Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Harry grinned at the other and took his hand again, a lot more comfortable with showing Alisander affection, once he'd made sure that the other wasn't going to pull away or mock him. "i need to have someone fetch my things from school. it's pointless to go back." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Dumbledore won't teach me anything." he growled, annoyed as he narrowed his eyes. "i might not join Voldemort... you understand right? but i'm going to write some letters... Remus, and Sirius... Ron and Hermione... if i can pull them out from Dumbledore's thumb... at least they won't be aiding my enemy..."

Draco's lips thinned and he shook his head. "Lucius will never love me." Draco stated simply. "and trying to convince me otherwise is a pointless endeavor." he flashed the other a small grin. "i don't think we're going back to Hogwarts. your father would never allow it." he teased playfully as he hesitantly took her hand and headed for the eyeglass shop. "where do we wish to go and eat? i don't think we can risk Harry going to a proper Pure-Blooded restaurant yet. he can barley manage a fork and a spoon, let alone all the different cutlery for fine dining." he admitted with an annoyed look as Harry flashed him a smirk. "actually Malfoy, i'll have you know that i know very well how to 'fine dine'. my aunt insisted i learn so that i could properly cook and set up her fancy dinner parties." Harry admitted. "i'd bet i know more about fine dining than you even do. i had to read books, stand in a corner with my back straight and eyes forward, and serve pompous bitches who... as you said, didn't know the difference between a Hors d'ouevre and a main dish." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "i really need to get Voldemort over to Surrey..." he mused, his eyes flashing red, indicating that this was Evan. Draco was just staring at Evan in shock. "you... you... what!?"
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Alisander smiled nodding a little."well if you don't join us, like you said, at least you won't be working against us. And don't worry, he won't harm you getting him to beg. He'll take it out on dumbledore. I wouldn't be surprised if hes already planning a raid or something to do that."alisander smiled proving that he did indeed know his father well.

Cassnadra sighed leaning into him more giving up for the moment. Snickering at his and harrys exchange before nodding."I think all of us need need to make a visit to your familys place...prove just how useless dumbledore is when he can't even protect his precious saviors family."she muttered daekly amused
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Harry smiled a little and nodded. "yeah... he's... not like i remember... Voldemort." Harry admitted, looking so very confused. "he's tried to kill me so very many times... and that's not counting the time when i was a baby." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "yet... at the same time, i think Dumbledore could easily have stopped all those attempts." Harry admitted with another shake of his head. "nothing makes sense anymore." Harry admitted before letting Evan take over. he was tired, and wanted to think some more about everything that had happened to him. " know. Harry wouldn't mind." Evan admitted. "i mean, he will be upset we kill them. but he wont MIND." he admitted, smirking. "hall i... take you there?" Evan asked, his head tilted. "we'll 'pull' their memories out, so that when the Aurors come, they will see every little bit of abuse that Harry has ever suffered. it will be another thing that Dumbledore has to answer to.... what?... what do you mean a book... you want to write a book?!" Evan asked, stunned as he interacted with Harry, Evan pausing. "yes. a pen name... that might work. we'll work on it tonight then, and release it after Skeeter properly mortifies the world of our abuse at the hands of disgusting muggles." he rubbed his hands. "should we invite Voldemort? i bet he'd have fun... we can bring Snape too! let him see what REAL abuse looks like."
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"Hes sane. He wasn't when we were younger."alisander said with a careless shrug before smirking as he watched the two interact. It was amusing."you two make my head hurt. Emotions everywhere."cassandra whined looking amused as they headed for the resturant."you know,if we talk to him,papa might be willing to write about everything dumbledore did to him.maybe."she said though she didn't look to sure on the idea
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Evan nodded. "i know he was insane... i can remember... that night." Evan admitted softly. "it's one of the few events of our childhood that we both remember... did you know he sat there and taunted us?" he asked. "he demanded to know why we where crying if we where so almighty and powerful... don't remember anything after the flash of green." he admitted, frowning. "i wonder why he went after us? what on earth could we have done to him?" Evan mused, his head tilted before examining Alisander. "Dumbledore fucked him over too., didn't he?" Evan asked softly. "in my second year, the memory of your father told Harry that they where a lot alike. more alike than Harry ever wanted to admit... he was right." he shook his head. "we shouldn't bother your father with such things. he DOES have a reputation to uphold after all." he stepped into the restaurant and he and Draco swiftly had the manager nearly weeping from the verbal lashings that they gave for him DARING to assume they where such 'normal plebeians' for asking if they had a reservation. they got the best seat in the house, the best wine and the best service. Evan proved that he DID in fact know 'pure-blood etiquette' and even corrected Draco a few times, just to piss the blond off, especially when Alisander or Cassandra made slight mistakes and Evan said nothing to them.
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By the time they got home both twins were exhausted and had no desire greater then to climb into bed with their dates."should we tell them they were just on a double date?"cassnadra muttered at her bonded as they headed for the sitting room to tell their parenta goodnight. "Wait what did you say cass?"alisander frowned a little at the back of her head as him and evan walked with them, a arm slung around evans shoulders,looming more relaxed then he had been for awhile. Despite the panic happening in the world as a whole, his life was okay.
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Evan looked about dead on his feet, and Harry was too. they where so tired they kept flip flopping between personalities, which was weird. he'd go from snuggling into Alisander like a cute little kitten, to jerking away and nitpicking Draco for anything and everything, before going back to snuggling with Alisander. Draco had given up trying to respond, he just wrapped his arm around Cassandra's shoulders and ignored them all. "Double date?" Harry asked sluggishly. "can't go on a double date if you've never gone on the first date." he mumbled, yawning as he staggered off to his room, Draco looking very close to laughter. "yes Alisander. a double date, you where just on one. did you enjoy yourself?" he asked curiously, his head tilted as he walked into the throne room with them, where Voldemort and Snape where muttering about 'battle plans'. another raid no doubt. "did you have fun? where's potter?" Voldemort asked curiously before he smirked. "... you three look utterly exaughsted." he admitted with a laugh. "what did you do, hike all over London? go to bed, we'll talk in the morning." Voldemort promised as he glanced at the clock. not that sharing a bed would do anyone any good, Evan and Harry where already asleep, and no doubt Draco was far too worn out to do anything inappropriate.
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"....I'm to tired to listen to you malfoy, shut up."alisander grumbled saying goodnight to his fater before heading upstairs to snuggle his lover. Cassandra laughed tiredly."it feels like we did. Goodnight papa."she muttered kissing his cheek before dragging draco to bed, and while they were to tired thag night, draco did wake up with her half sleeping on him, since he was having good dreams and she wanted to share...and he smelled good. Not that shed ever admit to smelling him
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when Alisander woke up, Harry was gone, though the bed was still very warm where he'd been laying. it wasn't hard to find him though, he was sitting in the kitchen, nursing a cup of hot tea, and speaking in soft, nervous tones to Voldemort, who was muttering softly in responses. clearly, they where finally having that talk that they needed to have. "and the graveyard?" Harry asked Voldemort softly, the man shaking his head. "i don't remember much of that night." Voldemort admitted. "in fact i... i don't rightly know how i was torn out of my body again... i was able to reconstruct myself three days after your first vanquishing of me. that's when my twins where born. sanity came back to me slowly, but it did. i found myself without a body, and insane again, just after your eleventh birthday... i think whatever protections you had, tore apart my body again with the first awakening." "...the...what?" Voldemort stared at him. "the first magical growth of your powers potter... you know, like a magical growth spurt!... didn't you feel stiff and sore after your eleventh birthday!?" "i'm ALWAYS stiff and sore after a beating from the Dursley's. i felt no difference..." Harry admitted with a shrug, noting Voldemort's enraged look.

Draco sighed happily as he nuzzled the woman who was laying on him. she smelled wonderful, simply wonderful. like heaven really. and she was warm and soft and all the right parts of her body where pressed tightly against him. "mmm Cass... you smell good." he mumbled. too sleepy to censor himself. "dreamed about you." he admitted with a yawn, rubbing his eyes. "it was our wedding night, and you where wearing nothing but a pair of lacy panties and a wedding veil." she admitted with a small smile. "it was wonderful, and you where so beautiful."
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Nger flashed across alisanders face at thag. Yes the durselys were most definatly getting a visit. Plopping down in the seat next to his lover he smiled a little."you forgot to mention that somewhere during that time mother died to."alisander said fishing because they knew nothing of their mother, not even her name or how she died.

Cassandra laughed auietly as she snutgled against him,to content to move and wake up yet."I think our fathers would have a problem with me walking down the aisle in that."she muttered looking amused
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Voldemort shook his head a little. "no, your mother died a year after you two where born. i had already regained most of my sanity, and my body by that time." Voldemort admitted, looking amused. "you where adorable babies, always smiling. i actually had to stop getting angry at the ineptness of certain followers because you always reacted to my righteous fury." Harry had to snort at that, and he tried to hide his amusement behind his tea cup. "so first, and fourth year where... what?" "i'm not sure actually. i was torn out of my body and i was too angry and confused to know what to make of it. somehow i even managed to entirly forget the Twins. Sev took care of them from eleven to fifteen for the most part. i was there from time to time, but i didn't have much of a body, and i couldn't interact with them properly. "i know it was Barty Crouch Junior who found the potion and spell that would give me a solid body that you, potter, wouldn't be able to tear apart every time you had a damn birthday." Harry snickered again, and again, hid it behind a tea cup. "it would take me three months to regenerate a new body, and then your birthday would come, i'd be yanked back into spectral form, and i'd have to start all over again!" Voldemort complained... whined.

Draco smirked. "it was AFTER the wedding." he admitted with a snicker. "what are those things called? honeymoon?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "but your right, our fathers would certainly have issue with that. my father because it wasn't 'proper' and yours because everyone would be staring at your breasts." he only said that to see if he could make her blush of course, but she didn't need to know that.
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"And how did that happen?"alisander queationed. Cosindering his father was in a talking mood maybe he could get answers. "Really?what did we do?howl every time you yelled?"he said looking amused before sighing slightly."it was a very confusing few years. We were used to having father around theb to suddenly be forced to rely on snape.."he shrugged.

"Yes its a honeymoon."cassnasrs said flushing at his words."dray! Behave."she whined burying her face in his chest.

(Promise longer posts from now on tonight, I'm leaving work now lol)
RE: Shattered Minds

Voldemort hesitated and then closed his eyes. "she died during a raid from the Order of the Phoenix..." he jumped as a loud CRACK permeated the air and both Harry and Voldemort glanced at the large window, that now had a large crack running through it. "sorry..." Harry muttered, blushing hard. "er... that, tends to happen when i get angry... i blew up my aunt Marge once." he admitted. "like a big Balloon. she floated away and everything." Voldemort actually snickered at that. "you didn't just howl ali. you SCREAMED! you'd go all purple in the face and scream and wail and cry and kick your little feet like something had bit you." he admitted, smiling. "you hadn't learned to sheild yourselves you see. so when i got angry, you felt it." he admitted, smiling a little. "and you love Snape, admit it. he's your favorite Uncle. he took very good care of you when i was bodiless."

Draco snickered and kissed the top of her head. "i can't. your too adorable with that blush on your face... come on, lets head downstairs. i think Potter might be giving up the location of his relatives today. they'll probobly go out later to torture the bastards... i never knew his life was so bad... how could Dumbledore leave the Golden boy with people like that?"
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Alisander looked thoughtful and glad that his father had told him, jumping a little at the sound before laughing."Damn, that would have been funny to see. I once froze lucius' hair solid when he refused to let me play in the huge ass tub he had at the manor."He said sulking a little because snape had taken them to the manor for the day and the twins and draco had gotten in all sorts of trouble, including interrupting lucius' shower. "Ahh yes. Well, considering how bad of a headache you can STILL give us, no wonder we screamed."He snickered before sighing softly, "I don't have to admit anything, and I hold that Rabastan is better. Really. What kind of man besides a death eater gets a 14 year old throwing knives for their birthday?It was awesome!"

Cassandra whined pinching him in the side before sighing moving away as she nodded."Hopefully so. Dumbledore needs to understand just how screwed he is, and father will feel better after."She said, more then anyone else, tom riddle's daughter was aware of just how abused her father was.As a empath the woman was very very aware of how hurt he was,"Well, he wanted the perfect weapon. And leaving harry with no one but dumbledore to rely on was what exactly what he wanted."She said heading for the door.
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Harry smiled a little, watching the family interact with a look of amused bafflement on his face. "you froze Malfoy Seniors hair!?" he snickered. "i turned one of my teachers hair blue once." he admitted with a nod. "mostly i just unlocked doors and regrew my own hair when my aunt did her famous hack job trying to straighten it out." he admitted, looking amused as Voldemort shrugged. "and Severus gave you Dreamless Death for your christmas that year. as i recall you coated your knives and put all of my death eaters into Coma's you little brat. at least your sister is controllable." Voldemort complained affectionately, Harry struggling to restrain your laughter. "you.. you DIDN'T!" Harry gasped, struggling to breath he was laughing so hard at the images of a littler Alisander running around attacking death eaters who didn't dare defend themselves.

Draco yelped as he was pinched and he offered her a playful smirk as he shook his head. "Dumbledore will never realize how fucked he is. he could be in Azkaban right now and still be trying to convince everyone that 'it was all for the greater good'... he's senile!" Draco complained as he shook his head. "Harry is easily manipulated... Evan on the other hand, isn't... do you think it was Dumbledore who locked Evan away? neither of them really remember when Evan was 'created' but from the stories Evan tells... he was there when Harry was still with his parents so... clearly normal means of MPD are out... oh! i almost forgot... i got this for you. i was going to give it to you last night, but i forgot." he admitted, holding out a shining silver bracelet, coiled snakes making up the links, red eyes gleaming mixed with emerald runes for health, protection, and safety. "it's... to keep you safe..."
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"Yes well he was in the shower at the time, and he wouldn't let me swim in the tub."He grumbled looking amused before snickering, nodding."I'm not the brat.Well bellatrix was in there to, we should have just kept stabbing her, but noooo father thought it was traumatic to let a 14 year old kill her."Alisander sulked before smirking."And Rabastan got her gauntlets that year to, and I don't see you complaining about us attending a meeting just to make sure everyone was paying attention."He whined looking amused to see harry laughing so hard and going out of his way to see if he could make him pass out because he was laughing so hard.

"You know, it might have been. I'm sure dumbledore was there when he was a baby, so it might have."She said biting her lip thoughtfully flushing when she saw the bracelet he'd gotten her, quickly putting it on before pouncing on him grinning as the protection shields blocked even more of the emotions of the death eaters she knew were in the house. It was perfect."And stop from getting overwhelmed with emotions unless I choose to drop the shields.It's perfect draco."She grinned before dragging him into the kitchen, sticking her wrist out under her father's nose,"Look what draco got me papa."She grinned before frowning a little looking at voldermort's look and laughing harry."What have you all been up to?"
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Harry snickered a little and nodded, laughing delightedly at the thought of Alisander stabbing Bellatrix to death. "oh god... oh god... Death eaters... terrified of kids..." Harry wheezed, falling out of his chair he was laughing so hard. "yes. i do beleive Cassi even managed to have Goyle piss himself once. she was always very good at terrifying my minions." Harry was still laughing, now at the image of Goyle pissing his pants. he was still giggling when Draco and Cassandra walked in, Draco looking a little dazed and blushing hard from the delightful hug and kiss he'd just received. "we're telling tall tales." Voldemort admitted with a smirk. "do you remember the time you accidentally transfigured Lucius into a miniature Dragon? a pink one? and carried him everywhere in that little baby stroller..." Harry was laughing uproariously again, and Voldemort looked very, very pleased. Draco was laughing too now. "he was WHAT!? when did THAT happen!? oh poor father! he must have been mortified!" "oh yes. particularly when she painted his claws, put bright pink bows on his horns, and put a diaper on him." now both Draco and Harry looked like they where going to pass out from laughing.

"it's no worse than the time she turned Severus into a bat." Lucius commented, looking amused as he walked in with Severus, who huffed and scowled. "a yellow one. have you seen the headlines?" it was a fascinating one by Reeta Skeeter... whose acid tongue was targeting the ministry this time. on the front was a picture of Sirius Black, catching a pair of panties that where thrown at him from a massive crowd of women. the title explaining that 'ladies man not guilty after twelve years in Azkaban! Fudge Tries to cover tracks!' it was a deliciously nasty article, and even Harry looked vindictively pleased with the way she tore apart the ministry. "are we going to try and recruit him?" Lucius asked curiously, Harry pausing as Snape glared. "...please... please My Lord if you EVER cared about me EVER you'll say NO!" "calm down Snape." Harry ordered simply. "i can control my Dogfather... i don't know if he'd go for it. the most you can hope for is that he'll go neutral like me..."
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"Well, it didn't help they couldn't figure out how to retailate without getting their balls hexed off, and we were just worse whene we were told to stop."Alisander grinned laughing as cassandra dissolved into giggles, nodding as she looked at draco."A very pretty dragon, and it wasn't so much a accident as me angry at him. He said that I couldn't have a dragon for a pet and that there were no pink dragons. He spent two days as a very pretty dragon."She said grinning, looking t her father in law as the men came him."Though he seemed fond of the chocolates I kept feeding him. So maybe we should change him back."She laughed. "The bat was because he looked like one!Dude, his cloak was like wings. It was fun."Alisander said grinning at his uncle before growing serious reading the article before sighing softly. "Well. I don't know if I'm disturbed or amused."She said looking at the women before sipping her coffee."Are we going to the dursleys or not?Considering lucius and severus are here now, can we go?I think Alisander has a idea what he wants to do to the cousin." "Oh yes."Alisander preened, looking way wayyyy to pleased with himself.
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Lucius coughed a little, looking embarrassed. "well.. i like Chocolate..." he tried to defend himself, Severus smirking. "i go to great lengths to be the 'greasy haired bat' Mrs. Riddle. great lengths." he admitted simply with a slight sniff, though his eyes glittered with amusement. Harry chuckled as he sat up and straightened himself out before reading the paper, wrinkling his nose. "... oh my god Sirius..." he complained, shaking his head. "honestly?... i'm starting to think you where right Professor... my Dogfather hasn't much brains." he admitted, incinerating the paper, Snape snorting. "and yet, you love him." "well, it would be morally wrong not to love the retarded member of your family." Lucius could only stare at Snape actually started to laugh. "and yes. we'll be going to the Dursleys... i'll have to have Evan take down the blood wards, but after that, it will be safe for you to get in." Harry admitted as he took a long drag of his tea before standing up, Voldemort standing as well. "you Apparate first. we'll follow." Harry hesitated, panic flashing into his eyes and he reached out for Alisander. "come with me? i... i can't face them alone..." he pleaded softly, Lucius looking stunned at the broken, terrified expression on potters face. who could blame him? finally free of his relatives in the safety of the dark sect and now he was going bac, early... the muggles would not be pleased and Harry still hadn't worked through any of the abuse.

still, he did Apparate right in front of the house and swallowed thickly as he stared at it. "i'm letting Evan out... i.. don't want to see this." Harry whispered before Green eyes flashed, and then bled perfectly to red. something that hadn't happened before. he looked like a Tom Riddle clone like that actually. the potters and the riddles looked horrifically alike. Evan stepped forward as the others appeared, slit his palm and splattered the blood on the ground, hissing that this place wasn't, and would never be home to him. you could FEEL the wards jerk, and then collapse. "the Order of the Chickens will be here soon. grab the bastards and we'll go back. i imagine we'll have five minutes... ten tops before Dumbledore realizes the Wards have fallen." Evan admitted as he twirled his wand, looking viscous. "we'll bring them back once we've had our fun, and send up the Dark Mark... we'll leave Umbitch in the Ministry Atrium at the same time, just to cause even more of a panic."
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"Of course I'm coming."Alisander muttered letting the other apparate him, looking amused as he nodded."We should leave Cass and Draco here, they're the best at illusion magic, they can stay hidden and listen in what the order is up to."Alisander said his eye twitching a little at the idea that draco was the best of anything, moving into the house, smirking as he heard the screams start. "Grab the woman, I got your cousin."Alisander called as he transfigured the fat pig into a small kitten and picked him up as cassandra came down the stairs with vernon at wand point."Father, I think you want this one."She said smirking at the elder death eaters as they appeared before nodding as alisander told her his idea, turning to look at Draco,"We're staying. Head to the living room and find a good spot for us to set the illusion to hide in."She muttered giving him a mental hug.
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Evan smirked as he nodded, looking around as he caught his aunt with a fierce stunning spell... which caused her to tumble down the stairs, not that he really cared. "hello Uncle." Evan purred, Vernon purple faced with rage. "what do you think your doing boy!? you can't do magic outside of that FREAK school of yours! get out of my house you Freaks and put my house to rights or i'll..." he paused, falling slack as Voldemort cast the Impirio on him and smirked. "i do indeed want this one." Voldemort hissed in delight as Evan indicated a small area behind the Television where both Draco and Cassandra could hide in relative comfort, as well as hear everything that anyone said. Evan used a hovering spell to lift his aunt before grabbing Dudley by the scruff of the neck. "you both have your port keys?" Voldemort demanded, Draco nodding as he lifted the necklace, which was tied to him by blood, so that no one else could remove it, same as Cassandras. "good. if you are compromised, you will leave. otherwise, wait a few minutes after they all leave, just to make sure their really gone before activating your portkeys." Voldemort ordered, Evan smirking as he shook Dudley violently. "whose the bigger man now Dud!? huh!? WHOSE BIGGER NOW!?" he laughed as he handed Dudley to Alisander and moved over to Lucius, who was staring at the padlocked Cupboard under the stairs.

"that was my bedroom until my Hogwarts letter first came." Harry admitted simply. "and yes, it was padlocked then too... now they lock my school stuff in there..." "so the room with all the padlocks?" "yeah, used to be my bedroom. there are bars on the windows... the cat flap is to push food in for me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "used to have to piss out the window." he admitted simply. "what are all those broken things?" "dud's toys. used to be his 'old and broken store room' when i finally moved in. anything that get's broken get's throne in there with me." he admitted as he moved into the room, Lucius and Snape staring, stunned as Evan yanked up a loose floorboard and pulled out various weird treasures... like a powder blue baby blanket with the potter crest hand stitched into a corner... and a small stuffed Stag that had nearly had it's antlers chewed off. piles of letters that where not to Harry, and a few photographs. "managed to steal these back from the muggles one day when they made me clean their attic." Evan admitted. "their from our parents. we can go now, this was all i needed to grab from this hell hole..." he paused and then grinned viciously. "can we burn the place!? torch it to the ground!? i was hoping to practice Fiend Fire..."
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Cassandra nodded raising her wrist that had the riddle crest worked into a silver bracelet."Never leave home without it papa."she said amused and pleased to see the tormentors being tortured. Knowing that alisander was sooo going to enjoy this, wincing a little as she felt what her brother was doing to make the boy whimper even under a silencing spell was going to give her a headache. Not that she cared the man was freezing bits and pieces of dudley alive, frostbite from the inside out. It was just giving her a headache even through her shields. "I think we should lock the idiots in a room like they did harry."Alisander emused before nodding at evan."We'll burn it when we come back, fiend fyre's pretty cool. Cassandra caught malfoy manor with it once." "Ali!He didn't know about that!"Cassandra whined as she and draco got into their spots, glad that the tv was blocking her view of malfoy senior, not wanting to know what he thought of her catching his house on fire."Be careful. And give a shout if you need help."Alisander said before they apparated home.

"You know, I could make him a wedding gift to cass."Alisander said absently poking dudley with his wand as he looked at evan, "Transfigure him into that pink dragon, well she does already have a dragon to cuddle, but I'm sure she could use a pet of some kind. She's always wanting to experiment."
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Draco grinned a little as he watched the muggles being tortured, Voldemort shaking his head. "this is why i kept trying to tell people that muggles should not be raising magical children. it almost always ends badly." Evan looked surprised. "i thought you wanted to kill the muggles?" "when i was insane, sure. but i know better. Magic can't stop bullets you know." "what's a Bull Ette?" Lucius asked, Harry smirking. "here Lucy, i'll show you." Evan promised, grabbing the Shot Gun and heading outside with it, proceeding to show Lucius EXACTLY why Guns where to be feared, by shooting one of Arabella Figg's cats in the head. he took the gun with him and apparated away tot he dungeons, dragging his aunt with him, leaving the stunned Snape and Lucius to take the cousin and uncle. Evan smirked as Dudley wailed in horror and he shook his head. "no, that wouldn't do. he might try to hurt her if we did that. better just to torture him... i know a place where i can get her a REAL Dragon... well, not an Actual Dragon, their actually more like Snakes... Fire Lizards, you've heard of those right? i have a few eggs in the Potter Vault under a stasis. i think she'd do good with a Fire Lizard to protect her." Evan admitted. "plus, Draco will be EVER so jealous!"
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Cassandra giggled a little at the shocked looks on their faces at the sight of the bullets doing there work, shivering a little as she cuddled back against her bonded, sighing as she settled in his lap. Content to listen and be with him, wincing a little at the sound of dumbeldore and the other's voices."He's here. He has to be. He's the only one who could have dropped the wards."Dumbledore said looking annoyed as he stepped into the room, and even hidden cassandra flinched, pressing tighter back against the man she was sitting on.

"Hmm true.But torture can be boring sometimes."Alisander said absently starting to mar the idiot's skin with dark marks, not the real one but drawing them with the point of his wand like it was a knife. "Fire lizards would be great.She'd lvoe you forever."he said holding the conversation as if he wasnt torturing dudley. "Even better I'm sure I could convince the lizard that draco's never allowed touching her. That would be great."He said congradulating himself silently on the could be such a idiot sometimes.
RE: Shattered Minds

Draco wrapped his arms around Cassandra, pulling the Illusion even tighter around them, silencing even their breathing and their heartbeats, kissing her temple as Remus Lupin and Tonks walked in behind Dumbledore, Lupin looking pale and sickly. "i don't understand Albus... Harry wouldn't just take off from school like that... i think maybe he was kidnapped." Lupin admitted, looking worried. "i've sent him three letters and he's never responded... that's not like him! i think something bad has happened." he paused and started sniffing at the air and Draco tensed, tightening the illusion even more, hiding there scent. "there where a lot of people here... Harry WAS here... but so was Lucius Malfoy." Remus snarled, his eyes flashing. "and the stink of Voldemort is here too. it's nearly overpowering... no i don't think Harry was here willingly Albus... Harry would NEVER work with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... never!!"

Evan snorted a little as he nodded, pulling out his nail file and started picking at his nails again as Dudley screamed and wailed, his parents begging for him to stop, to please, please stop. "i'll have to go and get the eggs then. there's a couple of Familiar eggs too. you know, mammals that lay eggs? weird right? anyway i have a few of those too and i might be tempted to let you come with me and see if any of them bond to you. i don't know what kind of animals they are, magical or mundane, their all piled up in a basket, but i have a few dozen of them." Evan admitted with a grin. "break his fingers. he did that to me once." Evan admitted simply as he looked up at Vernon. "aaw, whats wrong Vernon, can't you protect your precious son from us Freaks!?" Vernon and Petunia where both shackled to the wall, and unable to save their precious son.
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