Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart

RE: Shattered Minds

Lucius sighed a little. "my Wife is a power hungry bitch." he pointed out. "i get blamed for FAR too many of her schemes." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i take the blame because Our Lord won't kill me like he would her... i'm not entirely sure why i still protect her." he admitted with a small frown. "Draco himself can't even stand her..." he shook his head again. "there is no point in trying, when i will only fail again. i am broken, Miss Riddle. i have never known anything but loathing for anyone, there is no hope for... befriending, my son." Lucius admitted as he stood up and walked away, forcing down those sparks of hope he didn't want to feel.

Evan smiled a little, looking sluggish and content as he allowed himself to be picked up, Red bleeding to Green as soon as things started to go 'cuddly' Harry grinning. "mmm Alisander... you smell really good." he admitted softly. "...Alisander?... will you check my temperature? i feel all hot and sweaty..." he admitted sleepily. Harry did in fact have a slight temperature, just a little one... but then, Harry had never been sick before. he snuggled happily into Alisander, and let the sleep take him... in the morning however, he was far more than just a slight temperature... he was burning with a fever.
RE: Shattered Minds

(sorry. Todays been a bit insane. XDD)

Cassandra sulked as she leaned back into her seat, mubbling about impossible malfoys and their irrational thoughts.

In the morning Alisander frowned looking concerned, yelling for his father and severus as he realized just how sick harry was, trying to wake him up."Harry?Evan?Are you okay?Come on sweeting, I need you to wake."He said trying to oax him awake even as he ran chilled fingers over his skin.

Meanwhile Cassandra scowled as she leaned back in her hair, arguing with hermione was pointless when she waes so sure that she was right about everything. "No. No there are no equals among the light wizards or the other side, that equal even the lowest death eaters. Or even other dark wizards, are not a death eater's equal. We train for battle combat, dark spells, and we train against each other. It makes us extremely deadly, and willing to kill, while the 'light' refusing to think abbout sullying themselves with dark curses. Or thinking on their feet."She sighed shaking her head."Take alisander's curses. What light wizard would have ever considered tempering a crucio with a lust charm just so it didn't set off the wards, then throwing ice at him, so it was a physical, emotional, and visual assault."
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Harry groaned softly, his eyes fluttering open. "don't... don't want to." he slurred sleepily as Tom and Severus appeared instantly, Sev immediately running Diagnostic charms on Harry who shuddered at the cold touch of fingers. "no... no don't... please." Harry pleaded, trying to push the fingers away. "don't leave me in the cold.. i'll be good..." he pleaded as Severus shook his head. "the fever is too high, he's not aware... delusional." Severus explained. "He's very sick..." Severus admitted, biting his lip as Tom started. "...let me into his mind for a moment. there might be residual damages from something Dumbledore did to him." he gently peered into Harry's green foggy eyes and slipped into the boys mind, searching for any damages.

"Dumbledore is a very powerful light wizard!" Hermione snapped back. "and the Auror's are trained just as furiously as the death eaters are! and Harry's been up against your 'dark' before! and BEATEN them WITHOUT Dark Curses!" "Hermione Shut up!" Ron finally snapped. "she's right and you know it! the Aurors stun their opponents, so the death eaters get right back up and continue killing. there's no way in hell that Dumbledore is going to win! and after what he's done to Harry, to ME, i don't understand why your PROTECTING him!" Hermione gaped at the red head before a spark flashed in her eyes. guilty, she suddenly felt guilty. "...i'm sorry Ron... i just... i don't like the Death eaters trying to kill everyone..." she paused as she looked at the Dark Arts book in her hands. the one that had sparked the fight in the first place. "...the Dark Arts are Evil, and addicting... everyone says so, every book says so... how can every single person be wrong?"
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Alisander shifted back letting the air warm again as he paced, looking anxious as he wathed his father look."You know, I'm going to hang dumbledore up by his heels and break every bone, and then strip muscle and leave him like that. Just a meat sack."The elemental scowled in annoyane, having every intention of blaming dumbledore for whatever was wrong now.

"Yes, a powerful LIGHT wizard, who would never consider using the down and dirty street brawl. Saying dumbledore is powerful compartively to like, my father, is like comparing a boxing champion who's only been in duels with rules to a street brawler who grew up on the streets and has always fought for keeps."She sighed looking at drao and ron for help, but relaxing when ron yelled at her before snikering a little. Glaning at the woman she tilted her head,frowning a little."What are you talking about?You can't get addicted to dark arts."She said glancing at draco, having grown up with a dark lord as a father, and the inner circle, she was so far into dark magic that she didn't understand sometimes when others brought up light magic. And well...she liked arguing.Just because she could.But she'd never seen someone addicted to the dark magic, they just had more of a natural inclination to dark arts then anything else. "Every single person can be wrong, because history my dear hermione, is written by the victors. And if you haven't noticed, that despite our willingness to use force-and yes killing- to be left alone, we are still outnumbered."Frowning she looked at her bonded as she fiddled with her bracelet."Dray, she's making my head hurt, even through your charms. Will you get her the hell away from me before I end up with a migraine for the rest of the day?"She scowled annoyed as she leaned back in her chair, rubbing at her temples.
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Severus nodded as he watched nervously as Voldemort pulled away from Harry, gaping at the other. "... he's not sick." Voldemort admitted, sounding rather strangled. "he's coming into his inheritance... he should have gone through this on his fifteenth birthday, but there where blocks on his magic and mind, hindering the process. so he's coming into it now." every Wizard went through an inheritance. the more power a wizard had, the worse the inheritance was. if a wizard had dormant magical genes, like Veela blood, Elf blood, or other such things that weren't active as a child, this was when they popped up. "he's already powerful, and from the reaction here, i'd say he's going to get even more so." Voldemort admitted. "all we can do is try to make him comfortable." Voldemort admitted softly. "the Magic here is tearing down every mental and magical barrier Dumbledore put on him... we'll find out if he gains additional powers once his magic settles."

Hermione glared at her, opened her mouth to complain before pausing, considering that. the girl had a point, the Street Brawler wasn't so much as cheating, as simply knew a different way of fighting, and would almost always beat the boxer... "you can't!?" Hermione asked, stunned. "you can't get addicted to the Dark Arts!? b..but Dumbledore... the ministry..." her eye started to twitch and Ron and Draco both grinned. "she's starting to get it! good job Cass!" Draco chirped happily. "it's... it's... it's...." Hermione babbled and Ron snickered. "should we tell her now that Hogwarts isn't the best Wizarding school?" Ron asked Cassandra, Hermione turning a strangely purple color in her rage at having been LIED to for so long. "...i need to... to.... something." Hermione stuttered, confused, hurt, baffled and angry, she staggered out of the Library, Ron following her to make sure she didn't run into anyone, or do something stupid. "
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"Think Cassandra could make him feel any better?"Alisander said by passing the shock stage and wanted to fix it as best as he could. Both him and Cassandra had been sick for a week, made worse by their father's absence at the time, and left the two both emotionally raw after they came into their inheritance, made worse by grief that nothing seemed to be completely right anymore. Sighing a little he glaned at his father, smirking slightly."Cassandra said leave her alone, she's not talking to anyone but draco."He said sounding to amused to having just had a conversation with his sister rooms away, smirking slightly. "And the only other thing she said was that she's got granger all tied up in knots and giving her a migraine, so if she has to talk to someone she's going to kick their ass."

Cassandra snickered a little as seh rubbed her temples, sighing quietly as she tried to relax. "No, you can't. Most people have a natural inclination towards some different types of magic...I do better at impedio, complusion hexes....emotional empathic stuff. Alisander's amazing at elemental magic, and papa's very,very good at combat magic."She said talking just to stop the babbling before shifting to climb into drao's lap, leaning against her bonded."How long do you think it'll be before she does something else annoyingly muggle and prejudice?"She muttered rying to relax.
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Harry groaned as a cool rag was settled onto his forehead and he turned his head so that it would slide off, Severus scowling in annoyance. "he's too hot for cool Severus, try room temperature, it will be less of a shock to his system." Pomfery ordered as she bustled in. "i came as soon as i could my lord." she admitted, flashing him and Alisander a smile. "it would be best if Cassandra stayed away. your bond with Harry is protecting you from the pain and fear he is feeling but Cassandra doesn't have that luxury." the Medi-Witch admitted as she ran diagnostics on Harry. "the reaction is going to be even worse, because it was delayed... what that old bastard was thinking... blocking magic in such a way could have killed Harry!" Pomfery complained, shaking her head as she examined his eyes. "Severus i need two pain potions and a sleeping draft." he nodded and left to get the said items. "i don't know how long he will be sick, but we must watch him very closely. many wizards at this age gain in-human qualities and some things will need help." she admitted simply. "if you ever see or smell blood you must inform me immediately." she ordered. "his hair, skin, or eye color might also change." she admitted, studying him. "we need to get those disgusting clothes off of him." she ordered suddenly. "their too big to be comfortable."

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's not really her fault you know love... as much as i hate to admit it. she's been taught everything she knows about magic, by people who only know what Dumbledore wants them to know. she's abrasive, but she's also Harry's best freind. she's just struggling to understand why Harry would choose Dark Magic, that's all." he paused. "but then again, Harry doesn't do Dark Magic either... it's strange. Harry is a very Light Wizard... he can't even cast a crucio... but Evan is so Dark he can barley manage a Lumos, let alone Potter's favored Patronus..." he frowned. "that... almost sounds familiar..." he admitted, jumping as Snape walked in. "mister Potter is very ill. Pomfery has asked me to inform Cassandra to avoid his rooms. it's nothing serious, just the Inheritance, but it appears that he will be sick for some time. Dumbledore blocked the inheritance magics... so the reaction is even worse. i will keep you both updated."
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"Well fuck that. What use if having her-yes, yes stop being demanding cassandra."He grumbled to the sister that was talking to him. Looking annoyed before glancing at pomfrey. "Cass says that we need to keep talking to him,even if he doesn't respond. He's spent to much time alone, it'll reassure him."He said rubbing his temple a little before smiling a little as he banished the boy's clothes. looking anxious but trying to relax, looking at his father."Cassandra's being abrasive and snarky father. I think letting her stay with draco is doing bad things."He whined, just being sulky because he was worried.

Cassandra sighed softly,"I don't care if it's her fault or not, she's being abrasive, demanding, and to sure that the way she knows, is the only right way. And harry's weird and ali's going a little bit insane."she muttered nodding as she looked up at snape, smirking a little wider, trying to distract herself. "uncle severus, would you care to go on a trip with me?It seems in the rush draco forgot to get his things, and tonks could always use a visit from a 'cousin'."She said really just wanting away from the house with the emotional upheavel going on, between harry and hermione it was amazing she didn't have bloody nose....well damn. Raising a hand she cupped her hand under her nose as she leaned forward, careful not to drop blood all over her or draco.
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Pomfery nodded. "actually, talking to, or around him will help." she admitted simply. "as one of the few people who know ALL of Mr. Potter's secretes, i hate to agree with Cassandra's demands." Pomfery admitted, glancing at Harry, who was smiling goofy at nothing. "see? it's working already... though, that might be the pain potions... they DO tend to cause euphoria." she admitted with a small chuckle as she gently covered Harry with a slander sheet, which would hide him from view, but not overheat him. "Draco is good for your sister." Tom stated simply. "he's teaching her how to stand up for herself." he teased, looking smug. "now, why don't you crawl in bed with Harry and read him a children's story? i don't beleive he's ever heard the fairy tales. muggle or magical." "excellent idea My Lord." Pomfery agreed, nodding. "and maybe then Alisander won't sulk so much."

Severus stared at Cassandra before shaking his head. "Dumbledore thinks that you are dead Cassandra." he stated simply. "i will not let him get his hands on you again. however, i do need assistance in my own home." he admitted simply. "Nymphadora will be able to gather everyone's things at Hogwarts without issue, particularly with Sirius and Lupin there helping her look." Snape admitted simply. "i will have to gather my things as well, and they are all very fragile." he admitted. "which means most of it will have to be packed by hand." Prince Manor was a gorgeous place, protected by the fidelius charm. the twins knew it of course... unfortunately, so did Dumbledore. Snape neeed to clear his stuff out, before Dumbledore realized that Snapes 'extended stay' was not just Voldemort needing a complex potion.
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Alisander sulked smiling a little at harry's look before sighing softly. "Father, if she gets any more snarkier then she was before, you're going to have a room full of dead followers because she's snarked them to death."Alisander sulked. just what they needed, a cassandra who was even bossier and demanding then she usually was. "I'm not sulking!Just annoyed with cass for letting malfoy rub off on her.."He said with a perverted little smirk at his father as he settled into bed to read to harry as a elf appeared with a book for him.

"Really?OKay, I can do that."Cassandra said as she stood slowly, making sure her nose was done bleeding before looking at draco,"Come on dray. If I have to pack uncle sevie's stuff, you have to help. Maybe even have sex on that pretty pretty desk of his."She chirped because harassing her uncle about the desk alisander had had sex on just amused her. The fact that it had been with tonks, who only knew about the prince manor because the last time the twins had been sick tonks had to go get severus during the holiday break, had only made it worse.
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Voldemort chuckled a little and shook his head. "you know she's only acting up because of all the emotions in the air. between Harry's Light Wizard freinds trying to understand, Harry himself being sick, you and i being worried, and Snape having mild panic attacks, she needs SOMEONE to snark at Son." he admitted watching as Harry snuggled happily into Alisander, his skin hot to the touch as he rested his head on Alisander's chest and promptly fell asleep. Voldemort decided to completely ignore the sexual innuendo. "i think i am going to go and have my lunch." Voldemort decided as he looked at the sleeping Harry. "i'd find ways to amuse yourself Ali, i don't think he's going to move."

Snape carefully checked her nose, making sure as well before shaking his head. "i burned that 'pretty little desk' so that history could not repeat itself." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "now hurry up." he ordered, leading the way to the Floo and letting them through to his Manor. most of the stuff was easy to pack, shrinking spells and trunks held all of the furniture and paintings that Snape had amassed over the years. it was his potions items that took most of the work. each potion could not touch another, and had to be packed into special trunks that would keep them separated and protected. and no magic could be used on them, or the rare and delicate potions would be ruined. same as with many of the potions ingredients that he had. it was a long, and rather boring process, but it was calming, and Cass had a good morning free of heavy emotions.
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Alisander sighed wathing his father, shaking his head as he settled in to read the novel he was working on. content to just be with him.

Cassandra snickered a little at severus' words, after all the empath had no real interest in sex, after all, it was to emotional wrung out for the empath so draco would just have to deal with it eventually when he noticed she avoided the subject. Shrugging a little she settled into working.

Nearly a week later Cassandra was settled into the library with her father, helping him with developing a slightly complex emotional spell, that was a mix of a calming drought in spell form, and a complusion hex.. It was complex and the two dark magicans were trying to concentrate....well, the were if hermione would get the hell away from them and stop trying to convince them that it was a bad thing, and that complusion hexes were strictly dark maigc and shouldn't be used no matter how good it would be. Not even giving the two the chance to explain that it was being used for st. mungo's ward for the mentally unstable. The more shrill hermione got the more annoyed cassandra was getting, actually to the point she was just waiting for voldemort to explode at the muggleborn.
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Voldemort did snap, finally... in fact he exploded, screaming at Hermione to shut up and go sit in a corner if she was going to hunder the HEALING spell they where working on. Ron had long since stopped trying to control her, and watched from the distance where he was playing Chess with Draco. Voldemort put the muggle born through the ringer, picking apart every little thing she had thought she stood against until the girl was sobbing and running out the door, Voldemort sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "i'm sorry Cassandra. i didn't mean to get angry like that, did i harm you?" he asked, worried about what the force of his rage might have done to her.

Harry on the other hand, was still sick, but he was starting to go coherent. already his body had changed. he was taller, thouh still a head shorter than Alisander. his hair had grown to his shoulders and was now streaked with the whitest of whites. one eye, the right, had gone the bloody red color of Evan, while the other stayed the luminescent green... it was clear he was no longer human. he had grown fangs, his canine teeth long and sharp like that of a ferocious cat. he also had claws that could slip out of 'pockets' also like a cat. the biggest change, and the most painful, where the gorgeous wings that spread from Harry's back. once the wings had started to grow, Pomfery had kicked everyone out of the room, not even Voldemort or Alisander was allowed in, and no one knew of the changes to the MPD boy. the Wings where beautiful however, a pure glimmering white, with each feather tipped in the deepest of blacks. the most shocking change however... was the Veela Like Allure that Harry and Evan let off. like an Incubus, they where very hard to resist when they accidentally let out pulses of Allure, trying to attract their Mate. Pomfery didn't know what he was, but she didn't doubt that Voldemort or Draco would. "Alisander." she chirped, smiling at him. "he's awake now. you may see him now." she promised him, letting him in to see Harry, who was sitting in bed, staring at the sharp, deadly claws on his hands.
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Cassandra was snickering quietly from where she was trying to work, resting her chin on her hand as she watched the two before waving away his concern, though she had a fierce headache that was all. Raising her wrist she showed him draco's bracelet."No between draco's shields and my own, my ears hurt more then my head."She teased nudging him a little, trying not to worry about teh thought she had. AFter all, if she mentioned it he might kill her before she had a chance to see what happened."Papa, you made a girl cry. You know, you're supposed to work on seducing them.We've all agreed you need someone."She teased.

Alisander looked upset an annoyed at being kept out before sulking at the nurse."I don't think I want to talk to you.You kept me from seeing him."He whined before moving into the bedroom, pausing momentarily before rossing the room and sitting down next to him, a pleasant smirk on his face."Yea...those would definately make sex harder.Accidental gutting while having sex. Just annoying."He said keeping his tone light worry shining in his eyes.
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Voldemort snorted a little and nodded a little. "i am glad that Draco is helping you." Voldemort admitted, refusing to be worried about the fact that Narcissa kept trying to talk to Draco alone. Lucius had openly told the woman that he'd wanted no part in this scheme of hers, and that he wasn't going to save her ass this time. he and Draco where as... tense, around each other as always, but at least Draco had stopped insulting his father. "and i do NOT need anyone, thank you evry much." Voldemort grumbled, shooting her an annoyed glare, though he was feeling amused. "and i'm certainly not going to be sleeping with some bushy haired, know-it-all, teachers pet."

the nurse smirked at him. "it was for both of your own goods. Harry damn near tried to kill me, he probobly would have managed to kill you, and then what would happen!?" she demanded, lifting an eyebrow at him as he watched Alisander walk in to visit Harry. "i'm... not human anymore." Harry mumbled. "i'm..." he frowned. "i don't know what i am..." he admitted, looking up at the other as his claws slid back into his fingers, out of sight. "i... and Evan... we are... Yin, and Yang... Push and Pull... Good and Bad... we are... whole." he admitted, still slightly out of it from the potions, babbling because he couldn't do anything else. "we where meant to always be together..." he blinked sluggishly. "i have a Soul Mate, do you know? a Predestined who will always love me..." Harry licked his lips. "i can't feel him, but i know who it is..." he admitted blinking at Alisander, suddenly seeming to realize who he was. "oh! that's why i can't feel where you are, your right here!" he grinned, looking ever, ever so happy. "i want to fuck." he admitted, spilling his Allure, lifting his wings and spilling the scent of pheromones everywhere. pheromones that would only affect his mate. pheromones that would act like an Aphrodisiac. "i want you... to make me yours..."
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"He is helping me. And I am going to be helping him in a moment."She muttered her smirk saying it all. She was worried about narcissa to, but unlike luicius and draco who seemed to refuse to confront her, cassandra riddle had no qualms about snarking the woman to death, and if all else failed torturing her into giving up. Smirking at her father's grumbling she preteneded to think about it."I dunno papa, just think about how eager she'd be to please the new teaher, being you."She teased because she knew it disturbed her father to have this conversation with his children.

"I'm sure father or draco will know. They are well read."Alisander said leaning over to kiss him softly looking amused as he ran his fingers through the other's hair."Hmm I didm't but..."He stopped flushing as he realized what the other aws saying. "Oh. Well thats good I'm here with you then."he said kissing the other slowly, laying down with him, wrapping his arms around him, taking his time despite the aphrodisiac that was acting like a drug."Hmm I can do that lovely."He muttered.
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Voldemort smirked a little. "just don't kill her. we don't know what that will do to you." he warned playfully. "now, help me with this, the spells just won't bond together properly, i think the Arithmacy is off somewhere..." he admitted with a frown as he paused to listen to Ron and Draco's conversation. "so, if the Dark Arts can HELP people, why are they called Dark?" "mmm, it's just a different type of magic, all things in life are about Balance. fire and water, earth and air, light and dark, there is no such thing as purely evil, or purely good." "...what about the unforgivables?" "well, they where all Medi-Witch spells originally." "they where WHAT!?... hold on, i have to write this down!" Voldemort snorted a little at the Redheads gathering of 'proof' for Hermione to go over... the bushy haired one WAS starting to come around, it was just taking a while.

Harry grinned as he kissed the other deeply. "mmm don't care about vol or Draco right now." Harry growled, purring loud enough that the sound was filling the air. he was like the perfect mix between Cat and Bird, arching into the slow touches, Harry whining. "no... have to go faster... no teasing." Harry pleaded, his instincts egging him to mate with his Dominant. even Evan couldn't try and claim to be a dominant anymore, with the awakening of his instincts. "please... don't tease, we need you... need you to claim us... need you to make us yours... all yours... always yours..." Harry pleaded, shuddering as he used his claws to shred apart Alisander's shirt, wanting to feel the others flesh, the touches of skin on skin soothing the instincts that where begging to be taken, fast, hard, however Alisander wanted it.
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"I know I know."She said looking slightly worried before growling in frustration as she tried to get the aritmacy right."I...I think we need to ask rabastian to stop in soon. I think our problem is that the spell might need a actual subject to actually be worked on."she said looking at her father tilting her head for a moment before grinning. "Impedio was used like the spell we're trying to work now, to control the mentally ill from doing harm to themselves. The killing curse was used for those end of life,terminally ill people who wanted out, and was actually a buther's curse to, to save the animal pain. Crucitius....I can't remember. Draco?"she said looking amused because she enjoyed rubbing hermione's face in it. Standing she kissed her father's cheek. "Send for rabastian, I'm going to go talk to narcissa."She muttered before walking over to draco, kissing his head."I'll be back in awhile okay?"She muttered wanting him to stay, but not wanting him to know what she was doing.

Alisander shuddered smiling a little as he looked down at the boy, smirking as he rolled him on his back, looking amused as he nudged the other's legs aprt, slowly starting to streth him. Kissing him slowly, teasing him even if he was extremely eager to fuck his lover, he didn't want to hurt him either.
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Draco smiled a little. "the Crucio was used to reactivate dead nerves, for people who are struck by lightning. it can also be used to kill nerves, for say, an amputation." he admitted simply, Ron writing it all down eagerly. "brilliant! i never knew any of that!... what about the Bone melting curse?" "used before Banishing. if a person had a shattered bone, the healer would melt the bone and pull it out through a cut, and then regrow the bone using Skele-Grow." Ron looked stunned, amazed even, and now there was a glint in his eyes and he bit out another curse, blood boiling, to which Draco, now amused, replied it had been created for Potions.

Narcissa was sitting in the sitting room, a glass of wine in hand as she considered the best way to use her son and his new... harlot, to further her goals. yes, Pansy's bank accounts could have been useful, but the Riddle Daughter had so much MORE to offer. a sly grin twitched her lips as she considered the best way to get what she wanted, without having to resort to killing either of them. compulsion and mind control curses and potions wouldn't work properly on an empath, nor would Imperio... so how to go about it?

Harry moaned eagerly, arching as he spread his wings so that he wouldn't end up laying on them, the tips curling up to run down his Mate's back, touching, stroking the firm muscles as Harry wriggled, and moaned, and mewled, and WRITHED in his pleasure, bucking his hips and breathlessly chanting his pleas for MORE, please please MORE!
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Cassandra looked amused as she paused in the doorway, tilting her head at the sight of her mother in law, annoyance showing for a moment as she read the emotions in the room before moving to sit down across from her sitting the glass of firewhiskey the elf gave her."I must thank you mistress m-black"the girl said, the worded insult there, ignoring narcissa's married status, which in turn gave her no rights to either what her husband or son was doing. "you have given me the most interesting way to get your son and husband to like each other. They both feel a mutual hatred for you."She mused, studying the woman, looking like a pale, slender female verison of her father, all sharp angles and gentle curves, looking so fragile much like tom did, but there was a deceptiveness to that gentleness, a viciousness just under the surfae.

Alisander grinned as he got down to business. When they were done he collapsed to the side, panting as he closed his eyes, a arm resting over them."Damn.That's the best work out I've had in years."He said snickering a ltitle as he turned his head to look at harry in amusement.
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Narcissa blinked innocently at Cassandra before looking stunned, and then utterly furious, her rage beating at the shields that Draco had constructed so lovingly... Narcissa's rage could not reach Cassandra, Narcissa was too weak for that. "you are nothing than a breeding whore for my son, you will provide him good, strong Heirs, but you... you will have to be broken before you can be of proper use to my son. i will enjoy breaking you..." "Narcissa!" that was Lucius, hi eyes shining with a vengeful rage that DID reach Cassandra, "i have let you get away with too much, i will not allow you to harm Cassandra!" the usually Stoic man stated, planting himself firmly in the way, so that Narcissa couldn't even see Cassandra. for the first time in Draco's life, Lucius was finally taking a side... he was choosing Draco.

Harry was just laying there, panting happily, the deep rumbling purrs filling the air as he rested. his ass hurt, but in a very good way. a VERY good way. Harry had never experienced something so very wonderful in his life! "mmmm suddenly... everything that sucked in my life doesn't matter anymore." Harry admitted happily. "it's like you scooped out all the badness... i loved that... can we do it again later? Evan wants to have his turn." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "he doesn't even want to top, he said if anything can manage to feel that good, then who is he to complain?"
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Casandra laughed softly at narissa's reation befoepain filled her eyes. Not from the rage, but the words. Tears misted her eyes as she looked at the other, wrapping her arms around herself as she watched narcissa not even bothering to defend herself, having felt lucius approaching. Glancing up at lucius she shuddered before looking away so he wouldn't see just how upset she reawlly was."Lucius, see her out would you?Then ask father to change the wards to not allow her in."She stood swallowing hard to make sure her voice was even and not tearful.Even her tears were gone."Narcissa, if you try to come bak here, I will allow father to deal with you."She said over luicus shoulder.

Alisander laughed a little losing his eyes as he relaxed, his arms around harry."Well, thats good. I'll have to do that often, make sure nothing bad comes back of course."He snickered a little before sighing,looking amused at evan's admittane."Well, I can take are of that to. Evan'll have fun to."She said looking amused.
RE: Shattered Minds

Lucius nodded at Cassandra's orders, and Lucius marched Narcissa out of the house, pausing for a long moment before. "i am dissolving our marriage contract." he stated simply. "i will be asking the Head of the House of Black to do the same." and with that, he closed the door in her screaming face. Lucius suddenly felt... free... he wasn't married anymore... or he wouldn't be once he got Sirius to cross out the blacks signature on the marriage contract... he was... he was free... he had an Elf get the Marriage contract, and crossed out his father's signature, feeling utterly giddy as he strode to where Black and Lupin where disusing next Tuesday's Alpha Battle. "Lord Black...." Lucius began, explaining the situation, and with a flourish worthy of Lockheart... Lucius was married no more. now he just had to tell Severus... he HAD to tell Severus...

Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "mmm yes... often." he agreed happily, feeling sluggish and sleepy before he sat up slowly. "come on, let's get dressed. i want to find Draco and make him tell me what i am." he admitted sleepily as he rubbed his eyes, smirking at Alisander. "Evan better have fun, he'll bitch be out of existence if you don't." he teased with a small chuckle as he searched for his pants, scowling as he realized he'd been naked since he woke up. "where the hell are my clothes?!" "burned." Draco admitted, walking in with Ron trailing behind, the redhead looking stunned at Harry's new appearance. "bloody hell mate..."
RE: Shattered Minds

Lucius ound severus with cassandra, and tom. Along with rabastan. "-And I thought we might be messing it up, because maybe it can't be corrected with out a test subject-" "Oh damn. I see why she wanted me here now.My lord,tom, tell her to stay away from me. Cassandra exprimenting is dangerous."The elder lestrange whined a little, the dark haired death eater suffered from PTSD, and was usually the test subject when cassandra was fiddling with mental help potions or spells. "but we almost have it done bast, papa and me-"She stopped smirking as she looked up at her father in law, tilting her head."You look pleased. If I'm not allowed killing narcissa, you don't either"she grumbled assuming that the man had taken the easy way of dealing with narcissa.

"Hmm I don't want to get up."He whined stretchiing before getting up and dressed."As if I could ever be bad at sex.He'll enjoy it."He said rolling his eyes as he pulled on his pants smirking slightly as he looked at draco."You left my sister alone?I thought you two were attatched at the hip."He growled amused because he figured cassandra was either dealing with narcissa-the girl was going to snark the woman to death sometime- or more likely, finally convinced Rabastan to visit again after the last disaster, to help them with their spell.
RE: Shattered Minds

Lucius smirked as he strode forward, his eyes flicking to Cassandra before focusing entirely on Snape, slapping something down onto the Table. Lucius looked.. and felt... more thrilled than he ever had before. as if some great and wonderful thing had happened. Snape arched an eyebrow, took a sip of his tea and leaned over to examine the paper before choking violently on his gulp, spitting and sputtering as Lucius started to laugh, and laugh and laugh... the sound no one had ever heard before, Voldemort lifting an eyebrow as he took the piece of paper and examined it, both his eyebrows shooting to his hairline in shock. "you... you... your not married anymore!" snape managed to gasp. "you... but why!?" "... because for once, my dear Severus, i decided to do something that would make ME happy, instead of my wife." his eyes where fixed on Severus and the Potion's master went bright red. "you can't be serious! that was... a long time ago! there is no way... he... what are you doing!? get away from me! your Drunk or Som..." and then he was cut off by the deep kiss that Lucius had pulled him into. it was almost amusing to watch. at least the sadness the two felt whenever they where near each other made sense now.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "she's not alone, she's with Severus and Our Lord. Rabastan is there as well, the poor soul." Draco admitted. "i cut my losses when i had the chance." he admitted as he examined Harry intently. "he's a Valereen." Draco muttered softly, amazed. "their only supposed to be myth..." "i've heard of those!" Ron admitted, shocked. "their creatures of Balance... two halves of a whole. one half good, the other half bad... they where worshiped as Gods of Balance." "indeed. their something that's not really supposed to exist. Harry is the 'Light' half. he's good at healing and soul magics. as well as occlumency and water and wind magic. he is the protector of innocents, and is peaceful according to books anyway. Evan is the 'Dark' side. vicious, brutal and cruel he is good at causing pain and killing. he's good at Legillemency and battle magics. and fire and earth magics. he is the Warrior, who slaughters all who stand in his way." "according to legend." Ron interluded. "a Valereen is only born when the Elements themselves become unbalanced... i think Harry was born to set the Light, and the Dark back in balance." Ron admitted, looking amazed.
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