cannon fodder to be thrown into the line of fire... so that my body can be a shield for my betters..." he shook his head. "at least The Dark Lord doesn't HIDE what he's doing... Dumbledore pulls the strings from the shadows, so that no one ever realizes their pawns... i'd rather know why i'm dying." he admitted with a nod.
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"well, that was to make the stupid little brats to shut up."He said looking mildly curious, knowing he knew about the man's past because he could sometimes dream walk to even voldemort's dreams, but it was interesting that evan knew. Smirking he raised a eyebrow."That wasn't why I was asking, though he would apperciate it."He sighed softly. "Me and cass never miss meetings, we terrify the death eaters almost as much as father does, because apparently they think we're cursed for being fraternal twins instead of identical."he smiled as he slumped down into his bed.

"That and other tings."She said as if it wasn't anything important before smirking, "I tried once, but the emotional explosion that followed that attempt put me in a coma for a week. Father thinks because she's insane, and happily dillusional, that it reacts badly for me and ali. Though now that we're not living at home, he might kill her."She said thoughtfully before sighing softly."You know father would stop fighting if he could. But dumbledore wont leave him alone, and so we fight."she said sadly pain in her eyes as she looked down, because this was the longest she'd been away from home, two days, and she missed her father, who she hadn't gotten a chance to see when alisander'd taken her home to heal. She missed him, and she missed being there to protect him from the scheming death eaters-like lucius- who were looking to take the dark lord out and replace themselves as leader.
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Evn snorted. "i still want his Oath... can you imagine the mayhem Voldemort being in HOGWARTS will be!? that old manipulative bastard could get FIRED when people find out!" Evan admitted with an eager cackle before lifting an eyebrow at the other. "...hmm. i wonder if i can arrange a deal?" he mused. "secrete passage... for Peter Pittegrew, mind wiped of everything except the first year or so of being a death eater... i need him to free my godfather you see." Evan admitted, a snarl on his lips. "twelve years in Azakaban and now Dumbledore think it's a good idea to keep him locked up in a house he hated as a child... no mind healer, no healer at all! constantly bated by the greasy git of the Dungeons... that's REALLY going to end well... so tell him i need Pittigrew."

he shook his head a little. "she's probobly already dead then." Draco admitted simply before sighing. "is it true?" Draco asked softly. "that Dumbledore is the one who started the war? and that he sent your Father back to be raped and abused by muggles?" not so much the first few years. but once Voldemort had turned fifteen... the kid gloves had come off. he'd been lucky to survive as sane as he had to seventeen. the attack from his father had been the final straw, and he'd gone completely insane after he killed his own father and blamed it on his uncle. when the twins had been born, the insanity had been swept away, like it had never happened. but by that time, it was too late.
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"well ill tell him you want a oath from him when i see him tomorrow."his smirk widened before nodding."get me out of the castle without anyone realizing im gone,ill deliver pettigrew on a silver platter. Hes annoying, and has a habit of...touching...cass when hes being subserviant."he sighed a little."get some sleep, its going to be a long day tomorrow."

Cassandra looked away getting up, having every intention of getting some sleep. And avoiding talking about something that made the over sensitive empath willing to damage herself to get revenge on."thats not my quesrion to answe."she said vaguely heading dor the door."ill see you later.we have a...meeting tomorrow remember."she muttered wondering how she was going to get out of it, not realizing she was going to have her own problems at the time, because after dracos meltdown, and dumbledores snooping, the headmaster had figured out he had a good weapon to shape to his own ends. A extremely powerful dark witch empath.

Cassanda frowned as she looked at the note in her hand brfore knoxking on the headmasters door in the morning, trying to not think to hard, because she didnt know what he wanted but sure that it wouls be no good
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Evan snarled viciously as he glanced at Ali. "don't worry about Cass Ali." Evan growled. "it will be known to EVERYONE, Snake and Gryffindor alike that she's under MY personal protection. no one fucks with Harry after he killed that Basilisk." he admitted with a viscous smirk. "sept Draco, but he don't mess with me anymore after i told him he was little more than a slave." he admitted with a sadistic little laugh. "and i'll be sure to castrate the Rat bastard before i turn him in to the DMLE." he rolled over and went to sleep, giving both him and Harry their much needed rest.

he nodded a little. "have a goodnight Cassandra. sleep well." he ordered softly, smiling a little as he sighed and closed his eyes, hoping to all that was holy, that he got out of his first Death Eater meeting sane. he'd heard his fathers Horror stories from the last years... but Voldemort hadn't been back for long enough to really resume his reign of terror... he could only hope he wasn't killed for the... 'accidental bonding.' that had never been part of the plan... and now... he was really starting to... to.. LIKE her...

in the morning, word had spread like wildfire that Cass and Ali where both now protected by Harry. already a third year had been... punished, for calling Cass a whore within earshot of Harry, and people where starting to realize that Harry was... moody, this year. angry, upset... and it looked like he wasn't sleeping. Harry brushed off all concerns, and snapped at Ron and Hermione when they badgered him, and told Alisander to 'shut up and stuff your mouth before i hex you' as soon as the other cheerfully expressed a good morning. the psychological affects of the MPD where really starting to wear Harry down, if they didn't get him to Cass, or snape, soon, who knew what potential disasters would fall!

(you play Dumbledore. i'm no good at his manipulations XP}
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That evening cassnadra smiled happily as she approached the gryffindor golden boy, who given that they were supposed to be on their way home, was evan at the moment. Shuddering as she approched her eyes darkened with pain,"bloody hell evan, how in the world is this working?"she muttered brushing a hand over his arm, shuddering in pain as her own powers took some of the strain of having mpd. Though, considering the subtle spell that was starting to work on her, it was amazing rhe sensitive hadnt broken down herself yet.

Alisander smiled a little as they walked down the tunnel, looking amused at his multi person boyfriend,"so are you ready for a meeting?also, malfoy's going to be there, so no cursing him just for being in your presence....and umbridge is imprisoned st the shrieking shack currently, ehich has set the school in a uproar, but father will be very happy to see to her tonight to"he sighed a little as they walked, talking because he was feeling anxious about something and he had no idea why as they passed the wards end and apparated to riddle manor.

( lol ok i can do maniuplating as long as you keep voldie xD)
RE: Shattered Minds

Evan shook his head a little. "blame Snape, not me. he's the one that shattered the shields." he complained with a roll of his eyes, sighing as she managed to dislodge the 'block' and allow the knowledge and the power to flow freely between the two minds once more. "that's MUCH better Cassi. thank you." Evan chirped happily, rubbing the back of his head where he could feel Harry 'sleeping'. he was always aware of Harry, and being suddenly cut off from his 'conscience' had bothered him. Evan NEEDED Harry, not that he'd ever admit that out loud... Harry on the other had, was completely unaware of Evan... Evan was terrified of what would happen when Harry found out... he didn't want to go back to the never ending darkness, Evan LIKED being able to talk to people... touch people... "Malfoy can kiss my ass." Evan stated simply. "unless he starts something, i'll ignore him." Evan promised smirking viciously.

"aaah good... how did your date with Harry go?" Harry had taken Alisander everywhere, even to the shrieking shack, explaining that it was 'haunted' because of Lupin. he'd even shown the other the secrete trapdoor at Honeydukes. Even apparated after Cassandra did, and landed practically next to Voldemort, shocking everyone there. elder and younger Malfoy, the Lestranges... minus the mad wife. Avery and Nott, all the inner circle was there, including Snape. "ah, Evan, how nice of you to join us." Voldemort purred, smirking a little as he examined the emerald eyed boy. "i hear you have a way for me to get into the castle?" "several, but i want the Oath first... and Pittigrew." the rat squeaked, horrified and Evan smirked. "in case you didn't know, he DOES Owe Harry a Life Debt... and so does Snape for that matter... but Snape is too loyal to you to betray you over such a silly thing." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "and he's fairly useless to me." "Pittegrew is yours then." Voldemort agreed. "... i don't suppose you'd be interested in joining the Cause?" "me personally? in a heartbeat... it's Harry who has to be convinced... Alisander won't have too much trouble managing such a thing."
RE: Shattered Minds

Cassandra frowned looking at the other, nudging him slightly even thugh her head hurt."Your welcome. Though it might come back later I might have not healed all the damage."She muttered looing at evan with a thoughtful frown. Alisander snickered, "Ahhh well, I'm not sure that's where either cassandra or draco want his lips to be." "What?I don't care what he does!"cassandra whined flushing. "My date was good. un. Most normal date I've actually ever had."Alisander said looking slightly worried, because he really had no idea how this evening was going to go.

"And we have the lovely proffessor umbridge for you father."Alisander added looking amused as he watched the others, moving to the seat next to his father as he moved evan out of his father's lap. IT was amusing though, to see the man get embarassed sometimes. "No!You can't do that. Whatever will dumbledore say?He wants you to help him win, and you should."Cassandra protested, grabbing evan's arm and shaking him a little even as the rest of the dark order stared at her. "....I think Cassandra's been spending to much time with Malfoy. She's losing her mind from talking to idiots."
RE: Shattered Minds

he smiled at her and nodded. "thank you... are you alright? your looking pale..." he admitted, frowning as he felt her forehead. "you don't have a fever at least... make sure you get plenty of rest, just in case you caught Malfoyitus or something." he smirked as he glanced at Ali. "and is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" Evan asked, looking very, very amused. he snickered at Voldemort's glee at being able to torture Umbridge, and the man actually rubbed his hands together happily, Evan looking shocked as he stared at Cassandra, Voldemort looking utterly mortified. "you... want Dumbledore to win!?" he demanded, looking rather betrayed before he paused, his eyes narrowing. "... has that old bastard done something to you Cass?" "he couldn't have." Evan protested, staring at her. "she's never been alone with him, and he'd never leave witnesses... not even with an Obliviate..." he shook his head and carefully sat her in the chair, Draco looking worried as he studied Cassandra. "it's just stress i'm sure..." Evan decided. "i think she might be catching something. germs from Malfoy no doubt." Lucius stiffened, looking outraged... Draco ducked his head to hide his snickers. he found this 'new' Harry, rather amusing when he wasn't busy pissing himself.

once he was certain Cassi was settled, he himself flopped into Alisander's lap, completely ignoring personal space and public rules as he examined and picked at his nails with a nail file, making them perfect. he casually tossed his wand at Pittigrew, casting an Imperious before the rat could try to escape and with a single push of his mind, anything of importance was erased, and the Rat was off to the ministry... Amelia Bones office to be exact. the Minister would just try to cover his tracks. "so. now that that's taken care of." Evan purred happily. "i think your followers are begging to be allowed to ask questions Voldemort." Voldemort hissed at him, annoyed and glared at his followers. "Harry Potter is a sick little boy who is here because the other half of his sick little brain is as twisted as i am." Harry sulked, Voldemort smirked at his victory... little as it was.
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